Stranded in -42 F/-41C in my Old Ford Truck on a Truck Camping 2,000 mile Drive to the Arctic Ocean

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[Music] well guys good news I just got a call that the truck is ready over an Anchorage so I'm hitchhiking into Anchorage right now about a 30 mile ride and uh we're going to go pick up the truck and leave in for the Arctic first thing in the morning for uh attempt number two to get to the Arctic Ocean where here she's running right here at Different Strokes of Alaska they hooked it up and uh got her fixed pretty quick here so I don't see any diesel pouring out right now pretty happy about that I also had to replace my axle seal and brick shoes and the caliper and everything in that side over there guess it was blown out so she going to need some love before too long here about back in the road let's go woo excited to have the old girl back excited we have a whole bunch to pack so let's get back to the cabin and uh get ready let's go heading back south sun setting going to be packing everything in the dark we're leaving first thing in the morning for the Arctic Ocean do everything we can to make it this time truck's running great brakes working great it's not leaking fuel so I think we're good to go I just checked the forecast up in cold foot and it's supposed to be - 52° F like the ambient temperature wind chill at8 so going to be super cold but we got a cabin back there so we'll be all right all right we're home let's get loaded right this okay that was a little ridiculous it was super Frozen stuck so I used the torch right there torched it and now huh I can lower it the trailer all right we're all loaded let's put this ramp up and start packing here we go put this Hydro tip down oh this is it going the Artic let's go this is crazy here we go 2,000 miles to go round trip but we get a long way to drive we got to fill up with some propane in town amongst other things we got to do and after I hit that Carib last time you know what I did a dash cam like just be a good thing to have let's roll all right so we going to get some groceries and Anchorage and hopefully we'll make it a good bit north of Fairbanks tonight it's supposed to be uh windchill at -70 tonight and the low ambient temp is - 53° I said so it is freaking cold up here but uh we're going for it we're pretty prepared it's such a beautiful morning out a full moon we're going to have a full moon most of this drive supposed to be kind of a mixture of sun and Snow Yeah we made it to Anchorage so we're going to go hit the grocery store and stock up for about a week or two of food here and then hit the road [Music] probably should have made a shopping list have your Club Car [Music] total here go all right we should be good for about it's probably close to 10 days of food then I get some emergency food just in case let's get all this stuff in my fridge freezer down here and should be good One Last Stop favorite coffee [Music] shops now we're out of here that's a van true dash cam I'm listening to a tutorial for my uh new dash cam up there we're in Downtown Anchorage we're about to not be anywhere near any town man it is slick out today too holy crap check this out crazy it's got messed up we're still just getting out of Anchorage right now and uh it's really slick out obviously so we're going to be careful on this trip a lot of you guys ask what type of tires I have in this truck they are Toyo at3s so they're Snow rated tires three Peak Snow rated and uh got about 30,000 Mi on them so they're getting a little bit worn down the cypes stting to lose my tracks and just a little bit the cypes are kind of worn out so definitely going to have to get new tires this summer but they've been awesome tires totally going to buy them again yeah that's what I use I'd like to have stud tires but one day so one of the cool Parts about long road trips like this 2,000 M Drive is you got time to just talk to people so so I'm going to call my mom really quick see how she's doing checking with her good morning you oh yeah got you here but no I'm in I'm just leaving Anchorage right now so just getting started yeah the truck was just broke down all week so I got a late start yeah I know chili out like 0 de about right now there my diesel heater for the lasso heater inside the cabin right here fill it up in that little tank well it's pretty cold right now -12 I knew it felt cold out there filling up freaking t-shirt um I guess they can't fill up propane when it's below -10 so I don't know what to do I got to fill that little bottle up so I've got my little backup bazooka heater in case I got to work in the car we get that stored up in the rocket box up there just in case I got to warm up the engine block okay the back window just rolled down and I can't get it up um I got to press like the button over here a little bit and then it just lifts up a little bit then I got to reach over pull it up press the button again it's crazy man come onoo thank God okay that would have been bad freaking window wide open all right let's roll hopefully these guys can fill some propane let's see well that's not good they can't fill the propane either uh the propane it's all liquid right now so um I don't know what to do I'm going to get on the internet see if there maybe there's a propane shop that has a tank indoors or something here I kind of doubt it but let's see what we can figure out if you're coming about a possible carbon monoxide exposure hang up and call 911 thank you for calling Suburban Propane your call may be recorded for quality purposes well I don't know that just feels dangerous to not have propane for that bazooki heater if anything happens so I'm going to stop by aih here and just buy a new freaking tank that's all I can do helpfully they got full ones here that's the little one I've got empty those guys did not have any propane tanks that were pre-filled so we're going to try this is the last gas station if I don't get it here we're not going to have propane for emergency here so hopefully I can just buy a freaking bottle of it well they didn't have it so that's that looks like they're working in the station get some tarps up and pumping heat in there to work on it score we just got ourselves a full bottle of propane right there I really didn't want to go north without it because it just ain't safe if anything happens I might need to fire that propane uh bazooka heater up and heat up the engine block or heat up a part so I can change that a part or whatever so anyway let's roll so if you guys look back at my videos I recently attempted a trip up to the Arctic Ocean in this truck maybe I don't know about a month ago and and it just didn't work out there is a bunch of crazy snow storms and blizzards going north and there's a couple Avalanches that shut down to addan pass which is the only way through the mountains to the North Slope to where the Artic ocean is and uh I just had to turn around and come back and when I came back I hit a caribou it was pretty freaking crazy but if you guys look back at my videos it's a three-part video series I think it's called something like driving my old Ford truck to the Arctic Ocean something like that but once you're done with this return to the Arctic series you should go back and watch my original one to uh see what happened anyway we get a long way to go so tonight we're going to try to get up to Fairbanks Alaska where my bandmate lives old Johnny lungs and uh he just had surgery yesterday so I'm just going to visit him and see if he needs anything maybe bring them some dinner something and uh then we're just going to continue on North and what we're doing this time is not conventional so when you get up to Dead Horse there's a security checkpoint because it's on the oil preserve and you can't drive past that checkpoint you have to take a tour bus out to the Arctic Ocean but the catch is the tour bus only runs in the summer so you literally can't get to the Arctic Ocean right now which is where my track bike comes in handy right there a bunch of you guys are probably wondering about the trailer here so I cannot drive the snow machine to the Arctic Ocean because you can't drive within 5 miles of the Dalton Highway Corridor so when we get up to Denali National Park just north of that we're going to drop off my truck bed trailer right here which used to be the bed of the truck and uh we're going to leave that behind for another adventure I'm taking you guys on on the way back it's going to be sweet but what we're going to use to get out to the Arctic Ocean is my track bike so this thing's pretty sweet and uh you can legally ride a bicycle out there so that's what I'm going to do so it's a little tricky I have to stay off the oil lease land which makes it about 30 Mi but uh this is what we're going to use to get out there cuz it's a little too far to ski in one day anyway back in the road here's one of the best restaurants in the highway right there Sheep Creek Lodge if you guys ever passing through it's pretty good going to be pretty freaking cold where we're going tonight low of - 53 a high of 39° and uh the really crazy part is tonight with the wind they're expecting windshields as low as -75 and that's just with 5 mph winds if you can believe that it's pretty nuts it's going to be really cold the next few days anyway it's no joke where we're going it's going to be freaking cold cold you guys want to see something really cool that we're passing by right now check this [Music] out holy look at that rig that's [Music] huge we get a military Convoy up here probably 30 or 40 m military vehicles and Humvees and deu in halfs and all that stuff pretty cool that's cool this is the chelito river bridge here I actually saw a wolf down here walking across the river one time was chomping away eating some Road Stacks it's pretty good I get those and some hot spicy cheit over there if you've never had these cheit you should get them you'll than me later they're freaking [Music] [Music] delicious I had to stop and filmed Den now for a second so you guys can see it's just gorgeous today check this out look at that Beast the tallest mountain in North America even the mountains out in front of it are just like absolutely massive can't really tell from here but there's one cool Mountain we're going to be taking you guys a lot closer to it pretty soon here in the way back some of my next [Applause] [Music] videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa check out that car right there wow look at the wind it's probably blowing a good solid steady 20 mph right now we have reached campwell this is pretty close to Deni National Park just over to the left there's the old tessora we used to stop at shut down now and there's the Denali Highway out to Alpine Creek Lodge if you guys have never heard of Alpine Creek Lodge you should look it up and go visit it you can drive out there in the summer or take a snow machine in the winter it's pretty cool experience pretty awesome folks running it over there we're getting pretty low in diesel but since I have two tanks two diesel tanks we're just going to keep on mobing up hey diesel is usually a dollar cheaper a gallon up there oh no way they're shut down anyway crazy it's a good thing we have two tanks there's uh that's the first time I've ever driven through CW when there's no fuel available we're getting pretty close to Healey up here where we're going to ditch the trailer in my buddy's house I'm a little bit nervous about this trip because it is just so cold I'm hoping the truck will be fine I've never had it in temperature is this cold um 53 is pretty cold for any vehicle even a gasoline vehicle I do have the elasto coolant heater so I can warm up the engine coolant and I'll probably let it run an extra long time in the morning just to warm up the engine block before I turn it over but uh if it's cold enough I might consider running the truck all night It's tricky because I do have two diesel tanks but they only hold about 17 gallons each so with only 3 4 gallons of fuel I don't have a super long range I can only make it about somewhere around 320 Mi and uh there's pretty much 250 mi in between gas stations so I think most diesels take anywhere in between half a gallon to a gallon per hour to idle so if I let it idle for 8 hours when you do the math it's 4 gallons minimum so that would make it to where I almost can't make it to the next gas station so I don't really have an option to idle this truck all night there's Denali Park road that takes you out to Wonder Lake here a lot of people get that confused with Denali Highway where Alpine Creek Lodge is that's the road that actually goes out to Denali out to the mountain and uh you can't even really drive it there's like a lottery permit system for it where you can take a tour bus and this is what they call Glitter Gulch so this is like the tourist trap in Denali totally closed down this time of year pretty crazy like literally everything's all boarded up and nobody here gas station is closed down there's nothing even the princess Lodge over there where all the tour buses go it's closed down it's probably a caretaker or something but all the lights are turned off there and for some reason this is where everyone always comes when they go up to Alaska they always want to see this but there's so many cooler places up here this is beautiful don't get me wrong there's many places that are way cooler to visit up here that's for sure and this brings us into the canyon down here where you can go whitew rafting whoa is that a boulder in the road holy crap look at that thing fell off the [Music] mountain we're coming up into the town of Healey so we're going to go up to my buddy's house up here I used to whitewater kayak with these folks a long time ago it's been a while but going to let me park my trailer with the snow machine over at their house so that's pretty awesome so I don't have to tow it all the way up to the Arctic Ocean but first we're just about yeah we're below empty in diesel so we're going to pull in and fill up with diesel hey there's the military Convoy oh yeah look at that it's Dar cheaper gallon than cwell this is so cool they're letting me stash the sled in the trailer up here all right we're here swap off choies here oh yeah right [Music] unfortunately my friends aren't here so I can't meet up with them right now but they're still letting me stash this well that sucks the gear is stripped so I can't use that to lift anything finally stripped it [Music] out I can't F my fingers just wor she's parking though they all locked up so let R I was out here just for a couple minutes my fingers are burning already oh yeah truck feels like a feather here's my rearview camera no trailer in toe feel all light maneuverable to Fairbanks we go we still got maybe 2 and 1/2 3 hours we'll be to Fairbanks man I cannot tell you how much lighter this truck house feels without that trailer it feels great we're cruising now feel like there's no we behind us at all so that trailer is a homemade truck bed trailer and it's the original bed from this truck and then I took the frame from an old junkyard total F 350 chopped that frame in half and put my bed on it which made that trailer and uh it's awesome trailer you never have to worry about tires popping it's big 35 in tires got a Dana 70 axle so you don't worry about burning up axles and wheel bearings and stuff but uh man it's heavy it's 3500 lb plus the sled and sled deck it's basically 5,000 lb trailer it's I'm kind of getting a rumble in my rear end when I put a put a heavy load when I step in the throttle really hard I felt my diff my rear diff didn't feel hot to the touch or anything looks like my U-joints are good in the drive shaft nice and tight not missing any bolts anywhere all my lugs seem to be on pretty solid so I don't know a little bit weird makes me a little bit nervous I just had the rear axle seal replaced and a new right wheel bearing cuz it was kind of burned out and uh new brake calipers and chews and all on the right side so I don't know hopefully it'll be all right it's funny it's so cold it looks like the diesel just started up for the first time a day or something anyway back on the road getting close to Fair Banks good about an hour it's cold well I just checked the temperature it's - 38 right now and the sun just went down went through the ice fog coming into Fairbanks now you guys want to see something funny check this out I've got my heater literally on high blast and it's still cold in here so guess what my window is freezing up look at that freaking crazy we made it we're in Fairbanks Alaska passing by the university actually right up here it's University of Fairbanks I'm going to bring you guys to the best Chinese restaurant in Fairbanks I'm just feeling like Chinese so let's go get it old Johnny Longs that's awesome was talking to one of my best friends he's right here in Fairbanks so uh he's also in my band the shooting EGS lead singer man but uh he just got bicep surgery yesterday so we're going to go uh pick up some Chinese food and bring it over to his house and maybe feed him like a baby bird or something let's do it here's the famous UF temp sign over here picture of you oh go for it man it's all good you get in there oh you need a shot Yeah Yeah from my camera oh yeah dude here I got you up here in Fair Banks it's uh about 7:00 in the afternoon fantastic all right smile brown one more can't go over do you mind turning it the other way too veral yeah there we go this like pretty Infamous sign folks out get some shots we are here Lind Chinese number one rated in Fairbanks let's go find out only the best for Johnny lungs actually I'm going to leave my truck running all right we're good we got some Chinese man I walk back in this truck and diesel exhaust is getting in here really bad unfortunately I've got a leak where my down pipes are where thee of the exhaust is and uh it sucks it's super expensive to replace cuz you have to drop the transmission to replace it so that's my next thing I got to do the truck I guess you get freaking carbon monoxide poisoning in here continue on airportway Frontage Road for half a mile well guys I'm getting pulled over that sucks I'm just kidding this street light up there street lights all getting to take a crap cuz it's so freaking cold out well Johnny Ls I'm excited to see him man it's been a hot second oh yeah we've entered the compound w low bridge I think I just put her in that power line check out his cabin it's like a freaking pirate lives in there it's because one does let's go inside I'm going to put the camera away for a bit hello Y what up just pulled in your driveway I think uh uh did he go through the gate and stuff yeah through the gate right behind a soccer bom car next to a pirate cabin yeah that would be me yeah you you can pull in yeah I'm Gonna Leave super early I'm out of here at like 6:15 in the morning I don't know when you get to leave but I I'm not going anywhere oh yeah oh yeah bicep boy what's that yeah your biceps ripped off I forgot or was yeah yeah you know somebody just slice some dice my arm for a couple all right well uh should just barge in come on in all right coming in into the pirate cabin we go I'm going to go ahead and uh eat some Chinese with my man and uh I'm going to plug this block in right now cuz this truck's not going to start in the morning if I don't here it is H my we good [Music] power holy crap it's super cold I'm going to get all my stuff in here so it doesn't freeze well time to pass out pretty cool Vision Johnny it is freaking cold hey Siri what's the current temperature in Fairbanks Alaska it's 42° outside it is uh pretty cold right now feels good in here though I've got the heater on 65 it's uh 58 and it just kicked back on that's awesome hanging out with Johnny one of my best friends we're taking off really early we're going to leave about 6:00 in the morning and start heading north because the daylight hours are short there's only like 4 hours of daylight this time of year and we're going to try to get up to the coolest part of the drive before it gets light that way we can drive through it while it's light so that's your plan in case you're wondering I have to kind of Shuffle things to the camper at night since the truck is off the truck isn't being heated so I bring like my batteries in here in the water stuff like that put that stuff in here my laptop um my cameras drones and all that stuff got to bring those all in the camper and no matter how much or how little you have in your camper you pretty much always have to shuffle stuff just part of camper life anyone that lives in Campers or spends any time in truck campers or Vans or whatever they can let you know that for those of you guys that haven't seen the bed system it's a slat system that I made over here so oh my foot stuck so you can just slide the slat bed out sleep on it then you slide it back in and it turns into a couch in the daytime and then if you lift it there's storage up under here I can't do it with one hand but uh that's where I get my bedding out so basically just lift the first part of the slat up like that and then you lift the second part and then you can reach under there and grab your bedding or clothing or whatever you want to pull out of there and it stores it out of the way out of sight and uh also just insulate your camper a little bit extra and this truck camper is spray foamed if I did not spray foam this thing it would be freezing in here uh because there's only the walls are only 2 in thick so 2 in thick fiberglass insulation or a non-closed cell foam would wouldn't do hardly anything that spray foam really gets into every single nook and cranny and fills it in and it just makes a huge difference that Chinese food is pretty good by the way I tell you what though if you want the best Chinese food that you potentially ever had in your life no joke uh definitely in Alaska go to Charlie's Bakery in Anchorage it is by far the best Chinese you'll have really authentic really good dishes everything you get there is delicious but uh I didn't know where to go in fairbanksa that's where we went all take Ms off finally get a new pair sagers my old ones are pretty beat down it's got nice new traction on the bottom stoked on it going to need them where I'm going to it's that much colder okay we are all ready for bed- 42 ain't no thing we'll be all right it's really not bad here there's a little bit of ice going on but we're going to be all right we'll survive we'll see you guys in the morning here I'm tired this morning Johnny and I stayed up pretty late last night which is great got to catch up oh now I'm tired we're going to need a really big cup coffee hey Siri what's the current temperature in Fairbanks Alaska it's 41° outside woo all right 41 let's see what happens all right 0 73 it's so cold outside that Johnny's neighbor left his diesel going the last 5 days he has not turned that truck off so let's see how the old 73 starts here I know she's going to be cold wow it is really cold this truck all right old girl let's do it I want to see she sounded happy but uhoh uh-oh oh no this would be a first the glow plugs warm up again oh we might be in trouble and keep in mind I've ran the Webasto coolant heater too right now I think my Diesel's gelled up blow pugs again that's not good she is not happy my friends I plugged in the oil last night but it's uh I don't think my block heater is working try it one more time [Applause] here we're in trouble Diesel's Frozen um it's not good that's not good well good thing that happen here that's not good we're not going anywhere well my diesel is frozen solid that is the first time ever this truck hasn't started but it's also ne4 41 out like the ambient temp it's cold um that lets me know I cannot shut this truck off the rest of this trip the ironic part about all this is I was literally on my way to Napa to buy some fuel filters I was going to keep two in here just in case this happened on this trip and uh it happened so all we got to do is take off the fuel filter cap I got to pull out the fuel filter it's probably all gelled up and stuff and uh get some of that diesel out of there and I'm going to pour some Diesel 911 in there and uh pour it in my tank also and then see if that'll start the truck oh boy off to a good start this morning eh it's where the coolant heater is running so that's a good sign so that means the line's not frozen [Music] there here's my fuel filter right there so I'm going to get a uh screwdriver break that I need to get that off and we'll pull the fuel filter out of it it's crazy if you touch these coolant lines here they're nice and hot first time ever this thing hasn't turned over oh no guess I just going to pull my fuel filter out and soak at 911 or something I don't know I've learned with these old 73s man you take your map gas torch up there yeah and just you got one with you or yeah yeah I've got a torch here what do you do just hit the bowl with it or something oh yeah just hit the bowl with that thing and get your intake a little bit get some heat built up in there little Peg and legging trick there yeah I haven't tried that one yet trying to take any plastic clogs all right y'all pretty bad news poured Diesel 911 fuel that didn't work either so luckily remember that propane tank I was insistent on buying I bought that 20 lb propane tank full of fuel um I'm going to have to fire up the propane bazooki heater and try to point it up under the truck and warm it up so we're going to see if that works um looks like my fuel lines are probably Frozen there brand new fuel lines just put in so that's what we're doing at least the cabin's warm be freaking out if I didn't have a warm vehicle to get up in it's -40 so this is all going to be liquid hopefully it works [Music] so I used Johnny's block heater last night but I'm fortunately my I don't think my blocking pads are [Music] working it's blown right out of the back of the regulator there I know I just bought this tank yesterday too they're from a gas station I couldn't find anywhere to film my little one PB bottles is like a bad regulator I guess I've never had a propane regulator do that it is cold my friends it's not good news I've got the Bazooka heater heating up under the truck right now Johnny's neighbors helping charge the battery right now and I put the Diesel 911 in the tank and in the fuel bowl they don't appear to be gelled up so I think it's the fuel line it's got to be but now my batteries are getting so dead uh that I can't start the truck almost so we'll see rough start to the trip here I don't really want to do it but I'm gonna pull the air filter and spray some starting fluid some ether up in there and fire it up that way I don't know how else to get her started so uh you don't want to make a habit out of that but uh that's what we're doing right now all right let's go get [Music] some so you can see we're using the this bazooki heater trying to blast heat up under there tried using the battery starter to jump it that wasn't enough so he's running uh his diesel to recharge my batteries up but we're going to get some starter fluid last it up in there and see what happens it's G me a lift down to car part store and uh I'm going to grab some ether come back and fire this thing up [Music] all right driving so I've got the coolant heater running right now so it's putting warm coolant up to the block got the uh oil heater plugged in now got the battery charging so we're going to give it like one more hour we'll spray this stuff in there and see if we can't get her going this trip is not off to a good start well guys I'm just relaxing in the camper right now it's toasty in here it's like 72° still freezing outside still -4 right now the sun's out or maybe not the Sun but it's daylight out I'm just giving the oil pan time to warm up because I don't think it was plugged in too well last night I've got kind of a crappy extension cord and I couldn't get the plugs to meet and seat fully so I'm thinking my oil pan probably wasn't heated at all last night that didn't help obviously but that's heating now and I've got the coolant heater going and I've got my battery charging as well if this happened to me out in the woods I would have had to get out my Honda generator and fire that up and power everything with that so um I do have a way to do that uh off grid essentially if I'm not around uh Shore power or house power anyway we're off to interesting start here I don't really know what to do I don't want to say I've lost my confidence in the truck because I'm very confident with this truck but I definitely do not want to turn this truck off now after this happened Johnny's neighbor over here has this 12 valve cumings and i' I'm not even exaggerating he's been letting his truck run for going on 6 days now so he has not turned that truck off in 6 days just letting it run letting it idle it's that cold up here so that's probably what I'm going to do if I decide to continue on with this Artic trip um I'm not going to be able to shut the truck off even when I leave for the Arctic Ocean and try to ride the track bike out there I've got to leave the truck running and just lock my doors and uh hope it'll be all right I'm going to give it a few more minutes here and we're just going to try using just a little shot of starter fluid on the air filter if that doesn't work I'm going to have to tow it to a shop I guess and bring it inside where everything can warm up I don't know what else to do so that's where we're at all right I've had the Webasto running for a little bit here so uh let's go outside let me turn it off really quick actually there we go all right you guys ready see what happens little bit nervous but we're going to do it all right here we go myself I'd never do that sound like she's going batter's dead that's a yeah it's like I've got nothing the batter's like not cranking [Music] anymore still good maybe I'll [Music] just well that was obviously a fail um we're going to let his truck this idle high and try to charge his batteries up for a few minutes here 15 minutes and if let me get inside if that doesn't work I have to go buy new batteries I guess that sucks all right one last try this doesn't work to go get you [Applause] batteries ho battery just keeps getting more and more fun going to replace both these batteries we got one there one here yeah still 40 all right whole battery's out it's not that old September of 21 this is 1223 it's 124 oh shoot I found a newer battery wrench is like burning my fingers through these gloves once we get this one we'll do the other side and we're going to spray with ether one more time and then hopefully we get started one side's done my fingers are burning though all right burning fingers round two let's go look at this clown show okay that battery is good so we get to pull this one now this one's not quite as crazy this way maybe [Music] gotcha same way went in all right guys did it new batteries installed both batteries installed so I'm going to fire up the Webasto diesel heater and uh warm up the engine block and then we'll fire it up see what happens I tell you one thing I get this truck going I'm not turning it off again ow it's on we're going to let the coolant warm up and then I will give it a go all right here we go last official try d that's not good he just not turning [Music] over thank you for calling State Farm emergency road service if you have been in an accident and need assistance press one for a tow of roadside assistance not related to an accident severe weather or vandalism too oh what a mess so just so you guys know um I've tried everything it's not starting so I put out a message on social media asking for help telling people I needed a tall shoer garage to haul this thing to uh that way I can defrost it and uh I don't know if there's Frozen lines or what's going on but it needs to be somewhere warm I think something's Frozen and not circulating so I was not able to obtain your phone number from where you are calling representative we require a phone number to obtain service please State a valid phone number to help you further representative agent representative let me connect you to an agent to better assist you this is funny my phone is starting to blow up I've got a lot of friends that live in Fairbanks so everyone just saw my post and it all hit me up hi this is Ty speaking are you in your vehicle safe and out of danger yes I am I'm glad that he Sav how can I help you I was calling to get a tow it's uh just- 40 up here and my truck won't start so I'm getting it towed to a shop where it can warm up okay most definitely sorry to hear your vehicle won't start um but I can't most definitely it's issue to get it set up will you be with the vehicle when I get there uh yes I will and it's got a uh there's a truck camper on the back of it so it's tall it's like 11 about 11t tall exactly okay so I'm ready for an address where the vehicle is located within a parking lot on the street or in a driveway it's in a driveway good deal all right I appreciate it you're welcome enjoy the rest of your day all right you too there we go we're about to get towed and my phone's about to die uhoh all righty I guess we'll uh put some stuff away and we get towed here talk to the tow company they couldn't get out here until 8:00 tomorrow all right guys got it figured out a friend of a friend hit me up in social media when I made a message that I'm looking for some help he's going a shop and he's going to tellw me to the shop on his trailer because call the State Farm and they couldn't get out here for like 24 hours uh with a tow truck which is insane so uh yeah we're going to load the truck up on his trailer I got to use my winch to get on his trailer and uh that's it let's do it all right I'm out of here faster than I thought if uh yeah if you need a place of crash or anything cool man hang out yeah dude I'll keep you post I'll keep in touch either way let you know what's up man all right man yeah dude good luck see what happens I can fire that thing up too if it needs it I'm be able to solid propane's probably Frozen way I love your channel dude hey thanks man we're on one right now this is crazy um everything's frozen the winch cable itself the plastic snapping on it and the freaking mechanism's Frozen right there ramp front of the truck on it all right oh I see what you're saying like tilting up in the back yeah so the truck can't quite get the back wheels in the ramp we need a board see if the Johnny's going up here I guess these are frozen solid we're get to board sorry trying to running keep Ste the camera there's a truck hopefully we can get on these trailers super tight fit [Applause] what do you think seems like it just wants to sit back down yeah it gets on that board you got maybe 4 in yeah it's ah it's kind of touching the shaft already yeah back up we can shove those boards under the tires yeah well the saga continues it's not too good we're half loaded onto this trailer like I was saying uh had a friend of a friend show up to help out and uh he tried pulling me up in his brand new Tilt bed trailer and we get the front up super easy but then the trailer started tilting up because my truck's so long and by the time it's all the way tilted flat my back wheel is still aren't even close to it and we don't have a ramp to get the truck up on here and the truck is literally the width of this trailer my tires are like squishing in between the wheel wells so we'll see also when I was steering out here I blew my power steering hose again so I got to deal with that there's power steering fluid all over the place so it's a mess I'm honestly not sure what's going to happen on this trip I don't know if it's smart to continue with this many problems it's just I think it's like just a little bit too much too cold to be operating any Machinery when it's this like this outside so and now his friend is about to bring over uh trailer ramps so maybe we can use the trailer ramp to get the truck up in this trailer then I can get to the shop and start warming it up and see if I can even get the engine running and once I do that I got to replace the uh power steering hose again for the fourth time in this thing it's getting crazy current situation you're looking at it looks fine right now you're on the ramp woohoo I can steer it too if we need to woo get up there she goes right so close will it pull any closer I guess it needs to be winch for a little bit more Cent [Applause] [Music] predicament well you can see the predicament this lifted up before the back got on so Springs are like all right she's loaded we're rolling dude thanks so much all right guys this home for the night all right you're all the way on the ground it's just going to be getting Tire up and over they clearing it we're almost there but skider can't pull me in we going to get right back there there we go yes we're in [Applause] well guys here we are spending the night right freaking here anyway um my power steering pump is I think the pump's all right but I'm pretty sure the hose oh yeah you can see it you can see right there my power steering hose blew again looks like we'll deal with that a little bit here but I'm going to cook some dinner first been going since 600 am even know what time it is 8:30 n o'clock at night but this place should be nice and warm all right I was kind of winding down in these brand new batteries I put in when I was trying to start it with the ether so we're going to make sure they're nice and charged for the morning 12 volts at 10 amps going into the batteries so charge those up let everything warm up nice and good do one thing though I'm starving come some dinner we can pull the stairs down all right this is not the trip I was expecting to have at all but you know what I'm having a good time anyway why not let's do this let's do this let's have a good time ehy what a day that was wild man so awesome to have his help and uh so cool D stuck it out I mean we're commit once we get that truck halfway in the trailer and it got kind of chocked into place and it was full on commitment from there but wonder what time it even is here we are we are home for the night inside of a salt plant pretty much huge shout out massive massive shout out to Evan dude thank you so much freaking you saved you saved you saved me you saved me you really did I would have been screwed um so the Camper's defrosting overnight in here uh I'm going to cook some dinner and then I'm going to go change the power steering hose which blew off again because it was so cold um power steering fluid all over the place so I got to go change that luckily I keep a spare one behind my seat and spare transmission fluid to use his power steering fluid switch to and fors anyway I can't even think anymore I'm going to make some dinner so that's what I'm doing now it's almost 8:00 at night that's crazy look at that oh yeah if you guys want coffee mugs and and stuff uh truck hous I've got a coffee mugs and t-shirts hoodies all that cool stuff which uh if you support that it helps me do trips like this where I get to camp out in uh in warehouses and stuff obviously haven't fixed my oven some bigger fish to fry this week we're still using a strap but that's okay we're going to fix it before too long it's just kind of been like a little bit of just like a grueling grunt just like whatever happens you keep pushing through it kind of day and you know what meal goes well with a day like that freaking pork and beans lunch of chili so that's what we're making right now on this little range this is actually extremely good I don't know if you guys have had this Castle berries it's like shredded pork and beans and uh it's actually delicious super good chili if you ever see it in the store just pick yourself some up you'll thank me later turn my way down this way too hot low I even eat two cans of this stuff woo all right and I tell you what I wish I had a beer right now I drink it kind of got a headache though no water all day so I probably drink some water water and maybe a shot of whiskey how about it mind if I do little shot of whiskey cheers [Music] everyone all right now I need to drink water I've hav had water all day actually got like a raging headache right now you know what we did it we're in a safe place and hopefully I can figure out what's going on with this truck I'm just hoping like anything it just turns over I feel bad because I sprayed ether on the air filter and got like Diesel 911 in here which is I don't know I don't like putting a lot of nasty crap in the engine like that usually really good to this engine giving it a injector cleaner and all that kind of stuff but I do need new injectors pretty soon in this thing they're starting to have a few problems nothing crazy but not running quite like they should so I know I'm going to have to R down and get some before too long I put about 100,000 Mi on this truck since I bought it and uh those injectors were aftermarket injectors so there's about probably 120,000 Mi on them but 20,000 of that was towing a heavy boat from the previous owner and then U another 100,000 was from me driving around with a freaking log cabin in the back so here we go little stiris oh yeah when you're in really cold weather it just kind of just makes you go hard like dangerously cold weather it just makes you feel frantic like you have to figure out whatever the issue is and get it figured out quickly and get out of the situation so I felt like that the entire day I woke up at a I set my alarm for 5:15 in the morning to turn the heater on and woke up at 6:15 to start the day and start the truck and I've been going frantically since 6:15 when the truck wouldn't start so now it's 8:00 the big thing is I don't know if I should continue on after this problem and now the power steering like stuff is clearly failing my winch controller cable that I plug into the winch to use the toggle switch and move the winch in and out the plastic was snapping on it the plastic was snapping on my battery terminal connections any wires you have like the casing just snapping is so cold so I don't know if it's wise to continue North right now stuff just breaks it just breaks it's just too cold outside so so we got to rethink my plan tons of cool stuff to do so we're going to figure something out don't worry oh man I just I just realized I've got to call State Farm and tell him I don't need a toe anymore thank you for calling State Farm emergency road service so hard to get if this is a medical emergency or your safety is at risk hang up now and are you looking for information on your current tow request yes we have received your tow request for service we are working to find you a service provider please note you can receive real time updates via text message on your mobile hello my name are you safe and out of danger yes I am I'm glad that you are safe now please have your first and last name k how may I help you I was just calling to cancel a toe I Had A Friend toy they were there were going to be like about 20 hours to get to me so I was able to find a way okay I definitely can get this and I do have it canel and thank you for calling R out assistant all right thank you by don't let the dog food like texture fool you it's actually pretty good right pretty hot too mhm oh I'm got to finish my ding another shot of whiskey and then I'm going to get to wrenching go check out that power steering line all right y'all it's 10:00 at night I ate some dinner rusted up a little bit head's still pounding but I'm still going to fix this truck anyway so let's get to work see if we can figure out this power steering still kind of cold still going to give it some time I unplug that Beast of a charger um cuz it doesn't have an automatic monitoring system on it and then the charger I keep with me does but it's more of a trickle charger it takes longer so anyway we're going to get these batteries all topped off find a light oh no way what I think it is oh man yes yes got a peanut butter cream cookie have one by of that there's rock hard that's my dessert a little bit this is the cat that dragged me in right here towed me in backwards that was a lot of work but hey I mean I wouldn't been able to get a toe out until the morning morning time and tomorrow the shop needs to be used so I've got to get out of here first thing in the morning like 5: in the morning so let's start getting this figured out so usually where these power steering pumps blow out let me get up here and show you let's see maybe it's not blown out no way huh was the top just off oh that would be sweet come on yes yeah the top it just loosened up we got lucky power steering fluid was just coming out of the top there so I think we're good it did not blow out so I think we're okay know in the morning for sure oh yeah look at my tank Frozen even in here it's still still really cold everything's frozen down there so it's going to be it's going to need to sit all night for sure well that's good news that my power steering wasn't blown out that's cool had just that top popped off and Spilled so I like that there's one less thing to mess with got brand new batteries in the morning to use so that's good check out some other stuff in this just to make sure everything's happy on here I said this is how cold it was when I was saying the plastic sleeves are cracking so this is the winch controller and just by trying to pull this out that plastic cracked right there it cracked right here around all my wires uh I could crack somewhere else forgot but yeah everything was just breaking was nuts the trigger was all Frozen in here so stuff is frozen up man tell you what though this winch once again saved our baking today you used that thing a lot of times definitely paid for itself I don't know what the toe would have cost but it wouldn't have been cheap you guys the irony tonight is out of control check this out it is hot in here it is uh temperature gauge is finally working it's almost 100° in here right now Fahrenheit and I'm actually nervous there's all this the heaters are up here and if I touch my roof it's hot to the touch I hope it's going to be all right um I've got my I've got my like Fantastic Plastic fan up there and I've got the plastic rocket box up here so hopefully it's not getting too hot let me check I guess oh jeez that's really warm it's going to be okay -40 out there and 100° in here but I tell you what there's a better chance of the truck starting in here I'm going to keep this and try to keep the heat out or else it's going to be super hot tonight this is hilarious what are the odds be so hot it's hard to sleep who would have known you know what I will freaking take it though going to get ready for bed here I'm pretty beat we'll see you guys in the morning here
Channel: Truck House Life
Views: 476,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaska, cabin, cabin build, diy, homemade, cabin plans, cabin ideas, truck camper, truck house, snowblower, ford, powerstroke, diesel, truck, snowmobile, truck camping, truck cabin, tiny home, tiny house, vanlife, cabin on wheels, arctic, arctic ocean, dalton highway, haul road, prudhoe bay, deadhorse, obs, flatbed, homemade camper, overlanding, overland, overland rig
Id: o7uCEoM1keU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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