Step Into Your Destiny - Heidi Baker

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Oh bless you guys I love being here oh sit down love you Jesus we love you Jesus and thank you God that all these people love you and they love the children and they love the poor and they care Lord about what's going on in the world I thank you Jesus for a church that cares I thank you for a people that care I thank you God for your mercy I thank you for your grace Lord we asked for grace grace grace grace to be poured out upon us God we asked for grace to be poured out on us God bless them Jesus bless them Jesus let the grace fall let the grace of your love fall that the grace of your kingdom fall let the grace fall or tonight the grace come show Cory Antarian that about son - Oh Holy Spirit would you meet us again would you meet us again in greater measure God shukri antara ki and I whoa uh Korean taarakian that Abbas and Ori and I yeah I feel like I feel like holy spirits I did to start in a way I would normally not start normally I would just or just pressed in for the presence with with singing and I feel like you said to just tell you a story to start this message tonight and the story is this I was right here where you guys are right here when I was screaming know about 17 years ago right there and no is not the word you're supposed to scream out in church I don't think I think you're supposed to cry out yes but I was crying no and I was making a big scene at least I thought I was making a scene but I don't think that's in that season that anybody noticed I was just screaming at the top of my lungs no and the reason I was screaming now is because I was seeing the vision of all of those children that God called us to bring home with a huge team and and I was I was seeing all those kids and I didn't want to see him because I was so exhausted and right here where you little beautiful girls are I was plastered to the floor screaming out no to God I'm kind of embarrassed about that but I'm so grateful that I walked in these doors because when Jesus showed up when I saw now I know you see Jesus in the word so don't worry if you've never had a vision of Jesus I know you see Jesus in the eyes of a child I know you see Jesus as you stop for the least of these I know you see Jesus but I saw Jesus in a vision that day and when Jesus appeared to me and his eyes of burning fire burned into my heart he ripped the know out of me and all I had yes all I had left was a yes that was it and that was 17 years ago and I've been saying yes to him ever since I've just been saying yes to him ever since I'm no longer afraid to believe for the crazy things you know to believe that God is big enough to take our little tiny lives our little little little little lifes and pet His Holy Spirit in us fill us with his glory and send us out to a broken world I'm no longer a disbeliever God changed the way I think he changed the way I think right here on the floor and he gave me a cup of suffering and joy a cup of suffering and joy and I want to preach about that cup tonight and and it might be a little frightening certain parts of the testimony or certain parts of the teaching but if you would drink the cup of suffering and joy then you would drink the cup of Jesus and when you drink that cup you start to see what Jesus sees you start to see what he does and do what he does and your life is changed and God takes that know inside of you rips it out and gives you a yes on this floor that night lasted for hours and hours I don't remember time I don't I don't ever recall looking at my watch all I remember is being completely totally undone sobbing my guts out crying out crying out god I want to eat of you I want a drink of you I took that flesh from his side it looked hideous to me but I ate it because he asked me to eat it that flesh that he gave me turned into bread Jesus is the bread Jesus is the drink and he's asking us to eat of him and to drink of him and I feel like tonight there's a holy hunger in this room there's zero holding hunger in this room so now we're just gonna press in and just why why not here why not now see I just one little woman in the dirt and I believe God and God started to do amazing things what if God would just touch us tonight what if he would just what if he would just crash in on a hundred people that would totally utterly fully completely healed themselves to God what would that look like what if he would crash in on a thousand it's like what could God do with us don't we look I mean I'm sorry if this offends you but we do look a little bit ridiculous as people when in the face of a dying broken world where there's so much pain and so much suffering and so many children sold and so many people starving to death we look ridiculous thinking that something could change through our little lives but when we look into the eyes of Jesus when we look into the eyes of our daddy God everything changes we no longer think of the impossible things we start to believe for wow that all things are possible for those who believe shun whoa so I believe that God could surprise us again tonight I believe that God could surprise us with so much presence hey that people would again be carried out of this place they would be carried to their cars they would lose their capacity for know when it comes to God and they would turn the world upside down one by one hey yes Lord so right now we're gonna stop for the one I'm checking my clock at 9:20 we're stopping for the one again right now we're just gonna spend a few minutes just wasting our time just wasting our time in adoration wasting our time the most valuable commodity we have and I'm gonna ask that you lead tonight hey that you lead out you just start worshiping in the spirit and yield yourself to God and see what he will do tonight you you lead lift up your voice everything within you yielded lovers worshiping God all the way start out in the back sing a worship song to God with your life with your hearts all the way in the back just lift up a song of adoration to him angels of the Living God's angels of the Living God we ask you to come and fill this room stir up worship in the hearts of your people just a little angels of the Lord John a song of worship kitty on baby I try to stack going after me jeez I my trusty by trustee yes ah bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla glory glory glory wake up wake up wake up wake wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake wake wake up wake up wake up yeah yeah yeah crash in on your hungry people God God we came to catch the fire God we came to catch the fire of your radical love we come for more Lord we come for more of your fire more of your presence God sent us a flame and send us out God sent us a flame and send us out God take your weary warriors once again take your weary warriors once again hey set them on fire shaaka beyond I take the sick ones and heal them take the broken ones and fix them take the weary ones and fill them with power tonight hey take the weak willed ones and give them the power of your radical love hey take the CheY did once God and give them a naive heart again to believe in who you are and what you do hey hey go ahead God hey just disrupt the meeting huh seriously we love that when you love that God when you just hey you just disrupted God yes Lord yes yes yes Wow shun debris and I Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Wow I just want to do one more thing whoa before point two I want you to just put your hand on one person if you love Jesus I mean that if you're demonize just don't touch anybody Jesus name whoa I'm so serious they know it too shucks ababa shunned I want you to pray for one person right now I want you to pray with all that is within you from him right now one person just pray for God to totally get them Shaka baba to captivate them to set them on fire start praying I feel like we need to contend a little bit more tonight shunga and I get him go crashing pray God would crash in I want you to pray with all that is within you now Reese one of you receive that prayer and the other one pray it chakra become beyond i more Lord start to pray Lord let the more of your love inhabit them right now let the more of your power come let the more of your presence come I want you to pray specifically don't leave them like this pray that over them don't leave them like this they need more they need more they need more so you pray that God give them more the more of your spirit the more courage the more tenacity the more love the more humility the more goodness the more mercy the more trust the more unity the more long-suffering the more give them the more pray just a little longer pray just a little longer and then the other person receiving is gonna pray for you shunned I Robo Sun 3 Becky and I Lord give them all the healing they need all the healing they need in relationships God give them the grace to forgive give them more mercy go pray for hunger specifically right now specifically right now pray for hunger hunger Hunger pray for hunger you it's no more spectator religion no more spectator religion no more no more no more every single man woman and child in this room then loves Jesus Shankar Abba is called to stop for someone everyday to pour out the love of God everyday on someone every day shut up up now if you've been receiving if you're able you start to pray over the other person shake it about condi Lord just start praying start praying the brave prayers Lord release the mission call release the mission call release the mission call release a justice call release release the fire of your radical love release your glory on the Lord shake-a shake-a take away their inhibitions take away their fear god I pray for the one I'm praying for God fearless love fearless love pray that prayer over somebody fearlessly fearless love don't wander don't think about anything else just pray God I asked you to give them fearless love I asked you to impart your heart your love your power your grace Chikara bah Santoro Kitty and I Lord cause our lives to be holy to you Lord Jesus Christ beautiful son of God have mercy on us your beloved Lord Jesus Christ beautiful son of God have mercy on us your beloved have mercy on us your beloved tonight and take us deeper again and lord this words shake out of us under a Hyundai that you're placing in my heart Lord let it burn like holy fire I ask God for myself Lord I pray father of this word be like a holy fire it'd be like a branding like a branding like a branding as I was branded Lord seventeen years ago in this house when you ripped the know out of me when I said yes to partaking to eating of that flesh the very body of Jesus when I said yes to drinking the cup of suffering and joy when I said he has to sing the suffering in the world and yes to seeing the joy in knowing there's always enough because you died Lord that branding that took place in me 17 years ago in this house god I ask you O God with coal that is within me God I ask you to brand to brand people tonight to start with a fiery fire brand and brand am gone I feel like I feel like God's gonna brand people right now to work to end the sex trade industry in our lifetime God's branding people branding of branding branding branding branding if that's you you just lift up your hands and receive the branding of the Lord I want everybody else is to close your eyes right now there's a branding taking place Sunday I knew it I could feel it shake out how about Sunday yes Lord Brandon if you're next to him just put your hands on him and say Brandon Lord Brandon Lord take away the fear in their hearts floor shaker about Santori and I Shikari ontake and I I feel like there's this branding branding from the Lord for this new breed of missions a new breed of missions it's a branding of the Lord it's people that are intimate lovers this when hours a day in the presence of God but some would call it reckless abandonment reckless abandonment I feel like there's a branding on hearts that would totally abandon themselves to sharing this glorious gospel but the way they're gonna share this glorious gospel is this intimate lovers of God out of the presence out of the presence you feel like God's just branding you to a life of prayer a life of presence and prayer the Lord's just branding you to a life a presence and prayer but at the same time you feel this branding to to action to action its presence prayer and action shunned I want you to lift up your hands right shakily untie Wow that's like the whole house come on God Chikara Bakari and I presence and prayer absolute presence in prayer gods shakily and I unto action and truth Shekar Abbas son to that this glorious gospel go forth as we live in your presence God's we choose to lay our lives down shake-a shake-a shake-a shake-a so the hunger Lord Wow there's a hunger that rises when you start to see hey there's a hunger that rises when you start to see when you start to see what Jesus sees then you're gonna get very very hungry for more of Jesus when you start to see what Jesus sees when you start to see the world when you start to see the world when you start to see what sin does to people when you start to see the pain and suffering that is really within the lost then you start to get very hungry so God we're not frivolous lovers we're hungry God I'm asking you to fully inhabits your people tonight God just fully inhabit them thank you Jesus whoa thank you Jesus you just keep receiving I'm gonna share Wow just keep receiving they share a little bit more of whoa what God put in my heart from the book of Philippians this is Paul's prayer I relate to Paul I pray his prayers every day I pray the prayers that Paul prayed as he wrote these books and I'm praying this prayer for you tonight whoa that your love may abound more and more in the knowledge and depth of insight so that you may be able to discern what is best that's my prayer tonight hey that love may abound more and more in the knowledge and depth of insight so that you every single man woman and child in this room may be able to discern what is best hey Sean die there's a lot of good things there are a lot of holy really good things but then there's the best things there are the best things I pray that you would be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ too glory and praise of God hey that's true glory to his name shunned I do you want to discern what's best or you do did you do you just want to get by do you want to discern what's best beloved of God son dot okay Chaka Baba holy spirit he's very kind and he talks to me tells me when to tell a story cuz I know I can get pretty heavy I got Chaka Baba here's a story for you sometimes I think I know what's best and then God totally confounds me does anybody ever had that happen to them you see when I got completely undone on this floor when I was already really really ready to give up as a missionary and I just wanted to work at Kmart and I was willing to just love Jesus do nice things for people and work at Kmart but I was not willing to do missions any longer I'd already been to Asia already been to England already been to Africa had an audible voice at the age of 16 Africa Asia and England I said yes Lord I've done that been there hallelujah now I have another Destiny kmart and I was so serious because I was that tired and so I got completely undone saw all of those children said yes to God ate the flesh of Jesus drank the blood of Jesus in the spiritual realm I taste of Jesus and then I thought I knew what was best and I thought that what was best for me would be to go and to hide myself forever among the poorest of the poor and so I went back to my nation Mozambique and I I hid myself among the poorest of the poor in the garbage dump my favorite place on the planet at that time and I felt the joy of the Lord in that place felt the joy of the Lord as I as I held the children in the garbage and brought them home just this incredible joy that just crazy joy knowing that I was doing the will of God and that feeling joy unspeakable and full of glory imagine being able to bring home children that were sold for a coca-cola and bring them home to your home and love them and see them transformed I read Shaka baba there's no greater thing on the planet that's like my greatest joy was seeing that in the presence of God in this place led me to that place and I thought I knew what was best and for years I continued just to hide myself among the poorest of the poor filled with joy filled with so much joy so much peace so much happiness until one day until one day back then I would have called it a dreadful day I was in xinpei - in southern Mozambique praying whoa as we often do with our children so I'm so happy when kids get around I'm fine like thank God the Westerners always hide their children and it scares me and so I was praying while I was praying with these kids and they were praying for me this like you guys dead the kids were laying hands on me praying for me and suddenly I saw what I didn't want to all of you just telling you the truth it freaked me out I saw the eastern world I saw the Western world I saw other faces of other people young children old children I saw them I saw that they were hungry and I heard God say I'm asking you to go and bring them fresh bread and I cried like a baby I cried I shopped I I was tempted to scream no because my greatest joy is hiding what it's not hiding for me it's just being life being with the poorest of the poor and then God called me to you and I remember screaming I do freaking out no is the thought in my head but I was just screaming aloud and the children kept praying for me and I asked God at that moment I said well how much do I have to go and he said one third one third and I was really I was really freaked out by it and yet I was relieved at the same time because he said one third that meant I got to continue to live in Mozambique I know they got the facts wrong and your little blurb there I still live in Mozambique I've been living there for 18 years with my husband Roland we raised our kids there we have adopted many children we still live in that nation but one third he asked me to go around the world why I appreciate that you give I really do but I would never get on a plane to raise money I would never leave my nation to raise money I'm just gonna be totally honest with you because that idea is so bizarre if daddy calls you to to do something for the kingdom then daddy pays for it so you don't have to try to push and connive and move and get yourself out of your calling to do something else to get money to do what you're called to do that's just ridiculous so I do not travel to raise money just want to make that very clear we need way more than we could get in a conference hey appreciate it I'm totally appreciate the reason I travel is because I believe that God wants to multiply his hearts I believe that God wants to take your lives and wreck you and totally turn you upside down and send you out to a dying world cuz I can only reach maybe a million I've led over a million people to Jesus I'm 53 years old how old am I gonna have to be to reach a billion that I want to see reached in my lifetime see I'm here because of you I'm not here to see what you could take out of your wallet I'm here because there's a greater call upon your life because God Himself shunned I wants to feed you and he wants to send you and he wants to totally undo you said rip that no out of you on this floor tonight and send you out to a dying world one by one multiplication that's why I get on a plane because that's the best will of God for my life The Selfish will of God he doesn't have one did you get that there's no such thing as The Selfish will of God there's only this selfish will of man but if it were my will my will and I know we're supposed to have the same will as him or whatever dreamed the dreams and then he blesses them or someway or somehow it's all the same I'm not sure but I know that if I got to just make an earthly natural choice which is impossible because I'm supernatural being by giving myself to Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit but if I went back back back back way back and I said okay God I'm not gonna give you everything because it's too much work to travel I'm just gonna stay in the bush bush where I'm happiest in my billion star hotel that would be a good will I would get a lot accomplished but the best will of God is to yield yourself fully to give yourself totally completely utterly to God and listen to what his best purposes are for your life do you still believe that sometimes we're not sure it was just God just wants to make us happy let's just be happy you know I am happy I'm really happy I'm full of joy I'm super happy I really am but it's because I've given my life away that I find my life it's not because I've held on to it it's not because I've held on to us because I've given it away do you understand and tonight God wants to cause people in this room shocked up up and don't wait for an altar call cuz there's not much room Hey so as I'm speaking I want you to just yield yourself to God more and more and more just take your heart and say God go ahead wreck me I'm gonna totally turn myself over so that I may discern Lord by the power of your spirit what is your best pure perfect will for my life what if he says Somalia what if he says Kmart what if he tells you to go here for a certain time in there for a certain time I just got back I just I don't know what back is I don't know what forth is because I travel so much I have million miles on to hairlines after lying on this floor are you have a million miles on two different audiences millions in fact they stopped counting there's so many Hasegawa Hyundai I never expected that I wanted to slow down he sped me up holy is the lamb millions of miles surrounded around why because I want to obey the will of God I want to step into his heart I want you to step into your destiny I want you to eat fresh bread that fresh bread comes from heaven and it's real come on is anybody hungry son die I'm so hungry for Jesus I so loved to eat Jesus I want to discern his will the best will the pure will the perfect will I would it be filled with the fruit of righteousness I want you to be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God's Oh here's Paul again I so get this for me verse 21 to live is Christ and to die is gain if I'm to go on living in the body this will mean fruitful labor for me yet what shall I choose I do not know I am torn between the two I desire to depart and be with Christ which is better by far but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body convinced of this I know that I will remain and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me what a powerful prayer Paul got it why did Paul get it because he understood the kingdom he knew that the kingdoms real he knew that when he abandoned himself to God there is an eternal Kingdom Sunday we pray for the kingdom here and we see it in measure and we continue to contend for it don't wait right but there is I you guys don't forget this there is an eternal reward do you understand there is a heaven you can give up your life now I think some hell this might have gone out of fashion to preach this kind of preach you can give your life away for the sake of Christ Jesus you can die completely to yourself and he will raise you from the dead it is possible to give yourself away fully for the Lord and I don't think that's a miserable thing I think that's the glorious thing so I'm gonna tell you a funny story now because I'm too sometimes and just get too heavy but I I just can't help myself I want you guys to go I want you to get rekt I want you to go I want you to just go Shaka baba take me God use me God otherwise I couldn't just keep getting on a plane hey okay way in the back I like to I like to go hug people in the back it's like Shaka baba you're hungry cuz you're sitting back there and and you could be doing something else and you just want more of God that's a beautiful thing so I'm gonna look at you right now Shaka baba I almost died so many times that my children my two biological children all my adopted children they all stopped counting they just laughed now if they hear I'm about to die my own kids laugh it's pretty funny they just laugh I remember one time I was about to die drugged myself in here checked myself out of the hospital rip the IV out of my arm came up here 32 days in the hospital I told him I'm going to a specialist in Toronto and I remember walking up and standing behind this pulpit and when I said the words I will be a wall of fire round about you in the glory within you the power hit me from my head to my toes from my head to my toes from my head to my toes three times all the wombs that all the antibiotics on the planet known to man 32 days on IV in the hospital could not heal God healed standing right here just spray here shun die son two days so I have been close to death many times but it has not been my time but because I've seen heaven I've literally seen heaven I I somehow just can't I just don't have the same concerns that other people have about death like when people shoot at you or beat you up or throw you in jail or or you get some horrible disease you just don't it just not you're not worried about it some people don't want to be a minister because someone might tease you some people don't want to share the gospel at work because somebody might snicker Paul so understood what it was to give himself away shaka baba that he totally totally utterly gave himself to Jesus gave himself to the father gave himself to the Holy Spirit that he had a struggle with remaining on earth once you have a revelation of how glorious the kingdom of God is how beautiful the reality the heavenly realms then nothing on this earth would seem difficult for you so one of the times that I was going to die it could got a do it really fast because of the time some of you've heard it but we were shipwrecked and and took me five boats to get back to the mainland and one little wooden boat and then I jumped onto our boat which had sunk the engines underneath and then I jumped onto a dinghy with duct tape and that filled up to my knees then I jumped into a bird poop boat with a terrible price to get to the other side and then six naked fishermen came in another boat it was a long story it was quite quite interesting so I don't have time to tell it except to say that I lived and did not die and instead of giving up when it was time to go and reach the unreached people groups the two thirds of my time when I get to live in my country and I don't have to get on a plane to go across to your country or some other country those two thirds of the time I'm reaching the unreached people groups with a beautiful team I'm only one little person in the team but I'm very excited that God lets me do it and so I have this thing about me where I'm tireless when it comes to reaching the lost I feel like God wants to put that in some young people denied tireless when it comes to reaching the lost I'm not afraid to go anywhere and if I get shipwrecked or plane crashes I just believe God for a bigger boat and a bigger play seriously now some of you are sitting there and going what is she she is she a prosperity preacher she presents preacher what is she what's she doing why is she going back and forth is she a missionary how's she live what does she do read the book just read the book this book is true I'm telling you so long story short the boat sunk my husband Roland lost his mind that was a challenge for two years his mind was gone he had cerebral malaria mini-strokes post-traumatic stress and made some bad decisions Chaka Baba so the boat sunk my husband disappeared in his brain he's a brilliant brilliant amazingly brilliant man he's now at this time had no brain power whatsoever and then the bush plane we had to reach the lost crashed hallelujah praise Jesus and then some of the prophets okay you know and said Oh judgment Ichabod Ichabod Ichabod and I'm thinking daddy daddy daddy God who loves me daddy God who fills me Danny gone who backs me up daddy God you see these trials you see these difficulties you see my husband drooling you see the boat that sunk the engines underwater the electronics fried you see the smashed up bush plane shaka baba and you're the one who put this call in my heart to go to those people on all those islands to go to all the unreached people groups and to spend a third of my life going round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round the planets believing for legacy believing for multiplication becoming foolish enough to stand here and say I started preaching this gospel at the age of 16 I went on a one-way ticket with $30 in my pockets married a man after lunch I'm still married after 33 years I have seen God open blind eyes deaf ears crippled people running seen over a million souls come to Jesus and I'm standing here because I want multiplication shaaka Bob and whoa it's not always kumbaya my lord kumbaya sometimes it's a little bit difficult is that freak you out sometimes they kill your friends sometimes they cut off their tongues and their feet sometimes your husband just might lose his mind and your boat might sink and you're playing my crash Chaka Baba but I'm standing here high to tell you that God is good he's always good he's always worthy to be praised he's always worthy to be adored and then I'm standing here to tell you after 37 years of preaching the gospel that I wish I had more breath to breathe to give the one I love Jesus and if I had a hundred lives to give I would give them all to Jesus and if I had another song to sing a sing it to Jesus because he is my passion he is my purpose he is my Lord he is my God he's my victory here's my life here's my passion and I'm here to cheer you on I'm here to cheer you on hey to cheer you on in the midst of suffering to cheer you on in the midst of joy to cheer you on young and old and say he's worthy of giving your life for whatever happens beloved of God conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ conduct yourselves in a manner worthy ask yourself everyday is this worthy Lord of your gospel am i living a life worthy of the gospel of Christ the Lord am i pleasing you lord am i bringing you joy today god am I making you smile daddy am i bringing you joy daddy of course she bring him joy just because you're you we know that we learned that we learned that here on this floor we learned that I know that but there's something in the words of Paul that that call us to this place this deep place of radical abandonment to God where you pray and you believe Lord let me live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ let my actions bring you joy let my mind bring you joy let my heart bring you joy I want to be so yielded to you God that you could ask me to go anywhere and I will go Philippians 2 if you have any encouragement from being United with Christ are you come on you or it's not a trick question are you united with Christ Jesus yes do you love Jesus you do me too I'm in good company he says if you live a life united with Christ and you have encouragement from being United with Christ any comfort from his love his love comforts us see when we get attacked we just got attacked again just this month brutally attacked again in the press brutally attacked it was so brutal it was so pretty it was so bad it was so bad what did I do I did what I learned here just laid on the floor and I worship the Lord I just worship the Lord do you know what happened Sunday the journalists went back to that base where he hadn't been he just talked to some disgruntled people went to the base and he rewrote the articles come on because God showed him the truth through the testimony of the children and he had only one thing to do rewrite the article shockable and bring glory to God holy Islam how do you deal with difficulty when you're united with Christ you're comforted in his love then you're comforted you're comforted when everything shakes around you you're just like okay go I mean can you imagine I'd go out to the bush every week I spend two days out in the bush bush and one day in the village that's three days I'm completely out in the bush bush in the dirt with the poor in my happiest place and I would be going out there doing that seeing that that that beautiful reality of God healing people and I'd go home to my husband who would be drooling and couldn't put on flip-flops and I would be comforted by the fact that God is a God of love if there is any fellowship with the spirits is there see I would be comforted in the love and I'd fellowship in the spirit when everything looked like it was difficult and and falling apart and this is after being stuck here on the floor for seven days and seven nights this is after being shaken by the power of God over and over in this house and in other houses this is after my major breakthroughs with God this is after the glorious kingdom of God was released in my life this was after I started to see blind eyes open and deaf ears hear all of the shaking I'm talking about was after all of that but I said and I feel like it's the reason I'm here as an older woman tonight standing looking at young believers looking at lives who have their whole life ahead of them and I'm standing here to tell you he's worthy he is worthy he is worthy he's worthy he's worthy hey give your life for the one who is worthy give your life it's all that you have to give it's all that you have you have nothing more valuable than who you are giving yourself wholeheartedly to the one who is worthy I stand here tonight to tell you that he is worthy when you're going through the fire that he's worthy when everything's shaking around you that he's worthy when everything's breaking around you he's worthy when you're being shot at he's worthy when you're being beaten he worthy when you're being ridiculed he's worthy when you're on a plane for 17 hours in the back middle he's worthy Shaka Bob he's worthy he's always worthy comforted by his love fellowship with the spirit tenderness compassion then Paul says make my joy complete by being like-minded having the same love being one in spirit and in purpose God has called us we started off tonight praying that his love would abound more and more in us and now Paul sang I pray that the same love this love of Jesus this love of the father this love this radical love that you would be one in spirit and in purpose doing nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves I want to tell you a story some you might have heard it many of you haven't heard it but it's a story of radical love it's a story of one of my kids I picked up this young boy like many many kids when I first started bringing home children there were no laws and rules I just stuck him in the truck and drove him home it was simple back then I did that for years and years now there's social welfare and Department of Justice and blah-dee blah-blah about 10 departments and now the government just brings us children holy is it him hey but back then I just filled up my truck every week just filled it up and filled it up and filled it up and filled it up with children and I brought home lots of them and one of them didn't understand who he was didn't get the spirit of adoption didn't know what it was to be a son he didn't get it he didn't get it he didn't get it I came here I go back I tell him I felt it I knew it I understood it many thousands of children one-by-one figured out by the power of the Holy Spirit who they were sons and daughters they got the identity thing but this young man didn't get it I thought he did but he didn't and he would just you know he could not if he had that orphan spirit he just do stuff that was sad and miserable and he'd do it over and over and over again and people would tell me just forget about him there's so many more kids out there just forget about this one and go find some more well hello you never divorce your children don't divorce your spouse don't divorce your children it's just a good word right there so so I brought this kid home in one night I was out in the bush not that far out like five minutes from my house but it was budge and I was out there and we were just preaching this glorious gospel like we always do weekend week out day and day out that's what we do because we read the book we preach the gospel we love people we we feed him we drill wells we just do what the book says and so we were out there with our team and we were just sharing the gospel but they weren't very happy about it it was during a time where people don't eat because they don't eat so they can get God's forgiveness and anyway it's the different people of another faith we are sharing the gospel out there and they got very agitated and they picked up huge speakers bigger than these these monitors here they picked him up and they just threw him at our kids and then they picked up big all the huge speakers and just threw him at the children they picked up rocks and sticks and they just started coming after our pastors and then these three big men came after me to beat me I've been beaten before I don't like it it's definitely overrated if somebody thinks it's fun they're strange it's not it hurts I don't like being stoned I don't like being beaten I'm willing to be stoned and beaten for the glorious gospel but I don't enjoy it okay just just to make that clear if you're an inner healer III understand Shaka baba I am NOT enjoying being beaten or stoned thank you Jesus Jesus was always with me also for you who pray those prayers he's always there he always was with me he never left me never forsook me never ever ever did he leave me or forsake me or leave or forsake my friends who have been martyred for the gospel never just took him straight up and in didn't leave my children that have died of AIDS didn't leave them not for a second didn't leave them took them straight up and in death has lost its sting death has lost its sting whether I live or die shunned oh whoa so this son of mine I call a son called him a son before he knew he was a son did not tell him he wasn't going to be called son because he was a rascal loved him in the midst of his rascal hood that's very important that kid heard God to go where I was that night he did not have a vehicle he stood on the side of the road and waited for a truck one of our trucks passed by because we have logos on the truck he could see it he Flags him down he said I need to go to mama Ida right now they said mama itís almost done with outreach you don't need to go just go back to your room he said nope I need to go right now mama needs me I'm going he told the other guy in the truck he told him over and over I'm got to go now you have to take me so the driver in the truck was another pastor drove him out to where I was in Maron ganya he drove him out there and as soon as this son got off of the truck he saw these three men coming right at me I saw them too and I did not want to be beaten I didn't I'm just gonna be honest I had enough inner healing to say I do not want to be beaten for the gospel I will if necessary but I do not want to be beaten if need be I do not want to be beaten thank you Jesus so I I'm standing there and they're coming at me and I know what they're gonna do and they actually want to kill you okay in this particular instance and this son of mine he stepped right in there like that and he went and he took the beating for me he was beaten on my behalf took the beating for me at that time my husband still did not have any short-term memories didn't know where he was but I took him with me everywhere because I didn't think it was nice to just leave him in the bed so I take him but this particular night I should have left him in the room so he's wandering around and people are got stones and sticks and beating and so we had to find Roland we put him in the truck we got my I got in the truck and my son screaming at me mom you need to go and I'm thinking I can't leave my son here being beaten I can't leave he's like mom go right now screamed at me like that mom go now and I looked at the other truck and they said go go I had the little kids in my truck and I went straight to the police department the police cocked their ak-47s they went to where these bandits were these they weren't bandits at the moment they were just upset people from another faith went to them they because you're not allowed to kill people in my country for the faith even though they do you're not supposed to so they went to arrest them they got a hold of three when my son got to the police department he was hurt he had been beat I looked him in the eyes and I saw something I'd never seen before I saw that he actually knew who he was he received holy a spirit of adoption that night he received a spirit of adoption that night Hey and he sobbed he just sobbed he held me and I held him and he said it was such privilege to take the heads for you it was such a privilege to be beaten for this glorious gospel and when it came today Sunday the police called us and they said we need you now to press charges they beaten this son of mine and two senior pastors they said you need to come and press charges today and I said I do not have that privilege of coming and releasing these men they said what I said I do not have the privilege of coming and releasing these men they said oh you people you people you people are always forgiving every time we catch people you forgive them every time they steal from you you forgive them every time they beat you guys you forgive them it makes our job very difficult you disbursing Mercy Mercy Mercy I said well it's not my privilege to be the one to release these men from jail I'm sending my son and the two pastors they beat so off they went to the jailhouse and they had the privilege of looking those men in the eyes and saying we forgive you we forgive you and we bless you I they bless those men those men looked them right back in the eye three for three and they said we will never convert just like that I know you thought the story might end another way we will never convert but because you have forgiven us we will allow our children to go to your church thank you Jesus ah Shaka Bala we have a thriving church full of the glory of God twenty-seven adult men in that church and lots and lots of little munchkins worshipping Jesus thank you god this is the glorious gospel each of you should not look only to your own interests but also to the interests of others when my son looked not only to his interest but to the interests of others he stepped in to a true spirit of adoption and he has never turned back he's preaching like a house afire full of the glory of God walking in Kingdom joy Jesus who being the very nature of God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but he made himself nothing taking on the very nature of a servant Oh beloved as son and as daughter's as princes and as princesses so I was just given this ring to give one of my children and it's a princess ring was just put on my finger tonight to remind me of Who I am to hand it over to one of my girls to remind them of who they are princes and princesses lay down your life just like Jesus give your life away just like Jesus everything for Jesus whether it asks you to go and live in a house of prayer or he asks you to go to Wall Street or he asks you to go to Mexico City or he asks you to go to Nordstrom lay your life down wherever Jesus calls you wherever he leads you become a servant lover of the Most High God you're not schizophrenic in doing that you're not schizophrenic in doing that what I end with this verse 12 therefore my dear children as you have always obeyed not only in my presence but now much more in my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for God is at work and he is working in you to will and to act according to his good purpose hello as sons and daughters of the Most High God as radical lovers of the Most High God as a people born in the presence of God our spiritual lives ignited in this place our hearts and our lives turned upside down because of the kingdom glory holy presence of God every day think about the good pleasing perfect will of gods and proclaim His goodness in the midst of the storm whatever was to my profit verse 7 I now consider loss for the sake of Christ what is more I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for whose sake I get on another plane my will is no longer my I've lost all things I consider them rubbish that I might gain Christ and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of sharing in his sufferings becoming like him in his death and so somehow somehow somehow to attain to the resurrection from the dead so I press on I take hold for that which Christ Jesus took hold of me I press in that pressing on I'm gonna have you stand please and that pressing on that pressing on that taking hold that clinging to Jesus I watched God take my husband whose MRI showed that part of his brain had died I watched God take my husband rollin and turn on his brain and restore it fully totally and fully sheikha bah-bah-bah shun died I watched God in the midst of a great financial recession after eight years of waiting in a period of three weeks provide for another plane that now seats ten people and has a porta potti thank you Jesus I watched God's I could have given up when Roland lost his mind I could have given up when the boat sank I could have given up when the plane crashed I could have said God enough is enough or I could press on to take hold for that which Christ Jesus took hold of me just before I started this speaking tour just before I got on our note our new very big big big boat it's either a baby ship or a big big boat or if you're not afraid to say it in church a yacht it used to belong to the king of Spain we got it for a dime on the dollar hundreds of people worked on it for over a year with their own sweat and their own hearts and their own spirits preparing it we go on it on a freighter from Holland we got it to South Africa got some captains to get it to Mozambique Shaka baba I took the kayak that I bought in New Zealand when God showed me the only way to reach the unreached people groups was through a boat and I had only enough for a kayak so I bought it and I started paddling that kayak saying God I trust you for a bigger boat I trust you for a bigger boat I trust you for our bigger boats if people laughed at me they made fun of me you're silly woman with your silly kayak who do you think you are and what do you think you're doing I said I'm getting strong because one day I'm gonna get to the unreached people groups in a big boat Shar caballo so when the boat sunk Sean died I believed God and now that man whose brain was gone he's doing another doctoral degree Chaka Baba and he's flying the high-tech plane himself shot nice shot nice shot ah and I took that boat that belonged to the king of Spain hey and I filled it with children who used to be thrown out to die as rubbish and I said this boats your because you're a king's kid and it belongs to you and bid the very last thing I filled with the worshippers and we worship the Lord on that boat and it was time for graduation when three hundred and sixty people from 35 nations would be sent out around the world from our mission school 300 miles of beacons would be sent around the world from our mission school come on multiplication Shaka Baba 20 teams went to the nations to reach the unreached people groups I got to step in that boat worshipping Jesus the very first place that I took that boat back to that new hot was where I was shipwrecked come on hey and I went and I told those people you know how we were shipwrecked they're all like yeah I said here's the new boats are they all cheered and danced and left's as we built another school for them another classroom another water catchment area and then and then I said to the captains just like I've told taxi drivers to just drive I told the captain I need you to just go he said where I said I'm not sure but we're going to take this worship team and we're going to worship God with all that is within us we learned it on this floor we're gonna worship God and we're gonna believe that God is gonna take us to an unreached people that have never heard the name of Jesus we're gonna believe that as we worship God is going to bring a way for us to be introduced to the chief of the village and God's gonna do something glorious today and so we got the bongos and we got the drums and we got the keyboard and we just worship God on the deck of that boat worshiped God and the captain just kept going finally I said to him stop put down the anchor I said God now I need you to do me a huge Laureus favor and get me the chief because I need the chief to get into the village in 37 years of preaching the gospel I never saw day this easy never saw a day this easy here I stopped the boat put down the anchor got the worshiped and a boat comes up to us I said hello in the local dialect how are you doing how are you doing I wanted you to come here so thank you does any of you know the chief one of the men sitting in the boat said I am the chief thank you very much sir I said well chief oh don't forget the detail we threw fresh bread out on the to them we threw it to them a big bag full of fresh bread Oh throw your bread upon the water we threw them this fresh bread and they couldn't catch him it lands on the top of the water and it didn't sink they grabbed the fresh bread put it in their boat holy and then the chief says to me come and get in my boats I'll take you to my village so I got in the boat together with the son who had taken the hits for me together with another son who was abandoned and cast away as nothing we got in the boat with the chief and then his engine stopped working and he needed a sparkplug son died and we had it haleh we gave him the sparkplug went to his Island inlets walked through the monkeys monkeys I wanted pictures of the monkeys my son said mom we have to go we're about to pray for 700 people to go to the nations you gotta go now I'm like oh I like monkeys but I kept walking listening to my sons and we walked through the monkeys and we walked and we walked and we walked and we walked and we walked and we walked away walked away walked in they kept saying and law means very far I said don't you mean law they said walked a long way it was a heart as soon as I step into the village you know what happened they came out of their huts and they hugged me that has never happened to me in an unreached village they never saw me they didn't know me they came out of their huts during the time of fasting when it isn't completely utterly people of another faith the money and the more condi and the Makua all in one village Chaka Baba come out of the hut hugging me welcoming me the thin they got the king though I forgot the English the chief and the King and they brought the elders together and they said to me they got out their best plastic chairs sat me under a mango tree and said tell us mama why you've come I opened the book to John 3:16 and I preached the gospel they received Jesus every one of them and then they gave me the very best land in the village would this be suitable for you to build your church come on Jesus 37 years never seen it that easy well I've been on this speaking trip they built that church it's full of worshipping people our team went back of course I had to get on a plane they got back on the boat built the church full of worshipping people also started schools thank you Jesus I want to pray right now I want to ask that God would just crash it on people I want to ask that um I'm just gonna ask you to close your eyes please don't leave for five minutes and then after five minutes just make your way out quietly Jesus we want to press we want to press on we want to take hold for that which you took hold of us Jesus we don't consider ourselves yet to have taken hold of it but we do forget what is behind Lord I forget the sunken boats and the crashed plane and my husband's two years of no memory with this short term lord I I forget the hard times bad press and the slandering and the stonings and the beatings and the flying hundreds of hours sleepless nights Lord it's just ridiculously small it's ridiculously small I want you to think about some of the things in your life that have kind of held you up we've been like I would have served God if he would have just healed my back I would have I would have just given God more if he would have just done this if that hadn't happened I would have laid my life down but but but I just hear the Lord say no more buts no more I forget what is behind and I strained towards what is ahead I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus Lord Lord God we want to win that prize Jesus we want to win that prize Lord we wouldn't win that prize we want to follow the lamb we want to bring you the reward of your suffering we want to catch the fire we want to catch the fire we want to catch the fire God but I ask you to close your eyes and lift your hands shook orientale I can't that I can't die please don't SPECT a telecare that I can't die please still SPECT a cheery adorable so Maria died curry and Arabic Korean die don't SPECT a stretch up your hands holy spirit sure ricotta holy spirit you're my friend you're my friend I'm asking you God just touch of people's fall on the Lord to put a tenacity in their spirits Lord to put a deep longing in their spirits and in their hearts right now a deep longing a deep longing holy spirits falling on people show gory ontology and I just falling on people more Lord I'm sensing the response to this word tonight as you feel the Holy Spirit falling on you and you're seeing yes Lord God I'm going to press on and take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me as you start praying that I want you with your hands to raise just kneel before the Lord in an act of surrender in an act of surrender and and and sing to him yes Lord I'm gonna press on I'm gonna take hold I'm gonna hold on Lord if my boat sinks and my plane crashes and if the one on earth I love most loses his mind Lord I will still press on if you ask me to leave my people for a season for ten days for a week Oh God even if you ask me for a longer period my only response Lord is I will press on I want to take hold for that which you took hold of me come on holy spirits come on holy spirits I don't consider myself yet to have taken hold of it gods but I promise you tonight I'm going to forget I'm going to forget what is behind I'm gonna forget what is behind gods I'm gonna forget what is behind me I'm gonna forget gods I'm gonna forgive gods I'm gonna forget god I'm gonna forgive God and I'm gonna strain towards what is hands and I'm gonna press on I'm gonna press on to the goal to win the prize for which Christ has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus just before you go home tonight take someone's hands shook Leon thought I can't I just take somebody's hands we're gonna be the body right now shaggy d.a die she got a key and I she could have got a key and I let's just start praying whoa that the power of God's the strength of God would fall on our neighbor let's start praying right now power of God's fire of God whoa fire of God fall presence of God fire of God whoa glory of God fall start to pray I want you to pray for your neighbor give up courage Lord Kuch Kuch Kuch so the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face shine on you and be gracious unto you may the Lord fill you with this kingdom it burn in your hearts with only fire just bless you someone you need to just be free to go it people asked it full I'm gonna give this microphone back to somebody but I feel like like I am I just feel like I'm gonna stay for another hour and I'm gonna pray and ah but I I just feel like up some of you need to just contend so you need to leave and just go home and and be blessed and come back tomorrow but some of you some of you this is a commissioning night for you some of you are saying to God I'm gonna press on I'm gonna take hold my life my life is not my own some of you tonight there's some kind of a marking as sealing I like a like a branding going on inside of you some of you are being branded tonight when the ministry team and anybody from harvest school they told us you were released to pray as well any children in the house I've asked that you helped me to pray I feel like some of you are being called to other nations some of you are being called into your destinies but it's been hard and his so you've given up and tonight the Lord's giving you this courage to believe in a figurative way maybe for you but for the bigger plane and the bigger boats hey and the spouse restored it's like shunned I some of you it's like wow this is a commissioning night you
Channel: christopher croom
Views: 15,123
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: Heidi Baker, Destiny (idea), Divine Destiny
Id: K6oaQcBnGKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 28sec (6748 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 25 2014
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