Steven Bancarz & New Age | Full Episode

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This video is amazing! I thought I would just talk about the differences between Christianity and the New Age, but it gave me so many feels.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DactylicCrown 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Awesome. I’m glad that these videos have helped you!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Flyfoxpro 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to apologia TV you guys can get more a topology as that's a pol o GI ast UDI OS comm apology of studios right there just go there okay I'm getting a little insecure okay I did for a second there you know what it is because they've always been saying apology a and I'll just throw me out I'm Jeff komen a ninja that's joy the girl right there and that's Luke the bear we have a special guest in the studio his name is Stephen banned cars that's right and he has a ministry called reasons for Jesus that's right hey you guys look at this I got it stereo that right but I don't know the name of our own can you know how to spell Jesus Jesus that's right uh well we have a very interesting show today thank you for joining us if you guys are watching this you guys can get tons of content on this website over here radio shows TV shows after shows and apology Academy to get training the biblical worldview it is excellent for homeschoolers for college-age really for everybody but some fantastic content there and there's a wide spectrum of things that we've covered over the years from just straight gospel engagement with the culture to apologetics reformed theology engaging the issue of abortion in our culture all kinds of stuff we've had amazing scientists and theologians scholars on with us over the years and recently done some neat stuff with the Flat Earth stuff I think you'll really enjoy that and have some new content coming up hope you guys get a chance to see it it'll be an apology estudios youtube channel and apology from our trip a recent trip to Ireland lots of content there trying to help the support out there help the church out there to bring the gospel into the context of the abortion debate off to out there it is illegal right now in Ireland to have an abortion but they may lose that and so we have content sort of addressing that so with all of that and all that content wide spectrum of issues we are gonna do an interesting show today on the New Age which actually encompasses a whole ton us yeah it's just an umbrella term it really is a number of the like Hinduism Buddhism you know occult philosophy meditation yoga and crystals tarot cards and all this stuff is kind of lumped under the umbrella of of the New Age movement that's what I'm it's making really big push especially in the West right now that's right and we live in a day and age where people are interested in spiritual things but they don't want to go to God that's right though they go elsewhere and it's not like it's a new thing it's really an old thing Deuteronomy chapter 18 is actually an important passage related to this in terms of the practices so in my point is is laying a foundation here for our discussion I want to hear from you and sort of give us your story this this battle with the New Age and these practices is it's very very old its ancient and God addresses it in Deuteronomy chapter 18 issues like mediums necromancer's charmers those who interpret omens practice divination this is something that's that's it as old as dirt and so we're gonna address it so Steve tell us about your story yeah because it's interesting yes I was born and raised in a Christian household home schooled by a Christian mother under a Christian curriculum went to a Christian private school growing up I was raised with the most biblical of a worldview possible like six-day literal creationism it's all I knew growing up in and out of church and that started when I got into high school I was still really into the Christian worldview I was into young Earth Creationism actually uh dr. Kent Hovind as into his work a lot in grade 9 and the problem was is when I started to to get into other types of research in particular when I was in grade 11 research involving aliens UFO stories alien abductions and so forth I became obsessed with it it was really interesting to me it was mysterious and sort of you know magical and it started to call into question six-day creation ism and in the biblical worldview the exclusivity of Christ for example something that I was struggling with was if the universe is teeming with life if there's populated planets all over our universe did Christ have to go every single planet and died for their sins as well does each planet have their own version of the Bible and on which day did God say let there be aliens like I just couldn't reconcile it with the biblical worldview and when you get into UF ology a lot of people who are pushing this they're also pushing pushing New Age the all New Age theology alongside it I could do it's a package deal especially when you get into what's called contact material where people believe that aliens have given them material in particular in the form of chain-link so people basically go into a trance state of consciousness and connect with what they believe are aliens are extraterrestrial beings who then speak through them it's called automatic writing if they're writing it down and I started to get into some channeled material and it's it's kind of funny that it's so explicitly Antichrist mm-hmm that was a red flag for me but even then there seem to be a lot of evidence to suggest okay something's going on here people are making contact people are having abduction experiences you know a lot of it is hocus-pocus but if even one experience that's true even one UFO sighting is real then we have to incorporate this into the Christian worldview right and I simply couldn't and a main program that did this for me on the History Channel was called ancient aliens mm-hmm it's got that you know the guy with the crazy hair whatever right and become a meme yeah internet international meme yeah exactly and on that program they they present something called ancient astronaut theory which is absolutely huge in the new age from mint to staple it's the idea that ancient cultures around the world were visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings where they mistook for being supernatural gods and so you have stories of gods coming down from the sky and and Chariots of Fire stories like Nibiru Planet X sure I sorts definitely in that vein that would be more so of a New Agers interpretation of of trying to identify which planets they came from I know a thousands of years later but the ancient cultures themselves ironically never believed that they came from a planet there's not a single ancient text you can find where they're saying yes these aliens came from this planet or that planet they just simply didn't believe that we'll get into that a little bit more later maybe but it was there seemed to be some evidence in the ancient world that these people were receiving knowledge and tools and information that seemed to come from a source outside of themselves and that to me was it seemed to be best explained at the time it's like maybe there really are aliens that are that were visiting us that they mistook us being you know gods and flying shields or in the Book of Ezekiel the brass like beings flying down with the angular text with people who are into this that's very wheels within wheels and right forth and they always refer to the Book of Enoch that's right yeah and the fall of angels in Genesis six and they and then I was like oh my gosh like aliens are real and I started to get more into different types of New Age material new etiology Esther to be convinced of like religious pluralism pantheism Pantheon's pantheism to staple in in the New Age movement that that God is the universe that he's the substance of reality and therefore we are ultimately all God hang on to that thought guys right you're right back very interesting actually something I've said for a long time right everyone who's interested in fascinated in the UFO stuff ends up in dying crisis sort of goes hand in hand you are a bad guys apology a TV [Music] i asus wall over with apology over I do all I ask for y'all good friends of ours gold and click that button there and become my friends on the book face a Facebook backslash paltry radio become my friend on YouTube that day to twerker the twerker I want if I want to talk to you on it's working and send me out at work what wave what Twitter apology and radio on Twitter and also want to tell you we talk about apologetics in theology and we tool with a lot of swag diets in and we make a delicious chicken crave Paul tell welcome back guys to apology a TV again you can get more topology as I'm Jeff that's joy that's Luke and that is Steve and he is with reasons for Jesus so we if you're just catching up with us right now he just chit just tuned in on your television we've been talking about the New Age but an interesting entry into it is Steve was raised in a Christian home home schooled just as quickly did you go in high school did you switch from home school to public in grade seven I switch to Publix okay gotcha yeah and so he made his way into the new age via study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life and contact stories and those sorts of things channeling yeah and it's interesting because I I'm basically I'm the only believer my family and I have I have an older brother who's a half-brother we didn't grow up in the same house but I'd say maybe about eight nine years ago or so was when I started talking to him he was really into the UFO stuff and so I started to read the stuff that he was readings I wanted to minister to him and I started digging in and I spent quite a lot of time reading that material and trying to dig into that world view so I better be better equipped to reach him and red stitching and and guys like him and one of the things that I am immediately noticed was this track that goes from this field right into the New Age and it's almost like if you embrace this field it leads to a denial of christ's deity christ message it just went hand in hand and that's the one thing I said is if you go this direction it's not neutral don't grab hold of this world view it now removes the need for Jesus Redemption the Word of God as the Word of God that's right and so it's really fascinating to hear somebody that was generally went that course yeah I genuinely that course and the contact material that I was reading I was reading something called the law of one and it was explicitly denying Christ and it was pushing a sort of a more of a pantheist ik model whereby humans can sort of move their way up a scale of deification depending on their psycho spiritual development and that to me it seemed to make sense at the time and you know they encourage people to practice things that will help elevate them to the to a higher state of consciousness and something I started practice saying was well obviously meditation but lucid dreaming and in particular astral projection like actually leaving my body and not just dreaming that I'm leaving my body like my spirit man being outside of my body being in the the same like layout of everything and that to me I had to experience it's like that once where I observe real things that were happening in my house that I couldn't have known were happening like very specific details right down to what was on television at that's particular time and that to me I thought I was like hacking the matrix I thought it was really on to something and I was practicing a lot I was researching a lot and it reached a point where now I'm actually my little brother's friends were so interested in this stuff like people are really thirsty for the supernatural yep they're really really thirsty and they don't know that they have that in Christ and in the in the Holy Spirit and I didn't I thought it was like a dry religious system the New Age actually teaches that everything every kind of belief system is really just a play in consciousness that we are all consciousness experiencing itself as different personalities to learn about itself and so it doesn't ultimately matter what the content of your mind is it's just a form that arises in your consciousness and then it then it goes back away this is it in the sense sort of a universal mind there's a universal mind that is experiencing itself as individual persons yes and so we're just we're just kind of playing this role out so that way the universe can learn through our experience it's interesting to are you catching do you hear it so it's interesting how the New Age these eight these ancient beliefs or morph and turned into different flavors sort of work their way into other things practices for example there's a there's a form of chiropractic care called corn specific technique that's really it's only its new it's a new comer since about the year 2000 there's a guy named dr. Corr and who created it but that whole world he borrowed from the New Age world and there's the idea of this Universal universal mind and all of our minds can actually leave our bodies and enter into another body to try to do a diagnosis like to figure out what's wrong in the body yeah and a lot of Christians even impacted by this they go and do this chiropractic care no realize that the practices are dousing New Age technique of dowsing to get to information and the idea is that my mind enters your body and figures out yes creation and Christians are duped by this but interesting because that's it's it's a New Age belief yeah it is yeah and so basically I thought that Christianity was in principle irrelevant by virtue of the fact that all religious beliefs and so forth are you're just trading one set of thoughts for another and so I was convinced that there's just really no need for any kind of faith or belief since we're all just the universe experiencing itself we all return to source eventually anyways I made a Facebook page to to share some of this stuff with people who are asking me questions and so forth as a combination of of my research and the Facebook page grew pretty quickly I had the largest New Age New Age youtuber story reached out to me that he liked my Facebook page and we started collaborating networking with other Facebook pages and then you know I had five hundred thousand likes on my page and then I decided I need to make a website so haha talk out there I had a 500 thousand likes on my page and then I made a website called spirit science in metaphysics calm and at the time it was you know top three largest new-age websites in the world as soon as I launched it because of the Facebook pages I had access to I was getting you know two hundred thousand views a day on it on average you know up to three for three quarters of a million and the Articles that seemed to do the best were actually ones pertain to the afterlife your death experiences reincarnation and so forth and people were just were just drinking it up and I'll share this on here I haven't shared this publicly on film yet but the income this people should know it was the the Adsense revenue was forty to fifty grand a month and to me I thought that was divine confirmation from the universe and from God that I was on the right track and that I thought I was attracting that it's my reality through like the law of attraction and that God was blessing me for waking humanity up and so I was neck deep in this stuff I was fully convinced in my own mind I was like debating my own mom about reincarnation and stuff like this she was scared out of her mind probably heartbroken yeah yeah heartbroken yeah yeah and and to me I truly did believe that there is sufficient evidence for what I was believing and and the New Age movement likes to blend in some loose understanding of quantum physics and quantum mechanics into this and what they basically say is that at the at the heart of nature lies a unified field of consciousness and science it's called the superstring field or the unified field and people such as physicists such as John Hagelin or a Maga Swami they'll say that field is actually a field of intelligence and so consciousness in this view is actually a fundamental property of the universe kind of like space time and energy and so everything in the universe emanates from this field of universal consciousness in this view and so god is this field and it kind of like spits out particles and depending on how these particles are vibrating it gives rise to different protons neutrons whatever and I believe that we were emanating out of this field of consciousness and and all of this began with a study of aliens all this began with the study of aliens I was fully convinced neck deep and my website was extremely successful and then after a while it became a lead author on on the spirit science net which was at the time the largest new-age website in the world and I this whole time I was literally people need to know the fruitlessness of this form of spirituality talk about that yeah so there are a lot of people in the New Age movement right now and people who've come out of it who while they're teaching in the New Age movement they're living double lives that are extreme not only extreme but it's just straight-up criminal and they're still teaching people how do we evolve their consciousness and elevate their consciousness and wake up and so forth and I was living a double life I was literally a slave to sin not only was I like evil in my thoughts and heart continuously I was twisted like my soul was twisted and it did absolutely nothing to fix any of my problems psychologically or emotionally all this meditation all of this knowledge and wisdom and people will say well you weren't you just weren't practicing enough or practicing it properly okay I can point to you people who are and people who make the living doing this stuff who had the same kind of problems that I did and my life was crumbling before me I was hurting people and my secrets were coming out and I ended up hurting someone that I really cared for and my whole life while I was in high school I was in the New Age movement it was a life of brokenness of habitual uncontrollable sin and I reached a point where I was so weak that I had to start taking the the person of Jesus more seriously so in the New Age movement as you can imagine we just talked a little bit about New Age theology but Jesus in the New Age movement he's someone who became Christ by realizing his inherent divinity he's not someone who came to die first and and was born as Christ he developed his consciousness to reach a state of God consciousness throughout his life that thought guy has apologia TV awesome awesome episodes stay with us guys don't forget to share this episode if you can think of the flinch of their mind when you throw a ball at somebody some people jump back and some people reach forward to catch it we want to shape graduates who their mind flinches in terms of cultural influence when they hear an argument that needs to be engaged with when they see a message that needs to be dealt with that we want people who jump towards it and go after and that's what our curriculum is about [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everybody here talking with Stephen ban cars reasons for Jesus fascinating discussion very very cool stuff did you do this on Hsieh lotions get into all this stuff yeah some of it not not this deep another detail get out of here on this show I got this guest for the show and for Sheila J okay alright so I'm sharing her okay all right so um you you were we finish the last segment you were talking about the belief the New Age belief about Christ you needed to start taking him more seriously because your life was dwindling and that's right go floating yeah so you're starting to now consider the person of Christ and the New Age has a view of Christ that's right that's distorted when he becomes he realizes his inherent divinity trait becomes God that's right okay that's right so he doesn't this is something that we could also achieve we can also achieve and reach and they would say it's not so much achieving it's more so realizing like the Christ consciousness Christ consciousness so the problem is not sin or you know under development it's just self ignorant we just don't know who we are in this view and we don't know that our ultimate identity is God or is Brahman as they would say in Hinduism that the self is ultimately a self with a capital S that we are ultimately God experiencing our self experiencing itself I should say because it's an impersonal force as human beings and so Jesus through reaching these more fundamental levels of consciousness discovered that you know the kingdom of God was already within him and he was trying to impart this to us this wisdom this path of enlightenment that we could all realize that we are Christ too that we can become Christ too so Christ is really an it's a state of consciousness it's not a person per se and you know this is something to Oprah Winfrey believes that she has openly said on her show that she believes Jesus came to teach us Christ consciousness and very very prevalent view you know Deepak Chopra car till it occurred to lay all these people believe this and I believe this but there was always everyone in the New Age movement has intuitions that they suppress they actively resistance the press about the person of Jesus that why they have to try and explain him away and create detours around the Bible and make excuses like well the Council of Nicaea perverted the Canon and they hid his true teachings or you know the early church got it wrong even though nothing can I do with you know just establish not establishing but more so you know the deity of Christ right um but so basically everybody tries to account for Jesus in their worldview and they never try to take anybody else out of context never try and say Buddha was a monotheistic Jew but every everybody's gonna try and say Jesus was a yogi or a gnostic or a mystic and it he's really the most historically established figure from the ancient world in terms of what he believed in what he taught radical monotheists and it reached a point where I had to stop suppressing the truth and unrighteousness really yeah and I reached a point where I was just I was a slave to sin and I was absolutely broken and I went home and I met with my mom and my mom said a prayer of salvation with me and that was when I decided okay Jesus I'm gonna take you a little bit more seriously for who you actually are I'm gonna stop trying to cut corners and twist you into someone you're not whoever you are I'm asking you to save me to come into my life and for the next week or two weeks nothing really changed I didn't have any real revelation from God I had a little bit of a deterrent away from the New Age movement but I still had my new-age books made my way like my website was still up and it actually reached a point where I had to confess a whole nother round of sense like a whole nother round of deep deep sins like scary sense and when I did that that's when I was like I can't do this anymore and I fell at the feet of Christ and when I when I was just repenting really I was on my knees on my face crying out to him asking him to forgive me to save me I can't do this anymore and that's when he overwhelm me with his presence and engulfed me with his with his presence with his spirit and it not only was around me but it filled me and it was personal and the thing that took out to me when I was in his presence was his lordship over me where I stood in relation to him that I was under his feet that the universe all of nature was under his feet and that he was king and that his his attention was fully set on me and it the simplicity of it the simplicity of the gospel I was saying in my head Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord it's so simple how did they miss this and the Bible says no one says jesus is lord but by the holy spirit and the Holy Spirit was um absolutely crushing me and and breaking me into submission and something that stuck out to me was like his presence was so thick like I've been in church many times there's only one other time where it's been anywhere close to that in you know 50 church services you know my prayer life and so forth it was something different and it sounded like the the wind and the the leaves on the trees and the crickets the sounds of nature were recognizing him like they were recognizing that his he was there and it was crazy I'll never forget it okay so creation was glorifying him recognizing his lordship I don't know if the Lord was showing me that that that's always happening or if they were doing that just cuz his presence was there but it was crazy and I picked up on that and I was like I'm done so uh I went back inside and I was reconsidering everything I mean I had light bulbs going off and they had like crazy that the Holy Spirit was showing me things in the New Age movement that I had kind of skipped past patterns that I had overlooked on particular you see the scene Pat the same patterns repeating every single ancient culture except people of the Bible they're clearly distinct and sanctified among the other ancient cultures every single ancient culture that was visited by these so-called angels or sorry gods from the sky they were practicing human sacrifice they believed that to contact them they had to do drugs sacrifice human blood and do spiritual ceremonies in order to contact them I was like oh my gosh it's demonic everything is carefully crafted demonic strategy setup to keep people away from what I just experienced salvation right presence of the Lord and I started to see oh my gosh I've been deceived and took the Holy Spirit for me to see that people have asked me like when did you start to doubt the New Age movement when I came into contact with Jesus that's when I didn't have the revelation Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 4 that the gospel is veiled to those for perishing or a Satan's blinded my mindset the unbelievers and took God to take that veil off my eyes and when he did I I didn't care about anything except him I quit my job I've sold my house I told people online like Jesus it's realistic Saul a deception to keep us away from him was a shock to them that was a shock yeah yeah that was a big shock well I'm gonna actually hang on this so I want to hear more and as powerful stuff I want to hear more and I'd like you to actually help us to know some things to look for and to be aware of the things that Christian can be impacted by and maybe how to reach out to people who are loved ones that are lost in this stuff as well so we're gonna have the after show you guys can get it at apology as we're gonna extend the discussion there you guys can just go over there you guys can partner with us at all access to you guys get all this content and you support us in making more of this content to bless the world so be right back over there a topology of goto apology of get signed up partner with us in all access you get all of the radio programs you get the TV show you get the after show including apology Academy and you partner with us in ministry bringing the gospel around the world
Channel: Apologia Studios
Views: 45,306
Rating: 4.9365993 out of 5
Keywords: Apologia Radio, Apologia Studios, Jeff Durbin, luke pierson, joy temby, apologia radio live, Apologia tv, steven bancarz, steven bancarz 700 club, steven bancarz aliens, steven bancarz from new age to jesus, steven bancarz new age, jeff durbin new age, jeff durbin occult, jeff durbin street, new age music, sedona vortex, christian mystics, lectio divina, how to spirit travel, christianity and the new age, steven bancarz exposed, new age exposed, magic exposed
Id: yA65lnnEfpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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