CHM Revolutionaries: An Evening with Elon Musk
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Channel: Computer History Museum
Views: 585,784
Rating: 4.8585901 out of 5
Keywords: elon musk, computer history museum, Alison van Diggelen, mars, space, spaceX, paypal, iron man, technology
Id: AHHwXUm3iIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 51sec (4611 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Will definitely be watching this after work. I always enjoy listening to Elon.
I love how knowledgeable the interviewer is. It really opens up different answers from Elon that I haven't heard a million times.
A new Elon Musk video? from 2013?! day has been made so much better. Thank you so much.
Been waiting for this video since it was announced. This evening will be a great one. Thank you kind sir for the link! :3
I can remember a couple weeks ago I was reading an article submitted here mentioning this video.... I'm still excited!!! ha
I was really excited for the talk but I guess I didn't understand what this series was about. I expected more talk about Elon's current endeavors and less about his past. Still a very interesting talk and like alpha said, I heard some new answers from Elon.