Storage Wars Moments That Left The Audience Shocked!

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hey there and welcome back to the channel in today's video we're gonna be going over 9 storage wars moments that left the audience shocked number 9 darrell Sheets is Holy Grail top of the wine the hard-to-get spawn toys that right there is about another $400 box risky ventures are nothing new to darrell Sheets she's proved his luck when he struck gold did again by uncovering a storage unit that was stuffed to the brim with mint-condition comic book memorabilia the gamblers $2,700 investment was worth every penny he struggle can only be termed as comic book Kevin the Holy Grail toys as they contain an endless supply of GI Joes Hot Wheels and a whole host of other collectible dolls toys and about 3000 books which sheets valued at $10 apiece the total kept rising to $90,000 talk about gamblers luck books here so if I just go ten bucks apiece its $30,000 right there this locker just goes number eight rene nezhoda is a videogame fine I'm so excited I'm gonna give you guys a little back start were you going to come wait wait where you going over here the first episode of season 10 featured another huge payday this time going to bidder rene nezhoda who landed the Locker for a meager $1500 nezhoda came across a seemingly endless collection of video games video games and even more video games the collection filled up a large Locker and it was clearly assembled by a collector who knew their stuff throughout the very long process of adding up the seemingly endless collection it quickly became clear that this wasn't just a massive pile of surplus with no duplicates in the mix the dusty pile contained everything from rare Sega Genesis games to a copy of the NES game Bubble Bobble part 2 that was worth several hundred dollars on its own after the appraisal the entire stash was valid at close to a whopping sixty six thousand dollars earning nezhoda a small fortune the storage unit we bought and also want to show you some more stuff we have you can see I already have several videos up of the different video games we found I'm trying to break it man number seven Rene's antique jackpot English hunting scenes easily 300 us flowerpots 125 bucks is a $60 bill for you put it on it after a bidding war with dave hester rene nezhoda and his wife casey managed to win another locker that netted them an immense profit the couple discovered that the locker is chock full of incredibly valuable items that were in from a grandfather clock in mint condition to a set of silverware that was easily worth at least two grand along with an oil canvas painting worth $8,000 more exotic pieces were found all valued at a minimum of $50,000 Rene and has since claimed that it was the best purchase of his life all the stuff is hand-painted $200 of this one look at this piece oh my god number 6 Berry's model grand piano looking for precious artifacts he's German this guy's thoroughly gonna confuse everybody there he's there right now Barry Weiss known as the collector was a staple of the show during its early seasons the retired antique collector was always entertaining to watch as he made his bids took his chances and often fell flat on his face but every once in a while wise would find something worthwhile as was the case back in season 1 in the episode an oddball Locker was opened up that seemed to be filled with nothing more than salon equipment apparently dead set on opening up his own barber shop why snapped up the unit for 275 dollars when he got inside though he was surprised to find a 1928 Marshall and Wendell piano valley between ten and twelve thousand dollars netting White's a nice profit of eleven thousand six hundred and twenty five dollars okay sixteen hundred normally I'd hold out for more but I'm already up six fifty on my German diversion Locker number five jarrod and brandi's Locker hopefully these naked ladies are worth some money it looks like Frank art 1927 these are actually highly collectible it had not been a good day for storage wars power couple brandi passante and jarrod schulz they thought to hit the jackpot when they purchased the locker for two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars but after taking a look at the contents Jarrod instantly assumed they'd made a big mistake however just when they're out of luck they found a set of green naked lady bookends and lamps in a crosser drawer the Arthur von Frankenberg mixed metal bookends and lamps ended up getting the couple another $2,900 bring the lockers total worth about three thousand eight hundred and forty dollars that looks like something I made look at that number for Daryl's art collection this unit was purchased way back in season three by none other than Darrel sheets he spent a mere three thousand six hundred dollars on a locker that looked interesting but not particularly special imagine the big shock surprise when he discovered that it was home to a whole slew of paintings by Frank Gutierrez when the proud new owner brought in an art expert to price the stash out he was amazed to find out that the whole collection was worth upwards of $300,000 it remains one of the largest storage units finds on record I was hitting so big it was like bein an effing rock star number three Kevin's shark-tooth I hope that's Donnell speech for Megillah bucks so how old is this teeth these are probably about 20 million years old Kevin from storage wars Miami scored a major payday when he found a 20 million year old fossil a shark tooth in one of his units the six and a half inch shark tooth belonged to a Megalodon and much to Kevin's delight netted him a Jurassic payday thanks to its size and condition after evaluation it was discovered that the shark tooth was worth $2,000 this proved to be among one of Kevin's most profitable number two Mary's candleholder midway through season three of the spin-off show storage wars Texas Mary Padian stumbled into an interesting find over which she and her partner Jenny grumbles got into a bit of a disagreement the item in question it was an antique Kendall maker with grumbles wanting to pop it on a shelf and sell it for 50 bucks Padian wasn't about to accept that kind of petty cash she took a dupe kennel shop where the seller praised the little unit at an impressive 1,400 dollars at the least the best came at the end of the scene when the show's producers revealed to Jenny how much painting had made from the candle maker everybody knows great things come in small packages hello number one Ricky and Bubba's gold gun what do you think I can tell by the holster right now it looks old look at that that's very nice mr. colt 18 in the storage wars Texas episode Raiders of the Lost Ark onna Ricky and Bubba were excited to have found an antique gold gun upon bringing the gun to an appraiser that duo learned that it was a Colt 18-49 get it back to the 1860s the gun featured a faint engraving on the cylinder that depicted a Texas Ranger and Indian fight scene the 150 year old gun ended up being valued at about $25,000 thanks to its model and age 160 years old there's a scene engraved on the cylinder it's really faint and that's all for now stay tuned for more exciting content when we return and again don't forget to Like and subscribe for more episodes
Channel: Film Trip
Views: 137,656
Rating: 4.5340657 out of 5
Keywords: movie, tv show, education, entertainment, list, most amazing, storage wars, storage wars finds, storage unit, buy and sell, profit, money, business, finance, auction, storage rooms, auctioneer, aetv, storage wars full episodes, luxury, most expensive, most insane, funny, crazy, storage wars cast, brandi passante, dave hester, darrell sheets, jarrod schulz, laura dotson
Id: z8LtblZjnqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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