Stephen Bohr - Redemption Draweth Nigh 01 - Go Thy Way & Seal the Book

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okay let's begin we're going to study about the little book that was sealed until the time of the end that's Daniel chapter 12 and verse four now as we examine the structure of the Book of Daniel it becomes very very clear that the Book of Daniel is divided into two great sections I like to say that the Book of Daniel is divided into two books the first of those books is Daniel chapter 1 through Daniel chapter 7 and these chapters are organized in a chiastic facts fashion by kya you know a chiasm if you have the syllabus at the very end of the syllabus you have this illustration the stucked structure of daniel one through seven and basically this is the chiastic structure of the first seven chapters of the book of daniel it is a section of daniel that is self-contained in other words it's complete in itself if you didn't have the rest of daniel but you had that you would have a complete picture of the sequence of nations in the prophetic chain but you know those of you who have the syllabus you might want to make reference to this chart chapter 1 of daniel is actually the introduction to the entire book it's not only the introduction to daniel 1 through 7 it's the introduction to the atotal book it speaks about the arrival of Daniel and his friends to Babylon and so on then chapters 2 & 7 you'll notice are on the same branch of the candelabrum the reason why is because these two chapters are intimately related because chapter 2 has four metals and chapter 7 has four beasts chapter 7 is an amplification of chapter 2 they're on the same branch of the candelabrum in other words chapters 3 and chapter 6 the next branch on the candelabrum are also very closely related they deal with persecution due to issues concerning God's law and worship in Daniel chapter 3 the three friends of Daniel are thrown into the fiery furnace because they refuse to practice false worship in Daniel chapter 6 Daniel is thrown into a lion's den because they insist on worshiping his God according to the way the Bible specifies praying to his gods so those two chapters are in the same branch they're intimately related and then the last branch of the candelabrum chapters four and five described the fall of Babylon and its leaders in Daniel chapter 4 you have the fall of King Nebuchadnezzar II seven years of insanity because of his arrogance and in Chapter five you have the fall of belthazor the last king of Babel and because of his arrogance so basically Daniel 1 through 7 is self-contained it's a book in itself and so we need to take into account that the Book of Daniel has two sections that are they're not mutually exclusive they go together but they have a different emphasis as we're going to notice now let's discuss in a little more detail the first book of them so far so good let's discuss the first book and we're going to take particularly Daniel chapter 7 as our example from the first book much of this will be review because I think most everybody who's here is very well versed in the adventist view of bible prophecy so i'm not going to dwell a long time on this particular list that we have here this is God's great prophetic chain we have first of all a lion which is Babylon and you have the dates there 605 to 539 BC and the biblical reference then you have a bear which is the Medes and Persians 539 to 331 BC and the reference Daniel 7 verse 5 then you have a leopard which represents Greece 331 to 168 BC Daniel 7 verse 6 then you have the dragon beast X actually not given the name drag but when you go to Revelation 12 you'll see that it is a dragon it's the dragon that tried to kill the male child it's Rome and Rome ruled from 168 BC to 476 ad well there's one other thing that you might adhere to this picture that we have which I didn't add and that is that from 476 to 538 after it says ten horns you see the Roman Empire was divided into ten kingdoms after Rome was divided into ten kingdoms you have another stage which is the little horn begins to emerge and when it begins to emerge it uproots three of the ten horns I haven't included that in the chart but that should be included between 476 and the Year 538 because that's when the three horns are uprooted one the here'll eye is uprooted in 493 the Vandals are uprooted in the year 534 and the Ostrogoths are uprooted in the year 538 so you might add they're after the ten horns are complete and come up in the year 476 after that you have the little horn starting to come up and uproots three of the ten and then it is sense to total power because the opposition is gone in 538 and so then we have a little horn which is papal Rome that rules 1260 years from 538 to 1798 and you have the the biblical references there and then the next event which is the one that we're going to particularly focus on is the judgment you have a judgment seen after all of these points after the lion the bear the leopard the dragon beast the ten horns the uprooting of the three horns and then the little horn ruling 1260 years sometime after 1798 you have this judgment scene of Daniel chapter 7 and it's repeated in several places verse 14 verse 22 verse 26 and verse 27 and the judgment is composed of three stages see for for the Christian world the judgment is an event for the Adventist Church the judgment is a process we need to understand that for for the Christian world the judgement is when Jesus comes you know Jesus comes he judges the world he saves the righteous and he can put the the wicked in Hell forever that's the view of the judgment that the Christian world has but the perspective of Daniel chapter 7 is that the judgment is composed of three successive stages the first stage is the investigation in a moment we're going to read the passage and you'll be able to see this clearly the first stage is the investigation of the evidence the second stage is the verdict based on the investigation and finally you have the execution of the sentence or the reward based on the investigation and the verdict that was given let me ask you I do courts today function in a similar way God's ways the way that is used in the world today does the judge just say you're guilty Yuri and you're going to go to jail for 20 years without any examination of the evidence no the evidence is examined either the jury or the judge give the verdict and then the time comes for the implementation of the verdict that's the picture we have in Daniel chapter 7 I don't see why people have such a problem with the investigative judgment because in a judgment there's always an investigation of the evidence before a verdict is given the verdict is based on the examination of the evidence and the implementation the verdict is based on the verdict so so you'll notice here then that there's a judgment and at the end of the judgment God's people actually the Saints will possess the kingdom along with Jesus Christ now Daniel chapter 7 runs in four repetitive cycles in other words the same material is repeated four times in Daniel chapter 7 not in a complete form but is some some of these repetitions are synthesized let's go to Daniel chapter 7 and verse 9 Daniel chapter 7 verse 9 and you can see there that Daniel 7:9 and ten is repeated in Daniel 7 17 and 18 is repeated in Daniel 7 21 and 22 is repeated in Daniel 7 26 and 27 other words for repetitive cycles let's notice Daniel chapter 7 verse 9 this is going to take us a few minutes to get through this material this has to be after what date this has to take place after what date it has to be after 1798 you say why because in Daniel 7 you have a prophetic chain yeah Babylon medo-persia Greece the Roman Empire Roman Empire's divided littlehorn uproots three kingdoms and then the little horn has no opposition rules for 1260 years it's following a chronological sequence which means that the judgment has to come next after 1798 now Daniel 7 doesn't give us a date we have to go to Daniel 8 for that but Daniel chapter 7 does say that the judgment occurs after 1798 sometime shortly after 1798 now let's go to Daniel 7 verse 9 this is immediately after the little horn is described after the 17 that 1260 years I watched till Thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days was seated who is the ancient of these the Ancient of Days is God the Father where does God the Father live we pray our Father which art everywhere no we pray our Father which art where our Father which art in heaven the Ancient of Days lives in heaven so where is this event taking place it's taking place in heaven where the Ancient of Days lives and it says that the Ancient of Days was seated which means that before that he wasn't seated in that particular place now you follow me a lot see when we read carefully the adventist view makes perfect sense it's very biblical so it says I watched till Thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days was seated and then he's described his garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was a fiery flame its wheels of burning fire a fiery stream issued came forth from before him a thousand thousands ministered to him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him who are those those are the angels where the Angels live in heaven that's right so this is taking place in heaven and then it says in verse the last part of verse 10 the court was seated where in heaven were the Ancient of Days is it says the court was seated and the books were opened so what's going to happen now what's in the books the record of the lives of those who profess the name of Jesus so the books are going to be examined right there's going to be an investigation where is the investigation going to take place in heaven for the Ancient of Days lives where the Angels live that's where the court sits and that's where the books are open now we're going to jump down to verse 13 verse 13 a very interesting after the father see the father moves he sits the books are open and then the son of man comes to where the father went notice verse 13 I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the son of man who would that be that's the name Jesus use of himself very frequently in the Gospels so it says I was watching in the night visions and behold one like son of man coming with the clouds of heaven or the clouds of heaven the angels where is he coming to he came to the Ancient of Days now where is this taking place is this the second coming of Jesus no because it says the Son of Man is coming to the Ancient of Days and the Ancient of Days as we're in heaven so it says he came to the Ancient of Days and they that is the angels the clouds brought him near before him this is taking place where in heaven very well now why does Jesus go to where his went after 1798 when the judgement sits and the books are open why does Jesus go there what is because of going to the Father verse 14 has the answer then to him to whom to Jesus then to him was given who gave it certainly not the Angels said to him was given so why does he go up there he goes to receive what he goes there to the vows to receive something right to receive what to him was given Dominion and glory and a kingdom because Jesus received the kingdom in heaven before he comes that went over your heads some of you but Jesus received the kingdom in heaven before he comes the second time yes I will repeat this not to him was given where in heaven is clearly says to him was given Dominion and glory and a kingdom than all peoples nations and languages should serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed where does Jesus receive the kingdom in heaven on earth the moment he receives the kingdom that's the moment when the verdict is given based on the investigation are you following or not investigation is made when his kingdom is made up the verdict is given now we need to understand what the kingdom is we usually think of a kingdom in geographical terms you know like the United Kingdom when we think of the United Kingdom what are we thinking about we're thinking about Great Britain geographically mainly but what is Christ's Kingdom Christ's Kingdom are the people that belong to his kingdom just Kingdom are his people his faithful people I'm going to be reading a statement a little bit later on but I want you to get to the picture now now what needs to happen in order for Jesus to reveal who are his people there has to be an investigation of the evidence for Jesus to show to the universe who is a member of Christ what of Christ's Kingdom when the last person is judged is the kingdom of Jesus complete yes it is because it's been revealed to the universe every single person who is a member of his kingdom so why does Jesus go before the Father because there's going to be an investigation of those who profess the name of Jesus to reveal before the universe if they were genuine believers in Jesus and as soon as the judgment is finished the verdict will be given he who is holy knit and be holy still and he who is righteous let him be righteous still at that moment the kingdom of Jesus is complete because the investigation is complete are you rhythmic and then we're going to study a little bit later on that you know Jesus receives the kingdom in heaven before he comes because the investigation takes place in heaven and it's revealed in heaven who truly belongs to the kingdom of Jesus but then after that there's a terrible time of trouble for God's people and at the end of the platt time of trouble then the kingdom will actually be given to the Saints of the Most High are you following me or not now let's continue the verses here because this is amplified notice verse 17 are we doing well so far verse 17 this is just a sort repetition of what we noticed in the first part of Daniel Daniel 7 those great beasts which are four are four kings which shall arise out of the earth see just summarizes the four beasts and just like you find at the beginning of the chapter and then it says what but the Saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and what and possess the kingdom forever even forever and ever what what moment is that when they actually possess the kingdom is that the investigation is that the verdict no it's a time when they actually want possess the kingdom that was already given to Jesus when the investigation came to an end now let's go to verse 21 here comes another repetition with additional details I was watching and the same horn was making war with the Saints it's once again it's repeating the little horn it's going back so it says um I was watching and the same horn was making war against the Saints and prevailing against them until when until the Ancient of Days came came to where came to where to the earth no we already noticed that this Ancient of Days comes in heaven right he goes in heaven the judgment sits in heaven so in other words the little horn is dominant we know that it's going to have a it's wound is going to be healed right it's going to dominate again so I was watching the same horn was making war with the Saints and prevailing against them until the Ancient of Days came and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High what aspect of the judgment is that it says a judgement was made in favor Saints of the Most High where does that take place the judgment in favor of the Saints on earth or in heaven in heaven but then notice the last part of verse 22 it says and the time came for the Saints to possess the kingdom are you agree or not the execution of the sentence I don't know if you follow me it's very very clear it speaks first of all the ancient of a is coming that's what the books are open we already raised it right and then it says here that a judgment is given in favor of the Saints in other words that's the verdict and then the time came for the Saints to possess the kingdom that's the execution of the sentence three stages verse 25 to 27 the fourth repetition he the little horn she'll speak pompous words against the Most High shall persecute the Saints of the Most High shall in pain to change times in law then the Saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time but the court shall be seated where in heaven see the passage clearly says in heaven but the courts shall be seated and they shall take away his Dominion where is the Dominion taken away on earth or in heaven the verdict is given in heaven so it says they shall take away his Dominion to consume and destroy it forever and then it speaks about the implementation of the verdict then the kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people the Saints of the Most High so that's actually when the Saints possessed the kingdom based on the verdict based on the investigation so it says then the kingdom and Dominion the greatness of the king is on the whole heaven shall be given to the people the Saints of the Most High his kingdom that is singular because it's the kingdom of Jesus ultimately his kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey whom still obey Him so let's review the three stages of the judgment number one you have it there on the screen the judgment sits and the books are open we're in heaven and the records of all those who have professed the name of Jesus are examined why are the cases of those who claimed the name of Jesus examined is everybody who claims to believe in Jesus a true believer no is there wheat and also tares in the church are there foolish and wise virgins are there individuals who say Lord Lord Jesus as I don't know you are people who have appearance of godliness but not the power are there good fish and bad fish so it has to happen there has to be a lot there's to be a separation of those who claim Jesus to show if there were the real deal or not are you living if the purpose is not for God to be informed because God already knows Carlinhos is going to be saved and who's going to be lost to sincere who isn't the judgment isn't forgot the judgment is for the universe because the universe does not know everything the universe needs needs to see who is a true believer and who is a counterfeit believer now notice this statement from Ellen White very interesting she had this very very straight early writings page 280 every case had been decided for life or death this was when probation closes every case had been decided for life or death while Jesus had been ministering in the sanctuary V investigating there because it's understood it's in brackets those are my words the investigated judgment had been going on for the righteous dead and then for the righteous living Christ had received his what so when does Jesus receive the kingdom after he's judged the dead and after he's judged the what the Living Christ had received his kingdom having made the atonement for his people and blotted out their sins the subjects of the kingdom were made up in other words his kingdom was complete why because in the judgment it was revealed who is truly a subject of his kingdom and that happens in heaven the marriage of the Lamb was consummated according to this and the kingdom and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven was given to whom to Jesus and the heirs of salvation so where is the kingdom given to Jesus and the saints in heaven and then it says and Jesus was to reign as king of kings and Lord of lords so clearly here in Daniel chapter 7 this judgment scene four times it's repeated that the judgment is composed of three stages say only the Adventist Church understands that the judgment is not an event the judgment is a process it is a process that lasts for centuries in fact it will even last during the thousand years and there will be a judgment after the thousand years and there's an investigation before probations clothes so it's a long long process you say why are only the cases of the righteous examined before the second coming why not all the wicked why the righteous before the second coming it's very simple when Jesus comes he's going to take the righteous with him in order to do that he has to reveal who they are before there's no urgency of doing that with the wicked because the wicked are going to be left here they can be dealt with later but Jesus has to reveal who are his true children that he has a right to take them to heaven when he comes to second time there's no urgency with the wicked only with the righteous because he's coming to get the righteous the judgment of the righteous has to take place before the second coming of Christ so that's the summary of the first book now the second book or the second part of Daniel is chapters 8 through 12 and we're going to notice that in a few moments there's five reasons I'm going to give you four that Daniel 12 verse 4 very important verse after the visions of Daniel 8 Daniel 9 Daniel 10 and 11 have been given God tells Daniel to do something with the book it says but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book now if the book is sealed can people understand its contents no so this is happening around the year 535 BC so God is telling Daniel seal the book shut up the words but there's an until if the book always going to be shut always going to be sealed and closed no it's to be shut and sealed until when until the time of the end so it's important to know in the time of the Indians because that's when the seal is going to be taken off and what's going to happen when the seal is taken off what's going to happen when the when the book is no longer set up it says many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase this is one of the verse that is that is most taken out of context in all of the Bible by Adventist evangelists you know we say well that that means that there's going to be great increase in science and technology knowledge shall be in priest and you know there's going to be nuclear weapons and there's going to be internets and there's going to be I phones that your technology is going to greatly increase in the time at the end but in context it has nothing to do with that what it's saying is that the book is going to be sealed until the time of the end but at the time of the end many are going to run to and fro seeking the meaning of the little book and knowledge of the little book will increase because the seal have been removed Ellen White always uses it in this sense she uses verse many times in the writings she always refers to the fact that this means that the seal will be taken off of the off of the Book of Daniel this book that is being spoken up here and knowledge of the content of the book which was sealed until that time was going to now be understood incidentally the same idiom identical Hebrew idiom is used in Amos 8 11 and 12 you have it there on the screen Amos 8:11 and 12 now before I read that verse let me mention also that in the Psalms the same idiom is used for it says the eyes of the Lord run to and fro on the earth so it's not talking about people it's not talking about mass transit you know airplanes and trains and automobiles no talking about the eyes scanning the little book to discover the meaning that was sealed until the time of the end it says their name as eight eleven and twelve behold the days are coming says the Lord then I will send a famine on the land not a famine of bread nor thirst for power but of hearing what the words of the Lord Ellen White says this is going to happen after the close of probation they shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east they shall what run to and fro in other words they're going to on airplanes and get on trains and no what is that what are they doing running to and fro for what cking what the Word of God but after probations clothes they will not find it so basically Daniel 12 verse 4 is along with Revelation 10 is the greatest proof that I find in the Bible that the seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant Church of prophecy and that's what we want to see we're going to see here okay now the question is what is this book that was sealed until the time of the end it was not the totality of the Book of Daniel it's not all of the Book of Daniel that was sealed until the time again it is the portion of the Book of Daniel that has to do with the judgment with a 2300 days and the judgment which is already introduced at the end of chapter 7 see chapter 7 ends and it's already introduces the central theme of what we're going to find in chapter 8 now you say how do we know that Daniel 1 through 7 is one book and Daniel 8 through 12 is another book there's five reasons reason number one you're probably aware of the fact that debt the Book of Daniel was written in two different languages chapters 2 through 7 remember chapter 1 is the introduction to the whole book chapters 2 through 7 are in a language called Aramaic and chapters 8 through 12 are in Hebrew would this seem to establish a distinction between the two sections absolutely this is not the strongest argument but it would strongly hint that in Daniel you're dealing with two different sections at least because chapter 2 through 7 is in one language chapter 8 through 12 is in Hebrew it's in a different language reason number two there is clear evidence that most of Daniel chapters one through seven was understood long before the time of the end in other words most of Daniel one through seven could be understood long before the time of the end so it wasn't sealed are you following my point let me just read you a couple of statements here from our church father called high politics he lived in the 3rd century AD and you tell me if he had Daniel 7 pretty clear he wrote this in speaking of a lioness from the sea he that is Daniel meant the rising of the kingdom of Babylon and that this was the golden head of the image so the golden head and the lion represent the same thing then after the lioness he sees a second beast like a bear which signified the Persians for after the Babylonians the Persians obtained the power and in saying that it had three ribs in its mouth we point to the three nations Persians means in Babylonians which were expressed in the image by the silver after the gold then comes a third beast a leopard which means the Greeks for after the Persians Alexander of Macedon had the power when the rious was overthrown which was also indicated by the breath in the image so far so good and in saying that the beast had four wings of a fowl in four heads he showed most clearly how the kingdom of Alexander was parted into four divisions sounds like an happiness doesn't for in speaking of foreheads he meant the four kings that arose out of it for Alexander when dying divided his kingdom into four parts then he says the fourth beast was dreadful and terrible it had iron teeth and claws of brass who then are meant by this but the Romans whose kingdom the kingdom billet still stands is expressed by the iron for says he its legs are of iron the hypothesis understand the meaning of the four beasts clearly babble and me'll Persian grease you say old but what about the little horn and the ten horns did you understand that absolutely notice this next statement let us look at what is before us more carefully and scan it as it were with open eye the golden head of the image is identical with the lioness by which the Babylonians were represented the golden shoulders and arms of silver are the same with the bear by which the Persians and Medes are meant the belly and thighs of brass are the leopard by which the Greeks who ruled from Alexander onward are intended the legs of iron are the dreadful and terrible beasts by which the Romans who hold the Empire now are met the toes of clay and iron are the ten horns which are to be the one other little horn springing up in their midst is the Antichrist and now comes one point that I politest did not understand it is the portion that is sealed until the time of the end nobody could understand before the time of the end that the judgment was going to be composed of three stages notice how hypothesis interpreted the last point in the vision of daniel seventy after saying that the little horn is the Antichrist he stated the stone that spikes the image and breaks it in pieces and that fill the whole earth is Christ who comes where from heaven and brings judgment on the world is that accurate it's not accurate how did hypothesis understand the judgment the judgment is the second coming of Christ to establish his everlasting kingdom is that what Daniel 7 teaches no by the way the Millerites also misinterpreted Daniel chapter 7 when it says that you know the Ancient of Days came and it says that the Son of man came in the clouds they said that's the second coming of Jesus but then after the disappointment you know they examined re-examined Daniel seller said now wait a minute it says that the Ancient of Days is moving Aaron the son of man comes to the Ancient of Days in heaven and a verdict is given in heaven and there the time comes for the Saints to possess the kingdom so these two statements show that Daniel 7 and Daniel 2 were understood to a great degree long before the time of the end which means that not everything that was in these chapters was sealed until the time of the end but there was one part that was sealed until the time of the end and that was the judgment idea that you find at the end of Daniel chapter 7 which is amplified in the second half of the book now also if you notice where it says it should be noted it should be noted that even some portions of Daniel 8 through 12 that were fulfilled before the time of the end could be understood before that time even some things in Daniel 8 through 12 could be understood before the time at the end let me ask you good people understand what was meant by the RAM and the he-goat before the time at the end it says in Daniel 8 that it represents the Medes and Persians we could the he-goat represents Greece I mean that's not filled until the time of the end could the 70 weeks be understood before the time of the end that they were Messianics of course they could be understood and they were understood in fact many portions of the early verses in Daniel chapter 11 could be understood before the time of the end there was this discussion between Tertullian one of the church fathers and an individual called Porfiry about Daniel 11 and Porfiry who was a pagan a philosopher he said Tertullian you know Daniel 11 could not have been written by Daniel is 500 plus years before Christ because the description of history early in chapter 11 is so precise it fits Greek history in Roman history so precisely that no one could have predicted that in the 6th century BC so porphyria understood that much of Daniel 11 the historical portion of Daniel 11 could be understood and he understood it before the time of the end so the first reason first hint that we're dealing with two books is the two different languages the second point is that much of Daniel two through seven as well as some aspects of Daniel 8 through 12 could be understood before the time of the end they were not field reason number three is that Ellen White explicitly tells us that the little book that was filled is part of Daniel a portion of Daniel she understood this I'm going to read these statements because they're very very important this is Acts of the Apostles page 585 in the revelation all the books of the Bible meet an end here is the complement of the Book of Daniel one is a prophecy the other a revelation the book that was sealed is not the revelation but that what what is a portion it's not the whole thing but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to what what is it they could not be understood in the Book of Daniel the events having to do with the last days could you could you understand the events that lead up to the last days yes but you could not understand everything relating to the last days that would be that would be understood when the seal was taken off of the little book and we you know this might sound what we're studying academic but it's fundamental to what we're going to study in Revelation 10 there's no way we can understand revelation 10 without understanding these details that we're studying now so it says the book that was sealed is not revelation but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days and when she describes which book she's talking about the angel commanded but vow O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of him so it's the portion of the Book of Daniel that deals with the last days that is sealed and could not be understood until the time of the end great controversy 355 and I've added some comments in brackets to make us make it easier for us to understand the message of salvation has it been preached in all ages but this message she's referring to revelation 14:6 and 7 the first angels message is a part of the gospel which could be proclaimed only in the last days for only then would it be true that the hour of judgment had come let me ask you could the Apostle Paul preach the hour of God's judgment has come why not because it hasn't could could Martin Luther had preached the hour of God's judgment has come no why because the hour God's judgment has come when was the only time that it could be proclaimed the hour of God's judgment has come in the last days so she continues saying the message of salvation has been preached in all ages but this message is the part of the gospel which could be proclaimed only in the last days for only then would it be true as the hour of judgment had come the prophecies present a succession of events leading down to the opening of the judgment could the succession of events be understood could the prophetic chain be understood yes what is it that could not be understood the climax of the prophetic chain the last event in the prophetic chain so it says the prophecies present a succession of events leading down to the opening of the judgment this is especially true of the Book of Daniel but that part of his prophecy in the previous statement she says portion here she says that the part of his prophecy which related to win till the last days Daniel was bidden to close up and seal to the time of the end not till we reach this time could a message concerning the judgment be proclaimed based on the fulfillment of these prophecies but at the time of the end it says the prophet many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased so we see clearly that the book of a shield is not the entire Book of Daniel it is the part that deals with the last days with the judgment it's a combination of the prophetic gene the prophetic chain could be understood could people understand babbling yeah needle Persia yeah Greece yeah pagan Rome yeah ten horns absolutely the three uprooted horns yes the little horn that ruled 1260 years could all that be understood yes but those things are given only as a reference point for what happens in the last days now here's another one desire of Ages 234 the words of the angel - Daniel relating to the last days were to be understood in the time of the end so what is the portion that could not be understood understood only that which dealt with what with the last days then she says at that time many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased the wicked shall do wickedly know the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand and then she says explicitly in this next statement manuscript release volume 1 page 99 she says the unsealing of the little book was the message in relation to time so when is the seal removed we removed from the book when people understand the what the time what time which prophesy unto 2300 days and the sanctuary shall be cleansed when the 2300 days are understood the seal is removed because people now understand the judgment are you ready now one final statement and then I think we need to end will read this statement then we'll pick up this evening was the rest of you're just going to follow basically the syllabus Ellen White makes this comment honored by men with the responsibilities of state and with the secrets of kingdoms bearing universal sway Daniel was honored by God as his ambassador and was given many revelations of the mysteries of ages to come his wonderful prophecies as recorded by him in Chapter 7 to 12 of the book bearing his name were not fully understood even by the Prophet himself huh which is the portion that the Prophet didn't understand fully the last portion she continues writing but before his lay life Labor's closed he was given the blessed assurance that at the end of the days in the closing period of this Earth's history he would again be permitted to stand in his lot and place what does that mean he would stand in his lap in place it doesn't mean he was going to resurrect and he was going to preach it means that his book would testify his book would speak people would understand what had not been understood she continues writing it was not given him to understand all that God had revealed of the divine purpose shut up the words and seal the book he was directed concerning his prophetic writings these were to be sealed even to the time of the end goal highway Daniel the angel wants more direct to the faithful messenger of Jehovah for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end and she's quoting several verses here go thou thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and shall stand in thy lot at the end of the days now this evening we are going to look at the most persuasive reason why the little book that was sealed is the portion that has to do with the final event in the prophetic chain we're going to study the internal evidence from the book itself because what we've studied now is basically the first three reasons is Ellen White speaks about a portion and there are two different languages and much of Daniel one through seven could be understood before the time of the end these are external arguments but we need to examine the evidence from Daniel 8 through 12 to see if Ellen White was right in saying that the parson having to do with the 2300 days is what was filled until the time of the end so we're going to delve into that the prophecies themselves Daniel 8 9 10 11 and 12 and we're going to see that Ellen White was absolutely correct in speaking about the portion that was sealed as that part of Daniel that deals with the judgment in the last days and I might say something very interesting very few scholars have really seen this some evidence scholars have but you read commentaries almost every single commentary says that it's the entire Book of Daniel that was sealed until the time of the end Illinois doesn't make that mistake Illinois understood that it was a portion only the portion dealing with the last days in this evening we will study internally that Illinois was absolutely right and then I will transition into reason number five which is revelation 10 revelation 10 is a beautiful chapter because it tells us the moment when the seal is removed from the book do you think God would say in Daniel chapter 12 verse four-syllable can tell the time again and then God never says anything about the book ever being unsealed no there has to be some place in the Bible where there's a description of the moment when the seal is removed and in Revelation chapter 10 you have an angel that descends from heaven with a book that has been opened and that is the book that was sealed them until the gravity and it deals with a judgment and it's amazing when we study verse by verse you'll be amazed at how accurate Evans theology is and how accurate Ellen White was in her remarks with three and a half years of two and a half years of primary education no PhD praise the Lord it seems like the more education we get the wiser we think we are and you know we think that someone who didn't get an academic degree I'm not maybe against academic degrees don't get me wrong academic degrees are fine but the Apostle Paul said that knowledge puffs up the more you know the more you think you know but the fact is the more I know the more I discover I don't know because there's an eternity where we're going to be studying and we will never learn everything because God is the only one who knows everything so don't miss the next exciting episode and now we will have a word of prayer and then we'll take a break and we will go eat the food that perishes let's pray father heaven we thank you for the marvelous message that you have given to our church this message that we are now living in the time of judgment what an awesome thought and it's soon no one knows how soon the judgment will pass to the cases of the Living it's an awesome thing for a person to be judged after they died and the record is complete but it's even more awesome to believe that someone will be judged and their case decided while they are still alive I ask that you will continue to bless us as we study these very important subjects and that they might become a personal witness to us not only academic knowledge but personally will lead us to a closer walk and commitment to Jesus we thank your father for having been with us and for answering our prayer for we ask it in Jesus name Amen amen you
Channel: Autumn Leaves NZ
Views: 15,195
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Stephen Bohr, Autumn Leaves, Autum leaves summer camp, Sealed book, Danial, Revelation, Prophetic, Judgement, Redemption Draweth Nigh
Id: n1Jk9av_LgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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