Stories of Rich, Spoiled Brats That Will Absolutely Enrage You! - AskReddit

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warning this video will make you lose brain cells he didn't finish his homework because his helicopter had stalled over the weekend what is the craziest encounter of rich kid syndrome that you have experienced my friend is a commercial pilot and works for a large company that has a flight department consisting of several jets and turboprop airplanes the owners kids and a group of their friends were granted permission to take one of the jets from the central part of the u.s. to the Bahamas upon arriving in the Bahamas they were meeting other friends and getting on a very very large yacht for a week they realized the yacht was equipped with fine tuning food not the type of food they liked junk food they ordered the pilots to fly back through u.s. customs and to their hometown in the Midwest once there they had to pick up multiple sides of barbecue ribs burgers hotdogs soda beer and piles of other junk food and fly back to the Bahamas and do so within a timeframe that still allowed them to leave with the yacht on time it costs roughly five thousand dollars an hour to operate the jet they were using and it never even struck the owners as something extreme twins in high school birthday I think it was seventeen they get matching pickup trucks like the souped up larger-than-life cool as hell looking black ones twin a is the brat and smashes his in some remarkable timeframe I want to say same-day it was crazy though parents decide not to get him another one though I'm sure insurance probably covered it even if it was his fault but regardless he is going to learn a lesson the lesson take twin bees truck he's the responsible one and crash it on purpose if he can't have one neither can his brother so much recklessness spite and downright illegal in what he did humble rich kid I was a club at my college town and my roommates new friend who drove a raptor was at the bar I started chatting and we were getting along so I offered to buy a y bomb vodka redbull shot being as wealthy as he as he said you don't have to do that man save your money round will be on me I explained to him it didn't bother me and I was having a good time and insisted I buy the shot immediately after that he pulls out a black Amex and purchases the nicest VIP booth in the club around 3k ask what drink packages they haven't asked if he could buy two bottles on top of Mack's package look sent me and ghosted for tap safe to say I don't recall much after that my personal favorite was in college kit down the hall from me bought a brand new Fender Stratocaster and played with it for a day and got bored he sold it to me with Kayson all for $20 I still have it in play at 15 years later it's a great guitar one time a college dorm mate next door was stressing his dad hadn't yet given him money for the month and $1,000 wasn't going to last him for the week meanwhile I'm having to donate plasma to afford my next meal life just be like that teacher here to spring to mind my first teaching job was at a private Middle School in one of the wealthiest enclaves in the United States I taught a kid who told me he didn't finish his homework because his helicopter had stalled over the weekend so he couldn't leave his family's island he was telling the truth same kid was also a huge pain in the butt who wanted to misbehave with the cool kids and then would lie through his teeth while crying when held accountable his parents knew he was a jerk and cared enough to bring me a case of wine from their vineyard as a gift every parent-teacher conference or before the holidays but they didn't care enough to discipline their kid I now teach at a private school in Europe and I'm absolutely gobsmacked by how many parents are happy to pay 35 K per year to dump their kids into boarding so they can do whatever they want as students and repeat grades up to three times because they don't make any effort whatsoever there was this rich kid in our class who was literally disgusted by us buying used stuff like computer parts on eBay once during conversation I said I bought on eBay memory module for my PC and sent to me that I should have a little dignity and if I buy used stuff I should keep it to myself girl at work told me she hated her dad I asked why she said he keeps asking for money since she used his credit card for a euro trip and left him an 80 grand bill from last year a 14 year old in full volume cursing meltdown where the hell is he because the pilot of the private helicopter that had brought him there had gone off to get a cup of coffee the kid was done skiing for the day and found it totally unacceptable that he had to wait ten minutes for he got flown home I was that poor kid who ended up getting a scholarship to a ridiculous private school the one thing that stood out massively for me was probably how much people cared about what everyone else parents did like your parents achievements counted for yourself my daddy just bought a new plane yes a little statement so what does your dad do when I replied at fall they laughed and thought I was being cool about it there's a lot of rich kids in my particular business program in university I met this one girl a few months ago at a social we were chatting a bit about our program and she proudly told me about how she threatens to sue the school whenever things don't go her way she also said something to the effect of they have to take the threat seriously because they know I actually have the means to follow through a girl in my school was surprised by her parents in the school's parking lot with a new BMW a freaking BMW everyone who is out is basically watching this go down and she starts crying at first we are all thinking it's because she's so happy but then she runs back into the school apparently they were supposed to show up earlier I'm assuming when there would be more students to witness the surprise I felt bad for the dad because he looked totally embarrassed and sad about it you know in his head he's like I created this monster my college roommates mom gave him 1,400 dollars for the weekend just randomly he blew through the whole thing by Saturday then asked his mom for more money and was screaming at her because she promised 1,400 dollars for the weekend and he spent most of what she gave him on Friday which wasn't a part of the weekend a Saudi guy in the UK got in a crash with light damage to one side of a brand new Mercedes he called from one of his assistants to come get him even though the car was fully drivable my friend rolled up on call with his tow truck and asked the guy where he wanted the Mercedes towed the guy gave him the keys and said keep it I don't want it my girlfriend's family is wealthy she's working her way to it but she was waiting to get a chance for a promotion in the words I cannot believe anyone would make somebody work for almost a year to get a promotion came out of her mouth and I laughed a long time ago I was dating a rich girl not insane rich but rich enough well I'm from Norway and we have a recycling system for plastic bottles you get like ten cents per bottle her family had a literal mountain of empty bottles and crates in their warehouse they had a warehouse I asked her dad um what are you gonna do with these for which he replied something like oh those are from our employees staff parties from a couple years back I just haven't had the time to get rid of them logically I told him that I'd recycle them for a percentage he said keep it all guy so I did I had to do multiple trips to several different stores but it ended up being like $1300 which was insane money for me at the time I bought a guitar for the money I realize now it's not a crazy story but for me it was insane to earn that much money for four to five hours of work because her family couldn't be bothered to do it I had two friends in college who were from UAE they were brothers and their parents were sending them to school in the u.s. they were actually pretty cool and down to earth if not a good bit weird they knew I didn't have a ton of money and couldn't afford to do the cool stuff they did so they covered me all the time crazy stuff like routing a private plane to go to a concert black cars with drivers expensive dinners in exclusive clubs on the weird side they slaughtered a goat in the bathtub to make a traditional Arabian dinner and they wore far too much to a car sitting in a group discussion in college and having one kid whine that his parents were so disadvantaged that they only brought home five hundred thousand dollars a year twenty years ago I sat there and kept quiet because my family only had $30,000 a year I was only there because of scholarships and financial aid the worst thing is all of the sympathy this kid got from the other people in the class the school was so proud of their racial diversity but 95% of the students came from families in the top 1% of income girl I went to high school with got a Mercedes for her 16th birthday bitched and moaned about the fact that she didn't get a Lexus because her name was Lexi and she thought it would be so cool for Lexi to drive a Lexus with a custom license plate saying Lexi her parents did cave and buy her for her 17th birthday my college roommate threw a massive tantrum like on the floor screaming and crying because her parents got her a used big truck for graduation it was a 2013 truck with less than 10k miles that was fully upgraded with every possible add-on we graduated in 2014 the car was maybe a year old she already had a 2009 Range Rover not exactly rich kid syndrome but there was this family that had two children who attended the elementary school that was connected to my middle school every day the two parents would leave the house and drive separately to pick up their two kids before returning home I should mention at this point that they each drove a Lamborghini one black and one orange back-to-back in the pickup line to get their kids from elementary school at first I thought they were just being showy but then I realized that they were two-seaters so this was really the only way to do it dad bought his college-age daughter a house in a very nice neighborhood so that she and her friends could live rent-free while they attended University he remodeled the entire house in all he probably spent close to two million dollars two weeks after moving in they left a candle burning while they went to the store to get snacks for a football game came home in the house was on fire a month later it was as good as new for them to move back in my ex-wife used to drive a 1998 Honda Accord she treated it like ditch and so one day I got into it to drive somewhere and I noticed that it was falling apart I had two options junkyard or sell it and so I put it on Craigslist for $250 I thought it could go to a low-income family that had someone with some know-how and could semi restore it but when I meet the buyer he was not who I expected he pulled up in a brand-new Escalade and told me that he thought his son was spoiled his son had crashed a BMW Mercedes and an Audi and so he was done buying him nice cars turns out this guy purchased my car is a way of torturing his son as a kid I was piss-poor like we had no money and barely kept the lights on my mother did an awesome job and even worked two different jobs and went to nine school at one point to make a better future for us I grew up without a lot of things but it taught me a lot about what you really need in life which is a roof over your head and food in your belly everything after that is a plus really I had a lot of friends who were way better off than me but one kid in particular had everything he was a Jehovah's Witness so didn't do birthdays or Christmas but would often just get stuff to kind of make up for it at times he would complain his mother out for buying him something that he thought was crap or wasn't the right model of something despite getting loads of stuff which was awesome all the time he was that kid that had all the games or consoles or toys in the world but would moan about it one of the last times I hung out with him he was shouting at his mother because she had promised him that she would buy him a new guitar he was learning but the time of the day had gotten late and she weren't able to go like it was when all the stores were shut so it was literally impossible but this kid just kept chewing her out because of it and speaking to her like she was some kind of [ __ ] it was painful to watch and I was like 14 at the time I stopped hanging around with him after that I later heard his mother cracked and had enough of him then kicked him out of the house he later ended up being a shoplifter and lived in the local YMCA for a bit in fairness I think he's back on track now but as a kid he was a bit of a genital to his parents I live in a town that sits on the shore of a really big not great but still big lake my friends and I decided a few years ago to buy a boat we could take out onto the open water none of us are poor but none of us have a load of extra money on the side so we did it as cheap as we could we bought a decent boat that was over 30 years old and spent two years rebuilding the engine refinishing some of the interior and generally getting the thing shipshape we were super proud of the fact that we managed to get a fully functional and reliable boat together for a little under five grand here is where the story starts we were out on the boat on a beautiful Saturday drinking beers and cruising the beaches for girls that might want to ride on our new boat less than this is why any straight man owns a boat we pulled up to a beach and anchored into eventually a few girls waited out to us to see if they could have a couple beers one thing led to another and they were climbing a board to head out for a spin this is when I noticed one of the girls was not really excited to be on the boat we got to the middle of a lake and started swimming off the boat having a good time except for that one girl my friend asked her what was wrong she replied I don't even feel safe on this piece of [ __ ] that's my grandmother's Island over there drop me off now we were hurt that we had put so much effort into the boat and she dismissed it as a piece of garbage but whatever it is kind of a beater we dropped her off on the island the dock had over five million dollars in boats parked at it the girl sucked but grandma was awesome she brought us all ashore for beers and food and berated her granddaughter for being such a snob little old lady 80-plus lives out there alone all summer we go back to the island all the time to help granny with the yard work and such in exchange for hanging out on a private island but I haven't talked to the granddaughter since thanks for listening to radio DTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for shorter waiting time for your private helicopter click the right box for 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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts rich kid, reddit rich kid syndrome, reddit spoiled brats, reddit spoiled rich, spoiled rotten reddit, reddit stories spoiled, reddit rich kid, reddit entitled rich, spoiled rich people
Id: hR6f7AwGIIo
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Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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