Tamales Recipes anyone can make! | How to make tamales EASY

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okay so first things first I'm going to slow  cook the pork filling or the pork meat for   these tamales it's somewhere between four to 5  lbs of pork uh country style ribs and it does   have a little bit of the bone in it I typically  like to use um the pork shoulder roast or the   Boston butt cut of pork but I it was not  available when I needed it so I'm kind of   improvising and using this cut of meat going  to add one or two bay leaves half a piece of   uh a small onion in there I'm also going in with  four mashed cloves of garlic I just kind of gave   them a press I'm going in with one teaspoon  of cracked black pepper 2 and 1/2 tpoon of   salt 2 cups of low sodium chicken broth now  I'm going to set my slow cooker to high and   this is going to cook somewhere between 4 to  6 hours or until the meat is tender okay so   this is now tender it I actually let this go for  about 6 hours and you can see it's falling apart   so I am going to remove it from the crock pot  and I'm going to reserve the broth and fat as well okay so for the corn husks I am using one  bag I believe it's a pound bag I could be   wrong I'll put it somewhere here at the bottom  um so I took them out of the bag and these are   fairly soft already but sometimes I get bags of  corn husks and they are super dry like stiff as   a board so what I like to do is soak them in cold  water separate them and give them a good rinse to   remove any debris you'll want to make sure you  do that now that they are rinsed and separated   I have them here in a pot of water and once it  comes up to a boil um I'm just going to let them   steep for several hours and this is a great way  to soften the corn husks it makes them a lot more   pliable to fold and create your tamal okay so  this water I had to I had to lower the heat it   was boiling I'm just going to make sure these  are submerged and if you want to put something   heavy on top you can I'm just going to dunk  them like that and I'm going to shut off the heat and let these soak for an hour or so  or until I need them that's just going to   make them soft and pliable and easy to work with  Okay so let's go over what I like to use in my   recipe by the way I'm just going to preemptively  say if you cannot find uh the chile pasilla or   the chile ancho you you can use just the guo  uh if you want to use 12 guajillo chile that   definitely works this is just the combination I  like to use and I want to show you this is one   large ano Chile typically well let me show you  I'm working out of my own cookbook by the way   check the description below to where you can get  your copy um here in on in the recipe I have two   dried Anto chilas this one is really large so I'm  just going to use one but typically I find them   and they're a lot smaller kind of like this and  even smaller so um that's just so if you see me   use one and not two that's why this one's really  large and I'm going to be using eight guajillo   chiles and two pasilla I am going to remove the  stem the seeds and give the flesh a really good   rinse because check that out these come with a lot  of debris on them okay so my chilies are cleaned   rinsed seeds are removed the stems are removed  and I have them in a pot of water to the pot of   water I'm also going to add half of a small onion  and three to four cloves of garlic right into the   pot and I'm going to bring this up to a boil now  that it's boiling I'm going to shut off the heat   and I'm going to let this steep until everything  is softened and that could take 20 to 30 minutes   okay so now that my chilies are softened I'm  going to add them right into the blender cup   and I I personally do not like to use the broth or  the boil I'm sorry the boiling liquid from the the   softened uh chilies I mean you can if you want  but I prefer to use broth okay so onions garlic   all the soften chilies are in there so now I'm  going to add one cup of my broth this is the broth   that um I ended up with from the crock pot when I  cooked my meat so now I'm going to puree this well okay so my chili puree is done and I am going  to reserve um about a third cup is going to   go into the the Masa dough and the rest I'm  going to combine it with the meat okay so I'm   going to work on the meat filling so here  I'm not even going to add oil because the   fat from that rendered from the pork meat it's  it's enough I'm going to add that now for the   chili puree I typically like to strain my  puree but because I used my Vitamix today   it really pated well I didn't have to add a  little extra broth to run it through a a fine   wire mesh strainer but if you have a blender  that really doesn't break it down and puree   well then you're probably going to want to  strain it at least that's what I prefer to   do so I made a little bit extra chili puree cuz  I'm going to use it for another recipe later but   if you follow the recipe whatever is left from  the chili puree aside from the 1/4 cup to thir   cup that you use in the Masa um just to add  it to your meat so I'm going to combine this   well and this is the part where you want to taste  your meat filling and if you want to add salt if   you want to add some chicken booon powder some  extra seasoning spices this is the time to do it give that a mix and this is done okay so I'm  going to prepare the Masa here I have four cups   of instant uh cornflour for Masa I'm going to  add to my four cups of instant corn flour I'm   adding 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder 2  teaspoons of salt give that a mix now I'm going   to add about a cup of my shortening here again  you could use large now if you want to use oil   then I would suggest starting with a half cup of  oil if you start with a full cup of oil I think   it's just going to be just a soggy mess so I would  say a half of a cup so I'm going to kind of break   up part this shortening or lard or whatever it is  you're using that's uh softened here and mix it in   and things will get messy clean hands are always  your best friend in the kitchen so now I'm going   to take my pork broth from the the stewed meat  and I'm going to start with about a cup another   cup and work that in okay so at this point Point  I've worked in close to three cups of my broth but   now I'm going to add a little bit of this chili  puree like 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup now I'm going to   mix it in and I should say that the chili puree is  optional because I know some people just don't add   chili puree but my grandma my Abita F she added  the puree to the Masa it gave it good flavor and   color what you're ultimately trying to um achieve  is a soft masao that goes through your hands like   that so now I'm going to whip this with my hand  you could use a hand mixer if you have one strong   enough for this but I'm going to mix and whisk  not whisk whip whip the masa for about 5 to 10 minutes okay so my Masa is combined mixed and  hand hand whipped very well so I just put some   cling wrap on the top because I don't want it  to dry out but I do want it to set until I need   it okay so to put these together you're going  to take your softened pliable pre- soaked corn   husk and there is a smooth side and a rough side  sometimes it's hard to tell but for the most part   it you can just kind of feel it so this is the  smooth side I'm going to take some of my masa   and spread it and I don't have large hands so  my tamal is probably not going to be maybe as   large as yours is and actually I'm going to take  a little bit off of the top because this will kind   of puff up and kind of spill out you don't want  to bring the dough all the way to the top okay   so here is my corn husk with Masa by the way there  are so many different ways that you can spread the   Masa on here there are those little masa spreaders  you could use your tortilla press I've seen that   done before I just use a little wooden spoon and  kind of spread it okay so now I'm going to add my   meat filling right in the center there we go now  just roll it this way roll it that way and fold   up once and that's it um some people like to take  extra corn husk like strips and tie it around that   makes a cute little package but this is how I do  it so onto a baking sheet and I'm just going to   repeat the process okay so here is what I managed  to get out of today's batch of tamales I managed   to get three dozens of tamales that's 36 so here  I have a this is a 16 quart pot I believe um and   I have a small little heat proof Cup this will  withstand the the heat I'm going to place that   right in the center and I've added around 2 quarts  of water water uh underneath this little steamer   basket basically you want to fill the water right  before it comes out of the the steamer basket you   don't want the your Tamal to sit in the water so  now I'm just going to stack my tamales around the cup okay so all of my tamales are stacked facing  upright and now I'm going to take extra corn husks   that just were too small and just cover the  top and it kind of helps if you tuck in like   the the thin part and fold it over and it creates  like this umbrella over your tamales now I'm just   going to take this tea cloth or cheesecloth  I don't know what you want to call it just   a clean cloth and you cover it so I'm going to  get this on the stove okay so I have the heat   on I'm going to add the lid here put the lid on  top once the water comes up to a rolling boil   make sure it stays at a constant rolling boil you  may have to add water throughout the cook process   but it's going to take at least an hour and a  half or so to get these cooked through so once   the water gets to the point where everything's  steaming and boiling I went ahead and turned   it down lower uh because I just want it at a  constant boil and this is the time where you   start to count your cook time don't start your  cook time before the water boils because then   you're going to be like oh at an hour and 30  minutes it's not done so once it gets to the   steamy boiling part of this process that's when  you start counting your cook time so I'm going   to let this go for about an hour and 15 minutes  to an hour and a half and I'll check the First   themb on so I'm just going to carefully peel  this back here and just try to um not burn myself the best way to test this is just carefully  see if you can remove it from the husk and it's   almost there you see how it kind of stuck here  to the husk that means it still needs to cook a   little bit more but for the most part yeah it's  coming off fairly easy so it's almost done I'm   going to give it another I'd say about 20 minutes  I am going to let my tamales to continue cooking   and I just want to reiterate that cook time does  always vary um especially for right now I have   my water at a constant rapid simmer but if it  is at a hard boil it will definitely progress   things a lot quicker but you are probably going  to need to add more water and the way you do   that is you pour the water down the side of the  pot never directly over the tamales that'll just   create more work for yourself and just it'll  it'll make a mess it also depends how tightly   packed you have your pot that also adds more  cook time to get the tamales to cook through   and set um and the ultimate tip I can give you  is after about an hour and 15 minutes take one   out and test it as soon as your tamas slips  right out of the corn husk without sticking   to the corn husk that lets you know that's a good  indication that your tamal is set and it's done so   what at that point I would show off the heat  remove them from the pot onto a baking sheet   and then let them set for 20 minutes then surf  so hopefully that helps you if you are trying   this recipe or just making tamales at home so  here's my second test one and this one oh yeah   see how it doesn't really stick now it will need  to set but this is coming out a lot easier from   the corn husk see yay this looks ooh it's hot  that looks fantastic okay so I have removed   them from the pot I'm going to let these set for  about 15 to 20 minutes actually I say 15 really   around 20 would be better but I can't tell you  the people behind me really want Tamal my son's   like Mom I'm I want another one so I'm going  to let be set and I will show you the finished product today I'm going to be making tender and moist  turkey tamales this recipe is good if you have   leftover turkey or a turkey that you need to  make even after the holidays so here's how I   do it first you'll want to pre-o your corn husks  sometimes I buy packages that are really pliable   even though they're dried but these are extra dry  so I am actually going to put these in water here   I have a pot with water I'm going to add them to  the pot I'm going to bring the pot of water up to   a boil and then once once it's boiling I'm going  to submerge the corn husks turn the heat off and   just let them set and soak until I need them for  at least an hour so now I'm going to work on my   chili puree here I'm using eight guajillo chilies  that I've already removed the seeds and stems from   two ancho chilies and two pasilla chilies if you  can't find the other chilies aside from guajillos   just use all guajillos I do that all the time I'm  giving these a good rinse and I'm going to add   water to the pot and I am going to bring the pot  of water to a boil now I'm also going to add half   of a small onion three to four cloves of garlic  as well and once my pot of water comes up to a   rolling boil I'm just going to submerge everything  press it into the boiling water I'm going to turn   the heat off and let them soak for at least 30  minutes or until the chilies are pliable okay   so I've been busy doing a lot of other things so  it's been about an hour that they've been steeping   and soaking they are nice and soft so I'm going  to add them right into my blender now you could   also use some of the soaking liquid to help puree  the chilies but I find that sometimes it's bitter   so I'm going to add around a/ cup to a cup of low  sodium chicken broth you could use chicken stock   or broth now I'm just going to blend this until  it is a smooth puree you could also strain this   for anything that didn't get Blended but I'm just  just going to skip that step okay so now for the   turkey if you have leftover turkey you'll need  2 and2 lbs of chopped or shredded cooked turkey   meat here I have a 10 pound turkey that I have  thawed it was an extra turkey that I purchased   so I it's completely thawed I'm going to add oil  to the skin and I'm just going to season it with a   rub that I made I'll put the ingredients below  this video you could season it with just salt   and pepper I'm not even going to stuff the cavity  I'm not even going to trust the legs I've tucked   the wings under and I'm I am going to be baking  this in a preheated oven at 325° F for around 2   hours 2 and 1/2 hours if you decide to stuff it  and I also added some water to the bottom of the   pan around 3 cups and I'm baking this until the  internal temperature reaches 165 to 170° F and   you can definitely cook your turkey however  you like to cook it but ultimately you will   need around 2 and 1/2 lb of cooked turkey okay  so now I'm going to work on the filling for my   tamales here I'm going to reserve a cup of that  puree that will be going into the Masa later and   I do want to show you that the turkey yielded  around 2 cups of liquid and that does include   turkey pan juices and turkey fat I am going to  skim off two tablespoons of that turkey fat from   the cup of liquid that I reserved and I'm adding  it to a preheated pan and now I'm going to add   the entire blender of puree or what's left of it  aside from that third cup that I reserved and I'm   also going to add around a cup of some of that  turkey pan juices and swish it around the blender   to get out any residual puree that's left in the  blender so now I'm going to add one teaspoon of   salt now if you find that's too much salt or  you don't want to add that add the seasoning   and spices of your choice you'll want to do it  now you'll taste your puree for flavor and you   add what like I'm going to add my salt to this  now I'm going to add all of the turkey meat and   combine it well and let it simmer for about 3 to 5  minutes until everything is combined and simmered   and cooked and this is what you end up with this  will be the filling for my tamales now I'm going   to prepare the Masa here I have four cups of  instant cornflour or I'm using the brand Maseca   I'm adding 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder  and and 1 teaspoon of salt I'm going to give that   a mix and for the Masa I'm going to use 4 cups of  liquid and here I'm going to add 1 and 1/4 cups   of this shortening that I have left over but lard  is definitely something that is more traditional   and that you can use now I'm going to add that  thir cup of chili puree that I reserved from   earlier and I have my broth mixture on the side  that is a mixture of pan juices from the turkey   baking and low sodium chicken broth if you don't  have turkey pan juices but you have turkey then   just use four cups of low sodium chicken broth or  stock or if you don't have that either use warm water and you want to add it little by little  because even though I'm saying four cups it might   only take you 3 and 1/2 cups to moisten the Masa  and get it to the texture that you prefer prefer   for your Masa so I'm going to mix this with  my spoon and then I'm going to fluff it up and   mix it for about 5 to 10 minutes until it's all  combined and fluffy and thanks to my commenters   one commenter said that if you add a little bit  of your Masa into a glass of water and it floats   then you know the masa's ready so here are my pre-  soaked and cleaned corn husks that I had in that   pot of water earlier they are soft and pliable so  I'm also going to be using my turkey filling and   this is basically the chili puree and the shredded  turkey meat and again you'll need around 2 and2   lbs of cooked turkey meat for this and over there  on the side is my Masa that I prepared okay so to   assemble your Tamal you will take a corn husk  there's a rough side and a smooth side you'll   want to add the Masa to the smooth side of the  husk I'm going to take a couple of tablespoons   of Masa dough and spread it the best that I  can I like to use a little flat wooden spoon   use the method of your choice and once my Masa is  spread on about 2/3 of the Tamal I'm going to add   my filling and you can add a little bit or a lot  it's up to you now I'm going to fold one side over   and this extra piece of corn husk you can rip  it off I'm just going to sort of fold it back   and then you enclose it and you'll want to fold  it up on the seam just like that and that's how   you do your Tamal you could also use little extra  pieces of corn husk to sort of tie and secure it   but I find just folding it up it does the job  so now I'm just going to continue spreading   the Masa and assembling all of my tamales I also  want to mention that there are so many methods   that people use these days to spread the Masa on  the corn husks so use the method that you prefer   and that you find most convenient because I'm a  creature of habit and this is how my grandmother   mother taught me I just resort to using a small  wooden spoon so once I'm done assembling all of   my tamales I ended up with around 51 which  is pretty good because with this recipe you   definitely can get around 40 to 45 so I did pretty  good so now I have a 16q pot and I've added around   2 and 1/2 L of water to the bottom I'm inserting  the steamer plate with a stone Bowl in the center   and I'm going to stack all of my tamales around  the bowl now I always like to say the tighter you   pack your pot that will definitely vary the cook  time these will take somewhere between an hour and   30 to 2 hours depending how tightly you pack the  pot so now that all of my tomadas are in my pot   I am going to add some leftover corn husks by the  way for this entire recipe you'll need at least 50   good corn husks for the tamales a little bit more  to add extra on top here now I'm going to add a   damp teac cloth right on top of those corn husks  going to tuck that in I'm going to cover this   with a lid and I'm going to bring the water to a  boil and once the water starts to boil I'm going   to bring it down to a medium heat just to give it  a gentle constant boil or gentle simmer and it's   going to cook for around an hour and a half that's  when you start the cook time when it boils so this   pot actually took me an hour and 45 minutes to  cook and you can always test it by grab ing one   and seeing if the Tamal will come out easily from  the husk that's when your tamales are done and   even then even when they come out of the husk they  might still be sort of soft and tender they will   still be cooked you just need to let them set  so I'm going to remove all of my tamales from   the pot stack them here on my baking sheet and I'm  going to let them set for about 30 minutes before   I serve and they will still be warm okay so these  cooked to Perfection up next another variation   of tamales today I'm going to be making an easy  recipe for beef tamales now the amount that I'm   making today is definitely a smaller amount than  what I would make for the holidays so feel free   to double or triple this recipe but these beef  tamales are so tender moist and delicious here's   how I do it to start I'm going to soak around  40 to 45 corn husks these are fairly pliable but   sometimes I get them and are really dry so you may  want to soak these in hot water overnight but here   I'm rinsing them for any debris and now I'm going  to soak them for about 2 hours or until they are pliable okay so next I'm going to work on  my meat I am going to be using around a 4   lb chuck roast this is a boneless chuck roast  you could use the cut of beef of your choice   I'm actually going to cut this into chunks and  basically for this recipe you'll need at least   two lounds of cooked beef so this chuck roast  was a little over 4 PBS so I'm sure I'm going   to have leftover meat but that's fine I'm not  complaining about that so I'm going to add all   of my chunks of this boneless chuck roast right  into a crock pot you could use the cooking method   of your choice you could cook your beef on the  stove top and braze it or roast it in the oven   ultimately you'll want to end up with tender  beef I'm going to add one beef buang cube to   this you could add two teaspoons of salt if  you want to skip the Buon I'm also going to   be adding two cups of water I just want to see if  I can yield some extra broth that I'll be using   in the puree and the Masa now I'm going to add  one small onion that I've haveed three to four   cloves of garlic and I'm also going to be adding  one dried bay leaf in here I'm going to cover it   and let this cook on high high for about 6 to  7 hours like I said earlier if you do not have   the time to slow cook you can definitely braze  this on the stove top for about 3 hours until   everything is tender now I'm going to work on my  chili puree here I have two paa chilies two ancho   chilies and I'm also going to add eight waho  chilies I'm going to remove the stems and I'm   also going to remove the seeds from this once  I've removed all the stems and seeds from the   dried chili pods I'm going to give them a really  good rinse then I'm going to leave them in the   pot and fill the pot to submerge the chilies and  I'm going to take that right over to the stove   and I'm going to bring my pot of chilies up to a  boil once my pot of water with chilies starts to   simmer and boil I'm going to turn off the heat  and allow them to steep until pliable I think 30   minutes at least should do the trick but longer  is better so it's been about 6 hours here that   my beef has been cooking in this crock pot so as  you can see there's a lot of rendered broth here   in this crockpot and the meat is tender so I'm  going to remove the onion that I placed in here   and I'm actually going to set that aside cuz  I will be adding this to my chili puree when   it's time to blend them and then once I remove  the onion I'm also going to remove all of the beef now any broth left in the crock pot I'm  just going to pass it through a cloth over a   strainer just to remove any bits that I don't  want into my broth and whatever broth is left   that's what I'll be using in the puree and the  Masa and this entire recipe you'll want to use   around four to five cups of liquid um in this  recipe that is including whatever you use in   the puree and in the Masa here I have three and  23 cup of beef broth so I will definitely be   dividing that okay so my chilies are nice and  pliable I'm going to add them right into the blender now I'm going to add 1 2/3 cup of that  beef broth and the rest of the beef broth I'm   going to add to the Masa so this should be enough  to get things moving here in the blender I'm also   going to add that onion that I reserved from  the crock pot and I'm going to be adding two   fresh cloves of garlic and now I'm just going to  cover this with the lid and I'm going to puree it after pureing everything I'm going to pass  it through a fine mesh strainer just to remove   any bits that did not puree well now if you have  a high powered blender you might not have to do   this I'm going to reserve 1/3 cup of this puree  to add to the Masa that is actually optional but   I like it now I'm going to chop all of my tender  beef and I'm just going to chop it as best as I   can you could also shred it with your hands if  that's the texture you want to the beef now in   a pan I'm going to add 2 tblspoon of oil I'm going  to preheat it and add my puree I'm using something   like a medium heat nothing too high and I'm going  to add the puree to the pan and bring it to a   simmer I'm also going to add around a teaspoon and  a half of salt and I do want to mention you want   to add the salt to your taste you might find  a teaspoon and a half to this is too salty so   maybe use a teaspoon it is definitely up to you so  I'm going to give this a mix and bring it up to a   simmer for about a minute or so and once my puree  has cooked and simmered I'm going to add all of   my chopped beef I'm going to add it here and give  it a good mix and I'm just going to let it simmer   for a couple of minutes and the beef f filling is  done for this recipe you'll at least want a pound   and 1/2 to 2 lb of cooked chopped beef okay so now  I'm going to work on the Masa here I have 4 cups   of instant corn flour I'm going to use a glove tan  to mix this I'm also going to add 2 and 1/2 tpoon   of baking powder now growing up I don't remember  my grandmother actually using baking powder in the   Masa but you guys have mentioned it in the past  on my other tamales videos so I started using it   and I like it it does give it a nice light softer  texture to the Masa okay so now I'm going to add a   teaspoon and a half of salt things like salt and  seasoning are up to you so if you want more salt   you can add it I'm going to go ahead and combine  that next I'm going to be adding beef Tallow you   do not have to use beef Tallow but for those  of you curious of what I'm using this is what   I'm using and I'm using around a cup of this a  cup and a qu more like I will put the weighted   measurements in the description below so now I'm  just going to mix this until it's combined well   you can definitely use lard or shortening in this  um if you want to use oil I don't have a lot of   experience using oil in Masa so maybe start with a  3/4 of a cup so now I'm going to add that reserved   cup of chili puree to this this was a thir cup  of chili puree that is optional but I like chili   puree in my Masa now I'm starting with 2 cups  of that reserved beef broth and and I'm just   going to combine this well I can already tell that  it's going to need more liquid so I'm going to go   ahead and get around one cup of warm water that  I added to that chili puree cup that's why it's   that color and I'm just going to work my Masa mix  it vigorously until it is the texture of Play-Doh   a loose Play-Doh you want it to be able to squeeze  easily through your finger tips so be sure to have   more water on the side as you put together your  tatas because it does dry out you know once the   water soaks into the instant corn flour it could  easily dry out so my Masa is ready my beef filling   and here are my pliable corn husks now I'm ready  to assemble these tamales there is a rough side   and a smooth side to the corn husk you'll want to  add the Masa to the smooth side and just spread   it all over the midsection to the top of the corn  husk and now I'm going to add my beef filling the   ratio of these ingredients Masa to meat filling  is definitely up to you and I'm just going to   continue making my tamales until they are done  and this recipe easily can make around 30 to   35 tamales while I continue to assemble these  tamales I just like to share a story anytime I   make tamales whether they're sweet or savory it  always reminds me of my paternal grandmother I   lost her when I was nine so I always look back and  only wish I had more time with her because I know   she had so many wonderful recipes that she would  have loved to pass on but I always have the memory   of her delicious cooking so all of my tamales are  done so here I have a 16q pot with around 2 and   1/2 L of water at the bottom I'm going to add the  Little Steamer plate at the bottom and a little   Bowl right in the center and I'm going to start  stacking the tamales upright around the bowl now   I'm working with a 16q pot you probably could get  away by using maybe a 12q pot with this amount of   tamales to cook but I will mention the tighter you  pack the pot the longer it takes to cook so the   cook time will vary now I'm going to add leftover  corn husks to the top of the tamales to cover them   I'm going to place a damp cloth on top then I'm  going to cover it with a lid another trick or   tip that you can use to ensure that your water is  boiling and to make sure that there's still water   to boil at the bottom of the pot is to add marbles  or coins I can hear when the water is boiling but   if you use the coins once they stop stirring and  making noise that's when you know you need to   add more water I'm going to turn the heat on high  bring the water to a boil then start the cook time   it'll take about an hour to an hour and a half and  I'm excited it has been 1 hour and 15 minutes so   I'm just going to remove one Tamal and I'm going  to see if I can get it to come out clean from the   husk that is the indication you are looking for to  see if your tamales are done and I have success so   I'm going to remove all of the the tamales from  the pot and set them aside you want to let them   set for about 20 to 30 minutes and then serve they  should come out easily from the husk and I want   to show you this is still warm it's mildly hot  and it comes out so easily from the husk and I'm   going to cut right into it to show you how tender  soft and moist these come out just like that you   have delicious beef tamales okay next I'm going  to show you how to make bean and cheese tamales   some with jalapeno some without but they're  all going to be good so I'm going to start on   the filling first here I am scooping 5 cups of  drained beans you'll need somewhere between 5   to six cups of beans and to puree well I'm going  to add 1 and 1/2 to 2 cups of The Bean broth or juice now I'm going to puree well to a preheated pan with oil I'm going  to add my puree I'm also going to season and   salt to taste you can add any seasonings or  flavorings to this if you prefer I'm going   to add around 1/ teaspoon of garlic powder 1/  teaspoon of onion powder salt and pepper to taste I'm going to combine well and cook over  a medium low heat you will need a lid or a   splatter guard because this does start to pop and  bubble as the liquid evaporates more eventually   you'll want to end up with a thick paste like  consistency and cool completely before adding   to Y tamales for the Masa in a large bowl  I've added four cups of instant corn flour   I'm using the Masa brand I've also added 2 and  1/2 tspoons of baking powder 1 and 1/2 tpoon   of salt and I'm going to give that a mix now  I'm going to add 1 cup of softened vegetable   shortening you could also use lard and I'm  going to add that and give that a mix and   little by little I'm going to be adding around  3 and 1/2 cups of warm chicken broth I took 3   and 1/2 cups of hot water and added 1 tbspoon  of chicken Boolean powder to create the broth   once you've added all of your liquid you'll want  to mix and whip very well for the course of 5 to   10 minutes and once it's done I'm just going  to cover it and set it aside until I need it for the corn husks you'll want to at least  have 50 good corn husks here I took a bag   it's around a pound bag and I'm cleaning them  and separating them and once they're rinsed   well I'm adding them to a pot of boiling  water I'm going to let them boil for 30   minutes or so and just let them steep until  softened and here I have my husband helping   me just getting the right size for all of the  tamales now I'm ready to start start putting   my tamales together here I have the Masa and  for the cheese I'm using a pound and a half   of pepperjack cheese that I cut into just long  little strips and the amount is up to you and   the type of cheese is your preference here I  have my completely cooled Bean puree and corn husks so you'll want to take a corn husk and work  with the smooth side there's one side that's rough   and one side that's smooth on the smooth side  you'll want to spread some of your Masa once it's   spread you'll want to make sure not to take it all  the way to the top because this will sort of puff   up as it Cooks so now I'm going to add some of my  bean puree and as you can see it's almost the same   consistency as the Masa I can touch it without  it sticking to my hands now a piece of cheese   then you're going to fold each side overlapping  each other and then take the bottom part of the   Tamal and Fold It Up along the seam and that's  it you could also tie it off with extra corn   corn husk but I find this convenient now I'm  going to repeat the process until they're all assembled okay so I managed to get 41 tamales and  these are ready to start cooking and I did have   cheese left over and some of my corn husks but  that's okay it's not going to go to waste in a   16q pot I'm adding 2 to 2 and 1/2 L of water  I'm going to add the Little Steamer plate at   the bottom and I'm going to add a stone heat proof  Bowl I'm going to flip it over and start stacking   my tamales around it upright and I thought I  filmed it but I didn't but here's some other   footage of when when I made some pork tamales  so I'm going to take the extra corn husks and   sort of create this umbrella over all of my  tamales then I'm going to cover with a teac   cloth cover with a lid and set it on the stove  to bring the water up to a boil once the water   starts to boil I'm going to lower the heat just  slightly to keep it at a rapid simmer and let it   cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes you want to make  sure to start the cook time once the water starts   to boil and not before okay so while my tamales  are cooking I want to bring up a couple of tips   and points when you are making tamales first  when you start to cook them if you pack the   pot tightly adding more tamales you know filling  your pot to the brim the cook time is definitely   going to take longer which that's not a problem  just know that the cook time for what I'm using   it it's going to vary also if you have your pot  of water boiling at a hard boil the entire time   yes it's going to probably cook quicker but you'll  probably have to add more water and by doing that   you'll need to pour the water on the side of  the pot not on top of your tamales if you pour   it on top of your tamales it's going to make them  soggy again so don't do that that'll make a mess   but those are a couple of tips as far as cook time  now while making them there are so many methods to   spreading Masa you can use a tortilla press which  I think is really popular now it it makes it a lot   easier you could ALS o use one of the Tamal Masa  spreaders that works or a spoon a butter knife or   whatever makes you comfortable so anyways I hope  those tips help you back to the theodus okay so   it has been an hour and a half and check this out  all of that gooey cheese is melty and it actually   does look cooked through but I am going to test  one the best way to know if your Tamal is done   is when you remove it from from the corn husk and  it comes out easily if it sticks to the corn husk   then it's not done it needs a little more cook  time but already I can tell this one is cooked through now that they are all cooked  through I'm going to remove them   from my pot and let them set for  about 15 to 20 minutes and then serve I will link my other tamales re  recipe videos below but bean and cheese   are my favorites let me show you what I do with  leftover tamales for the next day this is one of   my favorite breakfasts so recently I made bean  and cheese tamales check the description below   this video for the full recipe video link now  I froze half of them and the other half I kept   in the fridge and growing up the next day or  even a week later we would reheat these on AAL   now you can definitely steam these for about 10  minutes or so microwave them whatever you find   convenient but I just wanted to share something  very nostalgic when reheating tamales and make a   tamales breakfast so here I have my cold tamales  and I'm going to take a couple of them to make   breakfast along with some fried eggs it's very  simple but gosh it's so good what I like to do   is place the tamales first in a cold pan griddle  or Skillet then turn on the heat this allows for   that theod to gradually heat as the pan starts to  preheat because if you put it in on a scorching   hot pan it'll start to burn the corn husk before  the inside has a chance to really warm and heat   through so the name of the game here is to use  a medium moderate heat and over a period of time   you just sort of turn and flip your Tamal in the  corn husk and eventually it Heats on the inside   and the time parries I'm going to turn this down  to a medium heat because like I said you want it   to warm through on the inside before the exterior  Burns too much so my Tamala are bean and cheese I   like to make some fried eggs with this you could  make them scrambled over easy over medium over   well or sunny side up I guess I'm going for  broken today a broken yolk egg it's all good   you guys however you want to make your eggs do  that these tamales remind me of my childhood all   my theas grandmothers on both sides of my family  always warmed up theales this way and it didn't   matter what presents were under the Christmas  tree the thing that mattered was this wrapped   Tamal sitting on your plate served by someone  you love it really was about the food in my   family and making this breakfast reminds me of  all those good times as a kid when life was a   lot simpler when my dad was around so this is  definitely something he would like to eat now   you can serve this with salsa I had a Thea that  made a mean Chile pikin salsa it was so good but   I'm going to opt for Louisiana hot sauce it's one  of my favorites you could do Tabasco you could do   any hot sauce or salsa that you like but this  breakfast might not look pretty when you played   it but man is it good so I woke up early today  so I'm having breakfast in peace and quiet by   myself in my office and I'm going to have some  cafesito along with this this is really just a   favorite of mine and this is just a holiday  treat I'm going to sit here and think about   all my loved ones that are still with me that I'm  thankful for and even the ones that have passed   this little breakfast it's not much to look at  but it means a lot when I'm thinking back on family
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 779,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamales, Mexican food, easy recipes, winter, fall, holiday recipes
Id: pbWALOAnq-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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