Stellaris Cosmogenesis Crisis

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[Music] please let's have a little respect you came back you were right I never should have left I thought you were dead my death was greatly exaggerated the board is set and the pieces are moving in this video we're going to explore the brand new player crisis that lets you take on the power of a fallen Empire cosmogenesis we're going to look at everything it does and explore what that means for you and your Empire we'll also look at how it finally wins the game and then what comes afterwards so without any further Ado let's dive straight in to harness the power of Fallen Empires with the new player crisis you first have to unlock three Ascension perks and then as your fourth Ascension perk you can take MOG Genesis Galactic Nemesis is that previous player crisis you've heard quite a lot about that involves blowing up the Galaxy while Galactic Nemesis is all about spamming ships and conquering worlds cosmogenesis is about research and finding a way out of this hell hole we call reality after taking cosmogenesis you begin a path of insatiable curiosity the crisis tab for cosmogenesis does look very similar to the galactic Nemesis crisis we have levels 1 to five and a resource we are trying to accumulate to go up those levels in this case though that resource is Advanced logic in order to accumulate Advanced logic you need to research new technologies every new technology you get will give you more logic points at level four we can begin researching applied Infinity thesis this gives us a massive boost of advanced logic having scarium vassels will give us 100 Advanced logic per year employing neural chips in our synaptic lathe also generates some Advanced logic control in science NEX Seas also gives us 200 Advanced logic every year and depending on how far down the Unchained knowledge Galactic Community resolution path we've gone we'll also get some Advanced Logic for securing Galactic community support this will be an annual bonus as well we don't just have to accumulate Advanced logic though to get to level two we have to research a special technology exponential learning theory this is basically the same cost as a tier 3 technology to get to level three and four we also have to research similar physics Technologies but then for level five not only do we have to research a special technology we must complete two applied Infinity thesis Technologies those are unlocked here with the rule breaker that I mentioned before now you know how to go up the levels let's find out what all of these different perks on each level do at level one you will unlock a research option for the synaptic lathe Mega structure this is a very expensive technology it is a tier five tech so don't try and research this too soon it will suck up all of your engineering research at every different level we unlock more and more Fallen Empire buildings I'll go through every Fallen Empire building we unlock and which level we unlock them at a little bit later but just bear in mind for now you're going to get an economic benefit to the cosmogenesis crisis path these Fallen Empire Tech these Fallen Empire buildings do require you to research a technology and that technology is at tier five so they're very very expensive and you must reach tier five before you'll even have a chance of rolling them the third column here is unlocking different ship components at level one we will unlock the technology option for Dark Matter power at level two we get the enigmatic decoder and the Dark Matter propulsion ship component usually these Technologies can only be gained by either having the Dark Matter Civic and getting the agendas later in the game or by researching the debris from destroyed Fallen Empire ships at level with exotic anti Barons will get the technology option for enigmatic encoder and dark matter deflectors level four brings tachon lances and artificial dragon scales so you'll get your hands on the best armor and pretty much the best shields in the game at level five we will get the options to research the nanite repair system nanite Auto Cannon and nanite black battery at this point you're basically going beyond the power of Fallen empires in the furthest right column you're going to get a bonus your research every single month monthly physics research gets a boost first then monthly Society monthly engineering and finally another 10% to monthly physics along with the ability to research applied Infinity thesis Technologies to research an applied Infinity thesis basically means we're applying our ideas on how reality could be changed to reality itself and this can often bring mixed results for example you can get a success here we have a stable success granting us an extra 50% sublight speed for 3 years because we found a way of Dipping our ships partially into hyperspace and not blowing them the heck up but it can also go very very wrong for example you can accidentally tear open a hole in reality to I don't know the Shroud and get loads of shroud entity problems on the horizon if you go really crazy you can end up rounding pi to a rational number number and that's not because you're just choosing to make Pi wrong oh no no you're changing the fundamentals of geometry in our universe on the left hand side we unlock Fallen Empire ships level two we can get the escort class ship level three the battle cruiser at level four the Titan and at level five a ship that not even Fallen Empires can bring to the field a horizon needle The Horizon needle is not a combat ship and basically functions as a mega structure this mobile Mega structure is necessary to complete the cosmogenesis crisis path and rip a hole in reality these Fallen Empire ships are generally much more powerful versions of the regular ships you have at your disposal already for example the escort is equivalent to a destroyer but has much better slots on it we can get two large slots but you are paying a hefty premium for this you must pay for all of your components and that includes the special resources the battleship as well is very very powerful but again they are very very expensive the same is true with the Titan more slots much more expensive let's look at each of the Fallen Empire buildings that are unlocked with each level and exactly what they do don't forget each is a tier five technology and that makes it quite expensive and quite a late game undertaking so you'll probably get to level three or four before you even start seeing these research options appear to maximize the chances of the Fallen Empire buildings appearing you must build a synaptic lathe and have at least 50 pops on it if you have a synaptic lathe with 50 or more Pops you double the chance of these fall and Empire Building Technologies appearing and if you're enjoying this video please Cosmo form the reality of that like button to your whims at level one we can unlock the sky doome the Justice complex and the shrink space Depot the Skydome increases your amenities and housing and at level two also reduces pop upkeep on this planet the shrink space Depo gives you a whopping 50,000 additional resource storage capacity so just a couple of these on your Empire and you are going to be able to store hundreds of thousands of resources the level two building jumps that up to 100,000 resources per building the zigurat of Justice gives you lots of possible enforcer jobs and at level two a base crime rate reduction for the planet and an additional plus 10 edict fund for your Empire the Dome is probably the best building in level one at level two we're unlocking basic resource buildings the class 3 Singularity gives us energy credits and some technician jobs the quantum drilling plant will give us some minerals and mining jobs and the nourishment complex gives us some food and Despicable farmer jobs level two doesn't increase the number of jobs you get but does give you quite a boost to the basic resource output of the building jumping to 200 energy 150 minerals and 150 Food level three grants us Fortress market and administration buildings the galactic Commerce Hub gives us plus four Merchant jobs and at level two plus 1% additional trade value Empire wide and another two more Merchants the celestial sanctum or whatever your equivalent if your not spiritualist gives you administrator jobs or priest jobs at level two it also reduces your pop housing usage on this planet along with giving you some base Unity output the aspis Bastion just grants you a flat six Soldier jobs this is awesome for increasing your Naval capacity while the agis complex doesn't give you any more soldiers but does reduce orbital bombardment damage on this planet by minus 10% a shield generator a tradition and a couple of these buildings can easily get you up to that maximum of minus 98% bombardment damage reduction on any Planet at level four we get some buildings that honestly I think are very very exciting we get a brand new type of manufacturing plant allowing us to build more robots than you've ever seen and this building is also not limited to one per Planet so you can get insane levels of Pop assembly we also get access to a clinic building that can boost your pop growth and biological pop assembly on a planet as well again this is not limited to one per planet we also have an entertainment building and a fabricator building level two of The Clinic Grants you plus two years of leader lifespan Empire wide and two more medical worker jobs the virtual Bliss Plaza is going to give you six entertainers on the planet and jumping up to level two grants a flat plus 100 amenities without needing any entertainers and plus six Entertainer jobs that is awesome for pop efficiency the robot manufacturing Nexus gives you two roboticists and at level two that increases to five roboticists per building you'll need some living metal for this but don't worry you can easily get access to living metal through the dimensional replicator the dimensional replicator grants you three of each strategic resource and at level two you're going to get two living metal two zow two dark matter and and two nanites for each of these buildings the upkeep is only a small amount of energy credits and Alloys and you will not have to waste Pop Jobs on this honestly the level four buildings are the best Fallen Empire buildings you will find level five you get access to forge artisan and research buildings the quantum Innovation Nexus grants you plus4 research jobs and a science director which is basically equivalent output to two researchers at level two you don't get any more jobs but you do get 20 each type of research produced Base by this building the affluence Emporium will grant you six Artisans and at level two some additional amenities plus 35 consumer goods as a base output the hyper Forge likewise gives you six metallurgists and at level two 25 flat Alloys along with a 5% reduction to building and District upkeep the bonuses that you're getting Planet wide for each of these Fallen Empire buildings will stack and they can be very very useful to stack indeed that was the level five buildings now let's take a look at the synaptic lathe the synaptic lathe requires that you resettle Pops to it and those pops will then slowly die over time you can put biological pops here or machine pops it doesn't really matter the only pop type you can't put here is virtual you also don't have to be able to keep these pops alive on your regular planets if you're a normal Empire and you take over a hive min's Planet you can just resettle all of those Hive mine pops directly to the synaptic lathe you can spend resources to resettle those pops or alternatively you can set a species to undesirable and then use the new synaptic service Purge type this will Purge one pop per month from your planet and that pop will move over to the synaptic lathe instead of being killed however there is a 5% chance it escapes as a refugee and doesn't turn up at your synaptic blthe so it is slightly less efficient than manually resettling them they also get a 33% happiness decrease on the planet you put them on if you can't be bothered resettling them you should go with this policy otherwise it is more efficient to manually resettle the pops the synaptic lathe has a central core a processing unit this has three levels of expansion as you upgrade it you're going to get more available districts some more housing more amenities and increased resources from jobs as long as you have the resource from job technology there are only two districts available for us to build on the lane the neural gate gives us some housing unlocks a building slot and increases the base research output of our neural chips those are the pops in Decline buy one for every type of research the amplive Speculator is going to give you the same additional housing and building slot bonus but instead of giving research you will get Advanced logic from every neural chip honestly I think you probably want to have five neural gate for a base of plus five research output from each of these pops making them at base much better than a researcher and then probably one ampliative Speculator to make sure that you go up the crisis path with the advanced logic resource depending on the number of neural chips you have on your lathe you will get increased efficiency this increased efficiency increases the base output of every pop on the lathe so the more Pops you have the faster their decline rate for example we're losing here one and a half pops every single month but the more research each pop will make here with 162 pops we are making about 20,000 research which is very very good using planetary ascensions on your synaptic lath is also very important that will increase the resource output of your pops reduce their upkeep decrease their Purge speed and reduce the housing usage of the planet this planet will struggle with stability and amenities taking the harmony tradition is very great because it gives a great agenda to give you base plus 20 stability but other bonuses like a deep space black site should also be employed as well now let's look at the different buildings available to us so the neural stabilizer is a very important building this will grant us additional stability two of these grants 30 stability allowing you to offset that 0% pop approval rating and mean that the synaptic lathe will not Revolt you don't want it to revolt we can only build up to two of each building type on the L the expanded reactor reduces your upkeep from jobs District upkeep and District energy upkeep when you have lots of Pops in the lay it can get quite expensive so popping at least one of the these on the lathe can help losing Pops to purging is a necessary part of the lathe but you want to minimize that where possible throwing down two synaptic preservers will in total reduce the pop Purge speed by 30% we also have things like the synaptic resonator which will increase your neural pop output by 1% of every neural chip on the lathe but it does double their upkeep the synaptic overclocker grants you plus one to your basic research output and plus one Advanced logic basically a combination of the gate and ampliative Speculator districts however you get a plus 100% increase to pop Purge speed honestly I can't recommend that the synaptic sustainer will give you additional amenities to try to increase the happiness of the pops on this planet generally speaking though I probably wouldn't bother they're going to hate your guts if you really need something like more Naval capacity a synaptic citator might be the way you want to go this reduces resource output from jobs by 35% but honestly that can generally be completely offset by the efficiency you have and reduces amenities on the signups by 50 but if you're already at 0% approval you don't care about reduced amenities for that you will get 1% additional Naval capacity per neural chip and 2% more ship experience gain that it can be a lot of additional navc cap and ship experience gain last but by no means least we have the synaptic validator that's going to reduce stability by 20 yikes but give you 1% additional research speed for computing Technologies per neural chip reality thesis Technologies are Computing Technologies so if you want to get through those faster you could throw down a synaptic validator even with only 240 pops here you can get some pretty crazy numbers here we're getting 85 research per neural chip and with 241 of the buggers that is a lot of research 60,000 research per month from just this one planet getting your hands on 200 neural chips might sound daunting until you realiz that other empires have Capital planets with at least 80 to 100 pops on that they've been cultivating all game long conquest and resettlement is your friend though if you're authoritarian or xenophobic you might want to grab nihilistic acquisition as well that one could be useful if you don't have the influence to spend on claiming a couple of planets every few years but what do you think of this new crisis path so far let me know down in the comments below I would love to hear from you in the end with this crisis path you realize that reality is Ford and you must build the Horizon needle once you've built your beautiful Horizon needle you'll need to take it on a tour of every single colony in your Empire upon arrival at that Colony you're going to try and Embark the entire population and that will eventually leave it entirely devoid of Pops make sure you save up a fair few resources before you start attempting this as your economy will begin to spiral after dealing with all of the colonies you then need to come back to your capital and Embark your Capital population after embarking your capital a small segment of your population will elect to stay behind with some technology and supplies and see what happens to the Galaxy afterwards they're basically the space arish you're now ready to dive into a black hole somewhere and punch your way through to a new young universe that can be sculpted into the design you desire either you can choose a black hole close to you if you have one or attempt to reach the center of the Galaxy attempting to reach the center of the Galaxy means you must complete a special project at the Star by your Capital system and then you begin the long journey in this case we seem to have punctured away into the Shroud and then we quite quickly run away from that into our new reality doing that we'll win you the game but it's not over yet we can now pick another Empire like our neighbors here the iel DAR star Collective and continue playing in the same galaxy when that happens a long time seems to have pass there has been something of a Time Warp and what was one your Empire is now a decrepit Fallen Empire you have become the very thing you swore to destroy you'll also notice a load of stars around the Galaxy have gone Supernova and fallen down into becoming black holes but from here you can just keep playing the game and if you want to you can then do cosmogenesis all over again you haven't broken the wheel you've just made it longer if you've enjoyed this video on the latest delaris DLC the Machine age but you've got toang anchoring for some more Machine Age content then you might want to see this video I've got for you click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 119,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris cosmogenesis, stellaris tech rush, stellaris player crisis, stellaris become the crisis, stellaris machine age, stellaris machine age crisis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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