Stranger Things Cast On Season 3 | ECCC 2019 | SYFY WIRE

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Jfc it makes me feel fuckin old seeing kids grow up so fast. Like, just saying that. Blegh

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ImSquizzy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Aaaand it's gone. Anyone got any new info out of that?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CrazyFredy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"This video is not availible"
My VPN: This is America
Holy shit it worked.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Risino15 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey guys hello you see see see how are you cool okay so I am here with the cast of stranger things I got Finn wolf part Kayla McLaughlin Gaytan Matarazzo and Sadie's sake hello guys Sadie yeah yep yeah yeah Sadie gate and gate and Sadie they're the same person yeah that's actually the twist in season 3 right that's it so where are you guys on season are you completely wrapped now yes we have tuned November has it been hard not just keeping everything under wraps for that yeah it's fun people I just spit all over you sorry but it's fun it's fun keeping secrets from people or it's fun messing with them people it's finally like like what happens I know and you don't or I like or I like when you mess with them and you're like oh everyone dies like everyone tweet that I want to be like Dustin dies and then let's tweet it and see what happens contracts should be lost so it's overall pretty easy except for messing with people yeah yeah yeah well can you can you tell us anything it drops July 4th right yes yes okay is there anything that you can tell us that the show's coming out July 4 okay I mean no I mean it's their stunts in the summer of 1985 right and 85 you're gonna see a lot of shorts merrylegs sure sure that hair usually when guys wore short shorts yeah sure sure sure that period were yes yes this is also this season where my hair is the biggest I guess in season well what happened wasn't in season one my hair was straight and canva season two and my hair wasn't after oh yeah what happened and they would Street in my hair and I'd go outside alright guys later and it was just pop and on the third season I'd go in I'd go into a scene and I'd have straight hair and then you go to the next scene it's me being like alright guys and I just have like the biggest hair it's like it's like when someone gets electrocuted in like a Wayne's World or something and their hair goes like Albert Einstein as a child yes yeah yeah so who so if Mike is Albert Einstein who are each of your characters if we were in a looper that I mean it's not a looper doesn't make sense know who from the fact Einstein okay what was a question someone from the past in the show never like a fox west who would you be we're saying you're Einstein oh oh oh time travel type thing yeah yeah I know it's like let's all think about the question for 30 seconds just eat veggie chips the whole time and then we don't answer the question and then we leave yeah all right let's keep we'll keep thinking about it maybe we'll come back to it at the end so is there anything you guys can share there's a year between season 2 and season 3 right so other than hair has anything major changed for any of the characters are you all kind of like nothing well I think everybody's I mean literally everybody involved is emotionally changed I mean how can you not be so everything that goes on and I think there's just that constant PTSD that everyone's dealing with but this thing that keeps them from breaking down I think is that they all been through it together and so they don't they're not alone like I mean it feels like they're alone that they can't tell anybody nobody understands everyone thinks they're weird but they all have each other so they're able to just move on with everything it what's crazy cuz until something else happened yeah we would never show ya know it's just us being like this is weird I feel weird that's the whole show well that's what's interesting is how it's evolved since season one because season one like our characters got bullied and stuff and and now and then it's like the more the show progressed like you know those people that are so weird that no one even bothers them you know I mean like we're those people so like with the only problems that we have to face are like interdimensional problems so it's it's interesting to see our characters kind of deal with real human issues so season 3 there's a lot of like you know obviously there's an insane amount of horror and sci-fi there's a lot more comedy and a lot more awkward situations that you find yourself in real life not like relatable guys selfies like it's a lot of like like real I guess human stuff and like teaching the characters about just like human error in general cool so you guys play characters who are all into gaming into the indie are you actually in your own lives into gaming into yeah so couple nods yes of NBA 2k 19 that's it we gain infinite and I were just talking about Red Dead Redemption - yeah I played GTA and spider-man spider-man every day of my life JT what about you you ever said much this time that's what got me through the weekend good at pretending I know how to what's the trick to pretty is there one thing that you're like that's how to pretend that you're I don't know Madden Ross just told me to be angry while I was playing them so that really is just a good no the controller down just aggressively yeah my friends Simon used to give sorry nonsan weird non sequitur but my my friend Simon used to give his little brother a fake controller so he'd feel like he was playing video games with us without affecting the actual video game but everyone does - therefore that's Sadie like that over in the rural gamers you don't want your greasy four-year-old cousins hand touching your remote control so you just give them the one that broke and you're like yeah you're playing uh-huh like that's what every boy gets a random like computer and that's you that's you now I'm going back in my memory and thinking like never done that to me my brother for sure yeah yes I think my uncle's all did that to me play anyway playing hockey on Sega I wasn't playing oh wow that's brutal um so last season ended with the snowball is there ain't we're not gonna do it but is there any song for each of you guys that if you heard it you're like that's so I'm after time is it yeah time in every breath you take over no time after time over and over and over again like that bird night reasoning about the set really yeah it was it was two days of filming this snowball and the first day it was all Cindy was all it was like a fever dream just like time left time after time after just over and over everything has more and more credibility it's true play the whole song they would just play a snippet of I can't even think of the word right now of the sound no the chorus yeah it was starving the very beginning into the first chorus and it start from the very beginning the first chorus just a whoo we're over again but uh no yeah I think we all we'd all have our our songs what were we singing we all sing constantly we've nippers what was the song game we're we singing a song today probably [Music] all the wheat the weasel Oh is the wheeze song sorry I connected connected after but um no it's a constant yeah yeah the trap remix of the we sports theme what yeah I don't know we all have different uh different music tastes I guess so so are there any moments that you guys can remember from one into were you just like there was a super so much of the show super serious that you like could not keep it together every day season three was yeah season three was not to give any spoilers away but um yeah certain people are together in episode five and it went five and six and five and six was I think we went over schedule at least three four days just from us could not could not keep it together to the point three I think might be the weirdest experiences for all of us yeah I think filming will also say this David Harbor has a clip and I won't give anything away but he for an hour could not get off of one line because he was laughing so hard I will give a teaser there may be a 20 minute long sizzle reel of David Harbor not keep trying to keep it together that will be released I think I see yeah I don't know what happened to it but not broke the CD but yeah so no one could see it but David any was David Harbor who was a very serious actor and and if you're watching this I kept you together so there you go I held your hand I'm just kidding I love you David she's oh my god who's gonna show up what's up David he's gonna be like yeah one slap is that what it's like working with working with him no David harbor's yeah TMZ geum's he investigates Wolford slapped and it's like a Photoshop photo of me with like a black eye just kidding David Harbert no I will say on a serious note David Harper is probably the most one of the most talented actors I've ever come into contact with and the best teacher to do is he's such an incredible teacher and yeah we're and also we're really just we're proud of him in general for the new like Hellboy and stuff and like that he's finally he's like getting he's just getting a lot of the recognition that he deserves so it's great give a hand for David Harbor everybody you guys you are all in high school yes Indians okay so do you guys feel like as cast mates I mean are you are essentially each other's high school class more or less well me when were filming yeah but we got a school like the majority of the school year we're home yes you are but when we're on set yeah we are like the class rooms pretty much care was about to graduate a graduate which is in the same because next season when we were filming he's gonna peek into my door and be like you're in school I'm not I'm an adult waiter man I'm driving my car yeah it's crashes it well if you had to give so this is appropriate if you're graduating soon like a senior class superlative to you know like most likely to blank what would each of yours be like what would what would Sadie's be if you guys had to give her most most likely to succeed most likely to know yeah most likely to stare off into space most like it would be on a different planet nice no I don't know there's something nicer something there's something that no most likely you I think you said it they're most likely to succeed yeah Jaden you should give yourself one most likely to twist his ankle skateboarding [Laughter] it was not escape when he stepped on to his skateboard he'd even go to full motion yeah he was getting it was like Family Guy were like he's on it's one frame the next frame is on the ground so yeah I don't know we're all to not take off on two of a team we're all really clumsy your spazzy yeah I think we're all just various magazines most likely to spaz everybody no no no no is not here but uh Noah is a spider monkey yeah I don't know what would if he was here he'd probably somehow fall into the glass table one break yeah okay so we play a game called roll for question that's what our 20-sided dies for so each number corresponds with a question that I have on know do each get one roll well we probably have time to do multiple rolls and anyone can answer the question yeah I know so whoever wants to go first maybe go reverse age order that's usually reversing names my house like youngest to oldest the baby even though he's taller than us anyways for alright for my answer for everything okay if you could somehow talk to your younger self what would you tell them that would totally blow their mind she were in stranger things yeah you will not be tall cuz I was so convinced I'm like one day I'm waiting it's the kids that are short than it is sprout up however and that's great it's like hey guys that's gonna be me however you will have teeth you will have to watch room you know I'm gonna wait until I have all of my teeth when I'm like 45 when I finally get all my teeth and then go back to younger me and say you'll have teeth yeah uh yeah yeah you okay cool well I would tell myself you got teeth same same same answer all right Caleb you want to roll JD what about you I feel like you have a really interesting one there I'm like you don't know all right probably straight thank you okay if you were fighting crime would you banter with the criminals or are you more the silent punching tape I would joke around with them wow this is my question I just roll the dice here if anyone Canadian accent Caleb you'll get your turn buddy let me think about this stain huh so can you just repeat yeah Austin yeah so if you were fighting crime would you banter with the criminals or are you more a silent punching type Caleb I mean we're talking about some like stealth so basically you're asking if he's Batman or spider-man that's not the worst way to look at it yeah okay probably silent punching mmm you know like I'm always if I'm here to save the day I'm going into like superhero mode just like no more talking who's gonna listen I'm just like matrix or something like that okay yeah I would probably be like a 50s gangster and then get so caught up in my impression of a 50s gangster that I turn around and he'd be gone like Nancy oh uh yeah he's gone he's gone guys yeah I I would not be a good superhero in real life I would get distracted by myself fun but not maybe not the most of it yeah I like a look in the mirror and be like oh this is kind of a weird rip and then just start tugging at it and then I check the watch and it's 6:00 in the morning it's been like 12 hours yeah yeah yeah if you do want to answer Gaytan in Sidi oh I'd say neither neither you're not fighting for my lover not a fighter I feel like the most fun thing in the world would make them think that they're winning the fight and then knock him out in one punch like laughs a lot I feel like I laugh at them a lot like I banter with them I talk with them a lot so yeah your yeah humor is actually is a weapon humor is a weapon it is those who say it's not a wrong yeah yeah yeah okay Sadie go for it 15:15 okay okay um if you were in a massive medieval Game of Thrones style battle what's your weapon of choice what are my options yeah everything give me some options like anything that's not a gun like she like like any sword bow and arrow hammers axes all that guy's a DVD copy of food in a shield there but like watch this that's a vegan joke like it's a sword I don't really know how do you use anything else he's a source she's a lover not a fighter guys swords are good dancer yes you're talking like you and broadsword like one stroke chop their heads off or like you agile you gotta get in closer she said sword at the question mark do you think she knows what swords there are yeah so okay maybe there's like a vegan-friendly sword in like a dread like a dragon Oh like a dragon side okay let's see yeah all right I change me you can pick dragon sidekick a new weapon what there are no rules here yeah I guess not all right yeah I thought you might like handheld you're like um dragon dragon pick like oh what's your power Oh unkillable just everything yeah anything anything um all right game you you were all you've got this I believe in you yeah I just talked too much I know they were all answering though where we like okay 13 in Turkey 13 oh okay if you were a superhero how often would you wash your suit be honest okay literally just I'm just talking that's so weird just because I talk way too much I want them to answer this question for me I'll answer it I know it's my question I'm gonna answer it but I want you guys to answer it like you can answer well last because I talk to you much drumming up oh is it skin tight like do I have like like like what do I have like clothes underneath there's it like am i naked underneath well I feel like that's a fundamental it's sort of a personal okay yeah I try to be naked [Laughter] yeah I be naked I think yes yeah no no clothes yeah but naked so how often do you shower I go no okay you know no yeah no no just how often when I watch the suit I don't know like normal amount it's not like it's normal yeah I don't know I don't do my laundry my mom does my laundry where's my mom do you know how many how much I watched where's my mom where's Finn's mom mom how much how how often do you wash my clothes practically every day would be the answer thank you thank you mom I love you mom doesn't wash his laundry I do it on my own because you know you're in school I'm almost a grown man you know so but it depends like if I was like crime fighting I'm like dang man I'm tired we're just gonna go to sleep and go to sleep in it you're sleeping in it if I was sorry no judgment but I mean like if I had to wake up well we're talking okay let me listen retrac yeah I would probably if I'm like if it's like really bad then I would probably wash it every day if it's like you know gym where of course yeah hey watch it wash it every day okay but um I might like slack off sometimes but know who doesn't like for a month you know that's not bad that's not bad guys a month come on no I was joking that's right yeah probably like every day this gym where you know okay Sadie everyday I guess considering like what you're doing in a superhero's yeah it's like a lot of physical you're telling me you don't you wash your pants every day what we're he has to cake like your workout clothes yeah you would wash them yeah you wear them sure sure sure sure thanks sure yeah what we have to take into account is that anytime we're reading comics so we're watching superhero movies we see them on their worst days I'm sure there are days when Spiderman is just sitting on a perch just like nothing happens I'm not gonna wash my clothes it's like an outfit that I just wear and I don't do anything in it never go for like a light jog I might not have to watch it I would find her man homecoming in bed by 8:00 but it's like if it's real bad then sure like I feel like I mean I was just talking with Sadie like this pair of jeans I have worn literally every single day for the past three months but I wash it like on the weekend I'm not lying like I throw it in the wash when I'm just like it's time which weekend no like I know we're pants on the weekend so I make sure that that's the time okay jeans and then I wear through the week so I should be honest with you it's probably what I do with my food I love every one of the audience's coming here expecting you know stuff about season three more like so go change your pants is like well you're not supposed to wash denim every day so I feel like yeah you've actually helped everyone out thank you yeah okay we have time tonight cause there's one more who wants the last roll what no I let's all grab how do you do a key role just get it just get in there just go like that ready whoa it's for again so that gain did it 1414 okay rapidfire uh uh Duke about 58 second is given do ghosts exist have you ever seen one yeah we say yes exist and have you ever seen one anything's possible yes and yes what give me a specific what do you mean yes and yes yes sir ghosts yes I've seen one where did you see it my old house on in Jersey I was 8 years old and my sister's like my rooms haunted my rooms haunted like no it's not no it's not Myron's huh no it's not it is I swear to you it is you have a good reason it you just said it's haunting I was sleeping we've already thought about to be built a fort it was a really serious silver is thumber body and we're there and we fall asleep and she's like sometimes I see a guy in my doorway and then I blink and he's gone so she said her doorway you didn't see those I'm getting for that she's like I see a guy I blink and he's gone I'm I don't believe you I saw a guy in the doorway I'd like to he was gone it was like out of here what if he was her friend that was sneaking out from at the house and they might have been it's probably was my dad good night son Sadie and Caleb you ever seen a ghost no no oh no I thought I heard a ghost one time it was just my dishwasher okay all right so it's either your dad or a dishwasher conclusion um you guys thank you so much thank you doing this we're all so excited for you three thank you guys tune in tomorrow for more from the live stage and stick around because we're doing our wrap-up of the day right here on the stage thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: SYFY WIRE
Views: 391,884
Rating: 4.9701438 out of 5
Keywords: syfy channel, syfywire, syfy channel shows, new york comic con 2019, dc comics, marvel, comic con, cosplay, comic-con, comic con 2018, comic con 2019 dates, eccc 2019, marvel comics, marvel vs dc, image comics doc, Gwendoline Christie, rainn Wilson, battlestar galactica, star wars, Minecraft, jody houser, ben savage, deadly class, wes craig, Katherine barrell, brian w foster, marvel trailer, Stranger Things, Stranger Things Cast On Season 3, Finn Wolfhard, Caleb McLaughlin
Id: CInoZvNUzZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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