Stop normalising πŸ™…πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ...I Episode 106

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high in between us hi guys we are so excited because our live experience Volume 2 is coming up 29th July Nairobi Street Kitchen we will be there from 12 p.m and we can't wait to see you there last time you may have missed but you will not let yourself miss this time because it's going to be bigger it's going to be better and the formal is going to hurt even more so make sure you go and get yourself a ticket get even group tickets we cannot be there with our girlfriends they're available on Haso Sasa and we will see you there in your monochrome outfit tickets are only 2500 that's like Cheapo for one week surely you're sacrificing please guys come we can't wait to see you there see ya and we're back again with another episode of the messy in between it's definitely TMI [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and this time I was looking at you so I could get your cue ready I was like okay here she goes [Music] yet another episode of the messy in between if you are new here welcome we are a home of sisters and brothers who basically talk about life exactly as it is whether it's sex whether it's money we don't really talk about money whether it's career we never return mostly sex mostly sex sex and relationships sex and relationships is our top right so we talk about um things honestly openly so if you're looking for a home where you can hear those kind of conversations you are where you need to be we are on social media TMI podcast ke more Lydia km follow us everywhere because we have a ton of content and a ton of conversations we have on the rest of the social media accounts Twitter as well Twitter someone someone threads threads yes okay guys if this is if you have not subscribed to our Channel please we would ask that you would subscribe to the channel right now because it really helps us build um our platform our community it helps us have statistics like who is watching what do they care about what other episodes are they watching what thing what things do 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guys this is a trend that we saw on Tick Tock I think across the Internet it's something that's been going on for a long time but basically it's about things that we should stop normalizing okay the face of someone who has a lot to say she has a lot to say and as we are speaking we'd love to hear what your thoughts are but also tell us other things that people should stop normalizing these are the kind of videos that I love to go and see the comments of because I'm always shocked as well dying at the comments and I'm like oh yeah and some things we're going to say are going to be something to do with you something you're going to say are going to do some with us let's all breathe through our triggers breathe through it we're not here to fight you pick yours we'll pick ours done and if you need to to pause the video for you to go and be triggered and think about like why do I feel this way feel free to pause and then come and continue watching later so that our views can go up that would be so nice that's lovely thank you also some of these are like our own opinions and some of them are just like um others that we have seen other people talking about and will indicate so that you can know which one is our opinion which one is not it's true yeah all right so my opinion okay but I feel like for all the ones that I've written I agree with them yeah yeah I also agree I think stop normalizing this but after someone else's opinion um things okay one of the things things people should stop normalizing the bare minimum oh hell yeah it takes sometimes the bare minimum is okay like what I don't know it's just like if you're having a really difficult season and all you can give is the bare minimum I'll accept it but if it's like your man is constantly giving you the bare minimum I don't accept it so that's the thing the bare minimum can be a season but accepting it as this is the standard is problematic the bare minimum as a standard even sometimes to aim for we must please Lord and chain us from the chains of their minimum that's some of my favorite pages to follow on Tick Tock are these people who do skits about like when you have a really horrible boyfriend but you think he's amazing oh baby because she'll come with like a half drunk bottle of water and she's like oh my god look what my man brought me he does he just and he just saw this water he just said and I personally feel like there's up some point when you're accepting bare minimum when you start to really be honest with yourself that you are accepting their minimum yeah I feel like we all get chances exactly so if you find yourself in bare minimum you've done what you've done yeah but the consistent accepting it and even upholding it and also really killing other people who want more like they just that's that's the last sentence actually is what it and that's why sometimes on your page people come and say you're unrealistic you're not relatable because they're like if we are all happy to accept the bare minimum how dare you are what is you yeah what is this the thing that you want no no no no no yeah too much exactly um there's this I love watching the videos that are like you know um a day in the life of a stay-at-home girlfriend or that's what I spend as I said I stay at home girlfriend let me tell you bare minimum Sally in those in those comments it's like how is this affecting you if he goes if he goes broke and he leads but she's posting about her enjoying paying for all of this let me tell you the amount of money this guy saw spending and you know someone was just like this is allowance because I just saw my entire paycheck being spent in three minutes I was just like what is this like how maintenance is like top and that's what she does she stays at home she cooks for her boyfriend she gives her money that's the thing and then some of the comments will be like yeah but you know your man will never respect you as an equal because you're not um oh no even though for stay-at-home daughters people are mad let me tell you nothing makes me feel like wow when I see a woman wrestle and taken care of that's the thing invested and taking care of exactly who are coming for um um because of like where she was talking like oh it's good to have money her baby's being driven or Range Rover whatever why are you stressed why are you guys mad are you stressed leave her actually someone was like the bottles are still the same ones you know wow wow guys and just because you're struggling struggling also yeah so just more for yourself ask for more for yourself guess what just because it doesn't look like somebody else's job doesn't mean it's your bare minimum no we all have very different values very different value system but if you know yours is not the bare minimum you won't be triggered I know me I always feel like I'm more than willing to do the bare minimum but I'm not willing to accept the bare minimum that's most a lot of people are essentially normalized having that well yeah just if they're not accepting the bare minimum but being willing to give the bare minimum yeah let's stop normalizing I don't think that's who you are as a person yeah but it's like I I don't see that in any area of your life that bare minimum as a standard but also like you've said if things are subjective I feel like what I consider my bare minimum someone else looks at and means and is like wow you're doing so much yeah whereas to me I know that I could do more same way and you know what I mean so it's just like it depends on what sometimes when I go home and I'm just like I literally only have time to read my kids a story sing them one song and put them to bed someone else sees that and they're like wow you're doing so much as a mom but for me I'm like that's literally like the least what you do might be subjective but receiving sometimes we can tell it's bare minimum oh yeah oh girl you can tell let's stop normalizing come with stays I just feel like the world we are living in currently and I don't I don't know any other context we only know the Kenyan context yeah but I feel like I can't remember at what point it went from when you are living with your man or like now you are living with him it's been three years four years you have three kids you are literally literally married but you're not married that used to be strange now it's like everyone is come with you so what can we say because I mean technically I lived with a boyfriend no that's not the same I feel like can we stay is where when you have a child not even when you have a child when first you're calling him habe on on social media if you find yourself saying if it's the same thing or husband and you know very well you don't have a mind certificate you know very well even according to the laws of Kenya where they say if you live with your partner a certain period of time you do qualify to go and get a marriage certificate or apply for one it then automatically mean that because you guys have been staying together then you get a birth certificate and this is the reason why I don't like come with is more often than not when they go wrong which frequently they do it is almost always the woman who suffers I just hardly ever see a man suffering through a can we stay break up it's usually now I've been here so long I don't know if you're going to get married I keep asking him but he says you know we already are comfortable why do we want to get married it's just smells of unmet expectations I feel like the second you have a kid I think that that changes everything oh yeah I feel like that is a very different dynamic because now you feel like you are more about keeping your family together than really that marriage that you really want like your family your family together it's not a family because so if you and your ex were living together you guys are family is he your family I mean you see but yeah if you have a baby you don't you don't consider someone a family I would consider that that's what family is I I guess so but like my child the child is your family but like no you're saying this is my family because people that's how people see it like I want to keep my family together normalizing that that's exactly what I needed to stop normalizing honestly okay so this is what I feel like if it's true that the unmet expectation like Joe is saying yeah that is expect is accepting below what you actually want so that we need to stop normalizing period And I want to say that that is in 80 percent of the circumstances I know many people who have cohabited for ages and they've never gotten married and they have amazing relationships and they just don't want it they don't want to get married it doesn't matter to them whether or not they do that's that it's my view that someone there is lying so everyone wants to get married no I just feel like especially in such situations me personally because I just interact with so many women online a lot of times it's either even if they don't want to get married I just feel like one of them wants to get married and then more often than not there's not uh usually like a conversation that happens around okay we are moving in together do you ever want to get married yeah everyone's like you find yourself you find yourself there and then sometimes over time someone says okay fine I guess it's not essential we get married but maybe they actually did want to and for me it's just enough of a risk the fact that so many of them end wrong or so many of them end badly that it's just like why do it okay if you want to get married then get married so maybe I won't speak from the Kenyan context but me personally I think I've grown up seeing that not everyone gets married and they don't have for sure I think it's one more mentality is like if you guys aren't married for me it doesn't matter it doesn't make a difference at all it's like when I see my couple I'm just like that's an amazing commitment like that's a serious commitment it's not a joke but when I see people who are not married I don't feel like what a missing puzzle in your life there I truly don't feel that I too don't feel that for me it's only only that if it's something that you had wanted but now because of compromising on this way yeah you literally now the power has been taken away from you it's like now I've been living with him 10 years yeah and we have three kids and he's not asked me to marry him so what am I gonna do am I going to feel your spiritual context yeah I feel your spirit I once upon a time had moved in with someone and I was dragged by my edges so the cultural expectation of how things are supposed to go is very different from definitely how I view him personally so I I feel I I feel you and I feel you from our DMS yeah I and I mean I just feel it for Kenyan women also another thing is that sometimes when people move in together I just I feel like now once you have this family it's a family by like I guess a social setting however because this person is not your husband but now you are living like man and wife and you have this child do you have the same expectations of that boyfriend the same that you would have with if he was your husband I think once people personally what I see is that not even that I feel like once you move in with someone it's like I've never been married so maybe I can't know what I would do for my husband and now what I'll do for this I feel like you treat someone as the closest Family you get that's the closest you know as family and especially if you have a kid I'm sure you expect the person to um help you pay the bills pay for school fees or what other expectations for my husband during the investments in the home joint Investments outside you helping to take care of my family me helping take care of your family attending each other's family events attending family events I expect that for sure I expect joint um accounts because you guys are kind of using the same port to take care of this joint home and this child you're you're living in you see I feel like even the way we have taken so long on this point yeah but I feel like even the way you describe it is from a level of maturity that most people who start living with their partner don't have okay A lot of times it's like early 20s it's just like oh you know are you always coming to my house I'm always coming we just live together then it's just like yeah so let's hear him yeah if you're in a come with we stay right for a couple of years you guys have a child or whatever tell us how that works exactly also does this count as people who have had a Russia or no Russia is like a traditional wedding yeah me for me it counts as people who have a marriage certificate okay okay so for those who do not have a marriage certificate but you're in uh like you live together you have children please let us know um in the bottom we still tell us are you happy there is that what you envision do you does your partner now on something more now Emmy I'm just asking people buyer now Lisa too people should stop normalizing Detachment um we're in the culture I don't know if you suppose I wrote cutting people off right so one of the things um with this Detachment culture is that you know I don't need anyone I realize like you know friends are the worst you your family will turn you back you only have you and also there's this idea of like you know um catching um we don't catch feelings we catch flights last week at the club relax I feel like it's an unhealthy kind of culture and guess what it's not true yeah it's not true we are all attaching human beings that is how we are designed and if you are unable to create intimacy with other people just say yeah if you have limited capacity to be open and vulnerable just say just say but this idea of like you know people are distant it's like we don't treat people with care and respect we are not warm We Don't Hug where are you from who are you please you know you want hugged as a child and it shows no go to therapy good therapy similar to that but mine was more from the angle of like cutting people off like those two minutes every two minutes it's just like no if you say something I'm getting too old to tell grown people what they're doing wrong you know I can cut you off without any explanation are you drunk yeah we've been friends for five years this kind of stories you need like means I mean their stories which are just like for me like once you do it twice or whatever first time I'll tell you second time you're just being cut off you're just like oh I don't want to be friends I just I don't know if I'm not told I don't ask in which world what are you talking about yeah we are human and guess what it's like actually a human need to connect yeah so when you go around people and you you feel warm towards them and you like them you create relationships and I understand it can be a defense maker and it is mechanism all I'm saying is that it shows that it's a defense mechanism which isn't the reality and we're not using defense mechanism as ways of living that's maladaptive you needed to protect yourself but now this can't be your brand it can't be your brand honestly yeah plus people are just unwilling to have difficult conversations it's so boring everyone is mature until it's time to communicate or tell the truth aren't you aren't you we need to stop normalizing beating children this one is a conversion I can go on and on and on and on about but African mothers please I feel like we need to stop normalizing violence against children and this is my own this is yeah oh no I support you fully but since you're a mother take it away sweetie because if I say it no but told you you should always feel you can comment on things to do with motherhood even though you're not a mom yeah I do try to be more empathetic towards it because maybe I don't know maybe I'll be throwing mine across the window yeah I I get it I personally am just against using beating using pain using inflicting pain on your kids as a way of showing them teaching them a lesson I don't feel like it raises the best adopted children I feel like it teaches them that you somebody else can have power over your body to to show you pain so they can teach you a lesson that doesn't sound right to me yeah and it's like I cause you pain yeah as punishment but don't cause others pain like things are taught things are definitely taught oh yeah and Studies have shown over and over and over again that hurting your children physically yeah to teach them a lesson or to try and curb behavior is problematic like it shows like a lot of people a lot of parents do not have the emotional capacity to be able to deal with things accordingly you know people say like you there's a way you can do or whatever most people don't yeah most people don't most people are using violence and actual abuse and you're singing this out because you your grandfather used to beat you so now you hear you're beating your kids exactly actually and it makes me feel so much pain when I see people just making jokes about how badly they were beaten as a child like how is your outbitten so much then there's a smiley face at the end but I'm just like do you want a hug because that seems horrible like I'm really sorry yeah yeah to me and that's a scary it's just too scary no yeah I don't have any recollection of being bitten by my parents but I know that they did like when I was younger but I don't have any recollection yeah of it like I feel like there's a place where we go to that it was just like you can be told or like they just use different ways to curb Behavior or to punish or to teach a lesson whatever yeah and I definitely a hundred percent support what you're saying thank you yeah and I always ask God for guidance I align with a partner who's like that and I also have it in me to follow through with that because it's all good and um we should stop like one of the things actually which was kind of close to that is that we should stop normalizing parental abuse um you keep saying that every time you go to your to to see your mom your mom is um abusing you she's body shaming you when you're um around your dad when he gets drunk to do he does what why are we sitting in that you would never tolerate that from anybody else on planet Earth that bar that we put up with parents means that they are human beings who are not held accountable that is power and checked that's problematic and especially when we're adults when you are under 18 years yeah when we adults different when you are 18 you just you take it through and therapy will help you solve it because there's nothing you can do you're dependent on your parents but there's an age where it's just like as you're saying people are making jokes about surgery how they used to be violently beaten since you my mom used to do that and it's all jokes is it because now we see how you treat your wife life now we see how you treat your man leave mine alone we see just relax we know we know what you do to Jane and it shows like if you are from that environment we can see why and guess what some people are raised in abusive situations and they're completely different yeah but we can't be saying it's okay parents abuse your kids then whichever one ends up great it's fine fantastic I feel like let's just remove this thing I find it really uncomfortable when we're talking we're talking about how their parents treat them and no one is seeing a problem yeah like why do you still talk to this person why have you not even said anything yeah ah I feel like definitely in the African context again African cultures are very problematic in very many ways let's not even start about stop normalizing black tax let's just talk about I mean there are people who literally are living under their parents thumbs even like past 30 years old somebody is literally married with kids but their mom still talks to them anyhow yeah or it's their mom the parents who decide who to marry yeah actually what makes me sad is that people who are full grown adults have still not like like removed themselves from that toxicity because like as she said when you're below 18 you really don't have that much of a choice but when you're earning your own money some people even live in your own house I think there's a time someone sent us a DM about like I'm 27 and I really want to move out but like I do I think my mom will refuse so what you're 27. you are 27 what do you mean she'll review no no one as an adult is making you do anything or can make you do anything especially if you have your own money exactly you have money to be able to be standing on your own everything else that we are tolerating from people a lot of the times is Choice absolutely a lot of times it's choice and let me just say because I can really foresee someone coming to say in the comments but the Bible says you should honor your father and mother you can do a lot of honoring from like way over there you don't have to do that on yeah it continues to say parents do not frustrate your children oh you forgot that oh oh it's something I do not anger your children or something along those lines read them all together let's let's read them all together I and honoring your your parents is is to say that I'm not going to be abusive I'm not going to be hurting them myself but I am allowed to remove myself from an environment it's like you do you want to become like your parents thank you thank you so much yeah good night stop normalizing being a silent follower on people's social media pages of messaging me that you're silent follower oh my God and also it's like I'm a silent follower um I've been following you since 2019 and you know whatever I really admire what you're doing etc etc um I just wanted to know if you had a favor don't ask me for money interaction one yeah no no no no thank you and guess what actually a lot of times sometimes when I like when I go and I see someone's messages yeah I want to see if this is someone who's been a proactive follower before I do something exactly because that means like we've built a relationship yeah so it makes sense why you would even come to me like this you were silent stay silent stay silent awesome I never comment on on in on videos I never actually comment on anything or I never enter these giveaways I never you don't get an award for being the least person who person to interact the list on social media and it shows that's it and it shows done people need to stop normalizing alcohol culture and I know it's very easy it's very it's easy to sing I've haven't been drinking alcohol for five months now but I have realized it's one of those if you're not partaking in this culture you're a horrible person you're bad people feel like I don't have fun because I'm not drinking it's such a triggering point of view it must be so much part of our culture for real actually people message you about this more than anything yeah exactly yeah every time by the way I post a cocktail or a glass of wine it's like wow I didn't why can't you enjoy this with your friend Lydia or something like how does Lydia feel about you drinking now that you everything Jesus I'm like when did it become normal that people must be drinking it's not like you used to drink that often even before I don't feel like that like a cocktail or something like that like every night you're going out drinking and getting faced yeah but just because I've said I'm not drinking now it's come with all of these projections because you are unable to have fun when you are not conscious from drinking you can't imagine that I go to the club twerking without drinking you know it's like if you feel like that like because even me I used to view people who don't drink that way like you're so uptight like you just enough you know like relax it's life no life is however someone chooses to have life and I they just post um by the holistic um psychologist which was just like alcohol is the only drugs where people are um are asked why they don't do it if I put um life of cocaine here I won't question why you don't take it would be like I take it and that's it but with alcohol it's just like so it's so problematic it's ridiculous and it's because of the amount of money the alcohol brings but we Overlook all of these things first of all as somebody who's from kiambu County where we definitely have a problem with alcoholism it's like you we don't see how it gets to here nobody started like this and it's just one of these we all have to be drinking and then you you suffer one trauma and you use that as a coping mechanism oh yeah and that's it it's just spiral this is how it actually starts and and my mom runs a rehab center in challenge Kenya in case you don't know in case you have someone who needs help but every frequently they get someone who is just like oh we just used to go out every night drink thinking with him I don't know when he became an alcoholic well that's because when somebody tries to say oh I don't want to drink or says Ah guys you can just go tonight I'll just drink water and Red Bull ah what's wrong with you that is actually crazy yeah and having friends around you every single day where are we partying where are we drinking and then every single night you guys go out it's not we're having one drink and we're going home people are drinking until they're blocking out that's not normal yeah actually that has become more normalized than Lydia quitting drinking it's not it's not normal at all my God it's it's I feel like it's so scary because the amount of damage the amount of families that have been torn apart because of alcoholism and we never stop to think like maybe we should reconsider also guys since I stopped drinking I don't have anxiety at all and I think if you've been listening to this podcast for a while I think anxiety my anxiety has been mentioned how how often you don't even know the amount of things that you're doing to your body and you can drink people who are drinking normally and with like you know moderately they are not triggered with the father I don't drink he's like okay that's cool but the people is like how dare you make a decision that I know I should make alcohol yeah abusing alcohol yeah I am having first of all yeah there was an adjustment period where it's just like what is life without like what's a club without drinking you know things like that but the more you get adjusted to the fact that actually I don't need to be to take the to relax or to take the edge off or whatever the case may be to have fun it becomes practice the same way was practice to drink it becomes practice not true you know I would encourage anyone to at least try for a while yeah yeah and alcoholism is being unable like not being an alcoholic is being unable to people without alcohol and if you keep saying no but I don't want to stop try can you stop stop silent or are you silenced thank you very much my favorite phrase speaking of things that people have sent us on social media we need to stop normalizing talking to people on social media in a way you would never speak to them to their face you people write on social media in people's comments in people's DMS yet you meet someone face to face you can never ever say something like that to their face so why are you writing me on some social you hate yourself and it shows damn um people need to stop normalizing seeing emotions as a weakness guys we have a mental women though right or even among them considering was that what I was about to say continue stop normalizing toxic to people in podcasts stop normalizing them stop let me hear your point first okay say your point first when you see your emotions as weakness you're not functioning as a full functioning human beings a full functioning human being feels all of their emotions they have sadness they have anger they have all of them how you react you're responsible for so just because I said you can feel anger doesn't mean you pick up the chair and throw it at Nancy leave her alone don't pick the smallest person in the room they're already a Target you know when we constantly show that people struggle to ask for help people struggle to be supportive you we don't know how to support people who are going through things let's accept that if humans feel emotions I feel like men definitely get the lower side of this even like men are not allowed to feel any other emotions even you know a lot of men struggle to laugh out loud why are you so happy many men struggle to express laughter properly let me even say but there's someone who I know who it's like when they laugh as a man they will laugh like and it's like you can see they're holding back they don't want to like laugh the way you'd laugh they wouldn't they need to curb it you know because all their emotions are somehow limited I'm limited a man should be ex that expressive yeah and I think it's a problem and that and we are encouraging mental health problems when we do that let people Express themselves I don't know in this culture of crying on Tick Tock oh my God what you do when you're feeling something else it's something else I agree with you I feel like definitely feeling emotion is not a sign of weakness at all for men or women I feel like many people especially with men I feel like for them it's the expressing that is the problem and for women sometimes I feel like it's they're dealing with that emotion to the point where you preference not feeling exactly and I think because a lot of people are not in therapy or we haven't learned how to um control or Express anger or sadness or whatever in healthy ways then it's easier to just not feel that feeling I allow myself to feel super sad that someone close to me has died will I be able to bring myself out of that Abyss you know will I be able to build we still work and feel the grief at the same time you know I just wish that there was more support or more people leaned into the support available to be able to handle life's emotions yeah is what I feel I've been going through therapy for a minute and I guess I feel like I've been emotionally in tune and aware for a minute but I've always felt kind of somewhat bullied by my emotions because I feel everything a million times like it's just it's I don't know how to even articulate it and I only recently just learned how to regulate my emotions and that's what you're saying with women it's like sometimes we feel and we are and we don't know what to do with how to regulate our own emotions and Men it's like dare I express this but I promise you we are all feeling the same things it's just like we're coping differently so for me I would love to see a world where we are more like um more mature and more empathetic and compassionate when people do Express their emotions yeah I feel like I have a talent of being able to manipulate people through emotions I do I don't have anything else to say yeah nothing to tell you I feel like if I want you to feel sad I know like what to say or how to act so that you feel like oh my God she's being so vulnerable you know we are so sad things like that or like if I really want to make my husband angry just because maybe I'm angry and I want you to be angry I'll just be able to say something to make you super angry this is not a talent that you know I I really think is phenomenal but I have it I feel like I can manipulate people's emotions too especially because I know how to feel them influencers you know these influencers they'll come online and they'll just be like here Lydia has come from laughing with morugi and be like guys you know I'm just really going through a hard time right I haven't sake I feel like I do but I also have empathy and compassion for other people me too you do don't tell okay fine my turn um we need to stop normalizing prank videos where people get hurt do you know how uncomfortable they make them horrible they are really bad people get embarrassed or even super scared like I just I can't I can't do it especially this you know this video not even prank videos but where people do like fail compilations or something and it's like a child riding a bicycle down a hill or something then they fall I'm just like why why is that on the internet and why are people laughing about it so no that is like an accident Falls make me laugh I'm so sorry like I have a thing like a child was riding their bike down the the a hill and they I don't know see I don't want a child to get hurt at all but me I like I can watch um falling videos they make me laugh that's not a prank however I've set up like this I know you're emotionally vulnerable at this time and I've set up a camera and then when you come in here I just do and then you scream I would do that but I'm learning to grow up what the hell what what I'm learning to grow up everyone even me and my cousin Ted sometimes I've had those kind of Wars of scaring each other I hate it so much if someone is getting worse I don't really like it the following I don't know I can't help it or this is this one was not funny Lydia a child there was a time where there was like you know this people are like really coming on to like um what's a Muslim people for like terrorism and stuff like that like you know they're bigots obviously um and so this guy kept doing pranks of like he's he's wearing like a few and then he leaves like a bug because that's your own stereotype that's that's attacking you no because he lives and then he runs let me try those videos can I actually hate I actually maybe I just hate prank videos generally it just because I feel like you're really just manipulating people's emotions and like someone doesn't know what to feel I may hate being pranked yeah oh really oh my God I lose it even like oh you know like April fools in the time she did um April fools this was the mask times yeah and then she called me she was just like oh I've just been arrested I'm in town for not wearing a mask and you know her husband is not picking up she's my cousin he sure is not picking up oh my God what two hours on the way to kitten gala this time so now I'm just like what to do so now I'm just calling everyone I'm calling my cousins like she's sisters or something like hello like what's happening they're all in on it oh wow then I I don't know who I I called I think it was the show and then I just had all laugh in the background me this time I was literally like I'm about to walk to go and get her because I was like what do I do I have this I have to go to kitengela this time but this is my cousin has been arrested now and people I'm a really good one to get because people know I care I know you know I'm just definitely gonna prank Lydia or maybe I'll start cooking liver for me stay tuned stay tuned and see whether or not I'm able to prank her there's a time kid pranked me for her her page this is funny was it it was so funny yeah I was about to have diarrhea it was funny to watch oh my God no stop pranking people I don't like it it's me emotional manipulation after laughing I know if the content is there it's already been done you've already been tortured now let me laugh um people should stop normalizing toxic positivity oh child people think I'm a toxic positivity person but I'm actually quite literally not but because you want to understand me so you keep misunderstanding me and that's okay Jane that's okay however this idea that everything is sometimes solved with just a flick of the fingers right like oh the whole world is ending everything is horrible nothing is going to change but you know what's your perspective and you know we say these are things which we we ourselves have said you know your perspective can change your everything shouts your perspective I honestly do constantly say on my page that sometimes life is shared and let it be yeah cry yourself to sleep for a while but you see this is why people that's why people come and start saying like influences are fake or like content creators are fake because they're like you always post when you're like happy like most of the time let's say 95 of the time will be happy yeah the five percent will be like today when I'm just like oh I'm not really feeling myself or whatever but it's like people want to see because they see us really happy they want to see you also like crying or being upset about something but the same time if you post yourself crying or being upset you'll get canceled for that in the words of Auntie Jackie Aina social media is no therapy so you don't have to show people the ugly side of your life you don't have to come on here and talk about what's going on in fact considering how much we share anyone who wants more you're encroaching on my boundaries honestly because sometimes when I'm crying Jane I just want to cry I don't want to think about how this is going to be see perceived are people going to drag me I don't want to think about that so anything you post on social media you invite people in it sometimes I don't want to hear the words of other people about why I'm crying or whatever that's how you get invalidated yes you're crying your life is perfect you know that's let people share what they want to share and you have the discernment to know that as long as I'm in The Human Experience I have shitty days just take it that way the social media this is why this is why some days I actually actively stay out of my DM this morning when I was sharing about how I was feeling and just like feeling a bit overwhelmed this one woman she's just like this is how her message started can you please just count your blessings Mama some of us we are single moms working you know a nine to five which is really stressful or whatever and I told her why does my struggle have to be the same as your struggle because for you someone else will tell you at least you have a job me I'm a single mom without any job someone else will tell that single mom you're just a single mom of two kids me I'm a single mom of seven kids this is not the struggle Olympics okay this is not an Olympics of the struggle please I can feel bad about where I am you can feel but anyone can feel bad but even the president yeah this is a problem this is a problem everyone no matter where they are they they're allowed to feel how how they feel and toxic positivity is just like you know just feel positive just change it just feel good it's not about feeling good I feel like for you to be a generally positive person which I feel like I actually am I feel everything when I need to feel it so that when I feel Joy it's the true Joy I'm not pretending and when it's sad it's sad yeah yeah so it's not normalizing that yeah is that kind of had a conversation about this I think I've mentioned it before I don't know if I've mentioned before but um when he left like there are times that the girls would just have Tantrums about like different things or they'd be fighting or whatever but he when he was here he always used to tell them what do you have in your heart then they respond with joy what do you have in your heart Joy but sometimes you do it like this mukeni has just is fresh out of crying like she's still clearly very upset about like God knows what and he'd be like what do you have in your heart and she's there crazy like Joy but I'm like she doesn't have joy yeah right now and she's allow to be sad I told him I don't be telling them that because then I feel like you're giving them pressure to to feel Joy so that they can make you happy but they are definitely joyful like they're saying so they don't feel like oh I've disappointed that by not having joy in my heart you know and a lot of friends don't know how to manage their own emotions especially when their kids are emotional which is fine it's a skill that people need to learn but what happens is like you have to feel good I feel like this summer I actually told her the other day my mom used to be like that so if we are upset yeah my mom is just like who made you upset what can I do what money can I do at this problem to solve and guess what my mom has solved so many problems for us but what that was is like I can't manage how I feel about how you feel so I need to control how you feel and then now you don't get to feel you don't get to know how to regulate your emotional child you that's not how you're thinking as a child you're very happy for your mom to help you control that that's in that moment but I don't need my emotions controlled I need to learn how to deal with my emotions because now you grow up as many of us have grown up to be um adults who I don't know how to regulate their own emotions Millennials we are going through it we don't know what to do with emotions because we want allowed to have emotions there is a difference between enabling me and empowering me to deal with my emotions and controlling them so why why why can't mokeni be told to have joy let her snap out of the sadness no she's allowed to feel that it's okay and she can deal with that yeah but I feel like I would need to give that more thought maybe I don't understand it in the way that you're describing because for me it sounds like so it sounds like she's coming from a place of how do I help get you into a better place as opposed to just telling you but you're happy aren't you you're happy no be happy God says you should be happy you know what it is that she wants to shorten the space of my feelings which is which is a rational normal mother however it doesn't benefit me I know where she's coming from I even told her I was like Mom you didn't know it's like you don't have somebody to support you if your kids are all crying and they're all running around it's like what do you do you want to just hasten them do this experience but me I know I didn't learn how to regulate my own emotions so personally or what I've seen a lot of gentle parentings do is help your child understand what they're feeling and how they can manage that the next time round because otherwise I've grown up and now I'm 32 and I'm just saying okay Mom I'm sad so now hurry up then sort it out to be continued after the the especially as a child who went through that I would prefer to I would have loved to be parented in a way where it's just like I was able to know that how I feel is like I can manage that I can slowly get myself out of that as opposed to feeling like it's somebody else's responsibility because I have been an adult who has felt like it's other people's responsibility to fix me and I've seen how I've projected that in relationships as well it's like I'm upset you and I don't know you can't handle my emotions like whoa I get that however I feel like okay my point of view right now I'm listening to you speaking I've heard you say it before but I don't know it has never occurred to me this way is that when children are very young this out there's a way that your parents are actually responsible for helping you fix your problem at that time yeah however there are people who are raised like that but as they get older they are able to now be like I'm an adult now I can regulate my own emotions so it's the tying between how your mom raised you to how you are right now that seems a tiny be problematic to me because like at some point it's like what was happening when then now you are becoming 18 did you still say it the way someone reacts to anything you can never control so maybe there's somebody who became hyper independent from that and then there's me who became this way so if I can see that I would have preferred to be taught how to deal with my emotions as I went along because of how I struggled to to do with that maybe that was the thing with me that I needed help with maybe Aggie wasn't like that so that we we always advise from a place of best case scenario because there's some people who say they were beaten and they think that that's a good thing for them right whereas we are like is it is it really I get it from that point of view and I think I do exactly it's in the center of it like I would like I would prefer to be a parent who teaches that all emotions are safe and I hope I have the emotional set skill to teach my kids how to regulate their own emotions and even though I can help them fix the problem the emotions regulation is like a gentle teaching so that they can learn how to do it themselves okay yeah I see that I see that we need to stop normalizing teenage pregnancies foreign before it was like we are really against Teenage pregnancies how could you do this now I feel like we're on the other extreme of like no matter what stage you are in life no matter what happens you know it's okay and like you know we can raise this child together and like it's fine your life is okay which I think is a positive a walk in the right direction however I feel like we've missed the Mark it's bothering almost on encouraging teenage pregnancies is where we are right now and I feel like maybe people like me have contributed to it I was going to say that teenage mum and then now it's like my story ended up great now for some reason I see so many people who have teenage pregnancies or people who are like in their super early 20s and this is what is painful about most of them is that it's most of them it's like they just don't have enough information on contraception is why they are pregnant well in this day and age I feel like every everyone and anyone should have access to information about contraception not necessarily though exactly but they should if I feel like if you're old enough to be having sex I feel like you're old enough to be finding out about sexual um reproductive health and things like that I wish there was more access because I know I'm definitely speaking from a point of privilege I know there are places where people do not have access that kind of information but I definitely think it's not something that should be normalized at all even with shows like 16 and Pregnant it's just so problematic and like some of the stories I even feel wrong for watching because I'm just like she's this is a child but you know the truth is they're documenting what's actually happening more than glorifying right however when people start thinking oh I could be on a TV show if I'm a teenager I can see how like they're okay they're managing funny enough I don't know if it's like a vibration but I have never been in that vibration where either I've seen or I feel like I've been drilled into whether it's a positive or negative thing about teenage pregnancy I don't know it's because there's not much around I have a friend um one of my friends had a baby when she she was a teenager and you I think that's a also my shush oh wow yeah and she turned out okay let's see I think so yeah so I guess it just depends on your on your context also in the UK I imagine that because everyone has access to contraception not as many people even go there I think that you probably have like the highest teen pregnancy I mean because guess what you you finish high school at 16. so that's the first problem because then you are like a full adult who can work you have your money so you are many you are basically an adult yeah the only thing you can't do is vote and I think drink no you can't drink but LOL yeah as long as you're making money you're gonna find a way it's like it's everywhere um I don't know but I mean I feel like these um these stories of like look how I turned out whether you like it or not make people feel like me too I too will be fine I think because of that reason I stopped talking about that as often because when I first started my platform I used to talk about it all the time because then I saw it as like I'm encouraging someone who has who is already pregnant that you know your life is not going to be over but now I just feel like too many people are comfortable with the concept of teenage pregnancies and I just I'm not I just I'm not like I feel like if it happens it does definitely that mean your life is over it definitely didn't mean that now you know the child be in love though you won't be successful but is it the best case scenario because that doesn't seems that seems like yeah you that's like allowing some thing to happen to as opposed to this is like now I'm older I'm financially stable or whatever and I want a baby that's the circumstance into which I wish all babies could be born that I wish yeah I for sure feel like I am completely at a neutral with this in that I don't know if people are encouraging I don't know if it's like I just feel like literally it's like a different world yeah yeah completely when you when you say that you're a teenage Mom I just can't see that because I know you now I'm just like what do you mean I wish you had known me then yeah crazy also this shows you how depending on what kind of content you're posting on Instagram they're kind of people who are drawn to your page is based a lot on that so me I interact with so many like moms and like young moms things like that people who are like oh you're an inspiration or whatever you will mostly interact with like many single people you know many people who are like in their 30s or you know into Wellness things like that so I mean I guess that's why it doesn't seem that yeah honestly like a teenage Mom oh my God that that sounds like oh my God so different who is that um people should stop normalizing gender-based violence on the part of women is that normalized by anyone definitely because we when we watch videos of women hitting men what do we do oh you want as a man no I'm joking but I mean Define hitting because me don't see videos of women hitting men like maybe a slap first of all when Salon did violently attack Jay-Z oh come on wait come on what go on come on what come on watch murugi Muni honestly don't even mean to but it's almost we make jokes of it hard Jay-Z being the one attacking himself would just be like what an animal okay are you saying it's the same no no no no I'm saying that we shouldn't um either way right it's obviously terrible because majority of men are more physically stronger than women so it's like that's why it always seems unmatched that way but it's not okay that you are beating who else was attacked the other day by their girlfriend everyone was laughing at them but not like beating was she like beating him yes it's just because for me it's so hard for me to actually in my the front of my just the same way it's hard for you to contextualize teen pregnancies it's like hey wait let me phrase this in a way that's not going to get me canceled it's difficult for me to conceptualize a woman hitting a man in a way that actually hurts him but why is she hitting him it doesn't have to be about pain it's about inflicting violence okay inflicting violence not whether or not the other person is hurt and that's another problem let me tell you I want some I watched a documentary years and years ago but it never gotten out of my mind because for me I used to be like what do you mean a woman is like you're in an abusive relationship as a man how right first of all verbal abuse in women we have normalized that too much but the physical violence I was like how and I watched this man like a big ass man but like even if she's little like one of them is like she she put a hot iron on him no yeah she went to jail yeah it was like a prolonged constant violence it's definitely not normalize that so but guess what how does it start I think this goes back to like the allowing men to feel things and express their emotions and express humans yeah because for you right now you're saying like I can't imagine a woman hitting a man and him feeling pain as if him why are you saying that again as if that's what you're saying is the thing whereas as a woman is like he hit you I won't be like did it hurt okay then it's not valid no he put his hands on you that's insane yeah let me tell you something it's insane but maybe in my head just because of the of the nature of how sexual violence is yeah exactly and where the the huge issue is let me not take huja but really really really big issue is men versus women it's hard for me to be like let's stop normalizing women hurting men but yeah it definitely shouldn't be normalized yeah yeah I think for sure let's stop normalizing no no I have to be careful of what I'm saying I've already said too much now you want to be careful okay let's stop normalizing irregular periods if you are having issues with your reproductive system there's a sense in which Sometimes women like to feel like oh this is just normal this is just what happens you're having sex and it's painful that's not normal let's not normalize that go to a gynecologist if your period comes once every seven months go to a gynecologist you should probably see someone about that if your period is excessively painful you have to take two days off work when you're on your period that's not normal go to the doctor I know one of my friends who like started going on um what's like taking the pill to like help with that I mean it was like a problem she had gone to the doctors yeah but it was it was problematic but it's true we do make some of these things be like what it's supposed to be but no it's common but it's not normal for sure it's not normal which um people should stop normalizing hassle culture we said this before there's an episode where we said about um has a coach I feel like our mental health especially as Millennials used to be so compromised I think there was a time where everything was about the grind it was about like you know making money getting up all of these like really intense things but now the more we are seeing is that it's you actually don't have to to not work you can just find Harmony as we said Harmony which is like you are able to say no you're able to relax you're able to do some things that are fun you're able to take breaks but also you do work you know you can have them both ways the idea like actually but there's still many people who are like this like I worked all my life I worked through my 20s I didn't go out I didn't eat I didn't sleep so I can enjoy in my 30s or something like that assuming you don't die at 32 assuming also we are definitely speaking from a point of privilege because I feel like doing what we do which allows us to be able to be like oh we are working sometimes we're able to rest every so often I feel like some people don't have that that um privilege but also some people just don't know what the balance is between working and life yeah and a lot of people think that work is the biggest part of life it's like because when you remember when you're growing up your parents left really early in the morning and by the time they're coming home it's like really late in the evening or something like that so for you it's like working is where life is actually happening not realizing that life is where life is like spending time with people having fun resting and work is just supposed to enable that and not the other way around yeah yeah you know how um despite the fact that you do have a privilege and the way you do live your life is like there's Comfort especially as a mom right you do know there's always the choice of like not working and having a different life I just have been like a less comfortable life less comfortable you see these are the things which now make me you feel like the reason why I'm saying that is because I know I have the option actually and I love knowing that I have the option that if I decided I can just be like you know what I don't want to live this public life anymore and just like live a different one yeah exactly we have to so what I mean by that is like yes there's definitely privilege but the idea that because of just of the function of the way we work anyone in any kind of function has has room for even just gentle breaks even so when somebody's working like nine to five or like crazy ships I always tell them every hour on the hour do box breathing just take five minutes to take there's ways you can create a culture within what whatever bounds that you have and you are maybe you can't live life as free as you want to still be prioritizing Harmony within which however small some people have more privilege to have more maybe Beyonce can take six months off and nothing changes but it's because the other six months she's walking like a dog exactly she's doing her squats yeah and sometimes that's why I'm I I find balance because I feel like do you not need to go through that grind to be able to get the time to ease off because you've been taught that you need to earn your rest you can't just rest just because you want to yeah I feel like sometimes especially in the work that we do I'm very it's hard to tell where the line of hard work is and like not hard work do you know what I mean because I feel like sometimes I feel like I haven't done much but someone else watching my life is just like wow you've done so so much but to me it literally didn't feel like I've done that much I don't think we can go on the account of what someone sees because that always looks good because they're seeing it from like the the highlight real so of course there's gonna it's gonna look like oh wow all you did was work too much yeah because you didn't necessarily take the video of like taking a and doing boxing in the toilet having a panic attack or whatever yeah um I feel like you can't reveal from up it just has to be like how you you feel yeah I know like how I sleep when I'm feeling burnt out I know how I'm eating I know the seat of my apartment I have signs around me to tell me that you're way off base on Harmony kid way of base and then you slowly come back up yeah and it's just a dance I I don't expect myself to stick there the whole time any of these Pages for girl boss girls who grind girls whatever you open up post and then the first thing is just like billionaires right now woke up at 4am by 4 15 by 4 15 they have made two billion dollars by Whatever by 4 30. it's 7 A.M and you're still asleep that's why you're not wealthy shut up it's too much yeah and even those pages are getting a bit different you can just feel there's a shifts it's an energy shift in our algorithm because we have stopped interacting with this I think it was um Tom Bailey who had posted a page or something like you know you just have to work hard or something like that and it's like most of the comments who are like no this is not the energy we are looking for harm I mean majority of them are just like this is not it we are not this is actually after 2020 yeah so the world can just change like that so I can just lose my job like that so someone can just die like that and I think people were just like I mean yeah and enjoy life right now and I feel like it was needed to have that shift oh yeah for sure definitely we need to stop normalizing which of these on I mention whichever should I mention bad customer service in Kenya how used are we to people giving us bad customer service in Kenya yeah terrible I know I worked in customer service and obviously in England customer service is like super like a thing so it's like oh God the bar is absolutely in the UK it's like those people want to marry you it's just like relax yeah just on the phone just taking my McDonald's on me like that Sally Jane I'll go next door literally that's what happens with variety as you develop you just that's what comes yeah when you get bad customer service in Kenya imagine if we all complain then maybe something will actually happen but because no one complains because we're also used to it what we need to definitely stop normalizing is poor telephone um like when you call a business yeah they're like yeah or like is that worse than hello dear dear is better I'll take deer D is an attempt yeah hello and hello like you know when someone comes home like hello yeah I'm a customer are you are you being serious I just hate it you want us to lick your bottom no let me tell you because all businesses pick up the phone like hi the business name can we help you there's nothing first of all I'm going to ask is this wild because maybe you changed your number yeah me the reason why I don't call businesses I'm angry and I don't want to be angry you don't deserve that you definitely don't deserve it I don't thank you what's that mine that was mine yeah um we need to stop normalizing using mental health mental illness as an excuse to just be you can take care of your mental health without being an you can be observant of your own personal boundaries without being an you can you can be a human being who purchases themselves and their needs without being an and there's a third that had seen like you know have we over therapized ourselves or something like that way it's like when someone is like let's see there's a friend who the example was someone had gone to a friend the friend was telling them that they don't want them in their life right and so the girl was like you know why like you know please tell me like is there anything you did wrong and she was just like you know I don't have the mental capacity to have that conversation I've just decided you know like all of these terms or she was just like it was so impersonal we were friends for years and years and years and now the excuse is like you're not good for my mental health and out no explanation it's like how are we going to therapy to get woke only to just be asleep in a different way I feel like we are killing our Humanity with this idea that me and my world and how I feel is the most important thing I feel like it is important to you it is the most important but when we're interacting with other people they're a person their needs like they're a person so I feel like we've gone the other way the other way remember that the other day when I was doing a conversation on um let's say like my friend is going through something and then it's like they're not really able to be there for me yeah that's a reason but I don't know if it's an excuse for you to check out of the whole relationship yeah but if not for the person who says it it's just like okay fine if that's how you feel it's how you feel I guess it's for you as the other person to just decide whether or not you want to be a part of it yeah but I do agree with you I do feel like a lot of people sometimes and this is the worst people are the ones who just read quotes on Instagram and that's without any context that's their therapy so for them it's just like yeah cut off toxic people that's it now that's on the background of their phone and that's what they're doing you know kind of thing I feel like a lot of people are not seeing the context behind it are not understanding how do you what does in which context does this make sense you know or how do you go about that cutting people off having conversations like real conversations with them I feel like the issue of mental health especially for me it's just I also feel like there's a way that we need to stop normalizing the over romanticization of mental health um issues because I feel like sometimes people just throw around the word depression you know I've been I'm just going through depression it's just my depression it's just my anxiety especially anxiety and depression I feel like too many people fast some undiagnosed people using it it's actually majority normalizing using mental health terms if you know you've not been diagnosed with that thing I'm just it's just my bipolar you know you have never been to see a psychologist you have never been to see a psychiatrist you're literally you read in that one article and now you've established a bipolar kind of thing I feel like people need to stop normalizing using terms that do not actually refer to things that you're suffering with understand it's true and there is a there's a kind of a thing there's a there's a way there's a thing especially when you're saying like especially anxiety and stuff I thought I had anxiety and actually I I used to feel anxious all the time and I told you guys when I stopped drinking I just stopped right and I realized how much I had made that such a big part of your personality right your meaning to it it used to be something that used to even feel like sometimes it was barriers yeah a barrier to experiences you know I'm here for you know or maybe you've been diagnosed or your therapist has told you've got anxiety and you're walking you'll walk away from me and you're doing something to help yourself I am here for that but yeah we can't continue being or in the name of I can't do this you what my mental health please no thank you very how long have you been speaking for hours it did you show us 40 minutes Nancy did oh sorry I didn't see okay I have a done that I still haven't even talked to okay let's just go through no we don't have there's so many yeah fine let me just say one more okay I'll just leave this here people need to stop normalizing sin you know fornication is among the youth and what's what is sin well I already sounded like a Defender I just want to say I just want to say a singers I saw that one and I was just like what is sin because you're speaking from the perspective of me I am speaking of nothing I'm reading from other people's opinions you've written you believe you said you said you agree we need to stop them expound saying like lying what else stop being Liars masturbation you already do that one so I don't know who you're attacking about you huh even if you were together in fact you people with podcasts talking about things is where we draw the line please okay my last one that was your last one this one is one diabetes for us people need to stop normalizing having an opinion on something it's okay not to care it's okay to look at this and just move on you don't have to have opinion on it no I I don't I think it's of course many people have an opinion of different things I feel like it's okay to look at something and not feel the need to share your opinion yeah that's where I feel like people relax sometimes someone will send me a DM and be like I just felt like I had to say this but murugi that's wrong I'm like what do you mean you had to say this really hard to do this gun to your head you didn't have to do it you also us who have opinions on everything sorry yeah I feel like that's why we have our own platform so that we can share our opinions but I'm not going to someone else's page just saying I don't agree with your version of motherhood I ain't doing that I'll do it on my own platform yeah and also the I the idea this delusion of grandeur that your opinion is so impactful to me is problematic it's okay to share from a place of you want to share it's an open platform but please don't don't dream that it's the thing that changes my life once you share it yeah and even me when I share mine it's like if it affects you if you feel like it's something to take take if it's not it's not it's absolutely fine this is my last one stop normalizing commenting on other people's appearances either online or in person telling someone oh my God what are you doing that here of yours it looks why I feel like unless it's someone who's like your really close friend and they cannot misinterpret your intention there's absolutely no need to comment on someone's body at all yeah at all let me give you this example so Kate kit carry we mentioned her a lot in this podcast anyway she had lost a bunch of weight I think it was this year or like last night and it was intentional yeah but I'm telling you I was shaking to write something I was just shaking because it's like you never know you don't know first of all is she look trying to look strong you don't know what the compliment is yeah so just say you look fantastic and go oh is she barking a secret illness you don't know about it no this is what my rule of thumb usually will be is like I wait for you if you bring something up about like oh but they have been going to the gym then I'll be like yeah oh I can tell yeah you're looking really good yeah that's good enough yeah if you I don't mention anything about it well we're talking about it I would say you look good I feel like the rule of thumb is just say a general comment yeah you look amazing whether that's they wanted to lose whether they wanted to know even the other day two had um data like a before and after picture of how much weight she's lost and it's like I want to see what the tone is do you want to have lost weight is it something you're happy about like you know then decide how to structure your comment because you're right you have no idea what somebody what their goal is it's not and also the idea is know that just because someone is losing weight it's something that's good yeah you have no idea let's let's do that yeah listen to me listen to me yes yeah you're triggered we are triggered it's okay this is trigger Central this is what we do so that we can grow we can expand our mind we can have this kind of important conversations if you are watching on YouTube please let us know in the comments what are what some things that people should stop normalizing I know I feel like people are just waiting people are just waiting to comment yes and if you are listening to us on podcast platform we're gonna have a question up so please go and question um and engage with us on that poll exactly and give us more context like when you say something stop normalizing this you can explain is expand yeah please expound so that we can be able to see what you guys are thinking but again I'm looking really looking forward to the comment section those guys are going to and please remember by yourself novelizing women even no but seriously guys please keep the comment section as respectful as possible you're allowed to disagree with us you're allowed to say you you know you're not on the same side as us that is perfectly fine but do it in a respectful in a kind manner to everyone everyone else in the comments so please please do that we want to hear from you but be kind okay be kind guys but we're gonna see you in our next episode which will be episode please please okay if I see you on the next episode bye [Music]
Channel: TMI Podcast KE
Views: 73,442
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Id: P5tHNnqggBM
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Length: 72min 20sec (4340 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.