How to Order Food in an American Restaurant - Travel English

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hey there and welcome to speak English with Christina where you'll have fun becoming fluent in American English what's the one thing that we all like to do when we travel eat yes going to restaurants to discover the local cuisine is one of the best parts of traveling but going to a restaurant means speaking English to the server you want to order steak and eggs like an American right let's go [Music] today's lesson is a collaboration I'm doing with lost in the USA a French site to help you prepare an awesome trip to the United States go to lost in the USA fr and you can get an audio dialogue plus a list of useful phrases to go with this lesson the link to their site is in the notes below [Music] in the u.s. the customer is king we love customer service so when you arrive at a restaurant a host or hostess will often welcome you with a quick hi welcome to Applebee's party of how many and that sounds like hi welcome to Applebee's party how many hi welcome to Apple this party at how many when they ask party of how many it means how many people are in your group or sometimes if it's a small group or a family they might quickly count and ask you to confirm hi welcome to Applebee's party of two and that sounds like party to party of two then they might give you a choice of type of table that you want for example a booth a booth that's a busa a high top a high top at the bar at the bar or just a normal table a table and you'll hear something like would you like a booth or a table would you like a booth or a table would you like a booth or a table for me I like the booth you [Music] when you go to a restaurant you automatically get a glass of water generally it's like the size of your forearm it comes with a slice of lemon and it has more ice than water if you don't want a small glacier in your glass that you can ask can I have no ice please can I have no ice please and the server will know that you're a tourist if you want a beer you can ask the server what do you have on tap what do you have on tap on tap is the beer that's poured at the bar or you can ask what kind of bottled beers do you have what kind of bottled beers do you have and the server will either bring you a drinks menu or give you a long list of beers that you've maybe never heard of blue moon Sam Adams fat tire etc if you just want to try something new you can say I don't know what's the most popular beer here I don't know what's the most popular beer and let the server guide you for non-alcoholic drinks it's mostly soft drinks coke dr. pepper etc but if you're traveling to the south of the United States like to my home state of Mississippi you want to try sweet tea sweet tea it's a typical drink of the southern United States or as some people call sweet tea the house line of the south because we're we're classy like that [Music] in many countries you order salad it comes with one type of sauce or maybe olive oil and vinegar not in the USA note if you thought it would be easy ordering salad no no no you have to choose your salad dressing your salad dressing the sauce that you put on your salad so the server will ask you what kind of dressing do you want with your salad and it sounds like what kind of dressing you want with your salad what kind of dressing you all with your salad my favorite and maybe the most typical is ranch dressing but other common choices are blue cheese Thousand Island Italian possibly French but to be honest I've never tasted anything like French dressing in France or Italian dressing in Italy I don't know but if you try it come back and let me know what you think [Music] if you order any type of beef the server will ask you how would you like your steak cooked how would you like your steak cooked how do you like your steaks hooked up here are your choices rare which is impossible to pronounce rare rare medium rare medium medium-well and well-done rare medium rare medium medium-well and well done and a joke my French teacher told me once so how does a French chef know he has an American in his restaurant there's an order for a steak that's well-done ha ha ha because a lot of Americans are afraid of eating meat that isn't completely cooked [Music] if you order any kind of breakfast in the US there's a good chance you'll have eggs and eggs are better cooked right so the server will ask you how do you want your eggs cooked or how do you want your eggs cooked how do you want your eggs Costa you can have scrambled my favorite scrambled there's hard-boiled hard-boiled when it's it's cooked all the way sunny-side up sunny-side up where the egg is cracked in the pan and cooked on one side only there's over easy over easy it's similar to sunny-side up but the egg is cooked on both sides so that it's liquidy on the inside but cooked on the outside sounds good now what about you have you ever eaten in a restaurant in the USA what did you eat and drink and what was your opinion of it be honest I'd love to hear your stories in the comments and be sure to go to the site lost in the USA to get an audio dialogue for ordering at a restaurant and a phrase list to help you and as we say in English enjoy your meal I'm Christina and I'll see you next time [Music] you you
Channel: ChristinaRebuffet
Views: 393,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American English, learn English, esl, english lessons, videos to learn english, christina rebuffet, speak english with christina, channels to learn english, order food in English, go to restaurant in English, how to order food in English, going to a restaurant in English
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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