NO RISK, NO STORY - Best Hopecore Motivational Compilation

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if you pan it down here you see it's about 3:00 in the morning and there's not a car or a person inide if you pan over here it's the same thing not a car or a person inight people want to know where I find my strength at where I get my strength I get it from a lot of places but right now this morning I'm getting it from there's not a mother that's up there's not a car there's not a person everybody's in their bed sleep dreading that it's a Monday hate this a Monday and I'm loving it I'm loving that where everybody's getting weaker I'm getting stronger it's not about the running the swimming the push-up up to sit-ups it's about what those things do for your mentality you don't get better on the dag on couch you get better by coming out here and getting the after it every dadone day you have not sacrificed you have not suffered you are not committed when you are committed you give everything you have what is preventing most people from moving in the direction that they want to move is a lack of discipline and no one wants to hear that answer it's the harshest answer it's actually slapped in the face because they know it's true they actually know it's true if you want to make progress in your life you got to have discipline mhm that's how you get there discipline is the root of all good qualities yeah I mean what what what are you going to get without discipline discipline equals Freedom you want freedom in your life you want to you want to achieve what it is you want to achieve how do you do that you do it through discipline you do it through hard work you know what my friend I think you're stronger than that and I think you're capable of much much more so bring it out bring it out every single day that you live on this Earth bring it out every single day that you open your eyes bring it out every single day bring out the best vers of yourself my friend because we still have work to do push through the pain understand that the pain is a necessary tool don't look at it as a bad thing look at it as a learning experience I'm not talking about the pain that's going to make you feel like you're dying I'm talking about the pain that's going to make you feel alive listen to me very closely y'all running from obstacles when in fact it's the obstacle that's going to take you to the next level like y'all running from Pain y'all running from challenges you telling me how difficult your life is do you understand it is the difficulty that's going to prepare you and take you to that next level come on right now you saying ET man you talking to me man I'm going through some type of pain I'm ready to quit and give up let me see your hand I'm ready to quit and give up let me see your hand something in life I'm ready to quit on give up on come on raise your hand High I'm ready to quit on it I'm ready to give up on it come on raise it up all right what I need you to do is I need you to find a reason to keep going and if you can find a reason to keep going I know you're strong enough to do it cuz you're human and every human has what it takes to get past whatever they going through if they decide to push through it you're going to have to move from limited beliefs and you're going to have to move into Limitless believing remember why you had to let some people go remember why you're working so hard towards this thing you're pressing you're pushing you're CLA you're dragging yourself through mud and through murky water come on remember why you're doing what you're doing it may be difficult cumbersome it may seem impossible but I'm determined be determined I don't care how hard it gets push through the pain push through the anguish push through the Brokenness do not stop I would like to know when you're in that moment [Music] failing and you have to keep going what do you say to yourself what if a lot of times I'll be in a 200 mile run or something like that and I'm all jacked up body's broken mind's broken spirit's broken I start to say what if I can pull this off it's the what if I can pull off a [ __ ] miracle what if I can can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about that I have the hair gr up on my arms cuz it makes me just like what if I can be that guy that people who called and this and that and now I'm speaking at Tom Fair's [ __ ] [Music] event what if that's it if you keep breathing past the anxiety you'll make it if you keep breathing past the fear you'll make it if you keep breathing past the trauma you'll make it if you keep breathing past the worry and down you'll make it you just got to keep breathing my friend breathe on Limitless is not about being perfect Limitless is about advancing and progressing beyond what you believe is possible I think if there's one infinite Limitless resource on planet Earth it's human capability there's no limit on our determination there's no no limit to our imagination there's no limit to our creativity it's time to bring something to the world that they never seen before if I don't move it can never be created so what I'm asking you today ladies and gentlemen how long are you going to wait I'm just wondering if you are bold enough Dearing enough if you can believe in your dream again if you can get committed if you can take it serious if you can make it personal it's personal and Har ships people judged you so many people didn't believe in you you failed at things again and again but you know what you didn't give up you kept going you pushed through kept your head held high why was you working so hard cuz you were trying to get it but it's not about your money it's not about your health it's not about your new relationship it's not even about the mystical moment it's about who you become in the process because overcoming all those limitations to become somebody else nobody can take that away from you War work work work work damn it work work work work work work work work work if I didn't have the the the coaches that push me um push me Beyond really kind of I think my own limits or my own expectations I don't think that I would have become uh the receiver that I became you work on mental callousing on a daily basis you will lose the ability to suffer in the worst of times if you come out of it for too long if you can LIF 315 lbs and you stop going to the gym for a month I guarantee you won't be able to pick the same weight up again this is the world that is in front of me and what most people do is they see this world and they look at it as an excuse to get out of it yeah I started looking at it as this is the ultimate training ground for the rest of my life mhm I have all these valuable lessons cuz if you look out in the world right now today it's not a nice place but I'm very prepared for it I grew up the day I realized you owe you Eric I remember being homeless High School drop out my daddy didn't my mama got pregnant at 17 Southside of Chicago if they just would have got together and got married and they would have been you 20 now how long you going to keep talking about your daddy you 20 come on how how long you going to be talking about your mama got pregnant at 1 you 20 you ow you Eric you owe you your mama don't owe you nothing at this point your daddy don't owe you nothing at this point you need to get that GED you need to go to college you need to handle your business are you hearing me you owe you the reason why speak with so much passion et why do you speak with so so much Authority cuz I'm talking about my life not something that I read I ate out of trash cans I had no business eating out of trash cans I lived in abandoned buildings I had no business living in abandoned buildings but ET your daddy wasn't in your life your mom was a teenage mother you you grew up come on E look at your shirt that's not an excuse there is no excuse for not living up to your fullest potential no excuse you want you know what's so funny we want people to make guarantees to us but we not willing to make guarantees to ourselves now for I'm going say it again like you somebody gave you a 30-day guarantee in 30 days you don't make what they told you was going to make in 30 days you got an attitude you want your money back but you've never demanded your money back from yourself you've never looked at yourself in the mirror and said you let you down until you get to that point you let you down you never you're not brave enough you want to put it on some somebody else the reason why I'm not successful is because of my boss have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said I'm not getting up on time I'm not going to work on time I'm not putting in 120% when I'm at work I let me down I value myself enough to give 120% or don't do it that's the problem with some of you you always want to blame other people you want to hold other people to the fire but you're not holding yourself to the fire you just said you giving 50% you owe you an explanation you owe you an explanation you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50% what's wrong with you you need to put yourself on punishment you need to tell you no more TV no more snacks no more desserts no more no we working out now no no more alcohol not right now no I can't handle it right now you need to tell you that you owe you something I'm still going to get you where they are why cuz I owe it to myself and can't nobody stop me but me and you need to get rid of them excuses and you need to stop poting fingers at people and you need start pointing fingers at yourself what did you not do I'm just saying I ain't even telling I'm not even asking you to do nothing I'm just asking you to acknowledge that you can't let it go and it's killing you I ain't ask you to take no classes or I ask you to do nothing you just it's killing you and you wake up to it and you go to sleep to it and it's killing you you can't wait for nobody else to fix you you can't wait for nobody else to mature you can't wait for nobody else to get to that part and they light you can't wait I got great things in store for you all I'm asking you to do is let this go so I can give you everything you've ever want so I can put you where you always want to be so I can put you where ior ordain you to be son I gave you a gift but I can't play like you play humans play I don't play you got to fix this it's something in your heart you made up in your mind because of the way things went down you made up in your mind to be bitter you had options you chose bitter you chose anger age now you hurting yourself you done dropped out of school you living in abandoned building son you killing yourself all my people that know me know me know like yo he been doing what he was doing but yo when he came back from there and he forgave his father he took off you're ready to let that thing go finally forever you don't know how much time you got left I'm telling you I've been there I've been there I had to drive that 700 miles to go knock on my father's door to let it go I said God why I got to go all the way down here and talk to my man why I got to ask him why I got to make it right he said cuz it's your life and you can't wait for nobody else to make it [Music] right most of y'all struggle because you don't know what you here for and you're intimidated when you see other people because you're not who you supposed to be and that's why you feel intimidated once you figure out who you are you'll walk in the room and look at anybody not down but you look up cuz you know who you are and you still walking around here taking the narrative that people said you were instead of creating your own narrative write your narrative and make it plain to yourself you hear me surround yourself with like-minded people stop hanging with people who's still talking about people you should be talking about yourself and how you trying to blow up you should be writing your vision not talking about their Vision you should be looking at your own Vision you run around here hanging with people who going to jail no you're running with people who are doing stuff that's going to take you to jail you're listening to music that talk about death somebody to happen to you if you listening to stuff that's talking about death start listening to life I'm going to tell you this story I got to get out of here probably heard about this before it was a it was a young man who you know he wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this Guru right and he told the guru you know I want to be on the same level you on and so the guru said if you want to be on the same level I'm on I'll meet you tomorrow at the beach at 4 a.m. he like the beach I said I want to make money I don't want to swim Guru said if you want to make money I'll meet you tomorrow 4:00 a.m. so the young man got there at 4:00 a.m. he already to rock and roll got on the suit he should have wore shorts the old man grabs his hand said how bad do you want to be successful he said real bad he said said walk on out in the water so he walks out into the water watch this when he walks out into the water it goes way deep he said walk a little further he came dropped his head in held him down hold him down my man get scratching holding him down just before my man was about to pass out he raised him up he said I got a question for you somebody answered a question for me he said when you were underwater what did you want to do said I wanted to breathe he told the guy he said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful and when you get to the point where all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful and I'm here to tell you number one that most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad you just kind of want it you don't want it bad than you want a party you don't want it as much as you want to be cool most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep most of you won't be successful because when you're studying and you get tired you quit don't cry to give up cry to keep going don't cry to quit you already in pain you already hurt get a reward from it don't go to sleep until you succeed listen to me I'm here to tell you today that you can come here you can jump up you can do flips you can be excited when we give away money but listen to me you'll never be successful until I don't have to give you a dime to do what you do when I went to college guys were way smarter than me 4.0 3.0 they went to the ivy league high schools came to Oakwood from these great high schools most of them are not doing what I'm doing why cuz it's not about where you come from it's about heart you come to a place where you know being smart ain't enough you got to have heart the most important thing is this to be able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you will become some of you you can make sacrifices when Monday Night Football is not on you can make a sacrifice but when the game come on for some reason you just attached to it for some of you when your favorite show come on you you can be you can make sacrifices on Sunday when ain't nothing going on but when your favorite show comes on Monday bam I'm saying to you today that there are some of you if you give up your cell phone you would be successful but your cell phone is more important to you than your [Music] success some of you need to give up your cell phone because the time you spend on on your cell phone could be used for your success the time you could be using to be successful you're using it on the sale and the cell phone is not bringing you nothing but a bill and somebody has told you you couldn't live without it I'm talking about going deep now giving up stuff to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could be you know you got to take ownership of what's going on in your life when you're not where you want to be and you say it's because the boss doesn't like you or it's because the girl treated you this way or the guy did this like all those things you got to take ownership of them and if you're blaming all these other external things you're not going to make any changes and that's going to be a problem it's then that's the problem too if you're chronically rejected by people it's often because of your own insufficiencies you know whether that's cowardice or lack of social skills or whatever it is it's like you can't just brush it off as oh well you know no one likes me but really I'm okay it's like no no wrong if everyone Rejects you there's probably something wrong and it's probably deep and difficult and it's going to be horrible to fix and so it's this isn't a trivial problem it's not a trivial problem at all Todd I'm sorry all right I screwed up I I know I screwed up I don't know why of course here it comes you can't keep doing this you can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay you need to be better but yet you're fully committed to to sabotaging yourself and your career then you sitting back stressed out and depressed wondering why why ain't things happening that's the answer I just gave it to you it's about as real as it gets the question is what are you going to do next week two weeks from now you're in your own way you you are the reason your career is not on the next level nobody else but you when you don't have a true appreciation and acceptance for who you are and you allow yourself to be immobilized by fear what happens in the process is that you begin to abuse yourself you begin to sabotage your life you begin to sabotage your dreams you begin to unconsciously work against yourself you become Your Own Worst Enemy so what do you do about that well you you begin to realize that your dream and your gifts have so much meaning and so much value for you till your hunger for them will begin to push you past the fear your hunger to have them will give you a special drive you might be sitting there wondering if you're going to wake up tomorrow and do the thing you said you would but why on Earth would you wonder this thing you're so uncertain about is literally you there's nothing in this world you have more control over than yourself but if you decide to wake up every day surrender that control to chance I guess you'll be stuck wondering Forever This disconnect between you and you is unnecessary though the pattern of hoping you fulfill the role of a better you and disobeying that desire every time is completely in your hands it is a recipe for no self-respect so there's some certainty within yourself that needs to be built that's not going to happen by accident if you look in the mirror and you ask yourself what do you have to do to be successful I promise you your heart will tell you you've never looked at yourself in the mirror said you let you down until you get to that point you let you down you've never you're not brave enough you want to put it on somebody else the reason why I'm not successful is because of my boss have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said I'm not getting up on time I'm not going to work on time I'm not putting in 120% when I'm at work I let me down you always want to blame other people you always want to you want to hold other people to the fire but you're not holding yourself to the fire you just said you giving 50% you owe you an explanation you owe you an explanation you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50% what's wrong with you you need to put yourself on punishment you need to tell you no more TV no more snacks no more desserts no more no we working out now no no more alcohol not right now not no I can't handle it right now you need to tell you that you owe you something this is you versus you most of us we live in a box and we don't want to go outside that box at all ever outside that box is all these possibilities of Life what we do is we shackle our mind we are a prisoner in our own mind that this is all I can do this is all I'm good at and we we we take away the possibilities of you could be this you could be that you can be all these things and I never thought at 300 lb I could be Navy SEAL wow so if my mind was Shackled me and you would never meet there' be no book right there' be no book right there'd be nothing so what people understand is that they live for themselves not knowing that you have the power within yourself to change millions of lives by facing Life by facing yourself if you're struggling if you're frustrated with yourself if you're at that point where you're so sick of yourself and your excuses I've been there Steven's been there this is a normal part of the human experience and at some point either the pain is going to get big enough or you're going to bump into somebody's story somewhere on this planet who has been in the position that you're in right now facing the stuff that you're facing right now and there is something about their story at this exact moment in time that will ignite something in you that is missing and what is missing in you right now is Hope if you you set your own value by what you believe about yourself if you think that you're worthless if you're not very good at it other people pick that up it doesn't matter what lifestyle you have it doesn't matter what Walk of Life you have no matter what you do if you allow excuses to tell you what to do that ultimately the excuses have more control of you than what you have of yourself so get up work hard put some effort into what you want out of life because all you have is you all you have is what you have inside don't wait for somebody to tell you what to do you know what you need to do get out there and get it done because that's ultimately what it's going to take you have to have the courage the will and everything you have inside to get to the level and Beyond the level you want to be life does not stop until they put you on the ground my friend strong mind is a catalyst for change when you see the best athletes in the world either perform really well or on the other hand completely bomb out it's because of that muscle that lives between the ears it's interesting to me that the comfortable route is seen as the safest path but the undeniable disappointment that comes from giving up the ideals of the true self doesn't seem so safe to me don't indulge in the comfort that comes before effort because that Comfort is nothing but a lie so what kinds of things what kinds of thoughts are you feeding your Consciousness what kind of things are you putting in your mind that will enable you to either move forward or to justify why you're staying where you are what really breaks my heart is how stuck people are and that there are things you can do to change your life for the better and if you don't have hope and you don't have this breakthrough where you have for just a millisecond this Insight where you go well what if things did work out if you don't have that moment most people stay so stuck in resignation so it's time to come face to face with pain look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself how much more can you take because what hurt you what what what tried to [ __ ] you and kill you only made you stronger you have the capacity to whatever comes up to handle it to face it and rather than feeling powerless you begin to feel powerful my content creators my entrepreneurs my musicians come on my keynote speakers my captains of Industries my CEOs from the captain to the cashier there is more in you stay-at-home father stay-at-home mother lawyer doctor hygienist author I don't know who you are where you're from but there's more in you you may be hurting may be dying on the inside but you still got life left your ambition if you have any sense is actually to become competent do you want to be competent and dangerous or do you want to be vague and useless it is definitely the case that there is no more exceptional form of the capacity to be dangerous than to be articulate and so it's a moral Endeavor in some real sense right to become articulate is to become the master of your own tongue every Advantage comes with a disadvantage so if you're extroverted you're social and you're positive but you're impulsive and you can tilt towards Hedonism and you can't stand being alone no matter where you land in the temperamental landscape you're going to have your Associated faults and temptations you've got a goal and you'll see that as you progress towards the goal there'll be obstacles that emerge and some of them you don't want to confront that's why it's useful to order your room chaotic room makes you anxious why too many Pathways man people don't really repress the things they don't want to face they just fail to unpack them you want a horizon of ever expanding possib we're built to walk uphill and when you reach the Pinnacle of the Hill you want to stop and appreciate the vision but the next thing you want is a higher Hill in the distance beware of unintended consequences it's like oh no this thing will just do what I want it to do and nothing else it's like no turns out that not only is what we want from each other the real thing but that's also the adventure of your life and so if you aren't truthful and that means unfortunately especially at the beginning when you start to be truthful it means deeply coming to terms with your inadequacies in humility so it's very painful without that you don't have the adventure of your life you have the role that you've acquiesced to and that'll take all the meaning out of your life it's good for you to go take your place in the world have some ambition have a vision have a goal have a strategy try to be a good person not because it's your duty precisely because that's the proper way to live you sit on the bed and say okay man I'm ready to learn something what's one thing I'm doing wrong that I know I'm doing wrong wrong that I could fix you meditate on that you'll get an answer you grow in proportion to the weight you take on voluntarily and it's also true that we have no idea what the upper limit to that is it's from the uphill climb that we derive our value and I mean this technically so almost all the positive emotion we feel especially the emotion that fills us with enthusiasm and that's experienced in relationship to a goal and so in some sense you want a goal that you never attain so you can always move closer to the goal that recedes as you move towards it you think well that's frustrating it's like sifus pushing the rock uphill but it's not because as you pursue that goal you put yourself together and your life does get better and richer and more abundant that's why the highest levels of virtue and goal are in some sense Transcendent you want them to be above everything you're doing so you can continually move towards something that's more Sublime and better that's what you are you're you're here to live not to not to sleep and the problem with the vision of my Ties on the beach is that well first of all that's a vision of of drug induced unconsciousness second it's only going to work for about a week third you're going to be a laughing stalk in a month and depressed and aimless and and goalless it's no that's not it's it's you want a horizon of ever expanding possibility and so it does happen to people is they cuz they've staked their their soul on the attainment of an instrumental goal and it it can be a pretty high order goal but then you think now I'm there now what well the answer can't be well I'm going to live in the lap of luxury and never have to leave a f what do you want to be a giant infant with a gold with a gold bottle you never have to do anything but lay in your back and suck it's like you see the problem with that as a conceptualization it's no you want to be like an active Warrior moving uphill with your sword in hand and that's that's Dynamic that's exciting people are afraid of the truth because often if you reveal it it causes conflict in the moment telling the truth is definitely an adventure seeking for sure but also telling another way of going about it is to just say what you think and see what happens that's an adventure cuz you don't know what the outcome is going to be so look there's this old idea that it's necessary to have faith in the truth and so here's here's a way of thinking about that someone asks you a question and you might think well here's the out I want and so here's how I'm going to answer that question so that's one way of approaching it but another way of approaching it is you ask me a question I'm going to think about the answer and I'm just going to tell you what I think and it doesn't matter what the outcome is because I'm willing to see what the outcome will be predicated on the idea that there isn't a better outcome than the one that truth produces even if it's harsh and terrible in the in the short term and sometimes it is it's like there isn't a better way of doing it now you might say well how do you know that the answer is well I don't know that that's why it's an Article of Faith because I believe and and I believe this deeply the being that you produce as a consequence of telling the truth is good by definition even though it's harsh and and often uncomfortable because you get in trouble one of the things that I've really learned recently or learned to articulate better is that there's a very tight relationship between aspiration and responsibility the first question might be do you need to Aspire to something and the answer is well yes because you have to do something you can't if you just sit there you'll die you can't just sit there you have to go act out in the world okay so act towards what well that's whatever your aspiration is you have to have an aim okay well what should the aim be well it should be something worth doing let's say what why do something that you don't feel is worth doing what do you think's worth doing well if you watch other people and you judge when they're doing something worthwhile you usually judge them positively if you see that they're taking responsibility at least for themselves what do you want to be completely useless so other people have to take care of you that's pretty pathetic and maybe you could get your act together so you're taking care of yourself and your family and maybe you could even do better than that and take care of yourself and your family and your community well good for you that's that's responsibility and that's an aim well here's one of the things that's cool about that is that your life doesn't have meaning without aspiration or an aim okay so you need a hierarchy of values there's got to be something at the top it's got to be something important if you don't have that your life doesn't have any meaning so if you criticize the hierarchy or even the ideas of idea of hierarchy you destroy the idea of aspiration and then people have nothing well that's not helpful people are built for a struggle and they're built for a weight and you want to take on a heavy burden voluntarily see if you can put yourself together see what you can do out in the world while you're waiting to die it's an all-in game it better be worthwhile I [Music]
Channel: MotivationHub
Views: 33,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivationhub, motivational video, motivationhub motivation, speech, success, motivational speech, motivation, motivational, inspirational, wake up, nothing changes if nothing changes, you vs you, hopecore, wake up hopecore, jordan peterson, david goggins, best motivational speech, motivational speech for success in life, hopecore compilation, hopecore clips, best hopecore compilation, hopecore motivation, what if, push past your limits, be that guy, to push past your limits, limits
Id: qz9zmjeBMIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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