Stephen Bohr - Redemption Draweth Nigh 02 - The Judgement in Daniel

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all right what we want to do first of all is to review what we studied in our session this morning and you're going to help me with the review first question how many stages to the judgment three very well what is the first investigating where does it take place who is examined only those who claimed the name of Jesus what's the second stage the verdict the sentence in other words when is the sentence given when every case has been examined then the kingdom now belongs to Jesus because his kingdom is made up his kingdom is his people that make sense and then what's the third stage the third stage is when the Saints actually take over with Christ the kingdom empirically in practice so where is the verdict given in heaven the investigation takes place where and where does the last stage of the judgment take place on earth because it's when God's people actually take over the kingdom of Christ is that so difficult to understand it's all there in Daniel 7 now the second question is how many books do we find in the Book of Daniel 2 what is the first one Daniel one four seven you remember we drew the parallels between the same branches two and seven three and six four and five and at the top of the candelabrum you have the introduction to the book daniel one it's perfectly symmetrical the first half of the book of daniel it's one book self-contained the second book is Daniel 8 through 12 now this morning as we were ending we were studying reasons why the Little Book of Daniel 12 verse 4 is not the totality of the Book of Daniel remember that because it'd be very easy for us to say well you know when God told Daniel closed the book seal the book till the time of the end he was telling him to seal the entire Book of Daniel but we gave three reasons this morning why it's not all of Daniel that's being sealed back there in 535 BC but it's only the portion of Daniel that has to do with the ending of the 2300 days in the beginning of that judgment very well what was the first reason the first hint that we're dealing with two books that there's a difference in what there's a difference in language two through seven is in what language Aramaic and the last chapter chapter eight through twelve are in Hebrew would that seem to hint that you have two sections to the book absolutely second reason what was the second reason could many parts of Daniel be understood before the time of the end could the whole line of prophecy be understood before the time of Ian could people understand the lion could be understand the bear could be understand the leopard could they understand the dragon beast could they understand the ten horns could they understand the little horn sure all of that could be understood before the time of the end could they understand the 70 weeks sure how about the realm of Daniel eight yeah how about the he-goat of Daniel II sure all of that could be understood what could not be understood until the time of the end was when the 2300 day prophecy would come to an end and when the judgment would begin because that was going to happen at the time of the end so the culmination of the prophetic chain is what could not be understood that's what sealed but the events that lead up to that could be understood before the time of the end so it's the time element Ellen White says that the unsealing of the book was the message with regard to time the 2300 day prophecy and we gave a third reason what was the third reason why we know that it's not all of Daniel but just a portion of day we read several statements from Ellen White where she says that the little book that was sealed is that part of the Book of Daniel that portion of the Book of Daniel that deals with the last days and with a judgment so the spirit of prophecy confirms that now we have two further reasons the first of those reasons number four is going to take us quite a significant amount of time and the fifth reason is what we're going to be studying in the several sessions that we have ahead of us I'm hoping tonight we'll be able to get to Revelation chapter 10 and at least introduce some aspects of revelation 10 but the fourth reason why we know that it is the portion of Daniel that has to do with the last days with the ending of the 2300 days with the beginning of the judgment is by examining the internal evidence of the book in other words all we have to do a study Daniel 8 through 12 what's contained in those chapters and when you look at those chapters you discover that every single chapter has a central theme and that central theme to which every chapter points is the fulfillment of the 2300 day prophecy every chapter has to do with that specific point which means that Daniel April 12 has a central thing it is a book within a book are you with me or not now let's examine the internal evidence of Daniel 8 through 12 to see if the central theme of all of these chapters is the ending of the 2300 days and the beginning of the investigative judgment that was described in Daniel 7 I did we mentioned high politics remember we talked about hypothesis church fathers that lived in the third century did he pretty much understand Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 sure what didn't he understand how did he think what did he think about the judgment what was the judgment according to him the judgment was when Jesus would come to judge the world the second coming did he understand the very last part of Daniel 7 he understood everything up to the Antichrist is a little horn is Antichrist which is all right all right all right he understood all event in the third century but what he did not understand he shows it by his writing is he did not understand that the judgment was going to take place in heaven it was not going to take place on earth very clearly it's the point that was going to take place at the end of time that could not be understood until the time of the end so let's examine chapter by chapter we'll go first of all the Daniel chapter 8 you have it here on the screen sorry we ran out of syllabuses I did not lack faith I lack space in my suitcase or else I would have brought more because I'm we're going to Christchurch from here I'm going to present this series down there and you know they're going to hear that you got your syllabus is here probably not going to be happy campers but anyway we're going to make arrangements with with the manager the book book and Bible House to get more syllabuses so that everybody can have one so let's examine first of all Daniel chapter 8 Daniel 8 presents a sequence of events that in many ways are parallel to Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 now let's look at this chain of events that lead us from the Persian Kingdom all the way till the beginning of the judgment first of all you have a ram with two horns what does the RAM with horns represent at the beginning of chapter 8 clearly verse 20 says it's the Medes and Persians and then you have a he-goat what Kingdom is represented by the he-goat Greece you don't have to guess we're told that in Bangla chapter 8 verse 20 but the he-goat is reached then the he-goat has a notable horn what does that notable horn represent it represents the first king clearly it's at the dynasty it says so there in Daniel 8 and who was the first King Alexander the Great and then it says that that horn is broken and four horns come up in its place what does that represent it represents the divisions of the Grecian Empire after the death of Alexander the Great are you following your night by the way the four horns are parallel to the four heads of the leopard let me ask you is the leopard a pretty Swift animal but you know this he goat is so fast it doesn't even touch the ground it says in Daniel chapter 8 so you have emphasis by the way the leopard also has wings so if you have a leopard and he has wings that's pretty fast but but the he-goat is just as fast because it flies all over the earth doesn't even touch the earth so so basically you have the middle person Kingdom the Grecian Kingdom the first King the four divisions into which the kingdom was divided and then you have a little horn and in lieu I'm going to tell you something more about this little horn but the little horn first of all represent secular Rome it represents political Rome because everything the little horn does is is to extend its power horizontally in other words it's conquering directions of the compass but then this little horn morphs in other words this little little horn transforms itself into a religious power that attacks the Prince of the sanctuary and the sanctuary in heaven so the little horn first of all starts out as political Rome but then it morphs into religious room is that the picture we have in Daniel 7 they have a fourth beast dragon beast which is the Roman Empire and then what rises from the head of that dragon beast a little horn and everything this little horn does is religious it persecute the Saints of the Most High it thinks it can change the law of the Most High it speaks blasphemies against the Most High suddenly Rome is no longer explaining itself geographically it is extending itself vertically even unto heaven and attacking God and his people and then the next scene that we have in Daniel chapter 8 is the expression unto 2300 days and the sanctuary be cleansed let me ask you what was the next event after the little horn in Daniel 7 remember Daniel 7 after the little horn ruled for time times the dividing of time was the next event the judgment right so what would we expect the 2300 days the cleansing of the sanctuary to be if Daniel 7 and Daniel 8 are parallel it must be the 2300 days must refer to the beginning of what it must refer to the beating of the judgment now the vision of Daniel 8 the vision of Daniel 8 lasts then from when from the time of the RAM from the person kingdom to the end of the 2300 days that's the sweep of the vision of Daniel chapter 8 from Persia all the way till the ending of the 2300 days when the judgment will begin when the when the ending point is reached then the 2300 days are finished then the cleansing of the sanctuary begins but we have a problem in Daniel 8 there is no beginning point for the 2300 day prophecy now how can you know when the judgments going to begin if you don't know when the 2300 days begin we don't you don't know do you have to have a starting point of the 2300 days to know when the end of course Daniel 8 does not give us a starting point and there's a very simple reason at the end of the chapter were told that Daniel could stand no more of what he was seeing and he got sick and so Gabriel had to suspend his explanation the vision and the explanation of the vision he had that he had to stop he said okay Daniel you know I know you're an overload so let's just leave it here for now and he did not complete the division where do you suppose you would find the beginning of the explanation of this vision and the 2300 days more specifically how about the next chapter do you think that would make sense but the next chapter would give us the starting point now we're going to come back to that in a moment but I need to emphasize four differences between Daniel's 2 and 7 and daniel 8 they're parallel in many ways they begin in Persia than Greece then then Rome then the judgment they're parallel in many ways but there are four differences between Daniel 2 and 7 and daniel 8 the first of these differences is that in Daniel 8 there's no symbol 4 battlin it begins with Persia now you follow me or not and the explanation that usually is given for this for the absence of Babylon is well Babylon was about to follow but that's not true because Babylon was going to rule 12 more years after this vision was given so Babel was not going to pass from the scene real quick because it was the last another 12 years the reason why this vision begins with Persia is because the 2300 days begin during the reign of Persia if Babylon had been included it would have given the impression that the 2300 days would begin in the time of Babylon are you following me Ron and so because because the 2300 days begin during the Persian kingdom there is no symbol for Babylon because that would have given the impression that the vision of the 2300 days would begin during the kingdom of Babylon that would throw off the chronology are you following me or not that's the real reason why babble does not mention so that's the first difference between Daniel 2 and 7 and daniel 8 secondly what kind of animals do you have in Daniel chapter 7 you have carnivorous wild animals right a lion a bear a leopard a terrible dragon beast their ravenous wild beasts what kind of beasts do you have in Daniel chapter 8 they are domestic beasts and not any kind of domestic beasts they are the two main animals that were used in the daily service and the yearly service of the sanctuary what was the animal that was sacrificed morning and evening in the sanctuary service the RAM that's right so you have a ram which animal was sacrificed on the day of atonement the heat a he-goat right so in Daniel chapter 8 what Daniel 8 is saying is the central theme of this chapter is the daily service as it relates also to the yearly service in other words that the services of the sanctuary now what did the little horn try to do it tried to take away what the daily the word sacrifice doesn't belong there by the way the word daily I know there's lots of interpretations about the daily you know there are those that say the daily is the Sunday law although the Bible nowhere says that the daily is the Sunday law it's the abomination of desolation yes but it's not the daily every time in the Bible the word daily is used in connection with the sanctuary it refers to things that were in the court and in the holy place the sacrifice is called daily and really the translation daily is not the best it means continual the word tamid means something that happens continually morning and evening morning and evening morning and evening the altar of incense is called the tamid altar because incense was offered morning morning and evening more than naming the table the Chauvin is called the Tom eat bread and the Lambs are called tamid lamps so somehow the little horn was going to try to interfere with the work of Jesus in the court and in the holy place where was Jesus well the little horn well the little horn was ruling near than 1260 years where was Jesus was in the most holy place or within the holy place he was in the holy place right Jesus was in the holy place during the 1260 years let me ask you where should people focus for their salvation they should they should focus at least during that period they should have focused ajit to Jesus in Ollie place they should have confessed their sins to Jesus right they should have received forgiveness from Jesus they should have seen Jesus as their intercessor but what did the papacy do incidentally you also have in the court you have the altar the sacrifice was called daily as well as Roman Catholicism instituted a counterfeit sacrifice yes it's called the mass and supposedly never met every Mass Jesus is fully entire all of Jesus is in each host and people even though the host tastes like a host and some of you probably were Catholics it's still the real flesh of Jesus and the wine which is fermented that the priest drinks which the cup was removed from the laity in the Middle Ages but the the grape juice or the the wine the fermented wine represents the real blood of Jesus in other words the people are really eating the flesh of Jesus even though it doesn't taste like his flesh and the priest is drinking the real blood of Jesus and they believe that Jesus is sacrificed over and over and over again in each mass the book of Hebrews says that Jesus was sacrificed once for all he need not die any more so did the little horn fiddle with the court yes let me ask you the altar of incense represents the prayers of God Saints to wounded people pray during during the Middle Ages did they pray to Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary no they paid to Mary and they pray to the Saints for the Saints to answer their prayers was the little horn trying to usurp or take away the function of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary absolutely what happened with a candlestick which represents the Word of God what happened it looked like it was going to go out that's why it's called the dark ages hello because the candlestick wasn't wasn't actually given its full light what about the bread the bread represent you know the the seven lamps represent God's people witnessing about the word by the power of the Holy Spirit the bread represents assimilating God's Word what did the papacy do with God's work during the 1260 years they forbade it they forbade the reading of God's Word and they placed tradition instead of God's Word so basically what the little horn did during its period of Dominion was to take away the functions of Jesus in the court and in the holy place of the sanctuary but what Jesus says now is because you did this with the daily I'm going to judge you in the yearly service and that's where the he-goat comes into perspective the he-goat represents the day of atonement is the cleansing of the sanctuary the day of atonement yes or no it is the day of atonement and so that's the reason why this key goat is presented in Daniel separate because we're getting the hint that the theme of the chapter is going to be taking away the continual functioning of Jesus as the high priest and a judgment is going to rectify everything now what some people say they'll say but in Daniel 7 the focus is on the little horn the focus isn't on God's people and if the focus is on God's people it's only had God's people during the 1260 years because that's the theme there time times the dividing of time the little one will persecute the Saints but the judgment is going to rectify this situation that's the argument that is used but let me share this with you it's true that the little horn comes into view in this judgment but the central focus in this chapter is not the punishment that is going to follow the little horn the central theme is the reward that God Saints will receive did we notice that this morning the Saints will receive the kingdom the kingdom Jesus receives the kingdom in heaven when the verdict is given but the central thought is the little horn persecuted God's people killed them so God says but in in the heavenly sanctuary service in the judgment I'm going to rectify things and I'm going to pronounce a verdict in favor of the Saints contrary to what the little horn did the little horn pronounce a sentence against God's people but God says in the day of atonement I'll rectify that and that little heart has to come into perspective because the idea is that the little horn persecuting the Saints and now God is going to vindicate those Saints are you following or not furthermore just because just because the little horn comes into view and it deals with 1260 years doesn't mean that there can't be a broader understanding it's it's focusing on that because that's the period that's being discussed in prophecy doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to all of those people who claim to be God's children let me give you an example the Bible says in Exodus chapter 31 that the Sabbath was assigned between Israel and God immediately evangelicals will take that as they see the Sabbath or sore for Jews not for us because it was a sign was a sign between Israel and God does it say that the Sabbath was exclusively a sign between God and Israel no it doesn't say exclusively why does it say why did not say the Sabbath is a sign between me and Israel well because Israel was his people at that time hello he wasn't going to say all the Sabbath is for the Gentiles his theme was he was dealing with Israel at that time so he says there's a sign between me and my people the people that exist now just because it says Israel it doesn't mean it's restricted to Israel let me give you another example in Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 it says that many of God's people were beheaded because they refused to worship the Beast his image or receive the mark would that be the people who died during that little Time of Troubles just before the close of probation has people died yet because I haven't worship the image of the beast no because the image hasn't been raised yet the image is when the United States lends the power of the state to the papacy that's the image the papacy United Church and state when the United States joins church and state that's an image of the papacy and once again the papacy will persecute like it persecuted in the past that's the image has anybody died yet because they haven't received the mark of the beast no so when it says in Revelation 20 verse 4 that there's going to be individuals that did not worship the Beast or is image or receive its mark and it says that they are going to they are going to perform a work of judgment during a thousand years so you take that verse and you say the only ones that are going to judge during that period are those at the very end of time who did not worship the beast or his image or receive the mark because that's what the verse says but when you go to first Corinthians chapter 6 you discover that there's a broader explanation don't just take the one verse don't just take Daniel 7 you have to connect Leviticus 16 you have to connect all of the passages that deal with the judgment in Scripture not just all you just stay in Daniel chapter 7 this deals just with the little horn and with the Saints that were persecuted during that period no no no there's a broader explain in other passages in Scripture in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 the Apostle Paul says how is it that you Corinthians cannot make things right among you and you go to a court of law a secular court of law to settle your differences in many says do you not know that the Saints will judge the world and then he says do you not know that we will judge the world would that include the Apostle Paul would that include the Corinthians he's writing to the Corinthians do you not know that you will judge the world yes and then he says do you not know that you will judge angels so only those at the very end of time that don't receive the mark of the beast those are the only ones that are going to judge no there's a broader picture but revelation 20 verse 4 is dealing with those individuals who were killed during that period but just because it's dealing with that particular theme doesn't mean it has a broader explanation are you with me or not so don't allow anybody to intimidate you by saying oh no they say that the theme is a little hard yes but there's a broader picture than this now 3rd 3rd difference there's only one symbol in Daniel 8 for pagan and papal Rome they say why is there only one symbol the reason why is because if another symbol had been introduced it would ruin the symmetry of the chapter that deals with the two beasts of the sanctuary surface and so basically he's just he's going back to discuss the little horn he's not putting everything in there that was before Lily Lauren he's just basically talking about the little horn from a political perspective and from a religious perspective to introduce another beast here would have ruined the sanctuary symmetry of the Beast that was sacrificed in the daily service and the Beast that was sacrificed in the yearly service and then the fourth difference is that Daniel chapter 2 ends with the setting up of Christ's everlasting kingdom right God will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed does Daniel 7 also end with the time when Christ and the Saints will take over the kingdom yes but Daniel 8 does not end with a setting of of Christ everlasting Kingdom it's missing so the beginning of Daniel 8 you're missing Babylon and at the end of the vision you're you're missing the setting of crisis or lasting Kingdom and so the question is why is the setting up of the kingdom it only takes you to the ending of the 2300 days 2300 days the sanctuary will be cleansed up to that point the beginning of the judgment doesn't take you beyond that and so the question is why didn't Gabe really explain what was going to take place after the 2300 days and take Daniel all the way to the setting up of the everlasting Kingdom like you find it Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 the reason is very simple Daniel got sick and Gabriel was not able to complete the explanation of the vision that Dan that he gave Daniel and so Gabriel had to suspend the explanation of the last part of the vision so it's kind of it's aborted early if you please now so what is the central theme of Daniel chapter 8 the sanctuary what particular aspect of the sanctuary on to 2300 days and the sanctuary shall be what shall we cleanse in other words the central theme of Daniel 8 is the judgment but as I mentioned before Daniel 8 does not give us a date for the beginning of the judgment so where would you expect to find the date well probably in the next chapter right in Daniel 9 now in Daniel chapter 9 we we receive up information on the beginning point of the 2300 day prophecy and that beginning point is with the beginning of the seven weeks seventy weeks are cut off from the 2300 days Ellen White has this interesting statement I don't think this is in your syllabus I kind of added this loud you know I add things as I go along there's not a lot of additions but there's a few North Ellen White understood that that Daniel had not been given all the information it says upon the occasion just described she's talked about Daniel 9 the angel gabriel imparted to daniel all the instruction which he was then able to receive so as all the information given and daniel 18 right no not all of it was given only what he was able to what to receive then she says a few years afterward however the prophet desire to learn more of the subjects not yet explained were there some things that were not fully explained yet after daniel 8 at night yes what hadn't been explained when the prophecy begins when the time period begins and taking you to the events beyond the ending of the 2300 days whether was after the 2200 days were there going to be a lot of prophetic events or intake glades sure but Daniel 8 doesn't mention any of those and so and so basically she says a few years afterward however the Prophet desire to learn more of the subjects not yet fully explained and again again set himself to seek light and wisdom from God and where does that happen this is very important in Daniel 10 and 11 in Daniel 11 you're going to have a fullest and complete explanation of what was left unexplained to Daniel and we'll come back back to that in a while Ellen White explains in those days she's quoting Daniel chapter 10 in those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks I ate no Pleasant bread neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither did I anoint myself at all what is Daniel doing he's fasting in his praying because he wants more what he wants understanding of the things that were not explained to him in Daniel chapter 8 after night because Ellen like says in Daniel chapter 9 Daniel was only given part of the picture according to what he was able to receive so is Daniel 9 related to the theme of the judgement is Daniel 9 related to Daniel 8 is it related to the judgment yeah what does it give us it gives us a starting point of the 2300 day prophecy is that going to help us know when it ends when the judgment begins yes so Daniel 9 is linked with the idea of judgment and the 2300 days are you every so far then we go Daniel chapter 10 the fascinating chapter one of the one of the least studied chapters in Daniel and yet one of the most important chapters in Daniel it's the introduction to chapter 11 actually it's the that how I say its inauguration if you please of a vision of Daniel chapter 11 those of you who have a syllabus there's an entire chapter at the end of the syllabus on Daniel 10 it's not an easy read it's complex because you're dealing with a lot of historical details you're dealing with a lot of intertextual connections between daniel revelation but please spend time with it and gain understanding it's a very important chapter that deals with particularly with Daniel chapter 10 now what do we have in Daniel chapter 10 in order for the prophecy of the 2300 days to be fulfilled especially the seventy weeks it was necessary for the kings of Persia to give certain decrease for Israel to go back to the land to reveal the temple the city the walls and to restore a functioning Hebrew theocracy would you agree with that was that were there going to be decrease for God's people to the land and re-established their religion could the miss didn't happen no that didn't happen the Messiah couldn't come so so basically the the person Kings had to give certain decrease the first of them was given by Cyrus in the year 536 where he authorized the Jews to go back to their land to rebuild the temple then that was that was suspended and in the year 520 it was restored the decree was restored by derailleurs the first which is not the same Titus the great that the conquered battlin and then of course you had a decrease further after that you have the decree of artaxerxes so there had to be certain decrease that would allow God's people to go back to the land to re-establish the Hebrew theocracy so that the 70 week prophecy could begin on time do you think Satan knew this that the Persians had to give certain decrease I think the devil could read the prophecy of the 70 weeks you better believe he could so what did he do he tried to influence the minds of the Persian kings to try and prevent them from allowing Israel to return to their land all you have to do is read the book of Ezra and Nehemiah the people that remained in the land the Samaritans fought tooth and nail to not allow Israel to go back and to re-establish the theocracy remember when Nehemiah was building the law right how the enemies tried to keep him from building the wall by using different strategies but what what daniel tells us that you don't see in these chapters because these chapters just say it was the Samaritans it was the people of the land what Daniel 10 tells you is where the battle is taking place which is behind the scenes in other words what you see in history is only the visible manifestation of what is happening in the invisible world so the kings of Persia are being influenced by Satan to not give the decrees that will allow the 70 week prophecy to begin on time you see if the if the theocracy is not established the prophecy of the 2300 days could not begin to be fulfilled and God's plan would be frustrated and so what happens you read at the end of chapter 10 it says that Gabriel is struggling with the minds of the kings of Persia trying to get them to give the decrease and at the same time the prince of the kingdom of Persia who is Satan we're going to read it in a minute it's trying to influence the minds of the kings of Persia not the favor that the Hebrew nation so that they don't go back to their land because the devil does not want the 70 week prophecy to begin to be fulfilled he doesn't want the 2300 day prophecy to begin to be fulfilled and if we can keep Israel in the land in in in Persia captive then these things will not be established notice how Ellen White comments on this in prophets and Kings 571 and 572 she gives us an interesting description of the battle was taking place by the way Gabriel could not prevail against the Prince of Persia do you read it there Jeffrey did he Gabriel who took Lucifer's place by the way in heaven after Lucifer fell from heaven one of the one who called Jesus forth from the tomb among other things you know Gabriel struggled it says in Daniel chapter 10 with the kings of Persia and he was not able to prevail so finally Michael King Christ Michael came and he joined forces with Gabriel and the Persian kings gave the decrease right on time does Daniel 10 have anything to do with the 2300 day prophecy it absolutely does so what is the central theme of Daniel 10 the battle for the decree that will begin the 2300 days what is the central theme of Daniel chapter 9 the beginning date for the judgment what is the central theme of Daniel chapter 8 on to 2300 days and the sanctuary will be cleansed are we dealing with the same theme in all these chapters same central theme absolutely now we come to the most exciting part now Daniel 11 now God is going to say to Daniel okay Daniel you remember the vision that I suspended the explanation of he says now I'm going to start again where I started in that vision will start with Persia and I'm going to take you all the way down the course of time not only to the ending of the 2300 eggs but I'm going to take you to the very end of time I'm going to take you to the time that Michael stands up by the way that's the end of the investigative judgment I'm going to take you beyond that to the time of trouble and I'm going to take you even beyond that to when the eternal kingdom is reestablished so he's going to begin where Daniel 8 began where it was suspended he says now I'm not going to suspend it now I'm going to take you all the way to the end of the explanation let's examine this are you following me we'll just follow this here now that which was begun and not finished and Daniel 8 will be completed in chapter 11 it is important to underline that there was no new vision in this effort in chapter 11 there's no new vision it's an explanation an explanation of what it must be an explanation of the early reason because there is no vision it's just an explanation this indicates that Daniel 11 is the explanation of the vision of Daniel 8 because there is no other vision between Daniel 8 and Daniel 11 now as in Daniel 8 the explanation in Daniel 11 begins with the Kingdom of what first is that where Daniel 8 began with Persia yes and you find the verses here we don't have time to read all verses you can find the versus e in parentheses then the explanation continues with what Kingdom Greece and then the first king of Greece is mentioned the four divisions of Greece are mentioned is that parallel satellite absolutely then it describes the Dominion of pagan Rome and the key verse there is Daniel 1122 where it says it would be a power that would break the Prince of covenant who is the Prince of the Covenant Jesus what power broke the Prince of the Covenant it was wrong pagan Rome and then in Daniel 11:32 39 you have papal room during the 1260 years up to this point you know Daniel has already seen this in the vision that we've given them you separate but now I want you to notice that in this explanation that is given in Daniel chapter 11 now Gabriel is going to take Daniel beyond the period of a little horn and and it says the deadly wound by the way is referred to in Daniel 11 verse 40 it says at the time of the end the King of the South will attack the king of the north so what is that King of the South and king of the north well the Bible calls this last power that will oppress God's people by different names in second Thessalonians 2 this power is called the man of sin in first John 2 he's called the Antichrist in Daniel 7 and 8 he's called the little horn in revelation 17 it's called the harlot in Matthew 24 this power is called the abomination of desolation they're all referring to the same less power from different perspectives so the king of the north here is the last power and in verse 40 it says that at the time of end the king of the south which geographically the King of the South was Egypt will attack the king of the north the king of the north is battling you can go to the Book of Jeremiah for that Babel was bagaimana because the Babylonians you know whenever they came to attack Israel they would even though Babylon was east north and east they would not come across the Arabian desert what they would do is they would go across the Fertile Crescent and then they would come down the area that today is Lebanon in that area up there and north of Israel they would come down from the north so babbling is the king of the north and are we dealing with literal Babel and at the end of thing are we dealing with that with Saddam Hussein's Iraq no we're dealing with spiritual devil because it's a harlot that sits on multitudes nations tongues and people's so it's a global system it's a global apostate system religious system would Egypt be literal well the king of the north is Babylon in the end time and it's symbolic would Egypt also be symbolic of course what is the central characteristic of ancient Egypt the Egypt of the Exodus atheism do you remember Pharaoh said who is the Lord I know not the Lord I don't know who he is atheism here we can read this in great controversy now let me ask you at the time of the end did an atheistic power that openly claimed to be atheistic attacked the papacy which is which is spiritual babbling yes what what is it called the French Revolution that's right so when does the time of the end begin actually begins in 1798 because the French Revolution of the French Revolution ends in 1797 the climax of it is the captivity of the Pope there is a consequence that's the aftermath of the French Revolution if you please the taking captive of the Pope and so it's interesting to notice that here it says at the time of the end the king of the north the king of the south will you know the King James says will push as a king of the north well you know that's not a good translation a good translation is like in Daniel 8 it says that the that the he-goat came and attacked the RAM and it's the same word that is used no business talking about a frontal attack against the king of the north which is what happened between 70 the late 17th century leading up to 1798 so I want to read a statement from Ellen White where she clearly tells us when the time of the end begins this statement is found in great controversy 355 356 this is not in your syllabus this is one of those editions great controversy 355 and 356 listen carefully to when the time of the end begins the message of salvation has been preached in all ages but this message that's the first angels message is the part of the gospel which could be proclaimed only in the last days for only then would it be true that the hour of judgment had done are you understanding that could Paul preach the awe of God's judgment has come could Luther preached God's judgment could Wesley preach the Alpha God's judgment has come no because the other hour of God's judgment had come so this could only be preached in the last days the announcement of the beginning of the judgment they continue saying the prophecies present a succession of events leading down to the opening of the judgment could the succession of events be understood yes but could the final event be understood before the time of the end no she continued saying this is especially true of the Book of Daniel but that part of his prophecy which related to the last days Daniel was bidden to close up and seal to the time of the end not till we reach this time could a message concerning the judgment be proclaimed based on the fulfillment of these prophecies but at the time of the end says the prophet many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall my liege shall be increased then she says no such message the first angels message has ever been given in past ages Paul as we have seen did not preach it he pointed his brethren into the den far distant future for the coming of the Lord the Reformers did not proclaim it Martin Luther placed the judgment about 300 years in the future from his day but now notice this but since seven whoops but since 1798 the Book of Daniel has been unsealed so when there's a time of the end begin 1798 but since 1790 the Book of Daniel has been unsealed knowledge of the prophecies has increased so what is it that the technology and scientific knowledge is that's what it's talking about no knowledge of the prophecies has increased and many have proclaimed the solemn message of the judgment what of the judgment near so at the time of the end did a theism attack the papacy Babel and spiritually speaking it happened just the way prophecy indicated now we go to the next point where it says the vision the vision then takes us beyond the 1260 years of Capel oppression to the final persecution against God's people when the king of the North swooned is healed any over falls the world let me ask you the papacy going to have a resurrection the Bible says it's deadly wound was what was healed in all of know Xena and wondered after the Beast new zealand to the whole world what wondered after the Beast so is this beast that room for 1260 years is this beast that receives Italy we're going to resurrect it's going to resurrect is it going to act in the future the way it acted in the past most certainly yes is it going to join church and state like it did in the past let me ask you people don't understand what the word papacy means papacy and Roman Catholic Church are not the same it's not the same to say papacy as Roman Catholic Church the Roman Catholic Church did not receive a deadly wound in 1798 it was the papacy that received the deadly wolf you say what was the difference let me ask you this when the Pope was taken captive were was mass still celebrated in Catholic churches did people still take their kids to be baptized the little babies to be baptized did people still go to the confessional so did the Roman Catholic Church as a church continue to function yes the word papacy means the union of church and state that's papacy it's not the church aspect it's a union of church and state in what happened in 1798 is that the state said goodbye or rather I should say see you later so when is the deadly wound if the papacy deadly wound is that the state turns against it what would be the healing of the deadly wound when the state once again favors it how many armies does the papers here how many tanks how many how many how big of an air force none but they have all you see the genius of the papacy if you can use the word genius the genius of the papacy is that the papacy is a parasite that I know that's not not politically correct the papacy is a parasite the papacy is is a it attaches itself to the state and then when attaches itself to the state has all power all the power of the state then it has lots of armies and there's lots of things there's a lots of airplanes it is a whole nations with it and so the wound is healed when the papacy recovers the ability to use the state let me ask you which is the country that is going to lend the sword first of all the United States in all like says that when the United States does that every country in the globe will follow its example are you following me so if you read khadiyah in Daniel 11 it says there that the king of the north turn the king of the south turns against the king of the north attacks it but then you continue reading says the king of the north actually rises against the king of the south and to make a long story short he overwhelms the the king of the south and conquers the king of the south and he extends all over geographically all over the Holy Land but the Holy Land of course represents the world in the impact because what was local in the Old Testament now becomes global because you're dealing with spiritual worldwide systems it's spoken of in language local language but it's Universal in its fulfillment and so this culminates the king of the north culminates when is when he actually goes out with the intention of destroying and annihilating many you can read that in verse 44 has the wound been healed at that point yes something happens that that angers the king of the north why does he go out to destroy and annihilate God's people it says because tidings from the north and from the east trouble the king of the north so when the king of the north is conquering he's overwhelming the world he's got his power back there's certain news that comes from the king is from the north and from the east that troubles him and it says that because of that he goes out to try and destroy God's people what are the tidings from the north from the east you have to go to the book of Revelation to understand what those sightings are where does the feel of the Living God come from you can read Revelation chapter 7 it says I saw another angel with a sick coming from the east and he had the seal of the Living God so what is it that angers the king of the north the sealing message the Sabbath message what about the north well we usually think of the north in geographical terms we said which way is north here help me alone I'm kind of confused which way is north this way is north okay we usually think of north south east and west in a linear fashion but in the Bible North is up and South is down North is heaven because Lucifer said I will ascend to the height of the north to occupy garçon and by the way in math what are the positive and make negative points of the quadrant the one on top is positive right and the one on the right is positive the one on the left is negative and the one on the bottom is negative what does that have to do with all this the fact is that God's points of the compass of the north and the east because the Sun rises in the east and it reaches its highest intensity in the North when it's over in the West is Satan's point of the compass because it's where darkness begins and the south is where darkness reaches its deepest intensity you just read revelation 11 and you'll find that this is true so what the king of the north is trying to do he's trying to usurp what the paper's he's trying to usurp the position of the true king of the north who has gone in heaven are you following me or not and so and so what happens is the king of the north he goes out to destroy god's people his wound has been healed and then this news comes is there a message that comes from heaven from the north in Revelation I saw another angel descend from heaven but no not not that one's particularly oh the whole earth he came down from ever the whole earth was lightened with his glory and then he calls people lots of people to come out of battlin do you think that's going to make battle and happy see it's a sealing message and the message concerning the fall of Babylon that enrages the king of the north and when chapter 11 ends it says that the king of the north sets up the tents of his palace in a strategic place to deliver a final death blow against God's people that's the same death decree of Revelation 13 verse 15 where it speaks about whoever does not worship the image of the Beast should be killed are you living and so it looks when Daniel 11 verse 45 ends so God's people are in jeopardy you say God's people are finished but what does the very next verse say at that time Michael shall stand up what does the standing up of Michael mean what does Michael shall stand up what does that mean it means that Jesus now takes over his kingdom in America you know you can read that in I won't take the time Daniel 11 verses 2 & 3 uses the same expression stand up and it refers to a ruler who begins to rule rule over his kingdom so how can Jesus begin the rule over his kingdom does his kingdom have to already be made up in order form the rule over sure when was his kingdom made up at the judgment when the last person was judged his kingdom was complete so the standing up of Michael means that the kingdom of Jesus is complete everybody has been judged has been revealed who are the subjects of Christ's Kingdom then Jesus stands up probation that's the close of probation but that's not the end because it says that there will be a time of trouble after Michael stands up there will be a time of trouble such as never has been seen in the history of the world but then it says but at that time during the time of trouble your people shall be delivered every one who is found written in the book question is when were they written the book when was their name confirmed in the book just illegitimate that's right everyone who's found written in the book so Daniel 12 verse 1 gives us the ending point of the judgment that began at the end of the 2300 days are you following my point so Daniel 8 only takes you to the time when the judgment begins when the 2300 is end but Daniel chapter 11 12 verse 1 takes you to the point when Michael stands up and that judgment ends and then if you read on you'll see in verses 2 & 3 it says in verses 2 & 3 that many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will arise that's a special resurrection of those who died in the message of the third angel and of those who pierced Jesus wasn't crucified Christ they will resurrect actually before Jesus arrives above the earth they will they will see the entire second coming of Jesus read great controversy 6:35 2 637 there you have all the chronology in so they'll resurrect they'll stand with 144,000 those who are alive they'll stand together and will see the entire second coming of Jesus and then Ellen White explains and she has scripture to support it in great controversy she says that when Jesus is above the earth then he calls those who died before 1844 from the grave and at that point they're all caught up together in the clouds and they begin their journey to heaven to for their working vacation because as a job to do during the Millennium God's people will judge the world and they will judge angels can't be the righteous angels don't need any judgment so it must be the wicked angels and then in Daniel 12 verse 3 it says that God's Saints will sign as stars forever in God's kingdom did we go for it full circle and Daniel 11 and 12 yes and now here's the interesting thing immediate after verse three Daniel is sold seal the book close the book so what is the book what was written immediately before are you with me so let me ask you is the adverse view some convoluted invention like many of our own theologians are saying absolutely not internally it improve that the traditional evidence view is correct and when we get to Revelation chapter 10 hang on to your seat because we're going to see that all of the events that took place between 1798 in 1844 were predicted in my note detail before it happened now I don't know what time is supposed to end I don't see he does around here so what time I'm so very much he can't see me I can't see should we cut it off here okay we'll cut it off here tomorrow I'm morning at 11:00 and again at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon we are going to start studying Revelation chapter 10 in your syllabus it's in your syllabus if you want to get a head start you can read it tonight and it's going to be a fascinating study it's I mean there's no there is no passage in all of the Bible that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is God's remnant church then Revelation chapter 10 and I know that the remnant Church has problems serious puzzles but it still does run a church and the Lord is going to take care of that by by bringing a shaking in the church we just need to make sure that we're not the ones thinking that we remain firm so did you understand what we studied tonight very good all right let's have a word of Prayer father in heaven we thank you for the message that you have given to your church we thank you Lord that you've called us to be that remnant that proclaims this final present truth message to the world I ask Lord that you will help us to fulfill the commission that you had given to us thank you Father for being such a wonderful God revealing the end from the beginning so that we will not have to face any surprises be with us now as we go our separate ways we pray in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Autumn Leaves NZ
Views: 10,778
Rating: 4.7468352 out of 5
Keywords: Stephen Bohr, Autumn Leaves, Autumn Leaves Summer camp, Daniel, Revelation, Temple, Prophetic, Judgement, Redemption Draweth Nigh
Id: mYmSwwdA0hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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