You're cracked if you hold angles like this

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one apple yeah this is too slow do you see because you spent that time to hold from the box and wait out the trip you cannot defuse anymore it's impossible you should hold wider right over I predict that if your CrossFit was here you would have killed them literally exactly when you react to the guy it's the width that I would have been a this actually is rare piece of advice that you actually can just listen to regardless of the rank of the VOD everyone listening right now can you can remember this I'd say if you're below radiant you make this mistake if you're above radiant I'd be surprised if you still make this mistake because it's actually so important and it's exactly why we didn't kill chamber in that 1v1 or at least didn't have a good shot on him and so the mistake is essentially that you develop muscle memory for always having to aim away from the corner when you get peaked so what will happen is let's say you hold a corner like this and you'll get peaked and you'll always move to the right to try and shoot them because you almost always get overpeaked and so what happens is the rare cases where you do hold to the right width like let's say you're holding here and they peek right onto your Crosshair well then you'll miss anyways because you'll you'll move to the left a bit to try and shoot them like subconsciously because you're used to always having to aim away from the corner so this is a really bad habit like it's terribly bad and the reason why you have this habit is because you hold too close and you're used to almost always having to click away you need to hold further further than you're comfortable holding like if you recall this scenario where I was like oh you should have your Crosshair here I bet a lot of you in chat like low rated players were like that's too wide like that's too wide and I'm out here like this is perfectly wide this is exactly wide enough and sure enough by the time pixel reacted their head was like exactly there it was dead on going to explain why it's better if they peek too tight than if they overpeak your Crosshair because there's three scenarios that can happen Okay so scenario one is they peek right on your Crosshair their head comes here so in scenario one as long as you have good technique it's lit it's super lit okay so actually I'm gonna color scenario one in green okay to make it clear that this is like what you want you stereo one is good and now there's two worse cases there is scenario two so I'm gonna use yellow for and then scenario three I wish I'm gonna use red for so why is scenario three the worst it's because in scenario three your opponent has infinite range to keep going this way and your Crosshair may never catch them okay they can keep running wider why are you've got to like track them and it's really difficult so the potential range at which you have to aim is all the way over to this wall in scenario three so it's this huge box it's a problem in scenario two you'll notice that if they try to run away from you well that's fine because now they're off your screen so scenario 2 while it is worse than scenario one of course you'd rather One Tap them but between sudigo 3 and 2 which would you rather have two two is the lesser of the two evils which is why it's generally better to favor your Crosshair being wider from the corner than you feel comfortable with because it's gonna increase the amount of times you get scenario two as opposed to scenario three because in scenario three we've all been there your Crosshair will be here when their head is here okay you'll start moving your Crosshair over but by the time your Crosshair gets to the center there you know where their head will be it'll be over here and now your Crosshair is over here you're like oh [ __ ] you start tracking them this way but now their heads over here your cross face here and you're lacking behind and then you get one tap and you never catch up to them because it's impossible because there's latency in the human brain the reason why you can never catch up to them unless you're like super trained at tracking and even then you're gonna lag behind like the best trackers in the world lag behind is because we don't have zero Ms reaction speed so you by the time your brain registers you're not caught up to them then they're already even further and so you're you're lagging behind behind and lagging behind this happens to everybody even the best gamers in the world which is why it's generally better to want to shoot them in this region where they can't do that to you got it did you know only 420 of the people who watch my videos could actually receive free VOD reviews really it's true even me absolutely wow I'm going to joined the Discord to learn how then show up to a broad review stream to get some of that potassium wisdom no scope right to my brain and that's not all I'm also offering free following gift cards to anyone who makes successful Improvement based on my coaching made possible by the support of the generous knowers Guild on Discord so what are you waiting for hit us up and enjoy the video [Music] laughs pixel let's take a look pixel last player standing okay okay you sort of have to go um this is hard to explain holding that angle is good if they're bad you know what I'm saying but you're Immortal trying to hit radiant they shouldn't Peak you there alone if they're gonna peek they're gonna like double swing you and at that point you're if they double swing you you've already lost anyways unless you're just him so you kind of just got to expect them to be playing some cross right here which is why I wouldn't flash I would like pre-fire what you want me man you're holding too tight again your angle is too off if you hit this shot and they pick you this tight I will eat my words okay we'll watch first bam yes smoke the odds that they're gonna peek onto our Crosshair and stop I'm gonna say 20 and the odds they peek past it I'm gonna say 80 and the odds that they peek to the left of it I'm gonna say practically zero percent right like we we could call it one percent and we'll change this to 19. so this is scenario two one and three so you can see right now your most likely scenario is scenario three which is bad so if you just put your Crosshair here instead now let's say it's still 20 that they peek onto it I want to show you that this isn't the part that matters we'll say the odds that they Peak on this side now is Heck in 50 and the oddsmic scenario three is thirty percent so even if our odds of getting the one tap I'll go unchanged now we're much happier because 70 of the time they're not running past their Crosshair in an annoying way okay does that make sense so we're not specifically aiming wider because it's gonna net us more headshots we're aiming wider because it's gonna net us less scenarios where they run past our Crosshair and of course there is a trade-off because I would never recommend that you hold your Crosshair over here for for this guy that's too far because now you'll never get a scenario one which is bad as well you want to hold so far that you you're reasonably confident you're gonna catch them okay perfect you're making the same mistake again it's the same mistake I hope they Peak tree bro TP out what the [ __ ] coming in oh my God you also see the effect I was just describing by the way so what you want to do here the moment you recognize she's running this way this is only true in low time to kill games okay I've played Apex I've played OverWatch um I'm not that good at them but I know people who are fabulously good at them and I know that this advice does not apply in those games so in tactical Shooters where a single bull is going to kill this guy you wanna flick past this Arena to bring her into your box does that make sense because now as you move your Crosshair left there's gonna be a point where her head intercepts you and you're gonna get you have good odds of getting the kill while in like OverWatch or Apex it's better to actually get on Target and track them because you need tons of time on target to kill if valorant you need a singular bullet you only need one and to get one shot on this Arena as fast as possible you want to aim over here and just like spray I really want to see you holding an angle again Yep this is also too tight Yep this is also too tight this is actually good but not for the reason you may think this one's good because they're going to be shift walking if they come into this Crosshair so they're not going to run past you yeah what kind of tight you are right now notes hold angles wire I genuinely think I'm going to give this individual gunfight technique you got you gotta learn to TP out you gotta learn to TP out going for two is just like you're actually you're just trying to hit a clip for no reason holy [ __ ] finally wow you actually got tight Peaks it's because you have ankle disadvantage one bullet there thank you finally holy [ __ ] I had the skips nine rounds to find a second example of your ass getting pee from the angle you're holding to show you that on average you're holding too tight okay and this is causing you to almost always have to do these like micro adjustments wider let me pull up a scream vibe look how wide he is you see he's closer to this side than he is to this side scream hits so many one tasks because he has a good intuition for his Crosshair distance from the corners it's really hard to explain why sometimes he'll be tight and sometimes he'll be watched so here he's tight because he's shifting with huge angle advantage and he thinks the breach might be holding him look look by Quinn do you see where our Crosshair is it's cool Harbors like wide and now here do you know why it's tight you know why he comes tight for this jet it's because she's gonna refrag us so she's gonna peek tight okay God it's actually like crazy they're magnetized dude bro he knows like how far this dude's gonna swing before he's even done swinging enemy remains [Music] oops that is so good I really hope they Peak you okay because now it should be blatantly obvious what you're doing wrong here yeah so like put it here so maybe even wider because you're not in an on angle okay only time I want to see you holding tight is when you're in and on angle put yourself in this guy's shoes if they're gonna peek they'll peek this corner here okay so let me just quickly penguin because you're here you're like out you're not back here back here the penguin is hi the penguins are above this Mark in the wall I'll shoot it but if you come up here look where that Mark is now you see how suspiciously farther left that Mark just got as opposed to back here in the corner the Mark is closed you're up here the Mark is out here and that's how wide this dude has to get to Peak this corner look if they stop at this depth I'll be sure man you're actually better you're like so much better what no no no no I genuinely think the biggest thing that separates you from lacking Radiance in your region is these gun fights I'm not gonna lie which is crazy did I say that um it says pop classes could be better really I think they're effective nice like your aim is deadly your Technique is not like you just saw the scream VOD you know how he's taking this fight so first of all unswinging if you saw my YouTube video today is incorrect because they're not looking at you if you're peeking this dude's not even looking at you it's a free kill you could literally just plant your feet and click this dude's head but next you come back out and why are you spraying what are you doing but notice okay okay you know when you like get to high yellow and you start getting laid out instantly a bad habit can form where you feel like you have to aim faster and you just start flicking and immediately craft spring don't do that you have to accept that fights when you get really high low are actually 50 50. like everyone's cracked scream knows his technique is good he's not gonna let like the four deaths in a row causes aim to deteriorate he's not gonna go oh well I've got aim faster these guys are cracked you think scream's gonna do that hell no you can trust this technique speaking of oh got shook here I wish we could find a long range engagement is fun okay we have to go back to the Lotus one oh here we go you can see at this range he's just tapping and he's already looking to move between shots [Applause] maybe a mid-range fight scream oh you peace yeah this is a positioning error like you you should be um tping elbow yeah mistakes like that are pretty normal especially on newer Maps but if you make a mistake like that more than like three four times then you should really like write it down it's not something that I would tell you to focus on like oh don't die at a waterfall on top site C but if this is like a recurring theme in your other games you have to somehow come up with a way to stop dying to that if your TP it's easy um otherwise you can finesse the pillar to fight water like if you put yourselves in the shoes of the guy retaking from water I'm sure you've been there where it's actually really awkward to fight this guy top side like if you're here it actually really sucks when they peek you up here you know what I'm talking about because you're very rarely just staring up there so if you're just here and you just count to like an arbitrary number and you peek out like if you don't have your CP it's actually quite good because you can just like tickle some shots tuck again it's gonna slow them down a lot because they can't spam you unless you're playing against a hacking pro team and they've got one Guardian but that's not normal on um in solo queue okay why is this guy stunning before us b mini control you're calling the bridge Sun why what do you mean this breach pixel literally just said Bridgestone pixel called it you guys are blaming the breach what are you talking about pixel asked for this stun I can't believe you're throwing briefs under the bus here oh man another stun expires okay it works you're better I'm gonna do enemies one heaven are you staring at a door there's a sound cue if they break this bike B thank you come back you're holding too tight beyond me because there's something here oh my God [Applause] you see holds really really messy let's see where were you yeah I'm not sure about this TP location is this supposed to be here I'm just thinking this is where you want to be to play some I can Flash I don't know a good one but I'm sure there's a good one because you can pick um the whole Lane off of The Flash when you're over here like I don't really see how you're gonna get much value and so you ain't getting a TP there yeah I agree so I'm wondering what's up with the pacing his check is infosy yeah it's just slow take a look our chest already taken an op shot and she's getting flashed if you TP right now you have three extra seconds so like right now I'd be 1 33 on the clock will you be here yeah you actually would have had time that's why that's why we're not there and now we're like what can you do this oh my god really I'm not sure I agree on entering B here like chamber takes a shot falls back pushing through a tiny choke I'd probably open door to fight this guy who's stuck out in the open that's your bad leg is the Duelist job to choose when it's good to hit and that [ __ ] was not good to hit at all in that scenario that was a really bad timing window to hit you felt pressured I think because it's 4v5 but we should not have pushed we've got deadly aim you have bad technique I'm not surprised your KD's 1.14 but it should be better and then you're you're like mid-round cons of teammate utility is trash well it's um we're gonna call it attack slash retakes we've been rounding of teammate utility to take base is really weak much more vocal about how the hip would be coordinated Crosshair placement plus gunfight technique is holding your aim back generally hold too tight to angles you are too passive should almost always take every single 60 40 plus offered to you without question commit to instant sprays too often I hope this makes sense you're actually cracked but you're gonna lose so many gunfights with this technique regardless of how cracked you are so I actually think you're gonna get Hella value if you can fix this and you do need to clean this up on the attacks and retakes as well but it's like almost less important I'm not gonna lie they're actually yeah there actually is something wrong with like your gunfights like if you took this into a radiant you're gonna get laid the hell out and it's not because of your aim thank you for the VOD [Music] k [Music]
Channel: Woohoojin
Views: 385,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kXHWf73t4So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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