Steven Seagal | Dark Vengeance (Action) Full Length Movie

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[Music] [Music] f local founder call me directly take the mask [Music] off you know what it means yeah H what's that somebody's trying to play like this some kind of Chinese black Mansion cuz something you see probably someone from around here huh another blonde you see strangle like the others third one with this ammo press going to have a field de at this one [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he emine Thompson from where on here born and raised and dumped right in the center of our jurisdiction yeah just cuz it happened in our area doesn't mean it was someone from Harmony all right this is what we know according to the victim's friends she took a weekly trip to the city okay some kind of job she only stayed one maybe two days at a time only job that fits that description for a pretty girl dancing okay well there's got to be some information on her and some database yeah look I'm running it but there's nothing significant this one's been off the grid most of her life okay I'm getting a name match on an internet search here yeah turns out she filed an insurance claim about a year ago under the name Salvador Forte 1820 Bell Street okay well I'll follow up on that might factor into some motive all right no I'm coming with you give me something never let's for the lovely Savannah wo [Music] [Music] got [Music] hey Savannah hi Charlie you're looking good baby you're looking good tonight I you I think I died and gone to heaven coming up next our very own [Music] F hey how is it out there oh it's like pulling teeth my God I feel wasted I think I'm going to go home oh my God are you kidding I know right how am I supposed to pay my rent with that I probably thought it was romantic the house split looks like I'm walking home [Music] again ride baby [Music] [Music] hey Savannah hey what are you doing [Music] here told you about this guy's old friend of mine so what is it with you in this guy he sells herbs how's he going to help us because he also knows everybody around here and if you were able to read need any of the toxicology reports there's some funny stuff going on that may have to do with herbs not only is a herbologist but he just really has a lot of resources he hears everything great guy to know and uh like I said he knows everybody the guy sound powdered rabbit testicles I doubt murderers are taking time to stock up on [Music] those k beautiful okay would [Music] you he worries about you what's this it's called the fu it's kind of a protector I actually wear them all the time not that I can say that you should believe in this stuff but put that somewhere and pretend that you don't have it so why didn't he give you one I'm beyond help I know how to fight yeah you just don't know when to fight what's that mean we're the police man we're not supposed to fight jackass block us in like this we're supposed to break up the fights sorry guys we're just on the job here and uh we're just leaving we get out of your way I can handle this Boss face you just assaulted a [Music] cop I guess it's time to [Music] fight see charm's working already ain't it yeah I hope you're not busy [Music] this is getting crazy Kane girls are starting to pile up around here man did you find her and we got to find this guy pressor causing us trouble talk to everybody you can man got it [Music] yeah she looks a lot like Sarah she really does man I seen her coming and going but we ain't never talk people in town are starting to get scared con son they starting to talk crazy about about black magic in the old country I mean that's what people want you to think man that's what they're trying to do you're trying to Spook us I don't think any of this is real man trying to create a panic take this body down wow she does look like you what's that where do we find this in her mouth weird huh not around here some Asian cultures the white carnations is a symbol of [Music] death we don't know what's trash and what's not so pay close attention to that hey detective you got a minute are you serious do I have a minute during a murder investigation to talk to a reporter no are you crazy no I'm not crazy just give me a break huh give me a sound bite for my story H yeah so you can take it out of context no take a hike hey girl cop is it true that we're deal dealing with a serial killer here huh listen man come here listen there's a crime scene here we're dealing with a killer and uh there's nothing more than that okay right now that's all we know and we'll find the person who did this I promise you you promise we'll take care of it we got it okay good stuff hey buddy look my friend I asked you to stay here it's the last time I'm going to tell you that's a crime scene please don't cond made it I'm a reporter I have every right to be here too let me explain something to you anybody who goes across that line we always put them on a little special list you know you don't want to be on that list see so stay behind the tape it's the last time I going to tell you I'm going to have to list to on the crime scene report do you know who that was yeah kind of a slimy lizard type of a guy no that was Miles tulle local crime reporter he's a bit of a celebrity around here his mom wrote some really good vampire books well just because Mama writes vampire books doesn't mean that he should be a celebrity does it fair enough you like that kind of stuff huh really good man if that's the case the Apple fell a little bit far from the tree wouldn't you say That boy is an idiot his mom will never know cuz she's dead she's dead so what's this all about am I in trouble or something you Salvatore yeah uh this stuff isn't mine okay you follow the Missin person report on Emily Neely right yeah follow a lot of them what about it I had never had the uh cops drag me in from one of those before before how many Miss in person reports you filed exactly I don't know Emily isn't the best girlfriend I ever had she runs off a lot but now I got her trained let me ask you about the house you're living in is it in Emily's name or in yours that's complicated see it's um it's my place but technically she is on the title with me but that's just for insurance purposes insurance purposes mhm so you get money if something happens to her right Bingo is that uh is that what this is about huh she dead or something most people we talk to in town know her as Savannah that was just a dancer name right yeah does she have any family living close by no why is she dead yeah she is wow I knew it I damn well knew it thank God I got the insurance huh well I guess there's no need to get you a grief counselor huh you seem you seem okay I tried to uh protect her yeah I warned her not to trust other people I told her you know you make friends with people in the city it's going to ruin your life yeah you seem like the protective type what dance clubs was she working at I don't know bunch of different ones looks like we got some club hopping in our future I'm going to hang on to this and you have fun now here Corner's address is on the front you'll have to head down to the Morgan make bar the wi does the city pay for that I mean she died in the city right hey tanaco what do you got I just started on this one so I don't have much to tell you it's all right anything you've got can help she was strangled no foreign skin beneath her nails no definitive trace of foreign DNA and I'm running a talk toxicology report on her blood as we speak okay can you do me a favor and get that to me as soon as it comes in wow you know you do could be yeah I don't want to hear how much I look like her you have to admit it's kind of weird yeah it's weird so are there any similarities between her and the first victim obvious stuff both look alike in stature and features both had signs of hemorrhaging in the lungs brain behind the eyes you can just say strangulation okay strangulation with no signs of resistance how's [Music] that was there anything in the bodies to indicate why they wouldn't have resisted yeah traces of GHB the date rape drug I'm betting we find it in this one too so were they uh sexually assaulted yeah yes definitely but [Music] postmortem thanks [Music] Doc you two look like crap yeah believe me when I tell you we earn these looks din to Old School knocking on doors and cracking heads yeah I heard it was more like cracking g-strings must have been tough yeah it's a tough job we did what we had to do hit every strip club in town this guy wouldn't give up he's like a 13-year-old boy when it comes to naked women I told him it was my wife's anniversary we just kept going and going listen tears will get you sympathy but sweat's going to get you results besides it was your anniversary too she should understand that oh I envy the woman who settles for you rner settles yeah hey chief how are my amazing Cadre of spectacular police officers everybody good what do we got we came up with a few leads two bit Hustler working the girls for life insurance policies what a name yeah he goes by the name of Charlie different last name every day of the week yeah the two girls be connect in the same Club let's get inside well I like the sounds of where this is going I'm probably going to need a little float money just so I can fit in rner give it a rest huh I'll do it you sure about that yeah I look just like her doesn't that make sense I don't know man if she's sure let's just keep all eyes on at all times you hear I'll take the eye inside all right you're still going to need somebody to sponsor you and I just want to set up a situation where we don't get burned like last time you know what I mean all right well we'll get on that Mas 9 or just the club why the hell should I put my ass on the line for you guys it's in it for me you know these two girls a dozen girls a week show up to my club looking for work most of them show up for a single shift and never come back funny thing is we know for a fact that these two girls worked more than just a few ships lives in your Club so what's this got to do with me well sweetheart I don't do nicknames oh I'm sorry Angelina thank you we need your help okay what for we want to put a couple girls in your Club no a couple of pigs spinning around my poles no you're on probation for another 2 years right no we can make it go away it'll kill whatever business I have left do you understand that [Music] you better wipe my slate squeaky clean for this I got Myck stop and now to to mys through your window and at the back door it's in and out and in and out slow down let's give it that for looks like the crowd loves her are you clocking this I mean that is some god-given talent I think I'm being in hoing respect for Sarah are you always a jackass or is it just one I'm coming up next we have our own twin treats tinsel and [Applause] Twilight I'm out how do you know how to do that I dance in college paid for my school is that for me who's it from thank you you very much [Music] the first thing you learn if you want to make any money is you accept every drink they buy you and then spit it out in a half empty beer [Music] bottle all right Angel listen I was hoping You' give me a little breakdown on some of the customers in here today tell me a little bit about some of these funny customers you got not much to tell creeps could fly this place to be an airport I know what you're talking about all right um there a failed musician who misses the group he's in the drug binges uh we got a businessman over there who hates his overbearing wife uh in the back is Gramps he's a lonely retiree Ting his 401k on a girl young enough to be his granddaughter wow oh a crossdresser he aspires to be a dancer on stage and then you got a group of uh dirt bag bikers who smell like they just crawled out of a sewer oh and that guy there with the glasses sorry his guy of the mall Dean Chambers he's an ex- councilman mhm biew District disappeared a couple of years back because of a sex scandal with his intern yeah and uh his wife left him anymore yeah poor guy can't even buy a lap dance he's too creepy even for my girls you know over there is two bit Charlie should have kicked him out a long time ago because he is a Laurent Hustler he runs all sorts of scams I mean he's ripped off half the girls working the stage so is what you're trying to say is like he may be somebody that I would call a person of interest oh thank you um wait excuse me I don't think so I mean all the money he hustles he eventually spins on Dances so the girls get it all back in the end man the long and the short is uh it's a romaner in here it's like a crazy world yeah how about a dance baby man I could have say no to you would you be mad at me like if I would for just a couple seconds not mind all right you go you didn't get my card thank you hey you okay to drive oh hey I know I don't really think I should be [Music] driving I take it Kane sent you down here because things are getting worse right well they're not going to get better until we catch the guy well these are some of the things we use for protection against demonic influences right like this thing oh yes like that thing right so what can you tell me about the fox the fox the fox is a mischievous animal a symbol for some for Revenge Revenge mhm who needs to take revenge on these women oh remember theill is under the influence of the demon he may not be aware of what he's [Music] doing you know we're going to catch this guy before it gets out of hand right well whoever he is he knows enough to be dangerous you think it's someone from around here maybe maybe not the things the Killer is doing demonstrates a knowledge of the DST Black Arts whether or not he believes it or he's simply trying to confuse the police remains to be seen so all the items he uses are symbolic right yes now um yeah the white Carnation he leaves symbolizes death the red scar W off evil spirits and the fox now the fox is a shape shifter which means he'll be difficult to find so it also protects yes fooling the pursuer be very careful Sarah whoever you think it's responsible in most probability in all probability will not be oh your boss you get any answers for us yet hangai I've shown her everything I know I appreciate that a lot moment sir I want you to see if you can get up on this guy too bit Charlie see if he's somebody that we should be looking at shouldn't be hard he's all over me every time I'm on stage fing on the right back to the [Music] city [Music] $1 Charlie wow that's really something isn't going to break you is it well you see I can tell that you really dig me yeah so what's it going to be your place or mine how about both yeah you go to your place and I'll go to mine smart girl I I like that um do you have insurance you're planning on suing me funny you know what why don't you put that quick brain is to work turn towards making some serious cash you know yeah H well there all kinds of government money out there if you're smart enough to get it huh the truth is I have a few warrants out for my arrest so I can't really afford to be on anyone's radar you know what I mean yeah I do really mm and that's where I come in you see there's all kinds of forms for that type of thing you know power of turning and such you know things like that yeah I get paid in cash not business cards oh oh that we'll just call that my retainer you see uh Peaches I kind of fly below the IRS radar myself do you yeah just like you so is flan in your real name this Peach is [Music] yours [Music] this is more money than I make in a week and I'm not even on stage now you know why so many college girls do it did you see this look looks like we finally got a nibble I'm wiped I'm going to go okay R pick up the eye see you tomorrow well well well look who came slithering back this is my favorite door monkey how's your face yeah don't try me Barney F the only reason I let you come around here is cuz I don't want to lose another job job or no job shut your mouth I'll knock you out again crazy no no no let me try something come on touch me queer I dare you come on joke yeah yeah yeah walk away man walk away Pinky and Uncle Tom was it going to go down like last time boys I got backup me and my boy little pudding say another word where now what you got knocked [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] on no what [Music] now this time you're under [Music] arrest night night couldn't pop [Music] [Music] remember me he jul just want to make sure you got home safe call me it's Juliet again where the hell are you everyone's looking for you call me [Music] coniss [Music] son thanks want to wait till everybody was here he' have found it just like this tied up like the rest of them is it Sarah it's my fault I should have made her stay with me I don't know [Music] man here next time you tell me I got a team member dead make sure it's a team member of mine oh my God it's not her I thought for sure okay we still have a problem though there's something up with Sarah she's not answering her cell phone she's not answering her home phone keep trying to find her go to her house if you have to do what you got to do knock dig Shake do whatever man find her you two guys are going to have to take care of this N I want you to pick up to bit Charlie right no problem it's not like my marriage is in Tanked as it is well I figured that that no man can hang around that much stripper tail with without second guessing things it's not what I meant what do you need me to do just keep looking and keep your ear to the ground all right come on let's just brace Charlie and get over this no man What's your deal you quit worrying about your damn wife let's just take care of this and get out of here easy big guy it's just I got to meet Kathy for lunch today belated anniversary meal I can't wait till you get married yeah well you're not making it look good please clear drop it drop the shotgun now I got some papers [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] get up turn another around damn it stop don't make me shoot you down on your knees [Music] down looks like you're going to miss that lunch date you know the interesting thing about these policies I'm sure that you're going to in like me huh you're the beneficiary I'm both of them so what I sell highrisk policies it's standard practice I don't know about standard practice but I definitely know that's motive motive yeah motive for what what exactly are you guys charging me with what are you stupid Charlie Murder Charlie what that was that was an accidental discharge I only had my gun out because I thought you guys were burglar I I wasn't trying to kill anybody I'm not talking about us Charlie I'm talking about the girls you killed I Ain kill any girls I'm I'm telling you right now there's no way that you guys can pin any of those desks on me you sure about that Char I didn't kill any of those girls I promise you I swear to God I I've only you know I only sell insurance that's what I do and I don't I don't even make a lot of money in it I found her where the hell have you been what we've been out all night looking for you whoa who are you my father we're all just worried about you Juliet went to your house you weren't at home and you weren't answering your cell phone you all right yeah I'm sorry I felt like someone slipped me in Mickey last night I passed out and my phone died she been identified pretty good match huh yeah we all thought it was you Faith Coleman dancer works at a club cross town okay we're only half right about Charlie he's a con man he's not a murderer Sorry boss they told me I had you worried yeah we didn't talk about that later and for right now I'm pulling you two off the case what yeah that's the end of that every everybody get their butts out in the street start looking go on not you I want to talk to you in private what were you thinking my cell phone died and I know I'm supposed to stick by Juliet I really feel like your judgment has been all messed up lately that's why I'm pulling you off the case you can't take me off the case right now he put a carnation in my bag that means he marked me and just because he didn't go through with it tonight night does not mean he won't try it another time Kane I'm the best shot at finding this guy you think yes I'm trying to teach you something it's your last [Music] chance there's a modern day teacher there's my modern day babe you're so good I can eat you you're so C you're R looking good in Black looking good at our heels really good to meet you baby now tell me what's the real [Music] deal take it to a high to in thank you look what we got next Double Trouble Kylie and Vanessa com [Music] the I feel like crap again you know I don't even think it's a Mickey I think it's just this place that drains me [Music] [Music] yeah some Asian culture is the white connection the symbol of death the things The Killers doing demonstrates a knowledge of the DST Black Arts do you think it's someone from around here here be very careful Sarah whoever you think it's responsible in most probability in all probability will not [Music] be Bard Juliet s's been marked again I think she's in trouble this [Music] time Kane he's got her Kane she's gone listen to me nobody sleeps until we find Siri hear me get your ass out there and start looking alaways junkyard Juliet rner find out if there's a witness you going to pay a visit to our primary suspect Kan a witness spotted a silver grand dam on the scene our Bird's got it located in the Aurora District women like you are just so much work huh you just you take and you take and you take and it's never enough you just like all the rest of them you don't want to fight it's not good when you fight you want to listen listen what I have to say but these are some of the things we use for protection against demonic influence I guess you can't really say much right now can you oh it's too bad no no fight left in you you all nice and quiet huh not so tough now are you just like all those other girls I want this I want that well was never enough huh I just gave you everything I I gave you everything every single one of you I gave you I gave and I gave and what did I get I got you nothing well guess what I going to take something from you her stepfather owned the property at, 1600 this away a junkard Kane copy that all right Kane if you head over there I'm going to go pick up Mason we'll see if we can get anything else from the girls at the strip club they've been pretty quiet so far I hope we find a Kanan she was on my watch calls if you need backup stay off the emergency frequencies it's okay like I've done all my life I'm just going to sport you on how's that stop fight come on see is that good is that better for you miss your hands man miss your hands you ruined my life dro the gun or I'll kill the that's not Emily sty do it okay gun's gone she's an innocent woman man she got nothing to do with [Music] you behind you [Music] you're safe now there everything's going to be all [Music] right I guess black magic not for everybody is it son [Music] [Music] I'm a God you're hot it doesn't look good doesn't look good at all should be enough on it own bro have access to handcuffs now that's your Be Boss you look like you need a drink well you just lost the past 5 minutes of your life you got no game son yeah you need to stick the strippers all right that's my girl got [Music] it I think after this last keeper we all need a Drank In all my years man I ain't nothing seen nothing so bizarre but here's to be a cop man that's the kind of thing that could happen you here Cheers Cheers well I know I have a lot to learn we all do but it's good that uh you look at yourself like that from the girl you were just bothering Radner she had to go but want to buy a drink it's like the kid still got it huh a come on man she said to give it to Kane sure she did trying to make you jealous and it's working too a little [Laughter] [Music] bit never been to Blu by this way it's just a cop hang out man there's a bunch of cops in here but uh they B Blues in here once in a while and different people come in some understand the blues some don't some complain some can't but we come in here once in a while you know play the blues so you do come here often I do come here once in a while I good and gentlemen we're going to see if we get an old friend of ours to come up and play some blues for us Mr Elijah K get your hands together we'll see if we can get them up [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] what hero says it should be a pretty decent sized gun deud Outlaw Bikers doing the sell any other players are all just uh local bikers sers are locals Satan small group of 1 percenters any other boys from down south uh I don't know they weren't flying to Colors check PL one these guys going to provide us with their personal R sheet Mason when is Julia in Pocket here she comes now everybody get ready Julia will give us a signal when the gun deal goes down hey boys looking good hey look at this thing wow how you doing nice work it's on the scene Mason take Radner we can't even turn on this place yet n nothing yet boss still searching the database heard you with the guy to talk to if I want to get some stuff he might have yeah we'll take them all okay guys here we go plates on the out ofate bikes uh oh yeah they're coming back with a ton of warrants enough probable calls for an arrest to get into the position we about to go live we talk business have I give me for that drink there I'm get for you it's under the jacket sport Julia take him down now cops get get [Music] out GRE get on the ground on the we out [Music] now [Music] left [Music] hold on hold [Music] [Music] on [Music] stay down don't move put your hands behind your back stay there don't move don't move come on up here man get on the wall you got him yeah get on the wall [Music] go [Music] got those [Music] guys Julia you all right yeah none of these guys are talking they all have lawyers standing by come in yeah I was just heading over to brief it looks like this stuff's getting out of hand we can talk about that later they just pulled another dead girl's body out of a junkyard what same type of murder yeah only this time it wasn't a stripper it's one hours what she was a cop who is she W Collins you just lost the past 5 minutes of your [Music] [Music] life he it's not the same as the earlier murders the positioning of the body doesn't even match yeah every right to be here okay she'd been dead before she was tied up what victims from the other murders were strangled after they were tied up and positioned this was dead long before Bonnie was brought here no everything's the same she's tied up Carnation in her mouth both shoes are off original K always kept the left shoe on looks like he didn't catch your man after all and who are you detective m East pret you want to know what I think k no I don't I think this one is closer to home than you care to admit and also think it's about time you start looking at these dirt bag local you always protecting I respect some of these local folks here a lot more than I respect dirty cops you here so many girls have to die before you finally catch this guy Elijah already wow so this is what a full police pension gets you these days huh yeah it is when you get a divorce and you got to give half of it up that's been motivation for men to kill the xwi for years how long was this guy married to the victim uh 2 years Max he was a training officer not interested put the gun away it's the police we have a few quests about your ex-wife Deputy Collins all right putting the gun down thought you were some of our local dirt bag solicitors right I guess I can't say I'm surprised to see you although you're a little late on the death notification I already heard she was killed on the news no you don't seem too bust it up about her death divorce really that bad cut to the chase you're here to see if I have an alibi or not right can I get your boys a drink yep no still on the job exactly sit yourself where is it you're working nowadays Collins county morg is that where you took all these screwed up photos some I started collecting them when I was still on the job that before you got your hand caught in the cookie jar I took the fall so others didn't have to yeah you keep telling yourself that one day you might startop believing it you really think I was the only one on Miller Squad with dirt under his nails you tell me anyway I'm going to put all these together one of those coffee table books you can make a lot of money off of one of those yeah no kidding a book of dead people yeah i' probably buy that now I got to think about my retirement somehow right yeah we know all about your ex and your pension that's a lot of money to lose over the years pension my pension she got a lot more than that yeah where the hell did you get this that's an official crime scene photo with your dead wife I still got friends I hear things and yeah you boys are on the right track she was trained by me she would never let someone she didn't know just walk up on her like that her Killer's probably a cop or someone else she trusts just not this cop you got to get a handle on this cane look I got informants on the street all kinds of intelligence gathering all my computers all my assets everything on this and I really think you know we got to hold we got to hold on it now paper says you got the wrong guy is that what it said we got the right guy if there's anybody else out there man they a copy cat we got the right guy look I'm under a lot of pressure right now I'm assigning some people to help you on this brought in a squad from East pre to help you detective Miller oh detective Miller see the problem is detective Miller is a little bit overconfident he's arrogant we need results and we need help besides there's one of Miller's officers who was dumped in that [Music] alley I was wondering when you were going to stop by yeah I know sorry about that we're being forced to play ball with them for now uh what have you got so far same as the rest only difference is she was dead before she was tied to the fence but you already knew that right yeah Kan said the blood had already pulled in the lower half of her body so there wasn't any bruising around the [Music] wrists it's weird enough working around him with his ex-wife on the slab it's taken creepiness to a whole new level yeah I can imagine so there's no inflammation around her neck what does that mean she was strangled after she was dead so what killed her then tetrodotoxin what's that it's a neurotoxin found in Blowfish and according to the internet used in some black magic rituals the white Carnation it used symbolizes death listen to what I have to say so it paralyzes the lungs and stops the heart is that right yeah but not [Music] immediately [Music] morning I take it that uh Miller and the boys have already been down here harassing the hell out of y'all yeah they has some questions even rough to one of my friends when he objected to their Tong well I could uh have a talk with them if you like I mean maybe that's the best thing your idea of talking to him make it wor I wanted to ask you about this texto toxin you know anything about that of course I know about the toxin it was used in your country on certain ceremonies but we don't practice that kind of black art here King you know that no I do know that and I mean I'm not making the Inu window that you do I just thought maybe you know some folks that are into that kind of stuff just because of the toxicity reports and some of the uh interesting side effects I want to kind of find out whever I could about it you're the expert you know you know certain things about herbs and medicines and all that you sound exactly like detective Miller over there man that's an insult man that's an insult now you now you're trying to stick it to me thought you're my friend you know I would never lie to you you know [Music] that cops causing trouble Kane they doing here look man you got a homicide a dead cop you know when it comes to stuff like that they going to do what they got to do how these people are telling me that the big one over there is looking to start a fight he's dirty man like seeing his eyes let me talk to him Kane I need a word with you tell me I've been told two of you guys we're sweating an old partner of mine you talking about Collins it is the victim's x man and it' be normal for us to interview him wouldn't you say he used to be one of us he just lost his exwife cut the guy some slack come on how about a little professional courtesy you got fired for that man it was fired because it took some shortcuts haven't we all done that cut the folks around here some like C you some like out that you going to regret protecting these people Kan I promise you that well that might be but I ain't protecting nobody man I'm just trying to treat everybody Fair all right okay but I warned you though you warn me and I'm warning you to stay away from from those [Music] folks you know Miller and his guys are starting to Strongarm people to get answers no we're never going to solve this case like this oh Kane will deal with him and his guys we don't need to get involved hey make sure you get that fiber there what are you thinking that ex cop have something to do with this whoever it is have an intimate knowledge of the last crime scene yeah like a cop hey what about you like okay you got to take the mask off now okay hey hey hey get out of here you're not allowed to be back here get him out of here you can't be back here Montgomery what's your take on these killings H what's my take on this come on you know my name yes I do I do doing my homework why don't you give me your take on these killings you've been to all the scenes oh that's right you don't write about the victims you write rambling diet tribes about my boss yeah that's right I write what I see and I hope he appreciates you that attention he doesn't he doesn't read the paper right he no but I do and I don't appreciate being made out to be a bunch of jerks well I apologize let me make it up to you maybe we should get together sometime you give me another chance and I can change that opinion of me I don't think so but um I'll tell you I am a really big fan of your mothers I me my mother so you're J maab that's kinky I've read all her books or most of them anyway well did you know that only a few fans know what she's really like I would love to uh sit down over a drink and uh tell you all about her here's my card you can keep it I made a thousand of them also have a few copies of her last book that hasn't been released yet if you're lucky I'll let you touch it that's an opportunity a true fan would die for in case you haven't noticed I have a murder case it's on the front page of the papers right now right yeah I saw that yeah but even a hard charging cop like yourself gets a few hours off right gingle by the fact that you just put my card in your back pocket tells me you're interested think about it it's a chance of a lifetime it's something her fans only dream of I have to get back to work all right so tomorrow night right maybe yeah wear something red red yeah so who was that nobody just that reporter again anything out of the ordinary just another dead cop got a present for you Tanaka I can hardly wait what is it a spense bullet a bone fragment we found this the last crime scene Kane wants you to run it against the fibers from the Collins case he's got a hunch that're going to match let me guess he needs it right away has everything a rush job with Kane hey I feel you but he still needs it ASAP all right and keep whatever you find Under Wraps yeah you seen today's paper and I told you before this guy got issues with me you know he's trying to crawl out from underneath his mama's Shadow yeah you may be right about that trouble is is crawling out from that shadow with a camera in his hand this can't be happening okay find me anything you can on those Harmony kids dig deep boys anything on Chan I know there is something waiting at the bottom for us we're moving out in 10 minutes okay since there's no surprise look on your face I guess you already heard they moved in just cuz we have to be working with these folks doesn't mean we're working for them so I'd like you to kind of brief the team and tell them all that for me I'll catch up with you in just a few hours okay um just so you know they want to interview Chen they say some Street informant told them that he knows all about the items left at the crime scene they can interview Chen all they want man he's a good guy he knows how to tell the truth and stay above board and keep himself and all of us safe yeah Chief you got to admit he's not involved look at look those T right there look at that look look at that yeah that's right you see that wild right there right you see that right that money nobody move nobody get [Music] hurt got B them [Music] all get them all in the cars get your ass you want to come with me let's roll to are you crazy no the guy's harmless and I'm meeting at the blues Club I'll have my phone with me in case what can go wrong well it doesn't sound like a very good idea what if we just keep it between you and me I'm a really huge fan of his mom she's a genius yeah well the woman's dead and her son's a freak you ever see the movie Psycho hey chief is everything okay with with uh hero n man it's Miller this out of control hey you guys should come check this out Miller's sweating your Chinese friend pretty hard but I told you man August [Music] 27th where were you I already told you what's going on here why do you ask the same questions when you want a different answer tell me again I was in a [Music] city doing what selling herbs that's what I do remember you always wear these [Music] gloves why the same reason why you wear pants to cover up my shortcomings I don't know how much you know about this guy King but this isn't looking good that's not what you think this guy's my friend he's a great guy he was just burned as a child take them off my pants your [Music] gloves first Miller that's enough Mr Chin my friend get your stuff and get out what's your problem K you're my problem no you are my problem R is going to get ugly yeah well Miller's been asking for it now he's going to learn the hard way so it's like that it's like that tired of you embarrassing me Kane you soft your name should be sugar Jump Frog [Music] what we done where you going oh come on that was weak you should have finished him off Kane has class Gates something you don't and probably never will have excuse me [Music] move Kane listen uh you're not going to believe this one man yeah you're right I wouldn't believe it yeah Miller busted me and my boys for fighting uh I'm in jail Kane what did I tell you about cck fight listen I was walking my chicken when he started to sniff another chicken's ass you know we just getting to know each other way chickens do ain't nothing wrong with that right you know that cover story is dumber than the time you got caught trying to siphon gas from that motor home you see that technically wasn't a crime man you know I was out of gas so I decided to borrow a gallon yeah well if you had just asked me for a couple of bucks I could have saved your a mouth full of sewage man they should have marked that tank setic not through that guy right yeah well good luck with that k [Music] k so oh this is amazing what do you think her last book and it's a first edition yeah I really wish I could have met her smell like flowers thank you you do you know I'm just saying you must miss her a great deal who your mother oh um no actually I mean She'll always be a part of me in some way and her spirit will always live on through me forever yeah yeah I feel I mean her stories are so powerful I could that is true you know the best thing about my mother's work is that uh they Inspire these moments you know these little moments that two people have you know kind of like the one that you and me are having right now with there's a spark right no but it's you know it's nice you know just talking with someone like you who looks like you one of her true fans makes me really appreciate her many accomplishments good that's good I'm glad to hear knew that she was so gifted so are you I mean you were holding her very last novel I mean that's something that only myself and her publisher has seen so do you ever think of writing books like her me no no no I could never feel her shoes I'm just a you know a lonely reporter who writes silly diet tribes about you and your co-workers remember I didn't mean it like that it's kind of true right yes it is can I buy you a drink sure yeah all right I'll take two [Music] my hey what was that what was what what was that that you just put in my drink I didn't put anything in your drink just a STW she was strangled after she was dead man this is the copy cat I'm going tell you about faces of GHB the date R [Music] Dr excuse me guys thank you very nice strong ramm your hand gotten a bit of a scuffle no big deal I made the mistake of going for drinks with that reporter T really and he tried to slip something into my drink he gave me this that's the last book his mother wrote before she died and in it the Killer uses tetrodotoxin to subdue his victims his mother wrote that yes and uh last night was it powder or pill or what I didn't see he got me a drink and he was stirring something into it and you drank it I hit him did he hurt you no Kane taught me everything he knows I could take you down listen I got an idea call him up and apologize tell him that you uh overreacted what listen we're the police man we know how to manipulate lie trick that's how we get the bad guys call up tell him you overreacted tell him you're going to give him a exclusive interview with me on all the recent murders of these girls okay well do you want us to cover the meat nah it'll be a quick one I need you guys for something [Music] [Music] else thank you so much for taking the meeting with me Mr Tu no thank you you know I got to say I was a bit surprised when you called and chose me for the exclusive I was a little worried that uh you would get the wrong impression your girl last night kind of overreacted to my kindness yeah you know I don't know about you but I think most people would agree uh we started out on the wrong foot and now we got a chance to make up for it so you decided to make it up to me by giving me a story huh well I got some good news I believe we know who the Killer is now you do I think so I'm pretty sure but need your help catching them well okay what do you have in mind it stays between you and me but he's not a cop not a cop you got a name I don't really want to you know kind of release his name right now or anything like that but I'll tell you that there's connected people protecting them I figure if you write something for me you might could help me flush him out you know um get him to react you know he'll react to the arle well uh I don't really see the point to uh you ever heard of something called tetrodotoxin no it's kind of amazing with leather fibers and the analyz forensic man oh I'm so sorry sir I'm really really sorry about that can can y'all just help me out here get him wiped down or something please yeah I'm so sorry about that we'll get you try out [Music] this is some police work garbage Duty really yeah the guy just dive bom from the fast lane on an Interstate 90 we couldn't get over quick enough to follow you lost them nothing I could do there's only two of us and no bird who's going to be able to follow someone under these conditions we're going to go stick out his residence hopefully to turns up see this is why a fiveman team sucks what you'd rather have Gates around that's what I call police work yep all right let's go [Music] what are you doing here oh hi no need to be startled the name is Miles tool this is a police facility all right just relax I'm a trusted member of the press I'm just here to ask you a few questions about the police murders now after ours you can't be serious besides any information from here are classified oh I'm very serious friend I can't tell you how happy I am to see you where do he go [Music] [Music] k [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Applause] [Music] now it's two-way traffic now I'm going to do to you what you've done to everybody else must have slipped man way bring it through [Applause] this the copper cat killer you're not from Harmony that's for sure I guess uh I owe you an apology you don't me nothing then what can I do to show you I'm sorry I guess you could start by respecting my people and you know letting me handle things here give me a break hone there is bad people in every Community yeah but you know what these are my people and uh the bad ones I like to put them in jail whatever let's get out of [Music] here [Music] found this in your car you going somewhere in my line of work I'm required to travel at a moment's notice I stay packed what else you got you know guys like you they don't do very well in places like County Jail that's true all right here's the truth I have a very good lawyer and I will be out of here by morning I think I just heard you right you said you have a really good lawyer and you'll be out of here by morning probably not with the amount of evidence we have here that's all circumstantial evidence at best you should know that actually we know better because I have read all your mother's books the drink you spilled on me showed traces of Teto toxin sound familiar no no it doesn't you want it cut the crap it's not cute anymore I don't think it ever was in fact if I could think of a word below pitiful that might be a little more accurate but anyway there's a huge difference between you and your mother yeah what's that she made a name for herself with you know some kind of talent that she sort of had you made an ass of yourself for having no Talent at all don't be so quick to judge me friend you have no idea no idea what it's like to live in someone's Shadow I'm mystified because if that's your excuse for murder I mean I've heard of people suffering before but living in someone's Shadow that's suffering that could cause major pain major emotional pain if you like writing so much why don't you write me a damn confession because that's about the only thing you could write that anybody might read you hear let's go Sarah make sure you find him a nice dirty self to living for the next 40 [Music] [Applause] [Music] years I'm in trouble you want to see me boss yeah I have a SE I need to talk to you about so all right uh your dad works at LD now yeah but I uh I think he just retired and I understand yall don't speak is that right well he spent more time at work than he ever did at home it's actually the reason I'm up here I can't stay in the prick I mean is the reason why you feel that way because he didn't spend enough time with you is there something else going on that I need to know about or not a part of my life which I'm fine with why was he dead or something to be honest with you it seems as though your father's come across some information that he's turned over to Internal Affairs what do you mean he went to them about cops that's what they say yeah your father has information that could put a lot of cops away now these cops not only stolen dop and money but apparently they may have even killed people so these are some bad guys man you got to be kidding me guy's a snitch look I've put dirty cops away and I'm not a snitch when cops are involved in homicide and steal the money and dope you don't want them to be a cop that gives us a black guye all right they're bad guys what's it got to do with me he's got some real bad folks that he's willing to uh work and put him away if you'll go do it with him but he wants a chance to make it up to you and bury the hatchet and make things right with you what do you think I hope whatever he's done he can get a chance to explain himself and make it [Music] right all right I'll do it could you just do me a favor and uh not tell the team I'm working a case against cops we'll just say on loan to another department working a dope Caper don't tell him my old man's a snitch he's a good cop thanks boss [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cinéma Cinémas
Views: 186,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, full length movie, new movie on youtube, steven seagal, action movie, full action movie, true justice, series, complete series, full episode, free movie, full free movie, free action movie, full action vo movie, free action 4K movie, 4K movie, hd movie, hd, 4K, free english movie, full english 4K movie, free vo movie, full thriller vo movie, free thriller movie, actor, entertainment, cinema, screenplay, feature movie, steven seagal movie
Id: i4eC35IZAi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 28sec (5428 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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