Data analyst interview tips | How to prepare for data analyst interview

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I'm going to share some useful tips on data analyst interview today now before you appear for the interview many people ask me that we are not getting interview calls so getting interview call is very important and you need to do couple of things for this first you need to have a good resume a I have a separate video which I am going to link here you should watch that video and prepare a nice resuming the second thing is let's say you are applying in a company just for example Amazon Bangalore office as a data analyst try to make some friends already working in that Amazon Bangalore office using LinkedIn you can go to LinkedIn and search Amazon Bangalore data analyst and you will find many profiles so you can send them a connection link saying that I'm trying to apply at your location and I just want to build a connection so that I know more about the position and more about culture career growth and so on and there will be people who will be nice enough that they would connect with you on LinkedIn once you have built this connection you can request them to give a reference for you the companies usually give a higher preference on the reference coming from their own employees so if you are being referred by an employee working in that company already then there is a higher chance you will get an interview call now before you go for the interview you need to of course acquire the skills required by data analyst I have a separate video on how to acquire data analyst skills by using some online resources and by free so please go watch that video I have linked many free courses in that video which will help you acquire all the necessary like excel statistics tableau power bi skills now let's say you get an interview call during an interview they ask some common question these are the common question that they ask in any data analyst or software engineer position as well so let's go through those common questions the first question is why do you want to join us you need to have a good understanding of the company their products their clients etc and you can get that i doing a google search in advance so before let's say I am going for the interview prior to that do Google search on the company's clients products go through their website read glass door abuse the glass door reviews are very helpful in terms of letting you know the culture about the company because the employee is working for that company would be posting so that way you have good understanding of the company overall and when you answer that question properly it gives a good impression that this person is sincere about this interview you know he just is he's just not coming here just to get a job he cares about what company he's joining so that gives a very good impression so it is important that you do research on the company before going for the interview second most common question that they ask is tell something about yourself to answer this question you should tell about your past background if you already have an experience if you don't then you can talk about your academic background or if you have made any achievements other in academia or in your past company any certification any rewards any special performance appraisal that you have received because of some outstanding work that you did one rare cases some people have contributed to open source as well they have written technical paper so make sure you mention all of those things these things should be mentioned on your resume but during the interview in a verbal conversation also you should mint mention your achievements the technology and tools that you used or do not bluff about it if you have not worked on something don't mention it because the people who are taking your interview they're usually smart people and they can they can really ask complex questions on those topics so make sure you try to be as honest as possible now the third most common question is what type of projects you have worked on they might pick up a project from your resume and they will ask detailed questions on that so to answer this question you can do our to explain the technical architecture maybe you can draw some diagrams using visuals will make your conversation more effective so make sure you do that make sure your voice is loud and you use a clear language to explain what you have done also when you're talking about project please mention your specific role you know you might have worked with a team of less fi people but interviewer wants to know what was your role what did you do like what cut I have type of programs you wrote or what kind of data analysis you did in whatever tools in Excel power bi whatever and also mentioned the challenges that you were facing and by doing that project you can say I saved my company few million dollar or due to this data analysis work that I did completely decided to launch this product which increased the sales by 10% so give the exit ROI on those projects basically that way the interviewer knows that you did this much work but this was the ultimate outcome of that work and the last most common question is why do you want to become data analyst you should have a good answer you can say something like working with data excites me or any other reason that you might find that is keeping you thrilled about the field of data analytics so mention that now let's talk about specific questions that interviewer asked there are some categories list such as they might ask you about general question on data analysis process itself then the second category will be math and statistics because for doing data analysis good knowledge of math and statistics is essential there will be case studies and scenario based analysis where they give you scenario and asks you to analyze that SQL and Excel questions are also very common if you have any knowledge with tools such as SAS tableau power bi they will ask questions on those specific tools as well and nowadays everyone asked questions on programming majority of the companies they would prefer that as a data analyst you have some programming skills either in Python or are there are behavioral questions as well such as where you want to see yourself in next five years I did Google search on data analyst interview questions and found a bunch of useful links so I'm gonna go over them and discuss some of the commonly asked questions the first one I have is from NOC recom and here the question is estimate the number of weddings that take place in a year in India now answering this question requires some knowledge of math and probability and what kind of storytelling you can do to answer this question read through the answer of this question I'm gonna provide a links of all these URLs in video description but in the end this person came up who came up with the answer that okay it's around 11 to 12 million then there are questions on statistics such as how do you detect outliers for example standard deviation is a very common method used in detecting outlier or it could be IQR what is T test and Z test all these questions are mostly related to statistics this particular question is related to data analysis process itself right so these are the steps for doing data analysis then how do you do data preparation they will ask you a question on your knowledge related to tools so you should know that these are the popular tools that help you do data analysis then what is private table right this is related to excel so we discuss all those categories previously so we are going through different categories here then what is imputation what is through table and so on so you can go through all these questions another important link I have is from springboard where it's a behavioral question where do you want to see yourself in five years so you should have a good clarity on your own vision about your future okay let's say I want in in five years I want to be at this particular stage so answering that question will also leave a good impression on interviewers mind then why do you want to become data analysis right so like okay you loud Attard working with data excites you those kind of points can be mentioned in the answer of that question this is also another behavioral question where okay then you have to pursuit others how did you get there by in okay because as a data analyst you are doing data analysis and then showing those results to your business stakeholders so having good storytelling skills having negotiation skills having skills of persuading people is essential then can you add number one 200 quickly and the formula is n into n plus one divided by two now this is testing your mathematics knowledge SQL questions are also very common they ask questions on join specially what is inner join outer join etcetera and what are the cluster and nor cluster indexes so some basic index primary key foreign key knowledge that type of questions are very common then what's the difference between data mining and data profiling okay and how you deal with messy data in the past this question was asked in to Sigma as a data analyst you are doing ETL you are doing data cleaning most of your time so having good knowledge on data cleaning processes how do you do data cleaning how do you handle null values how do you normalize data how do you do transformation then here is a link from simply learn again the same question why do you want to become data analyst okay and then there are some question on statistics outlier interquartile range steps for performing data validation process this is another case study type question where they say okay take few minutes to explain how you could estimate how many shoes could potentially be sold in New York City each June you know this is the standard scenario based analysis question also I prefer that you do refer to questions specific to a company for example I am interviewing in less say Amazon for a data analyst position in Glassdoor they post questions which were specifically specifically asked during an Amazon interview so for example here I can go to in slash interview so for example here if I open this link you can see here you can say back in the Bangalore I'm looking for data analyst position and show me all the interview questions that were asked in Bangalore for this position and see this is showing the questions from different companies right let's add more cities they asked questions about SQL general concept no SQL and database then in this company they asked what is something about you that is not in your CV do you believe in team your work your fire goal your SQL and tableau questions similarly I looked for Amazon specific questions and here I found some question where the previous experience with SQL then what is the biggest challenge you complete what functions in SQL do you like the most so referring to questions specific to a company that you are applying to that is definitely going to help and class door is a best platform to refer to those specific questions related to the company here the asks SQL questions such as select all duplicate rows from the warehouse tables select all the non duplicate rows from table where no order was delivered yesterday ok so they might even give you a data set and say ok this is my situation this is my data set how would you write as query to join these two tables and retrieve the records which meet specific criteria then I have this link from courier guru 99 where they're saying that they might ask questions on data structures as well okay so if your Voki if you are applying in Tier one company very good company they'll ask questions on data structure such as like a what is hash table collision and how to avoid it now I have a separate data structure tutorial series so I would highly recommend you go watch it because knowledge of data structures is very important if you want to be a good programmer as a data analyst if you happen to be working in Python and are its it is important to have knowledge and data structures then again the steps in any analytics Pro project which is first you understand the problem then you do data exploration data acquisition sometimes data preparation modeling validation implementation and tracking data cleansing again very common question the what is data cleansing the steps for performing data cleaning and various techniques for performing data cleaning now data cleaning you can do in Excel you can do it using Python and pandas or you can do it in any ETL tool on rare occasions companies whole group discussions as well they will for example invite five people for the interview they will interview them separately but then in the end they will have a group discussion round during the group discussion they might ask you some scenario based analysis question where they will say ok here is the current data of the consumption patterns of this retail company in this particular region and now we want to launch a new product based on the past data that you have can you tell us like is doesn't make sense to launch the this product in this particular region with this particular demographic so then that will spur the group discussion during the group discussion again your confidence your or clarity of thought your analytical analysis all those things will matter and how you can negotiate how you can pursue your stakeholders which will be your interviewers during the group discussion how you can convince them that no we should not launch this product or maybe we should launch this product so those kind of points will be noted by the interviewer and they will use those to judge your performance during group discussions but again not many companies are doing group discussion but there are some companies who are doing group discussion so it's better to be prepared for that during most of the interviews they will spare last five to ten minutes for any question that you might have for the interviewer if your interviewer is asking you okay do you have any question for me don't be silent because if you be silent and don't ask any question it was sure that you don't care about this job more than just the money you are only concerned about money and they said so you should ask meaningful question you can ask something like what group do you work with right you can ask this through the interviewer that okay what do what what type of work do you do do you like working for this company and why that is a perfect question to ask okay that will give you an understanding of like why that particular interviewer likes to work with that company he will give you some insights which you might not find it on internet by doing some google search you can also ask what kind of technology and tools you guys use in your group that way you know that if you get hired then that's the technology stack or tools or framework that you are going to be using you can also ask about the learning opportunities that companies has what type of continuous education programs your company has what type of internal or external trainings you conduct do you send people to conferences do people contribute to open source and things like that so that way you get a good idea on the learning path that you will have once you join the company because you are not joining a company just for the money you want to make sure you are growing every you're in your career you are learning new things and so on so asking that question will give you that clarity you can also ask about work-life balance like flexibility and things like that also make sure you don't ask questions such as am i selected you know sometimes people become nervous and they don't have patience and they immediately ask during the interview what do you think about this interview performance I wouldn't ask that question because the HR is going to let you know anyway so have patience right don't ask that question to the interviewer because sometimes they did they take multiple interviews and they need the time to discuss among themselves whether to accept you or whether reject also there are some behavioural tips that you need to be aware about before you start the interview make sure you take a restroom break you have water because you might be traveling from a fireplace and let's say if you want to go to rest room and if you if you don't ask for that break then what will happen is you won't be able to perform to your fullest so make sure you rule out those factors have some water if you are not consumed food then maybe have some food with you okay so that way you're energetic you are hydrated and you are all equipped for that interview second most important thing is you have to be confident keep your voice clear and loud and when you are solving the problems that the person is asking you to solve or discuss what's going on in your mind because many times interviewers are not looking for the perfect answer they're looking for your thinking process your analytical abilities so thinking aloud which means if they give you some scenario based analysis problem you are solving that on not and pen you are discussing the thoughts that that's giving a going on in your mind don't have complete silence for let's say 10 minutes or for a long long period of time okay sometimes when you discuss your ideas interviews will probably give you hints okay and those hints will stop you going on our wrong track so you want to make sure you are communicating frequently you are very clear very confident look into interviewers eyes right when you're interviewing it's not like you are at the mercy of the interviewer okay maintain high self esteem that's very important if this company doesn't select you there are 100 other companies right you are not at the mercy of that particular company so have a very high respect and self esteem for yourself whatever you are whatever knowledge you have you should have a lot of respect for yourself and that respect and self esteem should be visible during the end of your interviewing process even the companies want to hire the people who have high self esteem or self regard for themselves another important thing is when interview is asking you a question make sure you understand it clearly listening is very important and after listening if you are not understood it properly asked counter questions sometimes people employ this trick where they ask you a very vague question and they actually want to know what kind of counter questioning you are doing okay so so that is part of the interview process so make sure you don't have very vague understanding and you start solving that problem you understand it clearly if you don't understand it clearly ask counter question asking smart counter question also lives a very good impression on interviewers mic so I hope that gives you some idea on how to prepare for rate analyst interview if you have any specific questions related to interviewing process please post in the video comment below thank you
Channel: codebasics
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Keywords: data analyst interview tips, data analyst interview questions and answers, data analyst interview preparation, data analyst interview introduction, data analyst interview presentation, interview data analyst, interview tips for data analyst, how to crack data analyst interview, data analyst interview, data analyst, data analytics interview questions, data analyst interview questions, analyst interview questions, interview questions for data analyst
Id: 9VQAwhp27eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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