Stitch Roadies 112

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[Music] good afternoon everyone thank you for stopping by the stitch roadie was almost pulling her hair out so i am glad to be distracted i have some things to share with you and every so often i have a humble moment it's one of those moments where i just want to scream at myself so what was that about well i could not find the charms to um the shepherd's bush stalking yes i'm all ready to work on the charms so here's what's happened i did not meet the deadline um i overestimated the project has that ever happened to you like you over estimate the project and i thought when i finished the stitching that that was going to be like that was the hard part no actually it wasn't the stitching i have come to find out was the easy part well at least for me it was the easy part because um you just stitch you just make an x what can i say but you know i've oh okay let me just take a moment here let me just take a sip of iced tea hey this iced tea is fabulous it i i got it at the store and it said cold brew iced tea and um it just takes eight minutes you just drop the tea bag in your cold water and eight minutes later you have a cup of caffeine-free iced tea and this one was called red white and blue because i think it's raspberry and blueberries you know probably what it needs is a shot of something in there to calm me down because i've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off yeah so today just to back up a little bit today i am actually working in my quilting room which i call the beehive i call it the beehive because i am like a busy bee in here and there's constant activity and i'm flitting from spot to spot but i figured this was the safest place to actually stitch the charms on my shepherd's bush stocking that i'm making for my middle grandson and because i have this table i have a big sewing machine here that's used for quilting and it has this extended white table so i thought that would be the safest place not with the the you know the project in my lap where i normally stitch i just thought white table and i have my white little ceramic uh tray here to dump all the beads into to start but then i had to uh jay and i this morning had some you know our lives are fairly chaotic right now we are we are in escrow with uh our place that was in downtown portland because we no longer need that place because now we live here so we've been going back and forth and on top of that we've been trying to do a little honeydew around here and so we ripped off these cabinets and desk out of the kitchen area that i just thought were ugly and um loaded them up today in the truck to take them to the dump i both of us were shocked it was 400 pounds of desk and cabinet we were kind of shocked that it weighed that much you know so but we so we we're both pooped we're both pooped just running around but it was a job that you know all that stuff was just laying in the garage and taking up space and uh we just needed to get it out of there and take it to the dump ourselves and you can't really get anybody to help you any it right now because everything's kind of a little bit chaotic so this month we have been going back and forth downtown and um and then uh trying to squeeze some family time in between so we had our youngest son's birthday was this last week and and then our middle grandson's birthday was the next day and so it was a big family gathering and that's always fun because it was my daughter-in-law's parents and then her two sisters and her her middle sister's partner and so it was just um it was fun to actually have um you know time together we haven't had that in a very long time in a very long time so there you go i know i'm rambling but back to the stockings so i thought that the stitching of the stocking was going to be the easy part and just to remind you that it is the shepherd's bush parker and i purchased this at acorns and threads and janine helped me get the fabric and uh i had the kit for the um stocking the little beads and everything that go on there but then i realized today that i could not find my um beading thread or needles i know i have some but um you know it's it's kind of like i still haven't found that floss so i i just said after we went to the dump uh i said can we just stop at michael's and let me get some beading bread and needles so i did and i just wanted to get a clear color so now i'm ready to do the accoutrements on the stocking and here is the stocking i went to um i initially started with the shepherd's bush site on how to finish off the stocking and what they said was to count off just like you would cross stitching and stitch a thread to do the outline so i did that i'm not sure i would do that again boy i'd i'd be more inclined to use a frixon pen or a water soluble pen you know or the those fabric pens that disappear with air if you do your project quick enough i'm going to just close that door because the wind there's a breeze coming in and the wind is making it go in and out so back to the drawing board i'm going to watch um vana's uh tutorial and several others that were suggested to me before i actually cut this i did put the sf-101 on the back and um i'm going to sew the beads on next all the little beads and that's what i spent the last half hour running around going why don't i have the beads in my project bag because sometimes i drive myself crazy um sometimes i just drive myself crazy you know i am so and this is like this is like 20 dollars worth a little little fun things in there so you don't want to lose that of course i have them in this nice little pouch that matches my my bag so pretty this bag so i'm going to pour those beads in here this afternoon and i'm going to start the process of attaching all of that to the stocking and then once i get it all attached to the stocking i'm going to watch the video so this is not something i would not do a tutorial on this myself because i don't know what the heck i'm doing but so far what i've done is i've put the sf101 on the back because this is kind of a loosely woven and then stitched a line around by counting off the chart where the stocking should be and it looks fairly good it just took too long i you know i felt like i was cross stitching again so i'm not sure i would do it that way on the next one yeah because i do have another one that is what my um project for this afternoon will be i wanted to show you the next one that i will be doing is called richard and this is for his little brother and that one's really cute too i'll have to find the um i'll have to go on to shepherd's bush probably and get the little charm pack for that my organizational skills are a lot are not to be desired let me just say they're not to be desired but boy would i lack an organization i make up for in sheer excitement yes i'm excited about everything okay i'm gonna just kind of clean this up a bit and move on first i'm gonna have another i hope you have something to drink because this is we're gonna need this this is really good i bought it was two boxes uh so i bought two different flavors i think the other one is a an orange vanilla or something along that line and um so i'm all set for warm weather which we are hopefully having next week yes today's a little bit breezy g and i went up um and walked up the mountain this morning because for sure it wasn't going to be raining this morning and so far we haven't had any rain beautiful clouds in the sky though so we walked up the mountain there was only one other man walking the trails and i took a photograph of a really pretty snail boy the shell was gorgeous it was just beautiful mother nature is just amazing yeah i got a little traffic noise because school is back in and school's back in for like a week it's like a week and then it's back out again yeah my oldest grandson will be finishing school and then for the year and then he's got summer vacation i wanted to thank my friend danielle danielle and i were in high school together and she sent me she goes thrifting and um i think that's where she got this anyway and she sent me a chart that is absolutely right up my alley my intention is to in my kitchen area make it all my stitchery coffee themed because gee and i do not start the day without a cup of coffee and so i received this from her and it is interesting i've never heard of this designer you and i and friends and u is e-w-e and i e y e and friends out of denver colorado and the photograph isn't very good because um it's kind of dark but this particular chart is called c is for coffee and i'm not sure you're gonna be able to there's a cup of coffee and it says c is for coffee i'm going to be doing that thank you so much danielle because i will add that to my other coffee pillows and decor in my kitchen area it's so interesting um there's so many designers you know i love the way this it's like this little envelope and then the charts in there fun very very fun i had a couple of finishes well one is not totally finished i looked through my selection of lace and pom-poms and i did not find one that i really liked which resulted in a trip on the internet to lady dot creates and you know you just can't let a pom-pom travel by itself i ended up ordering several packages and colors of pom-poms but the pillow is done i went ahead and stuffed my little bee mine valentine pillow it's very sweet and the back i used the heart fabric by kelly ray roberts that you can get at the stitching post and sisters so i'm waiting for a kind of a more pinkish type pom pom i had some red pom-poms but it was just too red i love red but it was just too red for this project so i thought i'd rather go with a shade of pink but i'm counting it as a finish actually because i got an email that said that pom poms were on their way yeah it feels good to um get something fully finished my second fully finished object was the stitch along that i was doing with the back quarter shop the hashtag sail away cell i struggled a little bit with how i was going to stitch it and how i was going to finish it and the main reason being is i wanted that chain border to go all the way around but i understood why it didn't so i had to figure out how i wanted to finish it off where it was not going to drive me crazy yeah and i come from a family who dreamed about sailing and then who made that dream a reality unfortunately my dad died at a very young age he had a heart attack and he wasn't able to realize his dream and his dream was to sail around the world when i was stitching that uh stitch i was thinking a lot about him we had some amazing times only because luckily for me i did not get seasick my poor sister she she couldn't even get on the dock without getting seasick so i was out on the water a lot and we had some fun times one time my dad and i were sailing and we were really sleepy you know like sometimes when the um the wind dies down and then your sail just kind of lofts back and forth and you're just kind of rocking along not moving much you get real sleepy and tired and so we kind of both fell asleep and suddenly there was this huge noise and it was an oil tanker that was fairly close i mean it was like oh my gosh you know you could hear the horn and so we were scrambling to to move and you know get going and it was just a a moment it was a fun little moment but there were scary moments too and one time uh from where we took off we were trying to get to the santa cruz um yacht club and it should have been only about a three hour sale does that sound familiar a three hour sale but a storm came in 13 hours of attacking back and forth my parents were both um afraid that one of us would get washed off the boat my dad ran a he ran a line on both sides of the sailboat up and down and we would wear harnesses and clip to the line so there were times when you were in a storm if the water washed over the boat you would actually float off the boat but then you never got lost because you were attached to the boat with the harness so those people who say that sailing is just this luxurious bikini-clad mai tai type of event not so much not so much so when we got to santa cruz after 13 hours and we could see the harbor for hours before we got there my parents had made me go down below down in the cabin because they just didn't even want to worry about me well that's where you get sick that's where you get sick and i had i was sitting on the floor of the sailboat and i could hear my parents yelling and pulling the sails and you know cranking down the sails to make them smaller and i was just up chucking everything i had in my body uh into this five gallon paint bucket and by the time we got to santa cruz you can't if you've ever been horseback riding and you've ridden a long time and you get off the horse you feel really short and kind of weird well when you get off of a sailboat when you've been listing back and forth you have like these wobbly sea legs and so we made our way up to um the building kind of looking like three junk drunken sailors and i told my dad i was a teenager at the time i told my dad i promised god that i would become a nun if we survived i don't know if i've told you that story before but let me tell you on my wedding day when my dad and i were waiting to walk down the aisle he said you know you're gonna go to hell for this you promised you'd be a nun well that was a long couple of stories just to show you how much i enjoyed this finish and this stitch by the fat quarter shop so there we go i found this board at hobby lobby and i loved it because it was the map of the world and my dad always wanted to sail around the world so i thought it was perfect and then these two charms well it was like ornaments i just glued on what i did was i cut a piece of poster board the size that i wanted my piece to be and i used the same size piece of fusible batting so i have fusible batting and a board with my piece and then i glued it like you do a flat fold and then i glued that to this board and this board already came with the the rope and i just glued on this little ornament and this metal decoration that i got at hobby lobby and i just loved the way it turned out and i'm making my uh the room next door is like a playroom for my grandkids and also a guest room for girlfriends that show up i'm making it all ocean themed with my with a focus on my parents because i am grateful i am grateful for the adventures but isn't that just so wonderful i just am so tickled with how it turned out once the once the bed arrives and we get the room a little bit more organized i will um hang that up yeah well what else oh leo well prairie schooler uh santa's totally addicted totally addicted i have to have one going all the time now i'm only on my second one what am i talking about but i have to have one going all the time i can tell i am only stitching this i didn't bring it up it's downstairs in the living room i'm only stitching on it when i'm in the living room and i'm only in the living room first thing in the morning because that's where g and i have coffee and my little folding uh daylight halo lamp that is perfect for down there and i think i'll just if i could get one done a month then i'll have like six or seven done by december which is great that'll be a great little pillow display that's the plan that's the plan of course we know we know we know how plans go in my life i have been working on another project i've shown you this but i will show it again it's a satsuma street leo and i chose this only because my youngest grandson's name is leo and i wanted to make it for him and maybe get that done by his birthday so there we go i chose not to do it on the black i tried to do it on the black no can do no can do but i really like i really like it it's very very sweet and i think it'll be a nice little wall hanging for him i'm hoping it's kind of crazy schedule right now but i'm hoping to get back into that rhythm uh with my pandemic stitch and my trees get those back into some kind of a rotation until we get this business done and july is fairly packed i have a week down in sisters i'm doing a four day four individual days of zoom classes where i'm demoing hexis hexis wool stitching embroidery and sashico just as a little demo and then just get the stitch with people i'm doing four days of that and then the quilt show is a go for the community of sisters which is an awesome awesome event i'm a little bit concerned because i called yesterday to find out if my postcard got there that i stitched and sent to have framed for the auction and uh so far it hasn't turned up oh pope hope we can only hope what else going camping at the end of july camping and sisters at the beginning of july and hoping to the second week of july have my oldest grandson come visit and i would like to see if he is interested in stitching i did teach him to sew pillowcases one time when he was like about six or seven years old so he's not totally unfamiliar with the sewing room but it'd be fun if i could um yeah teach him something along that line but we'll see we'll see he's now an 11 year old boy oh he's so sweet so sweet but that's it that's all i got for you today i am so happy that you came i am looking forward to oh when i see on on you know i've been watching uh some flosstube early in the morning and i you know between stitching between the lines and oh kindred stitcher when they talk about the retreats that they've went on or that they're going on i am trying to figure out how to get to one i really want to go to one and then um who else have i been oh hey cassie jo stitches her daughter oh my gosh she is absolutely adorable but i love the tip that um you know because cassie jo already finished her pandemic she's quite this you know productive stitcher but she gave a tip that was pretty i mean it really piqued my brain and that was how to keep your momentum going on a stitch where there's like a lot of dense stitching and how she changes colors and then stitches that whole color and then she'll move on to a different area and stitch a different color when that thread's gone then she comes back here it was genius i thought it was genius so i plan to to try to implement that in my life i'm just trying to pick up all these tips isn't that why we watch flosstube well you guys probably watch me because i just make you feel better about your organized life yeah because you're not learning anything from me but i'm learning a lot from other um other flosstubers it's just um highly entertaining you know stitchy witch 42 makes me laugh out loud i enjoy the interviews that sambri stitches does it's just finding the time to um actually um watch so it's when i get up early in the morning i come in here and i'm uh bring my stitching in here with me because the laptop is here and i'll watch while i'm stitching in here so i don't wake up g the channel you need to be careful of is the 911 stitcher because she shows so many new things that make you want to run out and do all the things and buy all the things yeah yeah but um it's a good life and you should check out i wrote an article uh i write a blog i don't know i'll put the link below i've written a blog for years years and i enjoy writing so that's why i continue to write a blog it is a whole nother place for me to put thoughts down it's where i take my quilting world and my stitching world and my personal world and meld them all together with what i think and i wrote an article it's not really an article it's a you know a blog post i wrote a blog post uh on tuesday about where you can print it off and it's a letter to your family on your craft accumulation and you could put it in with your will you could put it in that book that you keep for your last wishes whatever and you can amend it as you want just copy and paste it to your paper and then change the wording if you want fill in what you want to fill in but it's kind of like a overall guideline about our stitchy life and how we feel about it so go over and take a look at it i think it'll help i think a delivery is being made yeah let's see yeah okay gotta go thanks for stopping by i love it i love our time together and you take care okay
Channel: Stitch Roadie
Views: 3,184
Rating: 4.9586563 out of 5
Id: yGEDxaRRh5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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