Steve Bannon's Master Plan for Europe

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[Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] study offense than I eat the heads before through good yeah so in the center of Stockholm a couple of days before the election and there's a far-right rally over here which has been canceled by the government but they showed up anyway and a lot of angry protesters and more police than I've ever seen in one place in Stockholm the overlap of all the people here and the Trump agenda people talking about Trump on stage wearing Trump hats using Trump slogans everywhere I mean this is kind of the Swedish mirroring of the Albright and they love Donald Trump I just thought that person isn't a high energy person I think [Music] [Applause] you're looking around for kids and we will recapture Europe and we will drive out the Islamic invaders hail victory this fringe group of Trump fanatics have little political power but they think Sweden is trending towards their worldview for more than a hundred years politics have been dominated by the left-wing Social Democrats but the far-right Sweden Democrats have grown dramatically over the past decade becoming the country's third largest party it caught the eye of Steve Bannon who told a Swedish newspaper that he quote studied the Sweden Democrats and was inspired by their transformation from pariahs to political kingmakers under the leadership of the boyish Jimmy O kissimmee vault on the booze via they're not the normal kind of anti-immigrant party they have the roots in the neo-nazi movement in Sweden so people didn't really expect them and I didn't expect them to grow that explosively in Sweden they are not a Nazi Party but they are the party of Nazis I mean how do they exist on the spiritual itical spectrum so it seems like we've got generally polarization along a new kind of dimension it's a story here is polarization that's the big story and not a left-right polarization because it's not really economical issues it used to be that everything was about taxes or socializing Swedish businesses and then migration national identity culture we didn't care about that in Sweden but that is what is going on right now with abandon ization of politics political tradition day before the election all the parties get together and hand out the materials people been talking about their positions like the Sweden Democrats is pretty much the focus and all the attention in this election that word board talks money just means rapists so the implication being if you vote for them they will make Sweden secure and they will prevent rape so which they associated primarily with immigrants Sweden's liberal immigration policy has become increasingly controversial this nation of nine and a half million people took in a hundred and sixty three thousand migrants in 2015 the highest per capita raid ever recorded in the EU when a rejected asylum seeker carried out a terror attack two years later anti-immigration forces pounced Breitbart news where Bannon was once editor has published more than 400 articles on Sweden since on election day we asked Matthias Carlson the Sweden Democrats second-in-command why the world's gaze was fixed on Sweden people are kind of obsessed with this election outside of sweetie why do you think that is I think Sweden's become a like a battleground and a symbol for both the left and right because in Sweden has been viewed as some kind of left liberal utopia and and now the starting to be the cracks in the image and conservative have all over the world has pointed to this and said look this is how bad it can get if you let the left and learn the Liberals rule too much because everybody knows that the rise in many of these crimes are connected to immigrant gangs I mean do you see any kind of parallels between what's happening here and what's happening in the u.s. ordinary working-class people are feeling they're feeling not at home anymore in our own country they don't feel that the elites are representing them or defending their interests so they want to see something new I am one of those people who feel that my identity is slowly being taken away from me and my sense of home is disappearing and I can really relate to those people who vote for me for who feel the same [Music] to the polls close in the Swedish elections in about an hour and when that happens everyone gets together and gets drunk and celebrates their victory or as some mournful time but they're lost the Sweden Democrat Party was teaming with supporters foreign journalists and excited political pilgrims who had come to watch left-wing Sweden lurched to the right Europe is gone Christian history and culture this is who we are it's just madness it's the cancer of 21st century [Applause] SD racked up victories and areas traditionally held by the Social Democrats and while it was just shy of becoming Sweden's second largest party SD saw significant increase in support winning 13 new seats in parliament you know it's pretty surprising if you had told me 10 years ago this Sweden would have a populist right-wing party it has 18 percent of the vote almost 1/5 of the voters I would have said you're crazy because things have really changed in Sweden's political shift mirrors a larger populist trend Bannon has been on a never-ending euro trip supporting far-right parties across the continent and he's preparing for a long war to be waged from the 13th century Abbey and collip are dough Italy [Music] [Applause] Benjamin Horne Bell is the founder of the Catholic think tank Dignitas Humana Institute a conservative order that took over the monastery last year what is it that you're doing here I mean politically not religiously just setting up this Academy called the Academy for the judeo-christian West which is a vehicle to defend and promote the judeo-christian foundations of Western civilization misty banner is a principal part in that the goal here for teaching people here is to get them out into the political system to have them change the system and what is it first and foremost to let people know that they can be an actor in their own destiny once again secondly to help prepare the narrative on which that fight is going to take place it's gonna be a part of that Academy yeah yeah in Steve's 2014 Vatican speech he mentions three things which are the great threats to Western civilization yeah radical jihad a tourism on the outside misery secularism on the inside and a distorted form of capitalism we're at the very beginning stages of a global conflict in that if we do not bind together as partners with others in other countries that this conflict is only going to metastasize they have a twitter account of today Isis does about turning the United States into a river of blood if it comes in and his wife Steve's insights is that when you have this international nationalist movement you get a sense behind you that you're actually now on the side of history you're actually on now on the side but destinies moving in you get the feeling you know that there is really a global change now these are all different nationalists focusing on their own countries working together on an international level like Sweden in the past several years Italy has received historic numbers of economic migrants and political refugees in a city of Maturana free nigerian migrants were arrested for the murder of 18 year-old Italian Pamela mastropiero a local far-right activist responded by shooting six African migrants at random despite the fact that you got shot Italy it's still safer here in Drosophila Anna Maria Emily oh I know one no pass Cambodia vana Java for UAB janya fine on Caliphate the Roma men gotta remember Don Teresa for no Jenny Molly Bill Clinton metier salvini the Trump like leader of the populist far-right party the league used the murder to agitate on social media these online campaigns would help propel him into government as Italy's powerful interior minister since the migration crisis began Italy has undergone dramatic political realignments the league now governs in coalition with a populist far left party the five star movement the Italian government which formed in June is a rather odd coalition of far left populist and far-right populist this is kind of the fantasy of American political strategist Steve Bannon who is here for the victory and here consulting with both of the parties it's a melding of what he always wanted the Bernie Sanders left in the Donald Trump right both populist from different polls together in one big coalition we went to the hotel Raphael where Bannon stays when he's in Rome and sat down for pizza with marchello FOA of far-right journalists newly installed as the head of Italian state television in Armando serie Salvi knees economic guru when Ben and visited Rome ahead of the election he paid Syrian for visit tell me a little something about that meeting what that was like a reverse Alberto curiosa butanol una conversación de mo conde vaso de puta communiy regard Ultima Alexis Eva globalization in the ritorno Alec Centrelink Adele warm calm a mission a finale de la política why is he so interest in Italy the unthinkable happens think about was the two so-called populist parties with wind elections and could run the country together a team of Iran Achille category they Strassen astre a noona z stolwp' you patina categories are a needle Novecento OG categories are a rory he c italy as the first big country that really voted against the establishment which is in fact and he's right this is historical and of course he believes that from italy can start a larger unit revolution that can change the face of european year earlier this year to help that revolution along vannin founded the movement an organization whose stated aim is uniting Europe's disparate populist parties so steve bennett started the movement with a right-wing belgian politician named michel Madrick amin and they're running the entire operation out of this rather opulent house in the suburbs of process what is the movement the movement is first a club where we'll put under the same tent ok like-minded leaders from all over the world to see that we are not alone and to be able eventually to help each other like poland social network strategy will try to help national movement to develop whenever they ask for it ism is the dominant political ideology in america is that kind of one of the things that you hope to achieve with the movement the initial idea was eventually that trump would bring his office of support and ultimately i hope it will be part of it he himself yeah why not for every populist leader it's not easy the certain stage you say we have to do it certainly mr. salvini has become an icon all over the world because of action and and it just proved with his action closing the harbor's that it was possible to stop the invasion of Europe by the migrants so it's action same with oven he closed also the border also from this migrations and also is fighting for the personal values and so I think it is indeed a big battle prevailing for the soul of Western civilization because this feeling of alienation from the ordinary citizen is deep very deep you
Channel: VICE News
Views: 290,124
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Keywords: Steve Bannon, Steve Bannon europe, Steve Bannon VICE, VICE News, VICE News Tonight, VICE on HBO, vice news 2019, Michael Moynihan, Europe news, vice video, news, populism, far right, Silvio Berlusconi, Italy Right Wing, Five Star Movement, right-wing populist parties, michael moynihan bannon interview, populism europe 2019, far right movement, europes far right, donald trump
Id: 8L8jV_l2fYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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