THE WEIRD KIDS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL (you were probably one of them)

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types of kids in middle school the girl that diagnoses herself with anxiety and depression oh my god mrs simon has literally given me a panic attack oh my god i literally had the biggest panic attack on the weekend i was shopping and my total came to 6.50 and i couldn't find the extra 50 cents in my wallet yeah it was like traumatic uh miss sorry this is a note from my mom uh she basically said like i don't actually have to watch this documentary about homosexual youth uh she just said i can like go into a different classroom and watch something on my laptop i'm not a homophobe documentaries like really trigger my anxiety i've only watched documentaries like they always have to turn the lights off and that like really triggers my ptsd like dark room nah can't do it i'd like to really appreciate it if you stopped questioning me about it because it's like really rude and invasive so the documentary's starting my anxiety um i'm just gonna go on the next classroom now and watch something yep all right what are you gonna watch i don't know like the conjuring or something the kid that bragged about neglect my parents let me walk to school like every day like even in the rain like without an umbrella yeah your mum makes you eat veggies my mum my parents don't even cook we just get mcdonald's like every night it's like sick and then when we don't i just get to make whatever i want for dinner i'll get that bag of chips for dinner your mum makes you clean your room that's [ __ ] my mom doesn't even make me clean the room i just i just do it when i want to which is like never yeah it's pretty sick like the other day i found a mushroom growing out of my carpet it's [ __ ] sick but then dad cut it out because he thought it could be one of his magic ones i don't care that your mum works for radio my mom's a lot cooler because she like swears like all the time and she like taught me some but like i'm not gonna tell you because you're like too mature too immature sorry i'll mix that one up sometimes your parents make you wear a helmet helmets are for [ __ ] my mom told me that word it means vagina that kid that thought they were a cat rebecca i said on all aspects except physical i am a cat told you this before it's not a sock it's my tail literally my tail won't come off and if you do manage to pull it off it'll really hurt because it's attached to me it'll be like me pulling off your arm like do you want that no cat inside me really wants to chase that light that's reflecting off your watch right now but like the human inside me is not gonna let it i do have fangs i just haven't grown in yet because i'm too young i don't need to shower because i groom like see a groom i learn from the best groomer my uncle the kid that thinks everything is a competition oh your grandma just died well both my grandparents are dead so you broke your arm well my brother's like broken his collarbone and i've heard that's like much worse pain so you've got an a in the test yeah i think most of the class got an a actually it's like wasn't even that hard of a test my brother got an a like even with the broken color your parents are still together why not but like i don't care because i get like twice as many presents on my birthday so the kid with that red ring around their mouth [Music] what's that thing around your mouth nothing what's on yours what's that mark on your lip your mum it's not ringworm i just haven't discovered pawpaw cream yet okay the year nine boy who thinks he's alpha male but still hasn't hit puberty secretly insecure about it so he calls everything gay to cover up his emotions you still have birthday so parties that's so good but like am i invited oh you look what thomas posted on instagram the other day i know it's not a photo of him doing rugby i don't even know what to call that it's like a nice photo of himself it's okay oh maxie you're recording a snapchat you get me in it oh yeah who's that going to annie oh she's got nice tits what do you reckon macca's run after school they're late night shopping but like not actually shopping cause like that's good black would just walk around the food court for two hours and disturb the general public yeah cool it's a date i mean playing the girl who was always sick or injured yes i'm sorry i can't actually help clean up the classroom because i sprained my wrist at netball yeah it's really bad it happened like three weeks ago oh sorry sorry everyone sorry just jet lag you know came back from queensland on the weekend they're like a whole hour behind my body is like still adjusting i mean i broke my foot when i was eight and it like never healed properly so i can't actually walk down to the carnival with you guys yeah i'm gonna have to get a teacher to drive me it is a real thing it's called big old sook dysplasia haven't you heard of it the kid that still wants their mum even though they're 14. my life goal is to make my parents lives miserable my mother stopped breastfeeding me when i was 83 months old i'm 14 and i still sleep in my parents bed they haven't had any action since i was born but i don't give a [ __ ] i need my mom every day when my mum drops me off to school i'll stand at the gate and cry until she walks in with me and then when i'm in class i'll make sure to cry again grabbing the teacher's undivided attention making sure they focus on me and my needs only instead of actually teaching the class okay we're done with this interview i need my mom the weird kids under the stairs okay and enter i am just so excited to see my lord and savior king triton presented in such glorious italian stone i just do hope his luscious beard compliments his plump pictorials as his eyes gaze upon me and my allegiance is recognized notice me senpai notice me and seen okay rhiannon i'm gonna really need you to remember your fairy tale and knee-high converse for tomorrow okay because it's really crucial for the character development and i just don't think you're taking this role play seriously enough the kid who always tells lies for attention my uncle and annie are so fat they're as big as a swimming pool literally they can't even fit in the house anymore they have to feed their kids through the window yeah well my cousin was in the olympics and my brother knows one direction's producer oh sorry i'm at the paralympics because he's got one up because he got bit off by a crocodile once when he was um fishing with justin bieber and shooting a movie yeah but his scene got like cut out though so you won't you don't see him oh you're part korean well i'm part italian not by blood though by marriage hey i have this really weird cough when i cough it sounds like a grizzly bear but like i don't want to do it at school i never let it out at school because it'll scare people yeah my sister's real name is liliana i don't call all that around my mom because my mom doesn't call that anymore it's italian the kid who thought they could sing i really want to audition for the x factor but like i've always been too young but when i get old enough like i'm sure i'll get through to the finals you want to sing no but no i'm gonna stop i'm not gonna say day is fine never seen anybody do it i think you're doing it before i they say move for that kid with the weird cough i have this really shitty cough my friends say that they can hear me coming from a mile away i cries can you not gag this is uh my uh this is my audience today giving me constructive criticism i love you
Channel: Georgia Productions
Views: 1,144,555
Rating: 4.9583426 out of 5
Keywords: types of people, stereotypes, two types of people, types of, comedy, skit, sketch, improv comedy, types of kids in primary school, things annoying kids do, annoying things little kids do, georgia productions, bloopers, school, relatable, reading memes, relatable tiktoks, highschool, middle school, crush, american middle schools, high school bullies, weird, teacher, classroom, things in a highschool, things teachers do, year 9 girls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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