Turning Quickly on the Ball.

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great job bring it in come on let's go don't be the last guy it will not be the last guy for I took their son to down here the group will go back one so the rent were turning under ball now gate come for the ball and just the rent come out give my ball halfway now that stuff go back we want to turn about halfway in a square here okay want to turn about halfway so you want to receive it about halfway here should play it to Brendan Brendan you're going to pass or whether pass that ball comes in and turns and plays it there to make sense okay guys well the three-quarter pace then we'll speed it up I'm just gonna watch right now your technique of turning how efficient you are how quickly you turn how do you turn left right different surfaces of the feet we talked about outside of the foot inside of the foot let me just see what you can do ready play it in yep come in turn come on come on come on come on yeah yeah yeah plate it yeah give it to it yeah well done don't go too early you're way too early why you always early good let's go hey are you the first one at the party every time there first one to class don't be the first one into that space okay be lately lately getting that space the better it is play play play let's go go quickly turn turn what is stopping it I can make you're joking right I'm gonna ban you get up you're gonna be blocked from any party I got I got you not got what's your friend time least space rent the later you get in there the better okay because what's happening you will already stand and waiting for that ball you do that in the game special event he's right up your back man yes problem you all want to get there before the balls even played space boy and then you run okay watch carefully I know it's gonna get ball when you're where you wait your way you know what the last thing you want just miss a striker come into the hole and end up just give it now you're gonna you know it's not gonna happen so what you want to do is go is the time and time is it one of the hardest things to do is a strike okay so I'm knocking you now you putting me to sleep you push on me no you're gonna go turn quickly turn quickly so now you go out him right go go go [Music] let's talk about turning for a little bit all right so we'll just let you go for a while turning on your own style the biggest thing I see overall is that you want to get there too early before the balls play very difficult thing to do master as a player is the timing of getting into that space okay in most plays I saw you get to get a ball to go and then the end up standing waiting for it hey the three-second rule if you're a midfield play and you go for the ball and you don't get it count three seconds what do you do you get out and create space with somebody else if you're a strike he getting a box you don't get it get out create space with somebody else but again even at the highest levels to make that make that mistake it's very difficult thing timing okay but as you're controlling the ball a lot of you the majority view is you control it you control it on this position now what's the problem with receiving the ball in this position you all know the answer but you weren't executing it so as you come on two things you can do one it's first of all check your shoulder to see if there's see there's any space behind that you can turn one of the things that good players do when you watch players like Messi play when they're receiving the ball you often see these photographs in inter inter he's receiving the ball and a lot of times you'll see his hand like this what does he drop was he doing he's feeling so the pain he's waiting for the pool he'll do that and if he if he touches somebody what does he know he knows he's tight right he knows he's marked tight so he'll put his hand up and if he can but then he'll glance over his shoulder okay little tiny things to your game so what glance over your shoulder the game's gay okay yeah now and leave that ball leave that pork don't get it I'm not getting it go that was your bad person that mine son let's go go give me a bit pass so now with glances we'll come to the poor we're looking at taken and a half turn because now we can with one touch we can go forward but the other thing we can do in a real game right now watch this Shane's a striker and the midfield yeah and if I come if I take a direct run for the pole between the insane how many players can you pass the feet now can you pass it's Shane's feet one and block into it so as a player too so we're just coming up all of it so we're just coming off a little bit on our road now right so now in a real game let's say Brendan's got the ball I'm an option there was this notion your feet I strike as a defeat so just by coming up what did I say about support last week there's only two things that matter when you turn at the ball and support what angles and distance angles and distance okay so it's supporting at a good angle get them in here and a good distance so from here now pull the ball into me now now I turn and I play it in right there you go Hey come in come up with an angle come up with an angle demand the ball turn beautiful again next one let's go come up with an angle [Music] you know is that when you're doing sessions on creating space and turning the big thing about the place always get into that space too early to stand still but again even that professional levels it happens all the time its timing is a very difficult thing to get down as a player and consistent quality here I mean these guys are decent players they need improvement on the technique but to sporadic it's got to be all the time quality all the time let's go quality all the time demand good check your shoulder check your shoulder lid check your shawl enough love it love it ten out of ten let's go let's go love it good night good lad I like this boys I like it [Music] for more great drills visit soccer clinics calm the world's largest coaching website
Channel: SoccerCoachTV
Views: 668,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TbkcGw2EVL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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