Step by step process of thinking like a data analyst

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in one of my community post madhulika asked this question if i can describe step by step process of thinking like a data analyst using an example and what i did is i talked to my brother who is a founder of athletic technologies which is a software development company and we took a real-life pain point in his business and the pain was he's having a lot of clients and he's not able to prioritize these clients because there are some clients who give high revenue but the profit margin is very narrow there are clients who are recurring and they could give less profit margin but they give you recurring business some clients give you just one off projects and there are clients who give high profit margin and high revenue but those clients are kind of noisy clients and they do a lot of micro management because of that some of the companies employees are living so he's having hard time prior to privatizing these clients so we took this business problem and i did a role play off as if i am an ethnic founder and i am facing these issues then i went to my data analyst friend heman who is not only a data analyst actually he leads a team of data analysts in a company based in uk so he's the person who solves real life problems and he does dashboarding in power bi he has a bunch of data analysts reporting to him so he took this problem and he discussed the approach that he will take to solve this problem and to build dashboards in power bi so in this video we are going to do role play again i will become the ethic founder i will discuss the real life problem that atletic technologies is facing and hemon is going to become a data analyst he will play a role of a data analyst and he will ask me a lot of question and he will explain a step-by-step process of thinking like a data analyst this video was not planned it was all recorded kind of live we did not prepare in advance so you will see if you are sitting in a corporate room and if you are talking to a direct client how a data analyst thinks and this is very important the thinking process is the most important thing if you want to build a career as a data analyst so watch the video try to understand that thinking process and i hope you will find this useful so uh athletic is a software development company where we have many different clients and one of the common problem that we face is prioritizing these clients on which client we should be spending more time or whom we should be giving more priorities because these different clients one thing is we can look at their revenue but there are clients who give us more revenue but the profitability is not there in those projects then there are some other clients whose work is so painful that some of our important resources have left this company so how can you help us uh with these pain points great great that's an interesting problem i think this is a classic problem that every i would say service company would have would have some of their own solution to deal with uh i mean let's let's break this problem into you know multiple pieces here so one one thing what you need to know is like which client is giving you the most revenue that's that's probably the first thing you want to know and uh perhaps then you want to understand what is the profitability of each of these clients and it's very interestingly mentioned something like pain point that you have with some of the clients because if they are creating a lot of uh protocol uh a challenge for you to get the project done which is not which is not a challenge it is more like an issue then we need to factor that as well so first of all i would like to ask you do you record the client transactions and uh is there a data that we have in the system i think yes we have a mysql database actually today where we record all this transaction we have built an internal tool in our company where all the projects which are coming um they get recorded along with the timeline and the revenues perfect perfect so that's going to be really helpful so if uh so do you mean like you you record this data via some system and the data is flowing through a database sql database so if i go to sql database i can access all this data yes data given perfect then then what what i can do is like i could set up uh i mean we could we could easily this in this case when you have the data directly coming from a table or database i could directly connect this via power bi and using mysql connector and get my data in and what i can do is like uh we could we could think about customer classification they could call like uh you can name them you want to call them like a gold silver platinum customer or you want to call it like a b c customer where a is your most uh valuable customer b's you know second most and see uh so what what's co would you want to do the classification or you want to know for each customer or you want to assign an index to each customer then say that oh this customer index is 95 and this customer index is 93 what what is your preference classification sounds like a good idea if i have gold platinum and like silver customers i can maybe in busy seasons i can focus more on my silver of not silver but the platinum customers so yeah that kind of classification sounds like a good idea yeah great great so in order to classify your customers i like to understand what what really means uh what really means to your business i understand for every business review revenue comes first right so let's let's you know revenue is given so how much how much sales that person is creating that customer is creating to you that's that's very important apart from revenue i think profitability that's also financial metric you would focus if i'm not wrong right because there are some clients who give big revenues but the profit margin is very low let's say five percent but there are some other clients who give less revenue but profit margin is high and we want to focus on profit margin but one other uh aspect that we consider is the value system of our company our company's mission and vision is to empower people and employee retention is one of our criteria so if we have a noisy client who is let's say giving more good revenue and good profit but due to that client let's say some of our important resources are leaving the company then we would like that client to go got it got it got it let's do a bit more of brainstorming to this one i would like to take my notes just give me a second so i think we covered uh from one perspective right which is the financial perspective we know that uh the gross margin uh or gross margin it's more like profitability and revenue comes first uh so let's list down the factors first how does it work for it let's just list on all the factors and see how much weight that you want to give to each of these factors because you you might say for me revenue is more important than profitability or you or you want uh you know you want something that's more important than revenue let's let's not go into that now how does it sound like you just listed on the factors and go to the in the next step that work yes yes so you profit have two factors one the third factor you you say devil is is about um i mean it's about the how to call it it's about uh it's not the same point how do you how do you name this like what is uh is it about like uh without any hindrances how do you how do you name this term well we can just say it like a pain index or something maybe okay like customer pain index yeah customer pain index where uh we have this model where software services model where sometimes uh some of our clients are directly managing our employees you know and it's a typical software services model where let's say we have 10 people of 10 react native developers we give that to a client and the client has a technical manager who manages these people many times you've seen situation where this technical manager who is a representative of client they do a lot of micro management and that and they set very aggressive unreasonable deadlines and that creates a lot of frustration within the team whereas there are some good clients and good technical managers who set reasonable deadlines and those teams tend to be more happier okay okay perfect perfect okay so you want to i mean i'm i'm not the person to come into your level but yeah i mean i'm i'm a bit concerned about the name that you have you if you call like a customer pain index i mean the people who are working with the uh the customer would have not put them off like that they have this customer paid index and they might i mean i'm talking about your company's employees they might think like oh this is a pain i mean maybe we should yeah yeah yeah because it is it is i mean it's it's bit uh i think i feel it's bit uh straightforward and uh it might not work well with the theory employees but we could call this like uh you know like customer flexibility index or something like that you know i mean you call them a nice customer right you call yeah you call them if a customer does everything good and perfect you call them a nice customer and uh do we call this like customer niceness oh i don't think that's in a word yeah yeah it's uh let's call it like customer okay i mean let's let's let's keep the customers index for now if if we get some other word i think we'll rebrand it yeah we'll rebrand i mean the pain index is an internal term which the management of athletic technologies will be using these metrics and these dashboards will be very very private but i agree we'll come up with a better term but let's let's go with pain index for now okay perfect okay so great so we have the revenue we have the profitability and then you have the customer paid index and is there anything else that you would like to know from you know which would make which would mean to your business what are the things that you would like to know yes one more thing is uh we are interested in building a long-term relationship with uh customers so the customers who give us recurring revenues and whose revenues are increasing year by year we give those customers more priority than there are customers who give us one-off projects there are customers yeah who have been giving us projects for a long time but the revenues are not increasing that kind of steady okay okay so i think this all points to something like uh the customer lifetime value right you you understand how much this value this customer would give give me in five years ten years kind of a thing like a projected projected revenue so shall we call it like a projected of the customer i think within the projected revenue you also cover the uh the frequency uh because in in the formula that we're going to use to project the revenue we will definitely take into account what is the what is the frequency of projects they have given in this in this year and uh and the revenue growth rate for example a customer a has given you revenue for like five million in the last last quarter and this million if years giving if if you get like seven million there is a growth rate of 40 and then you can put it together and say okay this you know we can put it together in equation and say the projected revenue is going to be this and and we can also include very interesting you can also include the growth rate of the customer itself like how the client is growing in their own business if if they're growing in their own business the the likeliness of you getting the project it's it's going to improve isn't it like if the client is not growing if they're dipping if they're not i mean provided your your client is a public company you would know how much the growth rate is and everything if not you know it will be hard to protect in that case we shouldn't we shouldn't crack it like anything that is that is going to take a guesswork i think we should just keep it if you get a number for that one nice nice so yeah some of these clients they can share their financial numbers and it's an interesting i think international dimension to tackle definitely i think if they're growing they will give us more business and we'll grow as well so let's take that into account yeah i think all of this uh we can put it together in the projected revenue uh because if this this would go into the because the client's growth rate which is the rate at which they are growing will go into this formula and uh we can project our revenue based on their growth rate okay you can also get more specific about it like uh what is their service i mean what is their product what is the end product and what is the you know what is the need for the product and uh you know we could go into as much as details as possible but if you want to keep it at the top level you can just see into their pnl profit and loss statement and understand if they're growing them up okay that sounds good there's one more factor i would like to consider is athletic technologies have been doing projects on mobile and software development you know traditional mobile and app development but the world is moving more towards data science and machine learning so athletics is trying to acquire such clients who can give machine learning projects and in fact we have one project going on right now now for these projects since these are strategics and since athletic wants to transform itself into data science and machine learning company we would like to prioritize these clients although they might be giving us less revenue and a lot less profit margin yeah okay okay that that we could call this like a preferred client and you could have a tick box saying this is a preferred line and you can decide how much weightage that we should go yeah we should call this like a preferred client okay that sounds good yeah so if you've got like five factors so far and is there any other factor that you would like to put in there nope that's it yeah and just just to let you know this is you know we can keep this list you know a live document and of course i know that you would you would have something more you know you could have thought about more but this we can use to create a robust model and then see what we can incorporate later okay great all right so so let's see this five thing these five factors contribute to 100 of your uh you know 100 of the the formula that will go into the metrics that will go into classifying your customer as a a b and c or gold silver platinum whatever you want to call it how would you what what is out of this file what is your most important thing if you just have to pick one what is the most important thing profit margin profit margin all right yeah that's uh yeah so naturally if that's your most important thing that should be more than 20 because we have five factors here so if you divide everything equally you would have to give 20 to each of them but one of one of them you're going to prioritize one of them this should be more than 20 percent so how how big it is than the other factors it's it's five percent more or ten percent more what what would you say the profit margin yes the profit margin what is the factor you want to give for this because uh we have five factors ice and each of these factors has a weightage if if i give an equal weightage to all these factors i would give point two to each of these factors got it gone uh profitabilities yeah okay what i would say forty percent okay that's like point four of your weightage of your entire point four of my weightage yes okay perfect perfect so let's say that's your point four and uh do you like to pick your second important factor yes so profitability is number one the the second factor we considered was so there was a revenue and there was a recurring recurring the revenue growth so second factor will be the the revenue growth okay is it the projected revenue right yes yeah okay so the project of revenue so how what will be the wage according to you oh we can give that maybe uh thirty percent okay point three that's zero yeah point three perfect and uh got it so you have three more factors and you've got like 0.3 left so if you have to like you know if you want to split it equally you can put point one to all of them but i think one of i mean personally i mean you can you can you can add to this i feel that revenue should be given more weightage than rest of the factors as well because sometimes it's about because revenue based on my understanding it helps in your uh it helps in your company's reach so if you are making more revenue which means you are having more clients you are having you're doing bigger projects so that's a direct indicator of how big is your company you might be you know let's say that yeah because you might be selling like five five products right you might be selling five products and you're making like 90 profit margin in that but somebody might be selling like thousand products and just making 10 profit margin that person is making more profit than you at the end of the game at the end of the day right yeah so i think i mean i feel like that should revenue should be playing some i totally agree because uh we might sell this uh sell out this company you know eventually as well and if you if you have a plan of selling this company uh for a higher valuation i think revenue will be one of the important factor um yeah if you want like you can you can put revenue as uh maybe you can split between you can reduce the profitability and then give revenue 0.2 if you if you ask me probably that could be could make gold in this calculation sure you are you are an expert data analyst here and i trust your ability so let's go with that that sounds interesting no i'm i'm yeah i'm gonna expect to get the data together but uh i would totally lie uh rely on your expertise to tell me what exactly you want to see i'm just i'm just taking some anecdotes from what i what i've done before but it's not okay every i understand every business is different and uh it could be that your business is completely different your model is different and you just want to focus on profitability not on the scale so it i it could happen okay totally understood but yeah i i would i would still go with your opinion i i totally agree that that's how we should balance out these factors great great great stuff all right and uh i've got two three three factors now uh weighted and uh the other ones that we have our uh customer pain index a very interesting one and the projected uh sorry the preferred client so we have like uh 0.2 left in the in the weighting how do i think we can we can give point one to each okay okay sounds good okay perfect great so i mean i think what we can do though is like create an overall index including these five factors and that index will you know i could make this index like out of 100 if you prefer like how how do you like to read this number do you want to leave this like in percentage or do you want to read this like an index or do you want to be dis like a scale out of five what's what's your scale yes some simplistic presentation would matter like scale out of five maybe okay so if you want to put it out scale out of five so understandably any customer that it's five will be your top customer will be your most valuable customer and how would you call how do you like to call the classification do you want to call abc or silver gold platinum or any anything different that that might be more unlimited like i like this terminology so let's do diamond platinum gold silver bronze okay so you have like five different categories yes diamond platinum gold silver bronze great and uh so what i've got all the five customers now sorry on the five categories now and uh do you want to specify the scale so if a customer hits between four to five you want to keep it as diamond and three to four is going to be platinum and uh and so on so is is that a scale that you would keep for this or okay i would skip that scale yeah yeah so there is a there is a thing like uh you know by gut feeling you would know this customer will be my diamond customer this customer will be my platinum customer you know you might have that good failure and uh the formula is gonna do something and it's gonna give you some results it might be surprising to you because what the formula shows might not be might not match with your gut feelings and uh so but that is also uh a good validation point for me so if you give me your gut feeling of some of the customers oh i know this customers are definitely gonna be in five this customers are definitely going to be in four if if i find my data my result and your initial gut feeling you know there is a vast difference between these two i will for the look and understand okay what what else i might have missed in the formula because there must be some reason for you to think very hard you know very very uh you know like you're very certain about something there must be some reason we might not have factored that in here that's something i would like to cover just understand the variance and calculate or maybe the formula is perfectly right you you might be having a different opinion all this time that could also be yeah you i think you're making very great points here because i have seen many times your gut feeling is dependent on some of the subtle psychological factors and when you look at the actual data those that data will not back those cut feelings and of course i want to run my business based on data driven decision making not based on my perceptions or biases yes yes yeah and that's exactly what i'm saying because this is uh i mean this can go two ways as well uh it because if you're so so strong in your gut feeling i think we should not ignore it as it is like like totally as it is we should just keep a balance between both and see why why you feel it that way you know understand why you get feeling safe that way it could be just a gut feeling or it could be something that we might have missed in factoring to this thing there could be some other factor that's the reason why you know when you're in the initial stages of development of these things like that i would i would always listen to the gut feeling and understand what why why they think or this this customer is really valuable or why they think this product is really valuable there must be some reason to it let's try to break the data and understand why you know that that could be something that i i would i would just factor it in initially and uh great so i think revenue is pretty straightforward i would not uh try to you know jinx it too much it's very straightforward i would uh i would i would try to allocate a scale based on the revenues that you receive from different customers and we can you can say like oh the top the top 10 percentile of the customer belong to you know let's keep a rating for top 10 percent of the customer let's give like a five and uh the bottom five let's keep some number and we've got we can easily get a number for revenue right that's that's given and for profitability it's likewise it's it's directly a number from the number we can know you know like uh what is what is the top and the medium on the bottom ones and based on that we can allocate a number um yeah positive revenue it's it's a it's going to be very detailed formula but um just to let you know what what are the things that i'm going to include is uh basically the i mean i want i would understand if this customers what kind of what type of projects this customer is giving you this client is giving you is it a recurring or is it a one-off project or what is the you know what is the scale at which they're giving you and what is the frequency in which they are asking you to do it again it could be i mean i'm going to identify from your data set if the project is something that's going to be recurring for sure because there is a project if they're asking you to prepare an annual budget review dashboard or something like that that's going to be required because they're going to do it every year and they're going to do it they're going to do it every quarter so we we should focus more on projects like that because that's going to give you keep giving you more and more revenue every year and i'll put some i'll i'll try to identify that one and i'll couple that with uh the growth rate of the company and we will get the projected revenue from this customer okay a preferred client is straightforward if uh if you give me the keywords that i need to look for if it's related to data science uh sorry if it's related to machine learning um you you mentioned some of the keywords the burst words if you just give me these keywords i'm going to filter the products based on the description whatever project charter and other things and i'm going to take this project by saying okay this is a preferred project because we would like to do more projects for this that i say yes so my mysql database that we have for our clients and projects those to that database has those keyword keywords so when you plug power bi with the mysql um database i think you will do some filtering or some query on that column and you will assign a preferred client tag to that particular customer correct yeah yeah that is that is one way of doing it if you want to be really certain about it if you want to be like uh super certain about this this thing an easier way is i think all the projects go through an approval process right it goes somebody approves the project and i think that person i believe that person is also capable to understand whether this project is a perfect project or not oh yes the there is a there is a project manager who does all this and they understand so maybe in the software that we have built to track clients and projects we can have a check box where we just say preferred part exactly per project that's that's exactly where i was going to come at because rather than putting the machine to think all this thing it's it's a very simple human thing to do and uh you know human can make a tick and uh it's done sometimes the mission cannot you know it's 100 we know that it's it's easier to just make a tick there and know it's a perfect project or not i think i'm i'm quite comfortable with the uh with the four factors that you gave i i understand how i can get the data but i think i would need your help to understand the customer paid index a little bit more because i'm i'm not confident about my understanding with that so what the customer pain index can pay index so you it's it's basically related to the experience of your employees okay yes so it's related let me give you more details so it's related to um uh the experience that our employees get while directly dealing with that particular customer because the customer has a technical manager who is managing our team of 10 you know let's say react native developers and that technical manager sometimes do a lot of micro management and it it this could be due to the way the whole organization is set up on the customers and their values and their culture and whatnot but because of that the experience that our employees are getting is not the best for example we do lot of cultural activities in our company you know there was a diwali for example and we did a lot of diwali celebration but some of the employees couldn't join that event because they were working on this account where they had a totally unreasonable uh deadline so what we have started doing is periodic monthly or quarterly survey monkey surveys where every employees they give this feedback uh for for a project and customer both and we have this feedback data in our survey monkey portal which we can export it to excel file but now the problem we have we have some data in mysql and we have this survey data in excel files so i'm just as a data analyst like how would you like to consume this information um that's that's going to be very uh there is a surveyment key connected to power bi i can connect something into power bi and then oh you can export today that's that's possible or else we can extract the data from surveymonkey and push it to sql that's that's another way uh to keep things simple i would go for the first option so so yeah so first option is simple but i want to discuss the second option so what we'll have to do so as a data analyst like let's say you will write some python script to extract data from excel maybe write some pandas code and just insert that directly into mysql correct yeah yeah that's that's right and uh that's that's not going to take a lot of work but um i don't know if there is an api to sorry monkey to get the data directly as a database raw data that's something we need to investigate further to understand if that that is possible if not there is a direct connector to server monkey via power bi you know i can simply match up this two data you know one of my data sources will be sql another data source will be so monkey i can put these two things that's that's also another way um yeah like i said to you know to not spend too much time to just get something immediately and then do step by step building i would just go for the first option where i connect to surveymonkey using my power bi directly and uh yeah that i mean i i really like the survey thing uh there was but i believe this is i mean this is this is me talking this is more about my understanding you can correct me here i believe this is also related to you know a lot of thing that we can we need to change in the process for i mean we need to know from the process the survey that you are asking i think that is the that is the primary data we get right that is that's going to save everything so what questions do we have in survey and that's something i would like to understand because to me it's it's it's what what really matters is um whatever you understand is like there is a there is a customer expectation the client expectation and there is the capacity that we have and it's not matching there is a mismatch between the capacity and the client expectation and uh how do we deal with this so there isn't i think there should be some sort of an asow or uh anything that's being made right so are i mean is the client thoroughly briefed about okay this is what we can do this is a deadline and uh because as an employee i'm not sure how much they can do to change this thing it's is it is it something that um i mean what i'm trying to understand is like this question the server equation should not just focus on the on the employee but also on the project manager also on the you know the sales manager who's getting the project uh and and try to get as much information possible if you want to go to the root cause of this problem and just i think that's where we need to start i think the point right and i i have details on that so the the uh let me discuss one of the clients who is an online retail online uh clothing store and their online clothing store they make specific types of clothes and their business is growing rapidly so part of the reason is they are growing so rapidly that they want to build these futures very fast so that's one the second one is there's their startup so they they don't have processes on their end and some of the people that for example this technical manager that is managing our team is not that mature you know it's like a new team so they're also this going through this learning process but then there is lot of pressure from business and that sometimes results into uh you know this bad experience as far as our team is concerned and we have told our team this thing as well but it's just and we have been conv having a recurrent meeting with this client and we are kind of keeping our communication uh as much clean as we can but still we are facing these issues and we don't want that some of the our best programmers leave the company you know that's the that's the last thing i want and that's the reason we are doing this surveys and if the results don't improve in this service maybe we'll negotiate with the client and try to reduce the scope or come up with some alternate mechanism to address the issues yeah yeah i think i i totally assure you i totally understand the primary focus here is is your employees they like like you focus on your customer there is a customer satisfaction score you should also have like an employee isn't it working on the project i think i think that maybe that's that's the thing we need to have it's it's instead of having like a customer pain index let's call it like an employee satisfaction index how how much how satisfied is employee working with this project like you would ask every client how satisfied are you working this project they would give the rating let's ask our employees how satisfied they are working this project and uh let's try to understand what what went wrong you know if if they did something less than five let's ask what went wrong was the deadline not clearly specified was the requirement not specifically given uh was the engagement not very pleasant you know we could we could factor in like ask a lot of questions and again this will go to a sub branching index where you will have weightage for each of these questions and see try to get a final number and that number we can integrate to the to the you know to the other four factors that we have that's perfect employee satisfaction index sounds like an awesome term so okay so we resolve that problem all right so let's go ahead with that right great and uh i would like also to understand whom to contact in your team where uh who can you know who can help me understand this uh this entire process of where it starts with uh with procuring a project until the completion what's what's the thorough process in it and uh based on that i want to because i i really want to know this because the questions that we have are are not just the questions but they are the data for us we the answers that we get from this questions are the data so for me that is the source of data i want to understand the process and the source of data connected to that so i can be really confident about the numbers i'm going to show you so that's that's that's the next step i would do i would on on this particular index on this particular uh factor i want to talk to the person who's handling this or maybe a group of people who are handling this and try to get as much information from them yes we have a project manager uh her name is aisha we can connect you with her and she can give you all the details although she can give you the server monkey handle from which you can you get the data mysql and you we can discuss all the other you know issues as well she knows all the details yes yeah also great though i would also like to know the flexibility do we have the flexibility to change or add or modify some of the questions and kind of reconnect one more survey yes yes we will actually so this is the first time we are doing this kind of data analytics till now we were just looking at owner of the company we are just looking at this data and making some decision based on our gut feelings but now since we are doing a proper data science within the company building this data analytics dashboard we are open for all kind of feedback and if you give us feedback we can definitely change the the the way we conduct these surveys right right right so let's come to the most important question when would you like to have this done uh right now we are in november so it would be nice if we can have something ready by mid-jan okay that sounds reasonable because i'm accounting all the you know yeah i mean perhaps uh what i would do is like i would just uh i would take an initial week of exploration i think that that's the time i need to understand you know how how much i can get the data because i want to see the data understand the quality of the data if the quality is good or not and maybe we can have a follow-up a week later and i can be more clear on the deadline that you're expecting if it's going to beat it or not great sounds good and uh all right and so we have the data all right and how often do you want the data to be like available do we get the data on a daily basis or is it more like a weekly basis it's more on a monthly basis we do monthly kind of accounting because we not only track revenues but we track expenses like employee salaries the bills and you know software subscription services and those are that cycle is monthly cycle yeah yeah yeah of course yeah we need to we need to know the expenses as well otherwise yeah that's how we can calculate the profitability of what is the profit margin for each of these projects great and uh perfect so what i can do well i can do some mind mapping and uh you know two things right one thing is about letting you know the timeline if it's feasible and maybe on the same meeting i can come with a draft i can create a draft of the dashboard how the dashboard is going to look how it's uh what are the things it's going to have and uh i can present that to you and we can sit together and see the change the changes you want to make you might want to make a few changes here and there and add a few things happy to accommodate all of those things how does that work for you yep that sounds good as i said like we have never used this dashboards in our company so having a quick draft version ready and review reviewing that would be a very good first step yeah and during these two months you know jan 15 is some when we want the dashboard to be like perfect and ready but during these two months maybe is it possible to have maybe weekly or bi-weekly meeting just to review whatever you have built yes i think yeah we could have a follow-up meeting next week and after that i can show you the bi-weekly meeting every two weeks for us to discuss and uh i want to know like who's the person if it's going to be you or if it's going to be someone in your team whom i can contact uh on a regular basis to ask any questions that i have so it will be the same person asha and she sees that she's a project manager she knows about this my school database surveyment care etc so yeah she will give you all the information but in our bi-weekly meeting uh i will be the main stakeholder because as an owner of athletic technologies i would like to you know i'll be the main consumer of this dashboard me and yeah my other partners and the cfo of this company so okay so this dashboard is for you your partner and the cf of the company and uh so it's not going to be i don't think you are you want this to be more uh visible for other people right it's more like a it's more like an executive dashboard you want to keep it at the top level yes this is an executive dashboard because it has a lot of internal insights and customers yeah like employee satisfaction numbers and all that you know we we just want to keep it private yeah all right all right perfect that sounds good to me so i guess i guess i've got the target audience i've got the timelines i've got the data sources and everything i'm going to contact the project manager aisha for this one i guess i've got enough of details to go further so what uh do you i mean if you feel like anything is missing or you have any other questions for me please let me know nope i think that's it this was an awesome conversation um i think we have we figured out a plan and this whole thing started from one of the question that my youtube subscriber asked which is a step-by-step process of thinking like an analyst and we just did this role play and we kind of went through the actual process so now i think the next step we just keep on meeting every week or two week you build a dashboard you get all the information on mysql server monkey whatever data sources you need and we just review it and at some point i think the dashboard is ready and as an owner of the company every morning i can just look at this dashboard get my insights and once dashboard is ready and built i think we can get in into some kind of maintenance contract as well where if you want to make one of changes you can help us make those changes correct yeah yeah cool yeah all right great cool thank you very much [Music]
Channel: codebasics
Views: 12,821
Rating: 4.9715099 out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, data analyst career, data analyst career in india, data analyst skills, data analyst communication skills, how a data analyst thinks, data analyst skills needed, data analyst, data analysis for beginners, data analyst skills for beginners, data analyst for beginners
Id: GRzb3x7I6B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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