Stop translating in your head & think directly in English

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Hey speak English ambassador is good to see you today I'm really excited about today's lesson because so many of you have told me when I speak English I feel like I translate in my head it makes me slow I'm not spontaneous I listen and by the time I ran slate to understand the conversation continues and I'm lost this lesson is going to help you stop translating in your head so you can become more fluent more quickly let's go [Music] and before I forget if you want to find a partner to practice with so you can practice speaking I've partnered with the websites I talkie where you can find a conversation partner I've used I talk II personally to find conversation partners to learn Italian and German and found that it's easy convenient and great for practicing a language as part of our partnership just for the speak English with Christina community if you buy one conversation lesson you get your second lesson for free so to be sure to get that offer you need to click on the link below this video but first let's see how you can stop translating in your head [Music] first a quick explanation of why you translate in your head and how to solve that problem your native language is not English if it was you probably wouldn't be watching this lesson so in your brain there are two or more languages think of them as muscles let's say your native language is friendship you've been exercising your French muscle in your brain for decades so it's much stronger like Arnold Schwarzenegger but without the Austrian accent but the English muscle in your brain you've only been exercising it for a few years and probably not consistently a trip to the USA here a few meetings in English there may be some emails in English a few times a day so the English muscle in your brain is a little light [Music] your English muscle has a lot less training than your French muscle or your native language muscle so you need to start working out your English muscle irregular verbs do big good [Music] to stop translating in your head you need to get away from using your native language to understand and speak English that means immersion now not necessarily taking a month to go live in an english-speaking country that's great but it's not always feasible but you can create your own immersion at home here's how first start using an English only dictionary when you need to find the definition of an English word maybe today you use Google Translate or word reference to find translations new not anymore here's a new tool for you the merriam-webster learner's dictionary and I'll also put the link below the video it's an English English dictionary online a monolingual dictionary this way when you hear or see a new word in English you can look for it in the monolingual dictionary you're learning how to describe a word in English how to think about a new word in English and you're getting more exposure to English by reading the description and that's a little exercise for your English muscle [Music] if you want to practice using English but you have no one to practice with start by thinking in English to yourself but you may think yeah but no one is there to correct me and that's okay honestly don't think that you have to use perfect grammar 100% of the time to be honest if you did it wouldn't always sound very natural we native speakers mess up our own language so much it's better to get the practice in English by thinking in English and making mistakes than to not think in English because you're worried about mistakes Plus while you're thinking in English if you're not a hundred percent sure about the language you use make a note of it somewhere and check it later for example you can use a little language notebook or note it on your smartphone and send an email to yourself whatever system that you use to note ideas or reminders to yourself note the questions that you have about English literally write the word what is the English word for endorsement and then look for the word later when you have the time this also works well for when you're watching movies TV series or reading but don't try to note every new word because that will just take the fun out of the experience but if you hear or read the word a lot of time and you don't know what it is and just take 30 seconds probably less and note it somewhere and look for the definition later preferably with your monolingual online dictionary [Music] the next step is to speak in English to practice speaking chips yes talk to yourself out loud preferably when you're alone but you can do it around other people they might think you're crazy but hey at least you're doing something it's a bit like when I go jogging and I come back home and Roman says how long did you run and I say 30 minutes and he responds that's all no more and I just respond yeah but that's 30 minutes where I went jogging and you sat on the couch oh snap so don't be afraid to talk to yourself describe the things around you play little scenarios in your head ask questions to yourself in your head when when I'm learning a language these are my favorite techniques uh uh how are they kept a we're still on cafe so just up but but I'm learning German and you're not not the problem [Music] so just to recap to stop translating in your head you need to exercise your English muscle immerse yourself in English with an English English dictionary think to yourself in English to get used to thinking in English and speak to yourself in English all the time to increase your reflexes and with time you'll stop translating in your head and thinking directly in English but you have to be regular with this that's the key now what about youth what other techniques or tools do you use to do English regularly share them in the comments because it can really help other members of the speak English community and if you want someone to practice English with a real person be sure to check out the link to a talkie below this video and like I said since you're a part of the speak English community thank you you'll get your second lesson free when you buy your first lesson and now you have no excuses from not practicing all right you guys that's all for this week thanks for watching speak English with Christina and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Business English with Christina
Views: 1,680,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stop transating in your head, learn to think in english, how to think in english, improve your english, learn american english, learn english youtube, learn english speaking, speak english fluently, free english lessons, christina rebuffet, speak english with christina
Id: tmIHeeQrV2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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