18 Lakh Per Annum Job Offer As a Data Science Fresher | Geology to Data Science

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we are interviewing someone who has a college degree in applied geology geology is all about earth science rocks and volcanoes you know but at some point in his college he picks up interest in data science then he starts learning those skills using online resources on his own and then he gets four job offers as a fresher including a job offer at american express which is around 18 lakh rupees per year package is pretty lucrative correct his name is tejas chaturvedi he's from iit now when i say iit people will be like oh iit is a top note school so its no wonder he will get a job opportunity but even for him it was hard because he applied in 1000 companies and he got interviews in only five companies okay so he'll talk about all his uh like the entire journey that he went through and in the end of the video we will discuss some useful tips if you are looking uh for a job in data science industries so let's get started they just thanks for spending time today for this conversation all right so uh let's first talk about your college degree a little bit yeah sure so uh i'm a recent graduate like i'm a 2021 graduate from iits and uh my i pursued my five-year degree in uh applied geology and uh like that was my major uh that's i see yes okay so you are in applied geology and you are studying about earth science and rocks and volcanoes and what not right and then all of a sudden you pick up an interest in data science so when did that happen and how did you pick up this interest yeah so uh like my main career orientation in my third year like it was a five year course right so uh in my third year i was mostly oriented towards uh oil and gas industry so uh i was totally like um i was totally focused on that but in my fourth year i decided that i should use oil and gas and data science together and when i started doing data science uh like it just sparked that i the interest that grew in data science like the things that uh just clicked with me so that is when i grew my interest in data science so in the fourth year so you are in this fire uh hybrid program bachelors and master combined in fourth year you pick up your data science interest then how did you start studying it was it mainly using online free resources yes uh so like uh for uh like i don't really believe like no no most of us uh people who are studying by themselves they like most of us are reluctant to pay a fee for some ghosts that may or may not help you right so like the best resources youtube the youtube like uh the amount of youtubers that are posting content there it's like it's remarkable and you can almost access uh everything there right that you were free got it so it was mainly from youtube like youtube channel you want to mention few youtube channels that you so if first of all your channel could be successful is a good youtuber like i respect him a lot uh there's a channel called campus xl this is really underrated channel but like it has only a few thousand subscribers but its videos are really good apart from that uh stat quest by josh tamar is really nice and uh like and a few other sources like uh like apart from youtube you can read blogs like people from our generation i don't believe we focus on books like we we just pick up a book and start learning through it like we don't do that right so if you have to read something you can read blogs uh by analytics which are towards data science or medium those blogs are really really helpful like they are to the point so yeah nice so you started learning through youtube channels through all these blogs on your own and then it then comes time when you start applying for the jobs now people say usually that okay if you are an iit it's easy to get a job was that the case for you being a applied geology student you started applying for data science jobs you know data analyst data scientist job like what kind of hurdles did you face at that time okay so uh like people usually just say this okay it's easy for us uh but it's not the case like if you're not from computer science or mathematics and computing like basically if you don't have a background for maths or statistics it's not that easy to get a job with uh like in data science right because if you apply for an interview they won't even shortlist your series so that was the biggest problem with me like being from uh applied geology uh like the people won't know what my skill set is what uh amount of knowledge i possess so that's really hard so uh to get an interview it's a big thing for me like uh in my throughout my journey i just got five interviews and uh i made four of them count so i guess like that works very good and how many companies roughly just give ballpark number how many companies you applied in i've been applying since november 2020 and uh uh and i applied uh till almost april right and i used to apply uh like this was a mandatory thing for me so i used to apply for 20 companies per day so i guess it must have been a near thousand companies you applied in thousand companies and got only five interview calls and you correct four of them which is pretty good but when people hear a four job offers they really don't think about the thousand companies that you applied in now you're from iit which is a top-notch school in india and when you don't get an interview call you know despite applying like how does it feel i mean do you get demotivated and how do you keep your motivation up for sure like that's the thing which is inevitable according to me like uh if if uh you're trying to do something good if you're trying to break through a thing you will get demotivated right so it's not easy like uh you can get motivated through motivational speeches on youtube and something like that but in two or three days that motivation will die out for sure and you will think the catch all right it's so depressing but you'll have to remember two or three things like uh you'll have to be persistent patience is a really really big thing and yeah i'm still impatient but it's a really big thing and consistency like these three things are really really uh important to us okay so you are consistent you are just keeping yourself motivated throughout this journey and you eventually got four job offer by the way congratulations for that thanks a lot now where did you get your first breakthrough and just talk about uh your interview preparation process okay so uh my first breakthrough was through campus like uh the the first were like the company was the easiest associates uh if you're aware of that uh so the position for which apply for which i applied was a decision an analyst associate so uh this position is for people who are uh aware with ml algorithms and machine learning algorithms and things like that but uh they are it doesn't require really really uh hard coding and things like that so this position was for those people but uh like since i was jobless at that time i could have gone for anything like irrespective of whether i'm overqualified or not so the company had basically five rounds uh so any company in the beginning they start to test your aptitude right first of all they want to know what like what sort of attitude do you have so first round was attitude round the second one had a case study where they gave a long case and you had to read through it and you had to come up with the answers third one had eight questions like you will be there will be ten seconds uh and the question will pop up you'll have to read the question and you'll have to uh answer uh those situational questions right okay so there was more like behavioral behavioral and skills i see yeah okay yeah these were the three beginning rounds these all these all three rounds were eliminated like if you don't uh pass the second round you won't be going to the third round and after this there was again a case study uh i had to solve the case study uh while sitting in front of the camera and uh after that i had a interview on that case study like the interviewer will ask you what my thought process was like they just basically want to know what i did in the case study and why i did it and uh after that there was an interview where they dig into my cv uh everything that i've written projects uh anything any competitions that i've participated in what i did there why i did what i did things like that it's important that you don't lie in the resume because that kind that can go against you correct yeah that will be good that will get caught easily if you lie on your destiny people say like people lie on resume okay expert level skills in python and then they ask about decorators and generators and people don't know what what their those concepts are about so be very honest and transparent in your resume make single page resume that's the advice that i give to everyone all right interesting so now you got got through those fire rounds you got your first job offer and i think you're still in college so you're still applying right like you still kept on applying for better opportunities yeah but i cannot uh apply through my college like a college iit's usually have a rule right uh if you have one offer you cannot apply for other jobs that's yeah you're right that's pretty much a rule in any any college actually yeah so uh i had what uh uh like i had to now apply through linkedin or i am jobs or sources like that right and this was really acting like you don't know what what the scenario is right you're just you're just trying to find a needle in the haystack so it's it's really tough so yeah there are like millions of opportunities on linkedin too but who calls you back i see so yeah let's talk about your linkedin journey so through link some of these job interview calls i think you got through linkedin is that correct yes yes okay for like uh among the four job offers uh i got the callback from sigmoid analytics and american express through linkedin only through linkedin i see so uh let's talk about that like how did you connect with people on linkedin did you let's see your want of line american express or any company do you go to linkedin and look for people who are working in that company and just send them message or what strategy did you use there so like firstly we'll have to see if the company even has job openings and there are various ways to know that right even on linkedin there are job postings you can go to the company's website and see the job postings that are suitable for you now if the company has a job posting and it's better to get referred right there are thousands of people who are applying for that job but what makes you stand out by getting a referral so you'll have to contact people who will be willing to give you a referral based on your seo so that's the thing and even getting a reference is a big task right because not everyone on linkedin replies to you there are people who are not active on language you know they become active on linkedin when they want to change their job that's usually the case so that that becomes difficult i think your american express job you got through some reference some alumni correct of your college yes yes okay there was a like there was a job like opening in his team and i had like i had messaged so many people of american express that uh the person knew he i'm trying desperately for a job in american express so that's how i got uh the call from american express and i i have applied on site too like many many many job postings so yeah okay so don't be afraid of applying in many different companies you know especially if you're coming from non-relevant background if you don't have computer science or mathematic background you know that it's going to be a little bit challenging but don't get disheartened you know keep on applying and as they just see he got like four job offers which which is pretty amazing actually with uh applied geology background and you don't have any formal education in computer science and mathematics so that's really a remarkable achievement indeed now usually so you have this five companies you know interview experience so if someone is applying for data analysis or data science job like what kind of tips you want to give to that person and we're talking about specific interview tips so talk about which subjects to focus on like how to prepare well so that you can crack the interview okay so uh in case a candidate gets an interview so interview basically uh they have two aspects right he they'll try to judge uh your technical skills too and they'll try to also judge your thought process right so firstly we'll focus on uh what uh they ask for the thought process part right so uh the things they ask is like a guesstimates case studies uh puzzles um these are all things available on youtube and gigs geeks4geeks right so you can easily google out to what kind of interview will there be like there are thousands of reviews for each and every company on blast door geekbooks so you can see what kind of interview you will be facing right and uh once you get to know that you can prepare for uh like the thought process part the estimates you know and for technical skills in data science particular i'll say you'll have to furnish your python skills sql statistics uh the machine learning algorithms and evaluation metrics because like evaluation matrix is a thing that most of the people miss out i see and for data analyst data scientist job do they ask data structures and algorithm question do they go in depth in that in those areas no no not in depth but you should be aware of what makes like well how is list different from a set what is a tuple and things like that so just basic basic knowledge basically yes very good i recently i just today posted a video on on this topic you know how much data structure algorithm you need to know in order to get a job in data science career data science career is basically various scrolls data analyst data scientist data engineer ml engineer for data engineer ml engineer you need to really know these topics well but for other two roles not that much now i do have googled it so many times this this particular question do i need data structures and algorithms for a data scientist job oh i i'm getting this question so many times i thought like let me just make a video actually so i just posted a video on my youtube channel now you have four job offers uh how did you decide that you want to work for american express because when you have multiple job offers it's a good problem to have usually but at the same time you have confusion right like okay which company should i join now financial remuneration is definitely one big aspect i think majority of the people make a decision based on here the salary component but do you consider any other aspects especially when you have multiple job offers like financial thing is obviously a 50 percent reason key what you want monetary wise but other than that there are several things like what kind of company that is like what kind of work culture that company possesses what uh what kind of work life balance does each and every company have so these are like various parameters and you'll have to talk to a few people in those companies if those people are if those people are unhappy about their own company so there's no point in like going to that company right and american express i have like mostly heard so many positive reviews so that's why i was more inclined towards that and i guess when you're going through the interview process itself you're talking with hr interviewer at that time also you get an idea on you know what kind of people are they i think you mentioned that during your interview process the people whom you were interacting with at american expo they were like totally cool is that correct yes yes uh like it was just a simple conversation it wasn't like an interview it was just key the person came to the interview just to get to know me they just want he who is serious already and they'll get to know me and uh the interview will move on won't keep on moving forward okay so there are not no fear like it's an interview in american express you need to be prepared i'm going to ask a tough question it wasn't like that it was more like a friendly conversation kind of like two friends are trying to solve problem together correct yes exactly that's really nice so yeah other than financial renumeration these other factors also needs to be considered because when you take a job offer usually you don't want to leave that company you know for at least you want to work there for a year or two so then it's you need to be really mindful about what company you're picking you're picking up because you're spending majority of your time you know 40 hours in a week you're spending in the company 40 or sometimes more so it's it's important that you enjoy your work you enjoy working with the people your teammates your boss those factors are very important now since you are from non-computer science mathematics background you transition successfully to data science what advice would you give to someone like you you know who wants to build this career and they don't have they're a mechanical engineer or electrical engineer or totally non-relearn background and they don't feel confident sometime that whether they will be able to build the career or not so what what advice would you give to those folks so yeah like it's a really nice question but the thing is a person who is trying trying to transition into data science or so like software development jobs or anything like that the first question that comes to a person's mind is am i smart enough so it's not about how smart you are it's it's all about how persistent you can be like there are thousands of things and the anybody anybody in the world can read them but not everybody does that right like there are thousands of gyms in my in my area but not everybody in my area is jacked up right it's about people who can go to the gym and work out so the data sciences like something like that if you can pick up the laptop you can sit 12 to 10 hours a day do this for like four or five months you will be fine like you will be able to do projects on kaggle like you'll you will gain that kind of uh like skill set but it's all about persistence at this point and obviously patience very good you don't need to be like a math genius or albert einstein correct nowadays not as uh even like big companies fan companies these companies have grown so big there are so many requirements that previously i think five six years back getting a job in google or amazon used to be a big deal but nowadays it's not like you have to be from iit or stanford or some ivy league college in order to get a job in these big companies actually you as they just rightly mentioned you work with persistence you do hard work discipline the best part about living in 2021 is internet is available everywhere there are so many youtube channels blogs there is enough help out there if you have a desire and willingness then you will get enough help on internet and as you said you know in his area there are 100 gyms but not everyone is fit similarly there are 100 youtube channels hundreds of articles resources are there do you want to go to that gym you know the gym of your mind training and do you want to achieve a career success you know it depends on the intensity of that desire so they just thank you very much for all the tips that you shared with me uh last thing uh do you want to talk anything about networking like networking on linkedin or outside linkedin because many times people are looking for jobs they have just one resume they keep on applying and they complain that they're not getting your interview calls but they don't do certain other things which is you know participating in let's say kegel competitions or helping people on discord or stack overflow or even networking with folks on linkedin nowadays many colleges have alumni portals my own college in india have this portal called an alumni connect where i can connect with all my alumnus so people don't spend time on that on those portals doing networking so what are your thoughts uh on this topic yeah so uh like it's it's really about like the whole world is digitizing right now right so nobody is looking for job postings in newspapers like them like my father used to so it's it's all about linkedin right now right how well can you maintain connection suppose if a person like if a person in that company can vouch for a guy on linkedin so obviously that person will get a job right not the guy who is applying to the site so you need to have connections you need to build a network on linkedin you need to be active there yeah things like that so yeah this is really really important it's important indeed i have a discord server for my my youtube channel there are around 9000 people and what i was noticing is there were a few folks who were pretty active they were helping other people you know in answering their questions now these folks are in college they are not like industry experts or something but these people are ready to help other folks so if someone has a python question these folks will go they try to do search on their own and they will answer them and eventually i made all these folks mentor on my discord channel i gave them a special privilege and when my brother's software company athletic technologies which is a software company based in gujarat when they were hiring i give a referral of these folks and these folks some of these folks got a job offer okay so you want to do something so that company reaches out to you instead of you reaching out to company i made another video on that as well but there are many cool things that you can do the world is full of opportunities after pandemic the level of digitization has increased the number of i.t jobs data science jobs are going they're increasing so much day by day so many opportunities the beautiful thing is nowadays you can perform home as well i know some some folks you know their companies have offered them permanent work from home so now they are living on some hill station less in india or whatever they go there rent a home they just work from there so world is becoming so nice flexible so many opportunities all you need is willingness as i think the gym example that you gave is spot on actually i love that example probably i'll use that example in my future videos there are so many gyms out there in the world you want to be fit you just need to go there and the thing is these gyms are free by the way they don't they they don't charge you any money correct exactly so go to this free gyms work it out and stay healthy and i would be all the best thank you they just thank you very much and i wish you good luck for your american expression express uh career that's going to start soon thank you thanks a lot thanks bye
Channel: codebasics
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, data science jobs for freshers, data science job interview, data science job with no experience, data science career transition, data science career switch, data science career opportunity, data science career growth, data science freshers, data science fresher, data science interview preparation, data science, data science fresher interview, data science interview questions and answers, data science interview tips, codebasics interview, data science interview questions
Id: -kduEAqShbc
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Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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