Strange Events in Scripture and Dream Interpretation

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so excited about this topic this is one of those things that really drew me to streams in the first place because there were so many different things that i would see in scripture or i would have these experiences but nobody talked about them to help you understand really how is how are you supposed to engage with these things and i learned a while back in my walk with the lord that if things are not firmly grounded in scripture that you you run the risk of going in weird places i've had some friends that didn't stay grounded and they ended up in some really weird places some of them have have completely left the church and and left god and no longer believe in god so that is it's a it's a dangerous thing if we're not grounded but just because there's a concern of not being grounded doesn't mean that we should steer away from these things because the bible talks about them i mean a lot of people we think of certain spiritual activity and we only think of how the enemy does it instead of realizing that it's something that god intended and and here is a key there's only a counterfeit if there's a real if you are in the u.s actually i think it's the same in uk almost every place that i've been i have yet to see a three dollar bill or or a you know even in singapore in hong kong australia uh israel i don't think there's a three shaco bill there you don't you don't find those how many of you have ever seen a counterfeit three dollar bill you're not gonna find one why because nobody would buy it you don't counterfeit something that's not real because to be a counterfeit it requires a real and so when the enemy is counterfeiting something he takes something that god created good and he twists it the enemy can't create anything all he can do is twist what god created and so when it comes to these things we need to look at the source and figure out the source because if we know the source then we will be safe i'm going to spend just a second on this before we jump into some of them just because it's so important maybe one of these videos will actually spend a little bit more time on this but if you want to be able to recognize a counterfeit don't study counterfeits in revelation jesus is talking to the different churches and one of the churches he says this you know you guys have done really good because you do not know the deeper things of satan as some people call them but he was encouraging them because they did not know the deeper things of satan and some people they think that they're more spiritual because they understand the deeper things of satan but it actually leads to deception if you study the enemy you're not going to find truth but if you study god you'll find the truth when i when i was working in a bank i worked at a bank for a number of years i was a teller i was an account executive i'd opened up accounts and then i was a a personal advisor selling investments and helping people with their retirements and and that kind of thing but when i was working as a teller they trained us how to recognize counterfeit bills and when they were training us they never once showed us a counterfeit bill they never told us the common mistakes that counterfeiters make what they did is they taught us all the little things that are put into a real bill so that we could recognize the real thing and what happened is a couple months into my work as a teller i found a counterfeit bill and i found it because i was so used to the reel i knew the real so well that when this counterfeit bill came across it actually took me a second for it to catch but it's like something's not right and i went back and i looked at it and sure enough it was a counterfeit we sent it off and and they thanked us for finding a counterfeit bill that that's the reality if we study the real if we study the true then we'll be able to recognize the counterfeit when it happens and so when it comes to spiritual things make sure that you're pressing into god and learning as much as you can about him and about his ways so let's talk about some of these strange events and we'll we'll start with one that most people don't even think of as something that god would do how about levitations you ever you ever heard about levitations in your bible study they're actually in scripture now the word levitation is not but the concept the idea of levitating is you're no longer on the ground you're you're hanging in the air ezekiel a number of different times it says and the spirit of god grabbed him by the hair of his head and lifted him up between earth and heaven he levitated one time when he was levitating he was taken from babylon to israel now he wasn't sure if it was in a vision or if it was real but he's digging through walls he's seeing stuff that happens he prophesies over somebody and there's an immediate result from that prophecy and in its proven that that actually had happened so we're not quite sure how much of that was visual and how much of it wasn't but one time it says that he was lifted up between earth and heaven and in the the picture in the hebrew is that he was spinning slowly and he begins to prophesy to the elders of israel now imagine people came to the prophet because they want to get a word and here the guy starts lifting up in the air and he's spinning and as he's spinning he starts speaking of the word of the lord now if that happened in most of our churches a lot of people would be running out the door screaming never coming back to that church because it was too weird it was too strange it was obviously into all these wrong things and yet it's biblical i i remember hearing the story of a young man here in texas in his 30s extremely anointed he was a pastor he was preaching and one sunday while he was preaching the spirit of the lord lifted him up and he was about 10 feet in the air while he was preaching about jesus in front of everybody in the congregation a couple hundred people that were there when this happened this kind of thing has happened throughout history it's not something that is is a new thing you you have people like saint teresa of avila who in the 15th 16th century when she was writing when she was alive she would have all kinds of mystical experiences and there was a season in her life when she would begin to think about jesus as she would meditate and go into prayer that she would start to float and so she would have the the other nuns that were in the convent the monastery that she was a part of she would have the other nuns sit on top of her so that she wouldn't float and they would all float but this kind of thing was not unusual i actually have a friend that is lives in the uk and examines people for their english language she travels around the world doing english examinations and she was in italy in a town where the flying monk was and she met people that knew the flying monk he was he was alive i think into the 70s or 80s in in italy in this little town and he would literally just fly down the street four or five feet above the ground going from one place to the next as the spear of the lord would move him now this is something that god does now the enemy does it as well but who cares if we're trying to make it happen that's a problem but if we're pursuing god and god causes it to happen then that's amazing now levitations what about transportations what's a transportation well think about this if you're getting into any form of transportation you're trying to get from here to there whether it's a car whether it's a plane whether it's a bus or a boat that's transportation you're getting from here to there a transportation is when you move from one place to another place in the natural realm and so when when you when you have this happen you you go from here to there sometimes instantaneously sometimes you just move very quickly did it happen in scripture a number of times that happened in scripture excuse me remember elijah elijah goes to ahab and says hey by the way because of your sin because you're pursuing bail because you're pursuing ashrae the the sky's shut up it's not gonna rain for three and a half years well he says it's not going to rain until i say it's going to rain it ended up being three and a half years later and so the sky shuts up no rain no rain in israel and after three and a half years ahab and his right hand men obadiah who happen to be a righteous man they're they're looking they're trying to find enough water that they can get their horses to have water so that they stay alive just in case there's a battle or they get invaded that they're able to defend themselves because people on foot against people and horses is not a fair fight and so try to keep the horses alive and that's what they're doing and as they're going out obadiah elijah runs into obadiah and says hey go find your master tell them that i'm here and obadiah's response is interesting is wait a second are you trying to kill me my master has sent to all the different nations surrounding us making people swear that you're not there if i go and i tell him that you're here and then he comes and he can't find you because i know how this works if i i'm going to go and then the spirit of the lord is going to take you someplace and and you're not going to be here anymore when he comes back no no no no that's not going to happen elijah says i'm actually going to be here i'm not going to disappear i'm actually going to talk to ahab now it was common knowledge that elijah would just go from here to there by the spirit of the lord it was such common knowledge that that's obadiah's first thought when he runs into him now that says something about the expectation in what would be normal for people that operated in the things of the spirit now we already talked about ezekiel going from babylon to israel to israel but to jerusalem by the spirit that's a form of transportation but it also happens a few times in the new testament remember the story of jesus and the disciples in john chapter six jesus is all these crowds are there and jesus tells his disciples hey get in the boats go to the other side of the lake i'm going to go up onto the mountain and start praying see he goes up in the mountain to start praying they all get in the crowds are gone jesus is by himself in the middle of the night they're rowing they're they're halfway through the lake and they're just pressing but the the storm is rising up and they're not making any headway and jesus decides that he's going to walk across the lake and so he gets onto the water he starts walking across and says this interesting thing it says he was going to pass them by now that that's for another time but look in the youtube if you're on our youtube channel look for our videos we have one called don't pass me by that it's just it's a short three thing but i'm gonna stick to where i'm at right now we're talking about transportations they cry out oh it's you know it's a ghost it's a ghost and jesus says no it's me he gets into the boat and then it says this interesting thing as soon as jesus gets into the boat the the storm stops and immediately they're on the other side of the lake now they were in the middle of the lake and as soon as jesus gets into the boat the boat and everybody in it including jesus moves from the middle of the lake to the far side of the lake and they're at their destination like that that's a transportation happens to phillip and philip he he he's in prayer and an angel comes to him and says hey once you go down to this road and and and he just goes he goes down to the road he's running down the road he sees this chariot and he feels like the lord wants him to come up he comes up it's the ethiopian eunuch he's reading out of isaiah who is this talking about is it talking about the prophet or somebody else well let me explain it to you he explains it to him and the ethiopian eunuch says well i need to get baptized if this jesus is real like i i need to respond and so he he stops they get into the water philip baptizes the ethiopian eunuch and it says and as soon as they come out of the out of the water philip disappears and he finds himself in his otis now this ethiopian just gave his life to the lord he probably goes home and starts telling everybody about this angelic visitation that he got where this angel explained to him the gospel and this newfound faith but it wasn't an angel it was philip but philip just disappears completely out of anywhere and he ends up 40 miles away at a town called azotus and he looks around he's like well i'm in this town i guess i'm supposed to preach the gospel because that's what i do and he starts preaching the gospel there transportation that's fun now i bet some of you have had transportations i know a number of people that have had transportations a lot of times people that are driving from one place to another place and it's gonna take so much time but then they get there a lot faster i had a friend of mine that was it was about a four-hour drive had finished up a meeting and he was with his intern and he is on his way home so he calls his wife says hey uh we just left the meeting we'll be home it's probably going to be about three or four hours she's like oh that's okay i'm gonna start a movie and so she she starts a movie so she can stay up until they get home and about half an hour later he's coming in the door they didn't even realize it it just it just didn't even hit until they're coming in the door she's like where how did you guys get here i thought you said it was going to be four hours they're like well what do you mean it's only been half an hour the four hour drive only took half an hour so that kind of thing happens again and again there's a number of stories if you've never heard john paul tell some of his stories on strange events you definitely want to hear that we've got a resource called naturally supernatural it's only available in mp3 right now but you really want to listen to that it is so good he talks about times when he was transported in different places so you've got transportations what about translations now translations is when you go from one realm to a different realm we get the word from the the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 in the king james version it says that enoch walked with god and then he was not for he was translated and that that word translated is to be taken up to to be taken to another place to turn into another form and so we we understand that to be able to go into the heavenly realm there's got to be a change of form and this is what paul was trying to explain in first corinthians 15 when he's talking about our resurrected bodies he goes you know when our bodies we get resurrected they're not going to be earthly bodies they're going to be spiritual bodies they're going to they're going to change the i think the the old way it would say the older translations they're no longer going to be bodies terrestrial but they'll be bodies celestial and so we we understand that there's this change that happens for us to go into the spiritual realm because the the body form that we're in right now because of the fall is not able to handle the spiritual world and so we get transformed now every single one of us that believe in jesus are going to one day get transformed it's what the bible calls glorification in in romans chapter 8 in philippians it says that that our bodies will be transformed even as his body was transformed we actually take on a new form a new bodily form that allows us to interact that's no longer affected by the fall and the corruption that was released into creation but is remade into what was originally intended and what jesus himself as the only one he was the first fruits that he lived in we get that kind of thing now what's really fun is your body can actually be transformed without leaving this realm that's what happened to jesus on the mount of transfiguration his body turned into its spiritual form and the light that was within him was shining out of him to such an extent that the light literally changed the fabric of the cloth the clothes that he was wearing and it became white and when he came back his clothes were still white when the light stopped shining through him but he he was transformed transfigured that's what a transfiguration is when you when you take on a portion of your spiritual body in earthly form now moses started stepping into this when he was going up on the mountain he would meet with god and he would come out of those meetings and his face would be shining it says that there was light just coming out of his face it was so scary that the israeli lights were like please hide yourself that is freaky you're you've got too much light coming out of you please and so he would literally he would put a veil over his face because the light that was shining out of him but those experiences that he had i believe are one of the reasons why when he gets to 120 years old his body had not corrupted his his eyesight was not dim his strength was not abated he was fully alive he was stronger in 120 than he was at 40. now this is this is moses he he was he had been so transformed by being in this place of his body encountering the spiritual realm at this level that god actually had to prophesy death to him so that he would die moses go up on that mountain and die and he just goes up and he goes to sleep and that's the end of it now that is a part of a transportation but what happens in a transportation excuse me translation is in a translation our bodies get changed and we go into another realm we go into the spiritual realm and we have encounters in that spiritual realm now there are many different rooms or places in heaven and different people will encounter them at different levels and what's really fun is there's a difference between actually being in heaven and having a heavenly encounter where we're shown something from heaven in a metaphoric way a lot of people that have encounters in heavenly realms they're actually being shown a metaphor of something that's true so that they get a message they're not actually seeing what is give you an example there's no place in scripture when you take a look at what the saints are going to be doing what heaven looks like and what that realm is like there's not a place for a residential area in heaven and yet i know multiple people that have seen residential areas in heaven but each time they were given a message and the message was what was important not the residential area not the place that they were at and so we're often shown things in metaphor in heavenly encounters because it gives us a message that is absolutely true just because it's not just because it is metaphor let me say that correctly just because it is metaphor does not mean it's not real it is real but what's real is it always the same form that is a misunderstanding that we have because the limitations of the natural man trying to understand reality by looking at the natural world which is only a shadow of the real world which is the spiritual world so we have to realize that the things that we think about the natural world we can't begin to apply those things to heavenly realities because they're not the same so this is so much fun let me look at a couple of your comments because i've been i've been just talking haven't really been looking at the comments so one joanne was saying that she was praying in the spirit one time and when she stopped she was in a different place in the room yes that that type of thing you can move from one place to another place in the room to to another country even to other places in the same country saint john 4 23-24 who are the true worshipers those who worship and spirit and in truth those are those are the true worshipers those that worship in the spirit and the truth so this is fun boy we've got somebody from the caribbean we've got scotland on with west texas welcome dayton is on awesome south carolina texas glad you guys could join us so strange events there are so many different types of strange events it's not easy you can't actually just put them all into categories because it it's this one big category which is an encounter with god and god manifests something about himself in many different ways whether that's taking us from one place to another place to accomplish something or to see something or to hear something or to say something or whether that is sending somebody from someplace else here now because that's the other side we call that a visitation and if you take a look one of the things we'll be doing at streams academy this weekend is we're going to go through almost every single angelic encounter in scripture taking a look at them and seeing what we can learn about how to engage the angelic what's the right and the wrong way of doing it what's the boundaries that are around that and how do we stay safe in that process and so if you start looking at how many angelic encounters are in scripture it's astounding do you know angels are mentioned 282 times in scripture that's a lot compared to compared to some other things that we maybe we we talk about a lot more but they're mentioned in scripture a lot less it's it's a major way that god encounters his people and yet we think of angelic encounters as rare but we shouldn't that the early church they were so common that they weren't even surprised when it happened remember acts chapter 12 acts chapter 12 peter is sent to prison because herod wants to kill him because everybody liked it when he killed one of the other apostles and he thought hey everybody liked me when i did that let me do it again they'll like me even more and so he's a politician he's doing whatever it takes to get people to like him and so he's going to kill peter for the votes of the people and so that's exactly what's going on he puts him in prison he's waiting on a certain day he's going to bring him out he's going to kill him in front of everybody and everybody's going to think he's a really great leader and a great guy that's his idea because that's what the people wanted well god has a different idea the church goes up into the upper room the same place where the the last supper happened where the the fire the tongues of fire fell they go into that upper room and they begin to pray and they begin to ask god to save peter peter's sleeping and it says an angel appeared in his cell and kicked him nice angel who woke him up how to sleep tells him to get up he puts on his outer garment the chains just fall off of his hand and they start walking as they're walking the door to the cell just opens by itself now here's the thing in the spirit you don't have to touch things to cause them to happen you can believe that they'll happen and they'll happen and so the angel believed the door was going to open so the door opened so the door opens and they just walk through nobody sees them it's like everybody's blind like they're not even there and peter's thinking oh i must be having a vision because wow this is amazing this this must be a promise from god then i'm going to be free and they get out into the street and they they turn around turn down this street and then suddenly the angel disappears and peter is no longer having anything that seems like a vision he's on the streets and he realized wait a second that wasn't a vision in the first place now here's one of your keys you can have visions that are so real that you don't even know whether it's a vision or not a vision this wasn't a vision quote unquote this was actually happening in the natural peter was released from prison so he goes over to the upper room because he knows where everybody's going to be at he goes over there knocks on the door and rhoda who's the servant girl who's watching the door she comes to the door and she hears peter she recognizes his voice she recognizes that it's peter she's so excited that she doesn't even think to unlock and open up the door so that he can come in she just runs back into the room to tell everybody hey peter's here peter's here like well why do you think peter's here well because he's at the door i heard him oh that must be his angel peter at the door they think oh that that must be his angel why would they think that it tells you a couple different things one they understood that your angel looks a lot like you and sounds a lot like you and so when somebody shows up that looks like peter that sounds like peter their first thought is it must be his angel the second thing you know is they're really used to angelic encounters now i i don't know how many of you if somebody came into the room you're in right now and said hey there's an angel out here you'd probably go and look i would like yes please let me see this they're like oh it's just an angel let's go back to prayer now that tells us the right heart our union with god our prayer life with god is way more important than any type of spiritual experiences that we have the spiritual experiences that we have they come out of that place and they're intended to to increase our intimacy with god but as soon as they start distracting us from him they're not from god so we have to we have to hold on to that but it was so common in the early church for them to see angels they're like yeah it's just an angel let's go back to prayer shouldn't it be that common for us i think so i i i've had a number of times where i've seen angels a couple times physically usually it's it's what i call the the mind's eye it it almost feels like your imagination but you're not in control of it you're not making it happen it has a life of its own it's what paul i believe that's what paul's talking about when he talks about the eyes of your heart may be enlightened the spirit of wisdom and revelation that the eyes of our heart we have spiritual eyes and our spiritual eyes are not the same as our physical eyes so we can see things in the spirit that are not that we can't see in the physical and when that happens that that's a real experience at one time where i had that experience so we were we were pastoring up in boston and it was one of those days during the week a couple people i think there was four or five of us that were in the office and the spirit lord just fell in the office and we ended up on the floor in the hallway uh three of us on the floor two people were standing up but three of us on the floor and we crawled into one of the offices and we're sitting there and and this and it's just the presence of the lord was so strong we were laughing we were praying we were worshiping and while this is going on i sense that there's an angel in the corner of the room so i thought well if an angel's standing there that must be a good place to be so i crawled over to where this angel was i i wasn't standing up at that point i crawled over to where this angel was and i sat there where the angel was standing and when i did i went into a vision now the things around me were no longer i could pay attention to them i could kind of tell that they were there but i wasn't really seeing them i was seeing this internal vision and in this vision i'm walking through what looks like a downtown area of a major city after it had been destroyed there there were the skeletons and and the rubble of these buildings these huge buildings skyscrapers and there was dirt and there was debris and there was dust and it was it was like that post-apocalyptic landscape if you will that you see sometimes in movies and i'm walking through this street and as i'm walking through this street i'm i'm knowing things i'm not hearing anything with my ears but i just understand things and what i understand is that this represented the business arena or the business mountain if you will we have the seven mountains that have become a very popular topic different spheres of society this was the business sphere the economic sphere specifically and but it represented what could happen in any of the spheres and i watched as it transformed into a vibrant city it went from dusty and broken down and it's like a little bit at a time it just got transformed and this in the the skyscrapers were full they were intact they were shining the sun was shining the glass was there all the debris was gone the city streets were clean and i knew that god's plan for transforming the different spheres was to give believers creative ideas and that if they would act on those creative ideas that it would open up a realm that would change what the enemy had destroyed and turn it into god's intention and it would release kingdom influence into those spheres but i also got a piece of wisdom in this that if people did this and they tried to say well god told me to do this that it would actually lose the capacity to bring influence and change into that sphere that that people would reject it but if they just did it and and they saw the transformation happen after the transformation when people were asking well how did that work how did you think of that how did that come and then they brought in their faith that that it would release that it would not have that hindrance that block to it happening but that it would actually release that transformation that was intended now that was pretty cool i just happened to go where an angel was and i got the message that was intended from that angel now i wasn't trying to ask the angel anything i was responding to what i felt the spirit of god was prompting in my heart and that's one of the keys we'll talk about that when we talk more about angels and like i said for those of you if you're able this weekend to be a part of the stream's prophetic and revelatory training go to and sign up because you take it anywhere we're going to do it virtually as well as live so we'll have some people here but we have people literally around the world that are joining in and would love for you guys to join in because we're going to have some fun we're going to talk about the seer realm we're going to talk about the other types of strange events types of revelation that god gives how do you recognize when he's speaking through your feelings through your understanding how do you how do you deal with the visions and different visionary experiences and what are the different types of the seer realm and how do you engage how do you step into the seer realm how do you increase that how do you respond to it and the different types of angelic encounters and how do you respond to angelic encounters and get what god is intending for you to hear it's going to be a lot of fun and hope you guys can join us so let's do this i just spent yeah i went about five or five minutes over but we're going to spend the last 20 25 minutes here and i want to do some dream interpretation for those of you i know some of you have gotten on because you're hoping that we can do some dream interpretations so we're going to do a little bit of that please feel free just put it into the comments if you are on our youtube channel now if you're on one of the other social media channels if you're on facebook um we're not gonna be able to see those comments during the live video so please if you go to the youtube channel you you'll be able to just go to youtube search streams ministries and you'll see the live video in with the rest of our videos and while you're there make sure to subscribe so you don't miss it and if you put that you want to get notifications from our channel every time we go live youtube will let you know so that you can join right in and not miss it but let's take a look i i've got a dream here from candace from san diego so candace says we just bought a home and had a fence installed all around in the contract three hotels were part that we were unaware of laundry room four sets of washers and dryers so in your dream you bought a home and had a fence put all the way around it and then in the contract for buying the home there were three hotels that you didn't even realize when you bought the home and then there was laundry room that had four sets of washers and dryers so homes a lot of times talk about your life it's an aspect of your life so it could be talking about your spiritual life your home life your family life um fences talk about boundaries so this feels like it's it's probably talking about your your your personal life maybe your your social life that you're stepping into a new season in life and and you're starting to learn and recognize the importance of boundaries and how to set them and that's really important because there's a whole bunch of people that god has has intended for you to help these three sets of hotels which are three i mean three sets of apartments excuse me no it is hotels three sets of hotels which are where people come and they're only there for a season they're there for a little bit and then they leave but a lot of people a lot of different people going through transition and then the clothes the washer and dryer clothes a lot of times talk about giftings or or how we're walking things out how we're doing things and the place to get them cleaned is cleaning up how we're doing what we're doing so that it becomes healthier that it becomes more clean which would be more righteous more holy more in line with what god wants and so basically you're coming into this new season and god is calling you to establish boundaries because you're going to be helping people that are going through transition a lot more people than what you thought or what you expected and part of the help you're going to be giving them is teaching them how to clean up aspects of their life and deal with their dirty laundry now it's funny because when i was talking through what the different elements meant i was thinking of clothing as talking about gifting and that type of thing but as soon as i started sharing the interpretation i realized the washer and dryer wasn't really about gifting it's actually about helping people deal with their dirty laundry which is the stuff from the past the things that they've done wrong that needs to be cleaned up and that's the season that you're coming into that's fun and that tells you a lot about dream interpretation sometimes it's through talking it out and especially in releasing the interpretation to the dreamer that the holy spirit will just move it and guide it and it becomes too easy for us to get caught up and well this means this and this means this and dream dictionaries can be somewhat helpful but they actually can be really unhelpful and make it harder to interpret dreams unless we're completely surrendered to god speaking what that means because dream dictionaries give you an idea of what one thing might mean sometimes but god can cause it to mean something else if he wants to so we have to keep it surrendered to what he's saying in the moment all right let's see we've got a bunch of of uh dreams put on here now um let's see cecile sodzo says to my surprise she showed up in the interview i got the job i went back to say thank you i never saw her and her employment has no recollection of her there i believe it was angelic okay so i i don't know if maybe you've put up other comments i'm only seeing the one comment and um i mean just just from this you got the job you go back to tell the person that interviewed you thank you and they're not there and the people that gave you the job didn't know that they were there yeah that i mean if that if this is not a dream if this was waking life then that probably was well i mean you would think it probably was an angel now what's interesting is that you actually have the job now angels can do that everybody just assumes that that what was done is normal and everything is okay it's amazing how god can cause that to happen in situations but if that were a dream and god is going to be sending supernatural help to put you in the right place so that you can help the people that you're intended to help and do what you're intended to do so that is fun let's see bunches of comments here jacqueline kennedy i have dreams that i am cleaning a public toilet and i become spotless in white it is sitting in the center of a public bathroom people are washing their hands and walking in and out so in your dream you're cleaning up this public toilet and you become spotless and white that's what i read um and there's people coming in and out washing their hands so a lot of times toilet is talking about dealing with our issues if you're using the toilet it's about dealing with the issues that are inside of you you're not using a toilet so it's not about dealing your issues you're cleaning the toilet which means that you're creating a safe place for other people to deal with their issues you have been given a gifting and an ability to help other people have a safe place to deal with their issues and people are going to be coming in and out washing their hands cleanse your hands oh you sinners this is talking about repentance and changing from what we've been doing to what we should be doing you create the safe place and in the process of helping other people deal with their issues god is purifying and sanctifying you that spotless and white that that echoes language that paul uses in ephesians chapter five talking about the bride that she would be pure and spotless such as she should be which is that process of sanctification being made holy by the presence of the lord so as you help others god's going to be helping you and and that's a beautiful beautiful thing public excuse me just means that a lot of people are going to be helped by that all right let's see esther esther shauna r i had two dreams that were days apart one opened a drawer and see a dead cat in there two i see a cat in my backyard and i'm trying to deal with it is i'm a little scared of it so the first one so i mean the key your kind of your element that's similar in both of them is a cat so what could a cat represent in dreams if you've been watching the dream elements you've probably seen the one that we did on cats cats a lot of times will talk about our will or our desires things that we want and so seeing something in a drawer a cat that's dead is something that's been stored something that's been set aside but it's it's dead it's no longer alive so it's an old desire that is dead an old thing that maybe it's an old way of independent thinking or or willful thinking that is now gone and and yeah i explain why cats mean that in the dream element video so i'm not going to take the time to do that in this one you can it's a three-minute video so it's an easy easy quick watch if you're interested seeing it in the backyard the backyard often talks about history things from the past so there is stuff from your past that's dead now but you're recognizing it from your past and you're realizing that it was unhealthy that it wasn't good you're a little bit scared of it some things that you used to be involved in that maybe seemed good back then but you're realizing now that it's dead and that it's and then it's a little bit scary is your response to it so the cat i think that it's it's both dreams they're talking about similar thing in two different ways one it's helping you realize that it's gone that it's dead which is you know it's dead to the flesh it's dead to you that it's dead works cleanse yourselves from dead works there's no life there and realizing that it's actually not a good thing that it actually should cause that that fear is realizing wait a second this there's danger that's here so that you stay away from that you steer away from it so if you see something from your past and you're in maybe you're being tempted with something or something's trying to come up god's talking to you and letting you know that that thing it's not good and that it's actually dangerous that it's not it's not safe so that is a very helpful dream that's what we call a warning dream if you're looking at the 20 categories of dreams we call that one a warning dream let's see shalini robinson high frequency sounds in my dream i was climbing a steep cliff meant for rock climbing it was my first time i was well equipped secured and a man or ground control gc connected encouraged me connected with you and encouraged you all right so the thing about rock climbing climbing a steep lot it it's something that takes a high amount of skill it takes fitness and it takes uh it's dangerous but it's also extremely rewarding if you can do it without getting hurt so there there's this accomplishment piece you've been given a very difficult task for you to do but you're trained for it you're equipped for it you've got everything that you need and god's going to guide you along the process you're not alone so don't be afraid of the difficulty of the task in front of you it was a very steep cliff don't be afraid of the difficulty you're already equipped and god's not leaving you alone you are connected and ground control is going to be helping you do this thing right going to give you the guidance that you need to encourage you to accomplish it so step out and go for it so that is a really encouraging dream let's see joann moore you said a friend battling myeloma had in a dream that there was a crystal chair hanging on a wall you could see through the chair okay so just seeing a crystal chair hanging on the wall that you could see through hmm well chair is a position it's a place to sit could be talking about a seat of authority could be talking about it just a position maybe it's a position in ministry a position in work a position in life at some type of position uh but hanging on a wall it's not on the floor so it's hanging on a wall which is different than normal so why would it be hanging on the wall it's almost like it's decoration and this is crystal crystal would be clear but crystal is also very precious it's beautiful and so there's clarity i'm just thinking through all the different things that it might mean and waiting for that sense of oh that that's what that what that means for this one and part of the problem is dreams mean what they mean they don't always mean what you want them to mean so dreams don't always tell you what you're wanting them to tell you and say in this dream i mean you you're talking about your friend and your friend is dealing with the sickness and they're seeing this thing it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the sickness there's nothing in the dream that connects it with that and so if you try too hard to figure out how it connects to a situation that you already know in the natural it actually can make it harder to understand the dream and if you just leave that alone sometimes it'll be easier and that's that that's what i found again and again in helping interpret dreams especially the closer you are to somebody the harder it is to let go of what you want the dream to mean so that you can hear what the dream does mean and that's one of the keys when it comes to dream interpretation is you you've got to be able to let go what you want it to say and let it say what it says so in this dream i still am not quite sure what to do with the fact that the chair was hanging on the wall it's almost like it's decora declaration it's almost like there's a there's a place of authority there's a seat of authority and it's pretty clear the seat of authority but it's not in the right position to be to provide that stability it's actually more of a decoration rather than something that's actually useful in being used and so that's what that would mean um and i'm still i'm trying to figure out how do i apply that you don't always get the application so i'm just gonna leave that one lay instead of trying to figure out how it applies because i'm not sure how that applies to that person they they probably know and that's the other fun thing about the prophetic is it it's so hard to not try to make it make sense to your mind you're constantly trying to figure out well that doesn't make sense so it doesn't have to make sense it doesn't necessarily make sense to you because you're not the person who's being spoken to but to them it can make sense like there's certain things if somebody started talking to me about coffee now i've talked a couple times i like coffee that has a very specific meaning to me but if somebody is is getting a message from god uh to talk to me about coffee and they don't really like coffee or it's just not that big of a deal like they're gonna be like what that doesn't make any sense and it's just not going to connect but when they tell me all of a sudden i'm like ah i know what that's talking about why because i'm the one receiving the message so when we're trying to give interpretations to dreams or other prophetic words sometimes it doesn't make sense to the messenger it makes sense to the person being spoken to and if we try to wait until it makes sense or change it so that it makes sense we can end up messing up what god's trying to say and the person will never get the message that they were intended to get so be okay with it not making sense to you share what god has shown you and let it stand on its own all righty let's do one or two more okay so katrina katrina shore i was with people jumping in a swimming pool doing laps in a pool i was being followed by a pet i was swimming faster than anyone else i saw my reflection in the water i was a green snake turning into a cobra okay so well one snakes are generally not good they're they're usually they have to do a deception they have to do with the enemy um green usually talks about pride or talks about envy and cobra is something that's very it's a poisonous snake it's dangerous it's not a harmless snake it is a dangerous type of a snake swimming pool talks about the things in the spirit so there's some type of spiritual activity that you've been involved in that's actually deceptive and the enemy is trying to use what what looks like you doing better than others to build pride in your life and it's going to end up being dangerous if you're not careful this is a warning dream and so hear that warning and look at your life and see what spiritual activity are you doing that looks like you're doing better than the people around you and guard your heart against pride guard your heart against thinking that you're doing better than other people because that is not from god it says that god resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble so you know we we talk a lot we like to give encouraging words but when it comes to dreams you have to let the dream say what the dream says you can't change the dream or else people won't hear what god was trying to say and we have this tendency and it's actually become exalted in parts of the church where we try to be nicer than god is and we actually need to let god be god and just obey now you have to watch your own heart because if you're constantly looking for what people are doing wrong so you can point it out there is a problem that needs to be dealt with that's an inner healing issue there's a stronghold but if you never point out when god is giving someone correction that's also a stronghold and the enemy will will will create a camp in that place that will hinder you from hearing what god is saying and you'll miss what god's trying to do in people's lives and we're supposed to be ones that help people to grow and to mature in christ so let's do one more let's somebody's asking question noella ahmed jesus okay says what does it mean to dream about two moons or two suns there are a lot of people just seeing that in a dream so two moons or two suns um well depending on what the sun or the moon would represent in the particular dream two is just there there's an increase there's a multiplication that's happening a son is often could be talking about the son jesus and so in increase maybe there there's maybe a major emphasis on on jesus and the revelation of jesus it could be talking about lighter revelation moons reflect the light so it's not a source of light but it reflects the light and so it provides light from somebody else's light so the moon can represent the church to the positive um can also represent the place of the night which would be a negative um the enemy doesn't have any light of his own but he just he takes what is not his and reveals it to to make it seem like there's light so that would be the negative but these don't feel necessarily negative um the other thing about the sun and the moon is they're they're they're in the sky they're in the heavens and so they can talk about some type of heavenly beings so sometimes the sun and the moon can talk about some type of spiritual beings or heavenly powers that are there but just various people seeing two sons or two moons context is so helpful because it could mean something really good in one dream and something really bad in another dream so what's the context what's the the feeling of the dream is the feeling of the dream one of intimidation or fear or danger um or is the feeling is it is it is it lighthearted is it happy is it joyful is god increasing something or is the enemy trying to increase something because there's something being multiplied something that's being increased and it's either the activity of god or the activity of the enemy it's spiritual activity spiritual realities that's being multiplied so that's what that would be talking about and then taking a look at the individual dreams and trying to figure out is this positive or is this negative that will that will help with that let's see i've got time for one more isaac isaac don dhan i'm traveling in a train with family i get down in a station and miss the train then i try to trace the chase the train by another train in the middle of it also see the coach gets disconnected so you're trying to get from one place to another place with your family but you took a break and now you're feeling disconnected from your family and you're trying to catch up with it so i'm not sure if this is your spiritual family or your natural family but you've been on this journey of growth this journey of trying to get somewhere and you had to take a you had to take a step off so you're stopping at a station there there's there's destinations and things like the season that's that's changed but you you're you now feel like you're behind like you're missing out on what the rest of them and you're trying to catch up with where they're at with where they're going i wonder if this is about a spiritual family because i i think there may be application in two levels because sometimes a dream it'll have the same meaning but it can apply apply to two different levels so it could be applying to your spiritual family as well as your natural family because i i when i try to say that i'm not sure if it's about your natural family i feel that check like no i think it actually it has an application but i think the the kind of the weightier application is to your spiritual family there is a season of your life when you are moving forward with a group of people in the things of the spirit and you took a break to do something else and now you feel like you're missing out and you're realizing that you need to be a part of that and you're trying to figure out how to get back to that place in your spiritual life and back to that connection with those people so that you can move forward in what god wants for you so keep going keep searching because god's not going to give you that dream and just leave you hanging waiting keep going after it and you're gonna find yourself back in that place because god doesn't waste anything and and even the the choices that we make he can turn around and cause them to to not delay what was intended in our lives so guys i hope you had some fun i hope you learned something about some strange events and some of the other supernatural activity that happens in our lives that we can see in scripture and i just want to encourage you to keep pressing in because there's so much more you can be having visitations and translations and transportation keep seeking after god don't seek after the supernatural activity you can get the supernatural activity and not get god and that's dangerous keep on seeking after god asking him to do all the things that he wants to do and you will not be disappointed bless you guys
Channel: Streams Ministries
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Id: UWl3iv-ynVI
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Length: 60min 56sec (3656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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