Steve Bannon: the full Euronews interview

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Stephen and thanks for being with euronews today let's start with the obvious question why are you here in Europe I'm here in Europe principally to learn you know one of the things that I was able to bring to the Trump campaign when I came to CEO is really I think a lot of practical experience of observing these kind of populist nationalist movements in Trump did win as a populist nationalist I think one of the things we did the latter parts of the campaign that really surprised Hillary Clinton we ran really as a populist nationalist different quite different than a traditional Republican and she never couldn't quite get a grasp on that the Democratic Party couldn't that we we really reached out and played to the worker base the Reagan Democrats and people who had not voted for quite a while who were working-class people a lot of that I picked up in just observing what was going on in Europe I mean I made a real study years before when we launched Breitbart in London in fact we we launched Breitbart London to follow this populist nationalist movement that were occurring all over Europe and particularly there was you Kip in Nigel Farage which was a more professional version of the Tea Party and so here you know this revolution this kind of you know right-wing populist nationalist movement is different in each country if in China they say China's socialism with Chinese characteristics populism and nationalism is different in each country you have you know you have in the Czech Republic with Czech characteristics and in Hungary where we are today with you know Hungarian characteristics and Italy different etc so I'm here to kind of learn and observe and every now and again if I can you know give some advice or those are my two cents in I I do that let's bounce back on this term they you use several times the populist nationalist and you use that yesterday in your speech as well what exactly their briefing what do you mean by populism is trying to get decision-making back to the people and back down to the to the subsidiarity as a concept that kind of came out of a you know catholic social thinking but subsidiary to try to get decision-making back down to a closer to the people as possible right now what you have in Europe in the United States you have kind of this globalist elite what I refer to as the party at Davos this kind of scientific engineering managerial financial that have make all the decisions for that's in the City of London Wall Street Brussels you know London Washington DC it's kind of this elitist attitude this kind of central government mentality that they can make all these decisions and they're much smarter than then you know common people or people that are working-class people I happen to radically oppose that idea you know I had the great fortune as a young man after I left naval service as a naval officer to go to Harvard Business School into into work at Goldman Sachs and it kind of be in the conference rooms of the board rooms where the McKinsey consultants are the Bain consultants and all the you know all the M&A guys all the smartest guys in the room from the hedge funds were all there and I realized they had a lot less common sense and a lot less understanding of humanity then my own family didn't my dad you know went to high school my grandfather was a third grade these were you know blue-collar working-class people that the working class has a much better feel for the reality of the world than the elite so populism is that nationalism is a part of that in which you you look at the nation-state as kind of as marine lepen calls kind of a jewel to be cherished and polished verts just something to be overcome I mean the European project what the EU has really become over the last 2025 years is the is looking at kind of a United States of Europe where you know countries like you know the Czech Republic are hungry or Italy are just like states in in in in the united states like Nebraska or Colorado or North Carolina and so their own individual entities and so I think this in the United States what had happened we've become too much run by globalists too much and that's what Hillary Clinton kind of represented the know there was a fraternity of man globally in that the workers interests and citizens interests were not put it first and so the Trump campaign completely flipped it on its head come back when you say when you accuse the global elite um and you said that several times yesterday as well who is or what is the global elite and don't you see a contradiction between what you accuse them of and the fact that you're probably part of the global elite as well like you said you're former just because yeah yeah but just just because just because you're smart enough to get into the or fight your way into that doesn't mean that you're you back the the virtues of it you know I was able to see kind of globally is a collection of the corporate us international corporations of the big Wall Street banks the hedge funds right it's that party of Davos crowds well I mean you know I was there right and now for the last 10 or 15 years after I ended my banking career I've been very much you know meeting Andrew Breitbart in the Tea Party movement I've been one of the driving forces in back of building the populist movement in the United States is one of the reasons that the Trump campaign was the a boat they reached out to me with some people who were sponsors you know when it was in dire straits and in August that hey this guy really understands the populist movement he's done this he understands the nationalist movement so yeah I'm very proud of the fact that I was able to you know go to Harvard go to Goldman Sachs I had my own bank I sold it to actually the French Bank associate a turnaround I'm very proud of the fact that I was able to you know work at that level and understanding I think it I think it takes people who have actually been in the system that can deconstruct it that actually can help the working class people and middle class people form an apparatus to help them take charge their lives and take take their and take their countries back so I'm very very proud of that yesterday your speech there was no filming was that I don't think there was a hundred media people there weren't allowed to film that that's what the organizers I hope nothing to do no no no no effect I hope that I hope the you know I just had a I just had a on BBC they did an incomplete on one hour one on one after the this is in the Czech Republic the other day one on one I thought if we can't we'll get the I'd love to get the version I thought was I thought I did a good job in speech and trying to explain it but this is whatever the organizers were I wanted to make sure there was media there and I think somebody told me there's a hundred media president which have been doing interviews you know since last night today I'm somebody that like I ran a media company I'd like to have the fact of getting the word out from a theory that maybe some of the remarks controversial I've made in the past for example when you spoke at the National Front's conference in France and you said that when people call you racist you should wear it as a badge of honor that was a very conference okay okay stop because you're about to get blown up here I wanna make sure this is in your interview tell me what that quote was this is this is why the media has so little credibility you took it no no no no I want you to explain but why did you just take the last part of quote this I did this on BBC the other night hang on no no no walk me through what that quote was walk me through the build-up to that growing call you racist xenophobic or hand go before hand see this is why no this is no no no no no it's not supported that's not the quote that's not the quote that's not the quote you you aren't purposely or misleading people just a question no no it's not no it's not no it's not no you are trying to just be honest about what you're trying to do yeah be honest watch right here's the quote here's the quote go back to the front Nationale and I would like euronews because this is an NBC trick right you guys are the propaganda department for the global holders you're the propaganda department and by the way I wanted things shown I'm glad to say I'll tell you right here to your face you're the propaganda department for the global elite okay that's what NBC is and here's how you're gonna get blown up the quote in the front national talk was very specific I said they call Donald Trump a racist right the common native as they call Moe this I said look at what his economic policies are doing for black and Hispanic people we have the lowest because of Donald Trump's policies we have the lowest black unemployment in the history of our country we have the lowest Hispanic unemployment in the last hang on last 2025 years I said economic nationalism does not care about your race does not care about your gender does not care about your ethnicity does not care about your religion it doesn't care about your sexual preference okay only thing it cares about is you're a citizen and I said they won't debate you on the facts they'll call you a racist and the nativist in a xenophobe and when they call you that word is a badge of honor and here's why because you can't debate the facts so but here's what the media does CNN put it up right away Oh call racism a badge of honor the BBC did it the other night and I blow her up one of the date one of the guys in the Czech Republic did it I blew her up you just did it and it blew her up this is not lazy we know you guys are lazy and it's not competence you do it on purpose this is how you try any questions no you're not no you're not no then why didn't you do it then why why didn't you give why didn't you give the whole quote why don't you it's not it's not a straight course you're given you an opportunity to respond it's not it's not a straight question I believe yesterday you talked about that BBC interview yeah you also referred to dr. King that you would be proud very much mr. Donald Trump yes I said you know the Martin Luther King was an economic nationalist he was very much focused particularly to the latter part of his life remember he was in Memphis when he was assassinated any garbage collectors stridor he left straight economics well by the way you caught a left wing I called economic Nationals I think a lot of stuff that we deal with with Bernie Sanders don't know but he was there to support workers okay to get a better to get a better deal he's an economic nationalist but when I said the BBC I said Martin Luther King said the policies of Donald Trump particularly to stop mass illegal immigration because mass illegal immigration is is it is goes on in the United States for one reason to suppress the wages of the black and hispanic working-class because the capitalists and the Chamber of Commerce all those guys want unlimited labor okay so they can do as cheap as possible and it's unfair it's what's hurt the black and Hispanic workplace that's been Donald Trump from day one we stopped massive illegal immigration and here's what you're saying now is unemployment at all-time lows and at twenty year Losos panics wages are starting to rise wages are particularly rising in agriculture construction oilfield services where black and Hispanic workers exist in the service industry and that is B specifically because of the policies of Donald Trump and yes I think Martin Luther can't be very proud of the fact that that black black Americans working-class Americans particularly are now getting a shot and I heard your speech yesterday and a lot of the things you said about blue-collar workers and preventing and defending who call workers and working class of America um some of these these policies that Donald Trump seems to go against I'm hurting the working-class when you look at the repeal of Obamacare or the tax cut that mainly benefit the rich isn't that what I think mainly benefit the richest another thing tell me what you mean by that the taxes can be he recently got voted in Congress why do you say why save for the rich what analysis do you say that it is that just more of the it says more that just more that's just more of them nothing no no okay the code that could the court the core of the tax cut the central part of the tax cut was a corporate tax cut that take corporate marginal tax rates in thirty five cents into twenty seven I think it's 75 percentage isn't it well hang out hang out the reason we did it it benefits workers and here's why the tax code are Tasco had gotten incredibly non-competitive with Germany particularly in China in order to get capital investment and start to build plant in factories remember the central part of Trump's program is to bring high value-added manufacturing jobs back from East Asia back from China also from Mexico the reason we're in all these terra fights are in all these renegotiations you see now with Germany we're now in this thing with EU the central beating heart of that is to bring high value-added manufacturing jobs back we had to whether we liked it or not because we just because of what happened in our corporate rate we had to make it strategically more competitive so the basic heart of the tax cut was a corporate tax cut principally focused on repatriation of trillions of dollars of cash from overseas and also to make our companies more competitive that is to build a manufacturing base in the United States and that is going to benefit workers but they're also risks with its rewards that you just mentioned about those companies benefit from exports in the US by the way I agree with that and then Paul Ryan's border adjustable tax the original tax bill that was going to be contemplated it's very much along the German model of export driven that for a whole host of reasons it hadn't been nurtured enough it hadn't been promoted enough so that tax building the one we originally go out with kind of crumbled and we came back with the southern one but everything if you look at the line of attack of everything that Trump's been trying to do everything is revolves around trying to get manufacturing jobs back to to the United States you won't come back this is absolute okay this is the part of the know hang over second hazard you're once again this is a globalist mentality the global is sent there a sit there and think that oh because I own intellectual property or our own you know corporate control in one area what what I want to do is then ship out jobs all over the world to the lowest cost production place this is the central thesis of globalism ok it's not correct it's wrong if everything is just purely about economics if everything's just purely about the math and I went to Harvard so I know how to add ok you might be technically correct but it misses the point of what a society is I think it was what Trump is saying is that a civic society is built upon ok a manufacturing base of workers with high value-added jobs and that's why you guys treat it like it's some second law of thermodynamics that this is just some immutable law of physics that these jobs have to go there and what you're seeing in the Trump revolution in the United States that's not true that's why he's now in these intense discussions whether it's in China whether it's NAFTA and Mexico in Canada whether it's with the EU you've saw in the last 24 hours of talking about huge terrorist potentially on cars that there is this there's that he's a disrupter and one things he's trying to do is work through a system that investment capital investment comes back and high value-added manufacturing jobs come back to United States that's I mean I really want to hear your points of view about Europe and just one more question in your in your rhetoric whenever we you see to the bay you you're very aggressive with people who seem to disagree with you why you so do you are you so certain that you that you have all the truths and that everybody else is a liar and it's out there too no it's just it just well I think that in in in in promoting the cause of populist and nationalism I have a certain house style my house style is to always be on the attack okay I've listened by the way i've listened to the arguments i get i can hear the other night the other day and the baby yes the other day debate in the czech republic if you go back and look at lanny davis first off our whole thesis lani is a the clinton night you know i'm from the Trump camp is that we can disagree reasonably and I think it was a very know is a very nice debate for an hour and a half we went back and forth if you saw it we went back I let him sit have this and we could probably talk for hours about these things but let's try to know him but this is not a debate you're asking questions I mean I am trying trying to school you I don't have much time I am trying to get you up the learning curve second I'm just so you know I'm just here to ask questions um you're always you should always think you're going right you use these term nationalist populist economic nationalism in Europe those terms may refer to a dark pyramid you know that Europe here went to two world wars we we had massive problems with with these kind of policies and this far-right rhetoric in the past do you think when you come here to Europe and you promote this kind of policies and you have this kind of rhetoric are you playing with fire by the way correct me if I'm wrong I mean you're the reporter did the not last two elections in Europe and Hungary and in Italy two-thirds of the people in popular elections voted for anti-establishment populist nationalist party hang on hang you kept it running hang on okay here's here's here's here's what the globe was like no no the global hip I ain't dancing questions I see you by the way did not two-thirds of people in Italy and in Hungary two-thirds voted for populist nationalist candidates okay I didn't see any rights in these countries on insane things burned down what I saw is an active discussion see what the globalist want they want to all sudden say oh my gosh you know no oh my gosh you're playing with fire these terms are so what they what did we find what didn't absolutely not know what I think and what I think it's doing is intolerance to promote nationalism in Europe oh absolutely not what are you talking about Nationals are the reason you reason reason Europe the reason Europe's greatness is because the nation-state the Treaty of Westphalia right the nation stay for three hunt years built you know the great the greatest eyesight by the way it's the mother Society of the United States was who was that nationalism was that nationalism I would say I would say I would say national I say was that nationalism or was that it was that elites right elites that took it on their own of power to drive countries where they were I would say if you look at the populist nationalist movement at the populist nationalist mobile you shut your there's a problem you say okay here let me explain it to you them okay so take notes because what you just tried to do is smear the populist nationís movement with no you know you're not trying to understand then how can you sit there and say you guys love liberal democracy until you start losing elections once you start losing elections because you're getting smoked throughout Europe okay once you once you start losing elections all of a sudden it's playing with fire right show me where the fire was in Italy all right show me where the fire was here in Hungary what about grace when France by the way that the the front national lost yeah right by the way things they're not everybody they don't win everywhere and they say that whenever were and by the way I've said from day one the poppies dancers movements you're gonna have good days or bad days you have days you win engage listen I also said yesterday remember from our speech just because you win one election they're not gonna sit there and toss you the keys and say hey what a brilliant idea look it breaks it and look at Trump and breaks it the British people voted to leave the EU and look at the stumbling blocks that the City of London and Brussels have put up for England to leave okay the the establishment is not going to the vested interest in the party at Davos or let's not go sit there pat you on the head and say it's terrific right now I don't plan on taking them on I think I'm just here as an observer I think by the way a perfect example is what's happening in Italy you know today they've actually announced the formation of the government and the sign-off of the new prime minister and I think what you've seen there and I think this is what's so such a monumental historical day you saw two-thirds of the people in the Italian in the Italian elections vote for anti-establishment and anti-establishment parties and candidates and what they were able to do was to put aside their differences in the tradition left-right spectrum we just talked about Martin Luther King being leftist they put aside because the five star movement is us it is a center-left populist movement in the league or the Northern League is a right-wing populist movement they put those they put those aside and said let's join together and be a true populist nationalist government first anti-establishment anti Brussels because we've won our won our sovereignty back and we will work at our economic differences over time yeah we'll see the results I guess in a few years time but don't you think hopefully you'll see it's quicker or that the program that they want to put in place are ready with the fact that they have a can I say something dangerous okay the dangerous policy see this is my isn't it isn't it dangerous aren't you playing with fire it's all the code words 130 percent of debt they have to their economy did the populist movement do that who did that their views government and and the previous car FK the previous governments were put in by hill that's you be dead wrong I well you've got an even own more facts ECB the ECB the ECB put in three come on ECB put in three governments tenant not elected by not elected not elected not elected by the Italian people not not not up not elected by the 10 but by the way that's all the center left in the center-right governments right these are not populist government's this is part of the crony capitalism that that this was part of the establishment the reason first off the decentralize get remember centralized government in Brussels or Washington DC they centralized governments in the business of debasing your citizenship okay central banks are in the business of the basing your currency in this kind of central technocratic crony capitalist big government and big tech companies is in the business of debasing your digital personhood the central banks it is is is the is the it's the guys in Brussels in the ECB they've gone along with what Italy's been doing with ambushment crony capitalist governments over 20 or 30 years the populous and the people of Italy and by the way it's going to be quite tough they got they get a very tough road to hoe but the Italian people are saying we understand this doesn't work and it can't work we've got to try something new but in trying something new what the propaganda the
Channel: euronews
Views: 45,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Europe, castrol_negative_uk, gs_politics, gs_politics_american, gs_politics_misc, gt_mixed, gv_safe, neg_facebook, neg_facebook_2021, neg_facebook_q4, neg_mobkoi_castrol, neg_nespresso, populism, pos_equinor, pos_facebook, pos_pmi, sm_politics, steve bannon
Id: P4ob2yF00Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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