ECCC 2019 Stranger Things Cast Panel

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Best kids (teens now!) in the business no matter what anyone says. It's going to be so jarring for general viewers when they watch season 3, they're all growing up fast like the Harry Potter cast did.

Such a fun panel despite not being able to talk too much about season 3 and regurgitating a lot of questions/answers we already know. Thank Finn and Gaten for the small nuggets of info they dropped. That bit where both Finn and Gaten do the couples therapy bit. Caleb would make such a great Miles Morales.

Honestly, I think we can all watch them talk about behind-the-scene stories of filming. It's just so entertaining. That story of Sadie and the cows is too funny.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/VforVera 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sadie couldn't even finish the cow story, she was laughing so hard. Lol love her.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/JordanLeigh7 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
well some may say we save the best for last anybody want to talk about stranger things please welcome to the stage the cast of stranger things Sadie's [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay first of all welcome to Seattle you guys thank you so much for joining us and kicking off day for you guys excited yes thank you for having yes yeah they can hear you it's all good have you guys have you guys been to Seattle before by the way I haven't you haven't that knows first time guys have you had a chance to get out or is it pretty much just you've been immersed in the work I just I mean I went to like a restaurant you know I've been to restaurants like where I live but I mean this what is Seattle known for I haven't I haven't been to this be I know probably today I'm probably gonna go today come let's the go with me waiting a charge of blank a whole room just thousands of people are like let's go Chipotle you know I think that you guys rolling around Seattle would definitely get some attention and I am curious when you first signed on you guys it was in 2015 did you have any idea stranger things this little show called stranger things was gonna become such a worldwide phenomena good good you know a lot of people in here I think it's sold out absolutely no even at capacity since 10:00 a.m. I mean you guys are you guys are kicking off the day and stranger things style right guys yeah yeah we had no idea when we all did we were just we're just excited to be on a set I thought I was just gonna be like I thought like I was just scared because I mean it's it's a weird show different elements and there's a lot going on there's so many different genres different age groups I thought it was because I thought critics were gonna say there's too much going on I thought it was gonna get the same reviews like bohemian rhapsody' was getting but if we like the song the song Bohemian Rhapsody oh I love the movie I'm very new know the song Bohemian well I mean it kind of had that obviously when you read the script you realize takes place in the eighties and then they're calling back like Winona Ryder and these great actors who were part of you know what people children of the eighties grew up with and so what yeah you could say it whoo what did you guys obviously being the younger generation what was your perception of that era when you first you know started filming the show what did you think about the 80s I don't know I think I just like learn stuff from my parents from what they told me but yeah definitely when I stepped on set it was like time-traveling it was a different world yeah absolutely what did you know about the show obviously joining season two is a little bit different you knew it was really successful and and what was what was your experience like coming aboard and joining the cast mmm I mean there's a little intimidating at first I was a fan of the show I didn't like I mean I loved the show I watched it but I didn't like know any of you guys or anything I wasn't like following Keeping Up with everything but I knew so I didn't really know how big the fan base was until I joined the show and you know I'm doing stuff like this so right I mean it's it's crazy and I guess season two we got to really see more home life you know and and Gaytan and Caleb we got to you know see you with your mom and and meet your sister and so I'm curious when you sort of stall the curtain pulled back and you realize we're gonna go inside your homes how was that sort of for you as actors to add that layer I thought I was homeless you know out all night long my parents aren't even calling they're not even worried did you guys see the SNL skit I was like we're the black kids parents yeah the black kid has parents yeah Jaden how about you I was so excited they're like we're casting your mom no I'm like I was so excited because I always wondered what like Dustin's like home life was like I was so I always thought he was definitely like I was I think is like they casted my mom perfectly yeah she's badass one real-life she's incredible like she she's and she was in like orange that she played a prison guard in orange and black and stuff and she she just took like just she's this battery so hard and I remember my my mom and I were just sitting and she was weaving for I guess the week whatever she's going back to New York and she was going to the craft table and taking stuff and putting it in plastic bags and stuff that's a way better the way way better why don't I just do why don't we do yeah she's so cool and I think I always thought that Dustin would have a mom who's like like he was like the center of the universe so calling him dusty and he's like 15 years old and everything and it's so funny I really like she the cat the cat was so don't say long we're not we're not going over this yeah the guy dad it's like barb all over again sorry they were written and conceived to die they were written to die the cat was supposed to die the cat was so nice it was so attached to like runs around your legs and like purrs and your lap it was amazing we killed it you know we killed it viciously no the cat still alive the cats great well I remember when I think the cat's great I remember when we cuz me tweet whenever a new table read sometimes we do cold reads like if the scripts sometimes the dumpers want us to read it for the first time yeah we do and we did and and so for I think it was 3 & 4 so 3 & 4 so I think at the end of 4 Shawn Levy who's the executive producer or producer and he directs a bunch of the episodes he was reading scene direction I love it when he reads because he's so into it and so enthusiastic yes yes what happened yes tell me Shawn so yeah we were all sitting there we were reading it for the first time and then when we heard the cat being ripped apart by a baby demo this thing is I think everyone wept out of the church way out table everyone's like yeah everyone was like going crazy yeah well aside from the cat you guys work with a lot of great guest stars you know that generated good segue who are some of the favorites that have been on the show or have any of the adults that have come on that are you know popular from 80s movies have you been inspired to go watch some of those classic films I mean I feel like all of us have watched those films at one point our life before the show like before we even knew about it because our parents raised us correctly that's really good to hear we've watched before see before we started filming season two yeah we've watched almost all of the classics like the hits all the hits you know just to get the feel of what stranger things is and the show takes so much inspiration from like all the 80s classics oh absolutely yeah there's so many like even little Easter eggs in there so Finn a lot of season one focused on your relationship with 11 and I'm curious how did you and Milly kind of build that bond um I don't know I think it was just like written I say else it wasn't we weren't like in like the trailer like running you know I don't know it was like it was just pretty organic I don't know it was already the duffer's I have a pretty incredible way with just writing and Gent writing scripts and so when you read a scene like you get it immediately there's not I don't I don't ever go and oh see no stranger things and have a bunch of questions about my character and backstory because it's already there it's just a way doubt for you you had your parents first season I had a questions I had questions I had a lot of questions you were left hanging out there thinking I was okay how's my parents okay so the parents first of all yeah I don't know yeah it's yeah it was kind of it was just already laid out for us I guess and then from there we just kind of took the wheel yeah you definitely like the cast you see you guys on Instagram and on social media you guys truly look like you really like each other and I think that's just be so we can keep you guys happy now I'm talking did you just move to the end of the couch yeah well at first [Music] this is like couples therapy what have you done Sadie did you skateboard before you got the role no it said what was the process learning too because you look really good I had no idea what I was doing they set me up with the to skateboard instructors and I had one in when I was home and then one when I went to Atlanta uh-huh and I do school and then three hours of skateboard lessons for like the first few months of filming one of them break their arm yes that happened okay tell us that story please I don't know I mean he's escaped no I didn't break when I was skateboarding production made me wear kneepads helmet which yes is very important wear your helmets but um ya know the production was not gonna take any risks risks with made sure I was oh yeah it was it was cool to see Sadie like get kind of immersed in that call cuz it was almost like another character study or another thing to study for cuz like you know the instructors would be like oh watch this video states like that I don't know if anyone's a skateboard in here but like like talking directly you but yeah I remember you watch like state gold which is like an amazing America video and yeah I mean it was really cool to see like say do you learn something else and like just do really well it I guess have you ever read a scene in the you know season 1 & 2 where you were like how am I gonna do that or I don't understand this this doesn't make sense and when that happens do you go to the writers room what who do you approach and how do you tackle that really I from experience I probably will just be like hey what am I gonna do you have there they're the creators of the show so you can't just like critique what they this is their baby right it's just like hey your son's acting up what should I do like you don't go to a parent and just like say your child something's wrong with their child see we could discuss it together yeah you can try and develop your character as much as possible and you can do the bestest I mean it's your job to do the best that you can but it's also your job to respect the writers and the directors because you are portraying what they've written it's your job to do what they ask yeah and then you say I think that's stupid it's true the director isn't doing directing and especially the duffer's it's like they gave us all our crew you know they mean like like our freedom our our creative freedom one set and also just like you know we owe them so much because none of this would be here if it wasn't for them but yeah and our parents but gating you mentioned the the freedom you get on set is that maybe after a take is definitely they've gotten what they've written they say you guys now try one use your own words yeah how does that work yeah well they say they're like they usually say exactly that say exactly dies like yeah that's it there's wing it now or you go for it or like we'll get a really really good take and it's so funny they love doing what they do so much like it's almost like they don't want it yeah what the scene and like they will do a perfect take yeah like as cloak laws you can't do a perfect day but it's close to a perfect take as you can get and then they'll be like guys that was amazing one for safety yeah well no though like hey we just don't look at each other and like they'll be like yeah and then they'll be like all right one more they love it but only with each other great yeah like they know what they're saying like when they look at each other but it's kind of creepy it's spooky yeah I love that though you three obviously you have a Broadway background and you guys sing and we don't Milly's things I mean is there gonna be a musical episode somewhere down the road ooh such a bad idea I would be so bad no I think like some shows that's like their penny from the drama shows like it would be like a I don't know a dream sequence or something but it would be I think it would be amazing thing about it is when you do I know there's like a joke like answer but like like when you decide to make a musical and when you decide to turn what wasn't a musical into a musical you're breaking the entire reality of what you've established and then it's hard for people to just kind of grasp onto that I mean if you if the show I just obviously you can't do stranger things I'm just going let's you're doing a parody well they're not to spoil too much but there is a musical sequence in stranger things what what's it what cut have you seen I don't remember this I don't know there's like I'll tell you after but there is something I don't I don't remember this stop talking when this goes on TMZ I'm not here and there you have it all right we're gonna take we're gonna take a musical guys yeah that's what I whispered new is here I still want to know what you whispered in his ear oh wait we're gonna open it up for audience questions so you guys can stand behind the mics we'll get through as many questions as you can and while they're getting organized obviously everyone in here loves you guys love stranger things what do you guys get out about what are you watching what are you listening to what are you reading I trying to think when I look at me I've watched that yet sex education is really good connection and like they really push a good story forward everything Netflix guys if you know you're watching something other than Netflix leave don't leave all right hi we're gonna start over here hi favorite group scene I would say oh yeah I think so the best group scenes are in season yeah yeah but I but talking about season two the scene where does where Gaytan was basically talking about how to defeat the yeah and hoppers like alright so wait this is fake wait what's the line what's the scene says her know I've been remembered see there's a line where he says or Hopper says something and he go he goes how is this relevant right now and it goes it's not I'm sorry just filming that I couldn't keep its again yeah well Charlie Keating Charlie needs to stop laughing he can't he's he's the one that breaks Charlie Keating once it forever is the first person that breaks first and so like there has been scenes where we couldn't like David Harbor had to be like cut okay we gotta cut guys Charlie get going the other room and if Charlie was it in the shot he was told to get out of the room he was told to leave so yeah cuz once he starts laughing he starts laughing Charlie I don't know why but every group scene Charlie's next to me and then Charlie's like right behind me and all your hairs and then I turn around and he's like this thing is play either turns around and if he's not around he's laughing that's hilarious thank you so much thanks for kicking us off thank you do we think who which one of our characters were team-up with which Marvel character yeah mashup crossover team come sometimes and I think Dustin and Tony Stark will be a really funny that's a lot like Dustin and Steve so I think I'm gonna pick something else but that would be a lot it would be funny but they have such similar Lane inspiring yes but Dustin and spider-man I think it sucks like similar I mean that one I think they would be very funny I think they'll be very funny to be on the spider-man will be good thoughts I think Thor and Dustin would be funny that'd be a good match I think Thor I'm gonna say Thor and Dustin yeah that's good thank you Captain America okay they can leave like a badass you oh yeah I mean I love all the Marvel character I'm just trying to think of Lucas's personality and if he'll get annoyed quick I mean 11 clearly needs to go with the x-men 11 why now like he would he'd be like no one else looks like us here brother haven't been in a minute I think Mike and Bruce Banner would be a cool combo like they like talk all science and stuff and then I think that Oh suggests a Bruce Banner to the Hulk I'm just saying he turns into the Hulk shore but I think that's because I think that'd be cool if you like the ones that figure out what to do that's like saying that I'm a werewolf but like just the guy what are you saying like which characters would be the severe which like team up with this team-up yeah answers your question but yeah there you go I think it says thank you hi hi my name's Liam years old and I'm from Tacoma Washington yeah and I don't know but you guys don't like getting out spoilers for the devil so what's the monster for season three that was a good choice trapping everyone try bunny who try whoa that was a good try sorry dude I love like what if that was not downfall like what that was the thing that like like that was the straw that broke the camel's back we were like I guess we got there are two major antagonists there you go thank you so much and good job asking that question [Music] hi hi my name is Marissa from Vancouver Washington whoa Vancouver Canada [Applause] so Cary Elwes is gonna be in season three and your show takes place in the 80s so my question is if you could go back in time and play any character in an iconic 80s movie what would each of you want to play oh I have my - I want to play Anthony Michael Hall is character from Breakfast Club Bryan yeah cuz it's such a good role like all the subtle like like little I don't know I think that he's so great in that role I got like the whole seriously know there has the whole like monologue about this like it's great I mean like if you look at Breakfast Club if you look at Breakfast Club it's interesting cuz it's it's like it's it's dated you know now but they need to make a play now like a musical but then yeah it'd be great like I'd be a great play well I think what's interesting about Breakfast Club is that like it it's obviously still holds up as a movie but it's you know like a lot of it is like it you know a lot of the social issues are still the same but it's almost if you look back on it's almost like a sci-fi or something it's really interesting insights it's so cool how they're able to like I go back to this they're able to break the reality like why the glass breaks in the door like yeah that's crazy what in the world and there's a dance montage and then they go to crying after and somehow he falls off of like a like 20 like 20 foot air vent and it just comes down and then like his shoulders like he's okay yeah anyway sorry what's your answer that's the magic of the 80s not a cool movie I would love to be back was gonna say that really yeah yeah I would love that yeah Marty right Marty McFly Marty McFly thank you guys thank you great clearance yeah for me it's for me Oh return to the Jedi specifically that's my favorite I know it's an unpopular opinion but Return of the Jedi is my favorite yeah hi hi I'm Garrett from Ariel Washington haiman so if you were to write the series finale of stranger things how would you do it you know what we should hear how you would do it cuz yeah whatever they say is gonna be viewed as like inside information it's not guys don't trick me he's he's a smart look at him he has headphones on he's smart they're like he made those he made those headphones so huh cheaply made hey those are the smart ones guys he knows how to save his money but I'm saying like don't give up because I was about to like really go into season three and be like well you know how this happens yeah I'm not gonna answer the question you tricky gotcha thank you everyone the audience thinks so we have an input like with the duffer's like we don't we don't write the show you don't have it so yeah it's really interesting sometimes they'll ask us questions like sometimes chancel asking us questions that only the duffer's would know know but well actually what's great is when people come up to you you're like when season like three coming out and you're like July 4th and they're like oh like like it's my fault that it's July's flaw you just push it back I'm like no okay yeah let me just March up to the Netflix's office be like a month earlier this guy like this guy Kurt from Seattle said it had to be earlier so Terrence is like okay yes it was July I think it's pretty cool it's worth of July I like it I like every change you end it with their fireworks and their beers in there yes thank you is the question do we know what Buffy the Vampire Slayer is what you give them the choices and then I get that what wizard is mine Dustin's a bard what is the know that what is Lukas Oh everywhere you see that's why I need a parents so I know my ways in life I needed guidance okay no guidance here we have not so what is a bard Hey what magical music that's soaked that's awesome but like what is Lukas though furro furro Ranger Ranger Ranger max doesn't have wax Wow cleric Eclair how do you know that as it and said they're just guessing what about Mike sure I think there's a paladin are not holiday yeah then the ones that are characters are yeah we're sorry we haven't had time to actually yeah we should we just never every time we run we try to we try to have a game night but you have to let me recommend losing one of critical role to you guys then we'll come back to your question next year thank you thank you hi I was curious if you guys went to comic-con like what would you dress up as besides your own characters I saw a kid dressed up as Miles Morales but yeah I would I would do I would do officially my favorite spider-man movie it's so good yeah yeah me too but I wouldn't go because I dress up as my character already it's kinda like going to work it's like wearing your uniform for me it's probably a stormtrooper because I want it I want to step in their shoes and like what does it feel like to be this unappreciated as a stormtrooper because I just like don't like naked like crap those poor stormtroopers yeah those people have families yeah they and they just get Wilhelm scream back to back yeah yeah that would be good though you guys could if you did the stormtrooper or any like full facial cover you can walk around and enjoy either Spider Man stormtroopers something where like they can is this is this like us now or us like if we weren't like famous now so now uh yeah I guess something on the mask now that we all like talking to fans it's like we just want to like see all their stuff to like just like everybody else does so we just want to experience it in that way as well yeah I guess something with a mask I don't I don't I was gonna say Scott Pilgrim but then everyone knows who I am that'd be great though you bigots not poem thank you thank you thank you hi hi my name is Katie Parker from North Bend Washington and I was wondering my favorite thing to do is perform on stage so how does your guys's time on stage help or not help with your time being on set it helped immensely and I mean in my opinion it's basically it's what set me up to get on the screen it wasn't necessarily like a goal for any of us doing like we're gonna start here and then go into film like film that we just like we love I think all of us were drawn to theater and some way shape or form whether you we love theater or we love the specific show that we were doing exam init you saw Lion King I want to yeah that's so I think it was just that passion and that drive that just got us really excited about it and like we want more of this and then a TV or just came our way just randomly like it wasn't like we had been shooting for a film or anything but when it comes to being prepared there's nothing better than live theater because you get that immediate reaction you get like the scare well it's so much scarier doing theater than it is doing film like it's a completely different it's so it can be stressful but it's awesome and it's amazing it's so it is so much harder than film and I love it I'm going like I know that like of course we're not gonna stop doing film or anything but I know that I I don't know about you two but or even you I don't know if you it's like he's going to just Theatre at all but I know that I'm definitely definitely going back that's right feel most satisfied it's often it was authentic love when we got into acting I never wanted to be an actor I wanted to be I wanted to have a garage band it was crazy you know it was never like oh I want to be famous I want to be an actor it's always just like I don't want people to sit in front of me and listen to me like if you're acting to be famous you're acting for the wrong reason yeah so stop yeah yeah well said thank you hi dream role that you'd like to play in the future with an easier question storm trooper I would love to do any kind of a period piece are you thinking like 1800s or that'd be great yeah I can totally see you in like a BBC series I've been watching a lot of like thriller I don't know like I just watched this I've been watching this movie like on repeat Club good time it's by these guys New York called the safty brothers and I think that the best filmmakers like some of the best filmmakers living right now so I and yeah if anyone has never seen good time good times it's with Robert Pattinson and yeah it's crazy so that's awesome thank you hi I'm Lucy I'm from here go ahead Lucy you're all good and are there any like lesser-known projects that you've done that you wish good question it is yeah yeah any like little Indies or maybe something that hasn't been released yet other than season three pretty much anything that's been on stage yeah as like a like a theatre actor in New York like you do so many like little readings or like labs and workshops and stuff like that there's so much you'll spend like a week working on and you'll do it and then nothing happens with it and I'm not like yeah there's so I did a reading for I I didn't audition for a musical that was called writing Arthur and I don't know what happened to it and it was super cool cuz the character that I have been auditioning for for pretty much two years was this character who had this tragedy in his life I don't know they're gonna continue with it so anything wait cuz I think I know that one you know that we yeah cool but it was like he deals with this tragedy in early on in his life and this was granted when I was 10 years old he gives this tragedy like that happens shortly before the musical and the way he copes with it is he basically just locks himself down in his basement and he just writes about this character that his mother tells him about and then through his writing he plays Arthur who's the character writing and any switches to Arthur who's a character that he's writing about and then he performs as that part throughout the musical and it's like it takes like in the story it takes place in Ireland and he just like some like mystic hidden Island and then he goes back to being in his lock in his basement like never leaving it's really depressing but I wanted to see where that went because I always wanted to play a part there just like it to like two parts at once pretty much that's so cool mm-hmm that's awesome thank you a great question hi I'm from Seattle and my question is could you each of you talk a little bit about what it was the first moment when you realized that you sort of wanted to act for a living either like your first role or like some media you saw inspired you when did you guys realize you loved acting not even for a living but enough to pursuing it I think when I was in Lion King yeah I was in it for about a year and a half and I was just singing I was singing on stage and I was like man this is I love this this is my home I want to keep doing you I want to just go and do film and do more theatre yeah that's when I realized I wanted to do this more for me it was the first show I ever done I was literally the first time I ever like publicly acted and I was in Priscilla Queen of the desert on Broadway and it was my first entrance to people know Priscilla thank you such a fun show and I was nine years old and it was my first time stepping onto a stage and it's very cool cuz the curtain in the back was like streamers and that's how like people made their entrances on and off stage and my first entrance was me sprinting from the streamers right to basically the front of the stage so it was so abrupt it was literally just like came out of nowhere pretty much so I'm just there not being on a stage ever to the next second being on a stage on Broadway in front of over a thousand people and it was ridiculous because I'm just there I'm just waiting and then the Guardian the Wrangler Jill I still miss her but like she tapped me on the back he's like get ready break legs and was like okay I hear my cue and I just bus on stage it was like yep forever right here I just saw everybody up sure thing yep why not forever and ever always do you guys I don't know there was never really like a single moment where as I go I want to do this for the rest of my life it was always just something that's been like a part of me and something that I've loved doing my entire life so yeah there wasn't like oh yeah like cadence not everyone could bust their ego I'd like a few like white bull be like moments from just like oh this is really cool I yeah I guess I just I don't like why I would just watch music or just watch movies over and over again and I noticed that I had like a really big connection with film because it was the only thing where I could just it's the only thing where I could just be and you know music to as much but um film a little more but just watch it over and over again and not get sick of it and so I kind of just had this connection to film in general I'm just like seeing like seeing just a character on screen or even moving you know I mean they're just like I don't know what it is to me but I'm a moving picture I mean like that's what a movie is obviously it's a moving picture but like it's I don't know from like the moment I was like a baby seeing just things moving on a screen just like something was just so visually I just couldn't take my eyes off of it then so like I noticed this I think when I was like eight and and then I figured out that I wanted to be a filmmaker and and just be in film you know just do anything to be on a film set and so I my dad was like okay well if you want to try it like we can try getting a role or whatever and open casting call or something and so we went on Craigslist hahahahaha sure that's a Craigslist where you can get your leg bitten off and also get a part and a new couch yeah and get a new couch but uh yes yeah well yeah bitten off I guess you can do anything a man but um so I did this I did sorry what well I I don't want to make it too long but I did this music video and I just knew from being on set I was like you know collaborating and making friends constantly and having creative output is like it's it's a to me it's like the best feeling in the world because like you're just I don't know you're making something so I think from then on I just wanted to I wanted to do it it's kind of euphoric yeah that's really you for it hi I'm Sofia I'm from Seattle and my question is for Finn how do you balance touring with Calpurnia and also going to Conte well I do conventions once in a while um cuz I just don't want to do a bunch of stuff so like conventions aren't obviously this has been incredible but you know I want to do a few year cuz I just try to space them out and last year was really fun it was difficult doing stranger things than flying well in Dayton too you know like you would do shows sometimes with gating as a band too so um it's kind of interesting to you know shoot for a whole week and then have to go to a difference fly to a different city on the weekend do that and then come back and start working it it's so usually not like that's usually like I feel like both of those kind of know more when we're not like you know in conventions are only like sporadic like weekends here and there like it's not like yeah it's it's so conventions not as much like you know I don't really cuz I don't do them a lot but with when it comes to work like stranger things depending I had to do a lot of like back-to-back stuff which was like exhausting and I was in danger of like overworking myself and burning out and so I have learned the hard way a few times have it just like you know not overwork myself and take breaks I'm like a super workaholic and I love doing everything so I yeah I guess it's just like finding it's just finding the balance over time yeah definitely working on a bunch of stuff at once is you just have to limit it but yeah just base it out thank you for that question yeah thank you what when you guys actually did your first convention what was your reaction to seeing the fan base that's out there I mean it is like you know with theater you get that immediate gratification and with a show not so much so what was it like to come to an event like this this was amazing you guys very very warm first con was great but I got a lot of hate my first con no like if you know you wrote the script you were mean on purpose but yeah I'm a mother as I've done more cons and stranger things got to see like oh he's actually not a jerk he's just a sensitive because he's trying to find his friend so you're playing a part yeah some people spell it Kay a leb sometimes like people mess up your name a lot no for some reason okay well hopefully that experience was a minor you know the minority and I think I can speak for everyone in the room when I say we love you right beginning it was like you were leading to 11 I'm like that's only one time he was not to get into like character stuff what he was right right right to be like spacious he was right by the way Anna who wouldn't be like who is this person like yeah I can scary years total in your mind to get that through your brain when you're like 13 like wait so what we're going we're going to a junkyard with a girl we'd never met before and she kills people sometimes innocent people sometimes yeah to get yeah so it I feel like he was right just to think that so hey whoever came out so ever can't say can't Caleb at the first convention I'm not gonna swear it because there's so many kids here but after you bro thank you thank you hi I do theater on stage and one of my favorite things is the bonds that I create with my cast mates yep and all of the outside of the things outside of the show things that we do together and I was wondering what each of your favorite or funniest moments with the stranger things sure I was want to add on what you're saying with theater I think you create a family you created every single - you create like a really tight-knit family Peter yeah there's nothing less than you make with people in film it's just like you're not with people in film all the time 24/7 so I think it's I understand where you're coming from when you say you get so close with people so yeah first of all you didn't answer the question I love you I have a great memory gate and falling in the woods no you fell I did fall in the woods the story come on tell the people Gaytan story it's it's funnier when you say it from someone else's perspective your perspective okay we were doing that scene where it's me Steve you Dustin and Merle running and we're meeting up with um Charlie Natalia and Jonathan thank you um but we were they were like these fog machines and they were really slippery because they were made I don't know what they were made out of but it was kind of slippery slippery and also there was fog on it like exactly it was really yeah but then you were running and you slip and you grabbed a branch and it's fun we're hearing it from the crews perspective because all they see this fog and the trees and light from like lights in the back you know and let's see the flashlights and see my flashlight and all they see is my flashlight go that's all they see all in yours and you hear a bridge break don't fall don't die I'm front of Sadie show lab I prefer I prefer people laughing at that to be honest with you can I don't want to be the one laughing and getting up people are you okay like I'm fine I think the more I've known stated the more she likes like absurd humor I remember one time we were talking I don't think any cat like that there was a thing it was an incident on the highway in Atlanta where a bunch of cows got out and they ran on the highway I don't think any of them died or anything well maybe one there were a few there were there was a caster pal casualty however I said so we're looking at it and I hope it's not it's not okay but anyway so you just go that's not fit did you hear about the cattle thing on the highway it's awful I'm vegan I should be more than concerned no cuz to be fair the casualties were are sad but it's very funny to see a bunch of cattle running on the highway Woo's Ono [Laughter] thank you I hope that answered your question hi American vandal American vandal yes what do they cancel America battle and they need to bring it back bring it back American band oh yes it's so good yeah yeah hey never seen a married well thank you show stick out in your mind oh it says enough to be an epiphyte let's just say any show any time if it was her question it was enough look show I know it answer it on your Twitter later I will yeah my favorite thing in the world is when someone asks like what would you like to do with this and other people in the audience shout stuff at you and they're like this like that yes someone shouted under their breath also that there's only one of them there's only one like it's made no it's been made already yeah you can't like just join good fellows like well it's made a long time ago while ago remake hi thank you hi what's the what's the questions what are we Justin to restore yeah really are its its levels to it because every day just gets bigger and like oh we got the adjust to this level now like in the beginning was alright we're getting you so we are now more people are recognizing us okay great I love that the work that we're doing it's great to know that what we've done is made an impact on people it's really inspiring but sometimes like when we go when like we go out stupid kids person jumped over small buildings like he wants to do that you want to be like able to like be stupid and like be a teenager but like if you do something stupid like she see like wolfhard jumps off like bridge in the water wha the bridge was off-limits but he did it anyway or even even like little things like this person running indoors like at the mall being loud waiting at the pool that's true don't run don't know it's a pool that's how I'm really broken you don't do that but like and also like you get like oh you got recognized pretty much every time we go out in public areas which is it's cool stuff like sometimes like my mom will be like you want to go out to eat and you'll be like not really no cuz I want to like eat like don't like I want you and like stand out there like I love taking pictures of someone taps me and their breath stinks and like I can't finish my steak guys yeah so make sure you come with your breath correct movie theater watching a movie I was watching for ragnarok at the movie theaters anytime I go see a Marvel movie do not bother me I need to see what's going on someone stood up in the movie theater walked over and said can I get a picture with you as the movie's going on it's packed and then somebody in the front of the theater goes shut up and then and then he goes it just sits down I'll take a picture with you for the credits there like that and then I I remember asking you I'm like oh why don't you just put a hat on and you're like that doesn't someone the other day was just like oh why don't you just do a hat and sunglasses and I'm like still the same face doesn't do anything just putting on glow and just putting on glasses sunglasses inside people are usually gonna look over yeah also I got I got glasses and I was like oh maybe like me wearing the glasses maybe people won't and then the guy was just like oh that's gonna mold for with glasses on yeah darn yeah thank you hi okay this is gonna be the last question oh can it be you the second to last question it could be the second to last [Music] been so sorry favorite have ever traveled very excited when you guys are pulling I'm gonna be in Istanbul which is awesome I'm so but yeah Paris is going to be the best it was really cool to erupt to make it faster and New York is always Venice was really cool to visit but Paris was like it's a city I can see myself living in what is amazing man oh my god oh yeah it's not it's not fake like on TV like I would relate to Disney watching Disney all the time and they're like oh they're Paris and they're eating food you never seen reddit it's a great movie and Paris is a great city thank you so much and last but not least I what is the best prank that you've pulled on best prank on set there there's a prank that million Noah did and they convinced one of its so mean and it's awful and I I'm like cringing at it they convinced one of the crew members I think that there was wedding venue was cancelled that's pretty good it's a good prank but that's crazy terrible how you convinced someone that they're not gonna have their wedding at that venue that they and let your wedding was coming up like like next day the next day it was like she was like two weeks or so this is Brad from this why would you do that and then they're like it's a prank and she's like funny funny stuff and she's crying creamer our dresser on season one we miss you so much we haven't had you back but yeah I'm like way worse yeah we hope your wedding was great she had the wedding guys the other way yeah thank you so much and you guys thank you so much for joining us for kicking off day for the mainstage [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: karina b
Views: 288,819
Rating: 4.9351883 out of 5
Keywords: finn wolfhard, sadie sink, caleb mclaughlin, gaten matarazzo, stranger things, stranger things 2, stranger things 3, eccc, eccc 2019, eccc panel, emerald city comic con, comic con, emerald city comic con 2019, stranger things panel, stranger things comic con
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 21sec (3621 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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