Step By Step 3D CHROME Logo And Text Effect - PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL

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[Music] today we are going to run step by step through making this killer 3d chrome effect in photoshop that you can use on any logo or type design this look has become very popular for the past year or two and it's actually very easy to do no matter what your skill level is in photoshop you just have to know the right steps and as a little bonus somewhere towards the end of the video i'm going to show you guys how to make your own flares from scratch to really spice this thing up also i'm still moving into my new place right now so forgive my setup or lack thereof i'll take care of that later but let's jump into photoshop and make something cool so we're going to open up a new document in photoshop we're going to change the measurement to inches and we're going to change the size to 20 by 20 inches when creating raster art like this it's important to create it bigger than what you need because raster art isn't infinitely scalable you can always scale it down but you can't scale it up past the size that it was made without things falling apart on you in this case we're printing for a t-shirt so 20 by 20 gives us more than enough room to play around with and we can scale it down to whatever size it needs to be when it comes time to print it onto the actual shirt set your resolution to 300 pixels per inch we're going to leave the color mode in rgb we can change that later on if we need to for some reason anyways but we're all looking at screens right now so rgb it is and we're going to set the color bit depth to 16 bit just to help smooth things out a little bit and we're going to set the background contents to black also before we start you're going to want to make sure you have the swatches window the properties and adjustments windows and the layers window all open in your workspace if you're missing any of those for any reason you can go up here to window and select any of the ones that you're missing so first we're going to need the base of our artwork this can be some text or a logo or a design of some kind it really doesn't matter all of these steps are going to be the same no matter which one you choose to follow along with here today if you're looking for a cool font maybe check this one out that we have on our website gotta get those shameless self plugs in there i'm gonna use my shop logo today because whatever i come up with here is going to end up on a t-shirt or a sticker or something like that so we're gonna bring our logo into photoshop simply by drag and dropping it in there or if you need to you can go up to file and place embedded and choose the file that you need i'm also going to scale this thing up by hitting command t and then i'm going to press option as i drag it up and that's going to scale it up perfectly from the center to i'm going to scale it up somewhere around there looks good enough to me next we're gonna go down to our layers window and double click the artwork to bring up our layer style options this is where most of the magic happens and all of these settings that i'm about to rattle off here should all be tweaked to suit your specific design this will all still be editable when we're done here so when you're finished following along jump back into the stuff and play around for a while and get that design popping the way that you want it to but we're going to turn on four things here we're going to turn on bevel and emboss we're going to turn on inner shadow we're gonna turn on satin and we're gonna turn on gradient overlay i like to turn all four of them on right from the jump because i find it makes it a lot easier to see my work as i go but we're going to start off in the bevel and emboss tab most of the photoshop defaults aren't going to get touched i'm just going to bring up the stuff that definitely needs to be a certain setting we're going to set the style to inner bevel that's already there technique to smooth that's good the depth we're going to crank this up all the way to a thousand and make sure the direction is set to up now with the size slider this is what's going to determine how much of a 3d effect you get out of your design the higher that number goes the more peaked off and rounded it becomes so i'm going to crank this thing up a little bit i'm going to go up to wherever it starts to look good to me right around there 46 is cool i don't want to go past this because it's going to round a lot of stuff off if i really crank it up see what i mean and i really want to retain that sort of flat-faced look that i had going on i think that's gonna suit this design best so 46 is looking pretty good and i'm going to crank the soften up to somewhere around eight just to smoothen that out a little bit these next couple settings angle altitude none of that is going to change the gloss contour this is where you can do some pretty unique stuff so if you click this little drop down arrow right here there are a bunch of presets ready to go for you i recommend any of these three right here for this style of a design or if you want to get real crazy with it you can click inside this box and you can make your own custom curves and make something completely one-of-a-kind i'm not going to create a custom one today i'm going to use one of those presets so i'm going to choose this one right here with this kind of wavy step down look then we have the inner shadow tab we're gonna leave the blend mode on multiply we're gonna leave the color set to black and we're just gonna crank up the opacity to somewhere around let's go with like 60 or so 61 whatever these next three settings the distance the size and the choke this will all change depending on your design and how much depth you're trying to give it i'm just going to kind of wing this part so the distance we're going to set that to let's go somewhere around i don't know 24. that's fine the choke let's pull that up a little bit to let's go with like 30 and 36 is fine and then the size i'm going to pull that up just a little bit more let's go with 16. we don't really have to get super precise with a lot of this stuff it's art it's supposed to be fun going over to the satin tab now we're going to leave the blend mode on multiply we're going to leave the color set to black i'm going to bring the opacity down just a tiny little ball here like 46 45 the distance and size we're going to bring up a little bit too so we're going gonna bring this up to like 30 something let's go to like 35 and then the size i'm gonna bring up quite a bit actually um right around there 84. we're also going to mess with the contour in this section too so i'm going to hit this little drop-down menu and i'm going to select this one right here that kind of looks like a little quarter pipe and then finally the gradient overlays section this is where that sort of simulated light is going to come from in your design so when we're all done here today that's probably one of the first ones you should mess around with we're going to first change the blend mode so we're going to change that to multiply we're going to leave the opacity cranked to 100 and we're going to click inside this gradient box and we're going to change that so open up this little folder that says basics and we're going to use this one that just goes black to white and for some reason mine goes black to green to white i have no idea why let's see if i can fix that real quick let's just make it black again and see if that wow that fixed it right on photoshop figure your out next we're gonna change the style we're going to change that to reflected and we're going to click this little box that says reverse over here to the right and also make sure you've got a line with layer selected that's just going to center this thing up properly on your design now with the angle this part is kind of up to you and whatever suits the flow of your design with this design i'm kind of thinking a sort of downward angle is going to look best so i'm just going to grab this little angle wheel and i'm going to freestyle it around until something looks good to me so i'm going to just click it around somewhere between 50 and 60 i'm thinking is gonna be the ticket 56 let's go up a little bit more maybe 57 right there is cool i'm good with that so close that out moving on now with that part out of the way go down to your layers window and make sure you've got your artwork selected and we're going to group it by hitting command g and i'm also just going to rename this thing to logo just so i know what i'm looking at this part is very important so don't skip it this allows us to make the rest of our edits and those edits will affect the logo and all of those layer styles that we just added to it if you don't do this part all the edits are only going to affect the original logo and none of the other stuff that we just did don't ask me why i have no idea that's just one of those photoshop things that annoys the crap out of me next we're going to start adding a couple adjustment layers here so we're gonna go to our adjustments window and we're gonna add this one right here that says curves and when you click on it it should automatically open up the properties window where we can edit it now we're gonna add a pretty aggressive s-curve to this line right here so we'll start off by adding two points to it click one in down here by the shadows and one up here by the highlights then we're just gonna drag our shadows point three quarters of the way up and we're going to drag our highlights point in the same fashion like a quarter of the way from the bottom this is a solid starting point for any of these chrome style designs but you can mess around with it a lot to get more subtle or more aggressive looks out of it i'm kind of thinking we should go a little bit more aggressive with this one so i'm just gonna grab the shadows i'm gonna bring them up just a little bit more and i'm gonna do the same thing with the highlights and now you can see we are really starting to get that chrome effect coming out of this thing one more adjustment layer to add we're gonna move back over here to our adjustments window and this time we're going to add this one right here that says gradient map and before we do anything else actually we're going to select that gradient map and we're going to hold shift and also click on the curves layer so that they're both selected and we're going to right click on them and create a clipping mask out of them this is so that this only affects the logo and not the background and everything else around it but now the fun part we get to add all the cool colors to this thing so we're gonna click on our gradient map here and that should open up the properties window for us automatically we're going to click on this little gradient to open up our gradient editor i could seriously do an hour long video on this thing because the possibilities with it are nearly endless but i'm going to give you a quick little rundown on how it works right now just in case you're a total beginner it should default you with a black to white gradient which we're going to keep because we're actually going to use that later on if you click anywhere below this bar right here you can add as many colors as you wish to it you can also slide these things around if you want to change the color of any of these you can click on it and just go down here to the color picker or to make your life easy you can just double click on the point and it will open it up for you automatically if you want to change how smooth those colors blend you can just click on a point and grab one of these little diamonds and drag it to make it a super harsh cut off or a super smooth transition into the next color whatever you like best and if for any reason you want to get rid of some of these points all you have to do is just click on them and drag them away from that bar and away they go so now that you know how the gradient editor works we're going to start off with three points we already have two one on each side and we're going to click somewhere around the middle to add a third one but i'm going to double click this thing i'm going to change it to white and i'm also going to change this far right one to black so that we have a black to white to black gradient set up this is going to be the base for your colors because this is the highlights and the shadows but anywhere else you want to click in and start adding colors it's totally up to you get crazy with it i'm going to go for a sort of purple chrome look here today i think that's going to be dope so i'm going to go with blue purple and pink because those colors are all very complementary to each other and let's be honest it's pretty easy to make a cool looking design using them so i'm going to start adding some color points here i'm going to put one there let's change it to a blue i don't want to use like really bright primary colors i'm going to use sort of washed out ones just to give this a little bit more of a realistic maybe a more retro vibe so somewhere around there for the blue i'm going to click another one in here i'm gonna change this one to purple so i'm just gonna scroll that up to somewhere right around there looks pretty good i think right there is cool and then i'm going to add a pink one right here let's just scroll that up and actually i'm gonna move my picker around a little bit more let's lighten that up just a tiny bit i definitely need more here but i also don't want it to get super repetitive so i'm gonna add another one here and just another one here and then this is actually why we have the swatches window open because this point i want it to be the same purple so i can just click on that point and go up here to the swatches window and select that purple and then this one i'm going to change to the blue so i'm happy with my base colors now all we have to do is start sliding these things around and get the look that we want so i'm going to start off by bringing in a lot more black to this things just to really kind of give it some depth so that one i'm going to bring to there this one to somewhere around here should probably be okay i'm going to move the white over a little bit because that should shift our highlight a little bit more to the center somewhere right around there and now i'm just gonna start tightening up some of this stuff i'm gonna bring the pink to right around there let's bring in the purple let's bring the blue way over so that it brings in a lot more black like so and i'm going to do the same thing on the other side i'm going to move that around and move that to somewhere right around there actually you know what i want to take a little bit of black out of this thing i think i went a little bit too crazy so i'm just gonna slide that one over a little bit maybe pull that black out there and let's even out the purple that's looking a lot better now just in case you want to use these exact same slider settings for your design i'm going to throw them up on the screen right now for you to take a screenshot but otherwise i'm really pumped with how these colors are coming out this is about 80 finish to me to some of you this might already be exactly what you want and i don't blame you it's starting to look pretty dope but we can take this a few steps further and really trick this thing out and if you want to learn how to trick out pretty much anything in photoshop then you might want to check out today's video sponsor skillshare hot damn that was a slick segue skillshare is an online learning community filled with thousands of killer classes to help you step up your creative game about five years ago i could barely open photoshop let alone create a cool design in it seriously i was pretty useless i actually went and got myself a skillshare membership to learn the basics of photoshop and get myself started and now you can too for free because they are giving away a free one month trial membership to the first 1000 of you guys who join the community using the link in the description below if you're one of those lucky people i recommend checking out this class right here by daniel scott to learn all of those delicious photoshop basics so make sure to go check that out and thank you to skillshare for sponsoring today's video so to really finish this thing off we're going to add some flares or glints or sparkles whatever you want to call them and we're going to add some noise you could try to find flare pngs or flare brushes out there in google land but most of the stuff that you're gonna come across is either low resolution garbage or assets that you're gonna have to pay for so instead of doing that i'm gonna show you a real quick and dirty way to make your own flares with only a few steps so we are going to open up another document here we're gonna probably not set this one to 20 by 20 because that seems a little bit ridiculous so let's just make this eight by eight let's leave the resolution at 300 rgb 16 bit all that stuff create a new document the first thing we're going to do is go over here to the left and select our shape tool but we're going to right click on it and go down here to the polygon tool and we're going to go up to the top bar i'm going to change that fill to white and we're also going to get rid of the stroke just by clicking this little box with the red line in it then we're gonna move over to here with this little weird symbol this is the number of sides in our polygon so we're gonna change that to four and we are also going to click on this little gear icon beside it and we're gonna go down here to where it says star ratio we're gonna set that to five percent next we're going to hold shift and click and drag out our very first star shape here and i'm going to hit command t to resize it as well as rotate it so first we're going to rotate it hold shift and go up to one of these corners and rotate it up 90 degrees and i'm going to hold option and grab any one of these points and drag it out so that scales from the center right there looks good then with that layer still selected you're going to hit command j to duplicate it and then we're gonna hit command t again and resize this one but first we're gonna rotate it so we're gonna hold shift again rotate this thing 90 degrees and then hold option again and drag one of these points in until it's about half the size of the other one maybe a little bit more so somewhere right around there then we're gonna go down here to the bottom and create a new layer we're gonna go over to the left grab our brush tool or you can hit the b key we're going to make sure that you've got the soft round brush selected that's very important once you got that we're going to go somewhere to the center here and just click one time give ourselves a little bit of a glow effect then we're gonna select those three layers we're gonna select everything except for the background layer so i'm gonna hold shift and grab those three i'm gonna hit command g to group it and then i'm gonna right click it and i'm going to convert that to a smart object with that part done we're going to go up here to filter we're going to select blur and go down to gaussian blur and this part you can kind of play with a little bit you don't want to do too little because we want to get rid of those harsh edges but you also will lose most of your design if you go too crazy with it so i'm going to go down to somewhere probably like 15 20 and then just to give this thing a little bit more razzle dazzle we're gonna double click on that layer to bring up our layer style options and we are going to give it some outer glow we're going to just change a couple settings here quick the first one being the contour we're going to change that to this kind of double step down looking one right here that we used earlier that's going to give this that sort of natural flare look which looks really cool except it's way too aggressive right now so we're just going to turn the opacity way down to like 15 20 percent somewhere in there then to finish it off we're just going to change the color we're going to change it to something that's going to go with our design and most flares have like a bit of a purple or magenta look to them anyways so kind of works out perfect for us here so i'm gonna go with something right around there that's looking pretty good to me we'll do any final adjustments when we bring this over to our artwork but that's a really quick and easy way to come up with flares so save this for later on you can come back and edit it use it for other designs whatever you need but we're going to copy and paste this into our artwork right now obviously so the first thing that i want to do is i'm going to right click this thing and i'm going to convert it into a smart object that's because when we start scaling this thing moving it around all that stuff that we did will get way out of whack and we don't want that to happen so smart object will keep that from happening i'm gonna hit command c to copy it we're gonna go into our artwork window and i'm gonna hit command v to paste it in now when we place these things you want to place them in spots that make sense and that's in the highlight areas so this one right here that has a really hot highlight going on or spots like this that have something sharp wherever you think you're going to naturally see a little glitter of light come off of something so we're actually gonna start with that first spot that i pointed out because it's kind of perfect so right there looks good obviously this is absurdly huge so i'm gonna hit command t and we're gonna hold option and scale that down to the center you don't want them to be huge we're looking for subtle here so somewhere right around there that's looking pretty good to me and actually i'm just going to kind of wiggle the placement just a little bit we definitely need to add a couple more of these things but i'm going to warn you right now don't go overboard with it i've seen people go a little too crazy with them start adding flares in every which direction and by the time they're done it looks a little ridiculous in my opinion you want just enough to make your design pop so just a little sprinkle of them will get you a long way i'm thinking two or three with this design so we could duplicate it by hitting command j or we could click on it and hold option and just drag another one off of it and i'm going to put another one right down here we have another hotspot so that's looking pretty good i'm also going to hit command t and just scale that one down a little bit just to give this a little bit of variance and we're gonna put one more in this thing somewhere i'm kind of thinking kind of thinking right here at the top of the a we've got a sharp spot right there and that way all of them kind of follow the same direction from the light source kind of makes sense to me so we're going to go option drag we're going to put this one here and this one we're just adding just a little subtle guy in there so let's bring that thing way down right to there with these flares being smart objects they are still editable so i want to make just a little tweak to them i'm going to go down here to our layers window and double click inside of that square that will enter us into the smart object i'm going to double click this thing and i'm going to add just a little bit of a color overlay i'm gonna go with a little bit of a pink overlay to these things just so it's not that harsh white color so i'm gonna go with a really heavy magenta fuchsia whatever you want to call that and bring the opacity way down we're talking like 11 right there is good hit okay i'm gonna hit command s to save once it's done saving i'm just going to close that window out and now all of our little flares have that little bit of a pink tone to them because they're all duplicates of each other so they kind of global edit themselves when you do one it's really nice how that works out we're on the final step now i feel like it took forever for us to get here but thankfully this step is very quick very easy we're gonna add a little bit of noise to this thing this part is totally optional but i feel like it helps smooth things out a little bit definitely gives it some texture and it gives it a little bit of a retro vibe which is something that i kind of like the first thing we're going to do is we're going to select everything we got except for the background layer and we're going to hit command g to make a group out of that and we're gonna right click it and convert it to a smart object again once you've done that just go up here to filter scroll down to noise select add noise you only need to add a little bit here but again you can go with whatever looks good to you obviously a hundred percent is way too much so we're gonna bring that down to like 15 i think and see what that looks like so i'm just going to zoom in on this real quick and get a closer look which that looks pretty good but i think we could get away with just a little bit more so i'm going gonna go over here to where it says add noise double click on that set the amount to 18 and yeah that looks pretty good let's zoom back out and check out what we did that is one super badass looking 3d chrome logo right there i mean seriously that thing is good and actually a very fast bonus tip if you quickly want to see what this is going to look like in different colors you can go over here to your adjustments window and add a hue saturation layer and just start messing with that hue slider see what comes out of it it's looking pretty cool in different colors right now actually holy when we go over to this golden red i have a strong feeling that this is going to end up on a shirt too that's kind of the perk slash curse of owning a print shop any time you come up with something cool you make way too much stuff anyways if you learned something cool and new here today please throw a thumbs up on this video for me those things really help subscribe to the channel if you haven't already we do tons of cool like this here on a regular basis that you're not going to want to miss thank you guys for watching we'll see you again in the next one i just spent the last two and a half hours shot this entire video only to find out that this house has incredibly dirty power when this camera is plugged into the wall with ac power completely ruined all of the audio so here i am starting over again dude i love shooting these desk videos because i only have to make myself look half decent from here up down below dirty old sweatpants no socks on it's actually a miracle that i'm even wearing pants right now my throat is killing me from talking for five hours straight ugh i can't believe i had to reshoot this whole video i'm in so much pain right now oh i'm done my throat i feel like i swallowed a bucket of nails please share this video with your friends this was a rough one today [Music]
Channel: Lee Stuart
Views: 3,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lee stuart, leestuart38, 3d chrome text photoshop, 3d chrome effect, 3d chrome logo, 3d chrome photoshop, chrome effect, photoshop tutorial, how to chrome photoshop, photoshop for beginners, chrome tutorial photoshop, photoshop typography, step by step photoshop tutorials, chrome logo photoshop, chrome text photoshop, 3d photoshop, 3d effect photoshop, chrome type, adobe photoshop, chrome logo, 3d logo, photoshop how to, beginner photoshop, photoshop tips
Id: fphV4PD-A_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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