Stoned Ape & Fungal Intelligence - Paul Stamets

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I reccomend listening to or watching Mr Stamets on the Joe Rogan Podcast! Some super interesting stuff said on there!

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/blackniggag 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/adambombz 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Unless I'm misunderstanding, he's suggesting some link between the brain size increase and apes consuming psychedelic fungi. But how do those correlate? It's not like eating mushrooms is an evolutionary selector for big brains. And wouldn't better leaders result in higher survival rates of smaller brained (or otherwise disadvantaged) clan members?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/_Fang 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Terence McKenna

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/murphy365 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

I knew this hypothesis before this video yet it is super informative video about this and highly recommended to watch

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/srknoron 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wow this is a mind blowing hypothesis

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/madifrisby 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
When you think about it in your visual landscape with animals You see them for months years and plants so you have a familarity factor But mushrooms that come up and disappear in four or five days Some of them can feed you some can kill you some can heal you some can send you on a spiritual journey So to have something so powerful and yet so ephemeral It's natural for humans to avoid that which they don't understand out of fear because they don't know the difference Well, you know 23 primates Consumed mushrooms humans being one of them and so that speaks for a long and successful use of mushrooms going back You know in our primate evolutionary tree for a very very long time We separated from fungi six hundred and fifty million years ago Maybe you did dude. I know some people that are probably still Well basically we we are descendants of fungi yeah We shared more common ancestry with fungi than we do with any other kingdom And fungi are closer to animals than they are to plants Animals came from fungi wo You and I are actually fungal bodies I'm speaking to basically another fungal body right now Okay And from a cellular point of view under the microscope a human cells animal cells and fungal cells are very very similar We exhale carbon dioxide we inhale oxygen And it's really interesting that the many of the bacterial diseases that infect fungi also infect us our best antibiotics against bacteria come from fungi penicillin being the obvious example, but you know the universe was created about 13.8 billion years ago from the Big Bang. The earth coalesced out of stardust about 4.5 billion There the earliest records of life we have is about 3.8 billion years ago single-celled single-celled organisms, but just recently on Lava Beds in South Africa They found mycelium infused to the Lava 2.4 billion years ago, now we split from fungi 650 million years ago And then in Brazil this past year they found a fully intact apparently a fossilized mushroom published in nature Which is a very very reputable scientific journal and that one is? 1.4. Billion years old so the oldest multicellular organism in the fossil record today is This fungus and lava in South Africa 2.4 billion years ago a fully formed mushroom Who had as its form, grew... was growing 1.4 billion years ago. We were, We separated from the fund a 650 million years ago mushrooms Have had their form longer than we've had our form by more than a billion years So, but think of that mushrooms had their form before we had ours Yeah, These are elders. These are ancient organisms These are the really the overlord under lord's of our ecosystem. And I suspect and as these neural networks They have more neural connections than my silly old master. Over a thousand acres than we have in our brain. They are actually Accumulating knowledge in an intelligence, but I think that as time goes on I hope that we will be able to interface with them because I think that there is a there is Many benefits of us communicating with mycelium that can give us Rapid responses to catastrophe oh That's how they've evolved and we're now the biggest walking catastrophe that I know... walking across the planet and we need to engage these fungal allies for the benefits that we need to put into play in order to prevent the loss of biodiversity. it seems like a communication gap would be very hard to bridge the communication gap I mean if we really did find a way to communicate in some form with mushrooms like the concept of language like you were talking about just the idea of nature and intelligence and these words that we have that we have these sort of Concrete definitions in our head that don't really apply to some things that are very Very confusing to us like the idea of fungal intelligence the idea that you could somehow or another Understand the language that these things we wouldn't we don't even understand dolphin language, right? Well, one classic example. Japanese are so clever at this. they, There's a slime mold you know, called Physarum polycephalum And they had a and this slime mold is very very good at navigating through mazes and challenges I mean first of food wins the conservation of energy you know is rewarded so So, how do they set this up they.... They did several experiments the fun most fun. One is they they designed a nutrient Basic... a nutrient like maze replicating Tokyo and the Japanese subway system and So they started it with Tokyo and they put oats which is a nutritional source they inoculated What is on this basic and Agra map? with all the major cities the nodes around Tokyo and they Then makes each of those nodes had a piece of oat on them. It was a source of nutrition the main oat was where Tokyo was they inoculated it and Then they let the slime mold then grow and first I grew out randomly exploratory you know just like you would do if you're a hunter or something or hunting on the landscape looking for things and then after about 28 hours it reorganized itself in the most efficient way possible And reorganized the Japanese subway system in a more efficient manner than it's designed today Thus they said, not me, not Paul Stamets. This is a demonstration of cellular intelligence. wow So this is the tip of the proverbial mycelial iceberg. You know this is has broad implications And I just want people to suspend their disbelief and this goes into it actually the evolution of human consciousness and Terence Mckenna was a good friend of mine I Love Terence. I especially loved them last five years of his life because he made fun of himself so much Terence and Dennis both came up with a Stoned Ape Theory. now, It's not a theory its a hypothesis a Hypothesis is speculative but cannot necessarily be as not yet proven a theory is a Hypothesis that is tested and proven with facts so I disagree with them and saying it's not theory its a hypothesis But the hypothesis is the stone ape part of the stoned ape Which I think you've alluded to before is that with climate change and as a savannas increase in our primate ancestors Came out of our the forest canopies there. They're trucking across the savanna, and if you're a hunter what do you look you look for footsteps you look for scat. And the most significant fleshy mushroom growing out of poop, in Africa, a hippopotamus, elephants you know deer antelope etc Is psilocybe cubensis. It's a very large mushroom. You're hungry. You're with your clan you consume it and Then 20 minutes later, you're you are catapulted in this extraordinary experience psilocybin substitutes that serotonin becomes a better neurotransmitter activates Neurogenesis, it causes new neurons to form new pathways of knowledge so that's the Stoned Ape Hypothesis and it speaks to a mystery that the human brain Basically the brain cavity doubled in size in about two million years some people say it is less, it's less than 200,000. Homo sapiens were here less than 200,000 years? Homo sapiens arrive at 200,000-300,000 years ago. It's a big gap right? It's a big gap Well the science is like that so you wanted. You know, to be scientifically accurate here, I need to show the the extreme margins of what's been estimated so if we accept two million years that the And it's shown in the fossil record this is true. The oldest Homo sapiens fossils are three hundred thousand years old now, but we have a suddenly doubling of the human brain and With that our language centers increased our ability to prognosticate to plan and there's no explanation for this currently and Even though we may not be able to prove it I asked people to suspend their disbelief for a second now think of this our Primate ancestors are going across the savanna the ingest these mushrooms as a clan Massive input for anyone's eating these mushrooms huge amounts of data is coming in fractal patterns geometrical you know landscapes occur You have empathy you have greater courage. You're fighting a saber tooth tiger. You know one day You're you have a fear of it we know now from neurogenesis and the extinction of the fear response that has been clinically proven psilocybin allows you to Reset and have different neurological pathways to respond to fear Overcoming the fear conditioned response potentially PTSD and there's a lot of research on this currently so but this wouldn't happen one time with one Hominid group what happened two times ten times? having millions and millions and millions And millions of times over millions and millions of years this leads to what I think is called this should be called Epigenetic neurogenesis we know that there's a regeneration of neurons we know this all subs substitutes the serotonin it opens the floodgates of the senses you have a lot more data coming in and we know that you have the extinction of the fear response so if you're the leader of your clan you've had this traumatic Event either war or cataclysm from earthquakes whatever the case may be or encounter saber-toothed tiger Whatever if you're the leader of that clan and you can overcome your fear response You have courage and you have empathy those are leadership skills I Think we people didn't take note of it People like to follow leaders who are courageous and yet kind Who they can trust they'll have their best interests in mind, so I think this propelled I think it's a lot It's a very good explanation. It's an unprovable. Hypothesis well now We're at a junction and for the net and we're ready for the next quantum leap in human consciousness For more interesting videos like this one please subscribe
Channel: After Skool
Views: 1,813,667
Rating: 4.8919024 out of 5
Keywords: stoned ape, psilocybin, mushrooms, evolution, consciousness, paul stamets, joe rogan, mycelium, fungus, psychadelic, theory, hypothesis, terrence mckenna, fossil, homosapien, fungal intelligence, after skool, animation, science, powerfulJRE, PTSD, fear response, epigenetic neurogenesis, brain size, serotonin, primate, fungi
Id: Nxn2LlBJDl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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