Steve Harvey Gets Uncomfortable Seeing Pic of His Daughter with Michael B. Jordan

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you look good yeah i'm fighting fighting old age just trying not to let it come take me away it it looks like it is not happening it happened yesterday you turned 65 yesterday 65. yeah baby how do you feel about that hard to get to 65. uh-huh yeah you know a lot of things can happen along the way i like but old is the goal though well you look great well thank you fantastic yeah uh the body looks i mean you look like and i know you posted uh somebody was filming you doing push-ups can we show that and why they had to keep why they have to move the phone how come they had to move the phone he doesn't know he doesn't work for me anymore okay yeah yeah i mean the push-ups are impressive yeah but the video cost him his career uh-huh yeah yeah there was no reason i don't know what he thought that was it you know mr mr harvey you want to add some excitement to your workout i'm 65 i'm doing push-ups that's enough excitement exactly you know i didn't need you doing all this to the camera no there was no trying to stay in shape but it's also harder because you were on weights as well how many do you do well at one time i can do about 35. wow yeah i could do about 35. i mean 65 years old doing 35 push-ups in a row for money i could do more like if you bet me a million dollars yeah i tapped some muscles trying to get that in uh-huh hey there there was a post of your whole family in matching pajamas for christmas was that whose idea was that it was adorable oh that's all that's marjorie's idea you know i don't think of nothing like that marjorie does that they ain't just regular pajamas those are dolce cabana uh pajamas when i saw the bill on that i almost threw up cause i know good hair well target got red pajamas i know they do uh-huh the sign is red and white i know target got red pajamas why we got to be in some custom-made pajamas with our name on the back for one picture one picture thousands of dollars it was it was a good picture yeah yeah but you got a big fancy family and you get some fancy pajamas and hey was michael b jordan there i know he's dating your daughter now so was he sharing christmas with you [Applause] look at that that's happening in front of you i've never seen that picture before [Applause] very uncomfortable with that picture right there i'm not really feeling that picture this is his second christmas with us yeah is he a good gift giver hell yeah that's why i like him that boy come through with some he trying to impress a family guilt he don't come through you know i'm her father so he bought me this big uh 100 uh cigar box of the most most uh hard to get cigars 100 of them in this big box and gave that to me he gave my wife some skis who do that only way you give your potential mother-in-law some skis is cause you want her to be your mother-in-law i don't know man i don't know you know i'm pulling for him because he's a really good guy man comes from a good family you know i saw him kind of pulling for him but at the same time i'm just i got my eye on him you know i can't whoop him but if he ever turn around i'm gonna knock his ass out [Applause] that boy being the jail man like he comes in my gym to work out and i'll be going like whoa i'm impressed [Music]
Channel: TheEllenShow
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Keywords: ellen, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, ellen season 19, ellen new season, ellen final season, ellen farewell season, ellen tickets, ellentube, watch ellen, ellen season premiere, ellen season 19 premiere, ellen show, steve harvey, family feud, family fued, steve harvey on family feud, family feud funny moments, funny family feud answers, family feud steve harvey funny moments, funny answer on family feud, michael b jordan, steve harvey daughter, michael b. jordan
Id: Gai2J6HxIug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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