Predator Movie Lore for 1 Hour - History and Stories of Predator Universe - Legendary Hunters

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there are many stories that speak of legendary  hunters in the predator universe various sources   like comic books video games films and novels have  given us a deeper look into many aspects about   their culture this video is another compilation  of many topics i have covered in the past it's   meant to bring up older videos that some viewers  may have missed this one hour video will go into   different stories topics and bits of lore all  around the predator it includes topics like judge   dredd vs predator how predators capture queen  aliens the alternate ending to predator 2 that we   never saw the council of ancients the mysterious  pyramids and more you can find timestamps in the   video description and comments section leave  a like on the video and now let's get started how do predators capture a queen alien the  predator net gun was seen across various sources   and each one being slightly different in how it  was fired while the one in the predator 2 movie   was via a pistol the one in the alien vs predator  movie was used from the wrist gauntlet on the left   arm both of them were used to trap its prey and  the net itself would cut through and slowly kill   them this net was used in a different way in one  comic book story where two predators boarded a   ship that had members like evie shell and norly  they were three normal people who flew a ship   but on one mission they were carrying a few  captured aliens along with a queen alien   apparently some soldiers posing as colonial  marines had stolen some whale yutani equipment   and lied about their identity now two predators  board their ship in search of a big prize they   kill off some soldiers and battle the aliens while  using a net to close off their escape in the end   of the story the two predators work together to  capture the queen alien by using the large net   the mechanical parts seem to close together that  form some type of straight jacket which prevents   the queen from using her arms but somehow her tail  was not tied up perhaps they forgot to include   the tail under the net when they did the art for  the story as the predators make their way to the   airlock to leave one of them takes evie's welding  mask and offers her his own bio mask in return   perhaps as a sign of gratitude for not interfering  with their hunt or perhaps in killing another   alien as the hunters leave with their prize the  humans learn that the predators know how to use   their airlock system then evie and her friends set  off in search of the remaining soldiers that lied   about being colonial marines she wants to know  the truth about this mission now in a different   story involving michiko noguchi when she along  with some humans teamed up with a predator clan   they all worked together in fighting off some  aliens and capturing a queen alien but this method   involved them using a bunch of ropes going through  some iron or steel pins in the ground or wall and   as the rope was tossed over the queen they pulled  it and it pushed the queen down to the floor   her arms were also tied up tightly this queen  was later brought on board the predator ship   but it escaped during the fight against the killer  predator clan although the net could cut through   flesh and bone in other cases it did not do  that when the two predators captured a queen   perhaps this means that they use a different  material that's meant for capturing and   restraining something instead of killing it  now it's a scenario i do want to see on film   along with a group of hunters working together  but what do you think about this scene do you   want to see a group of hunters capture a queen in  the movie put your thoughts in the comment section   predator versus judge dredd the story starts off  in a remote area outside the city where an old man   and his robot are trying to fix their broken  vehicle they see an object in the sky and it   crashes nearby the old man goes to investigate  what he thinks was a shooting star but since it   had no impact it was possibly not a meteor as they  approach the site we can see a predator nearby and   his space pod is burying itself into the ground  possibly to keep itself hidden while the yautja   goes on his hunt the predator kills the robot  along with the old man who is holding a pistol   the first of many kills to come on this planet  meanwhile mega city 1 is having problems like   overpopulation and constant crime the judges  respond to a few criminals causing problems   they arrive to stop a few of them but the rest  of the group escapes on hoverboards as the   judges round up the criminals for sentencing judge  drock is killed by the predator's shoulder cannon   the judges shoot in all directions not knowing  what attacked them then the predator aims at   judge sola and only injures her with a plasma  caster she survives and tells dredd to use   his infrared vision and look up on the zoom line  they see something but they don't know what it is   judge dredd uses high explosive rounds  and fires at the predator's location above   and blows up the area the explosion throws a  predator off and it falls into a nearby facility   now judge tulk stays with the injured sola and  dredd goes off alone to find this new enemy   the predator waits for dread and ambushes him  with a harpoon weapon that hits dread in the   right shoulder as the harpoon is attached to some  type of rope he is pulled upward dread pulls out   his boot knife and fails to cut the material so  he kicks the predator in the face and is released   dread pulls out the harpoon in his right shoulder  and the two of them face off in melee combat   dread blocks a few swipes from the predator but  then gets hit by its big right arm and knocked   down a shaft to a lower level then a few judges  show up and the predator escapes while dred is   recovering along with sola two more judges  were killed by the predator judge koch and   phillips both of them got their head and spines  ripped off their bodies we are then introduced   to judge schaefer who is the great granddaughter  of dutch schaefer from the first predator movie   she's been called in for a special case due to  her previous knowledge of a similar situation   later on some thugs lead the judges to an  abandoned building where the predator was seen   the judges cleared the place out only to find  the head and spine of a judge who was killed   by this predator and by now it has taken an  interest in the judges and is stalking them   and back at headquarters judge schaefer is using  her psionic abilities to see what memory she can   find in a sample of the predator's blood but her  attempts come up with nothing for now then the   predator shows up in the chakra and attacks  two judges the other judges follow it to an   area that leads to the roof and this is where the  predator kills them off with its harpoon weapon   and wrist blades this predator was relentless  and experienced as more reinforcements arrive   the predator leaves the area and jumps onto  a train to escape until it attacks again at   this point in the story the predator has killed 11  judges scheifer happens to get into a car accident   and while mending to her wound she tastes  the predator's blood and his memories then   fill her thoughts but only for a second then  she ends up drinking the rest of the blood   she then sees the predator and its new lair  and with judge breen who is still alive   she gives the address to the judges and they  race off to save him now during this psionic   link with the predator scheifer also felt the  predator's injuries it was in pain possibly dying   meanwhile the predator pulls out the gun belong  to judge breen and it knows about the trap these   weapons have it dismantles the weapon specifically  by disabling the trap that reads the print of the   user indicating this predator knows about their  technology and how it works then the predator   stabs judge breen in the chest with its wrist  blades the other judges arrive with two large   robots for support and they track the predator on  a rooftop building they fire upon it but miss and   the predator fires back and shoots a judge with  his plasma caster weapon this judge only suffered   minor burns but will survive this encounter the  two robots then use a fire weapon on the predator   they cover in flames but then falls through the  roof and into an area inside the building badly   burned from this encounter the predator loses his  biomass but still fights on as the two robots are   sent in first the predator knocks one down with  a shoulder cannon and jumps on the other one   he uses the weapon of one robot to ignite the fuel  tank of the other and it blows up then he destroys   the cables on the second robot to defeat it judge  dred then shoots the predator multiple times in   the back but the predator isn't dead yet it has  plenty of fight left inside as dread gets close   the predator gets up and swats him away schaefer  attempts to stop the fight to help the dying   predator but he pushes her away to continue the  fight the predator then picks up dread's lockover   weapon and tries to fire it but it explodes in his  hand this gives dread the time he needs to attack   he rams his knife deep into the predator's chest  and it dies screaming in pain the story ends   with schaefer telling dread that the predator  knew the weapon was booby trapped she knew the   predator was sick and dying so i chose to take an  impossible challenge that it knew it could not win   one final hunt to die in battle with honor so that  was a story of predator vs judge dredd now this   story was really good the predator killed around  a dozen judges two big robots and fought until   the very end the art style was nice and overall i  liked it so what did you think about the story put   your thoughts in the comments section the story  of lefty predator was a very short one in the   comic books it's between two different characters  a human female named bria who is being chased by   lefty predator she encountered this yaucho before  and they had a short battle this resulted in lefty   losing his right eye and bria stealing his wrist  computer that activates the self-destruct device   as lefty chases her across different planets bria  pulls up to an outpost in search of ammo and parts   for her ship she's fully aware that this outpost  has no survivors and assumes the xenomorphs are   somewhere inside bria then enters and starts  to pick up something on her motion tracker   a few xenomorphs show up and she deals with  them but she gets jumped by another one   and ends up in a very bad situation  but right when she thinks it's all over   lefty appears to save her using his smart disk he  cuts up the aliens and rips out their inner jaws   the action doesn't end here after a brief pause  more aliens show up and surround them while bria   is barely able to escape while using her firearm  lefty is not so lucky bria looks back and sees   her savior gets swarmed by aliens they surround  lefty and then jump on top of him she uses this   opportunity to her advantage while the aliens  are distracted on lefty she tries to escape   herself but not before throwing lefty his wrist  computer so he can use his self-destruct device   as bria makes her way back to their ship  she defeats a few more aliens along the way   she then hops onto the ship and  makes her escape from the outpost   but as she flies away she wonders if lefty was  killed because there was no self-destruct bomb or   does his code of honor not allow him to take his  own life without fighting against the target he   was tracking either way it's a mystery what  happened to lefty after this because the   comic book ends here on a cliffhanger one unique  thing about lefty was the text used in his speech   was very different from what we normally see in  other comic books so what do you think happened to   lefty do you think he got mauled by the xenomorphs  or did he escape and still plan to chase bria   to have one final battle with her let me know what  you think happened by putting it in the comments   section why do predators build pyramids these  large structures are part of the yautja society   this type of architecture is seen on earth and  is linked to the human civilizations of egyptians   cambodians mayans and the aztecs according to the  story of the alien versus predator movie when the   yautra visited earth they taught the humans how to  construct pyramids and under their direction these   massive structures were built the pyramids served  many purposes such as being used for habitation   hunting grounds during a rite of passage and also  as a breeding site for the xenomorph species some   pyramids even served as a tomb this was to honor  particular yaochua who died from natural causes   or in battle and as a result of this some statues  carvings or memorabilia is shaped in their image   their pyramids were considered to be part of  their religious beliefs or held a spiritual   significance for the yahushua even some structures  on other planets were seen to be made of stone   but not all of them were made in the shape of  pyramids they were constructed mostly of stone   and some decorations or carvings could be seen on  many walls floors and ceilings possibly telling   the story of that pyramid or maybe the connection  predators had with the species on that planet   some pyramids will even contain images of the  xenomorphs also known as serpents they are   considered to be the ultimate prey in the galaxy  some pyramids on earth were seen to have carvings   and symbols that explain how the predators bred  the xenomorphs for thousands of years there is   a section of the pyramid that is also meant to  contain the queen alien with advanced machinery   she is kept in stasis until the predators return  during a rite of passage their plasma caster   weapons are kept inside a sarcophagus which is  to be their prize in surviving the hunt a room   full of skulls can be found which are the victims  that died long ago these pyramids have multiple   chambers passages and shifting walls that create  or block off exits this structure is meant to best   suit the xenomorph's abilities being designed with  smooth walls and enclosed passages that encourage   everyone to rely on close range combat another  room was called the sacrificial chamber where   humans would give their lives to become hosts for  the xenomorphs one of the pyramids that holds a   lot of importance and history to the yauchwa  is the one on bg386 it contains the body of   lord predator who was the first yaochua to ever  successfully hunt the xenomorphs alongside him   lays the body of the first ever queen alien  of the xenomorph species she was captured   by the yaocho of that time and was entombed  alongside lord predator's body in the temple   his biomass was also kept in a secret location it  contained holographic images of special ceremonies   one image is when lord predator defeats a  xenomorph the other image shows a group of yaocha   who captured a queen alien now in the event of  the predators failing during their rite of passage   they would activate their self-destruct device and  destroy all the xenomorphs along with civilization   in that area this is the reason why humanity has  very little information about ancient practices   since this structure is designed for yaocho  and xenomorphs there are areas that are easily   accessible to both of these species some doors  would be locked and can only be opened with the   wrist blades the entire pyramid was powered by  generators located at the lower levels this would   provide energy to run the machinery that contained  the queen alien and operated the shifting walls   the yaochua pyramids and the story behind them  has always been a very interesting topic for me   it's a way of the yaucho recording their history  in stone for future beings to find similar to what   is seen now in modern history predator 2 was a  decent film about a yauchwa hunting in los angeles   the story includes lieutenant mike harrigan  along with three other members of his team   that track down the predator as it kills  colombian and jamaican gang members in the city   now throughout the story dany and  jerry get killed by the predator   and harrigan seeks revenge and even assumes that  the federal task force knows something about this   so the novelization of the film had some  differences in a lot of scenes although they were   not too different that any outcome would change  but one that i found interesting was the ending   now in the movie harrigan locates a predator  ship and has a smart disk weapon with him as   he explores the ship slowly he comes across a  trophy room and sees the many types of prey this   hunter has come across and killed then harrigan  is ambushed by the predator's net gun harrigan   breaks free and awaits the predator to show up  from being invisible the city hunter swings his   wrist blades at harrigan and he blocks the attacks  with a smart disk then at some point harrigan   eventually gets knocked back and loses his balance  but regains control of the battle when he gets up   now in the end we see harrigan gets injured  and pretends to be too weak to fight back   as a predator assumes his prey is now an easy  kill he raises his arm but harrigan tricked the   predator and rams a smart disc into his chest  and cuts him up causing severe damage that the   predator screams out in pain and dies then its  hunting party led by greyback show up to pick up   his body and leave the planet but in the novel  of predator 2 the ending was slightly different   now the same battle occurs on the ship but  harrigan only manages to severely injure   the city hunter with a smart disk weapon the  predator is still alive after this battle but   since it is too weak to fight back he allows  himself to be killed but not by harrigan   we then see grey back show up who is the  leader of the lost predator hunting party   he oversaw the battle and as he approached the  weakened city hunter he cuts his head off now   this ending fits into the predator code of  honor where it says if you lose in combat   the predator must take its own life or someone  else must kill it now there were a few differences   between the movie and the novel but this one stood  out the most to me so which ending do you think   was better the movie or the novel version put your  answer in the comment section the yaochua species   also known as predators were seen as hunters their  actions are governed by a strict code of honor   and rituals while they are an alien species they  also have a hierarchy within their tribe or clan   each yaochua has to prove themselves and as they  rise up the ranks they are donned with armor   and weapons the body armor is a collection of  different pieces across the body in different   situations they would wear more or less armor some  hunters will wear less armor this allows them to   have less protection but have more agility while  other hunters may choose to be covered in even   more armor but this would make them slower the  armor they wear seems to be mainly used for a hunt   but during the times of social gatherings or  meetings they are sometimes seen wearing less   armor but when a feud between two predators has to  be settled they will fight each other in the arena   while bearing very little armor and no weapons  at all while the armor has been seen to withstand   small firearms it does not provide complete  protection against heavy weapons or anything   with armor-piercing rounds and so a hunter needs  to use caution during a hunt to remain alive   there are separate pieces of their body armor  this includes a breastplate that is sometimes   full or partially covering one area of the chest  this also can extend to their back other pieces   are the pauldrons which cover the shoulders  and can sometimes cover the upper arm area   gauntlets on the forearm area will be attached to  the wrist blades or the wrist computer section the   groin area will be covered in armor or some fabric  while the legs and feet will receive protection in   various parts but of course the amount of armor  the predator wears does differ from each story   clan or type of predator for example the super  predators were seen to have armor in similar areas   as the standard predators but it differs in design  and also the amount of armor they wore we also had   the teenage predators in the 2004 movie alien  vs predator they were all part of the same clan   and although they wore similar armor each one was  slightly different in some way this also brings   up the question of what is the mesh or netting  that is seen on their bodies well according to   the comic book about machiko noguchi this netting  controls their body temperature from the outside   it can be adjusted in different climates if the  environment is not suitable for the predator   but the super predators did not use this netting  and there's also no clear explanation as to why   perhaps they lack this technology while leaving  neutral prime or maybe their genetic structure is   a little different this concept about their mesh  or netting is somewhat different in the novel of   the movie alien vs predator in 2004 the novel said  that their body armor was in fact a full body suit   it was internally filled with an atmosphere  that was more comfortable to the predator   this atmosphere could be the same as the warm  climate on the outro prime this explains why   predators are able to hunt in very cold places the  novel also said that the temperature of the mesh   would be uncomfortable for a human so this could  imply that it's very hot while most predators   are seen wearing armor made from a unique type of  metal very few will use the bones of their victims   as armor the spearmaster predator was given gold  phoenix armor this was protection against the   xenomorph's acid blood another example is the  alien head predator also known as the serpent   predator who molded the alien head as a bio mask  and even took on the persona of a xenomorph now   if the predators were short on armor they would  also make new armor from whatever source they   could find in the novel of the first alien vs  predator movie scar used the body of a dead alien   to make armor for lex and in the comic book called  predator hunters it was about a group of yaochua   who crashed on an island with limited resources  available they chose to make armor and weapons   out of wood when it comes to receiving armor an  unblooded predator will still have armor however   this could be a set of random parts that are not  suited for that predator and only when it becomes   a blooded hunter it will receive a personalized  set of armor and as for the body armor that is   resistant to the acid blood of the xenomorph this  special armor usually has to be earned now during   a hunt a predator must slay a xenomorph and only  then will they receive this special type of armor   there's also been a few stories in the comic books  where predators willingly give armor to humans   these are humans who have earned their respect as  skilled warriors the yochoa species are known to   operate their hunts rituals and hierarchy through  a form of honor strength and respect most of the   hunters we have known in the lore are seen as the  warriors who travel across the galaxy visiting   many worlds in search of the ultimate prey a  being that would challenge them in combat most   of the warriors that participate in a clan hunt  would follow the traditional routine searching   for worthy prey beginning the hunt and engage in  combat to either live with victory or perish from   your own weakness many hunters have gone through  the trials to seek glory where others have failed   some have risen and overcome the odds to become  elite hunters in 2003 we got the game aliens vs   predator extinction and it brought up a few more  things within the lore the story takes place on   lv-742 many years ago weyland-yutani had sent  a probe to the planet it scanned around looking   for anything valuable the results it got was that  the planet was rich in mineral ore shortly after   a team of explorers and engineers were sent  in along with a modest number of uscm members   to verify the probe's findings during the seismic  drillings they extracted core samples amongst the   many sites they constructed one of them opened up  a cave and within they found a cache of alien eggs   their focus would then shift to this new  discovery as more shipments of migrant workers   and a contingent of u.s colonial marines arrived  daily it would fuel the growth of the hives around   the globe an incident would later occur where a  demolition charge exploded and the underground   hive was destroyed the aliens would then need  to re-establish a viable hive and expand into   new territory by using a praetorian egg this will  lead to a queen emerging she would instinctually   sense nearby threats to the fabric of the hive  mind she hungers for stronger more superior hosts   to use in growing the new hive during a previous  mission some of the creatures were neutralized   and were studied by dr samuel kadinsky the uscm  command was consulting with him about his research   this is around the time the predators choose this  planet as a rich hunting ground it has a growing   alien population which was stimulated when the  humans arrived it's also the home to a formidable   beast known as the legendary grote it also  brings up the lore of the council of the ancients   clans must petition and be granted  exclusive hunting rights to a planet   your clan's anticipation is high as they prepare  to hunt aliens and battle-hardened marine warriors   both of them are deemed as great prizes dr  kadinsky would create a new strain of aliens   he called the k series the only way to survive is  to wipe them out and keep the alien bloodline pure   throughout the story marines would find  a predator device and destroyed this   would remove the cloaking device in some  areas when the third device was destroyed   it revealed a large predator base at the same time  predators invaded the laboratory of dr kadynsky   and during the battle the control panel  was damaged this let loose the captured   aliens that defeated the k-series a pack of  heavily armed predators would enter the hive   and destroy most of the alien horde and  dragging away the queen and shackles   without a queen the hive is unable to grow  and spread the aliens would band together and   free the queen later on the existence of the  k-series aliens would threaten the integrity   and future of your species the k-series would  get annihilated in the end of the alien campaign   stronger types of predators would later join the  hunt they were a military type they had better   equipment and were much deadlier than the others  while the marines try to defend their strongholds   they are attacked by aliens and predators  throughout the story you'll find aliens   pulling back their victims dragging them to  their hive to increase their growing brood   the clan trophy hunt does encounter the grote  creature it's a giant muscular creature that   walks on all fours legend says that over the ages  countless clans have met their death in the fierce   bloodsport a single grow tea was strong enough  to defeat an entire clan but a pack of grote   would slaughter even the strongest of clans in  the end your clan is not defeated in this battle   the predators come out victorious they vanquish  three grote creatures and claim their large skulls   as trophies a display of their strength and skill  when you were in the jungle area looking for the   cave of the grow tea there was another clan of  predators involved they were called poachers and   they tried to thwart your mission but failed there  should only have been one clan on this planet   but their true motive isn't revealed until later  when the marines destroyed the cloaking devices   the hidden base of the council of ancients was  revealed they then explained their agenda the   other predators you fought earlier were part  of another strong clan they too were granted   exclusive hunting rights to this planet the  ancients had a plan to lure two great clans here   and pit them against each other the superior clan  would then be deemed the ancient successors the   losing clan would be banished this fits into the  lore that only the strongest are worthy to rise   within the ranks and in due time this clan has  the potential of being the new council of ancients   but then the ancients tell us they are also the  ones who planted the alien eggs on a planet a   long time ago it was a means of creating an  arena in which they could study the clans   secretly to rate their hunting prowess now that  their base was discovered the ancients order you   to the clan trials a pair of formal hunts designed  to showcase a clan's skill they are first tested   in the art of stealth they succeed in the  first trial but the second one is more grueling   more difficult and more deadly this task is to  claim the skull of the alien queen and this clan   succeeds once again by winning the trials you have  received the honor of the ancients mantle your   clan is now superior to all others worthy to be  their eventual successors but your victory rings   hollow as the trials are quickly forgotten amidst  a rash of atrocities against the predator race   during the trials the humans captured  a member of a rival clan this coward   allowed himself to be captured and it's assumed  human scientists are experimenting on his body   your mission now is to punish the disgraced  predator and find the human responsible for this   as you make your way through the facility you  would reclaim the stolen predator technology   like the helmet armor and spear these weapons  must never fall into the hands of our enemies   further along you would find the disgraced  predator you swiftly end his life and continue   with your mission you then capture dr kadinsky he  is taken to the council of ancients to be judged   for his crimes the council governs everything  within their society from keeping their sacred   rituals and traditions alive to upholding their  laws and honor by seeking judgment and dealing   punishment to any other race be it human alien or  predator dr kadinsky has done the unthinkable not   only did he create the k-series aliens but also  a pred alien queen his research had angered the   council of ancients and his punishment was death  by torture the tainted bloodline perpetuated by   this beast destroys the integrity of the predator  race and is unbearable to the council of ancients   this crime may only be resolved with a ritualistic  purification of the contaminated hive the ancients   present your clan with a sacrificial associate  the ancient who is keeper of the nuclear device   he is known as the ancient nuke carrier honorable  predators keep their species pure other subspecies   or hybrids like the pred alien are seen as an  abomination once you clear a path through the   hive you must destroy all the aliens and  claim the skull of the pred alien queen   this trophy will be a symbol that the predators  are the mightiest hunters in the galaxy   through the guidance of your clan leader and a set  of powerful warriors you overcome the beast and   emerge victorious the pred alien queen is no more  the ancient carrier will detonate a nuke at the   center of the hive the others would escape before  the explosion went off his sacrifice purified the   bloodline as the others head back to the council  they carry with them a prized trophy their hunt   on this planet is over they have passed the trials  and overcome many strong enemies they have earned   the mantle to join the council of ancients the  pred alien in this game had a lot of new abilities   like secreting a flame retardant coating which  makes it impossible to ignite and has very good   resistance to heat damage its secretions absorb  heat and then evaporate which creates a flame   extinguishing cloud around the creature its bite  injects an acidic saliva the pred alien then   quickly drains and consumes the nutrient slurry  that results replenishing its life in the process   it also has a unique metabolism  that can automatically heal itself   even when away from the nourishing touch of the  alien hive web while its healing ability is not   as fast as that of the runner but this ability  occurs when it's not taking physical damage   another dangerous attribute is that it accumulates  growth hormones during combat when enough hormones   have accumulated it can molt when threatened  the pred alien that emerges is tougher than   before you can see extra bony spikes on its back  this is an indication that it's getting stronger   the more times it can molt the more powerful  it can become making it more dangerous with   each battle it survives this ability allows  it to adapt from each encounter the data on   the print alien has discovered it does have some  vulnerabilities it lacks any kind of armor which   means that kinetic weapons are effective against  it and radiation will prevent it from regenerating   its health when it's away from the hive web and  that's the end of the story in aliens vs predator   extinction it also marks one of the rare occasions  when an ancient group is brought up in a story   so what did you think about it tell me in the  comments section predators fearsome hunters   that are bound by a strict code of honor  one of the galaxy's most dangerous species   yaochua prime is their homeworld their rituals and  hierarchy is governed by a council of elders the   aochus species travel across the galaxy to find  worthy prey to hunt to prove themselves and to   rise within their ranks while the most experienced  hunters are able to branch off and hunt alone   others choose to lead the young bloods into  training and live combat one of those clan   leaders was the shande he led a group of young  predators onto the planet ryushi out of all the   clan members on board one of them stood out from  the rest tischend he was described as being the   loudest among the young warriors and also the most  troublesome the clan ship was full of many members   some of them would remain on the ship while  others would venture onto various planets to hunt   but they also had a queen alien on board she  was used to produce alien eggs they were used   to create xenomorphs later on the eggs would be  placed on a planet before a hunt and over time the   facehuggers would impregnate the local creatures  the predators would also train on board the ship   in hand-to-hand combat against each other  and clan meetings would also take place   either to discuss issues within their ranks  or to prepare for an upcoming hunt when   the planet in question had enough full-grown  xenomorphs the predators would embark on a hunt   this was a moment to prove to themselves to fight  against kiande amida the price of honor came with   the risk of dying a risk they would all take  willingly if they survived and slate a xenomorph   they would reap the rewards of becoming  experienced hunters the shande would lead   a group of young warriors to ryushi but upon their  arrival a human had spotted them and out of panic   he tried to flee the scene only to injure dashande  with his vehicle the reckless human would end up   crashing into the predator's ship resulting in  his death and also the destruction of the ship   the pack of young hunters are now stranded on the  planet and without a leader they decide what to do   tischend assumes that dashande is not alive due  to his injuries so he promotes himself as the   new clan leader one predator named assassin  would disagree with titian's self-promotion   to become a leader but titian would kill him for  his troubles killing another predator in such a   manner is against their code of honor tischend has  now become a bad blood as they move out to explore   ryushi deshande's body is later discovered by some  humans they find out that he is still alive barely   breathing and badly injured so they pick him up  and take him back to base only to be followed   by the group of young predators along the way  tischend and his group come across a family in   the desert they slaughter the two adults and  their dog but the young boy manages to escape   even though the female was unarmed that was  considered to be unworthy prey petitioned did   not care him and the others would celebrate their  victory meanwhile the humans back at the base are   so intrigued by the new alien species they found  they try to study its weapons armor and biology   as it rests to heal its wounds as an outbreak  of xenomorph occurs near the base everything   gets worse xenomorphs start to spread out and the  predators have now located this area titian also   finds the area where deshande is being held he  moves forward and pulls out his wrist blade aiming   at the doctor who has now armed herself with a  weapon but she is saved by deshande who has broken   free of his straps even with one arm the shauna  used a spear to block titian's attack as the   shandy recovers his armor and weapons the doctor  and machiko noguchi understand that this predator   is not here to harm them he appreciates their help  when he was injured and so he repays the favor   titian is beaten up by deshande the stronger of  the two and upon inspecting titian's trophy bag we   see the skull of a young child what sport is there  in hunting small prey titian has committed many   dishonorable acts and so he must be punished while  a battle between the predators and xenomorphs   is still going on elsewhere the surviving  humans try to find a way to evacuate safely   but there is no escape partitioned his battle with  deshande his clan leader will be his last as their   battle ensues deshaunde uses a bladed weapon  to end titian's life this is where the story   of titian ends but the shonde story does continue  on and i covered that in a different video looking   back at the history of tischend he was spirited  and competitive but would later become disobedient   and reckless when he bowed to his clan leader  instead of looking at the floor his eyes would   gaze upon his leader and he would follow that  with a snarl and raising his mandibles this   was a sign of aggression not only that he would  also challenge his own clan leader at some point   in time while he became a bad blood the others  who followed in his command would also be guilty   predator vs judge dredd vs aliens a story about  three iconic characters all put together in the   comic book world this one takes place on  a planet where a predator has crash landed   but today he has become the hunted prey to some  human animal hybrids created by dr reinstad   he activates a distressed beacon and throws it  away as he runs off hoping his people will come   to his aid he is then injured by a spear weapon  going through his right shoulder and is greeted   by the creatures that hunt him they injured the  predator by stabbing two more spears into his body   just barely leaving him alive for dr rhinestot  to conduct some tests on him then these creatures   locate the predator's crashed ship and amongst  it they discover its weapons and trophy room   they take a xenomorph skull so dr reinstalk can  extract its dna meanwhile judge dredd and his   team travel to a rundown bar in a remote part of  the planet searching for terrorists that cause   trouble in his city judge anderson uses her  psychic powers to assure the criminals are in this   bar dred tracks the group down as they were using  holographic technology to change their appearances   a fight then breaks out between the judges and the  criminals as one of them runs off dred shoots him   enough to slow him down he asks for the location  of the archbishop emoji who is a psychic robot and   is sometimes seen as a messiah to some people but  the criminal does not give out his location but   dred still tracks his movements with binoculars  and heads west into the swamp and jungle   we are then taken to dr reinstadt who has  extracted the xenomorph dna from his skull   and created a facehugger that he plans to use on  the wounded predator then his anti-men creations   interrupt them about incoming intruders judged  red is seen on the security monitors but then   we get a glimpse of another group of predators  in the area now as the hunters look through the   land they piece together what happened one of  their people was injured and captured followed   by footprints that belonged to strange animals and  marks that were made by some vehicle it turns out   the same people who captured a predator had also  fought with judge dredd and his team after they   caught up with archbishop emoji the judges were  all captured as well so this group of hunters then   proceeds to follow the tracks we are then shown  the judges waking up and finding themselves binded   and strapped onto tables dread is greeted by dr  neil reinstad whom he thought was killed years   ago but it is revealed that who dread thought he  killed back then was just a decoy dr reinstadt has   been hiding in this area to perfect his genetic  mutation formula but now he acquired the xenomorph   skull and his work has taken another evolutionary  step he injects judge mcgrary with his formula   and he immediately mutates into a human alien  creature but his experiments don't stop here   he then takes a facehugger and plants it on the  face of judge gilligan but he is interrupted once   again when he finds out the other predators have  located his hideout they're outside using their   weapons on the facility as the battle of the anime  creatures this hunting party has come in search of   their captured brother but little do they know he  is already dead as the predators defeat the animen   outside they make their way inside the building  and dr reinstall and his men scrambled to escape   but not before a pred alien emerges that is about  to kill dredd then judge anderson uses her psychic   powers to speak to the mutated judge mcgrary  although he has changed part of him is still a man   still a judge but not for much longer he  fights off the pride alien and frees dread   with little time left to control judge mcgrary dry  takes gilligan's body outside but then a predator   uses a spear type weapon to kill him off knowing  he was going to die from the chest burster anyways   anderson shows up with the other predators  who captured dr reinstadt and his remaining   animen all of them are locked up and ready for  transport to mega city 1. the two groups team   up and fight off the pred alien and the mutated  judge gilligan who has lost all of his humanity   by now one predator dies in battle from acid burns  but the two aliens are then killed off by gunfire   just as things are about to end dr reinstalt was  freed by archbishop emoji they left the area in a   ship and in the back we see his animen have just  given birth to xenomorphs as they make their way   back to mega city 1 archbishop emoji contacts  his cult of followers and tells them to gather   up outside of his church as his return will bring  forth the beginning of their salvation he promised   them death and carnage to all the people of mega  city one but as the xenomorphs are dropped off   in the area they kill off emoji's cult and start  to wreak havoc on the city then reinstall betrays   emoji by killing him and injects himself with the  dna of the queen alien that was meant for judge   anderson back at his lab as dread arrives two  hours later he requests backup but it is denied   due to so many crimes happening right now in  the city they are left on their own but lucky   for dredd the predators are there to help him  they track down one target and kill it but later   dredd encounters the elephant xenomorph but is  saved by predator after this they see one alien   capture a civilian and it carries him away they  follow it and they are led to a high full of eggs   as they venture onward they are attacked once  again by two more xenomorphs and one predator dies   but red uses his law giver with incendiary rounds  along with armor-piercing shots to kill off the   aliens now as the remaining predator is wounded  judge anderson walked deep into the hive alone   she can sense a being nearby she  locates dr rhinestone in his new form   a mutated spider queen alien he has now become  the perfect creature he always tried to create   dred shows up and quickly fires off all of  his high-explosive rounds while fighting   off incoming face huggers a fire breaks out and  burns through the hive they pull survivors out   and the control tells dread that all the aliens  were exterminated the story ends with the last   surviving predator taking a trophy and leaving the  planet but not before complementing dread as being   a worthy warrior and honorable hunter and thanking  him for avenging his friends who died in the hunt   and that was a story of predator versus judge  dredd vs aliens i think this story and art was   really good and it's one of the few stories that  i think could be adapted into a film but what do   you think about this story did you like it and  do you think it's good enough to become a movie   put your thoughts in the comments section  the predator blood seen over the many sources   has been depicted as a glowing green color giving  off a luminous phosphorus appearance that can make   it visible in many environments during the first  movie some behind the scenes had explained it was   originally supposed to be orange this color was  chosen so it would stick out from the green jungle   but they couldn't produce enough of that color  so with the use of green glow sticks everywhere   they decided to change its color to green some ky  jelly was also used in creating the predator blood   and when it was changed to have a green color and  used in the jungle this gave the production team   some difficulties any scenes that were completed  with the original orange blood had to be discarded   and re-shot with the new green blood now one small  design error is that the fleshy parts inside its   mouth appear as red which should actually be  another color the blood vessels in that area   are very visible so it should give off a different  color but this idea was overlooked when it was   being designed if we look at humans our veins  appear as green but they are actually blue they   appear as green because the light has to penetrate  the skin which gives it a green color from the   outside so the inner parts of our body appear as a  reddish tint because of our blood so if we use the   same concept on a predator the inside of its mouth  should never been red like ours it should have   been a color similar to its blood aside from its  bright glowing effect the predator blood has some   special properties to it in the comic books batman  discovered that the predator blood was carbon   based even though it was an alien he was able to  make a wide spectrum tranquilizer that did have   some effect on the predator its blood also has the  ability to partially neutralize the acidity level   in the xenomorph blood the bred alien's blood  did not seem to have the highly corrosive effect   that the natural xenomorph blood has the yajuo's  blood has also been known to give an extended   lifespan and an increase in strength this was  shown in the video game predator concrete jungle   hunter borja was born as a sick child but he  survived only by the use of the predator's blood   he and his mother would go on to live for over a  hundred years as more predators came to earth they   would capture them and vampirize them to drain  them of their blood some predators who are known   as hish also possessed a gland located between  their neck and collarbone it secreted powerful   hormones into their bloodstream and this would  drive them into hyperaggression this rage would   be contagious so they later found a way to control  it with the use of artificial hormone regulators   predator demon's gold was a short comic book  about a group of german soldiers going through   south america during world war ii along the  way they are in search of gold and silver for   many villages they come across they hear about  a story of a hidden cache of treasure in a cave   but only the local people know its location  so they capture a young boy and promise to set   him free if he leads them to the gold since the  soldiers killed off everyone else in the village   he had no choice the boy leads them to a  cave with the entrance being a giant skull   the gold within the cave was never touched  by the people of the land they believed it   was sacred treasure so it remained untouched  they only protected the gold from outsiders   but this time these men were armed with  weapons that would defeat the local people   once the german soldiers found the gold the leader  ordered the boy to be killed now the boy feeling   his life will end he prayed to the inca gods and  his prayers were answered but from something else   a predator had used this cave as shelter now  disturbed by armed soldiers it attacked them   all killing them with its bladed throwing weapons  shoulder cannon and combi stick as one soldier   managed to pull the predator's biomask off it saw  the face of the demon before it died by its hands   then as the last soldier remained the leader  of the group it shoots at the predator but   only hits the armor on its back the hunter turns  around to swat him away the predator walks over   to the fallen soldier holds his head and uses his  wrist blades to rip off his spinal cord and head   as a young boy looks on in fear he thinks his life  will end in the cave as well like the soldiers who   captured him he might die a painful death at the  hands of this hunter but this is not the case   as an honorable warrior this predator follows  a strict code and because a young boy does not   pose a threat the predator cuts the ropes that  binded his hands and sets him free the predator   then walks away and disappears taking another  trophy from his many battles this was the first   and last time this boy ever saw this hunter now  an old man he knows his own time to die is near   as other people have asked him for the location  of this cave he plans to take the secret to his   grave now i think this was one of four comic books  that featured the predator that were not reprinted   in color i believe only the cover was printed in  color it's also one of the few stories where the   predator does survive although it's a very short  story it does get straight to the point and with   a decent ending one of the most unexplained scenes  in the first predator movie is when the predator   uses his laser to make his wrist blades turn  red the movie does not explain exactly what's   happening so we are left to speculate about  this scene for the most part a lot of fans had   a few theories about it if we look at the many  scripts about this movie they each give us some   information about this scene one script written  by james and john thomas in 1985 has the dutch   character named as matheny it takes place right  before the final battle against the predator near   the end of the movie but here's what the script  says about the scene illuminated by the pale   blue light of the open doorway the drying racks  covered in human skins stand in the foreground   ghostly illuminated by fire and moonlight  the hunters in three-quarter profile his   eyes gleaming rears into view looking up  at the sky as if he has heard matheny's cry   responding with a low hiss he turns back  raising in one hand his weapon in the other   a u-shaped sharpening device holding the  blue and green stones on either side as   he passes the weapon through the device the  stones flash into life a deep harmonic hum   emitted as the blade glows with energy growing  hotter hotter and hotter with each stroke draws   the blade now white hot through the device for  the last stroke he lifts it testing its balance   moving it gracefully almost ritualistically  it could be an art object backlit by the moon   suddenly in the instant before the hunter's hand  moves the edge of the weapon glows as if energized   he hurls the weapon which streaks across the  clearing with blinding speed cutting through   two banana stalks before embedding itself with a  loud thunk into the bark of a tree now if we look   at the updated script by the same writers arnold  schwarzenegger was now part of the movie but his   character was referenced by his last name schaefer  around this time the script was still going by its   early title of hunter this scene about the laser  and wristblades is the same for the most part with   only a minor change in the last sentence backlit  by the light of the open door the hunter's head in   three-quarter profile his eyes gleaming rears into  view looking up at the sky hearing schaefer's cry   responding with a low hiss he turns back raising  in one hand his weapon in the other a u-shaped   sharpening device as he passes the weapon through  the device it flashes into life a deep harmonic   hum emitted as the blade glows with energy  growing hotter hotter and hotter with each stroke   he draws the blade now white hot through the  device for the last stroke he lifts it testing   its balance the white hot blade illuminating  his alien face so based off the information we   have in the early script one version says it was  sharpening the blade while the other is making   it hotter and in that process it would cut the  material a little bit easier but the predator   does not get a chance to use his heated blades  soon after the scene it's also interesting how   the laser sights can emit a lot of heat perhaps  the heat level can be adjusted on the laser   seeing as how some targets and clothing material  does not burn up on contact with the laser   since they have advanced technology i guess this  should not be a surprise while a lot of areas in   each script can differ from the actual movie some  ideas could have been for better or for worse   it really depends on how you look at things  for example during matheny's battle with the   hunter he would try to use an arrow as a close  range weapon while the hunter is so weak and   exhausted during the fight he musters whatever  strength is left he tries to lash out with one arm   this happens when his wrist blade gets activated  matheny catches his arm and tries to counter but   the hunter dodges his strike and as they tumble  over matheny loses his arrow weapon there was a   scene when the main character would end up finding  the predator camp and his ship it says this he   emerges at the edge of the hunter's camp the arrow  clutched tightly in his hand his features intense   like steel cord transfixed at the unbelievable  sight before him there is no sign of the hunter he   sees the open door ramp he approaches it wide-eyed  his scent is reeling with astonishment and fear   he pauses by the door summoning his strength  and raising the arrow he leaps onto the ramp   ready to strike before him he sees the interior  of an invisible spacecraft an array of high-tech   equipment an acceleration couch the cramped  and functional quarters devoted to propulsion   and navigation equipment one version of the  script was supposed to include the predator   dropping a weapon during the final battle matheny  would pick it up looking very confused on how to   use it he would then just hurl the weapon into the  doorway before it closes as the weapon spins like   a discus it flares with energy it would impact  the hunter's head which caused it to explode   the script by james and john also has schaefer  injuring the predator in a different way   by shooting an arrow into his neck as the  predator tries to escape into his ship   schaefer grabs the dropped predator weapon and  fires the weapon flares up with deadly energy   it drops then turns sideways accelerating through  the door of the spacecraft it damages the force   field and its hyperdrive system gets out of  control as schaefer realizes the ship is going   to explode soon he runs for cover and survives  the explosion i think one of the more drastic   changes to the script was the appearance of the  predator's face we all know about the original   costume which was later redone to what we have now  but this early script shows us that the hunter was   supposed to have a human-like appearance it  had smooth hairless nearly translucent skin   a delicate network of veins and vessels can  be seen pulsing rapidly with pale green blood   so despite what we all know about the early  costume which was worn by jean-claude van damme   the early versions of the script had a different  idea for the predator's face there were quite a   few other changes between the early script and the  actual movie but these were some key points that   really caught my attention when i look at the  movie and how it differs from the early scripts   there's obviously a lot of changes but  i do like how it turned out in the end   there's a lot of lore within the predator expanded  universe many sources like interviews behind the   scenes comic books novelizations video games  and movies all have their own story to tell   for example when the last predator movie was  coming out it introduced us to a whole new concept   of how predators were changing and evolving  they were taking the dna of their hunted prey   and using it to make themselves stronger there  was an argument of why predators would use the   dna of their defeated prey but i looked at it in  a different way the target they hunted must have   been really challenging in some way so that gave  them the incentive to use their dna to upgrade   themselves this in turn brought us the assassin  predator also known as the upgrade predator i   thought the idea was really cool but like about  95 percent of the predator stories the predators   are always defeated the idea of an enhanced  predator was also seen in two different comic book   stories we saw a mutated predator and a four-armed  predator i think for a lot of the old school fans   they loved the source material in the comic books  which actually had a lot of interesting stories   the whole idea of hunting in the jungle has been  done plenty of times we all want something new   but the jungle scene seems to be a staple part  of predator battles and stories i think what   they need to do is use ideas from comic books  or maybe even video games and expand on them   there's a lot of lore you can look at through  various sources stories about bad blood predators   clan leaders and elders hybrids different clans  and tribes many of them exploring new worlds   meeting new characters hunting various creatures  or how some comic book stories will interact with   other stories there's a lot of interesting stories  to find outside of the movies about predators hey
Channel: AcidGlow
Views: 50,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elder Ancient Predators, Why did the Predator give harrigan a pistol, Dutch All Audio Tapes, Predator 2 Ending Explained, What happened to Dutch after Predator, New Predator Movie, Predator 5 Movie, Xenomorph Predator Yautja Podcast, Predator Ranks and Leaders Explained, Who is the strongest Predator Yautja, The most powerful Predator Yautja, Clan Leader Elder Explained, Yautja Prime, Xenomorph Homeworld, Documentary, Making of Predator Movie, Deleted Scenes, Compilation
Id: yaVqZmsDsYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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