The Reapers | A deep dive | Mass Effect

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[Music] the reapers are a highly Advanced machine race of synthetic organic Starships the Reapers reside in dark space the vast mostly starless space between galaxies they hibernate there dormant for 50,000 years at a time before returning to the Galaxy these giant machines are ancient their true name unknown Reapers was a name bestowed by the protheans the previous Galactic power 50,000 years before and the GU refer to them as the old machines in the end the Reapers spared little concern for what whatever labels other races choose to call them and merely claim that they have neither beginning nor end the reapers are the original creators of the Citadel and the mass relay Network these massive constructs exist so that any intelligent life in the Galaxy would eventually discover them and base their technology upon them all part of a scheme to harvest the Galaxy sentient life in a repeating cycle of purges that has continued relentlessly over countless Millennia hey everyone welcome back to installation 00 and technically the 0000 Multiverse where we're once again jumping into the Mass Effect Universe to look at one of the most intimidating villains in all of video game history today we're looking at the Reapers let's move [Music] before the Reapers came to be the Galaxy was under the thr of a race known as leviathans they created an intelligence to solve the problem of Organics and synthetics killing each other however this intelligence turned on them slaughtering most of their kind and processing others into the very first true Reaper Harbinger harbinger's form that of the leviathans themselves became the template for subsequent Reapers harvested from the Galaxy's races on cyclical purges over the next millions of years in order to speed up the time between harvests the Reapers constructed the mass relay Network and the Citadel to coordinate it engineered creatures called Keepers were placed on the Citadel to Main maintain the station during their absence and to open it for them when they decide to invade 50,000 years before the current Galactic era the Reapers initiated a purge against the protheans the dominant space fairing life forms at the time the protheans tried to resist like so many others before them only to fail due to the Reaper's physical and Insidious might not all protheans perished in the genocide a cadra of elite scientists hidden on isos survived by hunkering down into stasis until the danger had passed upon waking it took them Decades of study to realize how their civilization fell to the Reapers but this discovery gave them the key to Breaking the cycle forever the protheans developed a plan to forall the impending Reaper attack for future generations of Sapient space fairing species this plan hinged on the fact that the keepers have independently evolved and now only respond to signals from The Citadel itself the reaper Vanguard signals The Citadel which in turn signals the keepers to open the station's own Mass relay ushering in the next Reaper Invasion however the prothean scientists used a reverse engineered prototype Mass relay traveled to the Citadel and altered The Citadel signal the scientists succeeded but could not do anything about their own population numbers so they still died out along with the rest of their race from an aesthetic standpoint the Reapers bear a superficial resemblance to cuttlefish or squid with a bulky semicylindrical body a tapering plate over the rear and five tentacle like legs or arms extending from its front end in addition to six jointed legs extending from its body the rear most of the larger legs have cresant shaped extensions colossal in size reapers are known to range from 160 m to over 2 kilom in length the core of any Reaper is constructed in the image of the species that was harvested to create it while the exterior follows a standardized design that is most efficient for their purpose when the reaper Fleet is revealed in dark space they are shown to share the same basic design but with great diversity in limb number shape and orientation some with extended heads and others having multiple glowing eyes this may illustrate the variety of Reaper subtypes as it is revealed during the reaper invasion of the Galaxy that several different varieties of Reaper exist though this does not change the reality that lurking within the reaper carpus is the core Reaper that bears striking resemblance to the species harvested to created while their appearance outwardly varies between subtypes all of them retain the same features of their forebears the leviathans an ancient aquatic race that dominated the Galaxy in ages past the last known Reaper ships essentially copied the Leviathan form while the smaller ones diverg to varying degrees Harbinger the first Reaper ever created Harbinger appears to be of a unique subtype Alliance intelligence identifies it as being the largest Reaper in the Amada and its design differs notably from the capital ship subtype having only four main legs and multiple glowing eyes exactly how much more powerful it is than normal Reaper Capital ships is utterly unknown Capital ships also known as Sovereign class are the two kilomet long Capital ships that are most well-known Reaper subtypes their main weap weapon is a spinal mounted Magneto hydrodynamic cannon with a yield of 132 to 450 kilotons of TNT which dwarfs the main gun of an Everest class Alliance dreadnut no known ship not even a dreadnut has been known to survive a hit from this weapon Capital ships are also armed with multiple cannons in their tendrils capable of shearing through most opposing vessels in a single hit a point defense system similar to The Guardian systems favored by Organics for anti- fighter and anti- projectile purposes and are capable of unleashing swarms of oculus drones to engage fighter siiz craft they are extremely durable capable of taking the continuous and simultaneous fire of for dread Nords before they start to lose their kinetic barriers troop transports vary in length between 200 M and 1 km and are used to transport husks to unconquered Worlds and bring victims to Reaper processing centers they La sentients being remotely controlled by the Reapers themselves Reaper processors are mobile centers for Mass DNA harvesting like the troop transports processes LAX sentient being controlled remotely by the actual Reapers destroyers are only 160 m in height but possess a formidable capacity for Destruction despite their reduced stature with their main gun easily capable of destroying Cruisers in seconds unlike Capital ships they have four main Lakes along with five jointed appendages encircling their head the frontal plates of a destroyer can fold to the the site exposing a powerful beam weapon they are used to escort the capital ships destroying smaller targets such as frigs and on the ground they are capable of unfolding their legs and walking to support the husks becoming extremely powerful heavy Walkers they are nigh immune to ground vehicle fire and not at all fragile in space however a cruiser is noted to be able to take out a destroyer fairly quickly Reapers and their technology have been observed to exert a disturbing influence on organic beings this mental manipulation is known as indoctrination but simply any organic being who is in close proximity to a Reaper or certain Reaper artifacts for too long comes to believe the reapers are correct in their goals and will do anything to serve them gradually the mind is eroded until the individual becomes a Mindless slave no longer capable of independent thought Reapers can control the rate of this process optimally the subject is led to believe it is still acting on its own convictions indoctrination can drive people mad outright and people deemed useful by the reapers are given just enough free will to remain competent at their tasks the indoctrination is permanent almost impossible to subvert and is one of the most Insidious weapons of the Reapers entire civilizations can be delivered into the Reapers Hands by indoctrination of the few influential individuals in their culture during the invasion of Earth the Reapers broadcast messages inviting diplomats into their holds to negotiate where they would then presumably be indoctrinated a Reaper's indoctrination field can remain active even if it is largely disabled and incapable of action a CRA science team was indoctrinated by being inside of a Reaper that had otherwise been floating derelict for 37 million years its only obvious activity being the Mass Effect filled generation even without the indoctrination influence reapers are immensely powerful warships and their technology is devastating one Armament common with various subtypes is a powerful Magneto hydrodynamic weapon which ejects a stream of molten metal at a fraction of the speed of light capable of tearing through a cruiser in a single sustained burst the gigantic spinal mounted gun of capital class Reapers is able to rip through the HS of even the largest of dreadn class ships with ease effortlessly penetrating their kinetic Shields Reaper defenses include a powerful Shield that could block the projectiles of an entire fleet along with an incredibly strong Hull though they are sentient machines the Reapers have habitable interiors that can transport a crew either to help spread their indoctrinated slaves or to allow these slaves to tend to them probably both speculation in the codec suggests that each individual Reaper has a massive element zero core which coupled with the likely enormous quantities of energies at its disposal allows it to generate the Staggering Mass Effect field needed to land ships of their size on a planet however the reapers are not Invincible when the Reapers go into states of hibernation between Cycles they are vulnerable by taking refuge in dark space the Reapers ensure they will not be discovered by accident and destroyed while they wait for their vanguards to open the Citadel Mass relay a concentrated effort by The Fleets of organic races could also destroy a Reaper even if it is at full power the Catalyst revealed that the Reapers came into existence long ago when the leviathans conceived it to seek a solution to the inevitable struggle between Organics and synthetics this newly born Reaper intelligence decided that the leviathans themselves risked conflict with synthetics and using an army of porns forcibly processed them into Harbinger despite this betrayal the surviving leyens do not believe the Catalyst was a mistake and believe the catalyst's use of the Reapers is part of an experiment on a galactic scale to seek a truly permanent method of preserving life for millions of years the Reapers existed for the sole purpose of ensuring the ongoing existence of organic life in the Galaxy based on the assumption that all synthetic intelligences will eventually destroy their organic creators this end result is believed by The Catalyst and the Reapers to be inevitable as a consequence of technological advancement Organics will create synthetics to improve their own state of existence and synthetics themselves will evolve by means of surpassing their creators indeed available evidence seems to point to the validity of their assertions the prothean civilization was threatened by synthetic uprisings before the Reapers wiped them out and the GU of modern times are viewed as a substantial threat to the peace in the Galaxy by harvesting technologically advanced species both organic and synthetic and storing these old species within Immortal Reaper bodies room is made for New Life to flourish and grow as was the case for primitive man the continuity of life in the galaxy is assured through this cycle of Extinction as it ensures that organic life will never be fully exterminated before its time by synthetic life as was demonstrated by the quorans and the g the Reapers leave no evidence of their Conquest nor of their existence only desolate Barren ruins of those who came before stanked information on them is so scant that they are known merely as boogey men at Best in many ancient cultures the Trap created by the Reapers was simple a sentient species would develop an FTL drive but would still be limited in its speed by leaving a network of relays capable of instant transport across the Galaxy that led to the impressive Citadel the Reapers ensured that it would become the center of Galactic Civilization further Sovereign implies that the presence of the mass relays would lead the sentient species down a predetermined route with regards to weapons and armor technology both of which are based upon element zero technology for the Citadel races as Sovereign explains by using it your Society develops along the paths we desire the relays Also Serve to reduce the amount of time it takes for Galactic Civilization to Advance thus shortening the time between the reaper harvests once the sentient races have established themselves on the Citadel with the aid of the keepers a lone Reaper Vanguard stationed within the Galaxy sends a signal to the Citadel instructing the keepers to activate the station's hidden Mass relay this opens a path between the Citadel and dark space and then the Reapers flood through killing the leaders of the assembled species before branching out and harvesting all space fairing life around them because the Reapers first enter the Galaxy at the point that they have insured will be the center of Galactic politics information and finance they are able to [ __ ] any resistance almost before the Citadel civilizations have any idea that they are even under attack the Citadel also gives them control of the relay Network cutting off star systems from each other and destroying Communications the Reapers then use their control of the Citadel and its data to to begin the most Sinister phase of their Attack Records allow them to track down every settled planet and attack them harvesting their populations or enslaving them through indoctrination once they have harvested the Galaxy the Reapers wipe every trace of their existence from the record and Retreat back into dark space during their Invasion at the the end of each cycle the Reapers gather and process vast numbers of individuals from each of the galaxies sentient space fairing races victims who cooperate with or are captured by Reaper husks are rounded up into camps where the husk select individuals deemed fit for processing it is believed that the husks use scent or chemical receptors to analyze the genetic composition of victims those who are deemed unsuitable are turned into more husks individuals who are determined to be suitable for processing are loaded into Reaper processes where they are ushered into single person pods like a slaughter house the interior of the protestor is designed to prevent any visual or auditory contact between individuals being processed once in the pods Reaper nanites dissolve the victim's body into a raw genetic paste for ease of Transport this paste will then be used in the construction of a newborn Reaper with the victim's Minds being preserved to form the Reaper's GLE Consciousness the only known facilities used for Reaper construction are located on the Citadel and with in The Collector base in the galactic core available information suggests that a single race is harvested during each cycle to produce Reaper Capital ships it appears that other space fairing races harvested during the cycle are used to produce Destroyer class Reapers exactly how or why this distinction is made is unknown the rate of killing during a harvest is is staggering during the invasion of Earth at least 400 processors were present and the number of humans processed each day was an estimated 1.86 million at this rate the entire planet would be depopulated in a decade we are only just starting to scratch the surface of the true reality ity and horror of the Reapers there is much that can be said of the specifics of indoctrination the conversion of biological forms into digital shells for the Reapers the cycle the merciless intent the weapons platforms the specifics of their Origins if you'd like to see all of this covered in future law core content as I already have a load lined up let me know in the comments down below and until next time thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video consider hitting the Subscribe button and ring the bell so you don't miss out on future videos be sure to like the video if you did and pop a comment below on what you'd like me to cover next I just want to take a moment to thank my patrons Spartan 10148 the Met Ark of my facility Falcon sfia Mel Ashley Jordan and esoteric site my dutiful monitors Daran Legions lost labat Spartan 0137 Jacob km sha element zero j3 Mr Keys Gunslinger Evermore personal devil alas toxic cion Esports gem saber and Relentless my diligent subm monitors my fleet of Stratos Sentinels my loyal enforcers and all other patrons who continue to support the channel if you want your name on the end of the video and some perks earned along the way head over to patreon and consider supporting the channel yourself big shout out to my tier Zero transsentient YouTube members Spartan 137 Jacob Kemp Talia fenri born Stellar Jimbo and balaz and all the other YouTube members keeping my installation running on that glorious vacuum energy with a special mention to the accursed hunter shout to John due to the mathematical formula used to determine the area within a pentad decahedron oh and Lena because that sandwich and remember there are tons of ways to support the channel and keep my installation pumping out content at a break neck speed much love to you all take it easy everyone and find peace in the domain
Channel: Installation00
Views: 40,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Lore, Theory, Spartan, MJOLNIR, Most, Detailed, Most Detailed Breakdown, Installation00, Installation 00, Installation, 00, Core, Multiverse, Science, Fiction, Fact, Reality, Canon, Gaming, Game, Games, Mass, Effect, Mass Effect, Reapers, Reaper, Harbinger, Sovereign
Id: Yh_cathYK2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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