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well today's video I put in a step now this thread here I made it myself CU I looked around in Florida you don't see Stone threads so I made my own concrete thread and I'll show you that later and I put in a coral step now this was all rotted in here there was three steps but I brought the uh the land up and so it only have one step I always try to eliminate step if I can and we were going to pour it out of concrete but then there might have been some issues with a permit so I'm going to show you how I did it all right this is uh the project over here we got to get rid of all this this Mulch and everything and these steps are all caved in so what are we going to do not even a clue uh you don't know about this stuff until you start ripping it apart to see what's under under there so we'll see once we start ripping it apart all right they started ripping these steps out everything is rotted the guy who did them he uh everything's rotted so that's the first thing I might do masonry steps here let's see what happens I get these all out of here and they're all rotted this plastic stuff they put on is held up pretty good but underneath it's all rotted so I'm going to have to rebuild them I might rebuild them out of masonry we'll see what happens there's the form if I wanted to go get a form and another one I don't think so looks like I got to rebuild the whole thing so just for the sake of progress this is all rotted see it it's all rotted that's all rotted we're going to take this cell off and replace it but I'm going to set it up and put two steps here I'm going to do this out of masonry I was talking about doing that out of uh concrete but not not for now so I'm going to set it up in case I ever do concrete and put the two steps here okay we're going to see where we're at here you see this has the skirting on but there's nothing underneath the skirting and animals are getting under there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move this all the way and I'm going to put my step here that's all gone now and I'm going to put a little pad down here to build a block up in case uh I want to put concrete here which I will eventually so I'm going to show you how I do that okay I got it all formed up for my step and don't forget this is Florida there's sand all over the place and it's been here for I don't know how many years so so it's not going anywhere and I'm going to pour some in and there all right so we're just using this High scen concrete mix that's I'm going to use for my footer I'm not going to make a big p out of it pour my water into it mix it okay I'll mix up [Music] so that's it we just got it in and uh tomorrow I'll take the forms off and going lay some Block in here and one step at a time well here's where I am so far I put some blocks under there do you see it that's going to hold that up if I ever take this off I am going to be able to do this at of concrete and now I'm going to start working on the step get my deck in first and then work on a step I'll show you how I'm doing that this is my step see that's the step that I did this is the joint and this right here is the stone I'm going to be this is the wood on the top so when I go right here with it I know exactly what my height is going to be came down here measured from the line I got to make sure I got enough space right here that's where my steps got to go got to come up to the line with my stone going right across make sure that when I put the stone on I just got a little slight pitch away from the house and I made my measurements here 11 and A4 and over here 11 and a qu and I'm ready to go now I'm going to start laying my stone now this looks like the best idea for a corner so I'm going to go right there that's where my Corner's going to be now I'm going to work that stone into a corner so use the flat part of the hammer like that so we got that part that looks CL enough now this is sticking out so I'm want to flatten that a little bit not too bad straighten that out flatten this out that don't look too bad for a corner doesn't have to be perfect this is still bothering me so there now I got my corner so I found a stone for my end piece and I want to show the joints a little different let's see what we got here maybe like something like that so this got to come off let's see if we get that off I could live with that that'll be let's say that's our neck Stone something like that so we got to get up in here might have to find a little piece for in there see you keep moving it around until you find out what fits it's one of the old school ways of doing things okay I got it laid out dry to the line see the line they have marks down here to make sure I didn't go off the line so now I'm just going to mix them in and put them in so so now I'm just going to mix it up I'm just using this mortar pre-blended tightest it has the sand in it already this is Florida it's not a big deal for Florida and mix it up you see it's like Play-Doh almost it's stiff you don't want it soft because you're going to be laying Stone on top of it so now usually you always start your corn put your cement down I just use a regular rubber glove couldn't find the good ones that's good I'm going to lay this one I'll shove it down in there just for the heck of it pile it up here think we got to go a little higher there because we're not going to see the bottom that's good then we fill in with the joints and we're good like that now we're going to start on this end take this out put the cement on one thing about when you're working in Florida there's no ice there's no snow at least the southern part anyway see that's good we going to go over here and put this one in like this go a little higher with it remember I told you the bottom is not going to get seen because we're going to cover it with something so we want to hit the top so I could live with that right there and let's see you can always throw the junk in the back to build it up that's what you do throw the junk in the back to build it up like that for Coral that that's okay so that'll go right there like this that's it let it sit there no big deal so now just continue on putting our pieces in and as we go no big deal it's not rocket scientist oh it is a stone work so the light's not that good or it's hard to see you just shove it under there I could live with that put it in with your rubber glove that's it almost looks good enough the way it is there tell you what this is moving a little bit so let's put this one in next that's it the bottom is in just a couple at the top maybe something like that'll work like that see Coral it's not like you're working with Limestone where everything's perfect you're working with coral all right we got most of it in we got to put the top piece on so we're not going to go crazy with it we're just going to finish what we're doing okay we got that basically in I'm going to say what are you going to put around the back here you know anything that works that looks like it's works so you know what I'm going to cut a bunch of these calves instead of son it I use my bigger Hammer you know that's it good and we got some of these junk things laying around use some of these so that'll go right in there look at that now on the end and just getting some concrete mix they had left over filling in the holes that's it and going let all that set up so at the end just get the finger go over it again give yourself a little paint brush brush it down no big deal that's going to make that all look better we're going to put the cap on later today so that's all c for Florida don't seem like it wants to dry quick enough I don't know why and we just get a bucket of water a sponge and you rinse the sponge out don't rinse the sponge out just go over the edges that'll clean that up real nice and sometimes the deeper you go with the joints it shows more to Stone you learn as you go in this kind of stuff whatever works get my little dolly here pick this up that's my step okay now I'm putting the cement down for the step just like this sounds like they're throwing trash out over there going to get some water just do the back of the stone that's what's going to make it stick I mean it's not a big deal in Florida but that's what's going to make it stick there we go that's our Stone now we going to see which way it's going this way and we got a little pitch going this way and this way got to get a level with bubbles on it so that's basically it I brought the grade up so I eliminated two steps I only had one step as a matter of fact I actually wanted to eliminate them all but they didn't want that so that's it the step is in uh I'm going to show you on another video how I made this thread and what I did was I formed it first then I mixed the cement and I put it into the form and then I got it out of the form and I brought it over here and laid it it's that simple but that'll be another video after this video so I like I said we were talking about doing it out of concrete but then we might have got into some permits and that so we just kind of patched it up again I guess you could say it that way I brought the grade up so I got the same distance from here to here and from here to here and we eliminated those old wooden steps so thanks for watching I'm Mike hadock I'll see you next video
Channel: Mike Haduck Masonry
Views: 9,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stone steps, steps made from coral, coral steps, how to build stone steps, how to build coral steps, mike haduck, mike haduck masonry, mike haddock
Id: JlQXy4Kr6XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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