Full Interview: Curt Mills and Steve Bannon 6-19-18

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hi this is Kurt Mills I covered the State Department national security council and the Trump presidency here at the national interest we are here in the Breitbart embassy with Steven K Bannon former White House chief strap oh do you cover what you cover the White House State Department give the three guys at national interest that's not just that we're kicking off the new website with this this interview right absolutely okay I thought you guys had like a real State you got like nine jobs yeah how many you cover what nine things you got a you know I keep a standard low so here's what they this is what they accused me of a steamrolling the interviewers did they accuse that that's what they've been accused me is that what they're accusing yeah I'm saying you know this place is replete with history and all types of modern knickknacks that you wouldn't find any or any other house probably in Washington let alone the world and one that really caught my attention all jokes aside is that downstairs there's a plaque given to Steven K Bannon from the remembrance project and well these are the people families of illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants who were killed by illegal immigrants undocumented immigrants and so you know a lot of people talk about Donald Trump and they say when he came down the escalator basically three years to this week and when he ran he basically won because he was the celebrity a lot of his critics accuse him of that yeah but I think that something that's very interesting is that what he declared he was basically at three or four percent in the polls and only when he talked about one issue and maybe to immigration first and foremost that he really showed up in the polls that he really rock it up he headed to the border a week or two later and by July 2015 it was off so obviously immigration is embroiling Washington and this presidency this week the Attorney General just this morning having to defend the administration's policy on this he spoke a little bit about this on ABC's this week yesterday morning what giving the same you we're at the historic Breitbart embassy and every basically every reason I'm really proud of this house and we'll keep this in the in our in our control in perpetuity is that is the fact that every virtually every moment are a lot of the important moments in the populist nationalist movement happened in this house not only was Andrews the beginning of his DC operation but also this is where we had the famous dinner for Nigel Faraj right in fact here we had a hundred people in these couple of rooms where we had jeff sessions and laura ingraham and the entire kind of populist right to greet Faraj before he had the historic run it breaks it all so here is where you know sessions myself and Stephen Miller back in 2013 walked through the results of the 2012 campaign and kind of came up with this assessment of what it was going to take to win in in 2016 I think what's very interesting is that the permanent political class and they were the permanent political class that run this city are now this week you know up in arms about about president Trump's zero-tolerance policy on the border and if you go back to what Trump is said for years and particularly from when he came down on the I know the first year anniversary of the escalator trip and he was seventh at the top of the escalator and that night I believe the polling this flash polling was he was number one and never looked back is that he addressed you know he addressed immigration very straightforwardly the thing I said on ABC yesterday what I was trying to describe is the Trump doctrine is really that this city the permanent political class has been engaged in what I call managing the process whatever it is immigration our sovereignty China North Korea you pick it the Gulf South China Sea whatever the situation is Iran right they manage the process to basically unacceptable outcomes it's all about just managing a process not inserting kind of America first what is in the best interest of America what's in the best interest of the citizens of America the thing I'm proudest of Donald Trump is Donald Trump says that's not the way we're going to do this I am just not going to be a caretaker to kind of oversee the management of a process and I would say America management of America's decline and then kick the can down the road the people that follow me whether they're Democrats or Republicans Trump's insert himself and this is what puts to lie all his critics say America's isolationist America he's inserted himself right and in risk his his personal reputation in his political capital in in the biggest hotspots in the world including the southern border yeah I I think it's and he's very consistent we've gone to a zero tolerance you know he's gone back to the fact that it's a crime to come across the border illegally and he's separating children as it happens the United States if you're in st. Louis or Chicago or Los Angeles you commit a crime you're you've committed a crime if you committed a crime unfortunately you've got to be separated from your children and so I think what President Trump with attorney General Sessions and Stephen mell on the White House staff I think have come up with a very prudent and smart plan and all you've had is the emotion and this emotion of the left and the mainstream media the opposition party media you know ABC yesterday and knew it was gonna happen they're gonna try to jump me right at the back of so it's so typical they're gonna jump with it with a very heart and render you nobody's not saying it's hard rendering but you're trying to you talk about the sovereignty of a nation you're talking about the protection of our citizens and certainly there's going to be individual tragedies but that has to be looked in the broad scope of sovereignty I thought president Trump's tweet today we're into doing this interview on Monday at the Breitbart embassy following the ABC interview on Sunday I thought his tweet today was fantastic about Merkel I mean Merkel and I've said this for a long time she is now in a death spiral and the reason as the people of Germany are just not you know first on what she won it was a 33 percent they make her macron held up as some sort of superstars you know and Trump is is someone with no support at home yeah Merkel one with 33 percent barely put together coalition and now she personally is politically is in a death spiral our own party and I think president Trump's tweet saying hey her demise is brought about because she opened up borders to two million undocumented right and totally undocumented you know aliens so the Dove talent that on the approval the president's approval in my opinion has been remarkably durable let's say forty five percent on average this is while his entire presidency has spent under investigation considerable turnover we won over forty seven percent right we went three hundred six lost a margin of error I think that that is yes in margin and error and I as I've said just stick to the program just accomplished you're not a politician you're a leader right very different and you you you you even sir you self I'll just do what you said you were going to do because people are not used to having politicians do that you do that it's going to be fine so Trump made a comment when the new Italian government came in he him and Conte have gotten along at the g7 and he made the remark you know it's interesting the people who are skeptical of unlimited immigration do better now but my question is do you worry at all that you talk about deplorable as a badge of honor bedroom and so we were talking that the president supporters forty forty five percent of of the of Americans do you worry though these are the types of pictures the mother separated from their children etc etc these are the types of pictures trumps two predecessors Bush and Obama have assiduously tried to deflect not being involved in Trump is now embroiled in this are you worried if President Obama came up with the detention centers in 2014 we had the First Circuit I think President Trump and this is a Profile in Courage he understands that until he gets the border wall right this is the types of things that have to they have to be done the zero tolerance means zero tolerance it means you know there's no exceptions and you're in you're you're you're making it a criminal charge to illegally cross you can still go to this is what the mainstream media is is is confusing the American people if you go to a port of entry you can still try to claim asylum I'm not arguing the merits of individuals case of sama not that's for the people that's where they've got judges down there they have officials down there that's for the judge if you come to an official port of entry and you and you request asylum they make a decision of spot and then you go to one of these family detention centers there is an issue with the building of additional capacity for family uh family detention centers but that's not Trump is not separating those that's not the policy it also shows you when we talk about daca and all these issues are coming up with the next week or two you're starting tomorrow about what bill is going to happen what about doctor what about the wall aver for all these kind of this convergence of things are being done now to secure our sovereignty it just shows you we continue to remain a magnet people and the people in Central America are rational they feel that they can get in and there's going to be a masti and potentials for other amnesties they're going to continue to come and so it's still a magnet this is this once again over multiple administration's you know President Reagan says one of his two biggest mistakes besides putting troops into Lebanon the other biggest mistake was that he got he got baton switched on the amnesty deal right it was a big regret ed meese talks about this all the time is every administration since then has managed the process - unacceptable outcomes and Trump says I'm not going to do that so Trump is now trying to engage and what I most admire about Trump is that he is trying to take the deplorable are the hardcore right that the hardest core on the immigration issue which is kind of you know I'm proud to be part of that he's trying to bring us to some sort of compromise he's trying to lead his base to an actual compromise where you don't see Chuck Schumer and Chuck Schumer's you know statements a day to show that you don't see Schumer or Pelosi or any of the activists on that on the on the open border side you don't see those guys changing policies at all change the positions Donald Trump's showing leadership by trying to do this do you worry at all of that and you made remarks last week at the Capitol Hill clubs yes the conservatives of the house yes and I spoke for an hour and 45 minutes apparently I took this hour and I had 45 minutes of Q&A and I think it was well-received so some message they had to hear which is any and by the way any am saying lou dobbs reinforce this or lou dobbs on front on Friday night on I think it was Tucker Carlson show said if you force this issue today and you'd have anything dealing with amnesty for illegal aliens you could lose 40 to 50 seats in the House in that sense then so Steven Miller has been the appointment you mentioned at the White House and immigration issues he has been on all the reporter calls etc from that from that perspective is it almost a assessment that the status quo that a change in immigration laws that would give legal status to more people that the status quo is almost preferable I mean what you were saying at the Capitol Hill Club is that any deal that is it we're on top yeah we're talking reductions in legal immigration no amnesty for the dark of people is the assess both bills have amnesty for the dock abhi yes you're not in favor of that at all no no even the good let bill because so if you have legal status they're gonna say it's going to be a part tight they're gonna write look I think this is all a should be dealt with in 2019 so not this year it's July July it's July of a language four months to go for and I turn this and i phrase this as Trump's first reelect yeah the Democrats and the opposition party media did win one thing I got one thing they wanted to do over they wanted to do over from 2:30 in the morning on the on the 9th of November right AP called it they they won't and moan and whine they wanted to do over you know Russia inclusion this that Facebook all this nonsense okay they got to do over and that's why I say this November's an up or down vote on Donald Trump he's it's a national campaign right he's only in the ballot everywhere you're not voting for an individual congressman you're voting for you the Nancy Pelosi of Donald Trump and as I keep saying hey we have Donald Trump in those forty districts or fifty districts you know you you've got Kirsten Gillibrand bringer you've got you got Elizabeth Warren bring her you've got Cory Booker bring him you got Joe Biden bring him we've got Trump show us you've got let's argue the merits of the economy let's argue the merits of national security let's argue the merits of what he's doing on border security and immigration let's talk about America's place in the world the Trump position will be very well-known show me what the democratic you know Trump's position on China versus the Democrats bring it they should bring it let's have an up-or-down vote because Nancy Pelosi they're hiding now because Scarborough and Rahm Emmanuel and Nancy Pelosi have looked at the crosstabs and they understand when it's an up-or-down vote on immigration we will flood the zone with deplorable --zz they've got to get their troops out so they're saying no no we're gonna talk about the positive things we're gonna do remember the positive things are gonna do what they're gonna do the first day that if they win the house the first thing they're gonna do in January they come back after she takes a gavels vote on a peachy Donald Trump so to be clear your message to the right wing ahead of November is unless it's basically what what the immigration restriction his position would be don't don't touch her if I said what I said President Trump was gonna go to cow tomorrow president Trump's trying to be a leader right here president Trump out President Trump is trying to do something that no other political leaders done which is to take his base and trying to get them to come forward and say hey this is an overall deal we can we can have that's what I think so many people who know President Trump and who voted for him said this is exactly the guy we thought he's not a hardcore partisan yes he understands his base but that's what I'm saying show me in American politics today on an issue that's as as volatile as immigration that show me where Schumer Pelosi or any of the open borders people right have even come in it come an inch off of their positions really they're real positions whereas trumpets which is what what's the real the real position their repetition is that there's no chamber into chain migration there's really going to be no and to e-verify there's going to slow walk the construction of the wall right I've everything that's important it's all kind of you know it's all these details you know don't know if they're ever going to get worked out of the triggers ever be met and they're not compromising I think particularly with things like chain migration our birthright citizenship okay the key points here they're not moving they're immovable I mean strimmer today put it back up in president Trump's face President trumpets treasurer leadership clearly the base they love president Trump they trust President Trump he's going to get a full hearing of what he says my opinion is that hey and I do agree with Lou Dobbs if we go down the path of this in an election year particularly year what I call his first real act that you could lose you could affect the enthusiasm of deplorable because I as I've said this is a deplorable plus election we needed the deplorable plus the Reagan Democrats plus those people in 16 who voted who haven't voted in a long time who voted for Don who came out to vote for Donald Trump it's quite difficult to get those people out in a in a in a non non presidential it's tough to get them out for anybody but Donald Trump in an election year so we got those folks out that you've got to get back at if we get what I call the deplorable z-- plus base to show up Trump will be fine it's it's the enthusiasm of doing that that's what I think on one hand president from showing very a lot of political courage and leadership is what the country wanted and reaching across the aisle but I think this something probably better for nineteen and I think he's gonna be huge resistance up on Capitol Hill with the Democrats they have no they have no intention of working with him so it's it's a it's a it's a I think it's an exercise he's going through which shows what a leader he is I don't know what the the outcomes are gonna be okay let's pivot real quickly the second biggest issue still I think right now is North Korea and so that disagree with you well you can I thank you North Korea is the opening salvo which I think North Korea is a subset of the Chinese let me let me ask you okay closing days of your time of the White House last August yes you call up Bob Kutner American prospects he actually called me okay I think I think email that didn't have would somehow we can you uh you made connect you have a you have a phone call there are fewer guys the prospect in there no that's for sure yes yes no but he's quite nice but you know you saw you said something then that didn't get his most attention that I always thought was striking which is that you said there was no military solution to North Korea and you know obviously some people say been it's wrong man it's this you know in December HR McMaster was basically considering considering a bloody nose attack so the White House was looking at it but it looks like June 2018 the president has assessed that the only way to remove all of Kim's threats and nuclear weapons is a regime change type war scenario and he's not interested in that they got us was your quote do you see his approach in him Pompey was approached this June has a bit of vinification vindication of what you were I don't see it as a vindication that would never look at it this way I think they've taken a very look the president is he was dealt a terrible hand of cards Obama but said well I'm at old Trump that this is the number one issue that you're gonna face so you could really argue that in a really nonpartisan way that Obama bequeathed Trump at the North Korean issue gets back to my point about the central part of the Trump doctrine which is that he's not going to just manage a process to unacceptable outcomes no that is a cut that is that is when we talked about the pack Adele polling about you know seventy seventy five percent of the American people believe that America is in decline but that there's a big part of our population particularly the working class and the middle class that are not prepared to accept that they are looking for a leader that will return America to our greatness what did you make America great again that's just not a slogan that is the that is the inescapably linked kind of underpinnings of this movement and it's it's real and so what Trump is said the Trump doctrine is I'm not just going to manage process like and it's that's not Obama it's Bush it's Clinton it's the way the permanent political class works they're comfortable with managing America's decline right President Trump was dealt terrible cars or China okay the forced technology transfers this rise of China economically was looked at the inexorable rise of something America couldn't do anything about it was that it was some law of physics the South China Sea although all the stationary aircraft carries and these islands have been built to chart choke off the South China Sea a major strategic probably the principal strategic waterway in the world outside that the Gulf of the Straits of Hormuz it's in in in in Korea it's not Donald Trump that and this is all publicly disclosed non classified information that allowed North Korea to have what 30 40 50 nuclear weapons maybe a thermonuclear weapon maybe a ballistic Mystic missile technology to hit Tokyo and now the continental United States that's Donald Trump was dealt those cards and so in this process he's come up with one thing he's saying listen and the overall you know really strategic confrontation and that's what it is with China and that's in the national security document that we put out in December that there are strategic competitor there an economic economic aggressive which means economic warfare with us done everyone agrees it's an economic Donald Trump economic warfare Donald Trump Donald Trump will engage with that as part of this as Korea and I think what he's been saying a Korea maybe it's time to end the Korean War you know most people don't realize that we just have an armistice we don't have an end to the Korean War we're just kind of at a standoff so I think President Trump and people say wait sugar generals hanging and he was up on the stage or they it's the first step in a process and I think yours here Trump taking bold moves that other people wouldn't take and we haven't given anything up the sanctions are still there the North Koreans have given up some of the hostages you know some of their prisoners they've they've accommodated us on a number of issues we really haven't the joint exercises you know I was in the seventh Fleet okay I've been on those exercises with the Korean navy the seventh fleets still gonna be doing their exercises the American 28000 combat troops in in in South Korea around Seoul of the United States and the DMZ are still be doing their their exercises the ROK army the Republic of Korea army and the Navy istari doing their exercises so we haven't really given up anything you've told me and I'm quoting here China Hawks China Hawk and I've found in my own reporting that the China Hawks in the Republican Party and the conservative movement American right wing are authentically split on this issue you're in one camp which is that North Korea is sort of in the opening salvo of the track the broader trying kind of conflict that will defy the century yes now but other people view it in a different way Senator Marco Rubio and you have common ground on Susan Thorton in East Asia you disagree Rubio says we've completely given away this is a joke I mean he takes it takes it the opposite of push how do you respond to the room I think I respond I think I think the senator Rubio senator Rubio is I think impressively and it's more every week has really become a China heart right I think on this one that he has to look at this Korea is a vassal state to China okay when you know the the the dictator in Korea makes two trips the first two trips he ever makes a couple weeks ago are both to China he gets on the armored train and goes to China and they released three pictures one of those pictures he's taken notes right Emperor she is talking and he's giving dictation and he's taking notes it's a vassal state they would have never gotten the atomic weapons capability they would have never gotten the ballistic missile capability they were never gotten the potential thermonuclear capability of that's what they got if it was not for China they're a vassal state of China it trying to looks at us by the way as a tributary state they that's why when this whole trade net and this whole trade effort we have today to try to stop their trade war against us you notice that the things they're coming back we put tariffs on high value-added manufactured technology they're coming back on agricultural products because that's essentially what we ship we ship natural resources scrap metal agricultural products we do very little kind of finished finished you know manufacturing equipment because that's not you know because they've taken most of our manufacture a lot of our manufacturing is so I think that's what the president Trump is standing up against this is I think was with senator Rubio you have to look at this at the beginning of a process Mike Pompeo working the president Trump I think has a very defined negotiating plan is going to take this is going to take I think years to work out obviously a denuclearization verifiable you know that permanent is going to take you know many many years even to work out I think the beginning of a process I think President Trump should be applauded the people that are the most against it are the ones that like the managed process of decline President Trump is saying I'm not going to do that it's like Obama Obama told the Trump is the number one thing well what did Obama ever do about it I mean the pivot to Asia was what one brigade of Marines into Darwin Australia and very little else and never confront it China with the economic warfare that they're having with US President Trump should be applauded on this so you're trying to hawk what do you say to the critics who say that we are getting drawn into so you mentioned with Reagan things that he regretted amnesty in our incursion into Lebanon they killed hundreds of Marines yes what do you say to critics who say that this is a president who ran on whatever you want to call it an EOB canaanite agenda a banner night agenda a pareo conservative agenda get us out of these wars that we could potentially be drawn back into a new complication in the Middle East I talked a little bit about Academy because even President Trump was never this is where I think there was some confusion and people should understand at least a third of the Trump movie right is the the knee of a cannon or though I would say more the isolationists around back to fortress America now you're a fan of those people I felt I have tremendous respect I think there's one difference is that President Trump understands that in a in a world where not just about American leadership but the American economy and where we stand in inter connected world is not that you can't make America first we are making America first that's what economic nationalism out its American workers and American companies first that you can't withdraw from the world and I think that's one of the differences we have and but you have to do it in a in a sophisticated way where America is not looking for protectorates America is looking for allies the system we have today that I think is a system that people are saying we can't continue liberal international order well the rules based or two rules base is placed order and winning that's over I think what it is is that that order has by the way it's from from from from Europe down to the Persian Gulf to the to the South China Sea the littoral nations they're up to the Northwest Pacific it's a combination of commercial relationships capital markets and trade deals with American security guarantees and American you know American alliances those are being evaluated well but America under writes by the way the deplorable Zitz their taxes they we basically underwrite the entire thing right okay you know NATO doesn't pull their weight in the Gulf countries besides UAE and some others Saudi you know guys are not pulling their weight the littoral nations of the South China Sea are just now getting engaged in the Northwest Pacific Japan and South Korea really don't pull the weight militarily as much as they're going to have to and we're upside down everywhere on trade deals we're upside down on basic the economics of what President Trump is is saying is that hey there has to be some parody it has to be fair it has to we have to be real partners in this okay we can't be upside down commercially everywhere and if we're going to have these American involvement we're looking for allies what he says is not protectorates what the establishment with the established order has in this liberal rules-based order is basically this kind of American Empire right of which they want to have this humanitarian expeditionary force which they've turned our military and where they can send the in this liberal interventionist Ben roses book just came out he's a liberal interventionist yeah okay this is the exact opposite of what we are so you see what Ben Rhodes is forward for the exact opposite that what we are is for engagement where it's in the vital vital and underlying that three times national security interests of the United States it will be in the vital Nash security interests of our local allies I think the two hotspots you're seeing right now is the Persian Gulf with a cutter situation and in the Northwest Pacific around Korea with Japan and South Korea the other one that's going to come up very very very quickly for the readers of national interests I know you guys are ahead of this is the South China Sea South China Sea is going to get to be a real hot spot here very quickly because once again President Trump is not prepared to just manage to unacceptable outcomes like Obama Obama went to this thing of safe navigation well we would play by the rules of the Chinese president Trump is saying no this is international waters and I believe here and get to the point where those man-made islands are deemed unacceptable particularly accessible by us the UN I think but first off it's already been they lost the they lost international law they lost the adjudication to the to the Philippines and other nations of which China is not a body by rights they've already lost that okay you shouldn't force that but I'm saying that as they reinforced these islands with radar missiles and in combat aircraft there's this gone at some point I said on my radio show I think at 2015 you were five years away from a conflict in the South China Sea as a young naval officer we used to be down there a lot and maybe that's too early but but the South China Sea is gonna get to be another hot spot that's what we're gonna be looking for allies allies who pull their own weight and are in unison with the United States what President Trump is saying is that the commercial side and the military Snedeker's are inextricably linked the establishment today is wanted to look in and bifurcated Trump is taking a sophisticated business man's view and said no you can't do that these are inextricably linked and that's why you're seeing the complaining and you know among some of the NATO comes particularly Germany I also would like to re-emphasize where President Trump I think gets stronger every day his opposition like Merkel gets weaker I mean who knows the Merkel's even going how do you respond to critics who say that this is a president who's picking a fight with allies Germany's traditional ally of the United States we see Jeremiah how do you say to restore a line where they get a free option it's a Germany gets a free ride they have a they have a total defense bill like 30 billion dollars Germany gets a complete free ride they say oh we have to have a balanced budget Germany has gotten a total free ride on the United States and what people United States are saying is that not that the German people aren't allies but you've got to pick up you got it you got to start to pull your weight NATO NATO the EU itself okay is this how long the EU itself is a saint the EU itself is the same size population-wise has the same size economy as the United States yet we pick up what six times the defense bill it can't go on this is one of the reasons besides the welfare state one of the reasons we have these structural deficits we have today which by the way have to be financed right but two-thirds by China the one of the reasons we have the structural deficits is that these obligations are these obligations have not have not been pulled back what President Trump is trying to do is to do that and get our local partners our local allies not protectorates right now NATO and in the in the EU as a protectorate of the United States and what President Trump is trying to say in in the Secretary General of NATO came to us and said you're our bet you're the you're the best thing I ever saw I've been trying to push these guys to pay the two percent minimum they won't do it unless you put pressure on it so please President Trump continued to do that last question yes the EU is that something the United States can work with going forward does it have 5-10 years do you think you think you I think you see this in the Italian election I mean season Trump clearly comfortable working with Conte clearly working comfortable working somewhat with macron but can you work but he did say last week with Yunker in these guys he had good meetings I mean he said that he said that by the way what I love about Trump in the g7 which has been underreported after that whole contentious first day right about terrorists about this but that with the pure Trump he goes in on Saturday morning says hey I got it I get an idea how about this no tariffs will have actually no tariffs zero everywhere but no subsidies in macro if French were like dead silent yeah right because they can't they're the French heavily subsidized their state champions right as this China which is the issue here I think President Trump that's an issue for Europe to decide I think the sea change we've seen if you take my Crohn's speech well you spent a lot of time in Europe I mean yeah well here's where things happen if you if you spend it's a it's a it's a fascination of mine because it's about six months to a year ahead of the United States as far as this populist nationalist and that's why Italy is so important if you look you know a center of the world right now I think of the political world as far as the populist nationalist I think you're seeing a lot because you're seeing the merger of populism nationalism you're seeing people set aside the left/right difference between five star and the league right you surprised by that not at all I advocated if as soon as I saw what and when I went around in the election and saw the rump state election and saw the intensity somebody had an article about today about young people being gauged I saw young people engaged in these two campaigns with crowds that that are the relative size with the kind of Trump rally crowds young people engaged in the biggest issues of the day politics was not born young people are searching they're thirsty for meaning they're thirsty and by the way in Italy I said they said all politics is dead they're everything like that I saw anything but and I strongly recommend it to to salvini in in amando senator armando serie and a couple days after the thing after the election that they would really I thought they should try do everything possible to put together a unity government what I call it a coalition government with the five star movement it turned out if they looked at other options they did so I think what has happened if you look at McCrone speech in September of 2017 right what he saw the future of European particularly additional political and economic integration his vision of what Europe was gonna be what the franco-german project was going to be you see what I see what Merkel said a couple weeks ago which kind of killed it and you see what the reality is I think that I think the reality is now that the EU is going to evolve into a Organization of Independent States independent nations yea confederation of independent nations which is what where you go to Hungary where you go to Austria or whether you go to Italy Poland wherever you go and talk these people Czech Republic I was just at these places they say we want our own nation we want our own citizenship right we want to be part of an EU there's not a big effort right now I think to withdraw like there was in England but I think there's a big emphasis on changing the rules that central authority doesn't treat these places like the North Carolina South Carolina Georgia they want to be independent nations and I think that that's what you're going to say so I think the McCrone vis a vision of the EU as a as a group of states like the United States is dead I think you're gonna have a traumatic Ron's relationship will hold up or do you think it's it's due to fray well I think it's already started to fray there's different policies but first off President Trump once again is shown I think from you know diplomacy that he has a macron River for a couple days McCrone speech to Congress where he really went in and I thought attacked the heart of the Trump movie I thought was a knife I thought it was very unfair yeah and also I thought it was just not appropriate to come over and do that and get all these standing ovations from the Democrats and other people when they talk about nationalism president Trump's economic nationalism you know once again doesn't care about your race doesn't care about your color doesn't care about your religion your ethnicity your gender your sexual preference it doesn't care it cares about whether you're an American citizen or not your citizenship is the key to that and I think the president trusts been been adamant about that and McCrone has fought that tooth and nail but I think the McCrone vision of all that is is and I people should follow closely Merkel Merkel's in deep deep trouble I've said this for a long time in Germany she's very unpopular I think you're now seeing a revolt in our own party the saying we can't continue on with your with your migrant with your your your migrant policies Steve Anna thank you very much thanks for having me and by the way thanks thanks I'm really your house man I'm really I'm really excited kidding in the front one of the first sites they go to every morning is national interest you guys are the cutting-edge fantastic reporting great analysis I'm so glad to be the first the first big interview on your on your new site on the relaunch of the site so I couldn't be prouder and I'd love reading you guys and invested luck thanks so much best of luck thank you
Channel: Center for the National Interest
Views: 23,677
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Id: KQ_8FlvlzEc
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Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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