Stephen Bohr - Redemption Draweth Nigh 03 - An Introduction to Revelation 10

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let's review what we've studied so far to see if the teachers done his job or not how many books do we find in the Book of Daniel 2 very well see it wasn't over your heads so simple how many stages in the judgment what is the first stage investigation what is the second the verdict of the sentence what is the third the execution of the sentence or the implementation of the sentence see you got it which is the book that was sealed in the Book of Daniel what part of Daniel was sealed primarily which chapters 8 to 12 and what is the central theme of Daniel April 12 the 2300 days and the date for the beginning of the judgment so far so good how do we know that the little book that was sealed until the time of the end was not the totality of then we've given four reasons reason number one two different what languages number too much of Daniel could be understood before the time of the end number three Ellen White explains that the little book was the portion or the part of Daniel that deals with the judgment in the last days in number four yesterday we studied the internal evidence of Daniel 8 through 12 are all of these chapters connected with one another what is the central theme of Daniel 8 the beginning of what of the judgment at the end of which period at the end of the 2300 days so the central thought of Daniel 8 is a 2300 days and the beginning of the judgment this Daniel they give us a date for the beginning of the 2300 days no where do we find the date Daniel 9 so you don't have to understand all of the details you know if you have the syllabus you'll be able to go through the syllabus meditate on it look up the Bible verses and as you study it'll become clearer and clearer so so in Daniel chapter 9 we have the beginning date so we know when the 2300 days end I mean Daniel 8 says 2300 days but if you don't have a starting point how are you going to know where it ends so Daniel 9 is connected to Daniel 8 and the 2300 days because it gives us a date now in Daniel chapter 10 there's a battle going on right Gabriel and the Prince of Persia who's the Prince of Persia Satan is the Prince of Persia what is same trying to do with the minds of the kings of Persia he's saying hey don't favor the Jews don't let them go back don't give any decrease for them to go back did they have to go back for the 2300 day prophecy to begin being fulfilled absolutely does it have a low that of course the devil knew it on the other hand Gabriel is they're trying to influence the minds of the of the Persian king saying hey favor the Jews let him go back give the decrease so that's the battle in Daniel 10 is Daniel 10 related to the central theme yes because a decree has to be given for the 2300 day prophecy to begin and for that the people had to go back to the land so the focus once again is the 2300 days and then in Daniel 11 what happens see in Daniel 8 Gabriel had to suspend the explanation when he got to the 2300 days the end of the 2300 days he said Oh Daniel you know you got six so I wasn't able to finish the explanation so where does he finish the explanation he finishes the explanation in Daniel 11 does he begin in Daniel 11 where he began in Daniel 8 does he begin with does he continue with Greece does he continue with the first king of Greece does he continue with the four divisions of Greece does it continue with pagan Rome does he continue a papal Rome during the 1260 years does he go beyond that to the deadly wound yes does he go beyond that to the king of the north recovering its power after the deadly wound does he take us all the way to the time of trouble yes does he take us to the close of probation the standing up of Michel and does he take us eventually to the special resurrection and the setting up of Christ everlasting Kingdom so what if Daniel 11 Daniel 11 is simply completing the vision of Daniel 8 by adding more details so is Daniel 11 related to Daniel 8 do Daniel 8 through 12 have a central theme they have a central theme what is the central theme the 2300 days and the beginning of the judgment you get it now this is in broad strokes you have to go to the syllabus and you have to and we're going to make it possible for others who didn't get the syllabus to be able to get it so that you sit down don't just file this you know don't don't file the syllabus say well we studied that no go and look up the Bible verses read The Ellen White quotations studied the biblical texts for yourself and the more you do the more to make sense you say wow I'm in the right church you know this is the remnant Church because the remnant Church explains prophecy in the way in which God intended prophecy to be to be taught now this morning we are going to give a fifth reason and we're to start you know the next several topics we're going to deal with this the fifth reason why we know that the little book is the is the portion of Daniels it has to do with the time prophecy of the 2300 days and the beginning of the judgment and this is where we are going to study the prophecy of revelation 10 which is the parallel prophecy to Daniel 8 through 12 now I'd like to begin by saying that there is no chapter in all of the Bible that better explains the identity the origin the message and the mission and destiny of the seventh-day Adventist Church then Revelation chapter 10 this is a critically important chapter and unfortunately it's not touched upon very much in evangelism anymore in fact in evangelism we rarely speak about denominational history anymore but I believe that a study of this chapter will strengthen people within the remnant church and they will know that they are in the right place because the but they are living in a place where the Bible predicted that they should be now there are three philosophical questions that are very commonly asked where do we come from why are we here and what is our destiny those are the three great philosophical questions now if we don't know our rules we will not realize the immense privilege of belonging to the seventh-day Adventist Church and we will fail to realize what our message and mission are if we don't know what our origin was we don't know why we exist that's basically what I'm saying we will feel no particular pride in belonging to not just any church but to the remnant Church and of course you know these days some of the intelligentsia in the church which means the highly educated ones are embarrassed about the Oregon origin of our church they have completed their pioneers were a group of uneducated individuals who had no higher education degrees and therefore they were highly deficient in their theology like the leaders of the Jewish Sanhedrin perceived Peter and John they perceive that the Pioneers were uneducated and untrained some liberal publications such as speck from and Adventist today that published by laypeople very liberal laypeople would just as soon erase our history from our history the sanctuary 1844 and the great disappointment they would like the seventh-day Adventist Church to be just like all other churches perhaps with a little sprinkling of doctrines that are typically Adventist like the Sabbath this is a great tragedy because if we don't know the prophecies that have made us the people that we are we will simply come to the conclusion that our church is one among many in this study of revelation 10 we will allow the Bible to explain itself by comparing one text with another that is the seventh-day Adventist method the Holy Spirit inspired Scripture and placed in Scripture everything we need to understand Scripture we don't need commentaries we don't need books to interpret the Bible for us I'm not saying that commentaries are bad or books are bad it's good to read books and commentaries but if we didn't have books and commentaries we could still make sense of the Bible because always placed in the Bible everything we need to understand the Bible in other words the Bible is self-contained now we're going to use many different sources in the Bible to explain Revelation chapter 10 we're going to use many verses the key is that those verses have to be in some way related to revelation 10 you know you can't just take a text that's talking about something totally different and plug it into Revelation 10 the text have to be related to the theme of Revelation 10 in order to use one scripture to explain another scripture one point that I would like to underline in this study we will see that Revelation chapter 10 predicted the origins of the great Advent movement and it's described in my note detail as we move along we are going to use the writings of the spirit of prophecy and let me I'll begin by giving an explanation and concerning that specifically it was in the state of Florida a few months ago then I was I was presenting this series in Spanish church and after the meeting a lady came up to me and she said pastor Bohr this is all very interesting but how do you present this to a person who is not a seventh-day Adventist who does not believe in the spirit of prophecy because of course you're going to see I use a lot of spirit of prophecy to describe what happened in the great Advent movement and now she was she wasn't being facetious she was being very sincere she wanted to know how this could be presented to people who are not evidence in my answer I underlined two specific things number one I told her this would never be the first Bible study that you would give to someone who's not a seventh-day Adventist there are certain doctrines that other that other people have to understand in order for them to understand this one so I said before you give this Bible study you would have to acquaint them with the sanctuary service you would have to acquaint them with the doctrine of the investigative judgment you would have to acquaint them with the history of the church particularly the role of the Spirit process in the church once you've done that then people would be prepared to understand the importance and the meaning of Revelation chapter 10 that was my first point my second point was that it's not fair to demand that this topic be studied only with the Bible and not include the spirit of prophecy and people wonder why why do you say that it's not fair to expect a study that's only from the Bible and not use the spirit of prophecy there's a very important reason let's take for example little Horn of Daniel chapter 7 does the Bible say that the little Horn of Daniel 7 was historically fulfilled in the papacy no it doesn't do you find in the Bible the word papacy no what does the Bible give us the Bible gives us the characteristics of the little horn it speaks blasphemies against the Most High we have to discover what blasphemy is it persecutes the Saints of the Most High it claims to have change God's law and that rules for 1260 years so we have the characteristics what do we have to do with those characteristics we have to go outside the Bible to history and find the fulfillment of those characteristics in history correct let's take for example another example does the Bible mention the United States of America no how do we know that the United States of America is in Bible prophecy we go to Revelation chapter 13 verses 11 to 18 we study all of the characteristics of this beast that rises from the earth and with the characteristics we go into history to discover what it is that fulfills this prophecy the characteristics of the prophecy revelation chapter 13 so the Bible gives us the description but we have to go beyond the Bible to history in order to find the system that is fulfilled by those characteristics are you with me or not would it be fair to say that we can only study revelation 10 from the Bible itself and we can't go to history to discover when revelation 10 was fulfilled absolutely not and let me share this Ellen White is a particular authority when it comes to describing what happened in Revelation 10 because she was there she was an eyewitness she was not a historian that lived later and you know she's looking back on history and describing history she was there she was an eyewitness to things that happened so her description is a particular Authority are you following me or not so to say well you have to go to history to find the meaning of a little horn you have to go to history to find the meaning of the United States but you don't you can't go to history to understand revelation 10 that's not fair we have to look for the fulfillment of Revelation 10 in history are you if you're not so the two points are number one don't give this as the first Bible study it will go over people's heads like it's run over some people's lives here and secondly don't don't expect to explain things from Revelation 10 alone because revelation 10 had a fulfillment in history so you have to find out by the characteristics of Revelation 10 when this was fulfilled in history are you with me is this fair of course it's fair it's fair with all of Bible prophecy let me ask you can you understand a Daniel chapter 2 without going to history then of gold vessel hangzhou silver belly or bronze legs of iron feet of iron and clay ten toes can you explain Daniel 2 without going to history no can you explain revelation 10 without going to history no so don't expect don't say oh you can't use Ellen White you can use Ellen White because she describing the fulfillment of Revelation 10 in history now let's read this passage we're going to read the entire chapter of Revelation chapter 10 and there are certain things that I have underlined and after we read the passage then I'm going to describe the sequence of events because in Revelation 10 we have a chain of events one after another chronologically one after another and every detail was fulfilled in its precise order in the 1844 movement now this revelation 10 is happening in the context of the sixth trumpet you know as Adventist we believe that the trumpets the churches the seals and the trumpets describe history right from the Apostolic days till the end of time we believe that Ephesus is the Apostolic Church they able to see as the endtime Church and the other churches are in between they show the flow of history we believe that the seals also begin an apostolic times in the different seals and events are fulfilled in the course of history culminating with a half hour of silence in heaven which is the second coming of Christ and we believe that the seven trumpets even though some people are trying to project them to the Future which is very very dangerous because when it does it demeans the fulfillment of this in the Advent movement when you see revelation 10 is during the 6th trumpet if you're saying that all the trumpets are going to be fulfilled in the future then you're taking out revelation 10 from its historical context which is extremely dangerous because it's powerful within the flow within the chain where gun is placed it when you take it out of the chain you place it over there you don't have a chain you have a link an individual link and so this is taking place during the period of the sixth trumpet so must be taking place early in the history of the Christian Church or late in the history of the Christian Church has be late because it's the next to last trumpet five of them have already passed it's number six in other words the fulfillment of this chapter is not in apostolic times it's not during papal supremacy it is when it is at the very end of time that this is taking place now let's go to Revelation 10 and read the passage and you have it on the screen this I'm reading for the New King James Version it says the following I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was on his head his face was like the sun and its feet like pillars of fire I want you to use your imagination we have the description of this mighty angel he's not an angel some mighty angel that descends from heaven so it describes his physical appearance he's surrounded by a cloud a rainbow over his head his face shines like the son his feet I like pillars of fire then verse two says he had a little book open and you find in brackets there I've added the tense of the verb were going to go there in a minute in a few minutes really the tense of the verb says he had in his hand a little book having been opened in other words before the book was opened it was what closed is there any place in the Bible that you can think of a book that was closed that can tell a certain time and it was supposed to be opened at that certain time Daniel 8 through 12 right is this connected to Daniel 8 as well absolutely it continues saying and he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land so this mighty angel plants his right foot on the sea his left foot on the land this is all symbolic by the way there's not a literal angel it descends from heaven you know when he puts one leg on the sea another leg on the land know all of this is symbolic language that expresses a reality in symbolic form are you following me or not it's like the second coming of Jesus in Revelation 19 you know it says he comes to trample the winepress in the out of the winepress comes blood and it splatters on the horses and olives mouth comes a sword you know Jesus is coming but the sword is symbolic the winepress is symbolic in other words the events the literal events are expressed in symbolic language in other words things are going to really occur but the symbols explain how these things are going to occur of course trampling on the winepress means that he's going to he's going to deliver his people from the wicked that well destroy God's people the sword that comes from his mouth is his what his word he says it is done when he says that then the wicked are dispersed and you know horse represents the coming of a mighty Conqueror so so it's not the Jesus isn't coming but it's coming as described in symbolic terms and so we have a symbolic portrayal here of something that happened in 1844 so it continues saying and he said his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land and after he does that and cried with a loud voice as when a lion roars so in other words he his voice is like the roar of a lion when he cried out seven thunders uttered their voices which are really the echoes of his voice so notice the sequence he cries out with a loud voice as when lion roars when he cries out the next point is seven thunders uttered their voices now when the seven thunders uttered their voices John says I was about to write did John understand what the seven thunders said of course he did he was going to write it did he understand what the seven thunders uttered yeah he says I was about to write you say but nobody understands thunders spenders are noise but we need to understand and we're going to go to another passage in the Gospel of John where where Jesus she just says glorify your son and the voice of the soul or fight and I will glorify it again and the reaction of the people who were there was some of them said it thundered and other people said an angel has spoken to him so the thunders are not noise they utter a message and John understands the message because he says I was about to write by they heard a voice from heaven saying to me what seal up the things which is seven thunders uttered and do not write them so John understood what the seven Thunder said but he was commanded to what to seal them know it it's not good for the people who read this to know this at this point verse five the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised up his hand to heaven and swore this next point in the chain and swore by him who lives for ever and ever who created heaven and the things that are in it the earth and the things that are in it and the sea and the things that are in it is the clear reference to what to the fourth commandment it's language from the Sabbath and ultimately it's language that comes from Genesis 2 so somehow this angel is going to attract attention to the creator and so it says what what the oath was that there should be delay no longer this is a horrendous translation on the part of the New King James Version the King James is correct the King James says that time would be no longer we're going to address all these issues as we study along but the correct translation is that there should be time no longer in other words the angel swears an oath he raises his hand and he swears an oath that time will be no longer but he's not finished now continue saying in verse 7 now verse 7 is not sequential to verse 6 in other words verse 7 is a parenthesis it breaks the flow of thought verse 7 is fulfilled at the very end of Revelation chapter 10 it's an explanatory note so it should go in parenthesis and we'll deal with this it says but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel when he is about to sound the mystery of God will be finished as he declared to its servants above so so when the seventh trumpet is about the sound what is going to come to an end the mystery of God is going to come to an end and then when the trumpet sounds happens Jesus takes over the kingdom under the seventh trumpet and will rule I just want you to catch the sequence now the idea without the interpretation because we're going to study these all in detail verse eight next event in the chain the voice which I heard from heaven spoke to me again you see in a chain of events here spoke to me again after that is after telling him not to write to what the seven thunders uttered and said go take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on this again on the earth so I went to the angel and said to him give me the little book and he said take it and eat it how many of you ever eaten a book before which book which book is a John commanded to eat here Daniel Ek 12 in the central theme is what the 2300 days and the judgment right so he's told to eat that by the way people don't go around evie books - symbolic language right and we'll see what that means so so he says go take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth so I went to the angel and said to him give me the little book and now you have an interesting order here it seems to be not the right order because it says and he said to me take it and eat it it will make your stomach bitter but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth are you seeing something unusual here is your stomach bitter before you eat it in your mouth no it goes to your mouth and has to go to stomach but here he says it'll make your stomach bitter but in your mouth it will be sweet why is the order reversed there's a reason which we won't going to know see we need to be careful with every detail every detail of the Bible is important so so it says take it and eat it now make your stomach bitter but it will be a sweet honey in your mouth now comes the proper order John says that I took the little book out of the Angels hand and ate it and it was sweet as honey in my mouth but when I had eaten it my stomach became bitter now it's in the right order when John eats it right verse 11 and he said to me the same angel you must what prophesy again you know like the better to translate the translation of the King James to many peoples nations tongues and kings and then chapter 11 and verse 1 actually belongs to chapter 10 it's the conclusion to chapter 10 the chapter was divided in the wrong place in the book of Revelation believe it or not there are several places where the chapter the vision is in the wrong place you say now pastor you're fiddling with the Bible chapters and verses were not there originally they were added for our convenience imagine trying to find Isaiah 23 verse 5 with no chapters of verses that would be a tall order so for our convenience the Bible is divided in verses and in chapters but it's not part of the inspiration of scripture if you please in Revelation you have several places where the chapter division is in the wrong place revelation let 11:1 belongs with chapter 10 let me give you another couple of examples in the book of Revelation where the chapter division is problematic Revelation chapter 13 describes the trial the last few verses describe the trial over the beast his image and his mark whoever does not read not worship the image will be killed if you don't receive the mark you won't be able to by yourself and so the chapter ends by mentioning the number of the beast 666 revelation 13:11 2:18 is not complete because when the chapter ends you say well was there anybody who remained faithful did everybody receive the mark of the beast you with that question revelation 14 verse 5 says that there's a group 144,000 that were sealed with the seal of God are you with me so really Revelation 14 1 through 5 presents those who are victorious over the Beast His image in his mark so Revelation 14 1 through 5 could have very well belong to chapter 13 as a climax to chapter 13 let me give you another example Revelation chapter 21 could I borrow somebody's Bible I have my Bible in my computer I want to show you something very interesting here in Revelation chapter 21 let me ask you does the holy city New Jerusalem descend from heaven before the wicked are destroyed or after we all know it defends before right but now we have a little problem Louis Revelation 21 verse 1 and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven of the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea in I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband if you read that in chronological order when does all the city descend after God makes the new heavens and the new earth are you with me revelation 21 verse 1 belongs belongs with chapter 20 because chapter 20 ends by speaking about the destruction of the wicked and then it says then I saw new heavens and the new earth and revelation 21 verse 2 because a new cycle in other words Revelation chapter 21 and verse 2 takes us back takes us back to describe events that happen before God made a new heavens and new earth are you there not so so there are many places in Revelation there's at least there's at least four or five places in the book of Revelation where the chapter division is in the wrong place and of course only Adventist would know that and I don't say that arrogantly but it's the truth because only Adventist understand the sequence of endtime events the Christian world today is totally misguided when it comes to Bible prophecy they don't have the foggiest idea where things are leading they're all looking to the middle east even some Adventist individuals are looking to the middle east actually all Isis and you know Turkey is going to rise again they're looking all to the east and meanwhile the papacy girls in Rome and the United States is fulfilling prophecy and nobody can see it because they're looking in the wrong place the devil is an expert in destruction in leading people to look work where things are not happening but evidence we know what the chain is the enemies at the end of time folks are not Turkey and Isis the enemies of the end time are the papacy an apostate Protestantism joining with the kings of the earth let me ask you this how many times this Ellen White mentioned Turkey in the future fulfillment prophecy not once that Ellen White mentioned Turkey as a fulfillment of prophecy in the end time let me ask you how many of the great chain prophecies of the Bible mention turkey does Daniel to mention Turkey to Daniel 7 mention Turkey the Daniel 8 mentioned turkey does revelation 12 mention Turkey does revelation 13 mention Turkey does revelation 17 mention Turkey oh but the king of the north is turkey doesn't make any sense it's a distraction it leads people's eyes over there when prophecy is being fulfilled in the United States and in Rome people can see it because you're looking in the wrong place and of course the Christian world is expecting expecting to be raptured all of this world before the tribulation so they were not going to be here so why would you even study revelation if talking about things after the church is raptured Delta say you don't have to study that book because you're going to be in heaven when those things take place the devil you know the devil is going to die of insomnia because while we're sleeping he's studying and of course he's studying so that he can find out how to counteract the plan of God so let's go back here to Revelation chapter 11 and verse 1 which is really part of chapter 10 the angel says you must prophesy again of too many peoples nations tongues and kings then I was giving a reed like a measuring rod who gave him the the read like the measuring rod was it the same angel yes so is this a continuation of what we had before yes then it says I was given a reed like a measuring rod and I'll get ahead of myself a little bit measuring what that will be referring to measure says measure the temple of God the altar and those who worship there that's the sanctuary isn't it measure the centuries also worship in the sanctuary what does measure mean the Bible says that measure means judgment what happens after the disappointment for God's people to call be called upon to proclaim the hour of God's judgment is that our message absolutely now let's go through this chapter step-by-step let's summarize what we have noticed so far a chain of events I want you to remember the sequence of events because they were fulfilled to a tee in the movement that led up to the year 1844 at the very center of this chapter is the mighty angel and notice the sequence of events the angel descended from heaven to the earth the first point then the angels physical characteristics were described then the angel who descended from heaven has a scroll in his hand and it's what open which means that he must have opened it before he came to the earth right are you aware now he must have opened it before he descended to view so hath in his hand open scroll by the way we're going to know something very interesting this same angel is found in Daniel chapter 10 and chapter 12 primarily chapter 12 in chapter 12 of Daniel it says that the angel raises both hands to heaven and swears an oath in the name of the eternal God but in Revelation chapter 10 it says he only raises one hand why because in Revelation chapter 10 he has the little book in his left hand see details are important okay we continue so he descends from heaven at some point before this you opened this this scroll because the little book is really a scroll there were no codices bound books like we have now in biblical science everything was written in scrolls so better translation would be a scroll and then what does the angel do he defends with the open scroll to the earth and then he plants his right foot on the sea and he plants his left foot on the land and once he's planted his feet he left out a roar like the roar of a lion and the roar like a lion utters seven thunders and john is about to write what the seven thunders of it which means that he understood what they said and he was commanded to what he was commanded to seal a message it was not best for people to know what the thunders at this point in history because we did this is taking us to that period in history and so then the angel raises his hand most likely the right hand that sand that we swear with to heaven and he swore an oath and he also was in the name of the eternal God the Creator and the language comes from the fourth commandment and ultimately from Genesis to the Sabbath commandment and he swears an oath and he swears in this all that time will be no longer time has come to an end and we're going to talk about that time it's not talking about the end of the world it's a different kind of time with the word time link us with 2300 days and the sanctuary shall be cleansed so just the possibility that we're dealing with that time that will be no longer because that time has come to an end hmm we're going to prove it and so after the oath then johnny is given the book and John is told to eat the book and it will be better in your stomach but it was sweet in your mouth so John goes and he says to the angel give me the book and John eats the book it's sweet in his mouth and it's bitter in his stomach so somehow this was a sweet message when he ate it but it became bitter in the aftermath and it's the message concerning the judgment because that's the central theme of a book somehow the judgment message was going to be a sweet experience at first but then it was going to become bitter are you catching the interesting picture here and then he's told prophesy again let's just stop a minute the prophesy again can you do something again that you haven't done at least once before when he's told the prophesy again it must be prophesy again the same prophecy they gave the first time right so is there going to be further light after this bitter disappointment where the same message has to come forth with the new understanding absolutely so he's told prophesy again and then he's told to measure the temple the altar and those who worship there the measuring of a sanctuary and those who worship in the sanctuary will take place and then verse 7 which I said is parenthetical and we'll see this verse 7 speaks about the finishing of the mystery of God when the seventh trumpet is about to sound in other words the mystery of God ends when the sixth trumpet is coming to an end and when the seventh trumpet is about to begin not when the seventh from itself but when the seventh rock is about to begin to sound the mystery of God is finished and we're going to find that that refers to the clothes of human probation and then the seventh trumpet sounds that's the next event in the sequence the seventh trumpet sounds and it says the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of Christ any will rule forever and ever do you see the chain of events okay now we're going to interpret we're going to interpret the meaning of Revelation 10 verse by verse in its order let's talk first of all about the messenger that is spoken of in Revelation 10 there's no doubt whatsoever that the messenger in Revelation 10 is none other than Jesus Christ Himself the one who descends with the little book in his hand the little book Oken is none other than Jesus Christ and you say how do we know that there's several characteristics number one God did not see an ordinary angel he saw a what a mighty angel it's not like I saw another angel in the midst of heaven another angel followed him then the third followed them just the word angels this is a mighty angel what's the name of this mighty angel Michael Michael did any of you watch the sermon that I preached at Fresno Central Church a couple of weeks ago on Israel's guardian angel if we finish this in due time the last presentation I'm going to have is going to be on Michael Israel's guardian angel it's powerful this is Michael so he's a mighty angel secondly his face shines like the noonday Sun if you go to Revelation 1 it speaks about Jesus in his glorified form it says his face was like the sun also we notice that he's surrounded by a cloud who in the Bible is surrounded by a cloud Jesus is always surrounded by clouds what do the feet of Jesus look like in Revelation 1 like pillars of fire is that the same with this angel absolutely he speaks like the roar of a lion who is represented by a lion in the Bible Jesus is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah the rain was over his head does this mean that the door of Mercy is open is the door of Mercy still open at this point yes notice this statement from education page 115 as the bow in the cloud results from the union of sunshine and shower so the bowl above God's throne represents the union of his mercy and his justice to the sinful but repentance soul God says live now I have found a ransom so when revelation 10 is occuring the door of Mercy is still open people can still be saved find the Ellen wiser self identifies this angel of Jesus in Bible Commentary volume seven-page 971 she states the mighty angel who instructed John was no less a personage than Jesus Christ and in volume 7 953 954 she explains the instruction to be communicated to John was so important that Christ came from heaven to give it to his servant telling him to send it to the churches so is the messenger must have to be a very important message if Jesus himself is the one that's bringing it must be extremely important now let's talk about the little book Daniel 12 verse 4 let's read that verse but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book was it going to be sealed forever no until so until means it's it's not going to be sealed forever until the time of the end many I've waited or dies because it's used in the Psalms to describe the eyes of God running to and fro so many shall run to and fro and knowledge of what knowledge of the book that was sealed shall increase because the book at this point has been what unsealed now here's my question what is the central theme of that little book you know my wife tells me that I repeat too much and you know what I tell my wife I say how do you suppose that a parrot learns to talk by repeating of racing over and over and over again then the parrot learns and repeats it see you know repetition is the master of learning how do you memorize do you memorize by repetition and so it's very important to repeat to make sure that we're understanding all of the details so this little book we've already identified as Daniel 8 through 12 whose central theme is the 2300 days and the date for the beginning of the judgment that's a central theme of this book now here's the question do you suppose that later on in history in the Bible there might be some place where the unsealing of the Little Book would be presented would you expect another place where there would be a scroll or a book that now the seal would be removed so that people could understand it of course where is the only place in the Bible that you find a little book where the seal is taken out the book is opened revelation 10 it's the only one that links revelation 10 with Daniel chapter 8 are you with me very important now it's important to realize the tense of the verb if you read the translation it says he had in his hand a little book open but literally in the Greek the original language this is a passive perfect tense participle for those who are English buffs now what is the perfect tense the perfect tense is an event that started in the past that continues in the present let me give you an example I have been with you for three days when did I start being with you am I still with you that's a perfect tense I have been with you for three days the accent began in the past and it endures to the present so when it says that this angel this Jesus Christ descends from heaven with a little book having been opened it means that before he descends the book was wet the book was opened which means that it must have been before closed now as we studied in our first lecture very top of the screen we only have a couple minutes left the little book consisted of Daniel 8 1 to 12 4 particularly the portion relating to the 2300 days and the beginning of the judgment the little book was open when the first angels message was preached beginning in 1798 right now we're going to do there was one two three and then we'll bring this to an end Daniel 8:14 given the timing for the beginning of the judgement Daniel 8:14 gives us the timing for the beginning of the judgments 2300 days and the sanctuary reclaims or the judgment will begin Daniel 7 provides us with the description of that event from a heavenly perspective Revelation chapter 14 6 and 7 describes the proclamation of that message on earth are you following me or not so revelation 8 gives us the timing Daniel 7 gives us the description of what happens when that time comes in heaven in Revelation 14 verse 7 speaks about the proclamation the hour of his judgment has come on earth so you have to link Daniel 8:14 with Daniel 7 and with Revelation 14 verses 6 & 7 well our time is up we need to read these statements from the spirit of prophecy when we come back at 4 o'clock this afternoon make sure you're here because we're going to we're going to follow a chain of reasoning you know once we're finished you'll be able to see all the links in the chain how they were fulfilled precisely and exactly in the course of the history of the Advent movement leading up to 1844 were you able to follow what we looked at today yes well there's two or three of you who say yes I tried to make it as simple as possible I hope that we're able to follow as we go along things will start clicking I'm sure that things will start clicking just oh now I get it I get so just be patient let's pray father in heaven we thank you for the sure word of prophecy this people exist if it wasn't for prophecy how sad it is father that the sacrifices that were made by the Pioneers to hammer out the prophetic message of our church is being questioned by people who never even contributed an inch to the edification of this church father I ask that you will help us to come to the point in our study where we will feel proud in the right sense of the word to belong to your remnant movement not only proud to belong to it but that we might feel the responsibility the awesome responsibility of sharing this message that the world needs so desperately thank you Father for having been with us and we ask you will continue to bless us with your presence we pray in the precious name of Jesus amen you
Channel: Autumn Leaves NZ
Views: 6,504
Rating: 4.8290596 out of 5
Keywords: Redemption Draweth Nigh, Stephen Bohr, Autumn Leaves, Autumn Leaves summer camp, Daniel, Revelation, Judgement, Temple, Prophetic
Id: T_2QcrPtcdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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