Steve Jobs at the D8 Conference 2010
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Ellexis
Views: 1,654,562
Rating: 4.8217449 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Jobs, Apple, iPad, Itunes Review IPad Apps Imac, interview, AllThingsD, D8, future, app, apps, magical, Adobe, Adobe Vendetta, Flash, Excel, Microsoft, Powerpoint, Adobe Flash, content creation, technology, Walt Mossberg, Kara Swisher, privacy, policy, analytics, advertising, marketing, customers, Technology, AT&T, dropped calls, cloud, sync, iOs, gaming, social gaming, free, game apps, television, tv, apple tv, vudu, tivo, roku, Ui
Id: a0AZLPqjpkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 18sec (5718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2012
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