The Difference a Good ol’ Fashioned Shoe Shine Shine Can Make: Shining Only One Shoe for Comparison

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I just want to start this video off by thanking all of you for helping me to launch the elegant oxford comm so successfully it's been absolutely crazy around here with the launch so I'm thinking I'll be uploading a new video every Wednesday so I can balance orders and these videos and also the website now for those who haven't visited the site I hope you'll head on over and check it out you'll be able to purchase some if not all of the products you see me use in my videos and there's even a 5% discount code for you if you decide to get anything all that infos in the description here below also a lot of people have been telling me that they're not being notified when I upload a new video so don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring the notification bell so that every time I upload you'll be notified this is the elegant Oxford we specialize and offer premium shoeshines dyes and artisan patinas for quality men's brands and help others to learn the art of shoe-shining visit the elegant oxford comm for all of your shoe care needs okay so let's get started this pair of Allen Edmonds Fifth Avenue's just looks really tired you can see there's some heavy creasing along the vamp and looks like salt damage or water damage or old polish so in today's video I'm gonna revamp these just give them a fresh new look nothing too crazy I'm just gonna make sure they look faithful to the original color but also so that they look a lot better than what they look now okay so let's get started on this thing okay like I've mentioned in other videos you need a good shoe tree before you get started now you don't want it to be too tight and you don't want it to be too loose but a snug shoe tree will work just fine so here's an old vintage shoe tree I have and I find that these work really well so there we go and now the shoes ready okay so you basically have two choices you can use severe Reno Matt here it is right here to remove old polish and dirt and grime but it may not be sufficient if you really have to go hardcore you might have to use acetone but I'm going to start off using the Reno mat to see what results we get because I might have to go even further with acetone but I'm just not sure at this point cuz every pair is kind of an experiment so let's see here see that it's removing some old polish some dirt so I'm not sure if this will be enough yet but you know I think it might be enough but that's what you get for not working on shoes and on video sometimes you just don't know what's gonna happen and it's kind of unexpected okay seems to be some stuff around here okay I gotta apply some moderate pressure see yeah it's some stuffs coming off and don't be afraid to kind of use your nail if you have to not too hard though just to make sure you get some of this excess stuff off you can see the tongues really dirty as well so yeah it was nasty let's just get on in there and keep keep cleaning don't forget to switch over to a cleaner the cleaner area of the rag here once in a while you don't want to spread that dirt around so make sure to get into the Knicks and crannies you know that can be hard sometimes but do the best you can and if you need to use a cotton swab or a tool an improvised tool you can do that as well but right now I really just want to get all that stuff off I'm trying not to breathe hard because I'm using a lot of pressure but I don't want to sound like I don't want to sound like I'm out of breath but sometimes you really scrub hard it feels like you are out of breath so sometimes it's embarrassing people comment they're like oh how come I can hear your breathing so loud oh I'm sorry it's because I am scrubbing harder than you might think I'm sorry I'm having a good laugh about that but yeah it just keeps scrubbing and just have fun with it I know it can be a frustrating process especially if you bought shoes and they cost you a lot of money and now you have to you know we shine them because he stepped in a puddle of water or something like that but just try to have fun with it okay now this area looks particularly nasty but let's try the Reno mat here see we can get off yeah it's getting that's getting it off I'm glad I don't have to use acetone I still may but for right now everything looks okay cuz acetone is really a powerful chemical that will strip off even the factory finish and I if I do that I might have to read I the shoe but looks okay so far yeah I can't seem to get in over here so I'm use a little cotton swab dip it into the reno mat just like that and then kind of do that sometimes you just have to do it sometimes there's just nuts and crannies by the welt and there's just no way to get down there except for using a q-tip or a cotton swab this is just one of my favorite tools and it seems to work so I use what you have if you have to run down to the 99-cent store and get some may not be an option right now but it's definitely good to have around okay there's some more nastiness right here Wow it's doing a great job it sound pretty happy this looks like old wax and wax looks great when you shine it but if it gets old and cracks it can look pretty unsightly so this is a good option here just make sure you get all that if you have to use a cotton swab like last time here we go got some right here just go into these crooks nooks and crannies just trying to get that all off so and rassa tone is an option but if you do that you're gonna remove the factory finish and there's gonna be extra work involved so it's just not one of those jobs I want to do that with okay so I really like severe leather dye its alcohol based instead of oil-based so I found that alcohol based dyes absorb into the leather really really well oil based dyes kind of look shinier but I really don't need that since I'm gonna be polishing this shoe up anyway so I just used for this job I'll just use a cotton rag around my finger and I'm gonna die not too much okay just a small amount there we go and it matches the chilly color the allen edmonds chilly color really well it's kind of a reddish reddish brown kind of type of color just kind of rub it in with your finger just to refresh the color just looked a little pale on us here okay the weather might darken a little bit but that's just completely normal no it's not permanent it's like you're repainting a car just a fresh coat so the car looks nice and fresh a lot of people don't know this either but if you buff leather dye once it's applied and dried it will give you a nice little shine it's not a great great shine but you know it's just a nice revamp color just to give it back what it lost okay now that the leather is dried we have to add some conditioner and you have two options you have severe renovate or or the napa leather bomb and the napa leather bomb is more for delicate leathers and it's an option if you'd like but I'm gonna use round abitur because that's it's usually what I use anyway for those who know my channel well it's my go-to I found using your finger is the best idea just for control and for the amount you want to use you don't want to use a lot about 1/4 of a pinky pinky nail and just massage it into the leather just like that with your two fingers you don't need more than that it's a tiny bit more for the cap just like that so use use less than you think put one coat I forgot to mention I should have actually recorded this I used a leather dye on the welt here same leather dye that I use on the top of the upper I used on the on the welt just to add that color back so it's a good idea so you let it dry for five minutes and you can let it dry for more if you'd like but five is enough then use a brush just brush it to a nice shine now it's time for some color to cream polish and I think you really have two choices here mahogany or cognac and depending on what shade you want to accentuate you can use either red tones for mahogany and amber and golden tones for cognac I'm gonna go with cognac maybe a little bit of mahogany same processes before just apply a little bit at a time you want you can use the high shine chamois if your brush is leaving some streaks which can happen just use the the soft cloth here and buff it to a nice shine and that's what one jar of Saphir can do looks pretty good so now I'm going to use some wax polish to do a mirror shine now you have two options for the mirror glossy akshay of three you can use light brown mahogany or you can use neutral but I like to add color with my colored wax polishes a colored wax polishes excuse me I'm probably gonna use light brown it's not a perfect match but the color from here will well you'll be able to see it so this wax doesn't have a lot of pigment so it's not gonna overpower it a lot and if you take a look it's actually kind of yellow so that should be fine okay so I'm very shine you're gonna start off by adding layers with your fingers like this okay make sure to get down in the nooks and crannies like that you can buff this later just putting a layer of wax over the shoe just concentrate on the cap though keep adding layer after layer and you can initially put like eight nine ten layers and you let it dry and then you start the mirror shine and that just produces a really fast and quick mirror shine if you haven't seen my income it my comprehensive tutorial that I left I'll leave the link in the description below I got a mirror shine in five minutes with that with that method so it's a pretty good one just keep adding wax polish so make sure you get down here as well and the friction and the heat from your fingers it's gonna really melt it down whoops got a little bit too much right there I don't want that much just keep rubbing it in like that okay and then once you've done this let it wait let it sit for five minutes and then you can start the buffing okay so make sure to get your ice cube a little bit of water with rubbing alcohol get a little bit on your fingers there just make sure the excess is dab go you don't want too much on there okay and then you start okay just back and forth touch the wax just touch it the heat from your fingers will melt it a little bit you'll get some on there back and forth touch the ice cube okay okay just keep going it's gonna take a little bit but be patient just add some wax just keep going okay just build it up and in due time you'll have that mirror shot you need okay so the mirror shines looking really great I just want to show you how to finish the mirror shine off once you you've gotten far enough where you want to finish you need to get to a clean part of the cloth around your fingers so make sure it's a brand new area that it's clean and you can put some alcohol water on there and then you just buff it okay back and forth and if you need to just touch the wax and getting went on your mirror shine can really make it look terrible so go back and forth just like that just buff it there you go it's looking a lot better you can see my one of my lights here on the side just keep doing that process gently back and forth not too much pressure should be able to buff everything to a glass-like finish [Music]
Channel: The Elegant Oxford
Views: 139,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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