After watching this, your brain will not be the same - Les Brown (motivational)

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the Sea of Galilee flows into the Jordan River and the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea now here's something about the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River they have all type of fish and plants that grow it's vibrant it's thriving with life the Dead Sea is salty and it's so salty it has high degree and density of buoyancy that that you float just something you just float automatically but there's no life in the Dead Sea that's why they call it the Dead Sea there's no life there it's an inlet but you know what it's the difference between the two and life shows us things it's not an outlet it doesn't feed into anything it doesn't give water to anything it only receives water there are a lot of people ladies and gentlemen that are takers they're inlets but they're dead they're dead inside they're not giving anything their lives are salty tasteless life non-contributing life that the walking breathing de how many you know people just take and don't give anything back these are miserable people they're miserable people to be around these takers the act of giving makes you more alive and able to sustain life see when you are going through life relentlessly seeking out what is it you're supposed to give what service are you supposed to give that you're supposed to provide that you're supposed to bring that's very important service is the rent we pay for the space we take up on Earth so decide now whatever you have whatever this is that you have in you that you're going to give and you're going to give like you've never given before why it gives your life life to give it brings out more you the more you give the more you realize you can give the more you share the more you love the more compassion you show what a time when we have homeless people the time when we have young people who have no sense of purpose and direction at a time when people are feeling powerless with all the massive off and jobless people and and there's a mean Spirit against people that are down on their luck for people now decide that regardless of what's going on in my life right now there's something I can give regardless of what's going on that I showed up to do something and I'm going to find a way to become of Greater service to humanity and greater service to life now what can you do Les when you have been telling yourself you can reach your goal and you've been affirming I am abundant I'm rich I feel better than good and better than most I'm blessed and highly favored I can make it I'm a winner and you losing every day you reading all these prosperity books you listening to all these tapes and and it ain't happening you wrote your goals down you've been concentrating on these goals you've been going out there and you have no money in your pocket you're talking about I'm a rich child of God your mind say come on give me a break who you joking what do you do when you've lost your spirit you've lost your job you lost everything life and devastated how do you do it come on come on be real man come on get a life you can't do that you can't come back that come on how do you do that here's something that Larry dangre wrote he said life is like a grindstone it can polish you or it can pulverize you depending on how you position yourself think about this goal you have I want you to think about it hard because here's what happened to that man that closed himself into the garage he didn't believe this this is some place that you can always Retreat to and be in concert with yourself see when I started working on my goal just started 5 years ago to go into a $210 billion industry had no training in that industry never did it no exposure in that industry wanting to become nationally known not a celebrity not some athlete or actor no exposure to the market but I decided here's something I wanted to do that gives my life value and meaning I love talking to people I love making people feel good and making them laugh and enjoying themselves I started out how do you stand the race less when you knock on doors and you were turned around and you lost your money lost your car had no place to stay sleeping at people houses on the floor on their couch how do you do that how do you handle the times when you were borrowing money and couldn't pay it back you felt humiliated when people you love who didn't believe in you and told you you ain't nothing how'd you fight that inner conversation how do you keep on coming back again and again you don't know what has happened to me when your life has been destroyed with drugs or alcohol or you've lost your business or lost your job or lost your home and you've been completely devastated how do you come back how can you tell me that there's a possibility I could come back oh let me tell you something all I want you to think about whatever you want to do whatever goal you have whatever dream you have it's to reclaim your health it's to have your own business to have another job to earn more money to have a better life to travel around the world to help our children to make the environment better whatever it is here's what I want you to stand on this this one statement on this Benchmark just say to yourself it's possible see if i' said 5 years ago I'm going to make five years from now $1 million in one year and I hadn't made $10,000 my mind was say that's impossible come on so I think the reason that most people don't reach their goals and many of the people that started out with me that gave up and stopped and they became frustrated they said I can do it I'm not asking you to say I can do it no don't say that no no no I don't even want you to believe you can do it no no that's not a requirement all you need to do to get out in the arena of life is to say it's possible how many of you know people who moan and groan and complain about life all the time all right they might moan and groan about their job I'm sick of this job I'm sick of you and they just moan and groan and complain all the time and never do anything about it they haven't got to the point where they're sick and tired of being sick sick and tired they just have enough energy to complain about it and they consider that in fact they believe that that's equivalent to doing something about it just complaining no that can't get you where you want to go that cannot create your reality for you the other thing that keep most people from realizing their true greatness and their true potential circumstances their environment there are many people who believe because of where they're born because of the area where they are in life and where they find themselves that's all they know given my circumstances ladies and gentlemen I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing right now see I know something about you even not knowing you that you've got greatness within you you have the ability to do things that you can't even begin to imagine you have talents and skills in you that you haven't even began to reach for yet no one could have convinced me given my circumstances given my background that I would be doing what I'm doing right now I was born in Liberty City on a floor in 62nd Street a twin brother in me when we were 6 weeks of age we were adopted when I was in fifth grade I was identified as EMR labeled educable mentally [ __ ] and put back from the fifth grade into the fourth grade and stayed in that category until I got out of high school I have no College training but here's what happened I had an intervention in my life a man who saw something in me in a time that I did not see something in myself I never forget being in his class one day waiting on a friend of mine who was there to rehearse for a play he did not not show up and he asked me to go up to the board and write something on the board and I said I can't do that sir he said why not I said I well I'm I'm in a special education class he said what do you mean go up to the board and write what I'm about to tell you I said I can't do that sir why not I'm educable mentally [ __ ] and he came from behind his desk he said don't ever say that again someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality and that changed my life it was Oliver W Holmes who said that once a person's mind is expanded with an idea or a concept it can never be satisfied to going back to where it was so some of you are going to experience a breakthrough some of you are going to go back and look at your dreams and brush them off some of you going to begin to look at yourself and say hey look here I know I have not done all that I can do when Buster Douglas was fighting with Mike Tyson and the odd makers predicted he was a bum and be out he'd be knocked out in about one or two rounds I think that after he made it to the third round he took some of Mike Tyson's best shots he said wait wait a minute hey Mike you it's possible yes maybe this next call might do it it's possible this next job in of you might be the one it's possible in spite of 27 rejections it's possible that this might be the one it's possible just maybe I can do this that's all that that puts you on the playing field you ain't got to Hype yourself and psych yourself out what it does is just keep you moving in that direction that's all I'm asking you believe that it's possible that you can make it I like what Charles Allen said he said when you say a situation a person is hopeless you're slamming the door in the face of God you're slamming the door in the face of God there's no guarantee that because somebody is now down on their luck they can never come back who can guarantee that you can't make it that you can't have your dream who can guarantee that you can't do what you want to do no one can do that no one can predict that you can't even do that you don't know what the possibilities are for your life no no no all we need to do as we look at our dreams as we get ready and hit the floor I blessed and highly favored and it's possible I can get my dream you go after that dream too don't go casually you got to go out there like you want that dream don't don't go out here like these people see you feel like you blessed you ready to get into a good fight for this dream you ready to get down for this dream you want your dream let me say I want this dream if it's convenient if I don't have any hassle if I don't have to flip through any Hoops if everything's all together if I don't have any opposition if nobody works against me if nobody tells me no if I don't run out of money if everybody loans me what I want and give me what I want and agree with me and support me I'd like to have that dream ladies and gentlemen it's not that kind of party a party getting what you want this dream you have say it's possible and don't let nobody turn you around don't let circumstances turn you around don't let hard times turn you around it's okay whatever you're experiencing you know that this too shall pass that you have the capacity and the ability to make it happen you got a sense of entitlement I deserve this and whatever I have to do in order to make it happen I'm willing to step up into face life and grab it in a collar and say give it up because it's mine most people are wimps ladies and gentlemen very tenative and they don't believe that they deserve what they want anyhow and so they convince themselves I'm not supposed to have it whatever goal that you have in mind I want that to be a goal that will challenge you something that will make you stretch it was Osborne who said unless you attempt to do something beyond that which you've already mastered you will never grow what is it that you looked at at some point in time and you decided that you couldn't do it that you talk yourself out of it Whatever It Is bring it back out there how you going to do it that will come to you in due time see you don't get in life what you want ladies and gentlemen you get in life what you are not what you want and see the good news is that we can always become more by working to develop ourselves so the first process of making this your decade you've got to begin to take a look at your life and look at where are you right now what are your strengths what are your weaknesses what gives your life a sense of fulfillment a sense of Joy what does a full rich life means to you what is it that you could love doing seven days a week that will bring a smile to your face think about that in all the areas of your life your professional life your personal life your your family life your spiritual life what is it that you'd like to have once you begin to determine that that takes you to the next step and that is once you decide what it is that you want now you've got to decide that you deserve that I deserve the best that life has to offer I deserve to find my purpose in life find your purpose do you know by actively pursuing your purpose it could perhaps extend your life the number one killer in this country of all the disease dises we have heart disease it's the number one killer and if you ask most people when is it that the majority of people have their first major heart attack some people will tell you as a result of obesity or smoking cigarettes or high cholesterol or high blood pressure and all of those are contributing factors however the truth of the matter is that most people don't realize that the majority of people suffer their first major heart attack on Monday morning between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. people getting ready to go to jobs that they don't like jobs that are making them sick you see when you're not pursuing your goal you are literally committing spiritual suicide now here's something else you must be positive see a lot of people when things don't happen when they want it to happen they become negative and they turn out and start projecting a lot of negative energy no no you've got to make a conscious deliberate determined effort to be positive because see when you know within yourself things are going to work out for you when you know within yourself that some way somehow you're going to make it these are just some of the Hoops you've got to flip through in order to get there it's okay have a friend who went to get a job and the people in hire me was so Nega they just don't have a job today if you want to reach your goal and have the Competitive Edge you've got to be hungry I was doing work for a major corporation and they were having a major downsizing just another terminology for major firings the people that were working there they approached them and said listen you are eligible for early retirement we will give give you a buyout package of $300,000 if you take it within this time frame however after this time frame when we have the down sizing you might be among the people cut and you will lose all of benefits that we're talking about right now and the most you can get is two we severance pay ladies and gentlemen only 50% of the people that were eligible took this let me tell you something if I'd been there I'd have gone to ask for your check see ladies and gentlemen life is too short trying to play safe is too short and unpredictable being miserable it's too short for that here's the thing there's no safe position in life let me tell you why it's a quiet secret that most people don't realize you can't get out of life alive hello you can't get out of life alive so there's no safe position so if you want to make this your decade you've got to decide to be bold see you got to be bold in life you got to take life on I remember I was at a major corporation I had to give a presentation and there were two guys sitting across from me and the guy said to the other fellow looking at the last two finalists and that involved my firm and their firm said listen looking at the credentials this guy doesn't have any credentials we have an advantage here we've got two phds between us I got up and I went in the bathroom start talking to myself I said Les Brown what do you care about their two phds you have six children and a mama to take care and I went in that meeting and first of all I went at walking Bowl looking good feeling good and smelling good and I sat across that table and we start negotiating and our Crea in a spirit of absolute certainty I looked at them as if the only reason that they were born was to give me that contract they survived one out of nine Millions spms to carry out this transaction and I got the contract so youve got to decide to be bold most people go through life trying to creep no no no trying to be casual about it no no no you go through life being casual you'll end up a casualty no you've got to be bold in life you've got to take life on when you have some goal out here that you're stretching for and reaching for that takes you out of your comfort zone you'll find out some talents and abilities you have that you didn't know you have I started speaking just to elementary school kids because I knew they didn't know what I was talking about and they gave me all kind of standat then I graduated up to junior high school and then to senior high school and then to various Community groups and church groups and Civic associations and then to colleges and to businesses now I'm traveling across the country and then traveling nationally and internationally but I never would have discovered what I'm a able to do right now if I wasn't willing to take a TR chance and you've got to be willing to do that you've got to believe in yourself when Buster Douglas was fighting with Mike Tyson and the odd makers predicted he was a bum and be out he'd be knocked out in about one or two rounds I think that after he made it to the third round he took some of Mike Tyson's best shots he said wait wait a minute hey Mike you it's possible yes maybe this next call might do it's possible this next job interview might be the one it's possible in spite of 27 rejections it's possible that this might be the wine it's possible just maybe I can do this that's all that that puts you on the playing field you ain't got to Hype yourself and psych yourself out what it does is just keep you moving in that direction that's all I'm asking you believe that it's possible that you can make it I like what Charles Allen said he said when you say a situation a person is hopeless you're slamming the door in the face of God you're slamming the door in the face of God there's no guarantee that because somebody is now down on their luck they can never come back who can guarantee that you can't make it that you can't have your dream who can guarantee that you can't do what you want to do no one can do that no one can predict that you can't even do that you don't know what the possibilities are for your life no no no no all we need to do as we look at our dreams as we get ready and hit the floor I'm blessed and H favorite and it's possible I can get my dream you go after that dream too don't go casually you got to go out there like you want that dream don't don't go out here like these people see you feel like you blessed you ready to get into a good fight for this dream you ready to get down for this dream you want your dream let you say I want this dream if it's convenient if I don't have any hassle if I don't have to flip through any Hoops if everything's all together if I don't have any opposition if nobody works against me if nobody tells me no if I don't run out of money if everybody loans me what I want and give me what I want and agree with me and support me I'd like to have that dream ladies and gentlemen it's not that kind of party the part of getting what you want this dream you have say it's possible and don't let nobody turn you around don't let circumstances turn you around don't let Hard Times turn you around it's okay whatever you're experiencing you know that this too shall pass that you have the capacity and the ability to make it happen you got a sense of entitlement I deserve this and whatever I have to do in order to make it happen I'm willing to step up and to face life and grab it in a collar and say give it up because it's mine most people are wimps ladies and gentlemen very tentative and they don't believe that they deserve what they want anyhow and so they convince themselves I'm not supposed to have it you have something special you have greatness in you I've been saying for a long time you have greatness in you and someone asked me why do you always say that and emphasize that every time you speak I'm going to share with you why I say that I said because I know that based upon my own experience when I think about where I came from born in an abandoned building on a floor I want you to see something that my friend Dr Miles Monroe talked about Rob the cemetery of your gifts had I not been willing to invest myself had I not been willing to change my relationships had I not been willing to believe that I had greatness in me and was willing to experiment with this thing called life to take a chance on me I would have made the cemetery rich with Les Brown because I had so much in me that I didn't even realize that's how I know you've got a lot in you you don't even know and for 14 years I didn't do what I'm doing for 14 years I didn't believe that I could live the life that I have lived and I'm continuing to live I don't want you to sleep tonight I want to upset you I want to disrupt your conversation with yourself because you came here with something in you you have a superpower you have a story and you have a voice we were raised in poverty now I want you to really remember this it's not where you start it's where you're going when you think about all the stuff that's going on now the most powerful area that we have not I talk about the value of knowing you have greatness in you self-development knowing the truth of you now what you will notice is my superpower which is my ability to communicate I invested in my myself I got a coach and I surrounded myself with the right people look where it can take you somebody is waiting to hear your voice there are people all over the world that's waiting to hear your voice I don't know you but here's what I know about you that you have something special you have greatness within you you have the ability to do more than you can ever begin to imagine I want you to think about some major goals that you have in your life friend of mine told me a period in his life he was going across Europe on a a train and and at different points people would wake him up the staff on the train and ask him three questions who are you why are you here and where are you going and I think that life is always is asking us that question who are you how do you see yourself how do you define yourself and where are you going something that you want to do something that you want to accomplish when scripture says Eye Has Not Seen Ear Has Not Heard nor has entered the heart of mankind what God has in store for you that means something I hear people saying that all the time and they haven't done anything they haven't been anywhere they don't even live their lives from a place of power they don't even know who they are and they take their talents their abilities their skills their superpower to the cemetery and you know people like that because they underestimated themselves because of the kind of environment that we live in that's why Richard Wright said the impulse to dream has been slowly beaten out of me through the experiences of Life we've had some experiences that many of us don't even dream anymore somebody asked the question when is it a man or a woman dies when their dreams die so you you listen to these people speaking these politicians they're trained they're all talking from the same Playbook they'll get in the media and they get caught red-handed and Li with a straight face like you are blind nothing happens until it's spoken Warren Buffett said this the most important investment you can make is in your ability to communicate not being able to communicate effectively it's like being an dark room with a woman nothing happens and I realize I'm not for everybody because the majority of people are not hungry if you're serious tired of playing around knowing that there's no such thing as job security want to live a life that's you want to live a life that the future you will say whoa I'm so glad you made that decision a life that gives you a sense of significance and purpose and power you want that people say why why why do you laugh so much because I have joy see if you're doing something that's not you and you under pressure and you don't like the job 86% of people don't like their job they they go to these jobs they hate and at the same time they hope they don't get fired it's like mixed emotion this is for somebody who want to rob the cemetery of their gifts of their story this is for somebody who has a passion for helping children help helping kids give people hope this is for somebody that's ready to say yes this is for me I don't want to convince you to do this a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still most people are not serious most people are not hungry most people have already settled Tennessee Williams said that most people look in the mirror at some point in time in their lives and they know the eyes that are looking back at them are looking at a person that all they're ever going to be and all they're ever going to do they've already done it this is for people who said I want more this is for people that are serious road to life is straight and narrow and few there be that find it because few there be that are serious few there be that are determined few there be that are hungry those who hunger and thirst after righteousness right thinking right words right feelings right people right Vision shall be filled I repeat you have something special you have greatness in you ladies and gentlemen I want to talk to you about taking charge of your life this is the time that people are literally taking charge of their lives because they know that life it does not have any warranty you no guarantees and you have take charge what do you want to do with your life people are rethinking their lives what do you look like what does your life look like how do you want to do life after this that now we have to make a conscious deliberate determined effort to find peace to build stronger relationships stronger Family Ties to turn to each other rather than on each other to stay focused on some goal some skill that we can develop something that we want to do some impact we want to make with our lives rather than just Running Scared we're here to do a work the greater work you have something special you got greatness in you and you have to make a conscious deliberate determined effort to find out what is that greater work what does that look like and let me be about my father's business let me be engaged in doing something and this is what people want the reason that many people who have been told oh you don't have to come in now and then they said okay you can come on in now it's safe and there are people saying no they said I want to do something that's me and that's a good thing doing something that's you it's Unthinkable for some of you saying I don't want to die a life doing something 40 hours a week or 60 hours a month that's not mean I want to do something that resonates with me with my heart with the things that I know that I have Within Myself to do but through procrastination through fear through being in a toxic negative environment through my not having confidence in myself and I know about that for 14 years I didn't do what I'm doing because I didn't believe in me I didn't have the confidence because I don't have a college education I didn't think that I can compete with people with phds and mbas and and being labeled educable mentally [ __ ] and put back from the fifth grade to the fourth grade and failed again at the eth grade at boogery Washington High School in Miami Florida where Michael Baptist is from I did not think that I had the ability to do what I'm doing and so here's what I'm I'm challenging you to do number one get a larger vision of yourself I want you to live from where you see yourself going did you hear what I said live from that place see where you're going see yourself being there and experiencing what that like he said I'll give you all your eyes can see you want to focus on where you are going and yes there things going on around us yes they going to be other viruses but don't allow the corrosion of a virus of lack of vision to take your life away you want to hold a vision of where you're going and what you want out of life most people are just trying to get through life you want to have a mindset of what you want to get out of life because you can and because that's why we are here the other thing is you got to upgrade your skill set that in order to live the kind of life that you envisioned for yourself you got to ask yourself the question what is it I have going for me and and in my case I looked at myself and and I had to ask what is it you have going for you what is it that people compliment you on what is it that comes to you naturally what is it that you could do it and and and it's no big deal but you do it well i' I've had people say you know what what you ought to be a comedian I said why because you funny well talks to a squirrel at 77 well you leave Tyrone out of this okay there are people around you that see some stuff and they have some value perhaps is no big deal to you because is it you and you can monetize that this the time this is an entrepreneur's dream why because you want to have the mindset of getting your piece of the pie write down what's my piece of the pie see money has not left the planet and some of that money that's out here it's got your name on it there's some products there's some ideas there's some inventions there's some stuff in you that you can monetize and you want to think about that what is it that I got going for me what is it I'm bringing to the table that's what you want to do what is it that you that you're known for that you're good at and something that you enjoy so much you do it for nothing but you do it so well that people will pay you to do it we know that life has no guarantee life it's uncertain life it's unpredictable life it's coming for us every day it's saying I ain't playing with you it's going to take us out one way the other The Good the Bad and the Ugly nobody's figured out how to get out of here alive so you want to live life now you don't want to die an unlived life you want to have the kind of Courage that Michael bapti has just get a oneway ticket somewhere and figure it out didn't even know how to speak the tie language and went there and set up camp come on now as a bad Young Brother of it here of it here and life is about walking by faith and not by sight it's about taking a chance on you you are the money you are the people worry about oh that we can't find enough people to work on the jobs that's available you know why because they don't want to do those jobs they want and are looking for something that's them that's what's happening with the majority of people they're reflecting on their lives and they're asking themselves does this work for me is this me and if the answer is no then do you don't die and unlive life take a chance on you oh but Les I I don't have any money okay find somebody who's got some money that will invest in you find something that you love so much that's your passion that you master that you are so good at it that you can't be ignored and that you can attract some investors but I don't know how to do it you don't have to know how to do it Leap and Grow your wings on the way down you don't have to know figure it out or get somebody to help you two heads better than one come on anybody can come up with excuses life is not about excuses life is about results it's that kind of place where we are right now this is a strange place I say this every day and I'm saying to you the future belong to those who create that's what's going to happen what you create that's what's going to happen for you and for the people that you love and for the people that you care about that when you bet on you when you decide wait a minute I'm going to try something differently but I don't know how to do it learn I didn't know how to do what I'm doing now but I was willing to focus my time my effort I was willing to invest in myself I was willing to find someone that was doing it on the level that I wanted to do it and I said hey hey Mike Williams who wrote the book The Road to your best stuff hey would you teach me he said are you willing to put your money where your mouth is yeah I want to do that so as you look at yourself look at your goals and dreams you are the money bet on you invest in you increase your value and don't put it off because the clock is ticking it's ticking there goes a second there goes another second there goes another second and all the power in the world can't bring it back life ain't playing with us and so we should be serious this conversation is not for everybody this is for people who know that life is serious who want to live before they die who who don't want to die and unlive life this conversation for people who want to see the world before they leave the world this conversation is for people who say I'm not mentally fit to work for somebody doing something that's not me for the rest of my life this conversation is for somebody who said I'm going to do what I can with what I have this conversation ain't for everybody because most people are spectators what do you mean by that Les most people are fans the reason that you're listening to me is because you've said I want more many of you are in relationships that already reached its expiration date and just have not conjured up the courage to say I'm tired of dying with you I want to do something else I've never forget I was in Chicago and I used to go there and do motivational events at Christ Universal Temple Church and there was a couple that always came to see me and I saw this guy sitting on one side and and his wife Seated on the other and I said hey man why aren't you seated with your wife and he said she left me I said she left me he said yes she she said that she didn't want to be with me anymore she left the the relationship I said oh man I said I'm I'm sorry to hear that and so I went over and I talked to her for a little while I said what's up I don't mean to get in your business up in here but I'm going to get in here y'all used to come here together why' you leaving and she said he didn't want anything that's why he didn't want anything I wanted more than what we had and he was fine with what we had and I wasn't willing to settle for what we had why should we settle for fine when we can do great you said we have greatness in you okay fantastic let's live a great life not just come here and hear Les Brown and go home and do the same thing he didn't want anything so that's why I left wow and and there some value in that and I'm not trying to break up relationships but when you're around somebody that they don't want anything it affects you they don't have any goals they don't have any Dreams they're not reaching for anything they're not learning they're not on a path of selfawareness they they don't have something that's in their mind in their heart if they don't have some Obsession of something they want to do with their lives that that that energy that they have it's flat it doesn't inspire you it doesn't encourage you you're not bringing out the the greatness in each other that's dangerous the the the virus of mediocrity that's dangerous because you're already dead you're living a life that's not worthwhile and so this this is a time where first we got to work on our mind we we got to decide what with this time that I have left what what is it that I want to do how is it that I can find some meaning and significance and and and I don't want to live a a fear-driven life no I want to enjoy life I want to travel I I want to be able to live a life that counts that matters so when you look at this thing called life it's about transformation it's it's about disruptions and about miracles because you have Miracle working power don't judge where your situation is right now don't judge your circumstances even if you don't have any evidence to the contrary judge not according to appearances what what do you mean by that Les is because of the fact that that we're talking about right thinking right words right feelings right relationships and the right environment got to create an environment for you to win and you got to expect to win a a Perpetual sense of optimism when they diagnose me with fourth stage cancer that's stirred up a fighting me when all of a sudden out of New York said Les Brown has been diagnosed with prostate cancer our brother is dying pray for him and by the time I got home phone was ringing off the hook I got angry and I look back that's a good thing he did you know why because I said he doesn't know me like that how how you going to put me in the ground already I is he going to do that as if I'm just going to say okay they said that I got cancer so I'm going to die but there are people who do that every day but there are some people defy the odds defy the odds eight out of 10 millionaires have been financially bankrupt you know why they defied the odds they lost everything and they came back I interviewed a young man last night his name is Zach Zack Vincent Zach was a break dancer and he was very good when I interviewed him I had no idea where this was going I did not know his story listen to me you got a story and people who want to monetize this story like I'm going to be working with Zach and your story on how you overcome stuff how you dealt with stuff will be a survival guide for somebody that's going through it right now who have a sense of optimism and expect things to get better they see their situation situation as temporary so Zach was a a breakdown answer young guy 28 years old and in practice he landed the wrong way and injured himself and it was severe but he did not want to disappoint his fans or the promoters and he tried to dance anyhow and that only lasts for 47 seconds you'll see in the interview guess what he did and I want to walk you through this process he had to rethink his life because that which he loved to do that which he did very well that which he thought would take him into the future and be his livelihood was taken away that's what Corona virus has done to a lot of people to their businesses to their jobs to their dreams taken away in a blink of an eye and a friend of his calling made a suggestion to him I believe in angels when I lost my job at the radio station at wvko Radio when they fired me a gentleman came to my house named Harris Perkins with a A list of names on a petition and said Les Brown you've been fired off the air but people love you you ought to run for state representative people will come out and vote for you I would have never done that I didn't even think about running for office I was known for bringing out the vote and inspiring people to register to vote so at any rate he brought these petitions to my house to make a long story short I ran for state representative against a 22-year incumbent and one hands down there something else when one door closes another door opens that eye has not seen Ear Has Not Heard nor has entered the heart of mankind what God has in store for you there's some things that happen to you but there's some things that happen for you and guess how they come about when you realize that life is about transformation disruptions and miracles you you have Miracle working power and so Zach because he landed wrong it ended his dancing career his break dancing career we're both adopted so we felt connected and somebody made a phone call to Zach and said you know what I'm looking at something called Instagram you ought to become involved in this there's some money up in there now here's something else when something happens to you and interrupt what you are now doing you can make a decision you know what I'm going to still find a way to win and that's a good thing I could have found a way to stay in radio but I didn't I decided to take another route another path and become a state legislator and was very successful but he decided from the phone call that he got he was going to look into Instagram and so this is a time that maybe you need to be willing and open to looking at something else and that's what he did and when you're open to learn something else if you're not willing to learn I always say this no one can help you but if you're willing to learn no one can stop you this is a time for you to look at your life look at where you want to go look at what you want to do and let me warn you don't look at where you are don't look at your bills don't spend time talking about what has happened to you keep Thine Eyes single hold a vision of yourself being successful in the future with whatever you do that's what you want to do make sure your thoughts have magnetic power where focus goes energy persistence faith and determination flows that's why we're taught to keep thine ey single so you can align yourself and get ready to win to create the next greatest version of yourself I reinvented myself you can reinvent yourself start asking yourself what is it what talents what gifts what Miracle working power in me I haven't called on yet greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world you got Miracle working power you're here for a reason you've been chosen you've been picked out to be picked on because you have Miracle working power in you there's something in you the world needs you are going down the wrong path and so you know what there's been an intervention there's been a disruption say oh no no no no no no I got something else for you that's bigger and better than that and so listen I mean I went from the Miami sanitation department working for Sears as a Salesman selling television sets door to door being a disc jocket a community activist a state legislator and now a voice of transformation around the world are you kidding me what a mighty God we serve I'm here because of his grace and mercy and so are you don't forget it you're no accident you got to become defyant this thing called life it's about a fight there a lot of people they're talking about all the people dying from a Corona virus guess what they're far more people that are living like my daughter Serena like my son-in-law will and they've been fighting and they are winning life is a fight for territory and once you stop fighting for what you want you don't want will automatically take over I want you to write this down think about something that you want to do in your personal life in your professional life in your health in your relationships who is it that you don't need to deal with be in relationship with communicate with life is like an elevator the higher you go up like those spaceships the higher they go up they let certain stuff off because it's too heavy yet some people just too heavy when it comes to drama you want when you have goals and dreams and you want to fine-tune your life and approach to life you want to create a drama free zone no drama up in here you ain't got time for it a lot of people don't know what time it is a lot of people don't know how different things are they don't know they have no clue there are three kinds of people there are people who make things happen people that watch things happen and people that don't know what happened that's the majority and they'll be standing in line somewhere hoping that somebody with mercy and pity will look in their Direction no Hey listen here you've been given Authority and dominion over everything on the face of the Earth listen to me be defiant be willing to learn something keep moving in the direction of where you want to go continue to fall forward this thing has not come to stay it's come to pass and as you look at you goes I read something preparation is very important I read this and I said I like this you must prepare for success even if there is no indication of it you must prepare for Success even if you have become accustom to failure you must prepare for Success if nobody you know nobody in your life have ever achieved anything you must prepare for Success take the time to prepare and prepare hard nobody in my family has done what I've done but I didn't let that stop me I didn't let that stop me from feeling that this life that I'm living now wasn't available to me when I was going through foreclosure or eviction or when I was hiding my car at my cousin Boo's house and I learned a long time ago the best way to get back on your feet is to miss three car payments you got to step up your game plan you've got to look at this for what it is something's happening up in here and it's different and and there there no time to sit around and say why do this have to happen to me why not you who would you suggest you got to be like Zach Benson deal with it got to deal with it I'll never forget when I was unloading the truck going back to the house I moved my mother out of my mother told me hold your head up boy you have nothing to be shame of who your head up you have nothing to be ashamed of and when you lift up your head let me tell you something ho anybody can have faith when you got a job your marriage is working you got money in the bank your children acting like they have good sense nobody looked at you and told you that you're terminally ill oh you can have faith then but Faith n tested can't be trusted listen to me listen to me you don't know how strong you are until you have to be strong and most people they choose it's always a choice it's always a choice Zack Benson check him out in the interview I did with him on my Facebook after my conversation with you jack binon could have become depressed and turned to drugs and all type of self sabotaging behavior as many people do every day [Music]
Channel: Let's Become Successful
Views: 34,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: les brown, les brown motivation, les brown motivation for success, les brown best, les brown speeches, les brown inspirational
Id: lpE90Gu9XWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 20sec (3020 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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