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[Music] thank you hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching uh today we've been contacted by a customer actually they contacted us yesterday afternoon after work uh wanting to get a burnt combine out of the field and loaded onto RGN trailer before the rain moves in this morning so we're getting an early start hopefully we can beat the rain get in and get out uh just the front end of the combine is burnt most of the tires are still up on it but it is out in a hard to access area nobody was injured so we just get a lot of work ahead of us here we go okay so we are here we'll take a look and see what this is soft yeah I really don't want to get our stuff out in here that's for sure we brought extra lengths of cable thankfully it's not that far off the roadway I thought it was further in than it looks like a farm Access Road there see what we got message the driver of the RGN tell him we're here this could be interesting well what we've got to worry about guys is we've got to get to where the wheels spin freely challenge huh so this one's going to be a challenge yes it's all going to be a challenge do you feel how soft this ground is look at the top of it's still wet yeah I don't know I I really don't know do we know if it's stuck in the drive or anything these things are all hydraulic drive if the Hydraulics aren't working the wheels are locked up so we can't put it in neutral or anything there's ways around it but you've got just put it this way it's not easy all right Ethan I think let's see if we can get off this road here or off this little Farm Road if we can get off that Farm Road and get the back end of this thing swung around if we start pulling from the front end we're just going to plow if we can get yeah let's go see if we can what this or well if you want to look there whatever I'm I'm going to look up here because this is too soft I don't want to get our truck in here I'm thinking with just my feet but there's an access road here hopefully it'll be a little more solid we've got enough extra cable length if we can work off this Access Road yeah traffic control is fine but it ain't going to pull that combine sure well it's not that chili is just uh the wind this is good and solid right here so we're going to bring the trucks over here I really don't like being out on that road if we can get it to here well we'll wait till the RGN driver gets here um I just texted him he said he's about 10 minutes out I texted him when we left told him that you know we were leaving the shop and it was about an hour and five minutes hour and ten something like that yeah so we'll be taking it after we got it load it on it on trailer and we have to take the tires and wheels off otherwise he's too too wide and he doesn't have the uh oversized well he doesn't have the Outriggers that he needs he's got the little swing outs and he doesn't have the type that he really needs to be able to haul this also it would be too tall if I understood him correctly last night so we got pulled tires and wheels this is this is going to be a project yeah this is laughing because I've realized something funny what it's a John Deere uh-huh yeah you're yeah this is good hard pack here I mean I wouldn't have any problem getting the Rotator off here as long as it doesn't help bottom out well I thought it was usually the classes that catch on fire huh I said I thought it was usually the closest and catch on fire I well with that one doesn't look like an engine bay fire though that one looks like it started in the header I could be wrong but I ended base fine yeah I don't I don't see a problem getting in here this is this is fine with the Rotator here probably and we've got plenty of pulling power with the rotator um do what now let's wait on the RGN driver to get here uh let's get get with him to get a game plan well unfortunately that ground is very very soft you can see the Cloudy overcast Skies we got rain moving in we gotta try to get this full thing out of the field and somewhere where we can load it on an RGN trailer before the rain Moves In intake tires and wheels off of it may sound simple but this is going to take a little while we'll get it uh go ahead keep going I want you to go straight for the front of them whoa slow down slow down slow down all right keep going it's just don't go so fast otherwise it'll want a bird nest on you keep it going keep it going you're almost almost finished layer whoa whoa whoa hold right there yeah I put that on there a long time ago the little flashing light helps but that retro reflected Arrow gives them just a little something extra idea oh we've had some close calls all right foreign [Applause] do we need the big yank them extra length or we got enough okay let's get it hooked up rains are moving in I'm afraid we're gonna get wet before this is all said and done we still got to take tires and wheels off I brought my rain gear foreign I want to grab so that it comes underneath I want to lift this so that it's not plowing so let's see you can go right around here on each side and go under math take a little bit of a uh shovel shovel under it huh when I just throw it over you got to go under this we got to lift the whole thing up I want this lifted up so we're not plowing it you understand what I'm saying that's usually the lifting point [Music] well I was going to do two chains I wanted to go under it but I want to try to get under it so that we lift that head oh he's going back to get a shovel we may have to actually lift it up a little bit first I don't know that's the one that's over thinking we were going to be ready so it just Falls around oh that's sweet because that's how you transport them yep I like it that we might have been able to get it under there and lift it up first and then block it inside them through huh and then slide the change through yeah this hole underneath I don't think it would yeah there's a couple of spade shovels and a oh shoot yep right now here I'm gonna try something just hang tight for a second all right yes I I may need a couple of blocks thank you all right Gavin [Music] I know this isn't exactly what I wanted but it might bring it up some here hold on ah shoot oh okay but it kind of went under it anyway on the outside corner let me see what happens here okay I don't like the way that one is we'll have to reposition it once this gets lifted up a little bit but we will need a block here again let's see if this will do like that other one if it'll wedge under there if they'll get under that corner it might if we can get it up and then put a block under it we can redo that rear and then we can get it to where it's going to pull up towards the middle yep all right Stand Back Again Ethan I need a block over here or something I hope hopefully it lifts this up well it's not working that way anyway it's rolling that's good that's what we wanted may not be steering exactly where we want it but it's a rolling I could probably get yeah yeah I know that's why I wanted it uh we're gonna have to get closer though to get that head up that's that's about all we're going to get right now until we get closer with the machine because this tire is flat I don't like the way that one's hooked in but it's working yeah we're moving let's keep moving well you probably will you'll probably get to use the star to tow it we're going to have to tow it to the closest place to load it getting it getting it out of the field is only step one or step two whatever getting it to roll freely was step one we're good as long as it keeps moving toward the truck we're all right [Music] all right what's supposed to lock in oh yeah well what we really need to do is whenever we get it up here we're going to have to get this and a solid point up top and chain and Boomer it so it stays up off the ground there is underneath there when you get it okay gotcha we'll get it close enough we can get her lifted up there's always a way we come to these things there's not a whole lot tonight left it here the attack combined with the tractors upon us because I was thinking oh yeah I know we've moved them out of a field too we had to wait until a really hard freeze to get it out though it was rear ended by a semi oh so the rear end was all broken down yeah we totally wanted to Rotator Drive [Music] and we had to hire a tire guy to come out and take the duels off the combine but he couldn't let it off the trailer because he didn't believe his clock and I didn't have enough then we had to call it lumber yard to deliver its foot um well for six by sixes right and get it all down then they had to go back in a few hours tire shop after a few hours back to get a different Jack because it's going to be too tall it's a bigger one than this it was a pain oil paint I ended up just leaving all the tires and everything out in the field I'm like I told Ken I'm like I can't haul that I'm like I should have brought the triple but well Ken said he was going to start calling us for stuff in this area yeah the reason he called me on YouTube yeah that's what he said that's what he said man I've seen you guys load the lexon combine it was all burnt but nothing I've seen that on YouTube the other day but I had everything yeah that was that was a pain in the butt that that one had tracks on the front Pocatello [Music] that's that's wheat Harvest I've only been pink since I was 20 years old and I'm 35 now he's had four of them when they start on fire the wheat field they find 100 acres oh yeah [Music] usually nothing left yep that's when that's when you bring in the excavator and the dump wagons and you just start picking it up piece by piece [Music] I think that cost more to pay for the week than if that's pretty interesting space [Music] well I've got the side Spades anchored I've got those dug in the ground well also that's why I pushed the boom up when you push the boom up it pushes down on those Outriggers to help dig them into the ground if I'd have done more of a straight line it would try to drag my truck sideways but also since we got all this free rolling we don't have near as much resistance yeah they're pretty easy to roll now it's not going to help because we're not getting any lift on it we got a phone calls combine there's a bridge if you want you really did and if you hear the top off then I hold it down to Memphis Missouri so many night to London yeah thank you okay Gavin I'm gonna reposition the Rotator here in a minute but what we're going to do we're gonna let me get it get the boom out so that we can get a lift on this here that way well now wait a minute we're going to turn it we gotta turn it one way or the other it's got to be turned towards the road I was really hoping that it would uh turn before now right should we take those two back hydraulic lines loose on them cylinders so the oil come out yeah I think we're gonna have to we take the back ones loose all right guys get my wrench packs my wrenches okay that's fine just getting my wrenches [Music] I'm listening I'm just I'm focused on something else right now you guys get the traffic control over here with my tools please [Applause] foreign I'm not going to lift until Gavin's out of the way come on baby is my chain holding it surely not I wouldn't think so take it off and this hook up here on the front yep that's what I'm sorry all right it's not lifting like we want it to nope we don't know why yet hold on we're gonna put that block under there so that we can get that side loose put that block under there just anywhere there you go nope turn it long way so it doesn't cut you're going with the grain you want to go against the grain turn the block turn the block this way otherwise when it comes down it'll split it with the drain now you understand well the blocks the Block's keeping it we can just go right around that spindle we'll latch it back into itself try this again here we go that's what we wanted ah don't get under there again it's just like there you go now it's locked now it won't go in any further now we've got something we can grab a hold of with a chain hook all right take that loose for now out of the we're gonna have to reposition the truck oh you don't yeah you don't have to be super snapped there there you go now just run it right in there and that's what we did on the other side get as much out of it as you can that way they're pulling together yep oh yeah we need a different binder I'll go grab one yeah I don't want to trust that nope yeah please back in my day when I thought foreign bud all right you guys finish that up I'm gonna get the truck moved forward that's just pretty slick it is it is really slick yeah what no signal for oh yeah we're out all right everybody clear I don't have my space dug in I've just got the Outriggers planted so let's see if she spins we may have to hook it to this high or this other side instead of that far yeah let's get this let's get this re-hood let's get this on this other side well we've been up since four o'clock or I have I don't know what time you got up but I got a four yeah but don't pull on the cylinder go around the uh here you can go over the top right here and then come underneath there you go just like that no just drop straight whoa buddy yeah you don't have to go over that little bitty Rod well I can't see that's I was just trying to oh come up here from the front right right down through there buddy there you go right through there drop the hook down and just make a loop just get us a loop short long does not matter at this point let's just get her done a little farmer told me the combine caught on fire back to where my semi was at I heard that and he drove it up here so he didn't want to burn that trailer house and it started to refactor at the back of the combine almost the back tire on this side the wind was blowing somebody blew it up here in the cab wow hey guys then hooked the header back up there so the header knife never got damaged and that's the neighbor's building they're worried about it burning it yeah well I may have to spread my Outriggers and get a better it's gone well I'm not worried about it popping off the beat as long as it doesn't roll the combo It Ain't Gonna Roll It what Gavin your mic is up it's okay no it's like foreign that's what we want that win no actually I can lift from this side it'd be all right right now if I can get it just that's it that's all I got well that flat tire and the other tires digging in the ground that's helping keep it stable it's all right it's okay I ain't gonna hurt nothing all right I'm gonna pre-spool the cable Ethan watch yourself please while I pull forward some more that's a good question I'm not sure yet again first let's get it up here on this hard pack [Music] all right thank you whoa hold oh okay go I won't be so much happier when it's up on this hard pack oh yeah wait we can work with it now if he gets authorization to get us down on that uh old grain bin we'll be in good shape yeah watch out so it doesn't get in that other field foreign against the turret that way yep now I just let this down run uh get the chain loose wow that wind give me some more no other way bud all right well now go down don't right in there but just like before there you go now go ahead hook it in but I want it pulling against this so that it pulls the machine sideways as it pulls forward at the same time foreign [Music] thank you [Music] back off okay hold on let's see thank you what yeah we don't need much just not to thank you thank you you get centered in the driveway where you want to be up there and hook both sides and double straight up yep no no no that's that's exactly what I was thinking so no we're good we're good no I hey okay I appreciate an informed opinion you deal with these things every day I don't know I just lower my boom down all we're doing now is just doing pull foreign [Music] biggest concern is not wanting to roll away once they're heated up on the road located right for that yep well we might even be able to do just one part of it last rigging the better there's you I just need him to straighten it out so it didn't fall off on that dip with that flat tire no no one damage this thing can you do you think if you were sort of chasing up you can pick the whole thing up right where you're at oh yeah I can pick the whole thing up that is not a problem we've got these chain lifts like this and we'll tie the chains probably to the axles and run them out to this this header and it will lift off this header that way our lift point is all the way out here we can lift that truck lifts a lot higher so we'll use that truck to actually move it with this has got more winching power but that one's got uh the underreach goes a lot higher but we can get a really good vantage point from out here yeah we'll do it basically like we've got it there except running it under the center I don't want to be stuck down here I'll probably have to work off the side to get it up on the road part of the way but we'll be all right but you need to be turned around and headed back the other way before I get on the road you understand right now you stay right where you're at no just just keep your emergencies on you're not pushing traffic anywhere right now because we're getting ready to block everything yep hold on we'll we'll discuss that when we get to it but he can get turned around and let me get back up on the road save that that might be worth some money now completely yep when I'm coming out all right when I was backing in that lift axle was up so I I don't have quite the ground clearance coming out that lift axle would be down so it'll help help well it'll help spin it and it'll help lift that Outrigger off the ground at least we're out of the field that's a good thing I like it better than having to drag it through the field that way yeah I know we'll make it I need you past me because I need to come out where you're I need you past me because I need to come out where you're at and then I'm gonna have to come in and do a side Pole to get it part of the way up on the road and then we'll have to spin it keep on and going and then stop because I'm Whoa stop stop stop now I need your eyes coming out of here so I don't drop this thing off I think I'll be all right especially with the Outriggers down or the left axle down I mean and yes I may run off on the other side but okay stand clear all right going into motion all right clear watch yourself coming out I'm coming out hot I'm out that's what matters back on the road on road again okay got everything blocked off all right let's go we made we may have to pull that one side like we did before put that one side up here so that it keeps pulling the machine this way otherwise we're gonna otherwise we're gonna run right down here and risk rolling the machine I don't want to do that side that's fine that's why they needed it out of the field so they can go ahead and get the field work all right yo yep that's that way it pulls it this way just a little bit all right because look at the direction it's headed Gavin it's headed down this if we keep pulling forward it's going to go on this slope we don't want that I want to pull it away from that slope still still going to be down on that side so afraid of my full forward yeah it's gonna go down on that side that's what I was telling you earlier Ethan I needed to be forward a little more but that's all right we'll get it all right watch yourselves it is in preschool am I clear well he didn't waste any time getting uh going on disc in that field did they yeah that'd be all right that'd be good I think all right you haven't get ready with some Big Blocks if we're gonna have to have times when we've got to stop this thing sorry huh oh yeah I do too fine baby crying I think we're glad to be more forward I really like it that'll be all right huh it's starting to work yeah yeah closer it gets more it'll come up my way yep oh yeah she's walking up there thank you all right I'm gonna slow my winch down headed on the high speed retreat ice baby yeah all right now Ethan when we get when I get it up here closer you're gonna have to grab the front end and spin it sideways and I'm gonna have to grab the back end until you can grab a hold of the front and do a chain lift well yeah I don't want to get it all the way on the pavement so that we don't uh do a free roll but I don't want it to go backwards either all right Gavin I've got a good stop here put a put a block behind one of the tires and I'll let off on it and make sure it doesn't roll back tell me when you're clear you're clear all right letting off nope getting getting okay okay now leave that chain there we'll use it to Pivot the machine around ah it doesn't happen all right let's see if you can pull this thing sideways just without me spinning it because if you can oh hold on hold on we need to stick stay with the block Gavin come around here but in case something goes foul actually we need two chains or two blocks here I'm gonna get one and Gavin's gonna get one don't go any further yet that's all right let it let her slide like that thank you all right now you're still doing good hold up oh just wait a minute again yep I'm gonna Slide the back in all right Ethan just hold what you got we'll have to be pretty the front end will need to be that way for you you're you're underreach needs to be right here correct correct correct yes again 3 8 5 16 does not matter let's just get get a chain back here straight this one's this one is tight yeah this one ain't too bad ah okay then we're clear I think you've got too much of a grab on it so probably about like that is until he gets it up yeah yeah all we need to do is get it to where he can get with the wheel lift I'm just going to follow it so it doesn't hold Ethan okay go ahead and roll whenever you feel comfortable with your uh lift you go for it I wouldn't get too much you're gonna be all right you haven't lock us off front and rear and we'll get all this rigging packed up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 132,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: avM8SLPkNyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 9sec (3849 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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