Predator Hunting Grounds - Full Lore Story Explained - 1 hour of History - What happened to Dutch?

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what's up everyone acid glow here so i'm back  with another predator lore video compilation   this video is one hour long with a bunch of topics  covering the video game predator hunting grounds   over the past year i covered this game regarding  the storyline and how it connects to other stories   i'm going to leave timestamps in the video  description and also the comments section   this way you can skip to a topic you haven't seen  yet the purpose of these longer videos is to have   multiple stories in one section as i covered this  franchise for a few years some new subscribers   may have missed some of the older videos  so check out the timestamps if you need to   and leave a like rating if you want  to see more longer videos like this   what happened after the predator movie in 2018  was there a sequel or did the story end there   if you haven't seen the movie  then here's a recap of the events   a single predator who went rogue traveled to earth  while carrying some stolen technology possibly   from another or previous tribe the item he had was  of great importance to the other group who lost it   so they sent out a brand new predator to hunt down  the fugitive its ship was damaged while trying to   escape from another predator vessel by using a  wormhole it escaped and crash landed on earth   he would interrupt a mission by a special  american team and only one survivor made it out   during their short battle quinn mckenna wounded  the fugitive and took some of his technology   he had it shipped back home for safe keeping  another task force named project stargazer which   focuses on acquiring live yautra for research  does in fact find the body of the fugitive his   body is then taken back to be studied meanwhile  the assassin predator also known as the hybrid or   the ultimate predator makes it to earth and begins  his search he eliminates the traitor about halfway   through the movie and continues his search for the  stolen cargo the hybrid was created by taking the   dna of other strong life forms that they hunted  this gave the hybrid incredible strength agility   and technology that was grafted into its body its  skin would form into an exoskeleton that acted as   body armor it showed to use a different  type of vision mode for tracking prey   these abilities made it similar to a cyborg a  final battle occurs in the end but the hybrid is   defeated and the stolen cargo is revealed to be a  new type of nanotechnology it forms body armor and   it has enhanced weaponry this is simply called the  predator killer so the movie ends and what next   well part of the story is continued in the new  video game predator hunting grounds while the   game is mostly based off multiplayer at the  time of this recording it still does have some   lore connected to the predator movie in 2018. it  says here that stargazer was a former independent   government contractor turned rogue international  arms dealer after the stargazer incident in 2018   the entire program was shut down due to the  massive security breach owlf reclaimed its place   while bitter ex-agents of stargazer stole intel  and technology gathered on predators to form a   black market arms manufacturer the stargazer group  would hire elite private military contractors they   were to keep the guerrilla encampments functional  and ready to respond in case there was a predator   sighting nearby you would also come across various  groups of contracted mercenaries in the jungle   these groups would generate chaos on behalf  of stargazer countries with hot climates and   destroyed by war is the perfect hunting ground  stargazer was intentionally cultivating a spot   that would lure a predator if we look back in the  first predator movie a similar setting was seen   various rebel and guerrilla groups were included  when they made contact with dutch's team a huge   gunfight occurred which led to that predator  hunting down the survivors because they would   make fine trophies for his collection now in  predator 2 the story took place in los angeles   a city full of heat and conflict the vast  amount of crime gangs and gun wars would create   another type of jungle it was filled with plenty  of prey for a predator the story of predator 2   also included a top secret program called the owlf  which stood for otherworldly life forms program   it was led by agent peter keys he used the cover  of being part of the dea to fool the police force   his team had knowledge of the predator that  fought against dutch in central america most   of the team was wiped out by the city hunter in  the meat factory lieutenant harrigan would defeat   this predator only to find other hunters amongst  him they would later leave earth in their ship   with harrigan surviving the encounter the program  was shut down and replaced with stargazer they   were given the task of hunting down predators up  until 2018. now after the events in the predator   movie in 2018 stargazer was shut down and  replaced with the original owlf team this   was the group from predator 2. this is because  stargazer was not able to handle the situation   which led to a massive security breach so what  happened to stargazer after this well they turned   into a black market arms manufacturer while they  were still interested in hunting down predators   and studying their technology they were no  longer under the watchful eye of that government   after the stargazer incident numerous  scientific discoveries were made   the team had recovered metal shards from the blast  site or technology left behind by combining raw   iron ore with metal used in predator armor  and weaponry they created veritanium while   they could not duplicate the components of the  predator armor they decided to merge them together   creating a hybrid material what made veritanium so  unique was that it enhanced the strength in steel   like its formability durability tensile and  yield strength all while avoiding its previous   limitations it wasn't long until other governments  agencies and corporations were racing to get a   hold of as much veritanium as they could according  to predator history and lore about their culture   it is forbidden for other species to claim the  technology of the yaochua species this is why   all hunters are fit with self-destruct devices  to avoid capture or if they are unable to fight   back that's probably why these predators are in  the game hunting those who took their technology   so that covers what happened after the predator  movie in 2018. i didn't expect this new game to   have a story tied into it but it's a welcome  addition to the lore of the predator universe   what's up everyone so we have some more lore on  the yaochua species but this time it's regarding   the audio recordings found in predator hunting  grounds my previous lore video around this game   had me going over the main story of the game while  there is no actual story mode the game did have a   reason for the predators being in this jungle the  lore i covered in the other video tells us that   the timeline of predator hunting grounds takes  place right after the last predator movie in 2018   the audio recordings in the game give  us more backstory the voice you hear is   from special agent shawn keyes the son of  agent peter keys from the predator 2 film   these audio recordings give us a lot of lore  that answers a bunch of questions for example   what happened to dutch after predator i covered  this topic in two previous videos but now we have   more information also what happened to the gear  and weapons the city hunter left behind in the   movie predator 2 like his shoulder cannon biomass  combi stick and wrist computer we can finally get   a clear picture of how the story unfolded with  various characters i'm going to read out each   audio log there's a lot to go over so let's get  started this is special agent shawn keyes regional   director of the otherworldly life form task force  the date is february 23rd 1996. after accepting   this position the team felt it would be a good  idea to start recording my general thoughts for   prosperity so few people have been exposed to the  kind of things i'll be seeing and to be honest   i'm not sure if that's exciting or terrifying  regardless now that i've been fully debriefed   i can get to work investigating this fascinating  species director peter keys my father was part of   the owl in 1987 when first contact was made with  the predator by a team of highly trained special   forces soldiers in south america the predator was  disabled by the last surviving member of the team   triggering a powerful self-destruct mechanism  my father and his team interviewed the survivor   extensively while an ow lf survey team  combed the blast area for any evidence   besides some additional information on the  species from the survivor the team barely   found anything to recover it's been nearly 10  years since first contact but i hold out hope   that this is a sign of things to come december  3rd 1996 things have been moving slowly   i knew this would be difficult there's finding  a needle in a haystack and then there's finding   a needle in 20 haystacks i've spent most of  my time sitting through hundreds of documents   and countless data entries trying to understand  the predators a name my father apparently   gave them after the owl made contact with the  survivor of the valverde encounter alan shaffer   they received a wealth of knowledge that  helped define how these creatures operate   luring and stalking prey skinning them and making  trophies of their bones these are the hallmarks of   a sports hunter not a simple carnivore furthermore  when schaefer was completely disarmed the predator   removed its own weapons suggesting a cultural  system of honor after this first encounter   things started to fall into place small details  and past stories yielded more data in retrospect   from these notes it looks like we've had multiple  documented encounters over the past few years but   nothing that yielded more than stories and other  anecdotal evidence this part in the audio logs   seems to match what you will find in the novel of  predator 2. the novels usually expand on smaller   details that are left out in the film version  in one part of the story the novel does say that   peter keys interviewed dutch later on february 12  1997 the team here has spent the last few years   working on counter measures and other methods for  hunting these hunters if we can get the jump on   one of these bastards and catch it alive the world  would change forever it's strange that nothing has   ever been recovered from a predator encounter no  body limb or even a finger has ever been found   although this isn't surprising the predator is  perfectly designed for covert hunting we can't   see it because it employs advanced light bending  technology that renders it effectively invisible   however it can see us perfectly through active  infrared scanning we're betrayed by our own   natural body heat fortunately the infrared isn't  too advanced dutch schaefer was able to evade   the predator's site by covering himself  in cool mud this led the team to develop   a bodysuit that similarly masks the wearer's  infrared signature we're still working on ways to   counteract the cloaking system but recent efforts  have been encouraging july 2nd 1997 it's happening   we've gotten word that a crime scene in los  angeles reportedly contains hanged skinned bodies   ali is experiencing a record heat wave which  correlates with data suggesting ambient heat is a   factor when predators choose their hunting grounds  i'm convinced we're experiencing a new encounter   the field team boarded a plane hours ago and  should be on site before the end of the day   to maintain secrecy my father and other  owlf agents are going undercover as   dea agents investigating drug trafficking in los  angeles our intent is to capture the city hunter   alive with this goal in mind we've outfitted  the team with infrared suits nitrogen-based   freezing mechanisms and a broad surveillance  package to monitor as much of the city as we can   i shouldn't get my hopes up this could still be  some kind of run-of-the-mill homicidal maniac but   i wouldn't put money on it until our team  receives confirmation we're holding back to prep   the lab for receiving the next few days should be  interesting july 8th 1997 i just received positive   confirmation from the la team that there is an  active predator and its hunting ground is downtown   los angeles i still haven't fully processed that  this is actually happening but i need to and fast   the surveillance team has been tracking its  movements developing a consistent pattern on   how the alien hunts the rest of the team  has set up a trap at the slaughterhouse   in the warehouse district where the predator has  been feeding a helpful bit of information that   confirms the hunting is solely for sport and not  nutrition the plan is to deploy counter measures   then covertly assault the predator using  the heat dampering suits it's a risky gambit   but with such a limited timetable we have to take  any opportunity we can i think it's best that we   head to la and establish a mobile lab so we can be  ready the second the predator is captured if this   goes to plan we'll be involved in one of the most  momentous moments in human history july 10 1997   it's been several days now since the la encounter  the director of the owlf peter jacob keys my   father was killed in the line of duty attempting  to capture the predator codenamed cityhunter   i was in los angeles that night prepping the  mobile lab for the capture only to receive a   panicked message from a survivor of the raid the  city hunter was more prepared than we thought   it managed to kill most of the team inside the  slaughterhouse including my father it's a dark day   for the owlf we fail to give mankind proof we're  not alone in the universe while simultaneously   letting a threat to our species slip through  our grasp but we have to move forward while   we did fail to capture the city hunter we  collected an impressive amount of data on it   most significantly on account from  detective lieutenant michael harrigan   who supposedly killed the city  hunter with one of its own weapons   in his statement he reported that shortly after  the city hunter expired a host of older aliens   appeared they spared harrigan allowing him to  leave taking the city hunter's body with them   they launched their spaceship into the night  sky we retraced harrigan's steps based on his   testimony while battling the city hunter must  have had its share of collateral damage there   was little evidence that could be differentiated  from the normal gang violence found in los angeles   however in a rather non-descript alley we did find  something that while not worth the price we paid   we'll pave the way to making our sacrifices not in  vain it was blood the undeniably extraterrestrial   bioluminescent green blood of the predator  this itself was a remarkable find but   at the end of the blood trail was the city  hunter's arm i immediately ordered for the alley   to be quarantined should someone wander into the  find but it was too late someone was already there   i tried to warn the stranger off with our cover  story but he just laughed from inside the shadows   i reached for my side arm but then the stranger  lit a cigar in the sudden bloom of light i   recognized the face of major allen dutch schaefer  he was older thinner than the photos we had of him   but it was him owl agents swarmed into the alley  but dutch did not resist did he mean to get caught   or did his curiosity get the better of him hard to  say the last known whereabouts of major schaefer   were in the owlf custody shortly after having been  interviewed by my father special agent peter keyes   this was shortly after the val verde incident the  last time i heard of dutch was when he vanished   from owlf custody after my father had questioned  him concerning the events in val verde but here   he was in the same place as another predator  attack in the debriefing he tells me everything   how he was good friends with my father and how  he had been unofficially let go to help hunt   down and find these creatures they have secretly  been keeping tabs with each other over the years   sharing discoveries and leads to different  predator encounters in attempts to stop this   threat after seeing the signs he too showed up  in alley to help track down this city hunter   but limited resources kept him from  getting here in time to do anything   the part where it says dutch vanished from owl of  custody somewhat matches the novel of predator 2   after peter keys interviewed dutch about the  jungle hunter in valverde the novel says dutch   remained in the hospital to recover but he  broke out and disappeared peter keys were sure   dutch would return some day now we learned that  dutch was just hiding and secretly working with   peter keys to hunt down more predators  july 11 1997 dutch has been surprisingly   helpful to our efforts he knew my father and was  sympathetic about his death he's offered to help   us in exchange for funding a team dutch would  be our on-site agent for any alien incursion   when he says he knows them knows how they hunt  i believe him if dutch could start bringing back   bodies technology or even just first-hand accounts  we could make huge advancements before he left   dutch brought out what i had seen briefly in the  alley a collapsible spear the same one the city   hunter used against harrigan he wanted to keep  it as his down payment while advanced the spear   was relatively rudimentary i was reluctant to let  it go but it seemed like a good faith investment   though i doubt i could have stopped him anyway  the good news is that dutch gave us a fully   functioning alien helmet easily the better part  of the bargain besides the wealth of knowledge the   helmet and arm would bring us would alone change  the course of history my father's passing has   been difficult but everything was finally coming  together it seems now that both dutch and i are in   this together which makes for a strange kind of  closure september 21 1997 my father's associate   and close friend agent adam garber has been chosen  to head up the owl operations but has chosen me   to help him directly with research and operational  efforts we managed to secure a massive extension   to our funding after we presented the helmet and  severed predator arm after discussing it with   garber i convinced him to keep dutch and his  crew off the record as much as possible dutch   can do so much more working alongside us than he  ever could working for us officially appropriated   funds for dutch and his team have been marked as  cleaning services studying the arm has revealed so   much about predator physiology and we are just now  scratching the surface of what this helmet can do   there's also a damaged computer still attached  to the wrist which must have been destroyed by   whatever severed the arm it will be a slow process  deconstructing analyzing and reverse engineering   the alien technology but every discovery will  be monumental as we learn more and more from a   species so much more advanced than our own  december 1st 1997 we ran extensive genetic   tests on the arm the results of which could lead  to huge medical breakthroughs it also gives us   clues to the atmospheric makeup of their homeworld  and how viable it would be to sustain human life   should we ever find a way to get there judging by  the elasticity of the skin we're thinking the city   hunter was a juvenile of the species this would  line up with detective harrigan's account of the   la encounter with that in mind one could theorize  that its hunt may have been an initiation into   adulthood carbon dating of the bone structure puts  the city hunter's age at a minimum of 300 years   which draws into question the lifespan of a  predator if our assumptions are correct we could   be talking upwards to a thousand years possibly  more the mask is likely a mundane utilitarian item   to the predator but the technology involved is  staggering aside from the respirator functions the   visor built into the mask is capable of displaying  multiple visual frequencies this explains how the   city hunter found and killed the owlf team in  the slaughterhouse we assumed they only had   access to infrared but we were clearly wrong what  still confuses me is how with such extraordinary   technology the predators express a seemingly  tribal culture they have such a strong focus   on honor trophies and worthy opponents things  we left behind as our own species has developed   is it possible that these technological advances  were not developed by the predator species but   instead taken from another so that ends the first  part of this video we got to cover events from the   first and second predator movie we now have a much  more clear understanding of what happened to dutch   and who found the technology left behind  by the city hunter in the second movie   welcome back everyone so this is part two of the  lore within predator hunting grounds if you saw   the previous video we went over the first 10  audio logs that are collectible in the game   each one giving us a backstory after the events  of the first predator movie and leading into   predator 2. now with dutch returning to the story  he teams up with sean keys to unravel the mystery   of the hunters we know as predators this  video will cover the audio logs from   number 11 to number 20. if you want to hear the  story from number one through number 10 then   check out the previous video so let's continue  and find out what happens to dutch from here   march 12 1998 we've had our first strong  lead since the la encounter at 2 am   a special forces group in cambodia went mia  the owlf was alerted about the missing soldiers   when skinned bodies are flagged in an update to  military intelligence we dispatched dutch and   screwed the location within hours our research  suggests that the predator hunting grounds   are active for roughly a week then we assume they  return to their homeworld what's worrying is that   our rate of detection seems to be escalating they  could be sending more predators this is exciting   but also worrying if the number of predator events  is increasing we will inevitably cross a threshold   where there are too many to handle dutch's team is  highly effective at dealing with the menace as it   is now but unless we develop an advantage humanity  is not prepared to face a predator invasion   march 19 1999 dutch's team managed to secure  an intact piece of the predator weaponry   they tracked and killed the predator while  somehow snagging its shoulder cannon before   a group of elders showed up for the body exactly  as it happened in la the elders either did not   know or did not care that dutch stole the gun  but god damn i'm glad we managed to keep it   i had the team running preliminary tests on  composition and rudimentary functionality i'd   like to get those nailed down before anyone  even thinks about attempting to fire it   based on how dutch describes it there was an  unnatural connection between the weapon and   the predator itself which could imply advanced  biometric controls alternatively there could   be a more direct connection with its mask so  many possibilities but only time and rigorous   testing will tell what's of paramount importance  is that we don't blow ourselves up along the way   it's april 4th 2001 while i've had basic training  i usually stay away from field duty however   it seemed prudent to have first-hand knowledge  of the predators as dutch continues to prove   himself an expert tracker i was guaranteed  a sighting if i went on the next mission   i opted out of arming myself as previous accounts  describe predators sparring the unarmed killing a   defenseless target must be seen as dishonorable  after infiltration we quickly walked into a   guerrilla ambush at this particular moment i  regretted my decision to go unarmed but i kept my   head down while dutch and his team did their work  after the dust settled we heard a deafening roar   in the clearing stood a massive predator it  had no mask staring dutch down in complete   silence after what seemed like minutes it let out  another roar and charged us as it was closing in   the predator threw a knife that missed dutch but  grazed my arm unfazed dutch grabbed a spear from   his back and thrusted into the predator's chest  the spear must have missed any vital organs   as the predator continued to fight dutch before  escaping into the jungle minutes later we felt the   ground rumble as a spacecraft lifted into the air  and then left the planet entirely while i paid for   it in physical trauma i'm glad to have seen it in  person i can't say i'm disappointed in what i saw   october 27 2004 we have officially secured a  predator's body granted it's pretty shot up   but it will give us a wealth of information on  their biology i considered asking dutch's team   to look into less damaging methods of subduing  the predator but decided against it still dutch   and his team somehow achieved body exfiltration  before it was intercepted or destroyed while   examinations of the body are ongoing or running  parallel tests on the plasma caster weapon   no attempts at firing it have been made as we're  still trying to figure out if it's functional   my hope is that we can obtain more of these  weapons for comparison which would hopefully lead   to replicating the technology having the weapon of  our enemy would dramatically increase our odds in   an all-out conflict july 8 2007 today is the 10th  anniversary of my father's death in los angeles   because of his contributions to the owlf the very  building i'm sitting in was named in his honor   nothing stood in the way of his drive passion and  desire to learn the secrets of the universe with   everything we've accomplished since his death i'd  like to think he'd be proud the best way to honor   him now is to make sure his legacy lives on our  team will continue to make history in the name   of peter keys march 10th 2008 the team is pretty  shaken on our last mission dutch's crew was killed   we dispatched his team to a hunting ground near  a small village but the entire village was empty   investigating the scene revealed a fresh  human skull and spine impaled and dangling   on a predator spear at the center of the village  that's when all hell broke loose the team could   not find a target as one by one they were picked  off dutch got the survivors into cover and offered   himself up as a challenge as he drew his own spear  within seconds he stood face to face with a very   unique predator he described its armor as far  more ornate almost egyptian in its regal design   physically it was slimmer but far more deadly  than any previously encountered predator   based on the description i'm confident that  what he encountered was the female of the   species our assumption has been that all known  predators have been male though up until now   it was mostly an informed guess dutch was ambushed  pinned to a wall by the female's net launcher he   observed the predator walked toward him then  activate her shoulder cannon which quickly   shot every member of his team with astonishing  precision as the razer netting cut into his face   blood ran into his eyes so dutch barely saw the  predator cloak and disappear into the jungle given   the heavy casualties and dutch's severe injuries  it's unlikely we'll be sending teams out for some   time i fear we've kicked the hornet's nest and now  the queen is pissed november 17 2008 for some time   now the medical team has been experimenting with  technology devised from the predator medical kit   clearly predicting injury on their hunts predators  carry a small host of advanced medical devices   while it is configured for predator physiology the  foundational technology is surprisingly universal   though nowhere near ready for human testing until  sometime later dutch returned from a hunting   ground with severe injuries after a confrontation  with the predator female the consensus was that he   would not survive with dutch's consent we used  a host of experimental options to stabilize his   condition including a serum containing predator  blood cells augmented with human dna one of the   factors that contributes to the predator's long  lifespan is their ability to regenerate tissue our   hope was that this could be altered to identify  human tissue as its own and repair it accordingly   so far the serum has accelerated the expected time  of recovery considering dutch's age he should have   healed his wounds in a year but this occurred  in under 3 months he'll remain in quarantine   until the side effects of the serum can be  identified given how severe his injuries were it's   a small price to pay though at some point we'll  need to discuss sterilization with major shaffer   if this affects his dna we cannot risk that change  disseminating into the gene pool now this part   is really interesting because it brings up the  idea of using predator blood samples on humans   we've seen this done before in other stories for  example in the video game predator concrete jungle   hunter borja survived his infant years  when he was exposed to predator blood   the blood would allow him to increase his lifespan  and stay young he would later augment himself   genetically turning him into a human predator  hybrid a similar idea was used in the comic book   aliens vs predator eternal the villain of this  story would use predator blood to keep him alive   much longer than normal he also hunted predators  for their blood and technology it's may 24   2010 and things have been alarmingly calm which  is making me nervous a short time after dutch's   brush with death we had an energy surge  that only affected the predator equipment   we have no idea what caused the surge and i can't  tell if it damaged anything but it was definitely   some sort of localized anomaly granted we've  collected quite the assortment of predator tech   but the possibility of losing even a few pieces is  terrifying i worry this has something to do with   the emergence of the predator female are they  preparing for something i doubt they decided to   leave earth alone either way we're in a holding  pattern until the next encounter but with this   predator drought we may be out of luck march  3rd 2015 with predator encounters dwindling our   funding has been adjusted accordingly i know the  other intelligence branches have been eager to get   our section closed as they're not privy to what  exactly we're doing they know we're in research   and development but we have not produced any  weaponry or technology that's ready for deployment   which was a major incentive for getting the ow  lf established as far as they know were just a   bunch of ufo lunatics chasing conspiracy theories  the technology we've recovered would suffice but   there's so much more to what we do than just  harvesting weapons for conventional warfare   regardless it seems we'll have to bite the bullet  and do what we need to defend humanity against the   predator threat if we throw the government some  of our lesser breakthroughs maybe that will keep   the wolf from the door either way we'll need a  live specimen to make further significant strides   it seems that every encounter with dutch leads  to a dead predator and broken gear and that's   only if another band of predators does not show up  to take the body long story short something needs   to start happening or the owl may have to shutter  final entry august 29 2016 it's official they're   abolishing the owl f in my opinion it was a  certain central agency that stuck the final   knife in our back but that's not relevant anymore  a group of private contractors pitched a task   force to replace us and it was approved because  we blazed a trail of discovery they were able to   swoop in and over promise without putting in any  legwork because of their prior weapon development   experience and the guarantee of a live predator  within one year they were swiftly green lit many   of our other agents myself included were  given jobs on this new project stargazer   since this is no longer the owlf i suppose i  don't need to record these anymore it's not like   anyone will hear them the research department  is being catalogued and classified as storage   still i just wanted to say i'm sorry dad i tried  to keep it going i really did i tried to find a   way to keep this from happening to anyone else but  it was too much project stargazer is not with you   built but i will make sure i bring your mission  with me fortunately dutch was able to stay out   of our official works but i'm sure i'll be hearing  from him soon and that's it this is where the lore   in predator hunting grounds comes to an end for  now if they do release future content that expands   even more then i will cover it so these 20 audio  recordings tell the story of what happened after   predator and predator 2 than connecting to the  predator in 2018 it's pretty cool how they brought   back dutch in this way we all wanted him to come  back in the second movie but it never happened   so this at least is something and it was a nice  way of including him into the story instead of a   small cameo appearance he hunted predators but  lost to the female predator we can only wonder   where the story goes from here what will happen  to dutch if he is using predator blood samples   to recover his injuries will this affect him in  the future we have yet to see the story did make   good connections between these three movies  so i gotta say i did enjoy reading through   these what's up everyone acid glow here so the  latest update to predator hunting grounds is out   and with it came some audio tapes of dutch from  the 1987 movie predator these were voiced by   arnold schwarzenegger it tells the story of what  dutch has been doing after his mission in valverde   which resulted in his entire team getting wiped  out these new tapes about dutch are unlocked   by your rank the 20 ow lf tapes in the game were  recorded by sean keys and it outlines other events   in the story which leads up to predator hunting  grounds so let's go through these new tapes   and see what we can learn it's september 12th 1987  my name is major alan shaffer also known as dutch   u.s army veteran special ops commander and the  only survivor of the val verde incident these   tapes are my personal testimony insurance should  anything happen to me what i found won't be lost   my team was brought in to rescue a guatemalan  cabinet minister and his aide who had been   captured by guerrilla forces in valverde we  located their downed helicopter and the skinned   bodies of those on board hung in nearby trees  seemingly at the hands of the guerrilla fighters   after assaulting their camp it became clear that  the mission was a setup american intelligence had   sent us to retrieve the captured agents who'd  been on recon for a future military action but   none of that matters anymore because while we were  clearing out the gorillas something was hunting us   an invisible killer tracked us as we made our  way to the extraction point in 24 hours it wiped   out my entire team rick hawkins blaine cooper  mack elliott billy sol jorge ramirez and al   dillon the best soldiers i've ever known men i  trusted my life were butchered like animals it   was a nightmare we walked in with guns but it had  the perfect camouflage advanced weaponry and could   see heat it was strong and smart a pityless hunter  i waited i watched and when i understood it when   i saw how it hunted i killed it as it laid dying  in a final fu it activated an explosion device i   barely escaped the blast my radiation sickness and  the crater of that explosion are the only evidence   it was ever here i've given my official statement  to agent peter keyes of the owlf but it's become   clear i need to investigate valverde myself keys  was thorough but he asked all the wrong questions   we have proof of alien life but that life sees us  as a game it's an alien whose first contact with   humanity was to hunt us for sport all keys cared  about was the technology lost in that explosion   he can't see the jungle for the trees i see the  threat he sees the opportunity spies are all the   same i mean we are not people to them we're just  assets how many soldiers will he feed to those   monsters just for a chance to steal from them or  to learn from them the government can't be trusted   so i'll have to do this on my own i'm cutting  treatment short and going off the grid i will   make my way back to south america to valverde  i was told there were stories about demons   who make trophies of man i'd like to hear those  stories april 8 1991 i'm not dead yet i'll admit   i regret not curing my radiation sickness before  i left it made leaving the country difficult i   cashed in a few favors took one too many off the  books flights in rusted out buckets but i made   it back to valverde the area wasn't locked down  sealed by american intelligence for study the   complex centered on the crater from the alien's  self-destruction i found a scientist slumming in   a local bar a few drinks and a couple of threats  later he was ready to talk it wasn't much barely   anything i didn't already know the blast emitted  a form of radiation they'd never seen before   some believed it was extraterrestrial some didn't  either they're not that bright or there's nothing   to find i decided to let them keep searching in  vain it kept them busy and off my trail i've been   touring villages and small towns using the cover  of an author writing about south america folklore   i don't know if any of them bought it but they  took my money and told their stories the closer   they were to the jungle the more stories of devils  in the trees some were bs made up on the spot but   some carried consistencies that i couldn't ignore  whatever it was the demons who make trophies of   men the devil of the trees or the skull taker the  stories always began on the hottest summer that   they could remember in the summer of 1987 valverde  nearly broke its all-time high in temperatures   they love the heat it must remind them of home  everything else confirmed the truth of the stories   proud warriors skinned and hanged skulls  and spines ripped from their bodies maybe   it was obvious from the beginning but it wasn't  until i heard the stories that i truly accepted   the purpose of these mutilations i mean they're  taking trophies they travel impossible distances   to hunt us skin us and mount us over some alien  fireplace on another world it would be disgusting   if it weren't so familiar where do i go now it's  been on my mind all year the takeaway from all of   this intel is that they've been doing this for  decades centuries maybe they're coming back and   i need to be there when they do june 27 1992 it's  hard to remember that the most important part of   an operation is patience you can plan the perfect  op but you can't account for everything if things   go south there's nothing to do but to adapt and  finish the mission sometimes you just get lucky   i was on a dock about 10 clicks down river  from the valeria border figuring out my next   move i was ready to pack it in i mean i thought i  learned everything i could that there was nothing   left for me to find the owlf had abandoned  the detonation site a year ago and i thought   it already shipped back to america that's when i  saw agent peter keyes tightest gift to the dock   i mean i hadn't seen keys since i gave him any  official statement it was impossible but there   he was with three of his buddies all agents i mean  the clean tidy outfits gave them away all the time   i mean they won't get down in the dirt you see  that's what they pay soldiers to do keys walked up   looked right at me and shook my hand with the  radiation sickness i'd lost a lot of weight i   thought maybe he hadn't recognized me but then he  greeted me like we were old pals keys is a good   spy saying nothing implying everything we spent  the next few hours trading war stories at the bar   if you'd heard us you'd never suspect we were  trading intel on an alien man hunter his cover   was that they'd been looking for a serial killer a  sadist who'd been operating in the area for years   hunting people like animals and then skinning them  alive keys wanted to talk about the monster so it   all came out in the cover story in many ways they  were just a few steps behind surveying villages   for information locating witnesses he did confirm  one thing i'd only considered he told me about how   the killer chose his victims they were always  armed a rifle a pistol a knife in the boot he   wasn't taking kids or random villagers he wanted  a challenge whatever it was it was a hunter when   it killed it killed for sport i wish they were  here for a military action recon for an invasion   but the truth was so much worse we are prey  animals fit only to be hunted keys and his buddies   paid their tab and mine but before he left he  winked at me and said stay out of the jungle   that's where he gets you i tried keys and his  team for weeks but they didn't learn anything new   maybe they knew i was there maybe they didn't  i don't know i've risked enough for now i   think it's time to disappear keep my ear to  the ground be patient march 3rd 1996 zaire   i thought i could wait i thought i could hold  back and make my move at the right time i couldn't   damn i had to find them i needed to hunt it  or let it hunt me i joined up with any private   military company that was headed into a hot zone i  pulled every string cashed out every favor just to   follow the sweat and the death that attracted the  demon i eventually put together a team myself lost   soldiers and haunted men willing to fight and die  wherever i led them they thought i was a legend   and i let them believe that i'm quiet and good at  what i do i needed them to see me as a legend so   i could take them to die in a sweltering jungle  we went on more missions than i can remember   we didn't fire until we were fired at they thought  that it was my code it wasn't i was waiting and   watching our last mission was an evac op in the  congo a private munitions base had gone dark   when we arrived they'd been dead for days  bodies strung up on floodlights around the base   all of them skinned some missing skulls and  spines we secured the site and waited for   backup to arrive in the heat of the day i stir  into the waves of heat coming off the concrete   thinking that any minute they might come  alive as the invisible killer and then they   did i didn't wait i unloaded every round i had  trusting me my team fired in the same direction   it wasn't the first time i'd done it but this  time i knew what i was looking for it was so fast   we couldn't hit it we panicked and straight  rounds struck a crate of rpgs and that explosion   hit other munitions that exploded by the time the  smoke had cleared the demon was dead but so were   all my men i took samples of its blood pieces  of its anatomy and what tech i could salvage   and then i burned everything then i disappeared  i never checked in with hq as far as i know   i was counted among the dead october 12 1997  los angeles i needed to come back to the states   it wasn't impossible to sneak contraband through  customs but i wasn't willing to risk what i'd   found in the congo falling into the wrong hands  instead i traveled to mexico aboard a cargo ship   bound for the port of altamira from there i  made my way to tijuana and i bunkered down   i had tangible proof of extraterrestrial life in  my possession but no idea what to do with it i'm   not a scientist i did a soldier's duty and secured  valuable intel this was out of my pay grade   i kept an eye on the news los angeles was having  a record-breaking heat wave and a gang war on   the streets it was perfect i could feel it in  my bones i've been tracking them for so long   i could think like them i could smell the prey i  could see the hunting ground i had to get to la   crossing back into the states from tijuana wasn't  that difficult but by the time i'd reached the   city it was already over like valverde the owlf  only found crumbs what i'd hoped might be the   aliens ship turned out to be only a launching site  i wanted it too much and i got sloppy i breached   the owl quarantine and was captured i'd hoped to  be bailed out by agent keys but he died with keys   gone the owl was leaderless and disorganized i  was interrogated but then negotiated my release by   bartering the alien materials i recovered in the  congo during negotiations it was clear how little   they knew they needed someone who understood the  threat so i offered to work with the owlf as a   consulting advisor they had the funding and  the technology i needed to continue my hunt   i wouldn't work for them but i would work with  them there'll be a weapon i can use to hunt   down these predators as they move to fresh  ground it's only a matter of time until they   see us as a real threat when the prey can fight  back it's no longer a hunt it's a war march 3rd   2008 we've gotten good at killing predators every  time we find one we come back with more tech more   research and the owls funding goes up together  we've gotten stronger and more efficient for   a time the aliens were surprisingly predictable  they had no idea that we knew so much about them   but that began to change they sent better hunters  every time they're beginning to see us as a threat   or we've become a more worthy prize maybe both we  know this because our last encounter was special   we weren't certain if they had any gender  to speak of but that changed when we came   into contact with a female she was smarter and  deadlier she didn't mess around like the males did   she was direct ruthless and skilled i was in  laos when he first came into contact with her   it was val verde all over again her ambush wiped  out my entire team only this time she got me in   a small village i lost track of her just long  enough for her to pin me with a razor net pinned   against the wall razors cutting into my face i  had been fighting for so long i was ready to die   i should be dead instead of making the kill  she cloaked and vanished into the jungle the   net relaxed and i escaped with my life and a scar  to remember her by she spared me only me like she   knew who i was i returned to the ex-fill my first  failed mission in a long time are we going about   this wrong i mean we've learned so much but in  doing so have we made ourselves a bigger target i   can't stop thinking about something napoleon said  you must not fight too often with one enemy or   you will teach him all your art of war i started  this believing we were learning how to hunt them   or maybe she'd let me live to just be hunted  another day we were teaching them how to hunt us   january 13 2019 i knew the predator's deployments  to earth would make it impossible to keep all   this a secret sooner or later there would be  another player on the board i'd hoped that it   would be another agency one that understood  and respected the threat project stargazer   our initial intelligence on stargazer was that  they were capable funded but inexperienced but   they were smart they took the ow lf's  funding and got it shut down everyone   could identify in their group was a disavowed  member of another agency including the owlf   lacking strong leadership and a clear directive  they were sloppy and arrogant they were aware   of the predator threat and while they had many  of the pieces they struggled to see the bigger   picture stargazer was so far behind that we didn't  see them as a threat until the event in mexico the   recovered predator escape pod was an extraordinary  find for stargazer but the death toll was a heavy   price to pay for taking a predator captive  my task force has many directives but one of   the most primary is that we do not take captives  retrieve technology corpses and other intelligence   but there is no value in a live predator only  liability the enemy does not want peace the enemy   does not negotiate it only drive on earth is to  hunt what we might learn from a captive predator   would never be worth the risk to our people  stargazer did not learn from their mistakes   and the technology they recovered has only made  them cocky when the government cut ties to the   agency it should have shuttered their project  permanently but they only shifted their goals   guerrilla factions and private military companies  are being contracted by stargazer to set up bases   and equipment in locations we've identified as  ideal hunting grounds we believe that the former   intelligence project is setting itself up to be  a fully independent dealer of other worldly arms   this is a worst case scenario hostile forces will  use these weapons on their enemies and they will   use them on us all the while the true enemy stalks  us unseen it's a distraction mankind cannot afford   stargazer will have to be dealt with april 2025  it's hard to believe that i'm still recording this   i probably shouldn't be smoking in the med bay  but screw it it's my birthday for christ's sake i   turned 78 today but i'm out there hunting i should  be retired i should be doing anything but this my   life shouldn't be possible but the very thing that  i hunt that haunts me is what's keeping me alive   as we began to understand the predator's  technology we started to use it a fight with   a predator female went bad and i was critically  wounded dying i agreed to experimentation using   their medical technology was painful at first but  it worked it worked so well that the cells in my   body stopped aging pushing 80 now i'm fighting  like a man in his 40s it's not the only experiment   that i've been part of i'm deadlier now than i  was in valverde the owlf has been fully reinstated   it's grown larger than ever before we saved sean  keys from stargazer his father was peter keys   i suppose you could say he was a very dear  acquaintance his son is a gifted scientist   i worry about the future the earth is seeing  unprecedented rise in heat and war as the   climate changes and the temperature goes up more  and more countries become hunting grounds we have   killed so many of their kind but they only send  more the number of events that we've witnessed   has increased threefold in 10 years we have made  an impression on them but not like we'd hoped   we wanted to show them that we were not pray  to deter them from ever sending another hunter   to our world we sent a warning they took it as  a challenge i fear we have made things worse   if the predators ever decide we've grown too  bold i have no doubt that they could burn the   earth and all humanity with it my only hope is  that while they waste time on sport we can rise   up together and stand against them as a species  until then we keep moving we keep hunting and we   keep our eyes open and that's the full story of  alan dutch schaefer it finally comes full circle   now we have closure to the character that finally  made a return if you look at the pictures of the   character in-game i noticed he has a knife  which is taken from the predator's wrist   blade along with a wrist computer on his left  arm and also a bio mask on his right shoulder   the story also seems to match events that were  expanded upon within the novel of predator 2 like   dutch getting interviewed by peter keys then  getting sick then escaping from the hospital   and then finally disappearing so that's a pretty  cool way to bring dutch back i liked the story and   i'm glad he stayed alive in the end but since  he's got predator blood samples in his body he   might live longer than a human what's up everyone  acid glow here with the recent update to predator   hunting grounds there's also been some footage  of a new predator class as of right now it seems   to be a prize from an online contest hopefully  the alpha predator will be available to everyone   else in the future there's a possibility that  the game will get more maps skins and weapons   this design of the alpha predator is similar to  the one from neca but they both took inspiration   of the original concept for the predator in the  first movie until it was changed by stan winston   so it's a nod towards a piece of history  this upcoming predator class has a unique   weapon that acts like the war club it has the  same animation but it's just a different model   but the interesting thing about this character  is the information about the weapon it says   this once wielded by the legendary alpha predator  this sickle was used in the uprising of the hish   against their cruel amengi rulers thousands of  years ago it seems that this bit of lore was   linked to the action figure by neca to commemorate  over 100 different predator figures by neca   they took the original design of the predator and  made it into a figure but not only that they also   wrote up a story for this character here's  the rest of it the ancient yaochua ancestors   known as the hishkuten or the hish were invaded  by a race of insectoids they were called   the amengi this took place thousands of years  ago on a planet far from earth the amengi had   exhausted the resources on their own world this  was due to them pursuing technological ambitions   they were a ruthless nomadic civilization as  they traveled to many worlds they would consume   anything like a swarm and then ruling what was  left during the early days of the hishku-10 they   appeared more animal-like and smaller in size  very different from their predator descendants   that we know today as they lack the necessary  strength and intelligence to withstand such an   attack the amengi would overtake their world and  enslave the hish for centuries when the amengi   invaded the planet of the hish darkness spread  over the land their moment of peace was gone the   hish were enslaved by the cruel rulers the amengi  everything changed from here the hish were used   for slave labor food experiments and also for game  hunting during some fighting competitions some   combatants became so well known that wagers were  placed on the matches gambling became an obsession   amongst the upper tier of the amengi society and  so larger species of the hish were sought out   but to make the competitions more exciting the  hish were chemically enhanced and trained and   turned into effective tools for their owners as  time passed by the amengi would roll over the   hish for countless years but amongst the hish  one of the largest and most fierce would emerge   once it reached maturity he commanded respect and  fear from those around him even from the amengi   i'm not sure about the pronunciation of his name  but it's either ka-el or kail his name's true   meaning is rage not only was this beast physically  impressive but it was also unusually intelligent   he appeared loyal to the amengi and used their  trust to secretly pursue his own goals his plan   was to free his people from slavery gradually  he would ally himself with other powerful slaves   throughout the established territories while the  amengi grew rich and arrogant they were unaware of   the insurrection kael was forming because nobody  challenged yamengi during their rule their armies   grew soft and weak a bloody insurrection occurred  at the right time and the amenity forces were   usurped even though the amengi had advanced  technology and tough exoskeletons their defense   had failed them the mighty warriors they created  from the hish is what overthrew them kael would   take a trophy from one of the larger carcasses  and the others would follow him all that training   all the slavery the hatred and the chemical  enhancements would create the predator species the   remaining amengi would be hunted down forced into  slavery or eliminated the technology left behind   by the mengi would be taken by the predators  over the many years afterwards this would form   a balanced union between the scientific and the  natural aspects of the hish and yaoucho culture   this would go down in the history of the hish to  honor the noble tale of kael he is forever known   as the first hunter or the alpha predator this was  not the very first time the hish were mentioned   it actually was brought up in the book  predator forever midnight written by   john shirley and released in 2006 but this was  when the predators were changed in many ways   for one they were now called the hijkuten which  translates to the people who take territory   they had a different honor code in  this story they would attack women   and young children even if they were unarmed their  attacks were extremely aggressive and overpowering   leaving no room for a fair fight any beings  that survived would become slaves they would   still take trophies but knowing their methods  it doesn't seem like it was a well-earned trophy   the people the hish would attack would barely have  any chance to fight back another difference here   is that as a species they were now able to  change their gender this change could happen   instantly if there was a desire to mate the clan  leader would be the most intelligent of them all   while the other members were portrayed as not so  bright this led to infighting amongst their clans   the medical kit in the movies and games would come  with a needle that injected fluid it was believed   to give them a dose of adrenaline hormones  or even heavy steroids this makes predators   get a boost of power for a short time but in this  novel it was all produced by an evolutionary organ   called the kill gland it produced strong hormones  that drove the predators into a frenzy and it had   to be kept under control with the use of medicine  instead of relying on their own technological   advances they would scavenge anything they find  from other worlds they conquered this was similar   to what the amengi would do dating back  to the early history of the hish creatures   because of these many changes this novel made to  the predators it was not accepted by a lot of fans   the name hishku-10 was also seen in mortal kombat  x it was one of the three variations you could use   for the predator so that covers some lore about  the predators we got to look at their origins   where they got their advanced technology the  history of the hishku-10 the story of the alpha   predator and the novel predator forever  midnight within the lore of the predator   universe there have been many types of hunters in  different stories we have the traditional hunters   that follow the code of honor which are the most  common during a time long ago there was a story   of how the tribes became separated all from the  actions of night storm predator this created the   bad bloods honorless hunters that hunt other  predators there's also the enforcer predators   they hunt down the bad bloods in return both of  them which made an appearance in the comic books   so there's more to the species than what  is shown on film but with new characters   appearing in predator hunting grounds we can  now look at a few more additions to the lore   this gives us a chance to look into other types  of hunters specifically the samurai predator and   the viking predator before we start make sure you  leave a like rating on the video with that being   said let's begin the samurai predator went to  hunt in japan during days when it was particularly   hot the samurai warriors heard his spaceship  arrive and interpreted it as a bad omen before   heading off to fight him in the distance the  samurai warriors heard the echoes of its attacks   and attempted to fight this invisible demon as  they fought with courage honor and using all of   their skill all of them would fail even the most  elite warriors would never return home alive this   ritual went on for centuries until the modern  day it was seen as a demon from legend that once   hunted skilled warriors who protected feudal japan  as time passed by this hunter became a japanese   legend known only as the demon from the sky the  lore about this predator is explained in this way   this class of predator comes from an ancient  japanese legend that brings to life the tale   of this demon from the sky during the hottest  of days when the sun bit the necks of farmers   of this island nation a rushing sound unlike any  other echoed across the sky the samurai warriors   would recognize this omen and don their  weaponry to fight the invisible demon   year after year the most elite of warriors would  fall honorably to this yaochua in a ritual that   would last for centuries many would challenge the  demon but just like all the others each of them   would fail for this predator was an experienced  hunter and its defeat would not come easily   if we look at the biomask the design resembles a  unmasked predator this is a very unique feature   as other biomasks that we've seen before  don't really show their own physical features   its dreadlocks are also something we can  look at they are tied back and held upward   similar to the predator known as top knot from  the comic books now the word top knot is based   on the concept of a japanese hairstyle its most  noticeable weapon of choice is a katana blade   this retractable single-edged sword was used in  many hunts throughout ancient earth the long blade   produces heavy two-handed attacks against prey and  it causes temporary bleeding the viking predator   can be traced back to when the viking raiders  consumed lands far from their own borders and   by doing so managed to draw attention they never  imagined the death and destruction throughout the   world would bring a gift from the sky to challenge  the most powerful and honorable warriors in battle   as the legends of this yauch was spread norsemen  saw an opportunity to gain an honorable death   by weight of this wanderer so they continued  to pursue glory over centuries the strongest   bravest warriors would journey out raiding  to lure this great force into ritual combat   with hopes of feasting in the halls of valhalla  it is a massive predator that rivals even   the berserker class it is stronger but slower than  the berserker this makes a ferocious adversary   rather than using additional gear they lean more  on their own abilities as a show of strength   one weapon that it does carry throughout its hunts  is the battle axe wielded by the viking predator   of the north this powerful two-handed battle axe  was forged for devastating close range attacks   against ferocious norsemen the secondary attack  provides a heavy overhead swing with increased   damage to any prey it finds few would ever look  upon this blade without it cleaving their skull   there was also an elder predator added to the  game but the lore description was very short   years of hunting experience has granted  this yaochua the title of elder this class   upholds honorable hunting traditions passed down  through the centuries the armor type is the same   as the 1987 jungle hunter skin but with  slight changes to the color attachments   and the dent in the helmet being removed so  that covers the lore around the samurai predator   viking predator and the elder predator these  are available in the video game predator hunting   grounds i think the samurai predator was one of  the most requested types within the community   i've read a lot of comments from the fans  and this is one predator they wanted to see   there's been a few figures of the samurai predator  one from the hot toys company and another from   prime one studios the viking predator was actually  a surprise i didn't expect it but it's a cool idea   but what do you think about the lore around  these characters in the game do you think it   was sufficient or should they have added a longer  story tell me in the comment section if you want   to see another lore video around the predator  franchise i'm going to leave links to a few more   i covered a lot of different topics in the past  so there might be something else you haven't seen   one that i would recommend is the video i did  about dutch's return to the franchise i go over   all the lore and predator hunting grounds and it's  all about dutch and explains what happened to him   after the first movie i also covered the story  about dutch's brother from the comic books it's   a fairly long story but it's good but if you want  to know about the origins of the predator species   along with how they got their technology you  should check out the lore video i did about   the alpha predator it goes into detail about how  they started and the early days of their people   and the last one i can recommend is one about  the droogethy alien creatures it is the only   alien life form that the predators actually fear  if you made it this far into the video we have   reached the end to see more content like this just  subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications   you can also follow me on twitter and  instagram sometimes i post other stuff on   there thanks for watching my name is carlos  or acid glow and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: AcidGlow
Views: 260,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aliens vs Predator AVP 2010 Multiplayer, Xenomorph, Predator Hunting Grounds Dutch Lore, What happened after Predator 2, Elder Ancient Predators, Why did the Predator give harrigan a pistol, Dutch All Audio Tapes, Predator 2 Ending Explained, What happened to Dutch after Predator, New Predator Movie, Predator 5 Movie, Xenomorph Predator Yautja Podcast, fortnite, Rituals Hierarchy Honor Code, sequel, female predator, The Predator Sequel, New Predator 5 Movie, owlf audio, keyes, novel
Id: bpG6R2yTXTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 32sec (4412 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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