Stephen Colbert tells the story of when he knew his wife Evie was the one + Evie's cameo on the show
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Channel: Mostly Water
Views: 3,599,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephen Colbert, Evie, Evelyn McGee-Colbert, wife, love, kiss, adorable, lssc
Id: KW_nwxlwfyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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Watch Stephen Colbert do in six minutes what "How I Met Your Mother" couldn't pull off in nine seasons.
As a single, fairly cynical 30 year old man too busy for love due to school, stuff like this warms up that freezer I call a heart
I bet the girl he left behind has a very different take on these events.
What an absolute showman. The Odyssey tangent was great as well!
He was a born story teller.
What a great story!
That is a man who knows how damn lucky he is, and savors every minute of it.
Every time I see a behind the scenes or just talking to the audience part of these kinds of shows I like them a million times more than any of the prepared bits they actually do on the show. Wish they would do more of them.
That's top tier /r/GirlsMirin stuff right there at the very end. Great story! Going to go home and hug my wife.