STOP WASTING YOUR TIME | The Most Powerful Life Advice Of Successful People 2024

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[Music] when we're constantly looking at our phones the only input you're getting is input from other people and sometimes that's good sometimes you get good stuff out of that but it's like a diet of only fruit imagine you read 1 hour a day about history how much you will learn after 365 hours in one year think about if you study about the history of musicians of composers how much you would know imagine if you will work on a business on some business that you want to develop every day for an hour imagine how further along you will go and get so it drives me nuts because we have when people say we don't have the time we have 24 hours a day see if you want to be more productive you need to become a master of your minutes you need to become a master of your time discipline equals Freedom our ultimate goal is to be more productive tomorrow than we were today now is the time for you to stand up now is the time for you to make your mark now is the time for you to say I'm ready I'm ready to be a young leader I'm ready I'm ready to take the next step I want you to get sick and tired of failing over and over again I I I want you to get mad yeah I want you to get so mad that you start studying like you've never studyed before there's no excuses there's no days off it doesn't happen so because of that you're like you're not scared you know that you can keep doing it you know that you can continue to perform [Music] tick tock tick tock we've all heard the sound of a clock have you ever stopped to think about what it means there are two fixed points in your life birth and death and what happens in between that's under your control it's the only thing under your control now we have no idea what the distance between birth and death is going to be and you've heard the story so many times somebody gets really bad news they find out they've got lifethreatening cancer they've only got a few months to live they quit their job sell all their possessions and go volunteering in a far off country giving back to other people spending time with the people important to them and spending time doing the things that really matter the [Music] most so why is it that we wait for such a massive moment for us to take Massive Action what if you could change everything today what if you could change everything in an instant right now watching this video on YouTube on your phone or your laptop or wherever you are what if change could happen I don't care how good you are I don't care how talented you are I don't care how much you work on yourself there are some times when things aren't going to go right they just are not going to go right there are times when anything that can happen will happen Murphy's Law will be knocking at your door why I don't know why that's called life and you have to deal with it sometimes your life will be in a slump just like sports some of the best Shooters can't hit baskets different times in games they get in a slump do they sit on the sideline and say you know I just did hit a basket today no they continue to execute I suggest to you that if you are facing a challenge don't stop stay busy work your plan continue to do those things that you know that work for you after you have evaluated yourself in the situation continue to move move stay busy stay busy stay busy repeat after me help somebody and help yourself because what you give you is what you get is what you get find somebody that you can help so you can forget about you for a moment see sometimes the best thing to do is to be sometimes you have to just back up and go within yourself and I think there's a simple thing that you need that we hear again and again in these motivational speeches and it's a simple word but it's misunderstood and it's belief if you're going to really change the first thing that you have to move from an opinion to a belief and a belief into a conviction is that you are the one that can change you are the one that is responsible for who you are where you are in life right now the things that you do the things that you don't do that you know that you should the things that you have become the person that you've become and as a result the things that you have and there's all kinds of things going on right now there's all kinds of thoughts going on right now there's all kinds of feeling but amidst all of those things amidst the Sea of confusion that you might feel let me ask you a very simple question a very basic question do you believe that you have the power to [Music] change time is all we have this moment right now there's only one thing in our lives that we're never able to reacquire once it's gone and I'm not talking about money I'm not talking about material items I'm talking about time and it's such unique concept unique idea because when utilized correctly it contains the ingredients to success to happiness to growth Prosperity all the things we want but at the very same time if neglected it leaves us with very little because the truth is every morning when you wake up you are living minutes you will never get back you were breathing air you will never take in again it is your one opportunity to embrace this gift and every second sees a little of it slip away and my point is that there is no moment more important more perfect than right now not in a week not after your promotion not in 30 years when you plan to retire and relax right now see we have have this mentality that the future is going to somehow mean more than the present that if we suffer now or if we're unhappy now that we'll save the best in life for some other time but the reality is we don't get younger yes we should be working hard absolutely success comes from effort hard work dedication persistence but the key is allocate your precious time to the work to the things that make you feel like today is powerful that right now is so amazing you don't want it to end today is when you take the first step towards the things you want when you become who you want to become no one is ever or will ever keep you from that other than yourself there is no ceiling there is no limitation there is no special requirement there is you and what you allow yourself to accomplish you are the gatekeeper you have your foot on the gas pedal and it's so easy to point to others right to point to our environment to blame things on everything but our own decision our decision to stick to the status quo because believe it or not it is that simple you are where you are because that's where you've decided to be and you've accepted that as okay look if you want ch change then manufactur change create a plan and move go transform step out of your head and into the real world think about how lucky we are to be alive in this day and age with access to all the information we could ever dream of technology that enables growth freedom to pursue any path that looks appealing anything we could ever want is right in front of us yet we don't embrace it why why in the world would we let that be nothing is more important in life than living it nothing makes us feel more energized more free more happy than following the path we were meant to take it's Having the courage to step over the obstacles to face the challenges to be uncomfortable and at the beginning it's tough right change is tough getting what you want isn't easy there's a period of struggle of growth but once you get through it you understand what living really is which brings us right back to the concept of time our small existence on this planet the greatest gift a human being can receive You by default have it don't ever let it be in vain the future isn't when happiness someday occurs it's a continuation of you living every every moment to the fullest from now until your last make every trip around the Sun better than the previous never let a moment of sunshine clouds or rain deprive you of your gift be the best version of yourself you can be live the life you were meant to live all it takes is a simple [Music] decision so when you imagine the change that you want to create in your life the person that you know you want to be that you should be based on the resources and ideas that you have what is stopping you what's stopping you from waking up early what's stopping you from creating good habits what's stopping you from cutting people out of your life that you know no longer serve you that clock it's always ticking and one day it won't you'll be met with silence and this journey it will end and at that moment when people look at your gravestone when they come to your funeral what is it that you want them to remember you for what kind of impact and Legacy do you want to leave behind through the lesson that that is your life and are you really living that lesson every single day stop waiting for tomorrow stop waiting for the perfect moment and start now start believing start dreaming and create the life and the person that you really want to see cuz like I said at the beginning tick tock TI talk people that are hungry are willing to do the things the day others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have to have a special life you have to do special things and that usually means putting in the work and loving it no one is going to create the future that you want for you we get one opportunity to come this way we get one shot we got one life to live life is too short to make excuses I want you to close your eyes and visualize your dream I I need you to get out of your comfort zone if we all woke up ordinary we all off to the same start you've decided that you're not going to allow the events the things the people life determine who you become it is a decision that you have to make within yourself no one is responsible for that stop waiting to feel like it stop waiting until you see it failure is only permanent if you choose not to get back up and what what you do today will determine your future and I'm asking you what do you see in the future for you what brought you here today what caused you to get up you're closer than you've ever been before you have to do me a favor those 15 minutes are not worth the rest of your life it's not easy but it's worth it you woke up this morning to chase your dream until you catch it you're going to have to sacrifice who you used to be when you want to sleep you have to wake up so don't run from difficulty run to it because it's always darkest before the dawn Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday give it 120% now is your time now is the time time where the talking is done now now is the moment where where you got to make a decision and the decision is simply this are you ready to take the next step listen no more stressing that's it I'm not about to let you stress anymore the stress about graduating is over the stress about that paper you got to write the stress about the new coming year the stress about going to school the stress about the grades we not I'm not about to let you stress no that stress is over now is the time for you to stand up now is the time for you to make your mark now is the time for you to say I'm ready I'm ready to be the young leader I'm ready I'm ready to take the next step now it's time for you to get fueled up yeah I want you to get mad I want you to get sick and tired of being sick and tired I want you to get sick and tired of being average I want you to get sick and tired of failing over and over again I I I want you to get mad yeah I want you to get so mad that you start studying like you've never studied before I want you to get so mad that you go ahead and buy some books I want you to get so mad that you grab a tutor I want you to get so mad that you start to do your homework like you've never done your homework before I want you to get so mad I need you to get fueled up I need you to get fired up are you ready are you ready because now is your time I know you've been waiting for everything to line up perfectly and you've been waiting for the right teachers you've been waiting for the right school and you've been waiting for the right classmates you've been you've been you've been waiting for the right time n n no no no no you're not waiting for the perfect time you making it the perfect time you're not waiting for the perfect time you going to make it the perfect time you don't need a perfect class for you to do what you got to do you don't need the perfect teacher for you to succeed you don't need the perfect classmates for you to overcome you you don't need to be in the perfect setting nah nah even when it's not perfect you going to make it why cuz you're fueled on the [Music] inside I know you think think it's painful to work this hard but let me tell you something it's painful to fail I know you think it's painful to have to study this long but it's also painful to not graduate it's painful when you know that you got to say no to stuff and no to some parties and no to some social media no to some TV in order to accomplish a long-term goal but guess what it's also painful when you fail and don't make it and can't get a job and then get your diploma and you got to repeat this thing no and you got to decide today that I want the pain of success more than I want the pain of failure I know it's painful every time you got to make a sacrifice but I'm telling you the pain of success is better than the pain of failure and now is the time for you to make a decision on what pain you want what pain you want do you want the pain of not making it or do you want the pain of making it do you want the pain of not succeeding or do you want the pain of success now is the time for you to decide and I'm here to tell you that the beginning of your story may be painful maybe the beginning of your story isn't great maybe you was a horrible student last year maybe maybe you was a failing student maybe you're the one who's get kicked out of class yeah I'm talking to you you know who I'm talking to go ahead you know it's you you just get kicked out of class they used to call you the class clown maybe the beginning of your story you couldn't read that well or you didn't know how to do math that well maybe there was a a particular class that you felt like you couldn't make it past yeah yeah maybe the beginning of your story comes hardship maybe the beginning of your story was rough but I got good news for you there's another chapter and the next chapter is going to be your best chapter I said the next chapter is going to be your best chapter because the next chapter you getting ready to write something new the next chapter it will say happily ever after your next chapter is going to be better than your last chapter because it's not about how you start it's about how you finish how you going to finish what are you waiting for what are you waiting for are you waiting for somebody to tell you to go all right here I go go what are you waiting for are you waiting for a bell to ring okay can't hear this ding ding ding ding ding what are you waiting for what are you waiting for I'm ready I dare you to write that put it somewhere in some comment put it somewhere say I'm ready I'm ready to build a legacy I'm ready to make my Mone Mark I'm ready to do this for my family I'm ready to do this for my mother I'm ready to win from my father I'm ready to make my last name bigger than my first name I'm ready to make history I'm ready to do something nobody's ever done before I'm ready to speak to Every Mountain in my way and tell that mountain to get out my way I'm ready to make a difference I'm ready to do something in my community I'm ready to be the leader in my neighborhood I'm ready to study I'm ready to finish these papers I'm ready to get this diploma I'm ready to be educated I'm ready I dare you right now just to say I'm ready it's my moment it's my time I'm not just hyped up I'm informed and transformed and ready to do something that nobody ever thought I could [Music] do people may doubt you but I'm not worried about people doubting me teachers may even doubt you but I'm not worried about teachers doubting you friends May doubt you but I'm not worried about your friends doubting the the problem is when you doubt you that's what I'm worried about who doubt you I'm worried when you doubt you because when you doubt you you can't get nothing [Music] done it drives me crazy when people say they don't have enough time to go to the gym for 45 minutes a day and work out or to do something for 45 minutes to an hour a day to improve if it is physically improved or if it is mentally to improve imagine you read 1 hour a day about history how much you will learn after 365 hours in one year think about if you study about the history of musicians of composers how much you would [Music] know imagine if you would work on the business and some business that you want to develop every day for an hour imagine how further along you will go and get so it drives me nuts because we have when people say we don't have to time we have 24 hours a day we sleep 6 hours a day so it gives you still 18 hours and there's someone shaking their head out here in front to say probably I don't sleep 6 hours I sleep 8 hours right but just sleep faster so we have 18 hours a day the average person Works around 8 to 10 hours so let's assume it's 10 hours so you have 8 hours left then you travel around an hour a day maybe 2 hours a day so now you have still 6 hours left so what do you do with the 6 hours what you do with the 6 hours then we eat a little bit then we smoo a little bit talk a little bit to people and all that stuff but you can see how much time there is available if you organize your day so you got to work hard I mean let me tell you something when I went to America I went to college I went and worked out 5 hours a day and I was working on construction because in those days in bodybuilding there was no money we didn't I didn't have the money for food supplements or anything so I had to go to work so I worked on construction I went to college I worked out in the gym and at night from 8:00 at night to 12: midnight I went to acting class four times a week say I did all of that there was not one single minute that I wasted and this is why I'm standing here today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how did you get your mindset into this Alter Ego to be comfortable being black mama I switch my mind to something else switch my mode into something else right for me it's the equivalent of Maximus desmas Meridius and Gladiator picking up the dirt smelling the dirt is go time you got to put yourself in that cage when you're in that cage you are that character right so that was my mental switch it was like an actor getting ready for a film you got to put yourself in that cage when you're in that cage you are that character then when you leave there it's something completely different but when I'm in that cage bro don't touch me don't talk to me leave me alone the definition of work what is the definition of work activity involv in mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result working hard is the cost of Entry of winning you know nobody on Earth that's made it that didn't work hard there's a point in time where you have to absolutely get up and stand on your own two feet and say this is the way in which I want to leave my impact on the world every day trying to be better and trying to improve yourself by 1 or 2% fulfill things set yourself a couple of tasks do or die task a day get them done feel better move on to the next scene me this is work I don't know your vision I don't know your mission I don't know what you want to be I don't know who you want to be I don't know how big you want to build I don't want know how big of a legacy you want to leave I don't know your vision I don't know your standards I want to take calculated risk to dream and to build to fail and to succeed for us to set goals and not achieve them it's on us there has to be a burning desire inside of us to do more be more and become more I heard someone once say that greatness is within you but it's dormant is bottled up just waiting for the moment to unleash and show the world how great you really are yeah you got to lead by example you got to show them and that's what I tried to do so think of your first week classes as your opportunity to establish positive momentum it was an everyday process and trying to figure out strengths and weaknesses I I don't want anybody to be able to say well he's not willing to do the work so everything I saw whether it was TV shows whether it was books I read people I talk to everything was done to try to learn how to become better everything everything and so when you have that point of view then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft imagine if you wrote it down you knew you were going to achieve it imagine if there was no procrastination in the things that we do imagine for a moment if you were someone who went out and executed on the things that you said you were going to do because self-commitment is something that you absolutely have written on your heart like what if we were the people who absolutely operated on the words that we told [Music] ourselves you know you want to be a little bit better in some way tomorrow than you are today but it's not going to be in a linear path again these go through cycles of stress and Recovery if you're doing your best if you're really laying it out there there's nothing nothing more you can do I'm just I'm doing my best and there's nothing nothing more than that the simple thing is this see if you your joy your sadness your happiness your misery is determined by something or somebody around you the chances of you being joyful in your life is remote for every one of you your life is precious isn't it it's a precious life if something is precious where do you want to invest this life into what do you want to invest this precious life if this is a worthless life throw it somewhere if this is a precious life what do you want to invest this life into if you look at it this way you will find something truly worthwhile to do if you think in terms of how to earn a living how to get this kind of thing that kind of thing then you will do something silly that you will regret for the rest of your life most people are a regret that's why they're going around joylessly because they're not doing what they want to do they are not creating what really matters to them they're doing something for a living earning a living is not a big deal for a human being Every Creature every worm insect bird animal is earning their living isn't it so with such a big brain what is a big deal about earning a living see your ability to do things is not because you want to do things I want to do something is my desire desire is just an intention an intention won't make things happen unintentional will only set Direction Still you have to make the [Music] journey we become too goal oriented goal oriented means we are interested in the consequence but we are not interested in the process process is an end in itself if you are absolutely devoted to the process something will come out but now we are interested in the consequence not in the process this goal orientedness I want to get there I want to get there no I want to win the race see if you treat Life as a race if you have to win it you have to get to the Finish Line soon you want to if you get to the Finish Line ahead of all these people you won the race you know what the finish line is we'll be negotiating where to bury [Music] you I need you to live every day like there's no tomorrow it's possible that you're just one decision away from your breakthrough the sacrifice like there is no tomorrow there is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living so my question for you is what are you waiting for live like there's no tomorrow and we're waiting for these perfect conditions and we keep thinking that perfect is coming tomorrow perfect doesn't come to you I'm going to do it tomorrow I don't feel like doing it right now I don't feel like thinking again I don't feel like writing it down again I don't feel like reading it again I don't want to talk about it I'll do it tomorrow let me tell you something if you wait until you ready you might be waiting the rest of your life no more tomorrows [Music] no more excuses no more I can't because no more I'm too tired no more it's too hard no more I'm not good enough in spite of everything that is happening in your life right now you are still here and that means that you have another opportunity to create the life you desire [Music] and so it doesn't matter how slow you're going as long as you're going just get started I have to execute I have to give it everything I have like I know there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow if you hear my voice turn the TV off get up put that pen the paper and start executing wallowing in misery saying it's not the perfect time saying you're not ready yet not believing in you stop waiting to feel like it everyone has the same amount of hours in a day but some people waste their time While others maximize their time even if you have to take a break just don't stop someday I'll do this someday I'll do that well that day is today no more tomorrow this is my only opportunity we have today it's never too late to be what you might have been don't put your future into someone else's hands you're not going to feel the process all the time you're not going to see it some days you're not going to want to write about it you're not going to want to talk about it you're not going to want to think about it you're going to have migraines thinking about the sacrifices that are required to get to this next level but just don't stop What If today was the day that success had your name written on it procrastination is the thief of destination today I want to remind you that you are not average I want to remind you that you have what it takes all you have right now is today so give it your all you've got this you missed the energy there are no more tomorrows and you have to live like today is the last day that you have a chance to achieve the things that you want to achieve today not tomorrow stop looking back at what happened yesterday don't let that deter you no Fe here no doubt no reservation see success is reserved for you so what's your hesitation so if you've been doubting yourself stop if you've been doubting your abilities stop if you've been putting yourself down stop because doubt is the enemy of progress you can get to a place in your life where you are so tired that you can hardly move they said if you look up you can get up and you can be so fragmented so beat up that you can't even open your eyes and so every opportunity that comes every person that comes every Wind of Change that blows your response is I do it tomorrow when I'll do it tomorrow he can wait it can wait and that's because we've lost the urgency see tomorrow is promised to no one but you already knew that this is your life I need you to own it it's got to start right now this very moment you got to be willing to put in the work when you feel like it and you've got to be willing to put in the work when you don't feel like it you've got to be willing to show up when you feel confident and you've got to be willing to show up when you're feeling uncertain my future ain't at the game My Future Ain't at the mall my future was in me giving every else on my soul every else on my being everything I got no more tomorrows give everything you got today there is absolutely no tomorrow that needs to be your new mindset that needs to be your new mantra I need you to get it through your thick skull no one knows what will happen tomorrow but today you have to achieve more than you did yesterday so take action today go after your dreams today get out of your comfort zone today come on you got to stop overthinking like you're thinking this thing you're thinking yourself out of it and you're negotiating your path out of this obligation this opportunity this moment in time where you could really become something really accomplish something we've got to get to the place where we have non-negotiables like yo I'm not I'm not negotiating myself out of this this is not a conversation I'm available for I'm not going to keep thinking myself out of Destiny out of purpose out of connection I don't have time I'm completely unavailable and every single day I'm living like it's my last I'm putting it all on the table we all have those moments when we want to quit when we want to throw in a towel where we don't see the end game and the target is not clear and we want to travel down the road of least resistance because it's in our nature to be attracted to what is convenient what is familiar what is ordinary but if you're listening to me then you're already walking in a competitive Advantage because you have a hunger and you have a desire to listen to something that's going to personally develop you and get you to a place that you've never been and so if you can hear my voice it's time to stretch it's time to press it's your time it's your turn to reach higher to LEAP farther to run faster to try again I need you to bottle that up because it's that feeling right there that's going to move you when you don't feel like moving it's that feeling right there that's going to get you up when you don't feel like getting up I need you to do yourself a huge favor and adopt the mindset that you are going to get 1% better each and every day he and don't stop until you proud of yourself and don't stop until your mama is proud of you and don't stop until your daddy is proud of you and don't stop until your professor is proud of you and everybody in their family is proud of you someday at some point in your life you're going to be able to look back and say man I'm so glad I didn't quit 1% better every day let 1% turn into 2% 2% turn into 3% 4% turn into 5% % 5% turn into 10% 10% turn into 20% and you keep going and going and going and let that compound and watch you will have a Billionaire's mindset you will live like others can't live you'll be able to do what others can't do somebody somewhere believes in you even if they're not close to you somebody is rooting for you to keep going somebody is hoping that you don't quit they are believing that you will be the Difference Maker the game changer in your family you don't have what it takes there is more left in your tank your future is worth fighting for the moves that you are making are going to impact the lives of so many people that are depending on you to continue so you got this you can't quit we think the results are the thing that needs to change but it's actually the process behind the results like what is the difference between eating a burger and fries for lunch or eating a salad not a whole lot on any given day your body looks basically the same in the mirror the scale hasn't really changed it's really easy to dismiss it in your mind and say oh this is kind of insignificant but you know you turn around two or 5 or 10 years later and you realize oh wow those daily choices really did add up it's just much harder to see on a granular basis the cost of your good habits is in the present and the cost of your bad habits is in the future and the fact that we prioritize the present over the future ends up making a lot of habit change difficult for that reason maybe you can make an adjustment sometimes we got to make adjustments sometimes we need to rest recover and recharge so we can try again success isn't overnight it's when every day you get just a little bit better than you were the day before I promise no no no I [Music] guarantee all of the Winds add up and that adds up to you living a life of your dreams that adds up to you arriving at your desired destination of Next Level greatness keep striving we've got to get into this space of Grace where we we are pacing ourselves and we're honoring our journey and we're honoring the people that have been planted in our lives we're taking a scrupulous investigative approach to our friends and our places and our acquaintances and our Associates and our collaborations and everything that we're listening to and everywhere we are going and what we are building and let me tell you something you already know there are enough people who have not believed in you there are enough people who have walked away from you there are enough people who told you you don't have what it takes you don't measure up you will not finish don't be the weapon that is formed against you there are enough people that are counting you out there are enough people that are saying you can't finish do not join them it doesn't matter how broken how weary and devastated you are right now that pain will not last forever at some point it will subside and when it does discipline resilience fire passion power will take his place so keep going because it's all worth it you are strong enough to shut down those negative voices each and every time they attack you you are strong enough to shut down that negative thought process each and every time it attacks you so the question question is how do you eat an elephant and the answer is one bite at a time so the question is how do you win in your game of life and the answer is 1% better each and every day you just got to keep compounding those winds to get busy living while so many many others made the choice to get busy giving up that's exactly why they can't live up to your standards you set your bar high and if anybody wants to be on your level you don't reach down and grab them you make them climb up and meet you your mindset is elevation your mindset is graduation your mindset is high Plateau your mindset is next level living and that means you're giv every answer your soul 1% better each and every day so don't make a decision today that you will regret in a year or two don't be fooled by the way things appear the truth is that even when it feels like nothing is happening the seeds that you've sewn over the last few years are still working for you all of the sacrifices that you made up until this point are not in vain so this is not the time to focus on what you don't have have what you do have see the victory mindset surrounds itself with good energy and wins the daily personal battles and never lets itself become Its Own Worst Enemy sometimes it's us that stops us from going to the next level sometimes it's you that stops you from going to the next level see you get to choose because your mindset was set to refuse to lose your mindset was I will win your mindset was 1% better each and every day and don't stop until I'm proud don't stop until my family's proud don't stop until I'm generating generational wealth don't stop until everybody around me is winning see the resilient mindset never gives in or concedes it makes the necessary adjustments and then executes the new plan until it succeeds I just need you to celebrate the small winds along the way always strive to be better go all in every day and be better than you were yesterday and if that's your mission if that's your mindset if that's your Mantra you can't help but dominate each and every day of your life I get it there will be moments when the spirit ain't moving you there will be moments when the spirit it ain't lifting you there will be moments when you simply don't feel like doing what you know you need to do but that's when you rewind this back and go back about 3 minutes ago because you got something bottled up because you've done this before and I need you to open that top on that bottle and pop that pill of greatness and do it anyway I know you're tired I know you're ready to quit I know what it feels like to be exasperated ated and so beat down that you can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore and if it showed up you would ignore it I know what that feels like but if you get blessed to see another day then you better Scorch the Earth with that beautiful light it is in our nature to be very disempowering pessimistic negative people I need you to wake up in this new day in this moment and sees the opportunity you are alive for a reason in the end if you're going to be fully persuaded about anything persuade yourself to keep going and the more that you influence you you will influence the world so keep going until you have won some small victory for Humanity the lifestyle you want is within reach you just have to commit to to being committed you've got to decide that nothing will stop you not even your doubts or your fears the discomfort is temporary but the skills the knowledge and the habits that you are developing right now will continue to pay off you got a choice to make my friend survival mode a thrival b it all starts with the mindset it all starts with the grind set it all starts with you just simply saying I'm going to be better than I was yesterday it all starts with you simply saying 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% you keep counting each and every day and celebrate the small wins along the way they want to see you lose I want to see you win what do you want though [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Motivation2Study
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Study Motivation, motivation, stop wasting time, stop procrastinating, study, student motivation, motivation for studying, motivation to study, motivation2study, discipline, motivation for success, study motivational video, motivational speech, best study motivation, study hard, motivational video for students, don't waste time, motivation compilation, motivational, stop wasting your time, stop wasting your time motivation, powerful life advice, successful people
Id: gBrGsdGd88s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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