Stories of Hunters from Other Worlds - Predator Lore Collection for 1 Hour - Yautja History Prey

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what's up everyone carlos here with another  predator lore video this one is a collection   of the last few videos i made over a couple of  months ago it's a few stories that are over an   hour long so if you prefer to watch longer  videos they should keep you busy as always   i'm going to leave timestamps below so you can  skip to the stories you want to hear the most   thanks for watching and please leave  a like rating on the video enjoy with the news about the latest installment to the  predator films being around native americans i   thought this would be a good time to look back  at one of the stories in the novel predator if   it bleeds it was released in 2017 and it contains  about 16 new stories all taking place in different   time periods and locations one of them that  i wanted to go over was the story may blood   pave my way home it takes place in the year 1916  it includes a lieutenant named providence pope   along with his superior officer captain sanderson  and other soldiers while they were pursuing pancho   villa's army through mexico their group was still  at war with comanches and apaches for a while   when they made an overnight stop pope headed to  the command tent to formulate an argument to get   commander sanderson to listen to him but as he  made his way there there was movement off the   corner of his right eye when he turned to look no  one was there but still as he looked around a bush   moved and then another just then a set of rifles  fell he couldn't see who it was and there was no   sound but it could have been the image of a man  he let out a cry and ran to the fallen rifles   the whole camp had woken up and they searched  for an hour but they found nobody out there   the guards were doubled just in case pope was  sure he saw something out there but he wasn't   sure what it was they were 10 days into what was  left of their mission to find pancho villa for his   attack on united states sovereign soil but pancho  villa turned out to be a ghost after the battle   of karezal a messenger arrived it was to inform  the general his army was being recalled the 10th   cavalry regiment was to head east to a boat and  sent to the war in europe when sanderson and pope   were discussing their situation in the command  tent husker john interrupts them and says we got   a problem sir centuries to the west and south are  gone sanderson asks why there was no alarm sound   it's because they were within indian country word  was sent within their group and the men prepared   there was a maneuver they practiced before and  it worked against other comanches in the past   they rolled onto their bellies and fired into the  bushes screams of the comanche warriors filled the   air as more rounds fire off smoke filled the air  in the moonlight but just then popes a movement   around b troops flag a strange-looking  comanche appeared before them it just   appeared into existence it wore strange armor  and had even stranger hair pope aimed his pistol   and shot the warrior in the back the warrior  turned around whipping his hair in the process   it held a strange pistol in his hand pope fired  again and the shot hit the warrior's chest pushing   him back as it fired its own weapon it was aimed  towards pope but it missed him the projectile   expanded like a net and then it contracted into  a mesh upon impacting private steve pope would   unload more bullets into the strange warrior  injuring it more the warrior would flash in   and out of existence husker john would then run in  to tackle the strange warrior he grabbed a stone   and brought it down on the warrior's head once  and then twice the strange comanche was stopped   as pope got his bearings he saw his men shooting  at moving shadows pope watched as some of his men   were taken down and another was pulled into the  air and thrown the body crashed to the ground with   an awkward twisting of its limbs pope went over  to husker john to see the fallen comanche up close   but something was different this was a comanche  they have never seen before it wore armor of   some sort it felt like metal but softer and  it had a mask of some kind over its face   this was no comanche this was a completely  different indian altogether pope grabbed the   warriors pistol he expected it to be heavy but it  was actually light and just then another warrior   came rushing through the lines towards them pope  fired the netgun weapon and caught this comanche   in the air slamming it to the ground it spoke back  to them saying indy muk from under its mask it   repeated the words again in the husker john said  it doesn't sound like a comanche pope then said   it's because this isn't a comanche i don't know  what he is another of the strange warriors blinked   into existence this one was taller and held a long  spear with a wicked looking end it moved very fast   dodging bullets as a cut down men at b troop with  ease pope then realized this warrior was making   its way towards him he felt a moment of fear as  he watched this warrior cut down more of his men   pope raised his weapon and aimed at the warrior  they took down previously waiting for the other   one to approach them it then stopped before  him its blade was inches before pope both of   them paused for a moment and pope said this drop  your weapon or i'll kill him he had no idea if   the warrior would understand but it spoke back in  pope's voice drop your weapon or i'll kill him as   pope heard his own voice he blinked in confusion  who are you he asked the warrior spoke back   again in pope's voice who are you this warrior  was taller than the one it took down earlier   it wore the skeletal remains of what looked like  a bear claw on a dark chain its armor was similar   to the knights of the crusades but this one  was articulated to allow for easier movement   it wore a mask like the other comanche they had  on the ground pope noticed by now most of the   gunfire had stopped husker john whispered is it  the devil elty pope pope shook his head and said   the devil don't bleed he then asked who are  you and why are you here the warriors had   turned and spoke in an accident pope did not  recognize we are yauchwa we fight with comanche   pope said comanches are our enemy does that make  you our enemy as well the yaouchwa then responded   uman kubar uman through an english translation it  meant humans hunting humans pope considered the   statement in this way we hunt them because they  hunt us we hunt first so they will not hunt last   the yaochawa spun its spear and pointed it down it  seemed like the attack was at pause for a moment   several of pope's men that were still alive had  gathered behind yaouchwa their weapons raised   ready to fire but then pope had a crazy  idea one that he had act upon right away   he pulled the injured yaouchwa to his feet and  offered him back to the other one and said this   here take him i don't know how to heal  him the larger yaochua hesitated for a bit   but then grabbed the smaller injured warrior  sunderson then got into the situation and asked   lieutenant pope what do you have there pope  then said to his men do not harm these two let   them go free on my command sunderson then asked  why pope said letting them take their wounded   sunderson was not agreeing with this decision  and ordered his men to fire upon the yaochawa   walking away from them pope warned them do not  fire his men felt nervous as they looked at   sunderson and then back to pope and so they  refused to fire their weapons sanderson had   enough of the situation he drew his pistol and  fired into the back of the retreating yaouchua   the larger yaouchua turned around and threw a  round piece of metal it embedded into the chest   of sanderson he gasped and his pistol fell  from his hand he dropped to his knees while   coughing out blood pope ran over to him seeing  a metal disk vibrating into sanderson's chest   this disc then flew out backwards and  was caught by the larger yaouchua who   then disappeared without a trace the soldiers  around them were unsure of what just happened   and what they encountered some of them stood and  others went down to their knees and began to pray   sanderson took his last breath and collapsed dead  for the rest of the night pope sent his men to   recover the bodies of their fallen soldiers they  cleared the battlefield and placed double sentries   just in case pope believed they would do well  against the comanche but probably would have no   chance against the yaouchua especially the big one  with the spear out of 100 men that were with him   65 survived and from that number 39 were unscathed  some men thought the yaouchwa were demons but pope   was unsure but something they did learn is  that this warrior can bleed later on they   received a visitor from a mule skinner comanche  it would only speak to pope here's what he said   the message is from the nana suit wakhid they are  also known as the yaouchwa the battle between them   and the yahushua is not finished they demand you  fight they are spirits none can stand before them   and they walk the spirit plane when they disappear  they say that four of them will fight four of your   best warriors after this battle all of your men  can go free regardless of who wins or loses pope   assumed they were already free but the comanche  said no you're not the nana suit wakit are all   around us they are just in spirit form pope then  had a feeling of fear just thinking of an army   of invisible yauchwa were surrounding them as he  looked around to examine the shadows three times   a yawuchoa made itself briefly appear and  then disappear just to make itself known   pope asked if the yaochua would keep their word  the muleskin assured him it is part of their honor   that's how they came to us they fought our  best we lost then they joined us and helped us   they were with us for six months now the nada suit  wakit love to fight they don't drink or play games   they fight pope didn't like the idea but this was  the best way to save the lives of the other men so   he agreed pope was told to enter the next valley  which is five miles away they are waiting for you   just bring your group of four men he went through  his group looking for the three others that would   join him for this battle the four men were pope  husker john conroy and the fourth was moats who   volunteered each man had a rifle pistol skinning  knife and hatchet taken from fallen apaches conroy   had a shotgun pistol spear and a knife he brought  his motorcycle while traveling with the others   they discussed how to best approach the battle and  how these yaoucho operate they come in different   sizes each one uses different weapons so it's  possible they have a ranking system when they   entered the valley it was more like a box canyon  covered in dirt and dry grass as all four of them   moved to the empty space four yaochoa appeared 20  feet before them and others appeared on the rocks   pope was hoping they were just spectators and  all of this was not a trap but the appearance   of the four yauchwa was interesting each one was  of almost equal size to the humans it was as if   the yauchwa selected the sizes specifically  which meant a fairness to the fight the giant   warrior from the previous night then appeared he  spoke to the humans with that accent four fight   then done pope asked about weapons and the giant  yaouchua said to only which is a sign of honor   pope made a demand for the four yaoujwa to  remove their armor the talia ucha responded if no   armor the none of your loud weapons it was then  clear that their armor provided minor protection   from the human firearms without the armor they  would fall much quicker so then both sides agree   to the terms pope also asked them to not use  that throwing disc that was used on sunderson   the large yaocha responded these yaouchua do  not use this weapon they are not ready for it   pope then asked to the death  then and the yahutua said   to the death as the four men removed their  shirts and hats they left their weapons in a pile   they looked over to the yaouchua who removed their  armor and masks pope identified the mandibles on   their faces like it was from some kind of insect  each mandible ended in a tooth claw or talon   suddenly all for yaouchua clicked their mandibles  together and their shoulders shook slightly   pope realized they were laughing at the men's  reactions they were laughing at their fear pope   reminded his men each of you have faced down  comanches and apaches each of you have been   up close and personal with someone who wanted you  dead the yaouchwa are just another type of indian   all you need to know is that they can  bleed if they can bleed they can die   motes went to fight first as his opponent charged  towards him the yaouchwa swung forward but moats   went under and cut the thigh of the yaouchwa  but instead of charging this time the yaouchwa   stalked moats then it swung moat would swing back  but the yaouchwa made him miss he kicked the knife   out of moza's hand and swiped his windpipe with  its bladed weapon moats had made a mistake which   cost him his life the head was ripped from the  body and taken as a trophy the yaouchwa let   out a shriek in his victory conroy was up next he  brought his motorcycle to the center of the arena   holding a spear in his right hand he gunned his  motorcycle towards another yaouchua which moved   aside to avoid the vehicle conroy then stopped and  spun the wheel to throw dirt into yaucho's face   he then drove 20 feet away and turned  back heading towards the yauchwa as it   was blinded from the dirt conroy's spear impaled  the yaouchua in the chest and he pushed through   he held onto the spear and drove the yaouchwa  a dozen yards the yaochua was severely weakened   and fell over as conroy continued his assault on  the fallen warrior with the last of its strength   the yahushua reached up to embed its claws in  the right side of conroy's face it pulled him   down and then they both died husker john was  the third one up he was met by a larger warrior   he ran towards it then stopped to throw his spear  the yaouchwa avoided it but left itself open   husker john used this moment to get behind the  aochua he held onto its face and used a knife   to cut the yaochua's neck the lifeless body fell  to the ground the fight was quick but he won pope   was up last he assured husker john i'm not going  to die he approached the arena while holding a   hatchet everyone watched him as this was the final  battle he looked over to his opponent and he saw   the same clawed hand attachments that the others  used which meant the battle would be up close   pope would get injured over his left shoulder  when the yaouchua fired one wrist blade during   an attack he fell to his knee from the pain his  opponent approached him pope swiped right to left   then down and up the yaouchwa dodged it and lunged  with its right hand which only had one claw pope's   hatchet was hooked by this claw and jerked it out  of his hand pope would then get a flashback memory   of a girl he knew in the hudson valley he saw  her hand outstretched as he left on a train three   years ago to fight indians her name was charlotte  she was the love of his life and then his mind   came back to the real world the yahujwa reached  out with its own hand trying to grab him but pope   ducked under and grabbed the net gun weapon on  the enemy's belt he fired it to the yauchwa's face   carrying it backwards wrapping and then digging  into its face it fell onto its back trying to pull   it off with one hand the aochu aimed its left hand  towards pope and fired both claws pope ducked to   dodge it he moved towards the warrior pulling the  blade from where it was lodged into his shoulder   he would then use that bladed weapon and plunged  it into one of the yahuwah's eyes ending its life   husker john would then help pope back to  their side of the arena and patches wounds   with magnesium the talia utra with the spear would  then appear again husker john would approach him   and he spoke for a moment just outside of range  from pope he could not hear what they spoke   about as pope would lead to horses carrying  the bodies of conroy and moats that's when   he remembered what husker john told him husker  john said this as much as i hate these warriors   i respect them they've asked me to join them they  say they want to learn from me i'm an old man sir   i've done all i can for the buffalo soldiers so  i think i'm going to take them up on their offer   the fact is that life is too short to not seek out  something you want i've been wanting a change and   this seems right for me those were the last  words from husker john he stayed behind with   the yaouchua when pope returned back to his other  men he told everyone that husker john passed away   and his body was unrecoverable they would mourn  their loss accepted and returned to new mexico   pope would leave his men there when his  commission was up he had leave saved this   was a good time for him to find the girl  he left in the past and see if she could   be part of his future whatever decision he made  he was never going to forget his brave soldiers   the magnificence of husker john and  the strange warriors they fought   who also allowed his men to live he realized the  yaouchua were merely testing themselves against   a few of the finest cavalry men in the army  the group known as the buffalo soldiers the end part of this story about american soldiers looking  for pancho villa was based off a real event in   history but the names of the soldiers were made  up it's one of those endings that really goes   beyond the predictable endings we normally see  in these stories the title of the story is also   how pope makes his way home may blood pave my way  home is another way of saying he had to spill the   blood of his enemies to survive and go home and  this is what i want to see in films something   completely different unexpected and showing a  clan of predators rather than one predator dying   at the end the novels and comic books have some  really good stories that could be adapted or even   give inspiration to future films i hope someday  we can get some great stories like this one but   on film a new class has been released for predator  hunting grounds it is called the exiled predator   and it has a small backstory it says here it's  unknown when or how this predator was exiled but   it was clearly able to adapt and hunt undetected  in the far reaches of yaouchua territory   while avoiding common hunting grounds  this yaouchua was able to hunt legendary   warriors on chains of the pacific islands  the exiled predator carefully interpreted   and crafted armor from local raw materials  out of a deep respect for these warriors   upon closer inspection the body armor does not  look like the normal metal used by other hunters   it looks more primal you could say it might be  made of wood and it could be linked to the comic   book story called predator hunters from 2017. the  story opens up with three stranded survivors on   remote island they are desperately running through  the jungle trying to escape some unknown force   something they have never seen before one of them  gets caught and eliminated the others fear for   their lives and try to run off as they reach the  end of a cliff a vicious tribal looking predator   appears before them it drops its mask and  roars at them one survivor tries to fight back   but is defeated very quickly the last survivor  fights the predator but ends up hanging over the   edge of the cliff he holds onto the dreadlocks and  is torn off as he falls down below for now he made   it out alive and so the hunter walks off with his  trophy the story then shifts to enoch nakai who is   now working at a gas station far away you might  remember him from an older story called predator   big game where enoch defeated a predator in  combat he is then approached by three individuals   jaya soames tyler swain and rafael herrera jaya  is aware of the incident that occurred at coal   army base where enoch was stationed at in the  past and what the true cause of the incident was   enoch recalls when he defeated the predator and  was later asked to join a black ops team to hunt   them down but he declined the offer because they  are mostly interested in the technology enoch   just wanted to kill them jaya wants enoch to join  their cause he's a warrior at heart and he would   be a fine addition to the team because of what he  has seen and what he knows at first enoch wants   nothing to do with their cause but before jayasams  is about to leave with her group enoch changes his   mind and joins them along the way they all speak  about their encounters with a predator herrera was   deep in the jungle when this happened the devil  himself walked the earth but i discovered that   the devil can die but it was a hollow victory  the battle mortally wounded my organization and   within a few weeks a rival finished the job and  my family tyler swain had a mission in afghanistan   while he was transporting supplies his team  was attacked things looked pretty bad for them   as they were about to get overrun but just then  a mortar blast injured swain and he passed out   he blacked out for some time but when he woke  up it was real quiet and then that's when i saw   it everyone was dead and that bastard was taking  his trophies i was too hurt to do a god damn thing   as for jaya soames her great grandfather captain  edward soames was tracking down spring-heeled jack   who terrorized the late 19th century london  but jack was no man it was a predator   one can only imagine how he brought down the  creature with the weapons of the day the story   of edward soames was in the comic book predator  nemesis he lured the predator into a mud pool cut   off its arm and its own weight dragged it down to  the bottom after this encounter with the predator   captain soams would return to india while  he was there he would be under the employ   of the maharajas to hunt man killing tigers  or so the story goes this family tradition   was passed down to her grandfather and then to  her father until finally it was then passed down   to jayasams the team would return to a vessel and  meet the last member of their team mandy graves   she survived an encounter with a bad blood  predator jaya would brief the team on their   mission a fishing vessel out of fiji was blown off  course by a severe storm the vessel had damaged   hydraulics and after being hit by a rogue wave it  capsized and sank a few members did survive they   drifted on a raft to an isolated island but it was  not uninhabited these men had gone through hell to   reach the island but now they are about to meet  the devil the three men were captured and caged   up they observed their captor for some time this  continued for several days until one morning   the men awoke to find their captor gone their  cages open and weapons left for them if only   they had known what they were in for two men did  not survive this encounter but one of them did   he fell from a high cliff area into the ocean but  later returned to the raft and took his chances in   the open water the man drifted into the open ocean  for days until he was picked up by a new zealand   trawler before he died he told his story to the  vessel's captain there were other islands nearby   as to why the survivor took his chances in the  ocean perhaps he was fishing illegally so it   was best to drift in the ocean than to stay on the  island back in the 1800s the islands were settled   by malcolm bunting he wanted to create a tropical  utopia so he exchanged valuable lands to gain   ownership of the island chain the current steward  is bunting's great grandson dr henry bunting   but the one reason jaya wants to go there is  because a predator could be on the neighboring   island before the fisherman passed away he shared  his story but to back up his claims he brought   with him a piece of the predator dreadlocks he  never let it go enoch does not sound too confident   in facing more predators since he fought one  before he knows what their technology can do   jayasams would then show him their weapon arsenal  but enoch thinks it's not enough in another   storage room she reveals some items they took from  other predators they analyzed some of their tech   and developed countermeasures we get a small look  at gyasomes during her encounter with a predator   she knew what these creatures could do and what  they would continue to do unless they were stopped   so like everyone else who's part of this team she  too faced a predator at some time as they approach   amelia island they have to dock with no visible  weapons the ship they're on is disguised as   a science vessel so they don't arouse any  suspicions the last scene here is a look at   one predator catching an animal eating its meat  and giving a small portion to a captured human   during the cover of darkness the team sends  in drones to the neighboring island of kahua   they switch to night vision and find the  waterfall mentioned in the briefing but keep   looking for anything unusual just a bit further  away they locate a site with a few human skulls   this is enough intel for the team to move in as  they pull the drones back they get spotted by   one of the predators on the island it seems as if  the predators will be expecting company very soon   when the team meets up with dr bunting for a meal  gyasome explains their reason for visiting the   area which is their cover story they're conducting  inventories of fish stocks and conditions of some   of the more isolated reefs in this part of the  pacific malcolm bunting found this island long ago   which was far from man's reach as can be  he traded most of his holdings to secure it   and create a refuge for mankind's excesses this  was then passed down from generation to generation   even though the island is mostly self-sustained  for their way of life mr bunting still has family   holdings in new zealand and elsewhere which  provide him with extra income to support the   community when asked about kahua island which  is not far away mr bunting says his grandfather   turned it into his own private hunting preserve  he brought in all sorts of exotic animals he also   says he's never set foot on kehua island as the  team starts to pack up and head back to the vessel   one lady from the island says goodbye to them but  tells jayasams something strange she says this   please come back and take me away from here come  back soon which gives the impression that this   paradise island has more secrets than we know the  team reviews the drone footage so they decide to   suit up and head to kahua island at night when  they arrive at the beach they activate their   cooling units and night vision as they reach the  jungle area they hear rustling nearby they draw   their weapons and prepare but out jumps a tiger  and it runs off it's not what they are looking for   while the team was distracted by this one member  gets attacked a spear impales his body from behind   it seems like something has spotted them  they assume they can't be seen by predators   because their thermal signature is concealed  by their suits but they can't see the predators   with their modified visors they open fire into  the predator and follow the blood trail mandy   takes lead and rushes to find the location of the  target but then loses the trail it disappeared   but just then the predator leaps down from  above her slashing her with its weapon she's   down and the predator makes a run for it the team  fires their weapons the predator tries to run but   suffers many wounds it stops and gets taken down  when they examine the body they notice something   is different this predator has no technology it's  primitive then they hear someone nearby a prisoner   they set him free and tell him you are safe it  is dead but the man tells them what do you mean   it there are three more of them when the strike  team contacts base command on the boat durga   orders them to check the creature and camp take  whatever equipment you can and head for the boats   there's no valuable gear but wooden masks and  spears but out of nowhere one of the members gets   attacked the team splits up the main group heads  back to the boat and two of them would cover the   rear while herrera and another hold down a line  of defensive fire he thinks their cold suits will   make them blind to the predators but he is unaware  that these hunters are not using the predtech with   thermal vision modes so they are still visible  to them swain is then ordered to provide cover   fire for herrera who is still behind them swain  tries to stay but sees another team member get   taken down and a skull ripped out in front of  his eyes he is unable to open fire and just runs   away mandy then shows up and meets up with swain  who says we gotta get out of here they're right   behind me mandy is unfazed by his warning and runs  back towards the enemy she would then come across   one predator but she chooses to throw her weapon  down and pulls out her knife issuing a challenge   of honorable combat then out of nowhere a grenade  is tossed ahead of mandy it explodes and she falls   to the ground as she gets up enoch greets her the  two of them catch up with the others on the beach   just in time to grab a boat and escape to the  vessel enoch asked them did you see herrera what   happened to herrera but both swain and mandy stay  quiet it looks like herrera was just captured by   the predators hung upside down and tied up one of  the hunters pulls out a weapon and cuts herrera's   ear off only to add it to his collection of ear  trophies back on the vessel mandy gets mad at   swain for not helping herrera and leaving him  behind swain would be approached by jaya soames   she tells him you cannot withhold information  we are at a crisis point what happened out there   swain didn't see herrera but he saw one of the  predators kill bradford and tear him apart then   it looked at me i froze it was like afghanistan  all over again the truth is his heroic predator   encounter it was a lie he was never injured he was  hiding he was the only one left he had a chance   to shoot the creature but he was too scared to do  anything the team counted on him herrera counted   on him but he let everyone down enoch would  then reach out to mandy about what happened   mandy thinks back to when her team was taken by  the bad blood predator saying she was supposed   to die with her team she wants to be with them  enoch recalls the time he lost a lot of friends   to these creatures maybe there's a reason he was  spared enoch wants to hunt them down on the island   and mandy just might join him the man they rescued  from the island then starts to panic again saying   we need to leave right now it's not safe here jaya  psalms then tells him that the people on amelia   island are in danger from those creatures this  man seems to be the only one aboard the vessel   that knows what's really going on he tells her  don't you understand this is their show we then   see a few boats with passengers covered in what  looks like predator masks rowing near the boat   the battle is not over henry bunting is aboard  these small boats and he calls out to the crew   aboard the durga vessel telling them to prepare  to be boarded without retaliation as he placed   explosives on the hull of the ship he detonates  one of the bombs to prove he's not joking around   once dr bunting boards the durga vessel the entire  crew is secured and only specific people are   taken back to the island he says there's a special  ceremony one that's become tradition for uninvited   visitors this is when he explains the story about  his great grandfather who founded this colony   and broke his back to build it the colony was  knackered coming apart at the seams but one   night fire came down from the sky a fire that  changed everything that's when the exiles arrived   these were monsters devils from hell but  great-grandfather reckoned these were visitors   from another world their ship had sank in the  open ocean and sunk like a stone its crew barely   escaped alive to our little paradise but they were  soon at their business great-granddad rallied the   colony and fought the exiles many colonists died  for each exile they brought down after a long   war his colony had changed they grew strong  and with a purpose they became more primal   they no longer live within nature nature lived  within them after several exiles were killed   great granddad decided to capture the rest the  remaining four exiles were starved to make them   weak enough for transport to kahua island  he planned to make a game preserved there   bringing in exotic animals from far-off lands  but now he had the most exotic catch of all the   exiles were then released into the jungles of  kahua island with no means of escape over time   more game was brought in like boars and the odd  tiger the exiles had the means to survive if   they had the backbone that is and that they did  before long they were thriving like they were   born to hunt to survive to kill kahua island  became a place to hunt other men and women the   people of amelia island embraced the predators and  their reason for hunting the four people brought   back to the island were swain mandi enoch and  jaya they were given weapons to take and a few   minutes head start the hunt would soon begin for  them as the four of them run through the jungle   they decide to split up their chances of survival  might be better if one of them makes it out alive   mandy gets attacked first by one of the human  hunters dressed up like a predator but she defends   herself by using the spear weapon he threw at her  a few men looking for enoch would pass a stream of   water only for a coconut to fall inside they get  surprised and one man says this nearly crapped   me undies which i think is the funniest part of  the story so anyways enoch would then be seen up   top in a tree hiding and waiting for the right  moment to strike the targets that are below him   he jumps down and slaughters the few men nearby  a few hunters would locate gyasomes in the jungle   they surround her and she gets injured she falls  down barely able to fight back it seems like this   might be the end for her but just then one of the  predators leaps down and takes all the men down   sparing giasomes and letting her live maybe  it's because she was not holding any weapons   so it would not be a fair fight so she runs off  jaya soames would later run into artemis the lady   she met on the island earlier artemis wants to  stop what's happening so they run to her boat and   head for the durga vessel artemis would distract  the guards upon arriving meanwhile jayasams would   go underwater and remove the mind from the hull  of the ship the two of them would take down some   of the guards and secure the ship the situation  is then under control but they cannot leave yet   she plans to leave a parting gift to her host  the chopper flies into the nearby beach and makes   contact with dr bunting and a few of his men they  fire their weapons upon them and many casualties   occur dr bunting is last seen at the mercy of  mandy she tells him one last message be the hunter   enoch is then shown at the edge of a waterfall  as two predators have tracked him down   but swain shows up and rams his spear into one  of them this time he had the courage to attack   a predator the one predator close to them  gets blasted by the weapons on the chopper   swain and enoch get airlifted away all four of  them made it out alive the last predator shows up   and mandy is about to fire upon it but jaya tells  her to hold her fire this one spared her life   he deserves a little dignity at long last  she throws a bag towards him as they take off   within the bag are items of predator technology  a gift left for the last surviving predator   all those years on the island with no way to leave  but now things are different he pays respects to   his fallen warrior brothers those that fought  alongside him during their time on the island   he activates his wrist computer and pushes a  few buttons he might be contacting others to   help them or the constant beeping could be the  self-destruct device but this is where the story   ends before this predator class was revealed some  game files were data mined that showed tribal skin   textures and a tiki predator class if we look at  the meaning of tiki there are some definitions   that mention wood or stone along with a connection  to polynesian culture the name tiki could have   just been used as a placeholder until the final  name was revealed later on the story of predator   hunters talks about exiled predators and how their  armor was made of wood since they lost access to   their technology when their ship sank in the ocean  it's possible that the exiled predator is the one   who survived at the end of the story but since it  does have different armor i think the comic book   just served as an inspiration for this new class  so that covers the lore around the exiled predator   in predator hunting grounds and how it is linked  to the wants from the comic book predator hunters   though predator creature we know today did go  through various changes throughout production   even during filming the team was still  unsure of the design they had available   one of the early ideas they wanted was for the  creature to have leg extensions and a third leg   joint but this design choice was not going to  work now they needed a creature that could climb   and fight and walk through water and  everything else you see in the film   the original suit just didn't fit the action  requirements that's why they went with the   person in a humanoid costume later on they  had to work with the original predator design   which was more like a giant insect they used a  similar build but in a red suit for other scenes   like the camouflage effects jean-claude van  damme was wearing the red suit at some time   until he got replaced the director john mctiernan  contacted the studio executives and told them   this really is not the suit we want for the movie  and so arnold then suggested they should contact   stan winston they worked together on terminator so  maybe stan could help them out when stan winston   was on a plane going to japan james cameron was  also aboard it was then that james told stan   i always wanted to see something with mandibles  and this was the starting point of a new creature   the addition of the dreadlocks on the head came  from a piece of artwork in joel silver's office   a painting of a rastafarian warrior when you  combined the two ideas together it became   the iconic creature we know as predator kevin  peter hall would then be casted as the predator   since his height was seven feet two inches this  gave the predator a more threatening appearance   as he towered over the other actors so that was a  quick rundown about the original predator design   but this brings us to recent news from william  stout on his website he is an american artist that   specializes in fantasy and science fiction his  work is around storyboard art to production design   on september 20th of 2021 he posted a piece about  this time designing the predator which looks very   different from all the other things we saw before  he had his first meeting with john mctiernan and   production designer john vallone at the time the  movie's script went under its original title of   hunter during their meeting mctiernan opened up  a bookmarked page in a book on alien designer   h.r giger and said this i would not be unhappy if  the creature looked like this while pointing to a   specific giger painting william was stunned and  wondered why they couldn't just hire giger for   this project but he took that design and created  his own version of it to satisfy mick tiernon   he did a creature with geeker-esque designs the  tail was also able to extend or flip forward   and attach to the head you can see how similar  they look but william was trying to move away from   gieger's art style and have something more unique  he presented a few ideas of how the creature   might look this one had a triple eyelid design  instead of the normal top and bottom eyelid   another version went back to a more organic form  various types of teeth were drawn up the head also   changed in different drawings he even tried to  show them his idea of its own camouflage abilities   by sprouting additional pods that looked like  vines the creature could camouflage with plants or   trees in the jungle william would later show john  mctiernan another drawing he came up with going   back to a more geeker-esque style of biomechanical  plating on the body this was one design john did   like he made another drawing changing the hunter's  design to closely resemble a catfish skeleton   but in the end all of these ideas were replaced  by stan winston's work which is how we got the   predator we see today so what do you think of  williams drawings do you think they could use them   for anything related to predator in the future  put your thoughts in the comments section what's   up everyone carlos here there's been an update to  predator hunting grounds on august 31st of 2021   and with it are some new lore pieces connected  to isabelle she was seen in the predators   movie in 2010 she was briefly mentioned in some  collectible tapes from the update back in july   but this new update has four extra tapes that go  into her story she speaks to agent keys about her   time away from earth it also includes a small bit  of information about what happened to royce after   the comic book sequel this is some new lore that  we can dive into so here we go when she returned   back to earth via an alien spacecraft she's picked  up by an organization that keys is working for   she landed within mexican airspace and was picked  up along with a spaceship she was in she explains   her story while being held unlawfully keys looks  over her impressive service record and wonders   why she suddenly went awol isabelle says  she was taken but specifically abducted   agent keys believes she's made contact  with an aggressive alien civilization   one whose culture is deeply saturated in the  ritual hunting of other intelligent species isabel   knows about the incident that occurred in valverde  when dutch's team was attacked by a hunter   agent key says we already have the ship we  just want your story after that you can go home   but she's not sure if she can trust them  his response is that they are trying to   stop these hunters and by the look of  the inventory in that ship she was in   she was also within the spacecraft they found  alien jawbones thermal netting predator armor and   a bolt action sniper rifle ballistics say that  it's been fired a lot as a way to make things a   bit more fair keys would give a little intel about  his role in the situation he's part of a task   force directed by the united states government  to assess and respond to a very real alien threat   one that attacked first and continues to do so  with impunity isabel would ask how many have been   on earth but keys is unable to share that type of  classified information isabel assumes they just   don't know exactly how many but keys is aware that  isabelle has killed one of these alien creatures   and he wants to know more especially since she  commandeered an alien spacecraft and successfully   piloted it back to earth he's one of the few  people on the planet that will believe her   he promises to do everything he can to take what  she tells him and use it against these monsters   and so she begins sharing her story moments before  her abduction she was on a mission after this she   went into hiding but refuses to elaborate on other  details however she is able to describe being   abducted she had fallen asleep during the mission  and when she woke up she was falling like in a   nightmare it was a parachute insertion like a halo  jump by the time she realized what was happening   the shoot opened on its own from that elevation  she was not able to recognize anything to her   it was only a jungle during the time of her  abduction she believes she was not on earth upon   landing within this jungle she did a supply check  on herself and began to recon the area she assumed   that she could be on earth maybe somewhere she's  never been to it soon became obvious that this   was not earth the combination of flora was wrong  too many species together that shouldn't have been   and others i could not identify at all not long  after a landing she spotted an american mercenary   a mexican cartel enforcer and a spetsnaz  special forces soldier debriefing each other   she thinks they were all deployed to the planet  at the same time over the course of a couple   of hours they found two american criminals a  yakuza enforcer and a member of a sierra leone   ruf death squad it didn't take long to see  what they all had in common killing because   of the situation they were all in they agreed  to work together to find a way out of the jungle   there were no signs of civilization this was  not earth over a short time it became clear that   they were being pursued hunted by something some  type of hunting animal was used to flush them out   after this encounter they concluded that the  planet they were on was a kind of preserve   they were brought there as prey out of the entire  group there were only two survivors herself and   the american mercenary royce during the comic  book adaptation of the 2010 predators movie   isabelle goes into more detail about the  guatemala incident in 1987. an american   spec ops team went into the jungle she read the  debriefing report about it which was classified   this creature hunted them it was invisible in  our spectrum it was relentless a killer a true   predator she tells them about the time she  went to guatemala with her spotter archuleta   she was part of a mission to take down some  nasty rebels the report she read about the   1987 incident was hard to believe she thought  going to the jungle might give her some answers   she wanted to expand on her mission by searching  for clues of what really happened there   the debriefing said the creature was beaten but it  killed itself with a powerful explosive the bomb   site proved the report had at least some basis in  fact she never mentioned to her partner archuleta   how she felt she was being watched how the jungle  kept talking to her archuleta thought she was just   crazy but things got worse when her partner  got captured it was all her fault she never   should have sent him off the mission to look for  invisible things while she was looking for aliens   she forgot about the other horrors around her with  about 20 enemy soldiers around archuleta she could   have taken down a few of them but she might not  make it out alive all she could do is watch as her   partner was killed by the soldiers who captured  him his death was on her she carried that burden   all this time she says to agent keys killing does  not keep you alive we infiltrate complete the   mission and get out we were trained to survive  not to butcher civilians earning the trust of   royce was difficult at first he worked with them  because he saw it was tactically advantageous he   saw the other members as disposable when they were  trying to identify the enemy he used the other   members as bait to lure out the enemy someone died  even if nobody on that list was that trustworthy   isabel knew royce was the best chance she had at  getting out alive and she was right they were the   only two that survived this encounter but they  got injured while they were hiding to recuperate   they grew close she was hoping to return to  earth with royce if they had not marked him   the hunters saw royce as some kind of champion  he killed a hunter survived for so long they   must have thought he was worthy so they gave him  predator armor this is referring to the comic book   sequel to predators the story continues with royce  and isabel still trapped on the game preserve   they survived for a long time but one night  a predator finds their campsite to drop off   a package then leaves royce is given predator  armor to fight against a giant four-armed predator   isabelle says that there were times royce had  spoken about how he secretly enjoyed hunting   men that it was dishonest to think otherwise this  is somewhat linked to the prequel comic book story   of royce's mission in africa his backstory shows  that he was hired to take out specific targets   for the right price he's not there to rescue  people he's just there to eliminate a target   and get paid when the predators gave him that  armor it was like the gods telling him he was   right all along that's when i lost him royce would  then use the armor's cloak to find a landing site   he took isabelle to it and there was some kind  of dropship and a smaller skiff she thought   they would both take the skiff but royce  said he wanted to meet them face to face   i argued with him pleaded but there was no point  whatever connection he had to humanity to me   died in the jungle his ship disappeared into the  clouds and i was alone the last thing agent keys   wants to know is how isabel was able to pilot  an alien spacecraft back to earth she says   that before royce left he was able to unlock and  ready both ships using the computer on his armor   i don't know if he could have done more or if  he just didn't care to but it responded to me   as though i were one of the hunters everything  was in their language because she was trained   in naval navigation some things made sense out  of practicality and others i figured out through   trial and error time was difficult to judge there  but i slept several times as i worked it out there   were so many controls with images and holograms  she even assumes the hunters are not that smart   they saw so many of them but there were no  engineers or texts no one ever performed   maintenance if something broke they would just  abandon it she thinks it all works for them   but they don't know how it works agent key says  that's been a running theory about these hunters   isabel was going through a planetary directory  for hours until she found earth she grabbed her   supplies and started pushing buttons in the  directory until the ship rumbled and then she   sat down and prayed she fell asleep soundly for  the first time in a long time when she woke up   there was earth huge and blue the ship wanted a  landing zone but i could not read the locations   so i chose at random before they finished the  conversation the ow ella thanks isabelle for   her assistance and he gives her his card in case  she wants to help out again she says she'll think   about it and says goodbye agent keys and that's  the closure to the story of isabel i like how the   lore was connected to the comic book sequel even  if royce is out there looking to meet predators   we don't know what happened during this journey of  his maybe we'll find out or maybe this will remain   a mystery the end if you want to see the  video about royce getting predator armor   i covered that comic book story which is a sequel  to the predator movie from 2010 and if you want   to see royce's early story from when he went  to africa i'm going to leave links to those   two videos so check them out if you want to know  more in the year 2018 a set of new stories were   released within the novel of predator if it bleeds  man has once again come up against the ultimate   hunter these stories take place in different  time periods and across different cultures   the story i'm going to cover for this video  is three sparks it takes place in feudal japan   and follows the story of a disgraced former  samurai that goes by the name of nasu hiroto   when a mysterious demon sets foot upon their  land it slaughters everyone it meets nasu hiroto   is given a chance at redemption if he can stop the  demon the story opens up with hiroto coming across   a few dangling bodies around noon he could not  recognize their social status since they were   skinned so he was unsure if they were a samurai  the bodies had a strong stench were bloated and   from the heat he assumes the bodies were there for  about three days during his time he had skinned a   lot of game but even in the state of the bodies  hirota was impressed with this oni butchering   these men he didn't see any signs of rope nearby  so it would take an incredible amount of strength   to haul these corpses way up there in the past he  had seen big cats carry their prey up the trees   but this time this felt different it felt staged  for their benefit it was hard to tell if this   was a message or to mark their territory most men  would be full of fear when they see these bodies   but hiroto tried to hide his admiration for  this oni and so he acted as if he too was scared   whatever happened here it was from  a skilled warrior or a demon captain   nasu hiroto's past included him being a hero  of the battle of dino ura hero of the battle   of kori kara he was a master swordsman  and champion archer of the minamoto clan   he could be considered the finest archer in  history if not second only to his father yet after   the war there was no peace for hiroto he took  one of the shogun's ships and traveled wherever   the waves carried him always searching for a  new battle new prey to hunt new beasts to slay   over the years there were many tales of hiroto  some say he would hunt tigers in the jungles   on tenjiku or great white bears in the desolate  lands in the north some believed that hiroto was   the greatest hunter in the world when he returned  he was brought before the shogun minamoto yurotomo   after their victory over the tyra clan the shogun  would have given hiroto great responsibilities but   this meant hiroto would teach children how to use  bows he said he would grow bored with this task   and felt his skills would be wasted this was the  reason herota left his duties and so upon his   return to kamakura he awaits his final judgment  from the shogun the only reason he came back   is because he heard that his lord required his  services people speak about the oni of aokigahara   forest a demon that slaughters men and hangs their  bodies many samurai have rushed to the forest   trying to win the favor of the shogun but all  have failed from the few witnesses that survived   they speak of an invisible demon stronger  than any man and it kills with a spear   claw or bolts of lightning before it vanishes as  quickly as it appears hirota was very interested   in these stories this is why hiroto came  out of hiding this oni would be a great   challenge for him yoritomo tells hiroto that  the only warning before the oni strikes its prey   are the three glowing embers that form a triangle  and appear on its victim after so many have   perished fighting this oni many believe that it  cannot be defeated by a mortal hand the same thing   was said about the great sea beast before hiroto's  father killed it with a single arrow through the   eye the shogun says that this was the greatest  feat any man has accomplished under his rule   no man has ever equaled his father's legacy not  even the man who has hunted every dangerous beast   under the sun if hiroto is able to defeat the  oni of a yokigahara he could finally match his   father's legend hiroto could never resist a great  challenge he had never fought a demon before   hiroto would then begin his new task each morning  meant he was a bit closer to the mountain and so   was his next great challenge the shogun would  send a young warrior born of high status he was   ashikage motokani and five bodyguards to accompany  hiroto on his journey even though hiroto helped   their lord rise to power a long time ago because  he abandoned his duties and fled his homeland the   shogun's other samurai saw him as a dishonorable  outcast a wild man an anomaly in their orderly   world if things got really bad hiroto plans to  use them as bait the map provided by the shogun   showed a small village at the edge of the forest  so hiroto picked that place as their destination   but upon arriving it was just a bunch of rotten  huts and stinking pig pens it was a good time for   them to restock their supplies and ask around for  any information but as they were spotted by the   villagers the local people fled their fields and  ran to their huts villages like this were often   menaced by one conquering army or another even  during times of peace bandits were always around   one farmer remained at the center of  the village to greet them he was their   appointed head man hiroto told his team to  stay back as he would approach the man alone   but ashikage motokani did not listen he walked  toward the farmer in a very intimidating way   hirota wanted to ask the villagers some questions  that might help them but ashikage motokani   looked upon them with disgust and saying they  should take any supplies they need and move on   because of how he spoke to the villagers it  was no wonder they saw no difference between   bandit and samurai the head men approached them  and said their village already paid their taxes   but the heat had affected their crops and he asked  for them to please have mercy hiroto interrupted   him and said i am nasuhiroto we have come to  kill the oni of aokigahara the headman responds   with this you are not the first the stories are  true our land is cursed it is a terrible scourge   we are so thankful more brave samurai have come  to fight the demon hiroto noticed the head man   did not sound relieved he was more annoyed by  this visit many of you have come through here   this summer eating our food putting our men to  work as guides one of the villagers saw it first   perched up on the tree shaped like a man but  bigger with a head like an ox she thought it   was an angry ghost and ran away old genzo saw  it too he heard the thunder when it killed the   first samurai it put the three sparks on him too  but genzo fled before more lightning came he was   lucky it did not chase him cause this oni is swift  as a horse if any creature could slaughter samurai   so easily the villagers would have no chance  against them hiroto asked the head man how many   of your people have died the head man says it is  hard to believe but none noble samurai he has only   attacked mighty warriors such as you our village  has not been troubled by three sparks ashikaga   motokane accused the villagers of siding with the  oni demon seeing as how it spared all their lives   the head men pleaded that they would never betray  their lord they even offered gifts to the demon   this only made ashikage motakani more irritated he  drew his sword slowly but hiroto put him at ease   hiroto needs information from these people the  forest was unnaturally quiet the wind did not   penetrate the trees there were no birds singing  no insects buzzing nothing no wonder the place   was considered haunted even before the oni had  moved in when morning came the others were fully   equipped and ready for war their bows were strung  spears held high and their swords at their sides   the shogun's finest looked like fearsome  combatants a worthy challenge for any demon   meanwhile hiroto walked a little behind them  he stripped himself of armor and weapons   he placed a bamboo pole on his shoulder with  a bundle hanging from each end he also rolled   onto the field to look and smell like a local  farmer the other samurai thought he had gone   mad when they saw hiroto left his sword behind  but hiroto knew something the others did not   he would be no threat especially to a mighty  oni he took the part of a porter a local man   who would carry the supplies of the other samurai  because the forest was too rugged for their horses   the head man told them the same thing happened  with the other samurais that visited only the   porter carrying their supplies would come back  terrified sometimes covered in blood but alive   most beasts on the land would target the weakest  prey but this oni was different it attacked the   strong herota would use that information to his  knowledge the other samurai would boast about   who would slay the oni and how they would spend  their reward meanwhile hiroto would keep his head   down he knew it was hard using his eyes to find a  creature which was invisible so he just listened   in a forest without sound even the faintest thing  became audible the oni was quiet but not as quiet   as other creatures that hunt occasionally  hirota would hear flesh scrape against bark   or the creak of a branch as weight settled on  it but there was another sound barely audible   but unnatural like the chittering of an insect  combined with a slithering of a snake on the sand this sound was different all these sounds would  have been lost in a noisy forest he realized right   there they were being followed hirota was excited  but tried not to let it show they later located a   samurai body by a nearby stream and missing  its head it's identified as hojo murashiga   the identity of this body seems to shake the  others because hojo murashiga was a fearsome   swordsman the best of us not only did it take  his head this oni also ripped out his spine   motokane was stressed the entire day he got up and  spoke out show yourself demon show yourself so i   can kill you like the wretched cowardly dog you  are hiroto took a few steps away from the angry   samurai the local people told him that the oni  threw lightning bolts and he thought it was not   wise to stand close to the most tempting target  while motokane continued to rant and yell hiroto   looked for tracks or any clues he saw footprints  on some nearby moss he examined a cut on a tree   judging by the height and angle it had  come from someone extremely tall deep   cuts incredible strength with twin blades an odd  weapon nearby he would see green looking paint   but it was actually the blood of the oni  the smell was completely alien he noticed   something else by the rocks he picked it up but  just then kaneto's chest exploded hit by something   with a flash of light motokanya's shouting was  interrupted as his bodyguard's blood sprayed   him in the face kineto dropped to his knees his  body was lifeless then flopped forward his wound   must have been incredibly hot it was burnt and  steam came from the giant hole in kaneto's back   the samurais reacted instantly spears were lifted  and arrows were knocked they looked around but   could not find a target the men looked around  but saw nothing then they heard a thumping sound   as the oni jumped around from tree to tree and  then silence it had moved back in the distance   to watch them from safety this meant it would be  some time before the next attack meanwhile hirota   opened his hand to see the itemy found by the  rock earlier it was a severed finger of the oni   it seems that one samurai had challenged it to a  duel and the oni was injured during that battle   hiroto spoke to one of the bodyguards named nobuo  he mentions that he saw the three sparks on kineto   before he died they lingered for a few heartbeats  before the lightning flash appeared at first he   thought the three sparks held some spiritual  significance but now he learns that the oni uses   it to aim before firing the lightning bolt this  knowledge will be useful if he should see the   three sparks again during sundown the next attack  occurred upon their team hiroto saw a single leaf   fall to their side around 50 paces then moments  later a branch vibrated high above around 30 paces   ahead the oni is here he whispered nobulo quietly  repeated that to the next samurai in line who then   gave the message to motokane and this is when  motokani ruined their approach by shouting halt   spears and arrows were ready hiroto acted  like a scared porter and hid behind a tree   after several seconds had passed three flickering  sparks appeared on zenzuko's helmet look out   nobuo shouted he then hurls himself against his  companion the lightning bolt missed its target   and hiroto had seen exactly from where that  bolt had come from he drops the bamboo shaft   and satchels which was holding his real  cargo all along one samurai launches an   arrow into the branches he missed the oni but he  was close the only shot another lightning bolt   but this time there were no three red sparks seen  so it must have rushed this attack the blast still   hit the samurai sending one of his legs flying  away hiroto pulls out one of his special arrows   careful to not cut himself with it these arrows  were covered in a poison one samurai pulls out his   sword challenging the oni to a duel but the oni  learned his mistake last time so he blew the man's   arm off with another lightning bolt amongst the  chaos ashikage motokani can be seen running away   a tree exploded near him and he was lost from  view in a cloud of splinters hiroto was right   the oni focused on the warriors with weapons  and ignored hiroto when he was acting like a   mere peasant with no weapons hiroto is a fast  learner like him the oni only enjoyed hunting   dangerous prey that was its mistake as  hiroto was more dangerous than any other man   hiroto focused on where the lightning came  from aimed his arrow and fired the oni's roar   was the sign he was struck by the arrow but hiroto  did not stop he recalls the time he shot a giant   bear with six arrows and it still had the strength  to charge him surely a demon would be tougher   he continued firing more arrows up into the  trees until finally he saw something move   light seemed to twist and reflect as it moved  around it was like staring into a diamond and for   the first time he saw the only was truly shaped  like a man but larger heroto fired another arrow   and it pierced the oni's chest then it dropped  from the tree he couldn't see if it landed on   his feet or its back meanwhile zindzuko was  screaming in pain because of nobuo's quick   reactions his soda had been hit instead of his  helmet his shoulder plate showed a burning hole   and part of it had caught on fire nabul helped his  friend before he was burnt alive in his own armor   hiroto was only able to hide so many arrows inside  the bamboo pole so he picked up zanzuka's quiver   as he ran past them he said to the other men  it is wounded follow when you can hirota ran   through the bushes and chased after the oni he  noticed insects and lizards that could become the   same color as the ground around them this oni's  magic worked far better but in a similar manner   when he locates the spot where the oni had fallen  more green blood is found nearby when it's fresh   it glows like a smashed firefly easy to see and  track as the light was fading quickly later on   nobu had gotten senzuka's armor off it was  burning and had to be removed but the other   samurai's shoulder was severely injured his right  arm hung useless at this point injuries like this   would make any normal man feel a lot of pain but  he hid it behind a mask of grim determination   to stop this oni and carried his katana weapon in  his left hand nabul finally saw the oni's blood   and says then we can track it hiroto tells him  that the arrows he used on the oni were coated in   a concentrated poison from jellyfish they decide  to wait to see if the oni will suffer any weakness   paralysis or even death from it samurai consider  poison a cowardly and dishonorable way to kill but   nobul and zanzuka did not disagree with using this  method at this point they just wanted to survive   motokane would show up a minute later and joins  them in following the trail of green blood   when they first encountered the oni it was easily  jumping from tree top to tree top now it was   sticking to the ground an experienced hunter would  use this blood trail to set up a trap or ambush   if it was being followed hiroto offers motokane  the chance to take lead trying to convince him   to get the striking blow on the weakened oni but  he refuses and puts nobul in charge of the lead   further along the path they would find a spot  near a land bridge with a big amount of blood   it took herodo a moment to spot the danger  up ahead among the roots there was something   metallic it was hidden slightly but with a keen  eye you could see it was a trap the blood trails   show the demon walking around the pond and behind  them when the trap was activated by the lead man   maybe a snare or spring noose the sound would  attract their attention forward while the demon   would attack them from behind with only four  members left alive the oni could take out half   of them in one move herota whispered to nobuo  and said this count to 30 and set off the trap   throw this rock at it he crept back to motokane  and senzuka and waited if he can spot the creature   moving he's ready to put an arrow through  it then he waited for nobuo to make his move   nobul threw the rock at the trap it erupted  with yellow light nabul hurled through the air   as fire debris fell from the explosion it was  not a normal trap but something more powerful   herota was so impressed with this oni's power he  thought to himself if i had weapons such as this   there is nothing i could not hunt hiroto could  barely see but the three red dots appeared on his   arm climbing upward slowly until it disappeared  over his chest instinctively he flung his body   to the side knowing a lightning bolt was sure to  follow the tree behind him was pierced open and   splinters flew outward he was the one who had hurt  the oni so now he was its greatest threat it was   rather strange how the oni was able to pick him  out and see in the dark hiroto got to his feet and   quickly ran trying to put more trees between his  body and the oni's fury as he tried to escape more   lightning struck branches came crashing down rocks  shattered into pieces and bushes burst into flame   heroto made it to safety by taking cover behind a  boulder he then peeked over the top and saw that   some trees were set on fire from the trap set by  the oni it was still using its magic to conceal   its body but as it neared a fire heroto saw it  it looked like pieces of broken glass in the   image of a tall man senzuka saw too he lifted his  katana in one hand charged and let out a war cry   the light twisted where the oni's head could have  been as if it turned to face the incoming threat   what looked like the oni's arm raised up and  two blades glowed in the night herota rose to   his feet pulled back his bow string and released  an arrow towards it the arrow disappeared into   the demon's unnatural form piercing its flesh a  mere man would perish in seconds from this attack   but not this demon the reflective broken glass  of the oni's magic showed it was still standing   but everything had a weak spot it was only a  matter of finding it he pulled back his bow   and unleashed another arrow it traveled through  the air if it had no heart then he would try to   disable its arms it struck the oni but the arm  still came down slicing zenzuka in half as the   samurai's body went passing by both sides of  the oni hiroto truly saw it for the first time   his last arrow had broken the evil spell it was  truly a giant taller than any samurai he ever   saw the large head was made of shining metal its  hair was like a sadhu monk and body covered in a   fisherman's net hiroto fired off two more arrows  one in the stomach and another in the leg suddenly   the boulder in front of heroto disintegrated when  the flash occurred he was hurled through the air   it turns out the oni did not need the three sparks  to aim its lightning but it did help the accuracy   upon hitting the ground so hard it knocked the  wind out of him he also lost his bow he was near   the edge of the pond just 20 paces away he saw  nobul's body laying in the mud he was breathing   but knocked unconscious he saw the oni approaching  it had given up on stealth as its heavy footsteps   could be heard crashing against the rocks he could  see the oni coming closer and closer hiroto had   no weapons and nobula swords were too far away  the only option he had was to hide and surprise   it later on hiroto was an excellent fighter with  his bare hands but his opponents were not usually   as big as a horse he laid in the murk holding his  breath as the oni walked past him either it could   not see him or it was going to finish off another  person first herota reached out with his hand   to feel something wooden smooth and with a spike  maybe he could use it as he slowly lifted himself   from the merc he saw the oni was standing  over nobuo looking at the oni hiroto could   see plenty of arrows embedded across its body  each wound leaking green blood he could read   the oni's intentions just by his actions the oni  was furious even though nobuo was not the one who   injured it it lifted his arm blade about to kill  him anyway as hiroto tried to rise quietly he   still made some noise maybe it was the pond water  dripping from the war club or the mud sucking his   skin as he rose up either way the oni heard him  it spun around its braids whipping in the movement   it towered over heroto but it did not strike  him down right away the oni paused perhaps   confused as if hiroto were the invisible one  now hiroto swung the tatsubo weapon he picked up   aiming for the head but its sudden movement caused  him to strike it in the shoulder instead flesh and   blood were torn from the body he continued  his attack with an overhand strike then with   an arc movement he swung the oni's extended leg he  heard a snapping sound and it dropped to its knees   the only retaliated by lashing out with its  twin blades but herota blocked it with his   tetsubo weapon but the blades cut through the  wood as if it were nothing cutting hiroto's face   at the same time it was the worst pain he ever  felt in his life the blow had rattled his brain   the world was spinning all he could do at this  point was hold on he felt the cuts over his face   felt an empty eye socket and screamed through his  remaining eye he watched the demon trying to get   up but its broken leg kept it kneeling down  hiroto had seen many enemies fall before him   something about the way the oni was moving said  that it was done it began crawling toward hiroto   he tried to stand but his body was in so much pain  it would not do what he wanted all he could do was   crawl backwards nobu had just woken up calling out  for the hunter his sword was still in a sheet and   he threw it to heroto it landed in his lap the oni  pulled back its fist then aiming it at hiroto's   heart but with a quick swing hiroto slashed the  creature the katana cut through half the demon's   chest blood splattered into the forest in a  long arc and then the two of them remained there   for a short time staring at each other the demon  twitched the twin blades dropped slowly to the   ground it twisted the blade free and three sparks  the oni of aokigahara was no more herota was   feeling tremendous amounts of pain but he was  still able to laugh anyway the summer of death   was finally over it was a fine hunt one that  hiroto will remember for the rest of his life   ashikage motokane would then come out of hiding  he was within the trunk of a hollow tree you're   still alive is it done he asked as he slowly  got out hirota was feeling weak and nauseous   he walked towards ashikage and asked were you  hiding in there all night ashikagi said this   yes and i was all alone because some bodyguard you  are hiroto didn't even think twice about looking   back when he heard nobuo's sword clear its sheep  he cut ashikaga's head clean off then its head   bounced down the rocks he says to hiroto when we  report to the shogun it was a shame there were   no other survivors if a samurai chooses to hide  during battle it is dishonorable then blaming the   casualties on another is disgraceful ashikage was  punished immediately by when naso hiroto returned   to the shogun he presented the magnificent trophy  he acquired from the oni it was on the floor   between them and he spoke privately the shogun  realized that hiroto was different from other   samurai the others would spend their whole lives  to make a mask that never shows fear that declares   they live for battle hiding their true weakness  beneath but for hiroto there is no mask   you only feel alive when you are hunting something  capable of taking your life nothing else will do   hiroto simply nodded agreeing with what the  shogun learned about him minamoto yoritomo   says he's had a problem for many years and they  could learn much from the oni of a yoki kahara   it was invisible calculating hiding in plain sight  then attacking with ruthless efficiency leaving   his enemies filled with dread it was the ultimate  assassin to be stalked by such would bring   nightmares to even the bravest samurai indeed the  shogun would then offer hiroto the chance to never   be bored again to have a hunt which never ends the  shogun has many enemies dangerous men sometimes   politics make it so that he cannot deal with them  directly the oni has shown him the answer the   shogun wants invisible killers that use methods  most samurai would not agree to do he requires men   that can fight like demons hirota was getting  excited but such a task would require the utmost   secrecy this group of men would be called shinobi  nomono they would emulate the oni of a yoki gahara   the shogun asks nasuharoto if he would build this  organization for him he gladly accepts the offer   by saying it would be an honor the first ninja  bowed to the first shogun the end all i can say   about this story is wow that was truly amazing  a great story with an ending that surprised me   the ninja were created to collect information  by the use of stealth and to exterminate any   opposing threat to the ruler of japan they were  the unseen warriors that used different methods   than that of a samurai these were traits picked  up by the oni that they encountered invisible   silent stalking its prey then eliminating  them at the right time by any means necessary   this story led to the creation of the ninja at  least for the lore within the predator universe   this is one of a few stories that is linked  to real historical events or individuals and   use it as the starting point for their own  story minamoto no iritomo was the founder   and the first shogun of the kamakura shogunate  of japan a okigahara forest is a relocation   in japan a few years before this story came out  sideshow collectibles made a predator figure its   design was reminiscent of a japanese ogre called  oni after this there were other predator figures   based off a samurai design so that covers the  story of three sparks from the novel predator if   it bleeds what do you think about the story  give me your feedback in the comments section   this video took a long time to put  together so please leave a like on it   and if you want to see more stories like this  all you have to do is subscribe to my channel   thank you so much for watching this is carlos  or acid glow and i'll see you on the next hunt so you
Channel: AcidGlow
Views: 185,465
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Keywords: Predator 5 Movie, Xenomorph Predator Yautja Podcast, Predator Ranks and Leaders Explained, Who is the strongest Predator Yautja, The most powerful Predator Yautja, Clan Leader Elder Explained, Yautja Prime, Xenomorph Homeworld, Who hunted the Predators, History of the Yautja Documentary, Making of Predator Movie, Deleted Scenes, Predator Skulls Movie, Predator Hunting Grounds Lore, Predator If It Bleeds, Audiobook, Prey Movie, Predator New Movie, Film Clips, Predator Lore
Id: h0h4EF3oqK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 12sec (5652 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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