Easy routine to IMPROVE your English - DO THESE THINGS DAILY

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hey guys welcome back to our channel and for everyone new welcome i'm anna i'm super excited about this video and i hope that you are as well because this one's special as i want to suggest to you a studying routine to improve your english i spend some time thinking about it and about the best option that can suit anyone even a very busy person for that reason it had to be simple but nonetheless effective routine means the things that we do on a regular basis in other words consistency and as we know consistency is key so if you implement them into your routine the results will not keep you waiting you won't need to download any apps you won't need to sign up for any courses you won't need a teacher you can do it on your own and or in addition to the things you're already doing these things that i'm going to suggest are little and pretty easy to do so as not to overwhelm you and make you want to hate learning however they can make a huge difference and i want to ask you not to underestimate them and try them out for a month and get back to me and let me know if you've seen some results remember as the adage goes slow and steady wins the race i decided to cover the basic skills so here they are the things that you should preferably do every single day to improve your english significantly listening watch or listen to something in english every single day you don't have to listen to something in english the whole day unless you can and want to of course and it doesn't have to be educational videos think of something you like traveling cooking fitness business related things psychology physics something that you really enjoy watching find a channel or a podcast that you like and watch at least one video a day but every day why i'm talking about youtube mostly because videos on youtube are under 20 minutes on average and you can absolutely find 20 minutes a day and you can find anything you want on here so a couple of channels that i enjoy and those are just to name a few abby's kitchen dr mike mama dr jones bright side brainy does live on purpose tv walter's world marie forleo even if you just do this but every day will help when you watch something very interesting to you you engage with it and you become curious about it when you're curious you will do some further digging and by digging i mean looking up words and phrases and it's not going to be too much because it's only one video a day not to mention that you improve your listening reading if you're currently reading a book that's awesome continue reading it one thing that i like to do is to establish a number of pages that i want to read every day until i finish a book it's important to read daily let's say five pages a day one more read more but the point is that you make a habit if you're not reading a book there's a great way to read daily use the internet i always have something that i want to find out more about so when i'm curious about something i google it in english and read about it on some websites and i'm sure that you have something that you search on the internet maybe you often search for some cooking recipes maybe you like to read about traveling in different countries maybe you're curious about herbs and their properties and benefits and like to search for information about health in general i surely do you know what i mean at least once a day when you open your browser and you want to type something in the search box do it in english and read just a little something on something that you're curious about when you're truly interested and engaged your brain activates and remembers things better consequently if you come across new words you'll remember them easier and better just like in school remember when there was a subject or a topic that you were genuinely curious about you didn't even have to study hard the information just sunk in by itself but when there was something that you were made to learn well that didn't want to stick with you whatsoever writing i have a video on writing and its benefits i'll link it in the description and it's also clickable on your screen right now promise me that you will write for a month don't write a novel you don't even have to write as much as a letter just a few sentences will do the trick write down your thoughts like what a stupid idea anna made me do this i'll let her know in the comments that i thought it was stupid or you know whatever you're thinking in the morning or in the evening it doesn't matter in the morning you can write something like i hope this day goes smoothly and productively or write about a video that you've watched that day kind of recall and retell that'll make your brain think in english speaking speaking is the hardest part for every language learner and the biggest problem with speaking for people is that they don't have anyone to speak with online classes may not be possible for some people and just talking to themselves about something doesn't seem like a very easy task so i have a perfect solution for you to speak at least a little but every single day and it's connected to the things i've already mentioned how convenient right so a very easy thing you can do is when you watch a video just pick out some sentence or part and repeat it it's not shadowing so don't focus on your pronunciation and intonation your job is to open your mouth and speak usually we don't know what to say or how to make a sentence and in this way you don't need to think about this all you have to do is to repeat after someone and as we know repetition is a very effective way to learn or read out loud it's also a great way you have to feel those words in your mouth you have to pronounce sentences seriously you have to open your mouth and speak every day why do you think people have such trouble with speaking when they can read and their listening skills and vocabulary are excellent because they simply don't use their mouths they're intelligent and absolutely capable but they just can't cross this barrier they might be shy they might feel weird and this is natural but if they want to be able to speak they have got to speak by repeating and reading out loud again you don't have to think of what to say and how to say it about grammar however your brain will start to assimilate that knowledge and information because of regularity and repetition a little harder way is to read out loud what you have written and maybe even more than once harder because in order to practice speaking you first need to write something and think i hope that it didn't sound like too much work because honestly i don't know a way of gaining knowledge or any skill for that matter without making any effort so just these things but regularly yes no sitting on grammar for hours intentionally no memorizing new words no doing exercises it doesn't mean that you can't or that learning grammar is unnecessary i hope you get this and you can always do these things additionally to whatever it is that you're doing right now by simply looking up words and then watching the piece of the video with those words reading and noticing how the tenses are used and asking why and checking up and actually thinking in english when you're writing and trying to come up with the best way to say what you want to say will help you so much remember it doesn't have to be something out of the ordinary or hard it has to be habitual as aristotle said we are what we repeatedly do excellence therefore is not an act but a habit so let's review those habits and you can always do more but let's establish this minimum you'll watch one video or listen to one episode of a podcast a day you'll read one article on the internet or read a couple of pages of a book a day you'll write down a couple of sentences in english a day you'll read those sentences or a book or an article out loud or repeat something after someone you were listening to it'll take approximately one hour a day and there's 24 hours in a day so i think you can find one to improve your english and one more thing break it down throughout the day it'll be easier you don't have to do all this at once so thank you guys for watching this video i hope you found it useful give this video a thumbs up subscribe if you aren't yet and if you want to be notified when we upload new videos make sure to click that notification icon and i'll see you in the next one [Music] bye [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: English Fluency Journey
Views: 485,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the story we write, english fluency journey, how to learn english, how to improve english, what to do to improve english, how to practice to improve english, things to do every day to improve english, how to study english, how to improve writing, how to improve speaking, how to improve listening, how to read in english, how to learn to read in english, speak in english every day, how to improve reading skills, how to improve listening skills, how to improve writing skills
Id: 1c1P7xg25po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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