Cultish: Engaging the New Age

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welcome everyone back to cult ish entering the kingdom of the cults my name is Jeremiah Roberts I'm one of the co-hosts here and I'm excited because we this is the first episode we are dealing where we are we are filming and I'm excited because we are gonna be on we're gonna be put up on you we're gonna be on YouTube and not long after this podcast is released so it's something we'll be doing regularly to kind of get out to a lot more of a broader audience so I'm very very excited for that and with me as always as my trusted pastor friend and co-host Jeff Durbin how are you man I'm good man I'm excited about this particular episode yes I'm important yes I'm very very excited so we've always wanted to jump into the world of the New Age and the occult and just because that's a very prominent factor right now in our culture in today's day and age it also has had there's a huge influence in the world of the cults whether it's Joseph Smith jr. and his his occultic activity when he in tried and convicted for glass-like and those sorts of things you look at the Netflix documentary which just came out which it was a huge huge hit that people talked about all over the culture which was wild wild country talking about the Rajneesh occult in the late 80s and those aspects and those have those have a large New Age aspect so I am very very excited today because a lot of you may be familiar with him I we have a special guest with us today Steven ban cars' how are you my friend I'm good thanks for having me on good good so I'm excited because you know the New Age is a very very broad it's very it's a very broad field and you know there's a lot of terminology there but I think it's really good to you know obviously define definitions and things like that but um can you just tell everyone we were having you as a guest to talk about that tell everyone about your experience and what you would say kind of innocence qualifies you to really talk on this subject at hand that we're going to discuss right well in a nutshell I was a lead author on the largest New Age website in the world and I had my own new-age website which was one of the largest in the world getting hundreds of thousands of views a day to make a long story really sure sure I was actually on apologia radio you guys released me talking more about my testimony on your YouTube channel yeah so I'll make that part a little condensed but you know I was born and raised in a Christian household it was the topic of aliens ancient aliens a program on the History Channel that led me down a rabbit hole into New Age philosophy which turned into practice and then I started to try and present this stuff to the public I created the Facebook page in November of 2012 to be kind of a hub of my the research I'd come across and in January of 2014 after my Facebook page had about six hundred thousand followers I launched my website which was spirit science and metaphysics calm I was you know sharing my articles on massive massive Facebook pages like spirit science the mind Unleashed higher perspective collective evolution millions of eyes around my articles each week I was making you know 40 50 thousand dollars a month an ad revenue off this website this was my career it was my passion I could argue circles around anybody including my Christian parents and it reached a point in my life where long story short my sin started finding me out my brokenness was catching up with me not just my brokenness and son in the sense of my emotional and psychological incompetence but my spiritual depravity was making himself really known I was at the forefront of my life the degree to which I was failing at being lord over my own life and the degree to which I felt convicted that I was sinning against people and sitting against God and that was something new that happened near the end of my tenure in the new way to affirm this conviction that there's a personal God who I have I have wronged I have offended and so I said a prayer a prayer of salvation with my mother in a moment of brokenness two weeks passed by nothing really changed until I had to confess another round of sin in my life and that's when I bought him doubt that's when I hit rock bottom I had nothing left I had no place to turn but but Jesus you know when Jesus turns to his disciples and he says do you want to leave - I believe it's in John 6 you know and they say Lord where shall we go you have the words of eternal life I had nowhere to go and I'm just weeping at his feet asking for forgiveness telling him I need him it was just all these emotion is an expressions all at one time and I was born again he met me there I was made a new creature in Christ in a five minute encounter in his presence and I was filled with the Holy Spirit I knew it was the Jesus of the New Testament he's Lord he's the son of God went back into my my house my stupid you know 4,000 square-foot house I was living in as a 22 year old you know living what I thought was the dream and the New Age movement and I never wrote in the New Age article moving forward I repented publicly online to hundreds of thousands of people and I've been in full-time ministry the last three years you know have a youtube channel I have a new book out and yeah I've been serving the Lord and I guess you could call that apologetics ministry ever since that so I do have kind of a lengthy background in the New Age movement and yeah it's a joy to be able to expose it now yeah and in fact it's been a really cool to kind of fault me I've been following you almost I think the very first video I saw was right after you had released that first video of you telling your testimony and you going into a lot more in depth about when you saw creation and how it was worshiping God and that was and kind of seeing how you how you have progressed and how you how God has used you with them just with the aspect of apologetics so there's a new book that you have co-authored here with Josh Peck I'm gonna hold out here so that people can see it it's called second coming of the new age so most of the time you've just been you know posting stuff on Facebook and you've been you know writing out articles which of their health and informative if you've done some very good high quality content YouTube videos and you've gotten huge spelling how many YouTube subscribers do you have right now as of right now it's about a hundred and twenty thousand subscribers okay and yeah about 120,000 okay yeah I mean it's with some great videos talking about the in front the influence of Oprah Winfrey in the new age or time you have one talking about we're going to talk about - you know the experience of astral projection and what that is we'll definitely get into that but what I want to ask you I just have one question yeah so in people hearing about your testimony Stephen can I ask you just this in a personal level cause we're gonna do the deeper worldview stuff here yeah right so what was appealing to you about the New Age because that is such a pop culture phenomenon people grabbing hold of this we have a church plan the island of Kauai the New Age is massive on the islands of Hawaii and so what was so appealing to you so attractive being raised in a Christian home and knowing what of course the Word of God says about the sort of stuff and knowing I'm sure your parents you know stearic trying to steer you away from it what was the what was the carrot like what was it that it was so attractive to you that dude that really caused you to sort of fall headlong into it there were two carrots I guess there's probably a lot of them but I think the two main ones for me was that there was an appeal and a sense of superiority superiority that would come alongside of the the delusion of having secret knowledge and a lot of material that new-age lecturers and talkers and authors will present to people it's stuff that the Christian worldview often doesn't let me phrase it this way it can't account for most definitely and I didn't know that but but Christian pastors Christian authors Christian speakers don't normally go there cuz it's a little bit weird it's a little bit fringe that's why a podcast like this is so important because there were certain topics that I had never heard address before by the church I thought the new-age interpretation of these issues was the only game in town and I'm talking about things like I don't know the alleged evidence for reincarnation coming through regressive hypnotherapy I'm talking about things like ancient astronaut theory things like evidence for a relationship between consciousness and the physical world I thought this stuff precluded the Christian worldview and I thought okay here stuff that I think you know made me feel intellectually superior to Christians no and here's all the secret knowledge I have access to that they don't and I guess another thing as well is that the supernatural interactionism you know the Bible is very clear when it comes to these practices and I want to go over a couple passages in scripture here you know first Corinthians 10 at verse 20 also as I imply that what pagans offer unto idols they offer unto demons that he says you can't sit at the table the Lord and the table of demons you can't drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons that we're going to provoke the Lord to jealousy and so what Paul is describing here like an idol has not no intelligence no no volition no sovereignty in and of themselves but the Bible is clear that there's a power behind the idol that is demonic in nature that interacts with mankind if they are yielding themselves unto these idols you know Leviticus 17 7 when the children of Israel went apostate and started offering their children unto the the pagan gods of foreign nations it says that they were offering their children to go demons you know acts 16:16 the woman possessed with a spirit of divination or pythoness and the Greek which gets into Greek mythology a Python spirit who would come in and and possess people and give them the ability to to foretell the future and this woman was possessed or the spirit of divination or pythoness who was able to give her some kind of reliable predictability to be able to foretell the future they obviously can't see into the future but they can predict it with a certain degree of probability and the Bible often times another example would be exodus 7 and Exodus 8 whereby their secret arts the magician's who needed it were able to replicate the first three miracles of Moses and Aaron so there was there is a supernatural interactionism present in a new issue even if you're gonna go drop five grams of psilocybin mushrooms and try and channel ETS for two hours on end you're gonna make contact with something plain and simple well that's interesting even I'm wondering the submerged area now we're talking about before we actually cut the film on here there's a recent discussion between Alex Jones and Joe Rogan no Joe Rogan's the professed self professed atheist correct atheist / agnostic AAA TSS a functional atheist essentially so and it's interesting if you watch that for or discussion between Alex Jones he says some things that normally you would think that Joe Rogan would mock and think were nutty but because he puts in the context of the secret knowledge is out there people are tapping into and getting into another dimension through these different drugs and the different means to connect to the other world all of a sudden Joe Rogan is like fascinated by it and seems you know how interesting here's an atheist agnostic but they can't buy into the Christian worldview but all the secret knowledge and all these other dimensions and aliens coming through and all these different things through the drugs and experiences that's so appealing it's so attractive it is yeah and I guess I would I would ask someone like that what do you believe the source in being is for higher spiritual dimensions and metaphysical entities where did they come from because you have to appeal to something beyond nature in order to account for them and where did the realms beyond nature come from like you need some kind of an explanation there if you continue to push people like that you'll eventually reach a place in their psychology where it's you know textbook Romans 1 they're suppressing the truth and unrighteousness yeah they want to get as much if they want to draw from as much of the supernatural world you as they can without having to confront this you know impending idea that's weighing on their conscience that there must be a personal designer who brought the physical and metaphysical realms into being everything needs to first cause but yeah Joe Rogan has been popularizing this stuff Oprah Winfrey's been popularized in this stuff Ellen DeGeneres Jim Carrey Russell Brand it's very appealing when people at the highest levels of social influence are promoting this type of spirituality it does it does give it more of a mass appeal because you're thinking here these popular people they're in agreement with it it must not be that that fringe yeah and I think it's also important to especially understand from a Christian worldview is that you know the when you hear people like some of the clips were going to play and and the conversations we're having I think Steven you'd agree that a lot of times most Christians will hear about your experience and they're somewhat weirded out by it and they almost sort of like disbelieve that until you show them by Scripture when it talks about the different dimensions and you know the spiritual realm the heavenly places like these are real and these experiences that their people are talking about especially when it comes to things like what Liam will talk about like astral projection and lucid dreaming and and those experiences and especially when an email comes to demonology and UFOs and aliens those things are real and people experiencing things and there you have what they perceive to be power but just because it's real doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing that's right yeah so what's really helpful in discussing with people in the New Age movement is to be able to affirm their worldview as much as you possibly can hmm in the sense that yeah I do believe that there's entities that exist in a higher dimension I do believe you're making contact with them I do believe when you're smoking DMT or drinking ayahuasca or dropping psilocybin mushrooms that you're you're making contact with these entities and I do believe they're telling you everything they're telling you now what is our interpretive standard by which we're going to judge the validity and the origin of these experiences and when we go to the biblical text it's very clear that yeah you know Satan is called the Prince of the power of the air there is a demonic air kingdom the Bible calls the spiritual the heavenly places for example in Ephesians 6 and you know astral projection for example I believe it's first Corinthians 12 where Paul talks about how he was taken up into the third heaven and so here he says he doesn't know whether he was in or out of his body during this experience and so whatever the encounter is when it comes to New Age experience the New Age practice it is a helpful apologetic not to try and convince these people that they're hallucinating when Christians in my life tried to do that it made them seem really unbelievable and really naive and made me think wow I know more about the secret nature of things and the true nature of the spirit world then these Christians do that they can't possibly have the truth if they're still eating you know spiritual baby food and Here I am leaving my body at will and you know people are telling me I'm hallucinating it's like yeah if you experience these things I experience these things yeah and so it does make it seem unbelievable give just a quick yeah I know we have a lot to go through here but this will help us even in terms of helping come Christians come to grips with the reality of the spiritual and these things that actually occur because I agree with you I've made contact in my life through demonic present stuff like me confronting a demon and a girl and and in other instances where that this is reality this stuff is real as isn't just a fairy tale that we're not living out of mythology here so can you give everyone sort of an idea of what that was like for you so that you can help us understand why it was so easy for you to be dismissive to Christians that were just denying oh you're just you're just hallucinating that's all in your head can you just describe what was that like for you so that we can all understand we need to actually approach this with the reality that the Bible says that it is yeah well my state of consciousness while I was out of body I had two out-of-body experiences it was more vivid than it is now more literal more real more visceral than it is now because right now our consciousness is being filtered through a physical brain through a physical organism and so there's you know mental fatigue there's you know pollution in our bloodstream toxins in our bloodstream it's not a pure experience of consciousness of our soul when I was outside of my body I felt way more real and visceral than it does in the natural and I'm able to think just as clearly as I could have side of my body it wasn't me I was literally outside my body I've had so many different experiences I've had I've left my body within lucid dreams I've had dozens of lucid dreams I've had false awakenings you name it I've experienced it in terms of different states of consciousness and so for what for a Christian to come into my field of research and what I believed was my field of expertise and there try and tell me you're not really experiencing those things it's like okay well you don't know the first thing right about the nature of spiritual things I don't care what you have to say about God about the soul about eternal life about the afterlife if you're not able to even meet me with experiences I'm having on a daily basis I would walk around my house feeling more close to the astral round than I did to the physical realm there was just this yoke that was resting on me and these things are very very real actually I don't wanna go to too much off-base your yesterday in the New Age but even even very recently I was involved in some areas of the body of Christ I shouldn't have been that God was telling me now he was convicting me on these things and this is important as well like when it comes to what you could call hyper charismatic phenomenon hyper carries mania if you will yeah I don't believe that a lot of this is just people acting out in their flesh I believe a lot a lot of it is people coming under a different yoke from an imitating spirit that is imitating the Holy Spirit is imitating glory is imitating fire and what you have is people in the body of Christ who are making the supernatural realm the functional Lord of their life Jesus isn't Lord the spiritual is their Lord this supernaturals their Lord and they're using the name of Jesus as a means to get to the end of the spiritual they're prostituting the name of Jesus as a springboard to get to their real Lord and Savior supernatural experience mm-hmm and so when people are going to these you know conferences if you will these hyper charismatic conferences and I was listening to people who are in that circuit I was demon oppressed for a week for a week and a half and I was experiencing symptoms that resembled the Kundalini awakening as outlined in the New Age movement and I realized hey I've read about these symptoms before I start doing research online I'm talking sensitivity to light and the sound I'm talking about feeling like I'm gonna have panic attacks panic in my chest I'm talking about seeing a golden glow everywhere in my waking State and all I did was yield to these teachers I didn't receive impartation that's a whole nother story but but the point is whether we're talking about other spirits in the body of Christ or outside the body of Christ and secular arenas or in pagan arenas there is a real contact being made between these people and what the Bible would call the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places and it makes us seem more credible when we affirm that mmm yeah one thing I want to mention to Stephen just in regards to what you said about because I think I'd saw a Facebook post she had made in regards to that and I was going to ask you about that because already brought it up I was also watching a video similarly of a very hyper charismatic group and there's a lady up on stage and so let me backtrack and say it was about a week ago I was having a Bible study with Jehovah's Witness sharing the gospel of them and and an understanding term and one thing about cult stew is that there's always a terminology there's always a language barrier and you always have to define your terms and the reason why we call this the new-age cult is because waltz of Martin's classic definition of cult is any sort of group or organization that tries to imitate or be in line with Christian or essentially say in line with the Bible but they distort his fundamental teachings and we're gonna kind of unravel how the New Age movement does that we're now there they're using Christian terminology but the rewrapping and practical pagan the philosophy so when I was talking with the Jehovah's Witnesses we were getting on the doctrine of the holy spirit and I noticed constantly he would say holy spirit he wouldn't say the Holy Spirit and then we got into it Jehovah's Witnesses they believe the Holy Spirit's not God and it's not a person but it's an impersonal it's Jehovah's impersonal force and it just so happens when this lady was up on stage she was saying the exact same thing she was talking about we need to experience Holy Spirit like it was the sort of the it was almost like it was this this transcendent force but which gives you almost into like an altered state of consciousness so I definitely would agree with you there so I want it under I want to just jump in here also real quickly so as you mentioned you've been now been in ministry for about three years and it's been amazing to watch you grow but you just co-authored a brand new book with a you co-author with Josh Peck is called second coming of the New Age a hold up here so you guys can see it now you've done a lot of video content and you you've you've gone round you've done speaking events what prompted you to write this book well the Holy Spirit did ultimately but what what I saw in the body of Christ was a need for there to be a modern resource we can put into the church's hands that will give them kind of a miniature crash course of what the main rebuttals and arguments are the New Agers and New Age teachers put forth a grant against the Christian worldview and how to arm ourselves with biblical scientific historical and philosophical responses to the point that they're making and so I wanted to make a resource where it's credible you know we have a foreword written by a Bible scholar dr. Michael Heizer it's not a sensationalist book you know we're not looking for a demon under every rock it's meant to be just an apologetic evangelical response to the New Age movement and didn't really see a modern resource written by people who had actually experienced the very thing that the church could really have access to in digadz teeth into and I also wrote this because I've had a lot of people who are on the fence we often take for granted how few people are actually saved in the New Age their story in Christianity like the perfect the professing Church is much different from the actual church you have about 4% of actual Christians who hold to Orthodox Christian theology and not everyone who holds two Orthodox Christian theology are saved I don't know how much how many what percentage of professing Christians were actually saved but a book like this is perfect for those who are on the fence who aren't yet in relationship with Christ who want to get there and also for New Age New Age New Agers as well to be able to meet them where they're at with the concerns that they're bringing up so when I came to Christ and I was trying to tell people Jesus is the Son of God and I was giving historical evidence and you know other types of evidence to suggest that the Christian world views true this book chapter by chapter represents rebuttals to the main objections they were giving to me it was the same things over and over and over again so it really does hit at the most urgent issues launched against the Christian worldview from the New Age side of the fence awesome is definitely next some resources I've already read through it there's a couple of chapters in particular that I read more than once that definitely caught my attention I'm excited to unpack it so what I want to do Steve and I want to really make sure we define our terms that people understand specifically what the New Age is and I was texting you last night and what I was trying to and I'll say it now which was talking about last night is that in your book in a sense it's almost unintentionally because you have really haven't been listened to much of Walter Martin's teachings but you know the show is based off of the influence the show has been influenced by dr. Walter Martin's ministry and he was the first Bible answer man and he had just had he paved ground that people and like no one else before but not only did he write the book kingdom of the cults I'll hold up here he wrote a definitive book is one of the defendant resources on the subject called kingdom of the occult and in a weird way your book is almost like a more modern-day abridged version of that and I think it's a very that's also very great resource as well but what I want to do is that I've got a couple Clips here Stephen from Walter Martin's lectures some of his lectures he gave in the early 80s on the New Age and so what I want to do is I'm gonna play cliff for him and then you can expand on it because the reason why is because here it is like this clip was done in the early 80s and there's a lot going on back then about there's a big New Age and a cultic explosion and now in our day and age where that's in a sense like that's happening again I think even on a higher level just because today's culture and age so I'm just gonna play this clip and then you can go ahead and just further expand on what dr. Walter Martin says here the world of the occult is opposed to him in the world of the occult took form within the 19th century of the Christian era in a way that had never taken form before many of the things I'm now saying I wrote about and lectured about over the last 35 years but I have lived to see the occult crystallize I have lived to see them form networks I have lived to see them communicate with each other when before they wouldn't even talk to each other or acknowledge their existence but there has been literally a narcotic explosion which in 1975 took the name the New Age movement what is the New Age it is a millennium without God a millennium without God it is the enthronement of man as the sovereign of the universe and the demotion of God yeah so Steven if you can just go ahead and expand on what dr. Walter Martin said there if you can for us yeah yeah I would say philosophically speaking that definition would be a little bit too broad and it doesn't it's not exhaustive nor is it narrow enough so you know scientism and atheism would both also be the Millennium without God and man is sovereign and the demotion of God when we're talking about the New Age move and what we're really talking about here is a compilation of pagan beliefs and practices so the word pagan refers to any type of spirituality that deviates from that outlined in Scripture but what makes the New Age movement different from paganism is you don't just have one set of pagan beliefs and practices it's a cumulative worldview a mixing pot of pagan beliefs and practices that draws from the likes of Buddhism Hinduism Kabbalah you name it and so some examples of New Age beliefs would be things like reincarnation the belief that you know you come back your soul incarnates over and over and over again to alleviate karma from a past life until you reach your state of ascension or a state of moksha in which case you you now are you've left samsara this cycle of death and rebirth you know pantheism is the staple theology of the New Age movement which I'm sure will unpack a little bit later the belief that God in the universe are identical to one another there's this an influence and I've sorry this emphasis on on what are called chakras which are believed to be metaphysical energy centers in the body that are responsible for your your physical health and your psychological health and so if you have something wrong in your body or in your mind the solution is to cleanse one of these chakras these entered metaphysical energy centers with sage or with the use of crystals or different prayers and so forth another new-age idea would be that of the Kundalini which is believed to be this serpent of energy that resides at the base of your spine and through meditation and through yoga this serpentine energy is supposed to crawl up your spine through the energy centers in your body through your chakras and illuminate your third eye and your third eye is believed to be the seat of the soul as Rene Descartes called it the the point where your spirit man and your physical body connect to one another right and when that becomes enlightened and I'm not I'm not I'm not closed off to that idea maybe that is the connection point at which our soul connects to our body but the point is is they believe something can happen to it spiritually where now you have some kind of psychic power and insight and ability to get to the spirit world in the supernatural world through the opening of your third eye which I just I believe that's just demonic possession when in the demon possesses you now have special ability to see into the spirit just like act 16:16 but what I want to what was really interesting to hear Walter Martin comment on I've never heard heard him before by the way but it was really interesting to hear him comment on was back in the the 70s and 80s he's like now we're seeing New Agers finally talked to each other they're finally willing to have public discussions about this yeah I'm thinking to myself man we are leaps and bounds beyond that like right now in the country of America witches outnumber Presbyterian Christians though yeah those who identify as witches this is from the Pew Research Center in recent years those who identify as witches is continuing to increased while increase while those who identify as Protestant Christians it has decreased in recent years so the witch population is growing larger than the Protestant Christian denomination yeah you have about a hundred thousand more self professed witches than Presbyterian Christians in the country of America and there's many people who are witches by association and by osmosis without self identifying is that you have 40 percent of Americans who claim they met who meditate at least once a week you have 27 percent of Americans who claim to be spiritual but not religious you have yoga 36 million Americans practice yoga you have you know it's a ten billion dollar industry the psychic services industry things like palmist palmistry high tarot card reading astrology this is a two billion dollar industry a new study came out guys this is crazy this this will tell you how pervasive this movement is in our culture this came out in October of 2018 by the Pew Research Center it was a study that found that 62 percent of the American population holds at least one New Age belief but they only tested four four beliefs they only tested for the belief that their spiritual energy and physical things for the belief in astrology for the belief in reincarnation and for the belief that there's some kind of that psychics have reliable insight into the future there's literally scores upon scores of New Age beliefs they only tested for four and 62% of the American population holds at least one including 61% of professing Christians from that study which these are staggering numbers this is the social crisis this is a theological crisis this is no longer segregated - you know a handful of hippies at Burning Man or a handful of hippies in the 70s or living in Sedona Arizona and this is coming down from the highest levels of mainstream thought and it's now beginning to infiltrate literally every single area of Western culture from our schools to our churches and the Cystic show it's growing at a rate never seen before in history and it now occupies the vast majority of mainstream thought and practice yeah and in fact I definitely agree with you with an infiltrating culture I mean I think every single Title IV we frequent whole foods and we have a place here called natural grocers and I think the last two times I've come in there there are just tons of posters for different yoga meditation clinics and that was just very prominent you saw that in Kauai it was just that hold of that community board which is full of all sorts of different New Age practices where were some of the things that you saw in Kauai that were like new ways give us some examples of that Jeff oh goodness gracious the whole island is covered in the New Age Buddhism Taoism should all that stuff is like underneath there like just like in terms of like historically rooted stuff of paganism and all these different weird practices but like for example one day I was out doing tracks with my son and passed by this occultic shop selling all these different things like you know the to communicate with the other side and pendulums and all the stuff that you would need to sort of enter into that arena but then as I walked past that I pointed out to my son then I passed a woman who was clanging cymbals wearing an AIA robe and she's shouting higher at Krishna and then I walked down a little bit farther and there's a guy in a Buddhist temple robe and he's you know sort of bouncing around and doing his thing and you have a lot of sort of mainland Americans coming over to the Hawaiian Islands bringing all this New Age stuff with them it is absolutely everywhere on the island yeah and one thing I want to come in to Stephen is that I don't know if you saw the movie Doctor Strange the Marvel movie and it was interesting just because that whole his character is that the Evangel the Avengers they take care of him they protect the physical realm Doctor Strange is role in his team they deal with the paranormal and they're the ones who protect the astral realm and what's fascinating is that you had a video that she released about the dangers of astral projection we're going to jump into that in a little bit but there's a particular scene they shot this if you've at least have seen the trailer there's a moment where you see you see Doctor Strange have this out-of-body experience where all of a sudden you see his astral body go out of his physical body and then the lay then the his mentor or or sensei whoever hurt his a guru is showing him the these powers she says open your eye and then all of a sudden he starts astral projecting and what I realized is that I remember seeing that movie and then when I saw your video when I watched your video and listened to you talk about that that's the very first time I ever heard about what astral projection was from the very first time but what's fascinating though Stevens that my point of reference when you have that video that came out when I was watching it was that movie so here's that here's a main character in in Marvel and a hero yeah main hero that's his whole everything that he does is completely a cult second I'm and I'm not saying that we need to go boycott Disney or Marvel anything like that but I think it's important to know that this is just that's an example of how entity the culture is disguising normalizing and I think it's great to have you on Stephen because it's important for people know we have to be able to give answers to these sorts of things because now with it with a main hero in the Marvel lineup who is propagating this ideology that we have to be a lack of answers like we're giving now exactly yeah it's been really desensitized or kind of used to seeing occult themes in in books and in movies back in maybe the 20s or 30s if that would have been a film in a movie theater I would it would have been a riot in the town people would have been throwing stuff at the screen there would have been you know in the newspapers you know demon oppressed filmmaker or whatever who knows what would be some kind of a witch hunt and now it's just you know it's just normal you know it makes probably a few people feel uncomfortable but for the most part she's like oh that's just after projection I have I have Christians I've had Christians who are you know 10 years old 9 years old asking me about astral projection you know asking me about the pineal gland this is what kids are researching right now a lot of this goes back to the spirit science youtube series it really does you know 800,000 subscribers on this channel it's a cartoon and it makes these things really kind of accessible and kind of you know almost cutesy to children and extremely dangerous extremely that was the website I was writing for you know I was part of helping him build his Facebook page in his website and such and yeah it's becoming really really pervasive to the point where you know this is what kids are thinking about on a regular basis it's not foreign to them it would have been foreign to the entire population even back in the 60s or 70s and now this is that this is the the conversation pieces of children yeah in fact one of the things - and you talk about what Walter Martin was saying and how it is in today's day and age and culture when talked with the New Age movement is getting organized and we're in the way - is like I said through social media in fact when I was doing research there's two people you may be familiar with these names there's a young lady millennial aged lady named Haylie Reese and she does a lot of mediumship and she does a lot of spiritism and she makes it seem very hip and cool and I realized that she has almost a million on YouTube describers subscribers right now there's another guy named feel-good who was all into astral projection meditation shocker so he calls it like shocker science and a lot of these tournaments in terms that we'll go into but I think now he's got about 150,000 subscribers on it just on his Instagram account I just started following and just yeah so there's constantly you see these people who are propagating this stuff and it's new and it's definitely exciting so one thing Jeff did you have anything that you want to say real quickly I don't follow you okay so I think it's also important to get into is that so we've kind of explained like what it is you have a couple different chapters I want to talk about so chapter three of your book you go into a lot of the origins and history of the of the New Age and kind of where it came from and well it will definitely jump into that so it's already interesting because there's been there's like this unholy lineage in a sense - where a lot of these philosophies and worldviews they're not they're different but a lot of times they'll come by and they'll they'll build on top of each other in fact yeah go ahead I was gonna say that's right go ahead yeah and so we had an episode we did one of our first two episodes we did was through Jones color glasses and what we did is we we really explained the origins and worldviews of Jim Jones and he and he really had he was not Christian at all he cloaked Christian terminology but he had this very new age new age new thought and a lot of it came a lot of his ideas came from theosophy and ultimately from India so there's a lot of um there's almost there's an holy Alliance of New Age thought that led to that mass suicide and Jonestown Guyana so even you again if you guys haven't checked out those episodes I definitely check it out there crawl through Jones color glasses I think there's a second and third episode we released but um what I want to do is jumping back into going over the history and you can expound this and again this is a chapter three of your book second coming the New Age if you guys want to actually get access to the book you can purchase it you can go to this link New Age cult calm and you can actually get the book yourself is definitely going to be a great and thorough resource and Steven you and me and Josh Peck have done a lot of good work compiling this together definitely a great read but I'm gonna go ahead and just play another clip here Steven of just Walter Martin Krauss summarizing the history and origins of the New Age and how they bill on top of each other then I'm gonna kind of give you the ship again to go ahead and expand on the history and origins of the New Age so people can understand where these philosophies come from here we go history a woman arose named helena petrovna blavatsky she was a full-blown russian occultist and rejected the foundations of Christianity outright she chose instead the religion of Mother India and developed a cult which was known as theosophy the love of divine wisdom an innocuous little group of people but the seeds of what we see today New Age thinking began to develop with Helena Blavatsky followed by Mary Baker Eddy followed by Charles and myrtle Fillmore and followed by a host of others who crystallized the thinking brought it together and began to give it a form it was canonized in the writings of Alice Bailey the daughter of an Episcopal minister who came to the conclusion that Christianity was Bank redefined all the terms in the light of theosophy and Hinduism which she accepted and then proceeded to write a series of books in which she set forth what was known as the plan and the plan was the development of our cultism and the new age and that has already reached some epidemic proportions throughout the world particularly in the United States and what's in the United States unfortunately of an evil nature we have exported to you alright Steven so go ahead enough of what dr. Walter Martin said about some of that new-age lineage go and expand and tell us what how you how you addressed this in Chapter three of your book yeah yeah I think the best way to address the the lineage in the history of the New Age movement is really starting in the Garden of Eden because Adam and Eve were the first Gnostics they were the first New Agers they were the ones who first believed they fell for the lie that through some kind of secret knowledge deification would result in a broad sense that was the lie that was fed to them so this idea that some kind of knowledge of self through knowledge of self or some kind of secret divine contemplative knowledge that this was somehow result in man's deity this is the first lie that was ever told to mankind this is his first trick this is his final trick this is the Luciferian spirit the Luciferian agenda which we see throughout universally throughout every single popularizer of the New Age in the in the West they all had some kind of weird fascination with Lucifer and it starts with Helena Blavatsky or Helena Blavatsky who really popularized Eastern mysticism and occult philosophy in the West back in the late 1800s and in here's someone to that you know she was known to be a racist she was known to be a eugenicist she said that World War 2 in Nazi Germany was a result of the father doing cleansing of the planet if she believed people with disabilities were a metaphysical inconvenience because they cause some kind of disturbance on the metaphysical plane well you know she was pure evil incarnate here here are some quotes from her as one reads them quote from her main work her classic work okay here's someone who professors of religion will call the mud and the mother of the New Age movement they'll say nobody has had a greater influence on New Age philosophy and practice in the West and then this woman and here are some quotes of hers from volume 2 of the secret doctrine you can check this out in this case it is but natural to view Satan the serpent of Genesis as the real creator and benefit benefactor the father of spiritual mankind he can only be regarded in the light of a savior it is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only God Satan the enemy of God is in reality the highest divine spirit and we could go through another 100 plus quotes exactly like this she was a Satanist she was a Luciferian she actually started a magazine called Lucifer and this was the Theosophical magazine the type of religion she was teaching it was published through this magazine called Lucifer which has now been renamed Lucy strut trust and that's their website for the Theosophical Society Lucy stressed and he mentioned Alice Bailey Alice Bailey was like a disciple of hers and kind of her successor who channeled all of these materials through the ascended masters you know this group of spiritually advanced beings who have ascended past a certain plane of existence to you know there now 6th and 7th ray entities who are bringing this knowledge through her as a channel as a vehicle for the good of mankind but if you read her material she's Luciferian as well Aleister Crowley would be another person someone who was called you know the most evil man to exist someone who said you know I didn't just want to be a servant of Satan I wanted to be his chief of staff someone who called himself the Beast 666 someone whose last words were Satan get out someone who openly admitted to making blood sacrifice to demons and based a lot of his philosophy on an encounter he had with some entity named Iowa that he trailed in Egypt who just looks like a demon someone who openly condoned human sacrifice for for magic rituals he was a prominent influencer of the New Age movement his secret order called argenteum astrum this is the things that you would learn under Aleister Crowley these are things you can go to any bookstore in the West and it's the exact same material this is the exact same material coming from Luciferians and Satanists throughout history it's being taught to a tee spiritual Satanism is new ageism spiritual Satanism is a type of Satanism that distinct from laveyan satanism which is more it's self professing atheism but it doesn't check out that way if you actually read the Satanic Bible as I did like two weeks after I got saved which was not a very good idea but I learned a lot anyway here's here's a quote from Anton LaVey just to just to sober people out poor list then here's what he has to say about the New Age youth and this is important he says in the scores of books lining the shelves of New Age bookstores there are instructions instructions for guided meditation creative visualizations out-of-body experiences getting in touch with your spirit guides fortune-telling by cards crystal balls or the Stars what if Satan is reclaimed reclaimed these for their own dark purposes and integrated them into rituals dedicated to the devil where they rightfully belong New Agers have freely drawn upon all manner of satanic material adapting it to their own hypocritical purposes new-age labeling is trying to play the devil's game without using his infernal infernal name so you know we document in that chapter very clearly a relationship between satanic philosophy and new ancient Lhasa fee and how they have a tie throughout history this is once again the exact same lie told by Satan in the Garden of Eden it really goes back to that place but now instead of a say a snake trying to convince two people this now it's New York Times bestselling authors now it's Oprah Winfrey now it's that guard told a now it's Deepak Chopra feeding these lives to mankind and unfortunately they're still buying it I bought it Satan hasn't had to change his game plan in the last six thousand years because it's still effective unfortunately hmm wow that's uh that's really some great insight there Steven this has been what we're gonna do here is that we've got a lot more to cover we are going to this is going to be the first part of this interview so Steven again we thank you again for coming on here we've got a bit more to cover we're going to go ahead and knock that out and a part too so if you guys are listening on our podcast go ahead and leave a sort of you an iTunes go ahead and like and share this episode and this is very insight and very insightful again if you want to get a hold of Stephens book second coming of the new age they co-author a Josh Peck go to New Age cult dot-com and you can it a little Ford you to Amazon where you can buy that book yourself and it's definitely a great resource so Stephen thanks again for coming on and we will talk to you guys in part to talk to you guys soon
Channel: Apologia Studios
Views: 126,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cultish, Steven Bancarz, New Age, New Age mysticism, new age music, new age documentary, mind and body meditation, mind and soul, tarot card, tarot card reading, dmt elves, joe rogan dmt, dmt the spirit molecule, ayahuasca, psychedelic music, psychedelic visuals, organic healing, healing foods, new age mysticism in the church, joe rogan ayahuasca, joe rogan alex jones, jeff durbin
Id: 41nOFSNlJ9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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