Stories About the Actors and Artists Who Make Movies Scary

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slimy hairy spooky nobody's got better monsters than hollywood and behind every good zombie is a team of talented artists discover four stories to show you another side of the scariest creatures of the film industry [Music] i've been shot on the street stabbed in prison been a victim of a slashing twice actually dead in the morgue died in a supermarket from overeating my name is ali murhi i am a actor and i have played a dead body on several occasions the director usually tells you to hold still try your best to hold your breath it's good to slow your breathing down beforehand kind of like yoga or meditation [Music] played a corpse in the morgue on law and order laying down on cold metal while you know you're practically wearing nothing is it it's bone chilling to say the least you can take short breaths but they still don't want to see your chest going up and down at a distance they're like wait a second you sure that guy's dead back there he's breathing whenever you end up dying on camera or playing dead on camera it brings you to another emotional state normally people don't think if i was shot or stabbed what would i do but once you're there and you're playing it it's kind of a little traumatic you feel bad for people when you see real people get hurt you take it in a different you know you see it in a different way you know my kids watch it sometimes and they're like dad you're dead they killed you like no i'm here with you now i'm okay [Music] people ask me this you know from my day jump isn't what you do tedious as a stop-motion animator you're very conscious of time and of incrementally moving a three-dimensional object bit by bit by bit mad god is a stop-motion film that i've been kind of making for like the last 30 years there's nothing stopping me from continuing doing it you know forever [Music] when i was five years old in 1955 i saw king kong on television as a stupid kid i was just enthralled by hollywood monsters and that was really the thing that kind of kindled my appetite subsequently over the years i have worn many hats in the motion picture racket i've been involved with star wars the robocop series jurassic park starship troopers on and on one of the things that gives me a lot of pleasure is is to make something but the day job has certain requirements to it over the years those requirements have become a lot more limiting the mad god project allowed me to just make this more pure thing that was kind of a form of therapy for me as an antidote to my day job it's a combination of live action and stop-motion miniature sets in layers like a collage for lack of a better term it's a passion project and things keep getting deeper and darker and hotter there are imaginary cities that are built out of iron ingots there's like strange jungles that you go through there's this huge dystopic post-industrial nightmare city and it just goes on and on and on exactly anything that i can think of inherent in it there's a level of surprise that i i think you know for me is very childlike kind of a thing i shoot here at my studio in berkeley it's stocked with all kinds of stuff for all kinds of different electronic projects woodworking projects lights cameras so it's a huge toy box all of the characters in that god are built by me the process begins with the articulated skeleton and that's made by ball and socket or hinge joints that allow you to move the characters incrementally one frame at a time and then i just wrap lengths of polyurethane foam and build up the general mass from there i will take latex skins adhere them with rubber cement paint the thing and it's ready to shoot when you're actually shooting a stop-motion scene you project into the character and sometimes it can get very complicated you are always gauging acceleration and deceleration weight and mass and then that kind of leads to but you know what what would make it better for me this whole process is more of a compulsion i really have no say over it's just something that i i have to do you know i've been doing it so long it's i i breathe i live and breathe in this world it's all i think about when it comes to horror movies there's an actor who is so good at his job his performances stay with you like a nightmare he just can't wake up from but trust us he's a really nice guy could you give us a club let's go i'm javier boutet and i'm an actor and javier's been in a lot of movies you probably just didn't see him because well he looks quite different most of the time i feel very comfortable in monster roles i've been in it mama country in two greens some peak slender man and let's not forget he's been in the mummy and alien too i'm very skinny i'm 2 meters tall and 56 kilograms it's not a problem of eating because i love to eat it's a personal condition is call it a marfan syndrome javier's career started when he met a prosthetic makeup teacher in madrid this led to javier's first monster role in the movie beneath still waters that was my first makeup my first work in a real movie and well after that all the makeup artists start seeing my work and start proposing me in other roles last year i've been working in eight or nine different shows there's gotta be some behind the scenes gossip then yeah well i i was in queensland peak i was out of all the makeup and i was the last day with guillermo del toro and i say tom hiddleston and i said okay see you was a pleasure and he said who are you so i say i i was your ex-wives okay okay sorry i didn't recognize you but don't pigeonhole this guy he might be a monster most of the time but he's got dramatic range okay guys you ready really love what you do because it's going to be hard and long journey be prepared you never know what's going to happen don't be shy don't let the fear paralyze you so relax you know what i mean if i can ask for something i loved i would love to be a big sith i will rule the galaxy was our first feature a point break did we do that before drummers not officially yeah right so as a company tremors would be the first technically the first feature i guess i don't know someone should google that [Music] i would like to introduce you to tom woodruff jr who is the co-founder of amalgamated dynamics i'd like to introduce you to alec gillis he's the co-founder of adi home of the oscar-winning creature effects team when people think of practical effects creatures you think of non-computer generated characters we've been lucky to be involved with some of the biggest and best of those types of monsters we did the worms and tremors we did the fat makeups on tim allen in the santa claus all the practical animals in jumanji we've done the alien we've done the predator starship troopers i wasn't done you can keep going buddy and of course there's always the gorilla cut right now that's perfect right there now we cut putting the gorilla costume [Music] we started performing our own creatures because we both had this sort of uh observation of stuntmen despite their talents and their skills them going into a creature suit and not really knowing how to make a creature suit work it would be very weird for us to just say we're going to build something and then bring it to set and say now what are you hungry you want some food are you hungry if you're a digital animator you build the character and you follow through and you make it move and you bring it to life so that's our philosophy is the final step is performance because that's where it lives you want to try a little tiny piece here go ahead go ahead what do you think you want some more you hey hey he's listen listen i can get you fresh bread i can i can get you fresh bread tremors is an example of a film that was from the pre-digital era and if you look at it the practical effects they've stood the test of time and we're proud of that digital effects can do things that we can't possibly do practical effects have a presence to them that even the best cgi work gets close to but doesn't completely achieve in other words there's more emotion i believe to a practical creature than to a digital creature wave to the camera and say goodbye bye bye [Music] he's so temperamental hey everybody my name is drew bibi and i'm here in my terrible home studio that i've made during quarantine and i wanted to tell you about our new podcast called great big story it's got more surprising and delightful stories just like this one so head over to apple podcast to spotify wherever you get your favorite podcasts and download great big story
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 103,172
Rating: 4.9437451 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, New Releases, Great Big Reels, Weird & Fun Knowledge, weird, fun knowledge, visual effects, hollywood, monsters, Tremors, Alien 3, Starship Troopers, behind the scenes, Oscar-winning, TV show, Law & Order, special effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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