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we have got no information in this video we're gonna tell you about an email that has changed a lot and i remember sitting there reading it and like but what this guy did is cheating what this is the first time we've been told there was a reason the game was cut short this person probably is is guilty in some way as well all right mate how you doing welcome back to another video this is a continuation off the back of the last video we made about the f2 um we we mentioned that we had an email that was sent to us that new evidence is in our possession that um changes everything doesn't change everything it's about one specific incident it's about the incident we've talked about a lot it's about the wembley cup 2018 group stage incident that we alluded to not just in the last video but in the video before that all about why the wembley cup's not continuing do you think we should maybe paint the picture exactly what happened for anyone who's seen this video without a bit of context just really we will we will yeah okay so basically a couple years ago wembley cut group stage there's a game between the f2 and exo it's a group stage game which helps you work out who you're going to get in terms of a legend to join your team and who you're going to play at the final at wembley stadium f2 team full of not just the f2 jeremy and billy but also some really good footballers they had a goalkeeper who played national league at the time played for hamlet hempstead in goal uh they had a guy who was the england non-league top goal scorer they're some very good players yeah those are very very few love island guys and also good players um and their friend exo who were kind of the joke team of the tournament they weren't a real football team they didn't have true georgia on that day but they had stephen tries laurence mckenna they're some good players they had a couple good players like the kante guy leroy is really good very good uh kevin kirkham's actually quite good yep it's handy uh there's a couple of them uh elliott hackney yeah he's a handy player but um they were the underdogs for sure if not because of football because of like the brands yeah yeah anyway exo through complete credit to themselves find themselves wondering up in the game which was quite funny everyone was laughing it was because f2 like take themselves very seriously [Applause] sensational things final whistle goes exo win against all odds it seemed then the f2 i believe we'll go on to in a minute more information but through seeing the referees watch so the second half look i think both games must be 20 minute halves and the second half is only 17 minutes i think it's that even though it was meant to be 15 minutes and it was a few minutes short 15. definitely can't honestly remember we'll have to check that out [Music] ultimately what happened is the f2 were trying to get back in the game to level it up and the ref through the whistle it may i don't know whether i remember thinking it felt like a short period but they complained that the game hadn't gone on for long enough and then a hundred percent we verified that it hadn't we did that by looking at the footage footage how long obviously we've been filming the whole game we knew so we knew okay the f2 had a very and still have a very valued complaint about that no one has ever denied that i mentioned the last video as soon as i found out what happened i literally stood next to the f2 and made it very clear i wanted to solve this issue for them because i i would have been the same if it happened the hashtag um what we have maintained since day one and where we've been offended if you like is that it was implied by jeremy and a little bit by billy on the day that that was deliberate that we i.e me and you or hashtag or or their organizers sometimes if the f2 are winning sorry if the f2 are losing end the game early because it'll be great we're great to see i've already explained why that doesn't make any sense for us we wouldn't want that to happen because it gave him an advantage in the tournament the f2l value complaint we didn't know why it happened and i was fuming with the referee that he what we thought had done was just make a cock-up i don't even know how you make that and i said i couldn't get my head around is that how did this happen and obviously there was a huge commotion huge commotion from the f2 who were angry did they handle that very well no but they were very very it led to huge delays which we talked about in the last video had massive massive ramifications for the whole series yeah a big ramification with my relationship with the f2 because they they really felt i'd done that to them yeah completely unfair it was very unfair because we're all working very very hard to build a very um good event and a good project but what we were trying to get to the bottom of it primarily one because we obviously want a fair tournament but two when the f2 were kicking off like they were we weren't going to get anywhere we had to solve this problem so ultimately they were so enraged and they felt like there was this conspiracy they just did not exist we're showing where pacifying them and finding a solution so we tried to get to the bottom of it and the best we could get from the refs on the day was i think maybe i pressed the stopwatch early so the boys are doing the final warm-up one of the refs told me i think i might have accidentally started the stopwatch early so that was for me like okay i don't know how you do that because surely the last thing a ref does before you start is you go here we go begin but at least that was some practical example of how physically the act of a referee looking thinking it was time when it wasn't could happen i tried to relay that as a possible scenario uh they weren't entirely convinced so we had that whole situation where we had to try and find a way of appeasing them which was that um to keep them involved in the series we didn't have the time to physically replay the game we made the decision that um we would make a statement on camera which you didn't want to be involved in where we sat there and said that the f2 graciously which unfortunately wasn't that graciously in real life except that they've lost what good lads the f2r let's move on from it that wasn't really what happened in the back end we're covering a lot of our ground here and i think it's important that we have got new information in this video we're going to tell you about an email that has changed a lot but just to be clear there was a few things we suggested at the time i think one point i said why don't you play those three minutes play those yeah and so many hours passing complaints that that seemed to no longer be an option the f2 were actually pushing for a replay they wanted to rematch the game then i think they went to replay the second half i argued also that's unfair on xo because they've got to three minutes left legit so why don't you just play the last three minutes yeah no i had an issue with that but we couldn't get them to agree no anyway it all went into madness two years has passed it's just one of these things it led to jeremy saying silly things didn't post matching yeah whatever right we make that video not the last one the one two videos ago about the when we club okay and seb receives an email seven books after our emails that is unbelievable i couldn't believe it i got it and what time is it got it quite late at night i think well i saw it late at night it was actually saying uh 19 minutes past seven on the 15th of august yeah and i remember sitting there reading it and like oh my god i think i can't if i screenshot it to you or i fall into you and i like it so i think i missed you i said spen look at this email i've just sent you now and i was like so here's what we're going to say we're not going to name the person sent the email because he's asked not to be named yeah but fair play to you for sending us this i kind of wish the sentence was two years ago i'm not going to lie because it'd be much more useful information then but i just want to say like i hope you guys a watch i wish you'd just spoken up at the time oh that would even be better that's what we needed because it could have changed an awful lot of history ultimately i think the relationship's gone where it's gone because of a number of reasons but that could have changed the context of the entire wembley cup so essentially yeah i agree i mean fair play for coming forward now but like but like it's not that much useless apart from this video yeah if the f2 are watching like just to be clear we were always on your side like you might not feel that we'll never believe it but we were always trying to get you at the fair game and you just didn't get it and you were unfair it was unfair that you didn't get it but it was nothing to do with us and this proves that once and for all if our word didn't already prove it mm-hmm and um just really has been so what i'll say is this guy we're not gonna name him but he was part of the officiating team on the day so the refereeing team he wasn't the ref in this game but he was part of it um but the person that we're talking about this in this video really is the referee of the f2 xo game he's not the one who sent the email he's been talked about by someone else who sent the email working there he's working on the day this is verified we've checked it the guy who sent this has also included the call sheet from the day which proves his email was in there and he is legit this is not made up it's not just someone random youtube this is actually what happened so i'm gonna read it out okay to whom it may concern i've just watched the video on spencer fc channel titled what happened to the wembley cup and anticipated a follow-up video regarding the situation with the f2 we said we were going to do that i was part of the group stage shoot as one of the referees see proof attached he shows the call sheet and therefore know about the controversy with the f2 versus exo game being cut short i was wondering if you'd be interested in hearing the side of one of the referees obviously we are thanks for sending us two years too late because we were off we were like we don't disrespect people and the officials the proper officials fa officials their effort non-league even higher than that i think some of them um we were kind of looking at him like what how are you playing that mate this isn't cool and did they take the wembley cup seriously enough i mean this when this email kind of makes me think they didn't well no but that's one of the things that is most frustrating is that you know whenever when what people who were trying to track from the webinar say it's a made-up tournament you make your own rules up yes but we use official referees same even the hashtag games back in the day division one days chapter one days we've got f8 accredited refs every single time because yeah we're doing our own thing but it's still football obviously refs make mistakes i remember in the palmer's game there was this is a difference because there was like an offside that smith didn't agree with it's like i'm not saying the ref can't be wrong yeah these are today they're not the best refs in the world they refer a good level of football but they're not faultless but what this guy did is cheating normally you're going to find out um so i was not part of the game where the incident took place however i am aware of the events leading up to it and the reason why the referee did what he did at this point was where i'm like this is the first time we've been told there was a reason the game was cut short i.e it wasn't by accident genuinely hand on my heart but when we left the situation and until this moment i'm of the opinion the referee has made a very incompetent mistake that's why it's caused us huge inconvenience huge drama huge aggravation that was all avoidable um and i'm like what and i was saying to them at the time like i wasn't saying a jokey way because i was fuming at the time but i was like you've had a stinker mate you've had a shocker you don't know how much you've hurt me here yeah because these guys think i've done this now so like if it wasn't a stinker it was a deliberate act well let's finish this so i know the rep why the referee did what he did i went to that shoot with the this is his words guys this is his words maybe his website at this point we do not know this guy we've never spoken to him before this day and i've never spoken to him since we had to verify his involvement this is not somebody we know someone who's emailed us not anonymously he's given his name we're just choosing to keep it anonymous this is someone who's just messaging us out of a desire to reveal what he's revealing so he said i went to the chute with a lot of respect for the f2 however it went completely out the window with the way they handled it whereas my respect for both spencer and seb grew enormously not my words the words of top gear magazine this is what this guy's saying okay during the game in question the referee received a lot of chat from the f2 players questioning his decisions and just general moaning at this point i jump in i do that in every single game i play yeah okay i always do that we've already said all we want to say about the f2 yeah this unless they were saying something particularly rude or offensive it's just funny i'm doing everything every ref hates me usually yeah um at half time all the referees were in a group and talking about the first half this is the half time of f2 versus xo linesman including this guy and the ref officiating a chatting during this chat uh which the referee in the middle said he was so annoyed by the f2 players that he wanted them to lose and was going to cut the game short now first of all when i read that i was obviously incredibly intrigued but i was all of a sudden just very disappointed because yes i'm a competitive person on the football pitch we've spoken about how we didn't have this bigger general balance against the f2 but if i want hashtag to do well or win anything in my life i want it to be on merit and when you hear a referee doing stuff like that whether i was living in a dream world or not i did genuinely and i think i still do believe that referees somehow find a way to be impartial but all of a sudden i now think that's a bit of a facade and that realistically they're human beings and they have feelings and emotions and unfortunately this guy has let that get the better of him but it does open up to when people say oh does howard webb give more penalties for man united or whoever whatever referee give more penalties against arsenal whatever maybe they do spend maybe they do well yeah and i mean listen i'm gonna read on a little bit more if i say something else the second half then started and me talking to another ref didn't think anything of this comment until he blew the whistle for full time and we checked that only 13 minutes of the 15 have been played was that yeah it's 15 it's supposed to be i was then this is where it gets really bad i was then told to clear my watches of the stopwatch so that there was no proof of anything until the f2 boys noticed the referee's watch that had two minutes cut at that point they went to check their footage and the two hour delay began as we mentioned there's a big delay which is where you know a lot more about what happened happened in the room so forget what happened in the room forget the f2 stuff yeah pass that forget the fact that they sometimes are unpleasant this is cheating yeah essentially everything that jeremy has said may have happened kind of did but not by us and i don't i don't condone it in any way i think it's unacceptable this referee's done and this email is kind of trying to say it was because the f2 team would be in dicks on the pitch like that doesn't matter give a yellow card if a player has been does it give me you've got a rule there to enforce like you can't do that so as much as this email does back up a lot of what we've said in regards to the f2 not being pleasant to deal with and like literally these refs turned up being fans of the f2 and left hating them that's certainly f2 i've got to deal with it doesn't excuse this it doesn't excuse this i was not involved in this in any way shape or form i would honestly think i was as much a victim of this as the f2 were because of what yeah 100 100 right but i do apologize because it was on my watch i didn't i didn't hire that ref i didn't know anything about him i hadn't even said a word to him and all i know is that he was an official ref and trust me all the rest we got in for every level were proper refs that were reffing games that are like fa cup games like proper propaganda high levels here's the thing right i i don't currently know the name of that referee we can find it out well we're going to find out we're going to have to tell them so i've looked into it the actual ability to report referees this sort of thing is is is criminally it hard to do you actually really it's really hard all you can do in actual matches like league matches give them a bad mark and then the fa can choose whether they go further in terms of me googling how can i report a referee from match fixing is the wrong word but cheating whatever it doesn't exist as a thing so this is my message to anyone from the fa watching like we have proof of someone who's probably still refereeing games well hang on what will say is this let's be honest let's be totally honest on this we have someone's report we don't have proof it matches a lot of the evidence no of course it does of course it does but we don't have proof there should be an investigation yeah there should be an investigation and ultimately we now have a duty as people who run a football club but also as people who put this competition on to respect to the f2 but to the respect to football because this referee has probably gone on to referee hundreds of games since then that we have to give the fa the opportunity to investigate it because sadly he's not killed anyone here but you can't have a referee out there doing that you can't have it here's the reason one of the reasons that reporting ability doesn't exist right it's because everyone no no that abuses normally make up stuff exactly when a referee does something that tim doesn't like they think that the worst in the world and listen i've said things like referees in the past and and i've spoken referees about it and they get offended if you ever because it's like a goalkeeper union they're all together right i want to say i have so much respect for referees like the job they do yeah very differently i would never want to particularly linesman i'm talking about non-league we haven't got var yeah but you have to actually have eyes looking in two directions i have so much respect for it and any referees watching this i'm not against referees i i think what you do largely is amazing here's what i think the referees will be completely behind because just like again i hate using girlfriends all the time if there's a cheat found in golf the whole game of golf turns against them because golf is a self-policing sport referees rely on integrity people like this are letting down all the referees that take all that stick all that nonsense from all the people that you're getting only football standardly football all that stick you get and then to not to have someone out there doing stuff like that to discredit them they'll turn on him and this yeah it's a real shame because refs do do great stuff and they do get unfair stick but this is the worst thing a referee can do yeah in terms of football yeah of course it is and um i hope the referees watching this don't look at this as an attack on referees it's an expose it's exposing one ref this might be the only thing he's done like this ever but it's one too many yeah one too many they've got zero tolerance on this sort of thing yeah so let's finish the email i am in no way condoning what he did and he should have had more integrity to play the game as instructed rather than making it about him but the f2 certainly didn't help the situation this also does mean to say that to my knowledge hashtag united had absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand we've already explained that that this referee acted entirely alone so the comment about refs being on spencer's payroll was null and void like i was honestly not worried about that because i don't think anyone's ever taken that seriously from day one he finishes the email by saying on the off chance that you actually see this email and reference it i'm more than happy for you to use it as part of this account however i would like i would ask to remain anonymous if you did so we've respected that we're not going to name this person once again i thank you for coming forward uh jonathan definitely know your name um i thank you for coming forward uh i do wish you'd raised at the time like it would have made my life a lot easier quite frankly and i'm sure the f2 would have appreciated it as well but you did come forward at the end of the day the the referee in question has had a it's not even a stinker has really let himself i don't think she'll be refereeing anymore i don't think she'll be allowed to referee i don't know children's football no i don't think she'll be right for referee football no full stop um the thing about this and i don't want to be seen to be tapping ourselves on the backs i'm really not it's not my intention here just to reinforce a point we've made a few times across these these videos that are linked together is that do you really think that we'd even would you just delete this email if like this potentially lets people assume that jeremy was right all along right if you probably look at it you don't see that realistically but you show they've had a point in what they were actually arguing about just the way they did it was bad but if we really were trying to like only appear like everything's in our way it's all roses from our side or not from outside but it's all like jeremy had nothing to complain about whatsoever it's complete nonsense we just never have brought this up we just never pretend this email would never exist but here we are going through it because it's the right thing to do well it's how things are supposed to be done like i said i have i'm apologizing on behalf of this event because it was my event right i had absolutely nothing to do with it it literally not even 0.1 percent this guy has literally this what's really annoyed me is he maybe this guy thought he was at a youtuber thing it's just a kick about and these guys are a bunch of mugs and doesn't matter if you've been bought in and paid he was wearing the badge he had the fa badge the fa badge on and also it's really like i know people are not going to do all the research and stuff and they get involved in these things and they don't always know and sometimes they'll turn up and they'll see 30 000. this is actually a proper thing like i can't expect everyone to know everything about all the youtubers and stuff but you just gotta do your job properly one good thing i'm gonna say okay i think we've covered everything there i'm just glad that the f2 did actually end up winning the wembley cup because if they hadn't they sort of undermined the entire thing thankfully they still won they won the event because if hashtag had won it and this had come out then it would have undermined a victory or anyone else's or xos if they got onto bf2 and then win the final the f2 still won the competition never cost them in the end even with a result that is clearly i mean would they have ever scored in the last few minutes who knows as i've said all along if you actually look at it from football in perspective the referee helped them because if they'd equalized they would have got a worse a draft picture trezor gay scored the winning goal would have played a different team they had but they had the pick they earned that pick he scores the goal that knocks rebel out well the keeper had a very bitterness equally they would have not played rebel again they might have played us yeah who we beat him free now i think you know we did being through now so listen this is no one's just to make one thing clear f2 aren't talking to us about this there's no there's no messages flying back they're probably way over it as well i'm sure they're very much and and as i've mentioned in previous videos this isn't let's bring this all up this isn't going tweet f2 like there's one person this video is about it's about a really poor referee who's let us down and he doesn't represent all the referees here's what i'm going to say as well i actually i've not thought this until now not only should this guy brought this up before then but i think all the linesmen are complicit yeah they are well no he's saying that the guy said they didn't he's saying they didn't take it seriously no one's the wizard of the guy when they've been asked to clearly stop watching she watches his son all of a sudden they've got to say hang on i'm being asked here to intentionally cause or cheating right from the referee so this person probably is is guilty in some way as well if if you know if you're an acquainted referee you've got to hold yourself to a higher standard but how often do you see stuff like that in all walks of life you know someone you take the easy way out someone does something you don't approve of but they're in your clique or your social circle and you just let it happen let's be a message to anyone watching doesn't have to be anything to do with football refereeing if you see something that's wrong and we're talking about loads of things in in life right now like black lives matter and social injustice like if you see something that's wrong at the time and you know and this guy knew he says in his email he knew it was wrong at the time speak up right don't let it happen and don't send the email two years later as much as i appreciate it because the damage is done like and i'm not being funny like i'm a very and this goes to jeremy as well right because like i say jeremy has had a whole lot of backlash off the back of this right whilst it was deserved he still had to deal with a lot of stuff i had to deal with a lot of stuff for the back of stuff that said about me luckily we're both mentally strong enough that we dealt with it in a good way but it wouldn't be that unheard of for someone to do something crazy on the back of this sort of sort of abuse that jeremy's received the video has been made about him yeah true short tweets and instagram posting this stuff we had yeah that's why i once again reiterate i don't want anyone doing that on my behalf i don't want anyone doing anything negative on my behalf and the stuff that i had to deal with mentally no one was really frightened of me but there was people saying stuff and asking questions of my professionalism that really really hurt and luckily i was okay with it but some people won't be so if you see something like this happen just say something do the right thing don't put yourself in any physical danger but take an l in the short term to make the right thing happen if you're a referee and you've got to admit someone i work with done something wrong or it could be in the workplace it could be at school wherever speak up because it does end up coming out eventually the truth has outed we didn't expect to get this email no it's just something that happened as a result of us making these sit-down chats i'm glad i'm glad we've got it yeah i'm glad we've got it as well so hopefully if there's anything else out there we need to know will come to us and a lot of these videos but that's we're gonna end the video there guys and that is gonna probably be the end of our wembley cup videos maybe forever i don't know um whether that comes back is another question as we've mentioned but the drama is done i'm sealing the bag if someone else wants to make something about it in their own perspective let them do it um unless there's something i need to answer i'm staying out of it okay you feel like you've got everything off your chest yeah i do well what the final thing i'll say on it is the wembley cup is overwhelming to be one of the best things i've ever been involved in my entire life incredibly proud of the project we put on incredibly indebted to ee for backing your vision from the beginning give me some of the best memories i've ever had in football let alone in my life right so first last thing is now it's over i want to always remember the webinar for the amazing thing it was not for what one person or a few unsavory things that happened in the final series it was amazing he smashed it i'll always be grateful to them for supporting the vision of it everyone spoiled the content all the creators that got involved all the people that worked behind the scenes it was amazing so i think we're signing off talking wembley cup it should be a massive that was sick awesome and just thank you to everyone involved because it was brilliant 100 agree i've got two women cup shirts up on the wall i've got the original wendy cup trophy up there think of the moments you know shout out to to bateson you know his shorts falling down shout out to jj kotcher for not making me in front of 20 000 people shout out to you for scoring the penalty that you got backed when there's bloody robert perez and all these people on the pitch but we back you to take the penalty you know shout out to the f2 because as much as i haven't enjoyed it yeah the webinar definitely would have been the same without them with it they were part of every single wembley cup and they were even on my team in the first one and there were some really positive moments there so shout out to you shout out theo baker for scoring the best girl when makeup history and and the most i think he's the type of girl yeah yeah shout out to daniel cutting yeah doing a madness shout out to annie singh gibb and oaklefish for playing their first ever eleven o'clock game of football which is unreal uh there's so many people to mention shout out to the sidemen it wouldn't have none of it would have happened about the sidemen the first one and everybody at poke the hard working people the one there's many many you could name it poke the ee agency uh tim fletcher's one that rings to mind especially the latter years he put in above and beyond dealt with a lot of nonsense from a lot of different people to get that stuff together there's a numerous people that poke we could name the whole team nick you know who you are he's actually nick's one of them is the main man in the beginning uh matt roberts matt roberts massively matt actually emailed me off the back on the first one because he didn't he said it was really good oh great that's good to hear uh you know there's so many it would be it'll be criminals to try and go through them all off the cuff because we'd forget a few yeah but poke cake publicist um all those guys joe weller maz stevenson himself uh spencer mchugh from the early days marco lira more recently if i haven't said you i apologize yeah but uh any legend they ever played for us like steven gerrard like a joke of a man like what how's the man how much better was that i i i would i would love to spend two minutes talking about how much respect i have stephen gerald in every asset of his existence another video maybe i'm just in love with steven gerrard basically that's your own issue with that in your own time but thank you to you most of all guys the money we raised for charity the views we got the growth that my channel experienced off the back of it none of that would have been possible without the the youtubers that collaborated the players that played but most importantly the people that watched it uh it was challenging at times it was distressing at moments but seven and i definitely agree that even with everything said and done it's the best thing we've probably ever done outside of hashtag united which for me whilst not being for everyone and having to say mass appeal is the thing i'm most proud of that we've started and we're not even anywhere near getting started with should we talk about wembley cup next year yeah or not there is no fan currently guys there is no plan uh drop a like in the video if you've enjoyed it though let us know in the comments below as ever what else you'd like to see me and seb talk about uh subscribe for more check out seb's channel sabon golf links in the description if you like golf or if you don't like golf just go and watch it give it give them a sub until next time see when you're older don't go changing don't forget to hashtag it
Channel: Spencer FC
Views: 1,077,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f2 freestylers, jeremy lynch, billy wingrove, stephen tries, wembley cup, wembley cup fight, wembley cup drama, spencer fc, laurence mckenna, true geordie, hashtag united, football, soccer
Id: PbpR2fhozqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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