Steptoe and Son Crossed Swords

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you I'll get out look Jean on come get out the great pills or totally shift that rubbish white lead that song or smashes and in on stuff that rush right about say he won't be uncle six so what do I do spend an afternoon and you in a general meeting king destiny profile Chairman's report seeker denies trysts with au-pair girl in caravan I was teaching her English he said the prosecution allege that he met NRT and that on three separate occasions he one across semi-precious stone two down South American River nine across that close to a garlic clock is ruffle online money money money money money money Oh mommy must be dead he's gone down a boozer you know killing Oh gold callable up a farm in his camp what's a delightful picture to come home Oh what that could do him in knows what Majesty King Albert the first sing on the crown room Inspector Carlsson come and see but always decay in splendour half a crown children yeah what'd you do that for you great you're waking someone I'm going back Hollywood corner yeah what's you doing there anyone waiting for you to come home three years have been track in there I told you to shift all that rubbish lndeed air to clean it up to close the door start a landslide bunch of bull I've told you a billion times you don't stack it properly that's what you're here for you stack C up odd brings it home next time leave the door open well you got no teacher laughter I'm not bothered or you've been sitting in there or die scratching yourself I've been out earning us a bit of money how well easy I had threatened one day when I don't go round with my eyes shut you know it's very nice to know that out there that vast thinking metropolis there are still things of beauty on the carpet netball channel wise pixel only little chicken clothes off for that look at him shaking there I'm gonna mention man in you loses control of all your muscles come on come on worried it'd show a shadow like a little yorkshire terrier with you dad but this is very fragile to my gout react at 4-under my ills if you trips me up you wish you'd died in a car they you stay there I'll call you and I'm ready I'll go you can't come in now leave it alone car sit down come sit sit sit sit sit good boy now look at left his'n that beautiful Don touch it all my life I've dreamed to find in a piece like this look at him not a mark on it a that diet was fired you're looking at perfection death here's know that he's channeling china china porcelain if you don't mind she are a cotton penny you do a poor me at times painter don't you realize what this is I don't suppose each match of course has a lifelong collector of objects dance to it this Wallace Collection all around us give us your considered opinion please astound us with a display of your erudition on the subject come on I'll be sure Tommy Shaw see uncle collected some good bits anytime oh ha ha daughter those is yours all-time a laptop of ceaseless searching ain't supposed in it his agents scouring the world for choice pieces to delight the discerning eye huh that coleus suit figure seen so often in the leading auction rooms of the world bidding by early bird they lost on shouted a public for crack will of patent rights from the crockery Department is sofa yes your knees they are oh yes burnt heiress dynasty 1927 hook mate for nearest they have been a China when I had that tuna chop suey off of them last week yeah I've been aged in oak mark page yes I must confess are they last Wednesday night when you went ten pin bowling I took the liberty and to illuminate the splendor of the Seine asked like a couple of candles in that beautiful English eighteenth-century candelabra of yours I had a slight accident I'm afraid to say I went to the heat of the candles some of the solid silver peeled off camry grow you're rowing ever ever nood I'll save the most time so get yourself another water come on do I look at his piece enough it's the one genuine piece in the house wave what do you think it's mine isn't it it's got the cross swords on the back yeah that got me nothing everybody falls down I never go by the mark good boy since valuable I need something more than a straw soldier go on hmm nice color good lazing any history I don't know where do they under held I know you got it on the rounded whereabouts ah that's it you see it's very interesting do you know Osborn drive and Willoughby Street good area it was it's gone off of it since your died it's all a bit Zed cars round there now anyway I'm chunks with Dan Osborne Drive and this door opens and there's this out bird standing there I'm not kidding she must have ever hundred nine sawing Jen great big opener insects they was without him if I'd have had a bad day would have been strike past anyway she says to me young man I think I've got something that might interest you I thought you're joking anyway I went in oh dear I'll do 45 cats an hour window out I'll tell you if my this place smell like Beverly Nicholls bathroom I can't describe our Father she's got cobbler Goya's in here for two quid a piece I can't stand anyone she must have seen me reel him because she starts revving on about the good old days and things I what they used to be and how difficult it is to get servants before I'm not surprised lissa wonder you 19 Ivers my dream you know anyway she she she she gets down to it she's short of money would I like to buy something off of her nothing said he's gonna get out so she brings this out yeah yeah she said would I like to give her 10 shillings for it for some cats me oh poor poor old dear she doesn't know I couldn't then so give her a fistful price play that sir I couldn't take it off of her half a bar not now that would be like stealing no no no girl like that we could have been my mother not without a chair and a big Hill trick where did she get down oh I couldn't stand it I'll just give her the money and run my eyes is still watching Jenai speech I'll give you that soon find out if he's genuine take it down to any wind cup heavy Whincup you're joking he was a technical and Jules into him you'd have a Java game up to 30 Bob this is my outside this class this sort of gear I'm taking his eye up the West End as we get the real prices what was her name of that shop you took that out a great father yours to me sheriff Christopher Columbus's log book in his own hands Watson there's no need to bring that up Oh howdy worth a few quid if you hadn't been written in English you didn't know in Spanish hey uncle Dom rabbitov go that's the sort of place out or take this hold on come to have a look at ma Meissen yeah hello hi girlies their card here somewhere I got a feeling this time that this is right I must be you yeah you behave yourself keep your hands in your pockets now Nikhil anything Miami now very well what Tommy you're getting very tired finger than your old age people is beginning to notice steps our clipped our they're calling you that's not calling her out Danity lee kleptomania is not teh leafing it is an illness you're just a bit mental that's all I've got a good conduct made life's more than you got it we'll just keep your hands in your pockets just aside minds how you walk about you break anything in here we have to go bankrupt what oh I'm sorry won't have to go round the back you've all bring the dustbin through here we are not dustman my good fella we are welcome Bulma we've come to do business with you but I can't conceive what kind of business we'd have to conduct we deal in antiques sorry when we can get him we've got gassed out in hire sore but it just so happens that my partner and I have recently come into possession of a piece of porcelain of quite outstanding beauty and quality after browsing through Country Life we thought it might be of considerable interest to you so we have brung it along in order that you may purport to have a butcher's ethic besides you everywhere may I look at it then by all means thank you hey that's my fancy restaurant prices up here we're all creating foreigners anyway once he had passed atmosphere ladies there's not an Englishman in sight except the poor devils that work for little go to Joseph go anywhere in London and ask your way today they wonder what you're talking about me no speaka de English where do you think that that banana and that orange come from and this finished up we're hoping to flog that's foreign isn't it really this is in a phobic fixation of ins on women on offense nowadays to preach right side to it so you watch our land fall on you I'm enjoying or not till I do I like and I mean why you're still interested and shame your people not this are to beg your pardon please try to forgive not I'll do apologize it's just I always rises to the bite I can't help you them us I should ignore him I should know I can't help gets right on my Bristol's he does I say ten years yes it's my son it's got the cross swords on the back there's there doesn't necessarily mean anything you see a child oh you ain't fighting little bleeder you may interest you have any interesting in here yes no but why why did you get this wrong like on Louie you just be quiet why do you ask it's very round interesting piece of Meissen porcelain probably made round about 1714 everything most likely the work of your hand yeah Kin Kin blood Master mortar that guy yes that's for a full yes well before we can negotiate a price I I would have to be sure that you came by the peace legitimately see eternity saucy one brother Reggie say see what mom she given know who is you shut up for a moment he has every right to in cost yeah you're too soft that you'll trouble that left me in my dad would have been wanted to kick up the Khyber at least trouble with this country today nobody takes offence no more in my day an English ones word was his bond are nothing nothing more to do with a cooked keep out of it and how much is it work would you keep I can assure you we do have legitimate title to the peace it was purchased during the normal course of trading from an old bird in Notting Hill Gate can't furnish you with further particulars if you so wish oh good well I think I can accept that well on that basis I'm prepared to offer you know 200 pounds you under camels okay Princip our prize 200 pounds but I suppose I could stretch it a bit or or I've been 250 250 I'm sorry I can't do any better that I got an ad on my poppy no no I'm sorry 250 we drank it I don't know I must consult with my partner before accepting would you excuse us for mum we're dating we dragon if he gives 250 pounds how much you think it's worth on the album marking these blokes always works on under percent markup he gives times in 50s they were four or five hundred if you can get it if you get Harold let's take the money we only pay a fiver for a junk let's be let's take it on against Marcos Hobbit ha sighs we put up for auction great that's what it is great Harold it's agent in tears nor an end here sell it while it's still in one piece along the way ever them all athlete it to get broken no we're getting five thousand percent profit or what's 10,000 percent profit thank you very much for your very generous offer but on further reflection my mother and I have decided not to sell as of this moment without your products that idea we go get a bit of rise how if that is so we may decide to keep it in our collection coming later good afternoon gentlemen Oh 6900 can I have around seven can have around seven six thousand seven thousand thank you sir seven thousand I'm bid for lot six nine four how come along gentlemen you can't let him get away with this it's giving it away come on seven thousand seven two seven two seven five seven seven fifty seven sevens if you drive here anymore eight thousand thank you sir eight thousand Guineas I'm off it for these three teaspoons eight thousand Guineas once eight thousand Guineas twice at eight thousand then killers did you find it alright then here watch mean at me that's very exciting that bloke there just put the last lock for eight fastened guineas key really not logic three teaspoons late thousand quid in a riddles market he must feel fees chopped I'll go to read mmm I can't change for three quid including our latest dead friend your attention here this is us we're on next will now continue the oxen lock number 695 am Iceland group of lovers by JJ Kendra made in 1743 the Shepherd in a green jacket and touched by his breeches is seated his lover who can is a basket of fruit is offering at a chilly she wears a move jacket and green dress between them is a very finely observed figure of a sheep the whole is mounted on a flower entrusted oval base it's a very fine piece indeed what's very carefully to say who's doing the bidding he can hardly move you have to watch him like a hawk I won't stop you off the hundred fifty guineas 150 thank you sir 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 can I have 230 230 thanks for 230 240 250 on my left 250 can I have 260 260 now come along yet when inverting give me 262 this exceptionally fine piece hey how about you I don't collect China cheaper than soon still dripping malice on your mantelpiece that would on my left 250 okay could you keep carving now anticipating I told you should have take that off you won't get him over it here oh yes I will gentlemen please can I have 260 260 anybody to six in the back thank you thank you and begging for your own stash clap I'll target a price up to 70 over here C to 87 to 88 is any advance up to 88 to 90 300 310 320 any advance on 320 320 of the back of the road can't you you're great bird going look you're going down Assad Johnny be true yeah I'll keep my story from Becky hahaha defend your tears can I have 330 sir 313 angular 340 350 400 450 500 go on it's your turn no I don't want it you can have it no now look Albert or you can have it 450 now I've changed my mind I'll wait for another one to come up it's with you before 57 hang on a minute look it's a very lovely piece well buy it dim you ought to be glad I dropped out oh I see I'm not bothered either why hey was a mere whim on my part I'm more of a bracket clock man meself and akka can see you're very definitely a porcelain man have you heard cloaks look at it oh it's very beautiful I don't want it it's 500 500 fell back 500 once Oh go 500 twice 500 550 thank you surprised with your my left can I have the 6 anywhere 600 sir is it no no then is 500 once private it twice so the five hundred fifty guineas you twit you stupid dirty toothless brightness out twit what did you walk out big farmer gonna 50 kitties for I could have bought it for 500 I didn't know who you're still bidding I was trying to get going that's your trouble you've been gone too long why don't you go on say nothing gosh that's what you were gonna say isn't it why don't you die no sir yes you were you can't wait here the first shovel full of dirt hit the coffin Kenya Oh won't be mourned on all that Erie Johnson army grave well let me tell you it'll be a relief to get out of this hellhole Udall although I may not you get your telegram from the Queen yet don't you worry I know what you're grumbling about you're still going aren't you we only bid for the thing against ourselves right lost nothing a war bonnets romanoff percent commission I have placed sixty I power 15 for a sheer privilege of bringing it back home again you're grieving it's a toe rag you should have taken what the manager's job offers and being satisfied don't you talk to me just don't talk to me ever again I'm going to bed good night oh no please don't let it be read please let it be one of his plight I'm sorry and suppose my fault I dropped it the only piece I ever had bobak dirty small handling they've been having enough although that was it for you slipped through his fingers it's me arthritis and me knuckles I can tell things like I used to be absolutely and I don't attempt it I'll get some glue stick it together we might still get a few Oh not job you
Channel: Ben Rouse
Views: 409,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: S4, E2, Crossed, Swords
Id: X1qC7Tlgjf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2012
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