Step By Step Shoe Shine | Mirror Shine

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back so you may recognize this pair of hole cut Oxford's that we recently did a review video on we had completely taken these shoes apart to show you all the ins and outs of it I'll put a link to that video above which you should check out but since then we have resold these shoes as you can see because these are mine I went ahead and had a little fun with these soles and now what we're gonna do is take you guys step by step on making sure that you have a really great shine on your shoes and we're gonna do that before I get these out so let's get to it okay so step one is just putting a really good conditioner on your shoes as we've mentioned in other videos when you get your shoes straight out of the box most of those shoes that you're buying you don't know how long that leather has been sitting there a lot of times it can be sitting in the retail shop for a while it could been sitting at the manufacturer for a while so those leathers are oftentimes very dry and a good conditioner is what you need to do first to your shoes a good conditioner is one of those things that is going to build the base or be the foundation for a really good shoe shine in this video I'm using Saphir renovate or which is just a brand that we have carried here at our shop for years and that we also sell it doesn't have to be severe it could be any conditioner but you just want to make sure that whatever product you're using or a very high quality I like to buff off after each step I like to buff it off with a brush before continuing on to the next step all right now the next thing we're gonna put on here is a choux cream su cream or a good choux cream has some conditioners in it but it also has waxes as well they were gonna do a good job beginning to build that shine up obviously this shoe is black so it makes it easy we're just going to go with a black cream here if the shoe has no scuffs or scratches you could always use a neutral shoe cream as well but in this case I'm just going to go with the color of the shoe you could also if you're wanting to add a bit of a patina to your shoe you can also play around with some different colored waxes or should I say you could also play around with some different colored creams and that'll add some dimension to your shoes and I'm going to get a little bit on the leather heel blocks and around the the sole as well okay and again after we have that cream on there and the cream is dried I now want to take my brush and brush off that shoe okay and once I have brushed both of those off something that I like to do is just take a rag a really soft rag especially after I've put on the shoe cream and I like to just lightly buff over that shoe to remove any excess shoe cream pigment that may still be on that shoe for one you don't want any excess pigment getting off onto your the bottoms of your pants or anything like that and it also just makes a cleaner surface for when that wax gets on there okay after I buffed off my shoes and gotten the rest of that cream on there what I'm now gonna do is follow it up with my first coat of wax now again we use Saphir products if you use other brands Lincoln or you know Angela so what other brands you have that's perfectly fine but what we're gonna do you know to put that first coat of wax and this one I'm using a neutral color you can use black that's fine but because if you know wax does not have a lot of pigment in it so you're really not trying to cover up any scuffs or scratches so a neutral would would work just fine just as you know as if you were putting in black wax on there now the first one I just like to use my fingers I think just the heat from my hands helps to melt that wax in there a little better it's not anything you have to do you can use a rag but again I just think putting that first couple of coats on there with my fingers is just something that I like to do now the other thing to mention is if you're just putting that that initial coat of wax on there it is okay to put a coat of wax all over your shoe including up here on the vamp area we're not putting enough on there that it's going to cake up and or should I say build up and then that box crack so one coat is sufficient now it's time to buff those shoes off again okay so we have that initial base wax all over the shoe and now what we're going to do is focus on the toe area and the heel area of the shoe now because these are hard it allows you to be able to add additional wax layers on top of each other without risking it you know creasing and cracking what we're going to do and it's a it's a long process but we're just going to start off with it's very light coats of wax and we're just going to begin rubbing those again into the toe area and the heel area now again light coats of wax is the key to this step and you just want to begin rubbing it into really small circles and working that wax down into the shoe okay now once you have that wax down in there what I also like to do in order to really begin building up that shine is taking a little tin what I like to do is sometimes I'll just use the other side of the the lid for the wax and I'll put cold water in there now the reason that we go for cold water is because you really want to solidify that wax and and build it up to where it hardens and that's what allows for the ability to add layer upon layer if you use warm water all its gonna do is just kind of it's gonna melt that wax and it's not going to really build up as great of a shine they just want to take little dabs off it and just kind of dab it onto the shoe and then lightly rub that water into that wax until you see it bringing up that shine at this point I've added a layer of wax of the whole shoe then I went back and as you saw I've added wax to the toes and to the the hill counter area back there at this point you can either use a brush you know buff those two spots off or you can do like I normally do and I just use my rag and I'd likely rub it and in with my fingers until that shine is brought up again it's not necessary at this point if you're doing it correctly to use that brush and buff off those toe areas again you just want to make sure that you're using very very light pressure as you rub that water and that wax into the shoe and now I'm going to go on and I'm going to add another couple more layers of this Pat deluxe wax on to the toe and the hill area just doing the same process that I did before just a little bit of wax rub very lightly into the shoes and small circles and then go back over it with just a dab of water on to the toes and again very very light pressure until that shine begins to show up okay guys so I've added about three layers of wax to the toes and the the heel portion of these shoes what I'm gonna do now is use this product called mere gloss by Saphir it's a great product for building up a wonderful shine on your shoes because it has such a high concentration of hard waxes in there and a very low solvent ratio so when you use this wax again it's it just really does an outstanding job building that mere shine that you're wanting to achieve okay so now we're just going to continue to do the same thing I'm gonna continue to take this wax here apply it in small little circles onto the toe and onto the heel followed by little drops of water and just continue to rub that in in little circles rubbing lightly until it brings out that shine and one of the things that I just want to remind you guys is that when you're trying to build up a really good glass or when you're trying to build up a really good shine onto your shoes it's definitely like the saying goes it is a marathon not a sprint you know you could you could sit here for hours working on these shoes until you get or until you achieve the desired shine on your shoes it's definitely not one of those things that is done really quickly so be patient and just continue to work at it until that shine is and until that shine is where you want okay guys so I have gotten these shoes to where I want them from start to finish this is probably about seven to eight very light coats on top of the toes and the hill like I said before the important thing to remember is very very light coats mixed in with just a a little bit of water you don't want to go too heavy on the water you definitely don't wanna go too hard on the wax just very light coats and again I did not brush off the wax in between each coat when you start building that shine up all you really want to do is just you know lightly work in that wax and that water mixture until it brings out a shine and then you just want to continue to do that over and over until you get to the point that you're happy with the shine so that's it again I hope this tutorial helps you if you have any questions at all about what we did or what you need to do leave us like a comment below and we will definitely try to get back to you again we appreciate it if you'd give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel as we're always having videos like this and answering other questions regarding shoes until next time have a great day you [Music]
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 326,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #shoeshine, #bestshoeshine, #mirrorshine, #mirrorgloss, #saphirwax, #beckettsimonon, #wholecutoxfords, #shoeshinetutorial, #howtoshoeshine
Id: lnfFM_rPb4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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