Steven Universe: Future's Finale is Atrocious
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Channel: Cartoonshi シ
Views: 1,106,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven Universe, Steven Universe: Future, SU, Rant, Steven Universe Rant, bad, Cartoon, Cartoons, Cartoonshi, Animation, Not for kids, Television, TV, Rebecca Sugar, Cartoon Network, Video Essay, Comedy, Entertainment, Angry, Finale, Steven Universe Future Finale, SU Future
Id: INjcS0Sn4hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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A lot of people hate on future for only having 20 episodes and the wasted potential, and while I agree this is a shame we have to keep in mind that this was out of the crewniverse’s control - it was Cartoon Network that didn’t let them do more.
Things I agree: I agree with pretty much everything said in the part about the themes, the show should have handled it more carefully when talking about something as serious as mental health. The structure also bothered me a little, with characters just vanishing and never coming back. Introducing ways to bring Gems back to life heavily lowers the stakes of the show.
Things I disagree: I did like the way they cut away as Steven turns into the monster, it makes the transformation seem more sudden. I don't really care that much for Steven or the Diamonds getting new powers, since them being overpowered is the point. Steven's power have never been limited to organic things, heck, he healed a damn teddy bear, so I don't know what he was complaining about there.
Don't really care for everything else.
If I'm not wrong ... he was harrassed on twitter by fans for this, wasn't he? Besides ... how old is he? He sounds very young ... like 16 or smth ... I don't know if he has all the ""tools"" to "profesionally" criticize the show (but it's not up to me to decide) :/ ... however it must've been difficult to deal with the toxic part of the fandom ... he took his time for a bit
My 2 cents: he's very salty here, doesn't really get the point of the hug (but to his defence, he's not the only one) and few other things, and it's definitely a lil bit too petty, offensive (towards Steven expecially)... his fans also worship him REALLY hard (I literally saw a guy saying ""Who disagrees or dislikes this is blind and stupid"" ... oh dear ...) ... throwing some "fucking" here and there doesn't really make you cooler XD (to his defence again, it's not just him) ... and I COMPLETELY disagree with his ideas of ending the show at the Movie ... big NOPE
But ... he has fair points ... Future made me wish for more too, there were many plot holes, wasted potential (expecially due to the 20 eps lenght), inconsitency of some characters ... I can understand his frustration, because while I enjoyed Future a lot from an emotional pov (more than the OG series actually), it could've been better
like he said, perfect description of Future (aside from Steven's illness that was handled nicely in my opinion)
As he (or another Youtuber) said, this is the end of everything for now, and for a long time at least ... it would've been nice to give creators more time to develope it a lil better, expecially since it started Greatly! But I do not think the writers are to blame here ... Future was written in like ... a year? it's a very short time
pretty much
Watched this a while ago, and much of what he says is right.
just gonna say...I overall disagree but he brought up some stuff I agree with I made a whole response list of comments to this video and his part one of future
Just to claim that this is not my video and I just want to see what do you think about this rant? I personally partially agree with this rant. Steven Universe did lose it's magic, but hey if you like the show, don't be upset. Everyone has their favorite things and you shouldn't hate your favorite show just because some internet guy said it is terrible.